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The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, September 07, 1915, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218505/1915-09-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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C. Hcre'i a new voice for the thirsty rooter
herc'o refreshment fer the excited fun-hero'c dclkaous
nria lor nil-Coca-Cola, thc beverage that uthlctca en
dorse-that vise business men enjoy-thot everyone
welcomes for its simple, pure wholesomeness.
C Carbonated in bottles-pt stands und in grund bUnds
-und ot soda io un ta; rj everywhere.
C Demnnd the penuinc by full nrme
nicltnomcu cncouru(c substitution.
Whenercr %/y ATLANTA, GA
you ?ce on W/t*. ,?S^
Arrow, think 'Qh/t,, <M>
of Coca-CoU. %/25jy ^#
y H> fyrMoney I
1- _ Without risk or worry you may send
sums of; any size any distance by 1
The cost is as little as the time it takes
is short. The protection, perfect
Fall information at any '
Wettern Union. Office.
Cheer ap
Here's real refreshment for you-when
you're tired and fatigued-Drink
hot or iced
We'll gladly send you a sample bag of our
famous "Silver Label'* Five O'Clock Tea
all ready for your teapot-write
111-113 HudcortSt New York City
Decide the Question
next time you suspect
yourself of wondering if
it would pay to buy a
tackl&ihe coal range all
'day one of these Hot
Days and cook for your
wife. That will decide the
question for you quickly
Anderson Gas Co
Yesterday Wa* Sale?la) and Only
One Tract of Lund Auctioned.
. One piece of property eras sold at
public outcry yesterday, salesday fir
September, It being a lot on McDuf
fie street owned by the estate of J.
M. Erskine. It waa sold by Mrs.
Belle E. Pruitt, administratrix, and
was bid In by her for $1,100.
JBrs. B. K. Allen at Home Again
Mrs. R. E. Allen, who has been
away for the summer is at borne again
and will have, charge of de dresi
making department of ibo Moore
Wilson Store, .'shs will be glad to hsvu
her friends call and see here there,
Mrs. Allen ls a dress-maker of un
usual ability and taste and ber many
friends are delighted to bare her
home again. v
'Meeting of Society.
. The L. M. soeiely of t?ie A. R. P.
church meets Tuesday with Mrs. O.
Ttefd at 4 o'clock p. m. All members
are urged IO attend as there wiil be
business of Importance to be at fend
ed to.
Of a Period of Growth and Proa
perity in Anderson League
Tho Epworth League social last
eveulng was quite a success. The
program was carefully prepared anti
well carried out. The lawn at the
rear of the church was decoratod
with beautiful Japanese lanterns,
chairs wore arranged In couples u.
der these and everything was tn re?
(ness awaltlug the arrival of t J
About elg'U- "thirty the young folk
hegau to arrive, and soon about twen
ty couple? were enjoying the many
pleasant things that had been ' pre
pared for them by tho nodal commit
tee of the league. The evening WBS
spout largely la conversation. Kai-',
person present was given a chance to
meet all those whom they hud not had
tho pleasure of meeting. Later in
the t vening a sandwich course wan
served. This was one of the moat
profitable ns well as thc most pleas
ant meetings the league )m3 held in
some time and the members Intend
to lol thin be only the beginning of a
period ol growth and prosperity In thc
league circles.
* *
?. 6T AN Ul Ne OF Till CLUBS. ?
* +
Won. Lost. P. C.
New Orleans. 79 64
Birmingham. 75 58
Memphis. 7G 63
Nashville. 70 G6
Alluntu. G5 C8
Mobile. CO 74
Chattanooga. 58 73
Littlo Kock. 55 80
Won. Lost. P.C.
Boston. 83 41 670
Detroit. 85 45 654
Chicago. 77 53 692
Washington. 67 58 536
Mow York. 58 65 4Hf,
Cleveland. 50 79 388
3t. Louis. 49 78 38?
Philadelphia. 36 87 293
Won. Lost. P.C.
Philadelphia. 60 55 557
Cincinnati. 57 69 542
3rooklyn. 69 . f..? 539
Chicago. 69 65 516
it. Louis ... 64 66 492
tost?n. 65 68 489
?fw York. 59 64 480
Pittsburgh ....... 63 69 477
Won. Logt. p. c.
Pittsburgh. 72 53 570
Newark. 67 57 540
Chicago. 69 . 61 G30
?ansas City. 67 60 527
H. Louis'. 67 61 523
3uffalo .:. 65 68 489
?rooklyn. 63 67 486
?all'moro .. ...... 43 84 339
? ?
Southern League.
At Birmingham 7; Mobile ll.
National League.
At Pittsburgh 0; Cincinnati 3.
At New York 5; Boston 2.
Ai Brooklyn .6; Philadelphia 3.
American League,
At Chicago 7; Cleveland 1.
At BoBton 0; Nuv York 4.
Federal League.
At Brooklyn 5; Newark 1.
At Buffalo 3; Baltimoro 2.
Southern League.
At Atlanta 1: New Orleans 5.
At Atlanta 2; New Orleans i; betti
seven innings by agreement .
At Birmingham 6; Mobile 1.
At Memphis 3; Nashville 1.
At Memphis 2; Nashville 1; both
Boven innings by agreement.
At Little Bock 3; Chattanooga 1.
i At Little Rock 3; Chattanooga 2;
second game seven Innings by agree
National League.
At St. Louis 3; Chicago 2.
At St. Louis 10; Chicago 0; sec
ond eight innings, darkness. -
At Pittsburg 5; Cincinnati 2.
At New T/>rk 4; Boston 0.
At Brooklyn 7; -Philadelphia 3.
American League.
At Philadelphia 3; Washington 5.
At Philadelphia 0; Washington 5.
At Detrolt-St. Louis, rain both
At Chicago 8; Cleveland 0.
At Boston 2; New York 5.
Federal League.
At Newark 0; Brooklyn 1.
At Kansas City-Pittsburgh, both
games wet.grounds.
At St. Louis 4; Chicago 8.
At St. Louis 2; Chicago 2; see-'
ond game five innings, darkness.
At Buffalo 3; Baltimore 2; ten in
Good* Not So Plentiful Especial
ly Woolen?-New York FuU
of Buyers.
"I found an advance in prices o'
all woolens but cotton goods nre I
plentliul and reasonable." stated Mr.
George H. Bailes, proprietor of The
l?eo Hive who baa Just r turned from
a two weeks stay in New York w lore
he bought a fall and winter stock ol
1 goods. Mir. Halles is OIK- of the larg
est huyers in Anderson, and because
ho buys so many din r< itt kinds of
goods, he probably comes in contact
with moro wholesale dealers in New
York than any other man from this
"Yes, the cottou goods are cheap
und thc woolens scarce. The wool
Hupply is short und so ls Uva dye.
both of w.ilch play their part in this
condition. Nevertheless, thc goods
were there and arc as pretty In pat
tern as evjir bofoi'e, purples, pansy
sha les, pinks and ln\ riders being
much In evidence. Tines aro still
very popular and hriglu shades are
tho tlilpgS for evening dresses.
"You mig.'vt add." continued Mr.
Palles, "tlimat 1 Baw more b.iycrs in
New York than ever before and all of
these and the dealers loo, ure expect
ing and preparing for a big business.
In sonic casas I found goods scarce
and money was no object. Lust year
somo of tho dealers were not so an
xious to sell their goods on credit
but l.ls year money ls easy and they
are glad to sull on any terms. Every
thing in general points to prosperity
.in my opinion."
Are Asked to Atypnd and Those
Haring Automobies Asked to
Carry all They Can.
The protracted services at Midway
Presbyterian church, which is locat
ed near the Hammond place, w.tc be*
gun last evening under m?st flatter
ing circumstances. Tho crowd was
large and much interest was mani
fest from tho very . beginning. Hov.
CharKs lt. Bailoy of Greenville will
arrive today and will preach morning
and evening during the week.
Dr. Frazer, who has this work in
charge wishes to Etoo tho Prcsby
terlauB from Anderson present at the
night services and the suggestion is
made that those who have automo
biles fill them and drive out to thc
night services. Members of both
the Central and Hirst churches are
asked to adopt this suggestion. All
are cordially invited to he present at
any sad all of thc services, which
are held each day at ten o'clock in
the morning and eight o'clock In the
Four Bids Were Opened and Con
sidered-Will City Rent Barn
or Let Out to Contract?
" -
A committee composed of tho fol
lowing member? of etty connell,
Messrs. carter, King and Dobbins,
met yesterday afternoon at five
o'clock for' tv.o purpose of opening
bids which hsd been submitted for
th; keep of the mules of Ute city.
The bids were opened and cammed
but no action was taken..
it in a question whether the, city
shall rent stables or a ?iam and teed
the tnutes with feed bought by the city
or whether tfcey be put oat to some
livery stable man or others on a con
tract, these men or maa to feed and
keep taern for a olertainj spwstfled
sum monthly.
The committee has not yet decided
about the matter.
Bids were submitted by Messrs. J.
S. Fowler, J. P. Hsrdln, Clarence
Osborne and Cann.
To Meet at Kureen.
The members of Euroka Baptist
church sra requested to meet next
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock to
altead to business of Importance.
By People Representing all
gregations in Anderson-D
White's Response Splendid.
Ou Sunday night tho First Dapti
church was filled to overflowing wit
teople rcprcsciuing all denominations
in Uie city lo welcome the church"?
now pastor and his wife, Dr. and
Mrs. John Ellington White to Ander
son. Tilt- services were rory Im
pressive and will long bo remember
ed, all of thc speakers having words
of welcome and praise for tlie new
preacher who has just begun lila
work in the church which has a
larger congregation than any other In
fae city.
Mrs. O. L. Martin was in charge
of tho music and had arranged a very
beautiful as well as an Impressive
program. Ail choirs from the other
churches took part in thc singing
uud their VOICCB bl.ndod in harmony
as those coming from a well trained
chorus. Mrs. Martin wus usslsted In
the instruments.I part of tho program
by M ? rs. Wobb Von Hasseln and
Witt McCauley, whose ability aa mus
icians ls well known In Anderson.
'Uesides tito d : OTU se 4 'there wus n
duet by Mrs. U. S. Llgon and ivtr.
Sum Orr TrlW.de which was very
beautiful and appropriate.
Speakers representing various re
ligious organizations in the city ami
state delivered words of welcome to
the new pastor and his wife and
these alone were enough to make them
feel perfectly at home in Anderson.
Prayer was offered by Dr. I. M. Gar
rison, pastor of the Associate In
formed Presbyterian church after
which thc Hov. J. W. Spcukc, pus
tor of St. John's Methodist church,
read thc scrlpt-ire lesson.
This was followed by a? word of
welcome from Mayor J. H. Godfrey,
representing tho people at alrge. Ho
congratulate 1 the congregation of the
First Baptist church und thc people
generally lu having secured such a
man us Ur. White and stated that his
personality and family would bc a
great asset to the city.
Judge John E. Breazeale followed
Mr. Godfrey and welcomed Dr.
and Mrs. White in behalf of tho Sn
iuia Baptist association of which he
la president. Ho stated that the
work of tho association was familiar
to Dr. v.'lilto and ho invited him at
all Cimes to take a hand in all that
was going on.
Dr. Z. T. Cody of Greenville, edi
tor of the Baptist Courier, extended
to Dr. White a welcomo from the
Baptist people of South Carolina. He
stated that as tie president of the
Slate Baptists association he was glad
to Welcome Dr. White to the pleas
ures and burdens of the organiza
tion. He i tated that he knew Dr.
White would bo willing to boar his
part of the burdens of the association
and that whenever they carno he was
going tc turn over his share to fy tym.
Dr W. H. Fraser, representing
the ...material union of the city,
spoke next. Ho declared that tho
Ministerial union welcomed Dr.
White because of the fact that he was
the leader of the church whose wel
faro meant so much to the city of
Anderson and t ie cause of Christian
ity In this section. He also stated
that he looked upon the new minis
ter as a blessing and a Godsend to
the Individual members of the Min
isterial union, and one whose coun
sulship and fellowship would be iu
Dr. James. P. Kilian! spoke in be
half of the institution of which he is
president and which is dear to. the
'hearts of all true Andcrsoniaus. Ho
spoke of Dr. White's reputation as
being that of ono who ls deeply in
terested In the education of young
women and ono who would always
be willing to help Anderson col
lege. He stated that tho college waa
especially proud to have a man such
as ls Dr. White so near and that lt
was with a peculiar gratitude that he
extended a welcome to him for tho in
Mr. B. Frank Mau ld in KV uko a
word of welcome in bcialf of the con
gregation of the First Baptist church
and pledged for them that encourage
ment and co-operation which is so
necessary for the success ot a pas
Dr. A. L. Smothers, superinten
dent of UH First Baptist church Suu
day school, spoke in its behalf and
stated thai lt was Indeed fortunate
In having Or. White connected with
Dr. Smeihers was followed by Mr.
It. 9. Llgon, representing the or
ganized Bible classes of the various
churches of the city. Ho spoke of
the great work being done by these
classes and the part they were play
ing in the christianity of today.
Di. White responded most appro
priately to all the speeches. He
stated f iat his great motive ?n coming
to Anderson was clearly discerned as
he spoke of tho opportunity of build
ing up a powerful church, exerting a
mighty influence, in a city the size of
Anderson. He declared that lt was
much more possible to do such a work
here, and to leave the Impress of one's
life and labors than ia a large city.
He said that standing on the street
comer* end watching the crowds
pass by is not coming into helpful
toura with them and leaving the im
press of bis life upon them. That ls
easier in a city the size ot Anderson
than In a larger place. IBs words
of response made every one present
Como ol
;cl tho blessing tlmt Anderson ls ao
urlng In the coming ot this groat
ian cf Cod.
After Dr. White's response, Mr. C.
. Sullivan, who, presided so effec
vely through the long and varied
rogram unuho a few woll chosen
ords and tho congregation nm au and
ing "How F*i* ni a Foundation." af
>r which Hov. D. W. Dodge, pastor
f the Central Presbyterian church
ronouncod tho benediction.
Under thc Laurels,** will be Pre
sented at Walker-JIcKlmoyle.
The play, "Under tho Laurels." will
o given at tho Walkor-McElmoylo
:hool Douse Friday night, Sept. 10,
eginning promptly at H o'clock. A
nail admission fee of 10 r*nt3 will bo
linrged, tho proceeds to h. UBed for
cncflt of school. Fveryoody is lu
lled to uttend.
At Ute hard earned
dollars you arc
throwing away a dime
at a time, soon your
earnings are in the
hands of the other
fellow, who is depos
iting ?hem in the
Bank at Interest.
You can do it too!
Start today with
the Savings Depart
ment of
Bank of Anderson
The Strongest Bank
in the County.
Good-bye nore feet, burning feet, swol
n fret, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired
Good-bye corn*, <t llou:.'-*, bunions and
raw (Mx>tH. No
more r.lioe tight
ness, no more.
limping w i t li
pain or drawing
up your face in
agony. 'TIZ"is
magical, acts
right off. "TIZ"
draw out all thc
|K>inonoun exuda
tion" which puff
up the feet, lise
"TIZn and for
et your foot misery. Ahl how, cotn
irta'i.l ? your feet feel. Oct n 2.r? cent
ox of "riZr.n?S" at ?ny druggist or
epartment ?tore. . Don't suffer. Have
nod feet, glad feet, feet that never
well, rever hurt, never get tired. A
?ar's foot comfort guaranteed or
louey refunded.
, Uiw?tb+cmng I ame cad efico ott.
_ I ta ?ri! . lawn cower. On a ?oft cloth It
ia rani ot cheeto doth th?bcUtod cheapest
OB all metal surlacea. laduoza and ont.
?aft pto eng! tta Dictionary rfwi Utk Am to
_ cloe <1 2Se U aaJ. Me tt e*. K w <oc
,25c OK oz.). p_j_
Nsw Verne CITY
Has not caused aa to
Raise the Price, nor
Lower the Quality
"Town and Country"
Anderson Paint &
Color Co.
132 North Main Street.
Phone 647.
Their Home is neat
Tia quite complete.
So comfortable,
It can't be beat,
And every night
It's gay and bright
For in thia home
There's 'Lectric light
Within the next few weeks
school opens again, and the little
ones resume their studies, which
in most cases uneans night work.
This necessitates the use of the
eyes by artificial light, and aa the
MAZDA Electric Light is the
brightest, and nearest approach to
Day Light, and far more economi
cal man any other light on tho
market, it's THE light to
Southern Public Utilities
Phone 223. ^

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