OCR Interpretation

The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1911-1911, October 27, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2011218518/1911-10-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Governor and the Spartan
burtf Journal Exchange
Governor Coleman Livings!01
Blease and Editor Charles II lien
ry. ot' tho Spartanburg Journal,
have exchanged seine greetings
Ou ring inc past week which, ir,an
their tone, appear anything but
friendly. In inet, the governor
seems to dare tho editor tc como
to his face and say some of the
mean things he is charged with
having pi intcd. And the trouble
seems to have started over the
word "villain," hoard sometimes
00 the stage and sometimes in real
The Journal of same days ago
contained tho following editorial
"There is line material in South
Carolina polities just now for u
comic ojicra with Colo Blease as
the vi I lian."
Whereupon Governor Blease
wrote Editor Henry thc following
"State of South Carolina,
"Executive Chamber,
"Columbia, October 10, 1911.
**To thc Editor of tho Journal:
**A friend of minc has forwar
ded me your paper of tho 9th, in
which you speak of me as a "vil
"I spent part of three days in
your city last week. Why did you
not come to my face and tell me
this, instead of your cowardly ac
tion of printing it in you - papoi I
"I will bo in your city li' aili ; I
your county fair, stopping ul
Argyle h?tel. If yon desire
make Ibis statement be man enough
to make ii, lo my face, and not be
uslun t ' i.*) Coward and strike
mo in thc 1 aok. ^ ole IJ. Blouse.
Using the letter and tho above
(ploted paragraph, tho Jon nial
contai: ' lie following ?ditorial at
tide, headed., ^Governor Blease'
as a Kool br a Sttigb Vi j lian:"
"( )i course, Ntl* li I ease may lalee
t'nis as Ito likes, but there are prob
ably fe.W readers bf the Journal
dull-wilted enough to think a sug
gestion of the governor's li tn ess to
play tho part of a villian in acorn
ic opera dramatization of tho pres
ent political situation in Sooth
Carolina is 'speaking of him as a
There aro, perhaps, people who
think Mr Blease a villian, or worse,
but we have seen no newspaper
that has ?tated its opinion of him
to this effect. Certainly thc Jour
nal has not done so.
"We shall have to ask his ex
cellent Excellency to accept our
regrets to his invitation to mcec
him at the Argyle hotel, in this
city or elsewhere. Wc would not
intrude our unappreciative pres
ence or attempt to interrupt for a
moment the continuous perfor
mance he gives whether he goes ol
his favorite burlesque, which
might bo entitled, "Governing a
(?rent State,' but which he renders
with a seriousness and an impor
tance that produces an unconscious
sal li e.
"Wo are little concerned about
Mr Blease or his acts or his talk,
but when a mau as ridiculous, a>
comic:-.!, us grolcsipic, as comical,
as grotesque, as droll, as absurdly
vain as he is, gets into thc limo
light, he is sure to furnish bet lei
material for newspaper pai agraphs
than for serious denunciation,
mindi as lio would prefer tho hit
ter st,\ le of treatment.."
Ann tho Journal docs not lot up
with this aloin ; it asked the gov
ernor why he pardoned two men
w ho were convicted i i Spartan
burg"'comity for false representa
lions in tho peddling of eyeglasses.
-News and Courier.
TAO N. a. nd S. C. Connectin/i with
G. and W. at Pee Dee River
Martin C Freeman of Hamlet,
who has been for some time in
Marion county getting rights ol
way for the extension of the N.
and S. C railroad, spent Tuesday
night in Bennetts vii le with the ed
itor of the Advocate. The exten
sion of thc road is now nearly
completed to Pee Dec river, and
the construction of tho brid gi
across thc river is under way. Tin
road will be met at tho river b.\
the Georgetown and Western road,
which is being built by tho Allan
tic Coast Lumber company from
Andrews to the river. Andrews is
on thc road between Lanes and
Georgetown. When the two roads
are joined at the river, through
trains will bc run over the N. and
S. C. road from Hamlot to George
town, via Gibson, Mc.Coll, Clio,
I qllon, Mullins and Audre".
Mr freeman has linishod secur
ing the rights of way from Mullins
to tho river, and expects lo go
now to Darlington and Sumter
counties to look after thc branch
lines which Mr Bonsai is build ? Og
bj Bishopville, Sumter und Tim
monsv'lle. Tho line from Mc Boo
to Hartsvillo, Darlington and
Florence is already in operation.
Thc linc lo Bishopville MIK! Sum
cr ?\ ? ' I . rt, from I hu tSVillt :.
from this line, at Lydia, there v\ ill
nea brunch going i,v> Tunmoub
All of these roads are built as
feeders tor the Seaboard, an . go
into rich territory which has here
tofore been controlled exclusively
by the Coast Line.
New York Ff?i
Cleaning Company,
A 1!. HAKLKY, Manager.
Ladies Sweafer?, C?cnuiid^ and
We d<> all hinds of cleaning and
pressing. Sill*, goods and kid
gloves a specially.
All work guaranteed. Find u*
on Broad street near B. and C d
pot. 1?.
[; V'V':1.h
v .?. ',
.' ' '"-'iv' 1
RHODE ISIJLANI) I? n small Btate, but now and then lt turns out big
men. For Institu?e, there'H Senator Nelson \V. Aldrich. Oh,
perhaps you don't Uko lils political record, but that doesn't mat
ter! A man who Sw y??w? can lead the fatted States Kennte
even ns Farmer llnysinlth lends his hall enif to waiter by means of n
rlntf lu the nose of tho nforosnid enif and U baiter Strap thereto at
tached-well, that sort of lender must he a sizable num. Tho oilier dny
the Rhode Island legislature elected n successor to Senator Aldrich, lils
mono ls Llppltt, Henry P. Lippitt, nod he hulls from-let's see. where's
Lippi ti from? Oh, yes, to he sure-he hulls from Rhode Island. Son
ator RI oct Lippi! t may ho counted upon t<> uphold tho tariff views of his
predecessor In tia* main, for lie H un extensivo manufacturer of textiles
in Now Knglnhd, whereof I .itile lihody is an linporttoU part. Tho forth
coming senator ls a brother of ex-Oovcrnor charles Warren Lippill of
his SlalO, hil! heretofore lie lifts liol SOUghl public' olliee fol' himself.
Did he s<ek the Penn toiT.hlp V Well, he didn't (lodge ll roil Hil the cornel'
of the capitol to escape il when tin y shied lin' prize in his direction.
Treasurer's ( nu ?>?. Marlboro Count
Keilli. I I ^\ ill.-. S. C.. I Iel. i . jill j
N'?tire is ,lierobyn i voil iliul Ibo I looks
for the co?e.'tioii of Tuxes fid* Marlboro
...nuiiy i'ir tl..- t?-* :11 ,\eur continent
iiiihinry Isl. I'.. 11. w ill upon nt ilie
I It'iisiiivr's olliee in Itniillol tsvillc on
Monday. October han. p)| ,. mid robin in
i ijii'ii until I le?H'lilher "11st, 11? I I. A pen
ni t.V will he chap/cd on nil nixes ri
imbuing it ii I iii i?l ul i Inn illili*. Tli" t'>l
lowana is I he lev v :
i , i.-i ii ul i. mal school,
.:,( mill:
tl u.il!
I I ', mills
I Smith. :> mills
Pille (?rove, 'J mills
11.-I.ron, o m?||H
Harmony, 2 mills
Ebenezer. .> milis
ItriglitHvllln, I mills
Kollock, -J1., mills
Tatum, 4 mills
Tatum Ponds, .j mills
I loy kin, oi., |nj|jH
bester, 2% in il IH
Clio, <; mills
i 'lin bonds, ?( mills
Salem, ;t mills
brownsville, 1 mills
Brownsville Momia, I mills
Kemp v Spot, M mills
M-Coll. 4 mills
M.Coll Kotlds. '2*, mills
Whiles Crrek, 'J mills
I'ce Dee, 2 mills
Willis, 2 mills
Irby, 2 mills
K"\ . .'I mills
Key Monds. I mills
Delibra, v. mills
bennettHvillo (h'udod School I mills
Mellliet t s\ ?Ile Moll,ls, "J'., ll I il ls
A poll MIN ol' oin- dollar on nil male
persons bot wein ih,. ?mes oi :.'I ?uni cn
yetii'S, e\ci pt confed?ralo soldiers, ?iud
I hose ot h rv.ise exoliipl by law.
Co ii i i n u I a ti on road lax oi one dollar
?and n mili, ?ill able-biidied mule persons
bel wen, |||(! UjUfifS of |S 1111 < 1 f)0 years.
Said lax dlie bel WOen Hie 15tb o?'?olo
bor, I'.'l I. ami Mnrch I. M>!:>.
N. M. lingers,
Treasurer Marlboro l 'utiiil \.
0 IL fi. ?1
Vi )lt SALK 202 acres, six
miles ol' Slimier, over yood
clay road; land lies perfectly
level, a \ cry ai i rad i vc- farm
ing proposition.
Vi Iii BK NT A hair or six
horse farm, still clay lands,
new modern six room cot
tage and outbuildings; lands
producing a bale of cotton
per aero the present year.
For full particulars apply to
W. L. San n cl or s j
R. F D. No. 3,
Sumter, South Carolina
Stoney & Thomas
Undertakers and Embalmers
Collins and Caskets All Sizes,
Funeral Car Can be Had Any
where in the, County, Prompt
Service, Prices Right,
.'..mi' l's Before Von Buy. On
Broad Street, in Front of Pres
byterian ( 'burch. rhone 2l'>.
AM iPPiiuitmiuviMv\ui? tm ? m.
Bcimcttsville People Should Know
Mow fo Read and Siced Them
Siek kidneys give ninny .signals o? dis
Til . si ere!lons ar? doric, contain :i sodi
lllllll .
Kassau -1?ii? ipioitt. sonnt.y, painful.
Ii?ii-lsiii-i..? i coiittttiut d.iy mid night.
I lividaolii'H nial dizzy spells nra (ro
qtii nt.
T!ii? wonkonoil kidneys neod quick help.
Don't dullly I Uno ll special kidney
Donn's Kidney Pills e,.re sick kidneys,
backache and urinary disorders.
Tho f illowltlg evidence priives the
H tutamen t.
.1 h Wright, Depot and Law Stn, Darl
ington, S. C., Hayn. "I have no reason
to chango my high opinion of Donn's
Kidney Pills which 1 publicly expressed
In March 1908. This remedy, greatly
benefited nie. I consider Donn's Kidney
Pills II valuable preparation for kidney
For bale by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
FoNter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agente for the United States.
Remember thc nain?-Doun s-and take
EUoree, S. C
373 acres of land, with improve
ments, dwelling, out-buildins, six
tenant houses, ginnery, plenty cf
tituber for plantation uses. Over
two hundred acres of this hin t
open, clear of ditches and slumps,
well drained naturally, in high
I st ; to of culti vation. Ono hundred
acres of woodland cnn bo cleared.
Kino stioain ol' waler ru ming
hil 1 yb phiiilntM n. Ideal placo i
for country stoic and ginnery.
Tlirte miles fui"; the towool Kl-1
I Cn rieres of land three milt s I
i.lDii, oU tic I es (pen, in lligli !
jtat'cj of ctiltiviUit n. Plenty ? if iii -
bOr for plantation use.
Sixty lour actis of hu il with
improvements located th?1! eon,
good dwelling, new hun:, londid j
pitt buildings, ?rcltiiidii wile Cef <? 1
ing. jin tono foui: h mile froi ; o
j town Inuits, lying lor half u... >..> i
? i.e Moncks corner public road ami ?
in lii^h state of cultivation. This
is ono sf tho most attractive farms
in this sec*ion and is healthful anil
ideal location. Home place ll Wal
'oe Hookhart.
Twenty live acres of land for
sale one and one half miles from
EUoree. All woodland and can be
cleared easily.
Fine business lot in EUoree
Ton residential lots in town of
EUoree for sale. All located in
good location and growing sections
of town. Terms can bo had.
W. M. Fair ci (Jo.,
24-27. EUoree, S. C.
Pursuant to executions issued on :t
judgment obtained against S L
Erochiah at tho vail of Smith
Court ney company, and in order
to satisfy thc same and Other ex
ecutivi s in my i thee, I will oller
fur Fido to tho highest bidder on
lite fust Monday in November
I l I. (in ring llic legal hon rs ol'
sale, in front ol' the court house
door in lienncttsviHe, S C. all the
interest, of the said judgment deb
tor in and to the following land
und tenements in Marlboro county,
S 0. To wit:
Those two tracts Of land contain
ing i-UJ acres, more or less, lying
OM Mg Keenly ('reek, sold by
II en ry T 1 )a\ is to ll 1> Freeman
and more fully described in deed
therefor recorded in book F, page
i .Hi 0 ol' oilicc of clerk of court
for said tam lily. A Ko two lots in
liennettsville, S (J, on Parsonage
street, ono conveyed io II H Free
man by G W Freeman by deed
recorded in book IO, page 1T'> of
said ollice and the other conveyed
to ll B Freeman by A J Matheson
by deed recorded in book 13, page
233 to which deed and records
reference may bo had for moro
particular description.
K .J Patterson, Jr.,
S. M. C.
Oct. 12, IOU. 24 2(5.
To the Ladies
I desire to inform tho ladies of
Marlboro county, that 1 am soiling
tho "Combination Ironing and
Pressing Hoards," ono of thc com
pletest and most useful household
articles on tho market. Von can
not all'oi'd tobe, without one, of
these improved hoards. Call on, or
write me ami 1 will he pleased to
I giye nil necessary information,
and will leave, one ol' the boards al
sour home.
Agent, B?nncttsville, s u
There's satisfaction and com
fort about owning .your own home
that nothing else equals-at tho!
same time, it's afar better busi
ness proposition than paying rent.
For tho home-seekers, wo offer
a ohoico list of properties that are
bound to embody tho features you
desire, the list >s so large you're
sure of a suitable choice.
Now is thc timo to "got interes
ted". Wo aro after "tho man from
Look over the following:
No 50. 400 acres, 18i miles
from Bennettsville, 85 acres in cul
tivation, now dwelling, barns and
stables, 4 tenant houses, 5i miles
to good town, well located and in
good place. Price 825 per acre.
No 51. 435 acres, Florence
countv, near station, about ten
miles of Florence, a line place, 300
acres highly improved, 10 build
ings? land making average of about
b:?le to acre ibis year, capable of
much larger y ields, offered rent for
1912 35 bales of colton by a man
who wants to sub rent place. If
Interested further particulars will
bo given. This placo is within 40
miles of Bennettsville.
No 52 <<."> acres*, Clarendon
county, ?-J miles io Mantling, 30
acres in cultivation, sn nil dwelling,
i a i ii and stables, making is bales
ol cotton iliis year on less than 20
tieri?, a nice pi o position for party
wauling tu buy a small lunn.
Price ?-?:> por actes
No . o aries, North Caro
lina, 300 ados iii good stat? cult'
vatioii, 2 story dwelling*, S good
tenant houses, grist mill, gin, eic,
. :. i; : .i s a nice place. Pl ICC
;> er a?re; terms as follows:
si,uou cash, balance 1000 per year
w illi ii.ten si al 6 per cent. Place
ought easily to pay for'itself on
such easy terms.
No 54. 75 acres, Cumberland
county, N C, adjoins lands pre
viously sold Marlboro farmer. 20
acres cleared, line soil underlaid
with clay, friOO worth of timber on
place, good community, 4 miles to
station, small dwelling, etc. Price
No 55. 100 acres, Cumberland
county, N C, small dwelling, about
one horse farm in cultivation, good
land, dog wood, hickory and round
'oaf black jack growth, 2? miles to
station, a cheap place for some
one. Price $16.50 per acre.
Farms and Fire Insurance.
Tia? Southern Automobile
College, Oik Ridge, N U, i- hy all
odds the best < quipped automobile
south of New York. With itS?-ehool
splendid corps of fur I i try trained
automobile experts, a.ni superb
?10,000 equipment It is prepared
to give a course erpial m ali res
pects to any school ol' tho kind in
lite world, hs honesty mid relia
bility is guaranteed by the pres
once al us head ol' Prof. M ll Holt
ol' Oak Kidie institu?e. lilias
tu rited out M-ores ol' men who are
li in.- splondid no-'Mo! s- -is fa rn gc
men demons': r tt'oi s ndchaulleurs
lo sa.\ nodding oi ..ie uiit.u.t >vno
have taken the course to learn how
lo manage their own ears. Special
rales are offered to those wno eu
ler before the first of November.
This is the best;opport unity ever
offered young mon of the south lo
learn this most fascinating and
paying business. Those interested
can get illustrated booklet of in
formation by applying-a postal
card will bring it.
Notice of Land Sale
Notice is hereby given that on
Monday, November 0, 1011, at 12
o'clock noon, tho board of com
missioners of Cumberland county
will offer for salo at public auction
to tho highest bidder tho tract of
land in Seventy-First township,
on which tho present county home
is situate, containing 165? acres
by actual survoy.
This is line farming land, situa
ted about K miles west of Fayette
ville, N. C., in a good neighbor
hood, with good wato schools and
churches, and will make an ideal
home. For plat, title et -, seo reg
ister of deeds 0 til ce of (/timberland
county. Terms cash.
Tho right is reserved to reject
any and all bids.
This October 12, 191 L.
F K Hall, Clerk.
W ?I ( Hive, Chairman.
Board of Commissioners Cumber
land County,
Fayetteville, N. C.
Stale Agricultural and Mechan
ical Fair, Columbia, S. C.
October 30 to November 4ih.
On ?ccount of tho above event
thc Aijanilo Lino h?ov . an
Pounced the- low. roil nd trip rato of
. I io from Bop ne tts vi Ile, includ
ing adm ssh n to thc fail un i trans
portation from thc Union .senden,
Columbia, to the hm; ground* and
retu rn.
'Correspondingly low rates will
be made from ?ll other points in
South Carolina.
Tickets will be on salo for all
trains from October 28th to No
vember 3rd inclusive, limited, re
turning to reach original starting
point not later than midnight of
November 5th, 1911.
Children fivo years of ago and
under twelve, half fare.
For tickets, schedules and fur
ther particulars call on J. H. Pat
rick, Ticket Agent, Bennettsvillo,
S. C.
W J Craig, Passenger Traffic
Manager. T C White, General
Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N.
C. 25-271).
Land Bargains.
143 acres in two miles of Red
Springs, If miles from college,
between 75 and 100 acres cleared
and in high state of cultivat ion, 10
ronni dwelling and tenant house
and barns and stables.
125 acres, 6 miles from Ked
Springs, in 2 miles of V. li. sta
tion and churches and good s< hools,
between 50 and 75 acre; cleared,
good tenant house and Parn- hose
j lands ure good bargains for quick
Side, Kor further'Informal! ad
dress or cal! on
A. B. Webs! .
ll- lied Springs, li, c.
256 acres land six indes n >rth of
Camden on Southern il. iv Side
track near placo. IC PO ry it of
this land is level and can i culti
vated. Will cut one hundred lifty
thousand feet long leal* lumber.
Soil landy loam. Livery nero of
land surrounding this'placo making
halo per aero this year. Brice
$15.00 per acre.
500 acres red clay and gray ler.ir<
land, Kershaw county, 2 miles
from Blaney, not a forked leaf
black jack oak on this piace. 75
acres open and cultivated land.
$10 per acre will buv thi? place.
Also 710 acres of South Georgia's
best land at $20.00 per aero.
J I, Guy,
24 27. Real Estate.
Camden, S. C.
B. F. Whittier
Undertaker and Profession
al Embalmer.
No. 8 Marlboro Street,
Matheson Ballon g,
First Class Mer: .
In Connection
Personal and Prompt At
tention to All Call* at
Residence or Office
Day or Night.
My Entice Equipment The
Be. Cainable
Ambulance Hour
Oif.cc Phone No 83
Residence No. 209
Residence, McCall and
Robeson Streets.
The Only Marble Yard in
I am prepared to do your
monument, tombstone ami iron
fence work at reasonable prices
ar.d in a workmanlike manner.
We set all monuments on con
crete foundations. 20
For Sale.
140 acres level sandy land
situated on A. <& A. R. R.
Parties interested can look
over land or write for lit
erature o? same, ?.'\>r fur
ther information apply to
CANDOR, N. C, 22 25

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