OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, May 17, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218612/1901-05-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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wher" yOL
We can supply your v
full stock of Serge Coat:., Ser
Coats and Pants, Scicilian
Coats, and Coats and Vests, 2
A few Crash goods at
Children's and Boys' Serge
Boys' and Children's Trouser
Remember our prices a
D. V. Wa
From Edrington's History.
Andrew Feaster (the name was
then spelt Phister, 1740,) emi
rated to this State from Bucks
buri some where in Virginia.
From him was descended the
C esent family of Feasters of the
aver Creek section of this
county, better known as the
Feasterville township. He had a
cousin, John Feaster, who came
'at the same time and settled in
Edgefield county. He was the
great grand-father of Laurens
Faster of the "Dark Corner"
section. Andrew Feaster was
twice married; by the first wife
only one daughter, who married
^ Andrew Colvin of the Sandy
River section of Chester county,
niow known as the Halseliville
.township, near where John Simp
son now lives. She moved with
some of the children to Greene
-county, Ala., and lived to be
-quite an hundred years of age.
His second wife was Margaret
Fay Cooper, who had by a former
inarriage two children, Adam and
Eve Cooper, both of whom lived
~to be quite old. Eve married
Jacob Stone, whose mother was
Ruth Lyles, a member of the
'Chester branch of that family.
Jacob Stone was a soldier in the
Revolution and drew a pension as
long as he lived. Andrew Feas
ter's children by the second mar
riage were John, who married
Drucilla Mobley, daughter of Ed
,rard Mobley and sister of John
iobley, who died a few years
-since. She died June, 1886.
Johni's children were Jacob, bet
ter known as "Squire Jake," An
drew, Savilla, Susan, Mary,
Chaney andt John M., the two
last named are yet living. Savilla
married Robert Gregg Cameron,
and now lives near White Oak.
John M. married Keziah Pickett.
He is now living in Florida on
Indian River. Jacob, son of John,
married Isabelle Coleman, daugh
cer of David R. Coleman, than
whom a better man never lived.
Jacob Feaster lived and died
near Buckhead. His children were
Jacob k'., who married Elizabeth
Stone. Moses C. Feaster is the
-only living child of that marriage.
Edith D. married Henry J. Lyles;
~they had four children, three of
'whom are now living. John C.
mnarried Miss Sallie Lyles, yong
est daughter of the late Col. WVm.
8. Lyles, by his first marriage to
M&iss Woodward. Susan E. mar
ried S. M. Simons of Lexington
'County, S. C. David IR. married
Miss Victoria E. Rawls of Co
lumbia, S. C., by whom he had
a will need
ants in this line. We have a
ge Coats and Vests, Flannel
Coats and Vests, Drap d'Ete
lpaca Coats and Vests.
half price.
Coats. A full stock of Men's,
re always the lowest.
lker & Co.
several children. His first wife
died in January, 1877; and in
December, 1878, married Mrs.
Hattie E. Coleman, nee Porter, a
daughter of Rev. C. M. Porter, of
Ridgeway,, S. C. By her former I
By he ariage e :Fet
ur - They have one
of the largest families in the '
county. Sixteen children and six V
grand-children. There were two (
girls younger than D. R., Isabelle I
and Mary N., both of whom died
quite young.
Andrew Feaster, John Feaster's t
second son, married Mary Norris, b
of Edgefield County, by whom he 6
had eleven children, 5 sons and 6 t
daughters. The youngest son, J
T. D. Feaster, is now living near C
the old homestead. He is the '
only one of this family now living
in this county. U
The eldest son and daughter are 1
living in or near Columbia. The '
fourth son, Elbert H., was blind i
from infancy, and was educated at k
Boston, Mass. He was a remark- 1
able man; he knew every one by r
their voice Once- having been V
itroduced and conversing with t
the veriest stranger, he would U
ever after know him by his voice, 1]
no matter where he met him. I
Nathan A. Feaster,, second son c
of Andrew, was twice married; I1
first to Maria Louisa Bawls, of 1]
Columbia, by whom he had one k
daughter, who married John G. fl
Wolling, of Feasterville. His e
second wife was a Miss Brown, of 0
Anderson county, a sister of Col. 2A
Newton Brown, by whom he had 3
one daughter, who is now the wife t
of a Mr. Trimble of the town of 3
Anderson. His third wife was a a
Miss McClanahan of Greenville '3
County. There are ~two children 3
by the marriage now livig in '
Greenville, a son and daughter. F
Jacob N., Andrew Feaster's third El
son, was twice married, and is J
now living in Florida. The eldest 3
daughter married Dr. T. J. Rawls, TJ
of Columbia. The doctor is dead 3
and Mrs. Rawls -and her only c
child, B. A. Bawls, are now living (
in Columbia. t
The second daughter married I
W. Williams of Anderson county
and moved to Texas since the
war and there died. Belle, the
third daughter, married Wmn.8
Lonergan of Charlotte, N. C., by1
whom she had several children;
only one is now living, the wife ofC
G. W. Coleman. Julia, the fourth
daughter, married Robert H. Cole-f
man who died at Augusta, Ga,
during the late war. Mrs. Cole
man now lives in Florida. Sallie, C
the prettiest of all the girls, mar
red George Butler and died with
out issue. Narcissa M. Feaster 1
died a ew y asince unmarried. r
Susan, John Feaster's eldest
daughter, married Robert F. Cole
man, a son of the Patriarch D. B.
Coleman. Mrs. Wesley Mayneld
is the only one living of that
family. The second daughter,
Mary, married H. Jonathan Cole
man~ by whom she had sixteen
children, eleven of whom lived to
be grown, 9 sons and 2 daughters.
Truly may it be said that Feaster
vile township was benefited by
the issue of this marriage. It
gave to the township three of the
very best physicians, two of whom,
Drs. Preston and Franklin Cole.
man, gave up their lives in Vir
ginia for the "lost cause." Only
two of the boys are now living,
D. R. Coleman of Feasterville,
and G. W. Coleman, of Cash's
Depot, S. C. Allan lost his life
at Petersburg; Jacob F. died i.t
Wilmington, N. C., in 1864. Dr.
R. W. Coleman, better known as
"Dr. Bob." was one of the best
urses that ever lived. He mar
ried Nancy McConnell by whom
he bad several children. He was
as game as a Kukiux to the day
>f his death, which occurred .in
fay, 1873. John Feaster, . the
ildest son, married a Miss Glad
ien and died in February, 1856.
is wife d'*ed the April following,
ea.ing six small chdren to the
old charities of the world. But
;he noble old Roman H. Jonathan
"oleman was equal to the oe
asion. He and his married
bhildren took these orphans and
aised them in their families as
ne of their own children. H. J.
aoleman, Jr., died in May, 1874, A
eaving a wife and five children. I
is widow is now *he wife of <
). R. Feaster. Dr. Preston Cole
nan married a Miss Secrest of 1
ancaster. He, was captain of i
ompany C., 17 S. C. regiment,
nd had his leg shot off -at the '
:nee at the second battle of Ma
assas. He and Dr. B. F. Cole-.
oan were educated at the Citade
bade .f_ Dr. F.
[e was wounded and died a few i
onths after at Winchester, Vs., (
here his body now lies. D. R. f
oleman had his eyesight im- b
aired by a blast during the con- .4
truection of the S. & U. railroad. J
L. W., the~youngest son, went to ,
e front at the age of 17. liz 0
eth zaarried Micajah B. Picket. 1
arah married Beverly OMitchell; i
oth living in Americus, Ga. s
ohn Feaster's grand-daughter, d
haney, married H. A. Coleman. -
'here were eight children by this t
arriage; only three are now liv- c
g. J. A. F. Coleman is now i
ving at the old homestead, a N
sn of high social qualities and r
dustrious habits. He is better a
own by the sobriquet of "Bees- n
ax" David A. Coleman mar- I
ed Sarah A. Youngue who sur- a
ves him, he having died during d
e late war. She has reared as C
ble a family of boys as there is a
Feasterville township. J. A. a
.Coleman married a daughter t
fSamuel H. Stephenson who~ 1
es in the hearts of his neigh- ']
rs and friends and everybody c
lows "Uncle Sam'' a1'd it will J
t be left for the future gen- s
ations to do so, but the present i
e, calls him blessed. Henry (
.Coleman married Rebecca e
ounge. He was wounded'three (
mes at the second battle of i
[anassas and did not live long c
~ter, leaving an only daughter t
w livmng with her mother in a
innsboro, S. C. Robert C. Cole- (
ian, the youngest son of "Uncle r
enry'," was drowned while (
thing at Church Flats in 1862. d
'he eldest daughter married Win. c
ounge, son of Robert Younge. 1
'he second daughter married 2
mes Levy Hunter of Chester g
mnty, but now of Powder Springs a
obb County, Ga. Isabelle, the I
iird daughter, ,.narried Thos. L. c
anning, of Marietta,.Ga. The I
urth daughter married A. J. t
cConnell, better known as t
Dick." She died a short while i
fter her marriage. He was first x
etenant of Bailey's Co., 17th g
egiment, and was killed the day 1
the blow-up at Petersburg. a
ohn Feaster's youngest daugh- c
er, as has been mentioned be- I
re, married R. Gregg Cameron. f
he raised seven sons and four i
aughters; James, the eldest emi- a
rated to Florida to look after
be interest of John N!. Feaster,
those daughter he afterwards ]
arrie Re died not long after, (
leaving a widow with one child
John married Mrs. Hoiffman, ne
Robinson. She did not live long
and John died in Columbia 8 oi
10 years ago.
J. Feaster Cameron was a mws
of education and refinement, i
nobleman of the day. He was
colonel of an Arkansas regiment
was twice shot and left for dead
but he was spared to be a living
witness to the destroying powei
of ardent spirits. Here was one
of the "ust of lawyers, a hero ol
many battles that* fell a victim tc
our nation's curse, atrong drink.
The second -son, Dr. A w S.
Cameron, married Susan T. Ar
nqe, ak daughter of Mrs. Wesley
tflyeld, of Buckhead. H. died
noon after the war, leaving a
widow and one child. She having
since died, her son is living with
his grandmother, Mrs. Mayield.
Rotert Cameron died during tL4
early part of the war. Alex, the
onl urviving child, resides near
Wate Oak. He married the soc
o .4. daughter -of Janes W.
Yo e, by his Crosby-Estes
wif. The eldest daughter.
rie&Henry Younge, son of JohA
L lounge, from whom Younges
riletook its name.
The soond daughter married:
Dr. hiisopher Simeston, o.good
Sam d a Brt raote doctor. He
spvedi9 Florida, but lived only
ghart time. She returned to
Soun* Qgrolina with ber two chil
han John and 'obert. John
~ine arriving at audood, re
aIred to florida. Robert is-at
ha. old John i$Wbto. home
and is one of the m tsuc
platers in that- section.
ngiiged John Sinlenton; a
of Dr. Chris; he also
to Florida.where he soon
SThe fourth .id -youp at
ter inarried CoL Le. 6.
ee f North Qarolina. She was
ne the pretti.st women of the
l. a dIer husbaud both
ngan infai4 so
,. wn~t
it. rand..mother at the old
am onlomestead. Out of this
of eleven children we now
aye ving the old mother, her
on ex and five grand-children.
Ldrw Feaster's second son,
aco Feast'er, married a Kenne
lore! and died without issue
aving a good solid estate to be
ivided between brothers and
isters. One of. Andrew Feaster's
aughters married E. Woolay,
rho removed to Edgefield- and
ience to Cass, now Barton
>unty, Ga., where he died, leav
one son, Col. A. Feaster
Voole. Another daughter mar
led HudyMcShan. They had
veral chilrn, all of whom re
oved to the West. The boys,
erdinand and Andy. to Missis
ppi and Arkansas, One of the
ughters, Judith, married laaac
oleman. She died a few years
ace in Union county this State,
the home of one of her daugh
rs, three of whom have .marred
that county; one to Wm.
ucker, she is now a widow;.
ne to Win. Jeter and another to
hn Jeter. Isaac Coleman still
rives. Another daughter of
adrew Feaster's married Moses
ockerell. There are only two
idren now living, John Feaster
ockerell and Margaret Stone,
h married a son of the old Rev
utionary soldier before men
Loned. She is now 85 years of
ge. Of the step-son Adam
looper, all of his descendants
smoved toMississippi. His son
rorge, the crack rifle shot of his
ay, married a Triplet of Chester
unty. His children all now
ye in Winster couty, Miss.
Ldam Cooper's daughter, Mar
aret, married Capt. Wmn. E. Hill,
brother of Simeon Hill, and
ere the old election, it was
aled Hill's Box, afterwards
'easterville, and it was then said,
at as the Hill box goes, so goes
i county, and it verified, to the
isappoitment of many who had
wn well elsewhere; but Hill's box
ae them "Hell," as they ex
ressed it, and this was so often
aid, that they gave it the name
f Hell's Box. This same Simeon
[ill was "one of the plain, old
shioned, honest men" of the
ay, of whom nothing could be
aid except in his praise.
David R. Coleman, the Patri
rch of the Coleman family in
'airfield, was born in Halifax
3ouy N. C. May 19th, 1783,
I wish'to -nnounce that I h
mated Horses and Mules, foi
always in stock. Rock Hill
Saddles, Bridles, Harness of
Thanking my friends an
liberal patronage to me, I ve
ance of the same,
eMy PNU.. sao wIdo" Ph**& 68.
Pesta.Ece box 134
sad died March 25th, 1855. HIil
-father, Roe~rt -Coleman, marrie<
-BlisAbeth Roe. Robert remove(c
4othis counb when David mws
small boy. Hi wife gave him lI
children.'! David Roe who lives
and died on the -land -first. settle
bf. hils father when he came ben
is till in the posesio ofd
scendants of the same name
John R. Coleman moved to Green
Couniy, Ala. Robert Roe e
man lived and died where his som
Jonailhan D. Coleman's widov
-now lives., -Wie R. Col1e =a
married a Rap of- Chester
conY, and a large family,
of wh6m Wm*. Back was the oldes
and H J.- F.W. Coleman is the
young~st. Out of this .family
only one --is 'now living, Ii. i. f.
-W. Coleman, and all except him
went -West andl-livod there. They
numbered among the-best citizna
(To be Continued.)
Th~aesd seat late Exile
Every yeara large number of poor
saffeter< whose Junga are sore sand
cacked with coughit are urged to go to
another climAte. But this i-4 costl
.sad not always -sora. Don't he .an
eg' hnDr. Kirg's New DIAe Ieiry
for Conenrpion 'will core -,ou at
home. k6* the most inialhb'e tedi
eine for 0)ug bs, uo'de, and P11i Throat
sqd L-,ag diqease&a earth. Thbe first
dose brias relief. Astonndingr cares
reault fromi per teur ave.' Trial bot
th-s free at Msster co.'s. Precs
A0e and $1.40. E -ery b>xtle guaran
Good, Pretty, New 'g P
lc. 3c. 5c. Roll I
Satisfadtion guaranteed. Sampe
ands-Pd ach Valle, Honduras.
fHter, Maet, Lea, Term,
Slzbthi o- oertem v
GRANDa Comntwhn ofaldknown
smlloyato aris Ivetme Plans.
Bettdern. Dn avingswh Bank
aSdmded the one year. ethy
bclismate.Feer unwhn. e came
be'om ai ito in the tassso o o
mcadetfro frge anamte
an mpr en oved iniiulpataon irn
CTyECR A~a YR.r o I
mTheand dof whe reors o h
PoatPantatio Colman' s voue
fow lives. WecnileAny and thlep
brest ank of Clevelo Ohio.~
WrIe For W.l Cnoeman th
ony o e set owliing,B..
W. Coleman, AndlExcptIA hiA
S.t es C. nMDOWEv threLe
nuFamered Mamong ire bst tiensoit
ti(o barel Contnue.).
Socki with ou inare onur ougn
-a n trwys proet.Du'zIea
JNO.. L~ J' mNEt iSrabe tary
ci'r Cuhs;N.4 '., aidn'.Thoa
ve a fine assortment of both
ready for work. A few aecli
- rough and heavy service.
One-Horse Wagons. Try one.
all kinds and of the best make.
i the public generally for their
ry respectfully solicit a continu
D. A. Crawford,
WI NSIBEl:0, S. I'.
ws.Ukg U an hL ul4M
3'2 CA&UXS I E,ar
COMrrM OF 4naunat.
Rehecca P. Davis, as Trwest-of the
Luilsa' Mmowiial Aseouist.a, of
Winesboro, S. C., aie, Yr.
Mary Preston Huey am bert .
Huey, Defendants.
In pursuance of as order of the
Cornot Common Peas madelo the
aboIve stated case, I wilwl rfor sale
betore the Court House door in Wins.
bero, S. U., on the.
next, within the legal hour.of sa!e,
at public u'ery. to the h4be t Middur,
the foelowing described proyety, it
All that cestain pieo6 pareel or 1 t
of land lying, bing p.I jinate in the
town of Winnaborol ri the County Of
F.-lid ad State of.Seath Carolina.
more orles, a boundeos
by 'ot formerly owned by Mra B
Sd n ntbeb
iAiken, deceaed; on the south by
Washington street of said town; and
on the west by Vanderhorst street of
said town.
Ail The purchase money to be.paid
in cash on the day of sa'e, the pur
chaser to ps for all necessary papers
and revenne stamps.
Me) 6, 1901. C. C. P. F. V.
W E still have a good stock on hand
-the latest design, bet workman
4b;p. Prices have advanced, but wo
will give you the b:uefit of -the old
price, for a short time.
Sewfig Iachines.
We have the Twentieth Century, the
latest Inventlon'; caps the etimax and
care ie~d a f the gold m.edzl et the Puris.
Expositiont and other expositione. Call
-an mue and I will tell you hoe to save
moncey in g,u-chabing high grade ma
.:hia.e- and also give v..u detaile d do
-cri;.tions of them. Remi rmber bomne
doees aare the .beat. V. he. you send
'ronev to a di-taunt ci-y in anwe to a
dloa ing adverliserent expzectinsg *o
gaet a big bargain probably ye u will
gtet let-. Dona't be cekens in by .barp
.r.; buy troen thise who h-ive a repu
tation to staltn.
:: stoves.. ::
AIr-Timrbt ileat. r., also Box and
coal Sa< vee at atnd b~elo.v c ..t, rather
rhan carrV eve-r neetil anoaher s.ason.
The U udersaker's Denartnient is
o ~wn plete. Al. c le promptly pttend
ed to
W. A. W.
Bitsy B ALer was aired by..Dictator.
D~ia'sor is the rire of -Iad-Eie-8 e,
2.10; Nancy lilck, 291;. Direct'r, -,
2 07; aned t e peerless D) r. ct'st, 2.04.
Miottner Ilubbart. the dam- raf Betsy
B sker, i- by Toronto, undis the moth
r o-f great troders.
The servi- e of this Staioknis oferd.
ror fi 'tee a dtollars; cent i age.
W oens he is w4;ntedl by .seal par
-ie' residing in a neigbor hood be .ist
.e tent to thesr. *Ad treus..
.J0lY 6. i.OBl3JEY,
.1296. W nnb ro. S. C.

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