OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, May 17, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218612/1901-05-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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A T91E
practice "practical economy'
Every man who has any
and "good fitting" clothi ng s
There is just as much d
suit as there is in the makinj
watch you want to know "h<
"insides." So about clothes.
"insides." How is it built.
some just "thrown together.'
Our Clothing is "Built'
"Good Fit" and "Permanent
We are prepared to sho
of the best manufactures in
We are also prepared tc
of a "well dressed man"-Co
sizes; Neckwear in abundanc
~S Hi
Well, you will have tc
enough about them.
Suspenders, Hosiery, U:
Now AS
We don't hesitate to s
"the most complete" and .u
exhibited in this town.
from the cheapest t<
We ask you to come an<
that we will sell you
at prices that will astonish yo
Friday, May 17, - -- 1901
-Miss Tiny Elliott has re
-turned from a visit of a weel
in Columbia.
-Miss Marie McCants is spend
ing a few days at home, while hei
parents are at Chester.
-Mr. T. W. Boyle, of Greely'
'ville, a member of the Mallard
Lumber Co , is here on business
"91 -Home raised strawberriei
Pare being offere4 on the streets
of Winnsboro at reasonable
-The ladies of the Memoria:
Association will decorate the
graves of the old soldiers thiu
-Mrs. Stanton, who has beer
speniding some time with hei
sister, Mrs. Ragsdale, went tc
Columbia Wednesday.
-The members of the steanm
fire engine company will assemble
at engine house this afternoon al
6 o'clock in full uniform for drill
-The round trip ticket fron:
Winnsboro to Memphis for the
reunion will be $13.75. To Chat
tanooga apd return the fare wil]
be $11.90.*
-There passed through towi
Thursday a large number of car
riages, etc., that were being car
ried from the winter resort of
Camden to the summer resori
-Miss Anna McCarley has
been spending several days ii
town. The children of Mr. S. B.
Stevenson all returned with her tc
spend the summer with theil
grandmother, Mrs. McCarley,. ai
R~ock Hill.
-Wednesday the South Caro
lina College boys defeated the
Wofford College team in a game
of baseball on the grounds of the
former. During the game C. F.
Davis had to retire on account o:
being hit by a ball.
-The line of the Winnsborc
Telephone Company is being re
built iji town and larger poles are
to take the place of those already
in use. These have already beer
cut and are now on the streel
ready to be placed.
Small pox is reported at Kings
eea and Gourdins.
his pocket-book an:i wants tc
should seeour line of SPRING
regard for "well cut," well made
hould see our line of SPRING
ifference in the "making" of a
r of a watch. When you buy a
>w about the movements"-the
You want to know how about
Some clothing is "built" and
and consequently you get a
.v you the "choicest productions'
America. COME AND SEE.
show you the other requisites
lars and Cuffs in all shapes and
e and in all shapes.
R TS.~
see them. We can't tell you
iderwear and Handkerchiefs.
ay that we ,vill be able to show
> to date" stock of Hats ever
n endless variety and
all colors and shapes,
) Stetson's Best.
I see and find out for yourself
The ladies of the Memorial
Association are requested to meet
at the court house this morning
at 9 o'clock for the purpose of
making wreathes to be placed on
the soldiers' graves this afternoon.
A full attendance is desired and
all are requested to bring such
flowers as they can.
~The Knd Yu v lashBi
STennant &Co.
Calls the attention of the pub
lic to their staple and fancy
groceries, cabbage, beans, pota
toes, Armour & Co.'s picnio hams,
the best of beef, fish.
Ice.Theypromise to meet any
prices, with prompt delivery.
Sunday hours, 7.30 to 8.30 a. in.,
12m. to 1.30Op. in., 6 to 7p.im.
Meals at their restaurant at
all hours.
Doling Wel.
While the first report as to the
hodiio of Spencer McCants
wowsoperated on Monday for
appendicitis were very unfavor
able, all the later reports have
been to the effect that the opera
tion was a success and that the
little fellow is getting along as
well as could possibly be expected.
This will be grtifying news to
the large number who have been
so much interested in his condi
The Tows Taxes.
That notice of the town council
in regard to the payment of the
taxes due the town seems to have
had its desired effect. For several
days Clerk Neil has been very
busy collecting the tar money due.
As a result there will be but few
executions to be issued, and in
most instances, this will be with
parties who are ignorant of the
fact that there is a town tax
in addition to the other taxes.
With the amount thus collected
*the town treasury is put in fine
condition, and the new council is
deserving of credit for having done
Iits duty in this most important
I ..sh a h id o a AlasI
Hotel Arrivals,
HOTEL DuvAL.-John F. Brun
son, Columbia, S. C.; Hal Dick,
Columbia; Jos. Mullen, Balti
more; R. C. Guiff, Tennessee; J. Y.
Murphy, Chester, S. C.; W.. L.
Broadwell, Metropolis, Ill.; W. E.
Smith, South Carolina; R. E.
Moore, Statesville, N. C.; Lei
Mullen, Georgia Railroad Com
pany; S. B. Anderson, South Car
olina; E. Davidson, Philadelphis;
D. L. Stevenson, Stevenson, 9. C.;
C. W. Foster, New York; J.
Stephany, North Carolina; B. F.
Cobb, Jr., Richmond, Va.
Be Kept His Leg
Twe!ve years ago J W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., seratched bis leg
with a rusty wire. Infiammation and
bW >o poisoning set in. For two years
he snffered intensely~. Then the best
doctors urged amputation, "but," he
writes, "1 used one bottle of E ectric
Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Backlen's
Arnica Salvo and my leg was sonad
erd well ai ever." Fr Eruptions,
Eczema, Tetter, Salf Rheum. Sores
aid all blood disorders Electric B.t
ters bas no rival on earth. Try them.
McMaster Co wi I guarantee satiseac
tion or refund mouey. Only 50 cents.
An Eye Sore Gone.
For some time the large wooden
bridge in front of the Williford
livery stable has been in such a
dilapidated condition that it has
been a real eyesore, but it has
now been removed and terra cotta
piping is to be laid along where
the old 4bridge was and perhaps
on to the corner by the court
house. It is also said that all
the old wooden bridges on Con
gress street are to give way to
terra cotta drains, an improve
ment that would be greatly wel
nonor Rol. of the Lower Lengews.
Estelle Harrison, J. D. Ham
son, May Harrison, Sallie Jones,
Marie Jones, Irene Jones, Eunice
Stewart, Ma Matheson, Annie
Reeves, Delphine Robinson.
Requirements: Attendance, 99; t
recitation, 95; deportment, 99. 1
The following have met the
above requirements, except on at
tendance, and deseve honorable I
mention: Hannah' Hudson, Pau- f
line Jones, Freddig Reeves, Pearl
Reeves, Carrie Wilds, Ida Stew
art, Allke Kelley.
ciatic Rheumatisma Cured after Fearteem
Tears er sufertas.
"I have been aM ct' d wi hieislicJ
rheumarisin for fourteen years," says1
osh E 'gar, of Germantown. Ca'.''
as able to he around. but constsntly
sffete.. I tried evreerything I could
eir of a.nd a' last was told to try
hamberlan's Pain Balm, which I did
ad was immediately.&elieved and In a
srt aimi curedl, an-E I am happy to
sy it. has not 'inee returned." Why
et use thie lia.iraet and get wel ? It
i for sa's b~y Miclaster Co., druggists.
Held on Suspicouu.
Wednesday evening Policeman
ilbert noticed a strange negro
in town, and for fear that he
ould not have a suitable p lace I
or the night he obeyed the bible a
ijunction and took the stranger a
n. He gave his name as Frank
awls, but the chief of police ~
koght he saw in him a very
triking resemblance to one Tom r
hitaker wanted at Clifton, Ga.,
for a criminal offense and for a
hom a reward of $50 is being v
ffered. So firm is he in the
onviction that this man is the
much wanted Tom that he has ~
ecided to hold him for further
A Steel Trap Found.
That party in te suirrounding
ountry whose steel trap made
uch a sudden disappearance f4
eed not have anyone arrested, y
harged with having carried -it k
of. Instead he should apply to
r. Wylie who a few days ago
aptured the thief that had carried a
it off. While wlking through t
the woods, he 'camne suddenly I
pon a Charleston bird of prey [
hich seemed to make no move
t all. Being attracted by this
strange action he.- moved closer
o see the cause, when to his sur
prise he found that this bird was t
held by a steel trap to which a y
chain Iabout three feet long was F
attached. ______
Wheep ag Coagh
A woman wh, bas had experie et
with this disease, tell. 1.ow to prevet
any dangeu en cc as qn nec-s from it
She sa',: Our three ch 1 ren took
hboping congh at gunumr, cur
ab b .y b ing only, three me'nti~S old, -
and (wing lo our giving them Cheam
ber ain's Cough Remedy, thry 19et
none of their plumnptess a id came e'ut
n much better heas th than other chit.
dren whose parents dial not use this i
rem -dy. Our oldt-ar ilt 'e girl woul I C
i lustily for cough sy rup bet ween a
hoops.Jesaie F drey H all, Spring- '1
ii, Al.- This Remnedy is for sale by i
lMaster Co , draggists. e
A meeting of the state board of
education has been called to meet
at n early date.
New Advertiseueuts.
Cost Sale-Mrs. A. L. McCar.
ley to-day announces a big cosi
sale so as to reduce her lirge
stock of millinery which is filled
with bargains for prospective
Soda Fountain-McMaster &
Co. announce thai their "Foultai
in a Hole" is now supplied wit
all the ice-cold drik s anI sak
that you call on them and keep
Discontinuance - The Winns
boro Creamery Co. announce that
after the morning of May the
18th they will discontinue the
delivery of milk and cream, but
that they will soutinue to deliver
butter to their customers.
WssxIN"s A OC4LS.
Try W. S. Furbis & Co's Monti
belle lame. They are mild cr ed and
with every care and attentlom, and are
pronounced to be the finest hms on
the market Ask for W. 6 Forbes A
Co's Montebello Lard. It is ;he lead.
izg braud. Every package guoirant.ed
to be srictly pare and to contain noth
Lag but hog fat.
Tun TOWN's nar 5 A&SET.
I ai4h to announce to the people of
Winnsboro and the surrounding coun
try that I have rented'ihe town market
rfr this year. I will keep on ban-] all
be while the best fresh meats which
he country will afird. During the
ipnng and summer mouth# all meats
kept on ice and kept fresh. I solicit
our orders and will e my best to
please you. J. K. GARBI805.
Equ1iable Life Aurance -S-clety pf
be United States desires to atrounce
he appointment of Mr. J. V. E4.tt
isesIdent Agent for Winnsboro anJ
Winsboro acist Co
"That's cheap enough; wrap
he goods up; here is your
These are the remarks we
ear every day in our Cheap,
r-Cash Store.
Nice line of Chenille Ties
A roc; Spiked Belts at 45c
c; 40-inch Lawn at 7c; Yard
ride Percales at 8 i-3c;
trench Gingham at 7 I-2c.
Keep cool ! Prettiest line of
tans ever shown in this town,
rom 5c to 25c each.
Our entire line of straw
~oods goin~gth cost.
Curtain Poles, all colors, at
5c per pair.
Window Shades going at a
Big line of all kinds of.
.adies'Skirts-Crash, Piques
nd Duck, blacks, whites ad
ssorted colors; price too
heap to mention. Latest
tyles in ladies' walking *i
aiy-day skirts..
A complete line of Ladies'
nd Men's Summer Under'
rear, from 5c up.
A complete line of the
ewest styles in Ladies' an~d
len's Collars i5c; Centers for
It will pay you to look at
ur line of Colored Lawns
efore buying.
A new line of Ladies' Ox
rds just arrived. It will pay
ou to look at them before
A complete line of Men's
nd Ladies' Link Cuff But
ns, Stick Pins, Hair Pins,
.ace Pins, Hat Pins, Hair
rooches, Collar Buttons,Belt
Iuckles, Rings, etc., going at
alf price.
If you are in need of any
Nin in our line it will be to
our i~sterest to join in the
rocession of hundreds of bar
ain-seekers who are constant
r making their way to the
Ith a tuH stock ef Caskets, BaridI
ase and Cea., constantiy en baqd,
ud us eof hearse when reqassted.
hankfal for past patronage ad soliei
tots fr a share in the fature, la. the
d stand
Cals attended to at all heans.
. . ELLIOTT & 00.
Please R
We 15eop JVe
all the tinme E
stoeli full I
This week we ask your sj
Matting. - New patterns in i
Prices, 15c, 2( c, and 25c, whic1
you see the quality.
Another item we want yo
have them.with fancy handles
suit your purse. Two styles of
at $i.oo and $1.25.
Just opened, a large lot of
Straw Hats, all shapes and styli
for these, but sell them cheap.
Something new in Ladie
pretty. We have a bargain in
which ar& worth much more
Shoes, styli h and comfortable.
We have been doing a ru
selling more hats than ever b(
We have'repleni:hed our stock
style you want. I he styles ar
Give us a call.
The Caldwell Dry
Soil Sig of
of SUMMER GOODS for ti
Winnsboro. Come and see the
less for you to get what you wai
Yours respectfully,
We have added a soda foun-(
amr to oui- business. We
hall serve. a variety of cold
rinks; also Ice Cream, arid
hall errdea'ior to please you
n every way. Would be glad
o serve you.
McMaster Co.
A u u...w. Ian N.
-After Morning Trip,
e will quit the Milk, Cream
and Ice6Creamn business. We e
will be pleased to deliver But
er, by bicycle, on orders.
Send message to Jno. P. r
atthews' store or order by r
he Winnsboro
SCreamery Co. s
Jotice to 8txtblien.~
A roecting of the stockholders of
he Fai e.td Cotton U lit. is hereby f
alled for M-Inday, June 3rd, 1901, at
[i o'olock A. M , ot the Premldent's
ors of The Wln:hb-,ro Bak, Win
oo, 8. C., for the purpo.e of consid
euing the que-ti in of Increasing the
apital stock .of sid company to
250 OtO0, thbe increased stock to be ofI
hd class kn Wn a' ef red."
r. K. ELLI0TT, President.
Goods eoMirng
mrd jeep oup
ud fPesh.
pecial attention to our line of
extra fine- and heavy goods.
1 you will think cheap when.
u to see is Umbrellas. We
and plain loops. Prices to
special value is a good Gloria
Men's, Boys' and Children's
es. We don't ask long prices
s' Patent Kid Oxfords, very
Oxfords at 75C and $t.oo,
Men's Low-cut Vici Kid
shing business in this room,
fore so early in the season
and you can be suited in any
a up-to-date and prices low.
SGoods Conipant Iy
Siner Gi.
ie least money ever sold in
m. No trouble to show and
& B son.
Grape Nut, Postum Cereal,
Kalston Food, Flaked Oats,
Tream of Wheat, Rolled Oats,
ihredded Whole Wheat Bis
For a breakfast relish try a
>air of Norway Mackerel.
rhey are extra fine.
T-einz's Vinegar and Pickles
n bulk. and glass.
Smoked Beef and Ham
:hipped to order.
W e give trading stamps.
All goods delivered.
hat I will sell cheap or will
xchange them for thin mules.
A~lso have a few
-PL UGS.---.
I will sell them very close
ather than keep thers over
his summer, Come to see
ne if you want to buy a good
nule cheap. i
I have 6or 8
ome. good saddlers and dny-~
efrs. Come and see for your
- Lt e eeyour ctl e
re you sell.
A. Williford,
Wlnnsbr. S. U.

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