OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, February 21, 1906, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218612/1906-02-21/ed-1/seq-5/

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That's why you should buy seeds here, as you R
can always be sure thatyou get fresh seeds and
of known variety. All our seeds were grown
last year, from seeds whose variety had been
proved, and under the most favorable condi=
tions for each kind. They have the precise at=
tention to details in gathering, etc., which only
the practical seed grower knows how to give. M
All this should make them worth more to you
than seeds picked up here, there and every
where, but we sell them as low as you pay for
the inferior ki.nds.
.__ .___r_____ *_MI
Phone 39 Winnsboro, S. C.
We handle Buist's and Landreth's Seeds.
Hafner Bvothers,
$5.00 Rugs $2.98 See our WALK Just received=
$3.00 Rugs $1.75 OVER SHOES 1 Case of White
Great Bargains before you buy. Goods for waists.
in Table Linens ,-- Send for samples
of these goods.
75 pairs Dorothy_
Dodd Slippers Our line of Ho=
Just Received- carried from iast ie of com
Receied==siery is complete.'
Case of Spring season== We sell the Fa=
Chambrays. good styles== 15 s N. BG=
Great Bargains We - sets.
in Overcoats -days at $1.85.
We sell the West
You can buy 15c End Kid Gloves.
. , Ribbon from us if you need a nice
Shoes are 10 cents black skirt write
best in ChesterK *-- -- ---- - to us for samples!
for the meney. See our yard wide before you buy.
Come and see the Taifeta at 79c -
shoes and you the dollar grades. If anything we
will be convinced -% sell you is not
Don't buy your Don't buy your satisiactory w e
Carpets until you Art Squares until will refund your
:see ours. iyou see ours. money.
Cotton Seed
- Meal
* Cotton Seed
For Sale at Attractive Prices9
Organized 1906
WINNSBoRo, s. c.
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT--IntereSt allowed at the rate of 4
per cent per annumi, paiyable quarterly, Janiuary, A pril, July and
wV. R. Rabb, President. J. M1 Jennings, (ashier.
T. WV. Traylor, \Vice-PresidIent. H~ugh S. WVylie, Tller.~
WV. R. Ralbb. F. R. Mfe~eekin,
T. WV. Traylor, T. W.~ Ruff,
J. ('. Buebanan, J. R. (urlte,
J. WV. Haniah atn. J. L. Minaugh,
R. Y. Turner. Leroy Spriin.,
S. C. Catheart, J. M. Jennings.
!A Real Sunbeam.
? --Bringing Happiness to All Who Use t
In 5 lb. tin cans
**0 For only $1.00.
TRY iT.a
Wededa. Ieb.21, 1!,06.
-MIss Caflie Hood of Black-.
Stock % the guest of Mrs. W. S.
-M ss. Will McDon aid and.
C.ser , C (?ster spent
SudLLay ii town.
-Mrs. G. W. Shell of Laures
is on a visit to her daugter, Mrs.
J. W. Catheart.
-Mrs. J. E. McDonald Ias:
returned from a visit to relatives
at Pinevi-e, N. C.
-1rs. Feydeu of Gray Court
is visiting her parents, Mr. au
Mrs. 1D. G. Tennant.
-Miss Susie jKectchia enter
tained a party of vouuv neopl
yesterday afternoon in bo)aor of
Miss Jennie Beaty.
-Mr.J. Brattou Davis of the
Univeristy of South Carolina has
been elected one of the editors of
the G arnet aud Black.
-Quite a numbi er from Wian
Lodu 108 haio boei in Colmnba
the past few days in. attedance
on the big Pythian raliy.
--Mise; Henrietta Lyle and
Miss Edna RobiUon, who have
been on a visit to Mr. Williford,
have returned to their home at
-Let the garden come in for its
full share of attention these days.
It will certainy 'av yon to do so.
No axeuse for any one n-ot having
A gocd garden.
-Miss Kathaleen Caldwell,
who is teaching at Blackstock,
pent Saturday and Sunday here
with her pareits, Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Caldwell.
-Mr. D. G. Ruff, who is now
in busineLs- in Greenwood, is in
attendance upon court as a wit
Hoss. His friends are glad to see
him here ag-ain.
-Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gooding
aie on a visit o relatives in
Ch:rleston. They will ietvrn to
Winnsboro before leaving for
their western home.
---iiss Mary Pagan, who has
held the poition of stenogra
Alhr iu tie News and Herald
_)M1ti for the aM-t ar, has ac
iepted a similar position with
the Stite. She has proven her
Self very eflicielt in her work
and widi fill her new position I
.-The first quarterly coi.
erence of the Winausboro circuit
will be held at the Methodist
-hurch Friday morning Feb 2;3.
There will be preaching at 11
:'elock by the presiding elder,
ie.R.E. Stackhouse of Rock
lul. The public is cordially in.
vited to attend this service.:
Daughters of the Confederacy.
There will be a meeting of the
John Bratton Chapter, U. D. C.,
on Thursday afternoon, 4:30
oclocL at the residence of Mrs.
A full attendance is desired at
this meeting, as arrangements
will be m-ade for Memorial Day
Death at 1ioreb.
Mr.T.C. Watt of the Horeb
section was stricken with paraly
sis last Wednesday morning and
did Saturday morning morning.
Ha is surived by two children,
Mrs. R. C. Maizu, at whose home
he diedi and Mr. J. J. Watt of
Co!mbia. Hie was 70 years oldi
Court Convenience.
Quite a number have come for
ward in response to) th subscrip
tion statements seut out last week
and o~tten their re ceipts. If you
ae not Int given tile mutter
our attentic , noW is a mgt
an time to looki after it, foi If
YOU are not attending cor t your
elf, there is very likely to be
oe one in from your comm u
sity y whom you can send the,
inuounit that vou are due. Please
.lout overil'k this very impor
at matter'.
Developing Parr's Shoals.
Dr. J. A. Scott of Monticello
n a business rnote to the editor
astefollowiusg additiona
ute, that is timely n t ~ h
Thecre is still talk of develop
men of the water power at
Parrs mill.
TUW timeC tas arrived for diver
silL d ludusit: ies, 1jdging from the
numbil-c of y ounig mutes and the
qantty of guano being sold
evr\ u Lere. There will be shrieks
ad "lnm. ntatious next fall when
these are to Le pid for by chea
-.Dr. Hizrrison Dea.
Dr. E. H. Harrison, who moved
from the Lougt >wn section .6ut to
Texarana, Texas, aibout two
years aigo died there a few
a' s ago and hi's remiains. were
brught to Leure"o~ for iiter'
mt Sunday alternoon. Tihe
va ticulas i~ his dl eath have not
been learned. He was a son of
Hion. J no. D. Hari bo of Long
town and is -uri d b i iy several
..c~ oimth s amt his nife.
- third Week Juror.
N. D. RV'
S. IP. Me K
rI -
C. 11. 1"
o 'lt I., -
ie;, .j!"
di'ath h
1 en.'t?', -z
IC. t. De
W .( P.il aiuli. l*.
Bankhea ,ll J" h .
ler .ecas. 1
M. C Stewaur,
Kinedq jy Lc T
A .ttir froml21.;
esttPrinc-of .
Wadhis a a :U'l'
cansd H ea c!*:-l
Coleunin, wh*ic L
9th instant ath
Juries recea
(0ient. He wat
dogt train alld wh
sanwe oitd
eis death -1
The deceas l w. .i.
vr. Clem. wi-;ot
I . Ji D~it (i
IVved by his Vh
A Serious C
On nres (I -'
was ia re:& *u in
caused a del1a (-i
n getting out th fa
onus f~ thtfol"
ouble coIluem a11
were omitted i)\ I).
error is esp.eciall v re
he sake of "ur In
vere deprive of
uiterestmg xits
[tisa m e i
ulvertise unut -
y re Ci by a. very -
f the rea.dai. aa
verv Iiro mnereb mi
ways~ keep in n--ini.
An entertaino nm
ih of the Wom)L!
Society of the
vill be giveni at tim
. V. Woodw.'ard0
ebruiary '3, at S
nissiou-adluits *"5 e
ren 1:> cent~
eveil fr ee All e
fiss B.-ssie Mobecy zL0J
Miss Bessie Mobley,
f Mrs. Kate Mo >1ev, o, :'.
tck, died at thie ho~ie u. -~
W. Wilks, near Wikbu\
Xednesday eveunn. '
lobley had be-n teaebin~ scol
n the neighborhiood au:1 con t2.
~:ed to teach despite th a
hat she was un~well. At lI Ul
sent for her :sister' Miss ha
ome and teach in .;er steal
whn the lat::er came u
was so unwell as to.r...e.
attention of a hricn
hen the decline : wJ
te end came.
Miss Mobley ler -a
nd two dei edsserj
nourn her loss. She wa a med
tiable yourg[ vKJmX'd
~reatly loved Ly aL. wr
Th'e funetral was to h1e
lutdat the~ UpiL jt '
Elacktcad at1 a
iai to rest in be "'
emeterv.-Crie er I H-t~'
cursion Rates; 'a S-'-" ard
Account t mb
ei tic ts to j19 .
rate of one irs't-eI
ets for fi'rou
imit March 8.10
LU til March Lw
Ipon) payment (J 1'
iberali stop-ve O\1w i~~0K
Lnisv'l I, K
atmnt of >ilu
lie Frebri'ry dh to t.
O i J .l.t. i
Nashvile, TI.
m nteer M~ovement ......
1 treh 10:; ,
.fahe caoS r
1.1 . n
t v:ite .
Co tnhi , . I.
F ro er ..Y
is' th int
wilr .1e
\\ cl 1.1'
- e e
med itk. . . .
- ~..-K--. -
* w
( I
4 I
1 '-"-- -
* ~'*)' lv
1~ '
3 (3 ii
* . II
e was a ereat success and
w odtn to receivethe
n stock is now on the
.yers will e in the north=
a week hunting up Spring
e gods aeadvancing in
ear chsewi 1 enable
sst seasou 's prices.
- to the public for the
given us. To show our
ea dtermined thisspring
i ef on low prices.
r pr ce iists, they will save
Dry Goods Co.
iOllar Suites
Yes, they are here, as well
as a big assortment of High
Gdrade Furuiture of every
k But then there is a
great big lot of good Medium
Grade Furniture too. In fact
everything in the furniture
line here at the
It will please you to call and
see for yourself.
LallreFs Garden Seeds
None Better.
Pouktry Netting.
Big shipment lust in.
All sizes.
J, W. EIl
Bo Pooshe says to planit turnips,
butwant you to plant all kinds
*ndthie piace to get them is
W teand Red~ Onion Sets for sale.

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