OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, September 23, 1921, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218612/1921-09-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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Styles of the Times
"For the Man Who Cares."
Introducing to our men friends-The Lamar--note
the new narrow, semi-square toe effect that is so popular
with well dressed men this season.
Florsheim style has the authority which men ev
erywhere recognize and are proud of. The name Flor
sheim in a shoe disposes of all doubt about its quality.
The shoe must be right or the name would not be there.
Let us demonstrate for you.
Value First Clothes
Everybody who reads the .big national periodicals
knows, that Michael-Stern Company of Rochester are the
makers of Value First Clothes for men. We want every
body in Fairfield to know that we sell this famous line
of men's suits.
Man has a right to expect style as well as quality in
his clothes. We see that he gets it. Today we are in-.
viting you to come and see the widest collection of good
suits that have ever been shown in this burg, and in re
turn we ask nothing except that you use your eyes and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Legerton,1
V U .of Charleston, were the guests of O:
_______Mrs. T. H. Ketchin for the week-end, it<
Miss Margaret Neil Sci.V Edtr Miss. Kathleen Willingham, of S
the Chicora Collegee for Women, C
Miss Nellie Pearson has returned spent the week-end at her hoome
from Asheville. here.
Joe Elliott has entered Georgia Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pritchard and
Tech. Miss Sybil Pritchard motored thru
Mark Doty has returned to V. M. h onr oNwbrN . hsd
Mrs. C. M. Chandler has returned Mr.EnsFegonadltew
from Columbia nhvreundtthihoenM
Mrs. Tom Davis has returned toa copaidhm y e oh
herhoe iSvanaheMs counstrewetg Gnt. Y.btisd
week.fornnerisitpefnseveraweeeeks. ni
Mrs. Ernest Morson and daugte,
Ii 'ith is amil. sn hav.Ed returned to their einM
ieu. W 0 ric, US. C, lfthareston, W.ud as we ftersnP
er's Mirs. Mrnsr. JuaLn. at
Mrs J. S. Stewart,-of Tampa, Fla., Jg
the guest of Mrs. S. G. Martin. Ms .B rnoo aln
M4iss Clarkie Willingham spenttowhabenvsighr
everal days in Columbia last week,.agtr r.W .Pyolf
Mrs. William Chandler, of Colum-wek'istnAheleNC. o
visiting Mrs. Charles Chand
Mrs. R. L. Peay and children, ofhaertndtoWtrpCleg:wi
ongtown, are visiting Mrs. J. N. issMrae rie ldsBr h
Henry Smith, of- Concord, N. C.,MafeEtaLecrgsMrino
visiting his sister, Mrs. U. G.SegranZiarcene
N. A. White and Master Billy ReDoadWRihronvi- (
White are visiting relatives in Clin-prsdetoth TelgiaSm-ca
~ton, Mass,.ay:fNnig hndlvrdM
.Mrs Preston Rion is spending tenA.:P.cuhonCiasNe.ca
days in Tryon, N. C., with her son, H lopece ttePebtr
James H. Rion.iactuhSudymrngWil
Mrs. N. A. White spent this week ~~'n~ooh a netie ya
with Mrs. F. A. Des~ortes and Mrs., h e.G ,Mys t
U.s.Jul. MDee ndraugesr
Regula servces*nd semonsa b H. Sunda snih atethred Sother
St ohx's pisopa chrchSunay eotes prevened byste, discov
moningat 1 o'~osperndin thevfiera dyseo with tfo-s
dauhte, o Clnto, ~entlas w e r's sier firs. Jiuihe bong. ith
with .Ms. P E...Erost Jrs.a W. any hrunson, Someoneing- Fr
Jchn.?ol~?ss, ~r, ac tn, who gratin bewen vthwlingdher
monlet hefistofthewek orWedal ned itrninghtr twa
Some scra
Charestn. t ener heCtadl. havern rttn oointhop Colege in
.S~~~ati< aMsse Margaret PhlBricrtng oaae Glas done, Sie
i~ ofCheste. spen ~ Mafie Ettul av een crogs, Mron of
wee wih issBesieChan~r.~itnry dof eredankin Cita deivrdM
an bleseron undy nghtat he is
Bunny Says.
The bigger the bubble the louder the bang.
When a man keeps his own counsel he has not much
use for a lawyer.
Some vampires are honest and others are friends of
the man's wife.
What funny sights we would see if every woman's
dress really fitted her.
Now that women have the vote, it is no longer
proper to say that "politics makes strange bedfellows."
Some wonen wait until they are on the wrong side
of thirty before they try to get on the right side of men.
Of eourse, Washington never. told -a lie; he didn't
dare. Re married a widow.
Masrimonial dyspepsia is the result of a man mar
rying i*oman so rich that she doesn't agree with him.
tore You Hear So Much A
Miss Mildred White and Master jTHOMAS WOODWARD. CHAPTEI
arles White, of Timm6nsville, vis- OF THE -D. A. R.
~d their Cousin, Miss Elizabeth
>ver, last week. They were ac-' Mrs. M. W Patrick. entertaine<
panied .by their aunt, Miss Ma- the Thomas Woodward Chapter o:
White. thDaughters of the American Rev
___________________ olution at its first fall meeting las
THE CULTUS CLUB. Fridy afternoon, at her home ii
_______White Oak. Roll call was answere<
C'he Cultus Club met last Thurs-bygvn th naeoaConi
y afternoon with Mrs. W. H. Flen- dmadasotsec fhrlf
en. The roll call was answered Avr neetn ae n"o
h current events. The ,togramloilMnesCutm adFun
LS as follows: Literary N'otes, by iue a edb r.Abr
s. M. W. Doty; People in theBre. Adlcosaad oue
lic Eye, by Miss Frances Creight;wihmn ebrtwasrvd
iew of the "House of Chimham", Th ne narwkites ha
Mrs. R. C. Gooding. A salad
~rse wih fuitpunh, as erv dmend sor kell cn be had atf
ThopMnst Co.toms.0 and $Furn
~4otewhe youwantgo h CO MUItY HOSErt waPsrGRA.
iceabl'e hose for the children call ____
The Propst Co. and see those Friday Night, 7:30-Wmn S. Hart,
d Buster Brown hose. in "Sand." Also Fox News. Special
THE MOTHF-RS' CLUB. . Saturday night-Billie Burke in
"Education of Elizabeth." Fox News
frs. H. E. Caldwell was hostess Special music.
the Mothers' Club at its regular Tuesday night-Alice Lake in a
ithly meeting last Thursday af- Metro classic, "Over the Wire." Six
oon. The roll call was answered reels of real show,
;h the name of a great man of Special music with each show by
Colonial Period. The interest-, a blind musician.
program which follows was giv-' Remember the sha-w nights are
Ideals of the Various Groups Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.
the Colonists iand Their Perma -________________
ie in Our National Life, by Mrs.
mer Matthews; American .Re-Yotbuulrfshnb!frk.
asibilities, by Mrs. J. W. Cath
; Taxation and Government,- by PgyPieo e okaeo
. J. A. Heustess, and Pocahon-saeiyorwnhm twntTe
by Mrs. G -G. Mayes. Ices and psCo
~ashionette Hair Nets can be had RIAGE ANNIVERSARY*
he Propst Co. in cap and fringe *___.
es in all colors at 2 for 25c.- Or- MranMs.JO.Bgspta
by mail, most delightful day, September 15th,
Iwith Mr. and Mrs. Will Lemmon'and
GIRLS' BRIDGE CLUB/~ fanmily in celebration qftheir $7th:
--marriage an'niver~dary.-. They were
iss Ella Crawford Heath was! married September 15, 1864.
ess to the Girls' Bridge Club .
ay afternoon. Four itables of -- The Propst ~Co. have reduced the
ers were present. The'top score price- of Arrow -collars from 25c to
held by Miss Hazel Haynes, who 20e each. Men will welcome this sav
presented with a box of candy. ig
ruests of the club were Misses
ona Baruch, Gladys Burley. Mary WANTBD-To rent 5 or, six -ioom
glas and Hazel Haynes. A sal- house with water and electric
ourse, with iced tea. was served, lights. Apply at Jack's.
VOL I, NO. 22.
Peggy Paige Frocks
Is the material used in
this charming Peggy Paige
*.creation. Graceful panels
with contrasting braid give
it quite a youthful touch.
The wide flowing sleeves
are smart and distinctive..
We have many beautiful
models on display.
Our New York buyer
has advised us that he is
shipping us some lovely
new frocks in wool and
canton crepe for display
on Saturday. Among this
lot will be a quantity of
pretty new jumper dre n es
at exceedingly low pri :.
We want you to come 4n
and see these new styles.
Keep the. Kiddies Dry
Have you seen those real little kiddies' parasols we
are showing? They are just the right size for the lit
tle onbs.: The pretty handles will appeal to the childrm,
and the good covers will see that the sweet little things
c .n't melt.: Some priced at $1.98, others are $2.25.
Raincoats galore-we can fit everybody in the fan
ily. from the youngest to the oldest. They come in navy
and tan materials and are made in good styles-some
belted-some made cape style. Bring the chfldren in to
be fitted. Rain hats to match.
K Millinery
An attractive showing of Autumn
and Winter Millinery in all the new
est shades for the Fall season now
on display.
Patterns===Smart Tailored -Ham,
Ready-to-Wears and Sports Hats in
brilliant colors.
Handsome Black Hats, featuring
prominent style points of the season.
A good assortment of Children's
Hats in Felt, Beaver and Velour.
Ribbons in all widths and colors
including cire effects and novelties
I Miss Nettie

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