V4 1IlAS __ HERALD WINNSBORO, S. C., NOVEMBER 17th, 1922. VOLL. NO.34 F- IRflLD OUUNTY NEWS I BY OUR MONTICELLO lArs. W. K. Ruff and little daughter, 'f Column4a,sere pending the week . arid Mrs; W. P. Ruff. ~eorge Shedd, of Winnsboro: s te week-end with relatives mis Cleone McMeekin, of Colun bia Co~egt; speat several days re eeutly withher parenms, Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Meeekin. Mrs. J, -W. Hawkins and children, of &oknan, visited Mr. D. P. Ham itops faniy last week Wliam Gist and son visited ns here last week. %tr. William Pearson is visiting Mr. Bayc# Pearson and Mr. J G. Martin's family. He was formerly of this place. Mr. and -Mrs S. U. Robinson and Mr. T. R. McMeekin motored to Co luibia las Saturday. Mr. Andrew. Rbb, of Colunbia, spentthe'week-end with his mother, Mrs. Estelle Rabh. Miss Roberta Rab5 has returned *fri a visit to her sister, Mrs. N. A Wehner, of Columbia. Mr. Arthur Maybin and family dirtd with Mr. -and Mrs. J. A. Maybin oiunday.. Dr. Paul Scott, who has been with relations here for severat months, has aceted a position with a northern MITFORD Ada Smarr motored.to Great . Smarr and Mrs. J. W. motored to Great all$ W7 Julia Lio and Mt. -Young e land Mrs. itte bifday with Ers--:S Asees nA axidn Glass spent Satirday afternoon with Misses Eliz abeh and Ruth Keistler. Mr. Phillip Thomasson spent Sun day -with Mr. J. B. Glass. Most of the people of this commun ity attended the service at Great Falls Sunday night. We are glad to learn that Mr. Rich ard Jackson is doing fine and hopes to be at home in a few days with his mother. Epworth League Sunday night at 7 o'clock, everybody welcome. AVON. The A. R. P. Dewdrops met at Mrs. W. L. Reid's for their monthly meet ing Saturday a week ago. Miss Jean Reid entertained a num bcr of her school mates Friday after noon, Nov. 3rd, celebrating her ninth birthday. After a good time playing games, the children were invited to 4the dining room where cake and fruit were served. Mrs. R.:C. Sterling entertained the Catherine Ladd Chapter of the U. D. C. Friday afternoon. Mrs. T. Sterling, who has been vis iting her son, Mr. R. C. Sterling at her old home place, has returned to the home of her daughters, Mrs. Jim' McKeown Cornwell. ~Mrs. Peggy Shirley, who has been ~'ng a number of visits in the com munity, has returned home again. Mr. D. Mcllroy is staying at the home of Mrs. J. L. Douglass, his daughter, while helping to build their new home. Miss. 2. P. Kerr was at home for the week-end at .Blackstock Saturday a week ago, returning to Union Sun day evening. A number of the Avon~ school chil dren atten'ded the Chester Fair, andI had a good time, returning full of the wonders they had seen. WALLACEVILLE We are sure getting some good roads in No. 11, but it will be impos sible to use the one to Columbia for a while as Ashley's bridge has been broken in by a very heavy truck load ed with timber. Why not build a con crete bridge in place of the rather shabby one that we have so that every thing will correspond. Could anybody want any nicer weather ? I don't believe they could and if everybody doesn't get grain sowed, corn planted and gardens they need not lay it on the weather. Mr. McEachern is very much bet ~ter and we hope to see him out again MVr Douglass Glenn has gone to Co lia to work. I do not know what 1 HAPPENINGS OF INTER EST OVER THE STATE. Milk From the Finest Herd of Regis terd Stock to Be Found In the Country. Greenwood.-Owning a dairy that is msqualed by any in this section, and & hard of thoroughbred Guernsey cat .e whose value the owners will not even estimate, the Ware Shoals Manu tacturing company is selling milk to its employee at a financial loss in or Ser to protect- the health of the citi zens of Ware Shoals and in order that. clean, wholesome milk may be within reach of every ctitzen of that town of 1,000 inhabitants. "Our aim Is to protect the health of our citizens and to take care of our future citizens," James F. MacEnroe, treasurer of the Ware Shoals Manu fgettfring company, explained to a newspaper man a few days ago." We lose money on the dairy, but we don't feel that it is money wasted," he con tinued, explaining that wagons- deliv ered pasteurized whole milk to the homes of Ware Shoals twice each day at 15 cents per quart. The Ware Shoals Manufacturing Co. started its dairy in 1916, and since that time the herd of thoroughbred Guernseys has grown from a small nucleus to 77 cows and five bulls. Some of the best Guernsey blood in America flows in the veins of the Ware Shoals cows. The sire of Grand Raider, one of the bulls owned by John McCormack, and is a prized member of the singer's herd. The sire of Ultra Select, one of the Ware Shoals cows, sold for $30,000. The sire of Administration's Appia sold for $10,000 before he was born, When Lallina Gypson was eight years ol'd she produced eight gallons of milk per day. She is now 18 and is still pro ducing four gallons per day, Teksa Heroine produced 605.58 pounds of but ter fat last year at the age of 3%, i within 1S pounds of the world's reOdOA for Guernseys. Many of the surplus bulls of the Ware Shoals dairy ar given ' * itrhe proved by the influx of good blood. York *oeds In W40ng dOift 1fiftee York.-That York is leading all the other counties of South Carolina in 'the drive to wip-e out illiteracy among. adults is the gratifylig inforrhatida disclosed by the report of Miss Will Lou Grayson, supervisor of this branch of instruction for the state department of education. Yorkhad 1,180 adult pupils during the last scholastic year, against 1,049 for Spartanburg, York's earest competitor. York's lead is more impressive when it Is known that Spartanburg's white population is about twice that of York. Other counties that made a credit able showing in the number of adult pupils were: Horry, with 774; Rich land, 623; Greenville, 607; Colleton, 444; Oconee, 413; Alken, 410; George town, 409; Greenwood, 381. The number of schools taught dur ing the year was 381, with 524 teach ers employed and an enrollnient of 10, 447, the average attendance being 6, 882. During the year 2,861 pupils were taught to read and 3028 to write. The total amount expended by the state or salaries was $30,394. According to Miss Gray the results of the work cannot be shown In cold statistics but are seen In the more en lightened citizenship of the pupils, with their higher aspirations and Ideals. Her report shows that in 1900 South Carolina's percentage of Illit eacy was 35.9, against 18.1 today. New Cotton Mifl For Giwat Falls. Cheter.-It was announced that a 1ew 1.000-loom textile manufacturing plant will be built at Great ?alls, in Chester county, shortly. The machin ry has been bought and coinstructionl work will be launched Immediately. This will give Great Falls Its third textile manufacturing industry. At present it has two plants, known as the- Republic Cotton mills, operating 54,848 spindles and a battery of 1,320 looms. The new plant will be one of the most modernly equipped textile plants. When the third mill is completed it will have a 2,320-loom capacity. It has been rumored for over a year that a new mill would be erected and news that a third plant was to be built has been expected for some time. Gray Cotton Mill Sold. Sprtanburg.--The W. S. Gray Cot tn mills, located at Woodruff, 19 miles south of Spartanburg, in Spar. tanburg county, were sold to a syndi cate composed of H. A. Ligon, Sr.. H. A. Ligon, Jr., of Spartanburg, and M. R. Reaves, of New York city, the amount Involved being between $600,. 000 and $700,000. Announcement of the sale was made, by the A. M. Law company, local stock and bond brok ers, which firm handled the deal. The W. S. Gray compgany was organized In 1907 and is caiized at $580,000. LS REPORTED ORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS folks are going to do in this commun ity-everybody who is able to leave has done so and those who are not are trying to do so. Douglass Glenn, Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Jeter spent last Saturday in Winnsboro. Douglass Glenn, Mrs. McEachern and Miss Clara McMeekin shopped in Columbia one day last week. Mrs. Ejward Pool* from Enoree was a visitor in the community on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hudson spent a night in Mrs. Hudson's old home, some time ago. BETHEL Mr. Editer: We are not dead yet if we have not been heard from lately. Good roads vote on this side of the world went over the top with a whoop. 'The total vote stood 5 to 1 but here it was 50 to 1. We shall have the roads now soon. The vote makes us glad a:nd the road will help our feelings. Farm work moves forward. Grain is beginning to greet the glad eyes of all who look out upon the hills. Truly from a material as well as a spiritual stand point, "we look to the hill from whence came our help. Our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. We are never more sure of that than when we look on the church. Think of the little band of faithful followers at Bethel, 117, in number and having raised over $1400 this year for all purposes. The Sun day school has an enrollment of 160, grdedx from first to last. It wa.z mentioned on the Conference floor at Gaffney as the banner school of the (dpper South Carolina Conference. Think of this school with its women and men ani children and its ladies. Xetj'Thiadiy eysning-the teachers ieglther -bcome-better train ed lm . Obel inonth the Work-. systematie way. The Rev. R. E. Sharp who has been the pastor of Fairfield circuit for four years goes to Prosperity to begin his work in a new field. He will there preach each Sunday in one place. He can better conserve his forces than to be absent some Sundays. The Rev. A. Q. Rice will occupy this field the coming year. He is a charm ing man of splendid family and will do a good work here in this charge. We must cordially commend him +o the hearts of these Fairfield people. Now, Mr. Editor, if you will come down we shall set you up to a nica chicken. Chicken and brains will wo pretty well together. If you have not the one you certainly have the other. We love Fairfield. We love Bethel Cedar Creek, Monticello, and Shiloh churches and all the rest. We are truthful when we say we love even to the "littlest one of them all." MOSSY DALE Looks like the devil is right around my place all the time. The hogs have begun to break out and Beskham 's sows stay on my oats every Sunday, and old Grey has learned the combin ation of the barn lock, and my dog is -never here -when efe is -needed, and I can't run after things as well as 1 used to could. If I call my boy to lielp me he will go to singing of a "hime", just to tempt me. If I use any "on becoming" language he will run to the Stewarts or to the Beckhams and tell them about it-I don't know what in the thunder to do. Sometimes I feel like taking my potatoes and leaving from about here. One other source of annoyance is that Mrs. Mossy Dale has a sister~ who married a preacher. My wife is~ forever saying something about how good he is and how nice he is to his wife, so I have to run myself nearly to eath trying to be good like that preacher. I low sometimes that I wish he would forge a check or steal an automobile or something. Talking about preachers, M. P. Robertson said the other day as he paid his last dollar on preacher's sal ary-that there are so many causes to be contributed to that he would have to stay away from church and try to serve his God the best he couldj without a preacher. I have been asked by a man whose children have attended Greenbrier Sunday school send in the following clipping: Finders' reward.-The following un i(ue notice wvas fixed to a church door recently in England. (tnuner to page four.) GENERAL NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD To Adopt a Permanent Plan of OrganI zation for Submission to the Sev. eral Legislatures. Raleigh.-Governor Cameron Morti son issued a call for the cotton states commission, composed of three repro sentativie of each of the cotton grow lag states to meet at Memphis, Tenn., Monday, December 4, at 1 -o'clock, to adopt a grmanent plAn of organisa tiod'looking 'to the maintenance of the commission for submission to the leg Islatures of the various southern .tate. Aenry C. Wallace, secretary of ag 'ieuture, Governor Morrison announc vd, will be present at the meeting of ties commission, and has designated A. 'L. Quaintance, of the bureau of entamology, and G. S. Mallory, of the bureau of agricultural economics, to attend as representatives of the Unit ed States department of agriculture. The commission had its Inception in an act passed by the legislature of North Carolina in 1891, authorizing the governor of North Carolina to appoint a commission to ict in concert with similar commissions from other cot ton growing states in the formation of a:permanent cotton commission and In pieparation of a uniform plan for the pprovement of the cotton grow Ing bdustry in the South. . "ernor Morrison appointed the aoomission, and siDce that time a sim ilar 4ommission has been appointed by t governor of each cottod grow ing ste. This commission met at New rleans on February 23, and adoifing a plan of organization, re. firreO to the governors of the various states. for ratification, with the unde stan#Ing that upon the completion of the *ratification: the governor of No Carolina should call and appoint a4.~ and place for a meotingto pet% ba for the establishment of the tsion on a permanent basis. It in compliance with this un. ding thatGovernor Morrison * comossion Into session. eft 9t the pico =adndat Aabpia, Arkageas, hlorida,, 'eo Louisiana, Mississippi, Nbrth Carolina, Oklahioma, Suth Carolina, Tnnessee and Texas. Seized Vessels to b eReleased. Washington.-ReleasS of ! orvgZ vesseis seized outside the American three-mile limit with liquor on board, where there is no evidence of com munication with the shore by means of the vessels' own boats, was ordered by Secretary Mellon. The order was contained in instruc. tions sent customs officials at New York, in connection with the Britisb auxiliary schooner M. M. Gardner, seized September 13. According to the official report, seizure of this ves. sel was made outside the three-mile limit, a d while the master admitted unloading part of the cargo beyond the three-mile limit, Mr. Mellon ruled there was no evidence that the vessel was communicating with the shore by means of her own boats or equipment. "Under .these circumistances," thie secretary's order said, "it is the desire of the department of justice that all foreign vessels so seized shall be re leased, and you will be governed ac. cordingly. A report should be made to the department in each instance." Governors Will Meet December 1416, Madison. Wisr-The fourteenth an nual .governors' conference, composed of state governors and governors-elect will meet at White Sulphur Springs, W- Ya., December 14 to -16, Miles C. Riley, secretary of the conference, an. nounced. This year's meeting, Mr. Riley eald, will be unusual in the number of the state executives attending, ana in the importance of problems to &E consider' ed. The conference program Is to be announced later. Thirty-two goirer nors were elected November 7, only eight of the men now in office being returned for another term, Mr. Riley said.. Consumers Urge Child Labor Law. Washington.-Enactment of a Fed eral child labor law that would with-. stand any attack niade on the ground f unconstitutionlality was urged in res. lutions adopted at the annual meeting hero of the National Consumers' lea. Brew Driver Falls on Head of Womar New York. - A half-pound screw driver, which rolled from a window-sill n the nineteenth floor of a Sixth ave ui building, landed on the head ol: firs. Ella Coleman, a passer-by, pene trating her skull. The force accumulated by the smal) tool in its fall knocked Mrs. Colemas to thne sidewalk and her left leg be oame instantly paralyzed. At Bellevui hospital. where he condition was de sctld as critical, it was for~ad the: u-river had ente'-ed h-er head labout tvm inc:hen. INTERESTING WEEKLY NEY FR At the Carolina-Furman foot-ball game in Columbia last Saturday, we sat among the Carolina section of the bleachers. At a critical point in the first quarter, a student yelled, "give 'em hell, Carolina." It was not sur prising that this lurid advice was given for in a crowd of five thousand people one is always in the near neighborhood of a very vulgar fol. The significant thing about It all was the fact that nobody took any excep tions to this particular idiot's langu age. Perhaps five hundred men, wom en and children were within sound of. his blatant voice and not a single man remirded the moron that he had for gotten where he was. The time has been in South Carolina when he would in a surprisingly skilful manner have been thrown over the back of the bleachers. But there was a still more sinister significance in the ineident. The ladies sitting Zroun-1 ,jere not all shocked. They were aniused! Many laughed, not one that we saw fluen ed! And was not this just the rens on that the men did not resent such !ar.guage in the presence of women? No man feels like rebuking another when that other is merely amusing the ladies! If women do not want protection, men will not furnish it. And herein is the danger of the so called "feminist" movement-that women will become rough and un couth like men. "As the husband is, the wife is, thou art mated with a clown, And the grossness of his ature will have weight to drag thee down!" Tennyson spoke >f man and wife, but his poetry has a wider meaifng. Let the barriers between the sekes be torn away-as is being done-end woman will assume man's rudeness, not man woman's gentleness. The fool at the foot-bail game was On Arny the Everett school, Wimfll whidh is Mount Zion in that quart&r of the district-decorated with fall flowers the bronze tablet erected to; the memory of the Mill's heroes Lawrence Smith and Robert Wilson who died in France. It was an im pressive little ceremony. The myriad wheels of the great mill stoped for' five minutes while the school 'child ren paid their tribute to the memory of the two men who died that Amer ica might live. Even big business is learning that it has a heart. The Winnsboro Mills is part of one of the huge corporations of the country, but it was not too big to forget what it owed to men like Smith and Wilson. It was not too big to take part with little children in showing that Amer ica still remembers the -men" who paid the last full measure of devo tion" to make the "world safe for Democracy." This week is test week. Another month's work is being checked up. Will not -the parents examine close ly the reports that will be sent out next week ? If your child has done well, encourage him to keep it up. If he has done ill, show him the er ror of his wa'ys. Pay especial atten tion to his deportment mark. There may be some sexcuse for a bad record as to work, but there -is none for bad behavior. If .you see a four or five on deportment, your child is mised ucating himself. Conduct is, in a genuine sense, more important than books. The girls of the High School have their first basket ball game of the season on ~Ihursday, going to Ker shaw. They have practiced hard, and we expect a victory-and what is more confidently we expect good re orts of their conduct on the trip. Mt. Zion may not win all her -games but she means to keep and enhance e- reputation for sportsmanship. When boys and girls go off on trips, they carry with them the good man ners of themselves, their parents, their town and their school. Guard them every one, boys and girls. You can not afford not to. From far away Boston, out of the office of a great corporation, from the pen of a man whose good opinion any people would go far to obtain, there comes a letter of appreciation f Mount Zion's sportsmanship. All the world loves a good square fight 1. Remember, boys and girls, that eple are watching you, ready to ppjlaud right, honorable conduct an ready t cin ennmn "a yellow rS LETTEIt OM MOUNT ZION INSTITUTE WEEKLY NEWS LE'1TER FROM WINNSBORO MHIL Mr. J. D. Miller, brother of 1rs."D,. E. Fields spent the week-end in our village. Mr. Miller visited the Bap tist Sunday school Sunday morning and led. the singing. Mr. Clarence Freeman, brother-in law of Mrs. D. E. Fields, motored from Lexington, N. C., last Saturday and spent several days in our com munity. Mr. Terrell Freeman, a relative of Mr. Chisenball spent the week-end last week with friends in our village Mrs. Ida Cook, mother of Mrs. G. C. Gibson, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gibson. Mrs. Cook has just returned from a trip to Tex as. She stopped at Memphis, New Orleans, and Birmingham enroute to and from Dallas. Miss Long, of Rock Hill, S. C., has accepted a position as private secre tary to Mr. Cawley in the service de partment. We give Miss Long -a -cor dial welcome to our office family. Perhaps one of the greatest events of our village life and certairby one of the most significant and touching was that of last Friday when just at noon time every child from the mill school (more than two hundred in all) marching in orderly procession and with uncovered head, passed by the memorial tablet at the soutb-side of the mill in honor of two of our own boys who died in the world war and placed a bouquet of flowers under the tablet. Each child and each teacher placed a bunch of flowers. It was a beautiful tribute and it was tenderly . given. In honor of these -two men 'nd out 'of vespec fr thr pi the anill whe41s were tlled vt 'M:4 and'the einloyees of * heliit fIil qatly Wiuoa tmeovezed while ru . siht gawley, mere a fe* veg a~g nd - Var in a -iefmorial piayer. As the dbl ren then filed by infd ;ylaced their flowers under he tablet, Mr. Scar borough, the Dpriheips! of oar school, a a wor'ld war vetiran, addressed the gathering. beelaring that we s'hall never forget the sacrifices of those who -died that we'-might live. Below we give a copy of the Dis tinguished service cross citation of Private Robert Wilson one of the boys from our village: American' Expeditionary Forces United States Army Distinguished Service Cross Citation. - Private Robert Wilson, deceased, Co. I, 118 Infantry distinguished him self by extraordinary heroism in con- - nection with military operations a gainst an armed enemy of the United States at Brancourt, France, on 8th October, 1918 and in recognition of his gallant conduct I have awarded him in the name of the President the Distinguished Service Cross. Awarded on 2nd April, 1919. John J. Pershing, Commander-in-Chief. On last Friday evening there was an enthusiastic meeting of the~ Boys' Club and the Boy Scouts in the Scout hall. Scoutmaster Gibson and Mr. Scarborough, principal of the school, met the boys. The 'interest tin this work has grown so that it has become impossible for one man to handle all of the boys. Mr. Scarborough has a greed to take over the younger boys , while Scoutmaster Gibson carries on the advanced scout work. Mr. Scar borough will have about twenty boys in th~e boys club. Scoutmaster Gib son has decided that for the present he can handle only two patrols ot scouts. As these master their work and are fitted for leadership anoth- - * er patrol can be added. A number of - boys are on the waiting list for this patrol. Two patrols were definitely organized last Friday evening. Pa trol number 1, the Crow patrol has as its leader, Tommie Craft. The . 2 - membership is as follows: Lewis Summers, "Bim Melton, Paul Carn ell, John Braddock, Tommie Craft,, P. L.", Jimmie Hadaway, Lewis Wom-' ble, Fred Rush, Eddie Williams, Ben Sentell and Wallace Roberts. Patrol number 2, the "Bob White" (Continued on page eight) streak", whether it occurs on the -ath letic field or in the class room. "How far that little candle throws its beams So shines a good deed in a naughty world."