OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, March 09, 1887, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1887-03-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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THE NEWS AND HERALD. | tions for new
? _ i fenses the S
VIXSSBOBO, S. C. j dealt
| cow coming
j had r,o parth
WEDNESDAY, MARCH S. : : : 1887. bc madc t0 ?
js. n. Ktesn ilk, ) 5*tie* "^he 1(
y editors. is showir-'T
W. X. XcDOXALD. ) _ " ,
South SIivtlM
The San Francisco Call nominate? ev^n 0Ci
William T. Coleman to succeed Mr. ! C ^P10'
eland, and urges his claims upon !1 ie * *;
? . c the applicati
tiie JL>emocracv in a ieauiug euuunai. i , - - ,
* . _ . | would have
The New York World wonders I J-'rancisco G'
what Henry George would do if some j
one should bequeath hitn a farm? We j judse Hudst
think his action in such ca?e might be
predicted with entire safety. It is: " 1 ? "
very likely that he would at once pro-j ^
ceed to eject whoever might be in pos- j ^ ' ?
sion of the premises, and if the will of 'lulls 01 0
The Judge
his testator should for any reason be
pronounced invalid, of course he could a nu,Ia , ? U'
fall back on the statu quo ante. 1 lic iat. 11
? j, of Col. Rior
Hh is not miich of a public man who a? :.s that of <
is not spoken oi these days in connec-1 to eminence
tioc with the Presidency. The fact genius. Bi<
that a fellow has not been so men- j most entertai
tioned does not of course prove con- {it is also per
clasively that he is a light weight, but to ihe young
taken altogether it is evidence enough the encoura,
to go the iury. The distinction has ample.
been conferred so indiscriminately of Col. Rion j
late that we let! constrained to move Caroliua C<
that the nominations do i.ow close, period of its
That Cleveland is to be the next Presi- ventitious ai<
dent is a foregone conclusion. Xo superior gen
amount of wire-pulling can defeat he carried of
him, and it is the duty of all good peo- intellectual :
pie to bow cheerfully to the inevitable, rival, the b
well, has bee
As exchange asks, "What is the Qf th(J Colleg
relative fighting capacity of the Uni- |n after life L
ted States and Canada?" We are sorry expected
that we are unable to answer the ques- Yyith nianv
tion of oar contemporary. We keep wjtj10nj; jbe
very few statistics in this office. It is esscntjai t0
true that there is a good deal on the pUSVj6(j hi5
subject in the Congressional Record, bis profession
but then nobody would be willing to ^io-hest hono
take a Congressman's word for it.
was uevoiec
Coming at the matter, however, with .uborclinate/
a rough and ready guess, we would be practjce> a
willing to make an affidavit that if wo ^ frjen(j
could get our bank presidents and exairip]e 0'f \
cashiers back from the "Dominion" jajjon>
that we could raise men enough in the
southern part of Rhode Island to clean . .
out the rest. Th
None of the Metropolitan dailies Speaking c
have ever been disposed to mark ^.ee school
Ingalls high iu decorum. The World the sessjon f
has the following direful prophesy rp^e remecj
concerning his future as presiding in our educai
officer of the Senate: plain to ever
There is no reason to believe that the caore 1110
flow ef Mr. IngalFs oratory will be schools?eno
stopped by his elevation to the pro schools open
tern. Presidency of the Senate. He int?e year.
has never permitted himself to be ?. r*lsluo
repressed by dignity yet. He will tax
probably deliver a slump speech with taxes as
the gavel iu bis Land the first ti ..c he n6c6s>sary.
jom'S the growl of the British Lion. f^xof my 1
This would be aterrible catastrophe, "
of coarse, bat it won't happen. Min- j tion of an in
ister Phelps has been stroking the \ Legislature,
lion so gently of late that the beast is \ ?n l^e Pfrt
, , . - [least, with
now and will likely continue for some ! jeP|iI1(r <ph(
time perfectly quiet. j tun to the ii
j It is that sue
The President has nominated one | unfavorably
Trotter, a colored Democrat from J doing a good
Massachutts for Recorder of Deeds j levies for the
for the District of Columbia, and the j abaf^loca1
Senate committee to which the nomi- i prise and loo
nation was referred has reported ad-; for the pro;
i- : common scb
verseiy u?i tuc >a:uc. iuis nunwiivo ; .
that he will prove no more acceptable j j^nev ueedl
to the Senate than Matthews. The j levies* iuioos
Republicans evidently think that there j taxpayers in
is no colored man in the United States We think t
worthy to succeed Fred Douglass, bur. to help the fr
it is highly improbable that the Presi- uol to have <
dent will renominate Fred, and hence porary. It i
the matter will likely continue unset*- the Blair e
tied for an indfinite time. Possibly, Southern pec
however, the suggestion of the 2Tews and want to
and Courier that the Hon. D. Angus- education, w
tns Straker be appointed m: y com- passage of tl
mend itself to the President. representativ
?. The fact shoi
Governor Lee denies the story it was bv D
which has been going the rounds of measure has
the Northern Republican press that his
recent visit to St. Paul and Duluth FtrmerTii
was in conformity with a plan mapped
out by some Democratic leaders to *aimei T
bring his name prominently forward lunt wa\ of
for the Vice-Presidency in 1888. The lanol,a?c is 1
Governor's visit to the Northwest was ^,r- ' t0 samadeatthe
earnest solicitation of the *ieu
party of Richmond capitalists whom vcm*0M (^ecJ
to S<\ Paul and the\ S
Daluth, and was in no wise connected hii> Plantat
with politics or political booms. Talk- them sucil
ing on this subject the other day Gov- ^0l '1S 'etC- ^
ercor Lee said be thought the nomina- no* =00c* tas
tion of a Southern man for the second r^ctolic
place on the ticket would have a happy * at ^ ^
effect, more especially as the South ^iat a ^aim(
has been doing some heavy Demo- ^,e *ast
cratic voting for twenty years for a luJe?f his F
Northern man for President and a the risk ot a
? rhetoric. In
Northern man for Vice-President, -n
the National Democratic Convention ouu
should, for many reasons, decide to ^ ^th
give a Southern man the second place awav from t
upon the ticket," said Governor Lee, espoused no
"there Jare many men whose claims saJ* ^or ^
and qualifications are so tcnch greater I^ns C d
than mine that the matter does not dis- bine" e ?.:>v
turb me in ti.e least. The Convention been told by
will decide what ticket can best win, ^ "Ring"
and I am for that ticket." worYed"Tf'
The Sins of the Father. ^at ^vhe"
ravrner deles
Th* Richmond CVa.") Dispatch tauntingly, 1
thinks it is a littie hard on the South- e 11 h
ern people that the Government shouid yp0n theirin
pay out nearly a hundred millions over or be n
of dollars a year in pensions and near- not be led
ly all of it to persons living in the ^ou"
Northern States. A considerable por- "leader"and
tion ??f the revenue comes from the who said it.
S-?uih?-rii people, but tin- bulk <>t it i> make* this st
iUtribur-d among th?* people or iln- of those f;ii
N ? h. Tti?* trfci wiiicii-iu?- Ijizpr'tch b<??'Z!ed?' and
w.f one ' t-K- iv.-uits *.>! tue (,je ouaht r<> si
tta:, lr-Mn TV liiui; i! i? in>t VlTV euSV to ! : ;,n it be j
?*>Ciipr. The d:.<abled veterans of the man *'kne\v
Union aruiy uius*. be provided tur, bui he won'd woi
the Government caunot make the same.
provision for the veterans of the army Hill's ]
that sought t<? destroy the Union. The I -> \'*ry be
Government may refrain from inflict- 'Dyij^psi
in?j puuishinenr, but it cannot reward scribed by ai! t
rebellion. There *s one wav in which *re^test family
Gentle and e
a portion of the surplus may be dis- ant to take. do<
tributed in the South without placing Neve- failing
. r 0 females.
Confederate veterans on the same One trial will
standing in the matter of pennons as WIi!
Union veterans. In the appropria- McMastcr, B:
vessels and for coast de- An Olive Branch. he had tak
otith should be liberally whatever mav ^7be resaIt of Mill. brandy, v
The generation that is ister phe]ps,s -effo,t3 in behalf of medicinal
upon the stage of action American fishermen, he has scored He neve
> the rfthfilliou. and shoula x v _-n _?j and rarelj
iffer as little for it as pos- \ ?"e lnumPu Ulitl win euueai- mm Lv ,
>yaJty to the Union which Atomaniacs among his country-1 never use
itself in all parts of the T"' a"d w.in for hira the plaudits of;the meanii
1 be encouraged bv fair * os? meiicans to whom a "presen- ! Grful illust
ncrous treatment. If we tati.0n at ^0art" ^ an honor for which trol> one nr
table to have 'been loval th&1f ?yrn -country bolds no parallel. an<* drinki
FinrHnor thp annlinarions for nresen- ing Gen. I
we might see what effect "" " ~r * ? ,
on of the same Drinciple f10" at Court increadno' Mr- Phelps I During
upon the South.?/San ?rou?ht the s?bJ'c? to the attention of; gaest in
,jXI Lord Chamberlain. The result of his 1 ho?f> a fas
m intervention is given in this extract ture> ^v'e<
? ? Article on Col. Rio? f' rirealar late1-1' i,5ul!d from the ! Robert, w
-Legation: control am
nduy Hews of March 6, It has been most kindlv intimated in i He made r
fhot A mom. I hnf lift fftfi
?n has a very entertaining ucuaji AACt , _ ....
? his recollee- X,TrBri.fsh **"?
James H. Kion. ceived at Court, may be presented j bedsu!e>
's sketch is in every way through the United States Legation, jttle penitei
:)d every one wiil wish in other words, as that accomplished ne?ce had
aade it longer. The story courtier, the Tribune correspondent, of the
i's life is worth relating, states it: "What the Queen has done youthful %
jvery man who has risen *5 t0 Put Americans on equal terms he was ^ea
by the force of superior w^h her own subjects; she could EarnestI
ography is perhaps the hardly- do more." Certainly not. The of acquir
ining of ail reading, and inestimable privilege of courtesyiog urged him
haps the most profitable Jo^, in a decollete dress, before Her C0l"'se of
orlr} Ko?L-,*n<r nnt in nc crnnrl host prODii
ana aspiring, wno new i ^c^.w..0 ??*... o
gement of successful ex- order as the train will permit,?is a | Yet this
boon that many of our fair country- i affec*ionat
matriculated at the South women will no donbt appreciate. it "good}'."
>llege in the proudest is worth a good *.-oal to be able to Korse Hai
history; and without ad- show the slips and sprigs and withered '"herited
3, by the simple force of old trees of British aristocracy that chose t
ins and patient industry, American ladies, by virtue of their j an(i ^nd
? I-:-.--., u I ritizenshiD in a countrv where "every j choice.
L ItS HJgUCSl IJUIIUia. jjuo j 1
triumph over bis gifted I ma<1 is a sovereign," are just as good ! entei
rilJiaut Robert W. Barn- as ladies with titles and ever so many ei?ftteen,.<
ome one of the traditions ancestors. " and, dari
e. Nor was his success As Mere must be reciprocity in in- ,lfe? did '
2ss than would naturally ler national courtesies, Minister Phelps **01' an3" b
from such a beginning, should be directed by Mr. Bayard to \
obstacles to overcome, sa.v t^at all British maids or dames catingb"qn
gifts of the orator, so "?* respectable character" will be re- wbl'ch a
success at the bar, be ceivcdat the White House "on equal tillccl? and
way to the front rank of terms" with our own citizens. That motljei" co
ii. He won and wore its *s t0 sqy> may "join the proces- Lads w
rs. A typical lawyer, he sioii?' and shake hands with the Presi- ?00(3? antl
- ?-- j dent and his beautiful and amiable jt0 ljarm01
i iu ins pi'uiessiuu, itnu j ?
t all other matters toils w^e> Just as freely as a citizen of Pure? not)l
patriotic citizen, a faith- -^ew Yoak, or Oshkosh or Podurk. Lee.?"i 01
an indulgent father, the social barriers thus being put (
lis life is worthy of emu- on a ^eve^> Senator Itigalls may chain
story cannot be too often UP his doos of war. The lion tatl- 1,1 genei
twister's occupation is gone.?Nexo deal with
- York World. terms of I
e i'ree Schools. ** buyer and
liord Wolseley on Gen. Lee. cannot m
>f the great trouble of the t , 77 . ? cra;n ;s n
u t e Gen. Lord Wolselev, the command- ] *? 0
I Grievance
svsiurn, iuc siiuiuicss ui ing Qenerai 0f the British army, nas ~
heColumbiaRecord says: just published in MacMillan's Maga- -NoIaw
>' for this glaring defect . a? article 011 Gen_ R. E. Lee. his wares
tional facilities is of course , ?? , , ? cents a po
ybody. It lies in provid- Lord Wolselev was persona.ly ac- sejjjno. j
ney for the support of the qnainted with Gen. Lee; he visited *
ugh more to keep all the him during the war of secession at his 01 1
toi at least nine mouths headquarters, and being himself a ?omPfe ^
Tnere are but two means ? . , the cmpk
is money?by increasing military man, and a careful and con- j olj|j(re Qne
, or by the levy of local temporaneous student of our treat", .
csc latter may be found struggle, his opinion upon the men j 'L,.065 "C
I?he fir^t expedient is out an(] the measures of the war will be j ^leai
ion. The constitutional , . 4 ... ,, . to be mac
ii!ls is not a very popular S0uoht by an intelligent world ; ^ are
he State, and the sugges- who are always ready fo hear the tes-; *
crease, to be made by the tirnonv of so eminent and disinterest- ?p (
has.ilrp.inlv hpp.n rftfteirftd. , _ to Speak 0
_f 11 wu::ess wno cmi uuvc uu uiuuvu ,
of .he newspapers at . . , .. , : general pr
a great show of adverse for flying- the facts of history. | ^ *
;re is, ideed, one objec- Lord Wolseley's praise of Gen. Lee | '
ucrea.se ol the State tax. i? unstinted. He compares him to "u^5Vn as
Marlborough, the greatest of all tbe ;, 4 Pers
m communities already _ . . , ? ; ? form the c
part in th<? way of local Bntish capiams: ; vjrtuajjy a
i schools. It, would be a They were gifted with the same j , . o
th^se communities to military instinct, the same genius for j u'hole pul
interest and local enter- war, the power of fascinating those i the exclus
k to the State altogether with whom they were associated, (lie ; with whoi
per maintenance of their spell which they cast over their sol- ; at least <
ools. The best way, the diers who believed almost supersti- j. '
?u_ 1 fmntlv in thoir cpvfftintv Of vififcorv. I bCtWCl
iv reuse uie uuuiuuizu.1 | *?? ?uv?.
id is by local taxation? Their contempt of danger and their j charges fo
ed by the action of the daring courage constitute a parallel ; press co
a school district. that is difficult to equal between any i man>s VQ
:hat there is another way othcr txv0 =reat men of modern times. man,?
ee schools, which seems 11 is evident that in the estimation coachb *
occurred to our coutern- of Lord Wolseley Gen. Lee is entitled j curr^un
s to get Congress to pass t0 raijk with the ver>* greatest military ; .fg ^ 1
ducational bill. If the beroes of history?with Marlborough, | 30uabI ar
>ple are real:. earnest with Caesar, with Cromwell, with j ^ ^
do something tor public Bonaparte: ; ^
hv dothev notdemand the !, When aI1 thc anSlT feelings roused
,;o k;ii ~ *1 by ?he secession are buried with those : ' oeeu (
. 10w their J which existed when the Declaration of i volume, a
es why it is not passed." j independence was written; when j pletely iu
ild not be forgotten ?hat j Americans can review the history ot'j interestin<
emocratic votes that the } *heir ks* =reat rebellion with calm j } J
i _ l ~ ~ a r * j impartiality, i oeneve an wm aamn i
been heretofore uefeated. tj)at ^jcn> jLce towered far above all of Congrc
" men on cither side in that struggle. I in the cc
iiman ami the Farmers. believe he will be regarded not only as tween Sta
the most prominent figure of the nine- ? ,
'illman has a decidedly teenth century, whose statue is well under
'speaking of farmers. His worthy to stand on an equal pedestal common
sometimes "imparliamen- K?"ffe Serre cer
. * . memory is equally worthy to be en- conv-pvino
tre jver> least about it. shri-ied in the hearts of all his conn- , . ~
srs in a Democratic con- try men. j e 1,eas01'
ine to "combine" as he It l as been said that the opinion of mast be n
>?u 1-- i?... ^ ,n ....?1 excessive!
IlUlllU, lie UtJiJWJS lU 5IIUW Ul^lllLL'lCSa'U iuicigiici uiar uc lciiy^u
ion manners" and treat as a forecast of the judgment of pos- as. *njUI
epithets as "poor green- terity. And this is probably true. mun,t.v as
Chore is very little use, and Englishmen for along time thought In then
te at all, in indulging in that Wellington was greater than iesP?n^in;
; as this. It would seem Napoleon, but posterity found out the *"ora^ Pei
pass now in this State, truth. And so will the North yet t0 ie<lu^'c
;r who refused to accept learn that Gen. Grant's best claim to Por-s a cai
saic dispensation as the fame arises from the fact that he over- th?usan^ :
>olicical faith, does so at come, by force of superior numbers, carrJ' one
shower of unwholesome etc., the hero of the Army of North- tance *"or
hL-> last letter in replv to. ern Virginia. '
, r rp*n " freight m
lans, Mr. Tillman says:
the politician I am charg- rare and 3laniy. quire la
? I would have remained amount, v
~L_ /> j f finn V T.on \r?a a thftnorhf. hnndvprl
.lie OIUIU l/UUVeilUUII U1JU v*w?. ?, ?. ?~
man's candidacy. Bnt I ful boy, for his mother had-taught him charged n
:ie benefit of those farmers to practice self-denial and self-control, Again, I
bamboozled bv it last , . . ... r
who would not "com antl t0 be economical in expending against f
body, that I have siuce money. His father's death, when the For while
a leader and manager of boy was but eleven years of age, made reduce its
party in Columbia that a ?*]ittle man." He did the mar- notice, it i
t was a lie, bat that thev . . , . , ~ ,
>r al! it was worth,' and ketl11^ manfl?ed out-door affairs, and has given
lat failed to stampede a looked after comfort of his invalid necessity
ration they would ask mother. As soon as school nad closed tariff for
'How has Tillman or- for n00n recess, he rushed awav the compa
to vote?-7 and the poor ? . , ,, . \ f. .
esenting this imputation fro * the freheksome boys, and hnrned on fnvolo
dependence, would come hone to arrange for his mothers daily rary purp
inrft than Rvr?r resolved rirJn Vnitnir as he was. he carried The mc
by "Tillman's dictation." ^ei- t0 the ~ carriage, arranged tbe all is that
question is who is the cnshions, and seating himself by her short hau
"manager" of the "Ring" s!de, tried to entertain her, gravely prevent d
"When farmer Tillman reminding her thai the ride would fail in opposii
ateinent tor the "benefit 10 benefit her unless she was cheerful, clauses pt
msrs who were bam- "Robert is both a son and a daugh- persons.
would not "combine", ter t?> me," the mother used to say. j cult and c
rate wiio old him. He Wa< the m<>>t methodical of inan- | other, and
r?_ i _ ii r rr?;ii - ? I ^ ?
imii. iarincr mi- j aucr-, una the neatest oi nouseKeepers. nrsi aiiKUi
ii wa? a lie, but thought | Unlike many boys, he did not think it and requi
i-1 it for all it was worth?"' beneath him to attend to details, or to principle
,B> ? do little things with as much careful- can be fou
Elepatic Panacea ne*s as if they were large. While Here, a<
st remedy c\ offered for j studying1 conic sections, he drew the jury may
L?ndC?cf Head"ci1lnd P?S diagrams on a slate. Though he knew of a city
he leading pnysicians as the the one he was drawing would be j and from
ffectlveln its pleas- ?>toed out to mak- room for another, | that shall
is not purge oi .. he drew it with as much accuracy and work une
I to great a benefit delicate neatness as if it were to be engraved, or wholly
<vmvinrf> Tf nnt After his return from the Mexican It shoul
berefur/led. Only 50 cents warj iijs wife on opening his trunk law appli
rice & Ketchm. found in it every article of clothing on by raili
t ~
en with hitn, aud a bottle of States. But in each of the States the ffiMP
irhich had been put in for railroads are subject to the law of vvItIT
use,unopened. common carriers; and though the BAV1,
r drank brandy or whiskey, statute provisions are in few cases so flV1A
r a glass of wine, and he stringent as is the national law, the GRANT
d tobacco. To apprehend general principles now apply to all BU3IF0
ig of this fact, and its pow- the railroads of the country.?Youth's wavpo
ration of the lad's self-con- Companion.
lust reeall the rollickins life - M EEDHE
t \r- 'j McMaster's Sure Care
ng customs of Virgima dor- orCoaol;Si Co]dS) CHAM
jee's boyhood and youth. oore Tin oat, Bronchitis, AMAZO
a school vacation, he was a And a^' (l';s^ses. ?f (lie pulmonary organs^
. , ' Trv,u Jicjuaswr, i5rice ana jveicum. - CLEYE]
a country house, where the 3
scinatin^ gentleman Of cul- The Devil after Zeb Vance. PIONEI
i a gav, wild life. Young Senator Vance is a thorough Demo.
. . v . . , t ,f crat in everv sense. He converses vaau,...
ho had been trained to celf- wjt^ fellow citizens in the humblest or pjj
cl 'df-denial, was shocked. walks of life with as much livliness as
io comment on what he saw, | he exhibits at a Presidential reception. SNOTf J
ased to join in the revels. ; -^s abounding humor is elicited by LEWIS'
i-i Ut r- the slightest occasion. The other afpo
ei ebuke bi ought to his ^ernoon he was riding in a herdic down PEARL
ic night before his departure, from the capitol in company with four Tr-pr-Trr
it host. The youth's absti- or five other Senators. A newsboy HECKt
shamed bim, and he, a man jumped on the vehicle and offered, the GILLE1
..i/i ^ r j. u- evening papers. Senator Vance, wuh
lid, came to confess to his a merry twinkle in his eve, when the ANDRE
fuest sorrow for the wild life paper was handed hiin, said:
cling. "Sonny, I can't read." Jiuuu
v he warned him to beware The looked at him hard and of- BU3LF0
: , ...., , ... , fered his papers to the other Senators.
in_, drinking habits, and jQSt as was rca(jy t?> step out of the
to persist in his temperate berdic he shook his finger at Vance
life. On leaving him, the and said: ^
!sed he would try to reform. "The devil will get you for lying, As to*
methodical, self-controlled, v <f;,ere was a general laugh in which open mar
e, serviceable boy was no the North Carolina Senator heartily of tartar
He was the soil of "Light- joined. He called the boy back and; pnosp&at
rv" of the Revolution, ana reached in his P00^4 ^01'bls f j
,. , , . i but the little rascal had darted ott to
his father's martial spirit. ?nd a fresh victim.?TKasA. Critic. ?Ib
he army for his profession, *? :? the mark
s and relaiives approved the where the 202<] G nd,Timc stance.
The Two-hundred and-second Grand ,(t v
Monthly Distribution of the Louisiana it Is com]
red West Point at the age of State Lottery will take place at >.ew Orgraduated
second in his class. !???. ?}...<!? Tuesday, MarcaW,, 1887, ^
^ ; > when $535,000 will De scattered an ovei theViem
ng the four years of cadet the world in sums from ?150,000 down- America:
not receive a demerit mark yard. Tickets cost $10; terths. $1. For No o
, - , , information, apply to JtL A. Dauphin, A ew versal er
ireach of rules or neglect of Orleans, La. * Health a]
avoided tobacco and intoxi- ? vote.
, The Verdict Unanimous.
iors, never uttered a word to w D Sult> Druggist, Bippus, Ind., tes- ^owde?,
woman might not have lis- tifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters A pound
never did a deed which his as the very best remedy. Every bottle
,, sold has given relief in every case. One Prof. Scl
uld not have approved. man took six bottles, and was cured of Powder!
ho think it effeminate to be Rheumatism of ten yeare* standing." m0reth3
, . . , . , - Abraham Hare, Druggist, Bellville, Ohio, t...nn
manly to be bad, are asked affirms: "The best sellincr medicine I have . .
lize their notions with the ever handled in my twenty years' expe- lair-imnc
P hovhnAdAffipn rience, is Electric Bitters." 1 housands of * vr.
e Do> noodot ten. Kobert E. others> havft. added their testimony, so that 0f stren*
ith's Companion. the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bit- Jngthati
? ters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kid- ?re to be
Common Cairiew. neys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle
at ilcilaster, Brice & Ketchin's Dru# _ ral,
men have the right to Store. * AJ
whom they please, and on p v-m t? 7 > t> t> T ^t7
Iheir own making. If the .TilM JL JljJaJl rtJLoJu
^.. xi 1
iiic seiier, or me empioyeu,
forces the butterman to sell
to you for less than forty Y~\
und, although you know he Vv/ ,
t to your liext-door neigh- for Chopping Sausage Meat, Mince
irtv-five cents. No law can Meat, Hamburg Steak, Beef Tea, Hash,
. , .. . , Hogshead Cheese, Tnpe, Codfish, Chicken
man against his will to enter Sal?d> puiverizing Crackers: mashing Po>y
of another; nor can it tatoes, etc. , T7\rTTT?V
* .. . Enterprise Coffee Mills, Wood Pulp iSV MI
< man to hire another whom wJter Pails, warranted not to swell or
>t wish to hire. shrink, and will not taint water or milk.
re son* apparent exceptions FiXiC^0rgsFS^ and S?o0velt and many REDUCTIp
le ro tnese statements, out other novelties for the convenience 01 KECKL
so unimportant that we do housekeeping.;
) mention them, but pass on
f one great exception to the STOVES
inciple of individual liberty
dealings. This is what i3 , , c. ~
, , ? . . Cheap and good Stoves. Repairs for TO T>r "T
the law ot common carriers, stoves on hand or obtained at short notice. jpxvE-CE>'
on who undertakes to per- Fhre Backs, ?1.00 to ?1.2o; Grates, $1.00 to explain.
$125 etc '
lulies of a common carrier^ '
.grees to do business for the I AnotherTot of Corn Poppers. ? --
blic, and therefore gives up a 3-strin? Velvet Hurl Broom for 2"c.
ivc privilege of determining Spokes, Rims, Hubs, Poles, Shafts, ]Seclc
n he will'leal, and, partially Yokes, Etc.
iso the right of discriminate j jj CUHM1NGS
211 customers in the matter of .
r his services. Thus an ex- "llTTlTfr 1 TITJTTf AT ^
mpany cannot sav, "This | \J H W A K M I V A I .iN
oJs we will convey; that | 11 LI? ililill ? flilL...
ds we will not." The stageearn
boat, or railroad mus * ? ITTlTITn
der suitable regulations of! !\1 ll Inl \
naking, which must be rea- ! THURBER'S 34 and 41 COFFEES, I MHO
id fair to all?every person
.. , ? Sugars, different brands,
irs the regular fare.
of common carriers, as it Kice, different grades, PUBLISI
developed, woull fill & large ' x r
, , . , Heckcr's Oatmeal and Fnnna, Aj
ud cannot be explained coma
single article. But it is Ilecker's Fine Flour and Buckwheat,
j just at this time, because ? _ . . , ? , onv
., . , Frunes, Raisms and Currants,
inter-State Commerce Act SXt'
sss has brought all railroads Cann& Goods ofjevery kind,;
>untrv doing a .business be- . , , ??*,?'
? Mackerel and Codfish,
tes under its operation, |
that Jaw the railroads, as New Orleans Syrups,
carriers, are required to ob- _
tain rules. Their rates for vMeal, Bacor a?? Lanl. Tri-Week3
passengers and freight must JUST RECEIVED. Weekly, able.
That is to sav, they
either excessively hiffh nor CR0I> GARDE;sT with Subset
y low: for a low rate might many other -oods, ail of which will be paper>
ious to one part of the com- so'd at the lowest prices for cash only at :nfr.rrn?f.:
one too high. 8. 5. WOLFE'S. jn wh^h
ext place, the rate--, for cor- _ ^ ^?'?rn, T r; .. ^ ,
g service must be the same 18/0. PHE 18'S/. }OU
sous. It would not be fair cede its
that a railroad which transt
r-load of ten tons of iron one ^ T^.T^TiT -SAMPLE
pound of iron the same disa
quarter of a cent, which
its proportional share of the I have in stock the best asio?ey.
Bat it is just to re- sortment of pure Imported _ ? .
t for carrying the same , ^ .. T iflQ
?hether it be'one poaud or a and Domestic Liquors in Fair- J Ul> J
car-loads, A shail not he field County. My friends and
iore than B. the public a? e very respect:he
public is to be protected fully requested to call and see Havin:
i-onnonf <?Kant?oc nf rotoo C- j_1 C 1
Ior tncmscivcs. vjuuuj suiu qi qur 1
a railroad corporation may warranted as represented or are now
charges at ,any time without r . *
:annot increase them nntil it ^ t kinds
thirty days'" notice. The l\/Ff|N?V . II J uPon
of maintaining a reduced i Hill Mill*i/if . at the lo,
at least a month will deter , . "We will
nies from making redactions I have in stock everything list on at)
as pretexts and for tempo- in my line, from the best Im- , ,i~,
oses. ported Champagne and Bran- an e j
?st important prohibition of rfy, to common Plantation same as
contained in the "long and Whiskv an^
I" clause. Its object is to ALSO kind in
iscrimination in favor of or your ord
tion to places, as the other j The best stock of Cigars,
ohibit discrimination as to Tobacco, &C., &C. Give me
This is a much more diffi- a ca}}>
implicated matter than the ' yetv respectfully,
it is quite possible that the T,r "TT * Tr^vrTrUT
pt in this direction mav fail, * * VV * ^ V, 1 ,
re modification. But the Opposite Postofhce and Depot.
is certainly right, if a way DISSOLUTION NOTICE. ..
nd to enforce it. rpHE undersigned having dissolved by CSTI lC?t
jain, qnite as serious an in- JL mutual agreement the partnersh p
be inflicted upon the trade tre y "f^eYo- of any
bv too low freight rates to ticc Lu parties indebted to said firm that - *
itself. To mate regulation they can settle> adVeitl!
. ncss at any time on or betore tne lotn ox
always do justice and never October next. After that date their notes,
qually, however, is almost accounts and other evidences of indebted- p3pCi 5
... ness will be put into the hands of an at- _
irnnnssihlp. - * I ? ^ U
?-r ujrxiej iui wutvww. _
Id be understood that this c. E. LEITNER. 2t?w?*af
es only to business carried january 6,1887. 10
roads between two or more J Jan25tx6m ! ??
L (Absolutely Pen:}..
'S (Aicm Powder)*.
ED'S, whea fresh..
UJ/ )VUU U&9U*.. ^
ad's rahhhhb
. (Alum Powder)#...
n' (Alum Powder) *
lan d's<3hortwt ioz. )2|?3ibb?9bshr^efll
!e a?
flake (giors)... rnirrwfi?
wm i a mi
a ?/-? MTt*a PA ^
(CoDUJm Alum.;
Powder sold loose) H
ED'S, when not fresh
ive tested a package of Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased in th<
ket, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a crean
powder of a high decree of merit, and does not contain either alum o:
es, or other injurious substances. E. G. Love, Ph.D."
s a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure.
44 H. A. Mott, Ph-D."
ave examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself 1
et. I find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other injurious sut
Hexuy Mobtox, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of Technology.1
ave analyzed a package of Royal Baking Powder. The materials of whic
posed are pure and wholesome. S. Daxa. Hates, State Assayer, Mass.1
Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors a
la World's Exposition, 1873; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876; at'th
i Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout the country.
ther article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, aad Tin!
idorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, and Boards c
LI over the world.
?The above Diagram: illustrate* the comparative worth of various Bakfn,
, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiment? made by Prof. Schedlei
can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume J
calculated, the result being as indicated. This practical test for worth b
ledler only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Bakin
mows by practical experience, that, while it costs a few cents per poun
n ordinary kinds, it 1b far more economical, and, besides, affords the advai
)etter work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convince an
led person of these facts.
hile the diagram shows some of the alum powders to be of a higher degre
jth than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken as indicai
they have any value. All alum powders, no matter how high their strength
avoided aa dangerous.
p. j/VlLLIFORD (jjCo.'S,
V >vN .ilv lY One fine SINGER SEWING- MACHINE witk the
L ~AI: UjJ i^AUNDRY SOAP in town. Call at our Grocery ant
Oshsi 1844 f io Qaiits By
; JL sentiment you know in asking 1
j ray tailor-made suits and my low j
; It's to your own interest. You v
HTiri Mi'iiA! II gamers oy it in tne sausiacwim u.
J j11? H H K A I -1 wear and the secyrity of ray guar;
0(111 1 III]? LilJlJj i^ts bevond the ability of an cxp
cloth to" know what is in it by look
| it. Only one of long experience
j work knows cow to ferrit out whetn
clothing is carefuily made. You ma
IED TBI-WEEKLY i judge or may not. I take both risks
yf*i\ nr n n i / f v" ! your shoulders.
INJJ \V iLXLi-bk-J-j I. ; It's the fairest bargain I know?to
, you sure of the quality and the worl
. . . you plainly what sort it is, and mat
r paper published 111 feel safe in trading here.
Pnnnh; Can you fare 48 wcl1 33 t,ut an3*w
tile V^ount} . Jould I do it if I did not have confi
in the manufacturers that make
. tailor-madt garments? You shoot w
the mark and miss getting the b<
Sour money if you buy without seeii
eautiful stock of clothing,- and w
sells at
y,-- $3.00 ill advance, j TO THE MOTHER!
-| rri u ? I
j..o\j j Do not ne?jlcet this opportunity. I
I received a quantity of knee pants
ihf? fnr vnnr CVmnfv from fl,ur .Vt'ars to eleven years, and
idc ioi v our bouncy t wilI gl) at a price thu win !ist,>llish v,
It o-ives VOll ali the 1 you will liavo hard work to keep
:=> * . jy- . I buying them. I will not name t!?*OH
concerning' ailairs here, but prefer vou shouM call a:
i-rtii iiiJVf* ^ n infer^f fiiests suits .tin: learn tut* price. 1
V OU na\ e an interest, ^ opportunity you will !iav<
will be apt to con- =>e-iSOK to .secure a bar^.dn for a m.'ie
, r . , | \o such bargains ever offered in trn
ivorth upon trial. ; before. These suits are well madi
i cut in the latest style. Now, don't
r'APV QTivrr /^yr i -f^ | until the last moment and expect t
L/Ul 1 oiiiiN 1 UJN Air- your choice. If you do you wil! m
PT.TP a TT(W i for these suits will go with a rush. 1
i i i.i?? nff/ipifvi
j you are nere uk iu see mc i/joutwji
I and DEAN Suits, the latest novelti
' | boys' suits.
a *% i-rrm You wil1 the latest styles.
n ! P a K Tlffl ! YEOMAN and the DUNLAP BLOC
UlSl alt JL Xrl JJ 11 X s ; among the novelties in this line. Ju
; ceived a line of silk hats?Broadway
I am the agent for the celebrated D
Silk and Stiff Hats.
2f increased the force SHOES.
ob Department, we This line of eoods must bft seen
nrpmrprl tn pvpnifc appreciated. All the leading styl.
preparea lO execute gne gents' shoes can be found here.
of job work neatly, VVaukenphast and Broadway lasts a:
J . /.7 favorites. Call and see this majjm
shortest notice, and stock of Clothing, Gents' Furni
tinnA* t*ir> h?fnr?> vaii r>ureha.<w
.vest possible tlgllie. where. You will save^time^audmon
gladly furnish price- trading here. Ke^pectfuHj-,
plication, and guar- ' col^biJs
it you will find the . ?
ow, if not lower, than ? x xl vr
establishment of the HflllfStflllf |7 fill (fa
the State. Send in ?
rrnmTr>rnp ** the reJU*-ers oJ The News
r H K ! ISH KS Hebald, and the public generally, t<
in mind that we \> constantly on
~ i. a choice and select stock of Family C
HI tne CX3Ct cost lies, and will sell them at the
lm/? nf /i jotr T>V T^TP
"*4V V* , AJ*J w JCJ& JL zju.iViAmerican
, j)ave just receiVed fresh Buckv
L. 7 3 * Flour, Oatmeal. Corn-starch, Pi<
DV aaareKing Sauces, and a general a>s:>rtmen
J Canred Goods, together with a full
1 T? r\*sfial1 I rs ot Heavy Groceries. We always ke
-CN-vJ W *?il hand Corn, Oats and Lime.
k*e Ad-rM*i?u>f " ' Remember that our terms are st
itom St, m?w T?*. CASH and govern youreelvesaroord
? ftrr JaniO- 3dcCAI\LEY & <
I ? i
On and after this date we
will offer our entire stock of/ H
Ladies' New Markets, Rus- I
sian Circulars, Short WrapSi^
Jackets, etc.,
"f You will find an elegant lot
of these goods at a
I Unheard of Prices. I
11 We are now offering bar|
gains in all lines.
& ?
' mm s. BLiiMSTjL I
u Call and examine our stock
? of BLANKETS. They are M
and it will pay to call and
price them. fl
itf We have on hand a lot oiM
good work Horses and a few
good, smooth young Mai^
Also, a lot of well-b
Farm Mules, all of whic
jest offer to the public at pfl
>ricesy that will
rill be
ert 111
ing at
ertho cau and see us before buying,
vbea and see if we are not pricing 9|^H
i from , . - r &
them right.
a. willifobd <fc sox,
;e you winnsbobo. s. c.
dence the celebrated
nast and Hnst PAnnlni> Hjtar.
The * ing Machine
Note some of its Most Excellent Point?
P he Above Cut.
to be R. W. PHILLIPS,
5$Thf Nov2tx6in WINNSBORO, S. C.
ey by
vv in uuy cuvugii ui
(Needing no Varnish) to paint
a Bu^or.
I o OJ
ASK | g
| Call at the Drug Store of M
band fl
Iroce-! 4H
W. E.AIKEN. >|
JL COTTON SEED (I expect ihe purest
rheat in the county) that I will sell at Thirty
;kles. Cents per bushel at ray gin-house, or will
t of exchange one bushel "for two of common
stock seed. It is certainly the best cotton I have
ep on ever seen; has yielded forme forty per
cent, of lint cotton.
xictly J. K DAVIS.
ingly. Montieello, S. C., February 7,1887* 4
CO. Feb8fxlawtf ' J

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