ff~ i H*C?. ftTlll HII 'II1 II ' LIFE'S SPRINGTIME] ' " . .?__ i C Dr. TaJmage's Sermon Recalls i i Scenes of Youth. s ;' i PARENTS WRITING HISTORY, i 11 He Draws a Vivid Picture of Two i * ? ] Contrasting Homes. A Man's t < True Character Comes Out .. { at the Fireside. Manv tender recollections were stirred by Dr. Talmage's discourse at Wash- ] ington last Sunday, and scenes of boy- < hood and girlhood days will be lived i over again; ter.t, I Timothy v, 4, "Let ? them learn first to show piety at home." ' During the summer months the ten- : d?nc-y is to the fields; to visitation, to " foreign travel and the watering places, and the ocean steamers are thronged, but in the winter it is rather to gather 1 in domestic circles, and during these- ; months we spend many of the hours : within doors, and the apostle comes to us and says that we ought to exercise Christian behavior amid all'such eir/?T)Tnsfans_ "Let them learn first to show piety." There are a great many people longing for some grand sphere in which to ' serve God. 'They admire Luther at , die diet of Worms and only wish that they tad some such great opportunity in which to display their Christian prowess. They admire Paul making Felix tremble, and they only wish that they had some such grand occasion in which to preach righteousness temperance and judgment to come. All they vraBt is c an opportunity to exhibit their ChrisVnw the aDostle oracti cally says: "I mil show you a place where you can exhibit all that is grand |. and beautifal and glorious in Christian ^ character, aad that is the domestic circle. Let them learn first to show piety at home." If one is not faithful io an insignificant sphere, he will not be faithful in a resounding sphere. If Feter will not help the cripple at the gate of the temple, he will never be able to , preach 3,000 into the kingdom at the Pentecost, If Paul will not take pains to instruct in the way of salvation the jailer of the Philippian dungeon, he will never make Felix tremble. He who is not faithful in a skirmish would not be faithful in an Armageddon. The fact is, we are placed in just the posi tion m wincii we can most granaiy serve God, and we ought not to be chiefly thoughtful about some sphere of usefulness wliich we may after awhile gain, but the all absorbing question with you and with me ought to be, "Lord, what wilt thou have me now and here to do?" There is one word in St. Paul's adjuration around which the most of our tkhaifflita trill rpvnlrp That word is "home." Ask ten different men the meaning of that word, and.they will give you ten different definitions. To one it means love at the hearth, plenty at the table, industry at the workstand, intelligence at the books, devotion at the that household discord neycr sounds its warwhoop and decep tion never tricks with its false face. X . To him it means a greeting at the door ^ , and a smile at the chair, peace hover- , ing like wings, joy clappiDg its hands with laughter. Life is a tranquil lake. Pillowed, on the ripples sleep the shadows. Ask another man what home is, and he will tell you it is want looking i, * out of a cheerless fire grate, kneading hunger in an empty bread tray. The damp air shivering with-curses. No Bible on the shelf. Children robbers j . aod murderers in * ibryo. Obscene ; -- sAnms their Inlla' farSp n Tvif? ? ?v ? T J tare of ruin. W ,. in the background j and sin staring irom the front. No j Sabbath wave rolling over that doorsill. ] .ob Vestibule of the pit/ Shadow of in- i fernal walls. Furnace for forging ever- ' lasting chains, Fagots for an unend- ; ing funeral pile. Awful word. It is j spelled with curses, it weeps with ruin, ] it chokes with woe, it swears with the < death agony of despair. The word < :home" in the one case means every- ] thing bright. The word3 "home" .in < the other case means everything terrific., i I shall speak now-of home as a "test < of character, home as a refuge, home as i a political safeguard, home as a sehool t aDd home as a type of heaven. And in < the first plaee home is a powerful test 1 of character. The'disposition in pub- i lie may be in gay costunfe, while in s private it is dishabille. As play actors < , ^ may sppear in one way on the stage and j may appear in another way bnd the i scenes, so^rivate character may be very '< different from public character. Pri- ( vate character is often public character 1 tamed wrong side out A man may re . j ceive you into his parlor as though he t were- a distillation of smiles, and yet ] his heait may be a swamp of mettles, t There are business men who all day < juii& aic niiiu auu wuivcuuo auu ^cuiai t and good natured in commercial life, damming back their irritability and j their petulance and their discontent; ( but at nightfall the dam breaks and 1 scolding pours forth in floods and fresh- t ts. - ' j Reputation is only the shadow of ? character, and'a very small house some- ( times will cast a very long shadow. 'I he -f lips may seem to drop wi^h < myrrh and 1 cassia and the disposition to be as t bright and wary-is astieath of sun- ] beams, and * c they may only be a t magnificent sho* window for a wretch; ^ ed stock of goo'3*. Ihere is many a ] man who is afaoie in public life and t amid commercial spheres who in a s cowardly way takes his anger and his t petulance home and drops them in the c domestic circle. The jeason men do \ not display their bad temper-in. public { is because they do not want to be s knocked down. There are men who ^ rvAfnlo-n^o o bilitv just for the reason that g they do not let tne^ -otes go to protest g ?it dow aot pay?or for the same rea- \ son . that they do not want a man in j their stock company to sell his stock ^ below par lest it depreciate the value. ^ As at sunset - sometimes the wind "t rises, so after a sunshiny day there may a be a tempestuous" night. There are ; people who in public act,, the philan- a thropist who at.hom&afct-the Xero with \ respect to their slippers and their t gown. Audubon, the great omitholo- \ gist, with gun and pencil went through } the forests of America to bring down j and to sketch the beautiful birds, and T after years of toil and exposure com- j pleted his manuscript and put it in a j trunk in Philadelphia and went off for j a few days of recreation and rest and , -- ^ came back and found that the rats had ). utterly destroyed the manuscript, but t without any discomposure and without any fret or bad temper he again picked j ip his gun and his pencil and visited t . again all the great forest of America ^ V and reproduced his immortal work- ^ \ And yet there are people with the ten g thousandth part of that loss whoare i utterly irreconcilable, who at the loss j of a pertoil or an article of raiment will ? blow as long and loud and sharp as a < * lortheast storm. _ NOW. thai , mac Who s afable in public and "who is irritable n private lz making a fraudulent and >verissue of stock, and he is as bad as i bank that might have S4UU,UUU or ?500,000 of bills in circulation with no specie in the vault. Let us learn to show piety at home. If we have it not ;here, we have it not anywhere. If we aave not genuine grace in the family jircle. all our outward and public i plausibility merely springs from the 'ear of the world or from the slimy, putrid pool of our own selfishness. I :ell you the home is a mighty test of iharacter. What you are at home you ire everywhere, whether you demonrtrate it or no*. Again, home is a refuge. Life is the Qnited States army on the national road to Mexico?a long march with ever _j 1_:?? J _ A* 1DU auuu a skiiiui&h stormy sea. Witn shivered masts and torn sails and hulk aleak, we put in at the harbor of home. Blessed harbor! There we go for repairs in the drydock. Th* candle in the window is to the toiling man the lighthouse guiding him into port. Children go forth to meet their fathers as pilots at the Narrows take the hand of ships. The:doorsill of the home is the wharf where heavy life in unladen. There is the place where we ma}' talk of what we have done without being charged with self adulation. There is the place where we may lounge without being thought ungraceful. There is the piece where we may express affection without being thought silly. There is the place where we may forget our annoyances and exasperations and troubles. Forlorn earth pilgrim, no home? Then die. That is better, The grave is brighter and grander and more glorious than this world with no tent from marching, with no harbor from the storm, with no place of rest from this scene of greed and gouge and loss and gain. God pity the man or the woman who has no home! Further, home is a political safeguard. The safety of the state must be Knilf nr> nf fho liAmp W'llV cannot France come to a placid republic? MacMahon appoints his ministry, and all France is aquake lest the republic be smothered. Gambetta dies, and there are hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen -who are fearing the return of a monarchy. The Dreyfus case is at this moment a slumbering earthquake under Paris. France as a nation, has not the right kind of a Christian home. The Christian hearthstone is the only hearthstone for a republic. The virtues cultured in the family circle are an absolute necessity for the state. If there be not enough moral principle to make the family adhere, there will not be -L _1 _ 1_ A. enougn pouucai principle 10 niase me state adhere. No home means -the Goths and Vandals, means the Nomads of Asia, means the Numidians of Africa, changing from place to place according as the pasture happens to change. Confounded be all those babels of iniquity which would overpower and destroy the home! The same storm that upsets the ship in which the family sail will sink the irigate of the constitution. Jails and penitentiaries armies and navies are not onr best defense. The door of the home is the best fortress. Household utensils are our best artilery, and the chimneys of our dwelling houses are the grandest monuments to safety and triumph. No home, no'republic! Farther, home is a school. Old ground must be turned up with subsoil plbw, and it must be harrowed and rehnrrnxpfJ snrJ fnAn hliA ^rrm trill nnf. 1">P as large as that of the new ground with less culture. Now. youth and childhood are new ground, and all the influences thrown over their heart and life will come up in after liie luxuriantly. Every time you have given a smile of approbation all the good cheer of your life will come up again in the geniality jf y~ur children. And every ebullition )f anger and every uncontrollable display of indignation will be fuel to their lisposition 20 or 30 or 40 years from aow?fuel for a bad fire a quarter of a jentury from this. You praise the in:elligence of your child too much some;imes when you think he is not aware if it. and vou will s?ft the resnliof ifc before ten years of age in his annoying iffec tat ions. You praise his beauty, supposing he is not large enough to unlerstand what you say, and you will ind, him standing on a high chair before a flattering mirror. Words and leeds and examples are the seed of ;haracter,* and children are very apt to )e the second edition of their parents. Abraham begat Isaac, so virtue is apt ;o go down in the ancestral line, but Elerod begat Archelaus, so iniquity is ,ransmitted. What vast responsibility :omes< upon parents in view of this rabject' Oh,, make your nome the brightest >lace on earth if you would charm your :hildren to the high path of virtue and ectitude and religion! Do not always :urn the blinds t,h#> vrrrmsr wav. Let: the ight, which puts gold on the gentian tnd spots -the pansy, pour into your Iwellings. Do not expect the little 'eet to keep-step to a dead march. Do lot cover ud your walls with such pic:ures as West's" "Death on a Pale Borse" or Tintoretto's "Massacre of ;he Innocents." Rather cover them if *ou have pictures with "The Hawking Party/' and "The Mill by the Mounain Stream," and "The Fox Hunt," md the "Children Amid Flowers," and 1 C ?TT , o *1 * n ne Jti arrest scene, -ana ine oaturlay Night Marketing.'' Get you no lint of cheerfulness from grasshopper's eap and lamb's.frisk and quail's whistle md garrulous streamlet, which from ;he rock at the mountain top clear iown to the meadow ferns under the ihadow of the steep comes looking to lee where it can find the steepest place .0 leap off at and talking just to hear tself talk? If all the skies hurtled j.1L x i. 3 1 L.* vim tempest ana everlasting siorm, randered over the sea, and every mounain streim were raving mad, frothing it the mouth with mud foam, and there rere nothing but simoons blowing imong the hills and there were neither ark's carol nor humming bird's trill, tor waterfall's dash, but only bear's >ark and panther's scream and wolf's iowI, then you might well gather into 'our homes only the shadows. But fhen God has strewn the earth and the leavens with beauty and with gladness, et us take into our home circles all nnocent hilaiity, all brightness and all ;ood cheer. A dark home makes bad >ad boys and bad girls m preparaion for bad men and bad women. Above all, my friends, take into your lomes Christian principle. Can it be hat in anv of the comfortable homea vhose inmates I confront the voice of >rayer is never lifted? What! No application at night for protection? iVhat! Xo thanksgiving in the mornng for care? How, my brother, my iister, will you answer God in the day >f judgment with reference to your fchildr]> AU_ ! ly ?>i*yvi . r> 111 tur-j uuie Liie uiu ! family Bible and'open it and see the mark of tears of contrition and tears of consoling promise wept by eyes long before gone out into darkness? Oh, if you do not inculcate Christian principle in the hearts of your children, and you do not warn them against evil, and you do not invite them to holiness and to God, and they wander off into dissipation and infidelity and at last make shipwreck of their immortal soul, on their deathbed and in the day of judgj .1 !11 . I merit mey wm curse you: Seated by the register or the stove, what if, on the wall, should come out the history of your children? What a history?the mortal and imuortal life of your loved ones! Every parent is writing the historv of his child. He is writing it, composing it into a song, or pointing it with a groan. My mind runs back to one of the best of early homes. Prayer like a roof over it. Peace like an atmosphere in it. Parents personifications of faith in trial and comfort in darkness. The two pillars of that eartnly home long crumbled to dust. Bnt shall I ever lorget tnat eariy nomer ics, wnen the Sower forgets the sun that warmed it. Yes, when the mariner forgets the star that guided him. Yes. when love has gone out on the heart's altar, and memory has emptied its turn into forgetfulness. Then, the home of my childhood, I will forget thee! The family altar of a father's importunity and a mother's tenderness, the voices of affection,. the funeral of our dead, the father and mother with interlocked arms like intertwining branches of trees ?1-:? ~ ?l uiajviug a pciyctudi aiuu; ui auu kindness?then I will forget thee? then, and only then! You know, my brother, that a hundred times you have been kept out of sin by the memory of such a scene as I have been describing. You have often had raging temptations, but you know what his held you with supernatural grasp. . I tell you a man who has had such a good home as that' never gets over it, and a man who has vioh o ftorlv Tiatt-.o novor crofa river itT " Again, home is a type of heaver; our Dest estate we are only pilgria; .win strangers here. "Heaven is our h Death will neyer knock at the du..r of that mansion, and in all that cou itry .1 ? 1 TT 111 mere is not a single grave, now j;iaa parents are in the holidays -to gather their children home again! But I have noticed that there is almost always a son or a daughter absent?absent from home perhaps absent from the oountry, perhaps absent from the world. Oh. how glad our heavenly Father will be when ho cMf.st all his nhilrlrpn hnms with him in heaven! And how delightful it will be for brothers and sisters to meet after long separation! Once they parted at the door of the tomb. Now they meet at the door of immortality. Once they saw only "through a glass darkly.'" Now it is face to face, corruption, incorruption, mortality, immortality. Where are now all their sins and sorrows and troubles? . Overwhelmed in the Red sea of death, *hile they pass through dry shod. Gates of pearl, capstones of amethyst, thrones of dominion do not stir my soul so much as the thought of home. Once there, let earthly sorrows howl like storms and roll like seas. Home! Let thrones rot and empires wither. Home! Let the world die in earthquake struggle and be buried amid procession of planets and dirge of spheres. Home! Let everlasting ages roll in ^irresistible sweep. Home! No sorrow. No crying. No tears. No death. But Home, sweet home, beautiful home, everlasting home, home with i ach other, home with angels, home with G-od. ' One night, lying on my lounge when very tired, my children.all around about me in full romp and hilarity and laughter?on the lounge half awake and half asleep?I; dreamed this dream: I was in a far countay^/Jfr was not Persia, although more than oriental luxuriance crowned the cities. It was not the i _ ^ 1 i.*L 'HL ' 2 j.1 i _ 1 tropics, aituougn more man tropical fruitfulness filled the gardens. It was not Italy,' although more than Italian softness tilled the air. And I wandered around looking for thorns and nettles, but I found that none of them grew there, and I saw the sun rise, and I watched to se^ it set, but it sank not. And I saw the people in holiday attire, and I said, "When will they put off this and put on workmen's garb and agtuu ucive iu lllu illiLit; anu sweuer at the forge?" But they never put off the holiday attire. And I wandered in the suburbs of the city to find 'the place where the dead sleep, and I looked all along the line of the beautiful hills, the place where the dead might most peacefully sleep, and I saw towers and castles, but not a mausoleum or a monument or a white slab could I see. And I went into the chapel ol tne great town, and 1 said, "Where do the poor worship and where are the hard benches on which they sit?" And the answer was made me, "We have no poor in this country." And then I wandered out to find the hovels of the destitute, and I found mansions of amber and ivory and gold, but not a tear could I see, not a sigh could I hear. And I was bewildered, and I sat down under the branches of a great tree, and I said, "Where am I and whence comes all this scene?" And then out from among the leaves and up the flowery paths and across the broad streams there came a beautiful group thronging all about me, and as I saw them come I thought I knew their step, and as they shouted I thought I knew their voices, but then they were so gloriously arrayed in apparel such as I had never before witnessed that I bowed as stranger to stranger. But when again they clapped their hands and shouted, "Welcome, welcome!" the mystery all vanished, and I found that time had gone and eternity had come and we were all together again in ournewhome in heaven, and I looked around, and I said, <;Are we all here?" and the voices of many generations responded, "All here!" And while tears of gladness were running down our cheeks, and ihe branches of the Lebanon cedars were clapping their hands, and the tcwers of the great city were chiming their welcome we all together began to leap and shout and sing: "Home! Home! Home." Wants Damages. Wellington, Kan., built a new jail last year, and the authorities determined to name it after the first prisoner who might be confined in it. This prisoner proved to De a woman, j>irs. Horton, and the institution was promptly named "Hort-on Jail.': Now it has been proven that the woman was innocent, and she proposes to sue the Wellington authorities for damages. If those of our readers whose hens do not lay every time they want eggs, will feed them on nearly done cow peas they will have eggs to burn. GEN. G0M22 WELCOMED His Entrance Into Havana Causes the Wildest Enthusiasm. Gen. Maximo Gomez, the Cuban commander-in-chief, entered Habaca Friday afternoon escorted by Gen. Ludlow and his staff and Troon L. of the Seventh United States cavalry. He marched at the head of 2,000 armed Cuban horsemen and footmen." The population of the city was wild with enthusiasm, throwing themselves in front of the general's horse, impeding its progress *and pelting him with flowers. The general reviewed the troops at the palace. The festivities in honor of the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the Cuban struggle for independence was most spontaneous and wildly enthusiastic. Habana had never seen anything like it before. The entrance of Geo. Gomez into the city was, of course, the princi pal feature. The whole town was decorated, and the streets were packed with a crowd twice as large as that which turned out at the Garcia funeral. As Gen. Gomez passed the crowd went wild with vivas, hats were flung in the air, and women showered flowers on all sides. He bowed and raised his hat incessantly as the crowds struggled to get near his horse and clung to the animal's sides as long as possible. The procession stopped frequently, eventually filing into the main streets of the city, passing central park and arriving at the palace at half past 2. Once at the palace the Cuban com mander in-chief was welcomed by Senor Federico Mora, the civil governor. \TorAr P/irPortf A A fli A m AmV*Ai?j i'ltij vx i tiigviv uawotL, tat of the city council, the junta patriotica the members of the assembly, the officials of ali classes and numerous patriotic clubs. The place was beautifully decorated. Following the procession were many private carriages filled with women of f ^ V\?>a f crtniafr OATYIQ allonrrv'M/^ollvT L>l~lVs OUV1VVJ. AUUliJ dressed and others waving flags. TEe Cuban bands played the Cuban national hymn, varying this with "Dixie," "The StaT Spangled Banner," "TheStars and Stripes forever." and popular American marches. There were many allegorical floats expressing the friendship between Cuba and the United States. A handsome carriage, containing la dies, ana decorated with large Spanish, American and Cuban flags draped together with white ribbons and bearing the legend "Unity, peace and concord," was vociferously cheered. Still another float reresentcd -a Cuban woman holding the American flag, with the scattered crown of Spain at her feet. No fewer than 25,000 people were in line, requiring three hours to pass a given point. After the review at the palace, Gen. Gomez, accompanied by his staff, proceeded to Elvedado, visiting Gen. Brooke. This evening he attended the charity ball at the Tacon theatre, where the best Habana society was represented. Foreign consuls rais_ j ii. i.:... a * 1 -? - ea uieir respective uags in uuiiur ui cue day. The crowds throughout were orderly. Spanish .oerivation*. Many English words are taken directly from the Spanish. When you speak of a Piccadilly collar ~ou are not using sl&ng. The ^piccadallo" is a collar which at one time was worn by all men of position in Spain. A few years since many Americans cities boasted of companies of volunteer soldiers called grenadiers. The first grenadiers were in Grenada. TTTTI/VW TTTA flra cnaninl LFU1 UJLcLi IJJCO, \JJL niivui irv uiv [y proud just now, got their name by clipping the last syllable of "marineros," which is the equivalent Spanish word. -Rye bread without caraway seeds would not be rye bread at all. Caraway is a purely Spanish word, derived from "Alcara Hueya." The hammock on your veranda got its name from the Spanish "hamaca," although that is not purely a Spanish word. Columbus got it from the Indians 400 years ago. There are many - other examples: :'Banana," "apricot," "Canada," "duel" and "palavar" nrc all directly from the Spanish. Venice Drying Up. Venice without its waters would be a far less pictusesque place than it actually is. And such a state of af-. fairs, we are led to believe, may eventually come about The regular increase in the delta of the Po has-been studied by Prof. Marinelll. Compari-. son of the Austrian map of about 1823 with the records of surveys made in 1893 shows that the mean annual increase during those seventy yeara has " hwit about three-tenths of a square mile; and from all known data it appears that the total increase during six centuries has been about 198 square miles. The increase is continuing, and;the Gulf of Venice is doomed in time.* to disappear. No immediate alarm need, however, be excited, for Prof. Marinelli calculates that between 100 md 120 centuries will elapse before the ?ntire northern Adriatio will have become dry land. distance Traveled When Reading. Has it ever occured to you to reckon how far your eyes travel in reading? The distance will not startle you. perhaps. for 1.000,000 letters in ordinary type would measure hardly more than ? -1 - AArl A Vklf eMn T T~? O my house. 1 use it tor almost everything, where any medicine is needed, and have gotten the best of results every time. Respectfully, James M. Smith. If there is anything in the old saying that a severe winter makes a good crop year, and we think there is a great deal of truth in it, the farmer will be blessed with very fine crops this season, for we have certainly had one of the coldest spells that has ever been known in this section of the country. 1 i1" ~1 <1 LUiJLt; yiilLCU oiuc uj Oiuv. *** ?, time, however, the average reader wends his way through 2,000 miles of print. The average novel of 300 pages contains one mile of reading; that is, the eye travels 1.700 yards in reading the book through. Charlotte Man Suicides. II. S. Chadwick of Charlotte, X. C., apparently a person* of wealth, committed suicide by shooting at the Parker House in Boston Thursday. He engaged a suite at the hotel and Wednesday night he was found in his room in a delirious condition and a male nurse was summoned. Thursday morning Mr. Chadwick went into 'the bathroom adjoining his chamber while thv nurse was ordering his breakfast and put a bullet through his brain. Will Se Saved. ' After considerable delay the forteer Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes, which was sunk in the channel of San^iap^ harbor during the bombardment by Admiral Sampson's fleet on June Ikh, hss been raised and pumped out, the gov ernment tugs assisting the wrecking company. Mr. James M. Smith of Columbia. S C. writes: Dear Sir?It eives mo great pleasure to say tnat tne Uld North State Ointment bought of you has entirely cured me of eczema when everything I had used previously failed to giye any relief. It is a great medicine. and I would not be without it in SOME NEW STATE LAWS. Massed at the Eecent SsssioD ef the Legislature. ; An act to prevent destruction of graves and graveyards. Section 1. Be it enacted by the genI eral assembly of the State of South j Carolina, That from and after the approval of this act any person or persons who shall wilfully obliterate or desecrate any grave, or shall wilfully destoy any plants, trees, decorations, shrubberry, or deface or remove any grave stone, or shall wilfully destroy, tear down or injure any fence or other enclosure of any graveyard, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall pay a fine of not less thin $25 er be confined in the county chaingang not more than 30 nor less than 10 days. Approved February 15, A. D. 1S99. An act to require cotton buyers to accept bales of cotton weighing not less than three hundred pounds, i AW 1 PA if Anft Af A/^ V\ T-? f Vi A rrAn? UGUllUll J. CuaV/LUU UJ tuu wCJl I eral assembly of the State of South Carolina, That it shall be unlawful for any cotton buyer to refuse to accept any bale of cotton, after he has bought the same by sample thereof, weighing over 300 pounds, provided same corresponds in quality with sample bought by; and any such buyer who docks or deducts any amount from the purchase price of any such bale of cotton, or attempts to dock or deduct, any amount from the purchase price of such bale of cotton, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor nrid.imnn ^nnvir>tirm hcfrvrA anvp.rmrt of competent jurisdiction shall be fined in the sum of not more than $100 nor less than $20. Approved February 15, A. D. 1899. An act to declarc the law in relation to termination of rental contracts. Section 1. Be it enacted by the general assemply of the State of South Carolina, That from and after the passage of this act, should any tenant for years or lesser period remove from any demised premises before the expiration of the term for which said premises were demised, leased or. rented, then, and in such case, the rent (which would I be earned up to the end of the month in which the tenant leaves) shall be immediately due and payable and it shall be lawful for the landlord, at any time within five days after the removal of such tenant, to issue his distress warrant for such an amount as may be due up to the expiration of the month in which said tenant leaves the premises. Approved Fo'bruary 15, A. D. 1899. An act to require county boards of commissioners to deduct from salary of regular constables compensation paid persorts~acting as constables on a particular occasion, unless such service was rendered in an emergency wherein the regular constable could""not perform the service. Section 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of South Car olina, That in all counties t>f the State wherein magistrates are allowed by law to appoint a constable, such constable so appointed receiving a salary from the county in lieu of all costs and fees in criminal cases, it shall be I the duty of the board of county commissioners to deduct from the salary of such constable a)! sums .paid to any other person or persons for services rendered the county in criminal cases while acting under appointment by such magistrate, on a particular occasion; unless it is proven to the satisfaction of the board of county commissioners that such services were rendered in an emergency wherein it was impossible for the constable entitled to the salary to perform the said sen-ices. Approved February, 15, A. D. 1899. An act to provide for the renewing char ters of ferries which have expired or are about to expire, and for granting charters for ferries not heretofore granted. Section 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of South Carolina,. That aftei the approval of this act, when the charter of any ferry has expired -or is about to expire, the same may be renewed or rechartered, and when a ferrry needed where no ferry has been heretofore chartered the same may be chartered in the following manner: By application to the county board of commissioners instead of to the general assembly, and where the . ferry is across a river at a point mk WITA1* "1*3 i'VlA VlA WLLC1C SUUU livgi jlo wuc uuuuuaij tween two or more counties, then to the respective boards of commissioners of the counties concerned. That the .'application shall be by petition after the notice now required by law, and after strictly observing and complying with all prerequisites required by law before the granting of such charters. Sec. 2. Such charter shall be: to the 'applicant, (petitioner,) his or her heirs and assigns, for a term not to exceed twenty-one years, and shall be subject to revocation at any tine by the county board of commissioners which granted or renewed the same for such cause or causes as to them may seem just and proper Sec. 3. That the following shall be the maximum rates of toll that shall be charged at each public ferry in this state chartered under the provisions of this act:* For every passenger, 5 cents; for every head of sheep, goats, hogs and other small animals; 5 cents; for every horse, mule and head of cattle, 10 cents; for every passenger with single horse, mule, ox or other ridiDg animal, 20 cents: for every single horse buggy, cart or other vehicle. 25 cents; for every 2-horse wagon or other vehicle, 50 cents; for every 3-horse wagon jr other vehicle, 65 cents; for every 4-horse wagon or other vehicle, 75 cents: Provided, that it shall be with ill tliC piuviuvc auu ^/U*TCi VJL CJUV^ county board of commissioners of the several cduiities of the state to fix lower rates of toll for any one or more specific ferries in any county as the special conditions and circumstances may demand, and in case of ferries crossing rivers or streams forming boundary limes between any two counties the power and province aforesaid shall vest in the county boards of commissioners of said counties. Sec. 4. That the eounty boards of commissioers of the various counties of the state are hereby authorized and empowered to grant the charters for ferries, and to establish feeries under the provions of this act. and shall report all such ^charters to the secretary of state immediately after they are granted. Sec. 5. That the following shall be a sufficient form for such charter: The state of South Carolina, county of , on the petition of , and it appearing that the public good will be subserved thereby the (or a) ferry across river at , known as (or to be known as) ferry, is hereby chartered (or rechartered) and vested in . the said petitioner, his (or herheirs, executors, administrators or assign?, for the term of years, sub ject, however, to be revoked in the discretion of the county board of commission) l-:vmr~V Ml i "iWllil Mh i nil" i |-nt"'-- i ers at an}* time. Given under cur hands and seal of this office, this the day of , A. D. 18?. Approved February 15, 1899. j Sec. G. That all acts and parts cf acts inconsistent with this.net are hereI kr 1 U J Itj^vuivu. POLICEMAN'S UNHAPPY LOT | Some Sago Kernarks by an Officer Who Knew Whereof Ho Spoke. The downtown policeman was in a reminiscent mood. "Yes," lie said, "never go before a man when you are arresting him, and whatever you do, never precede him when you are going down a flight of stairs. I was walking my beat one dark night when I heard cries or muraer coming irom a xeuement house. Running to the place, I saw a great hulk of a fellow beating his wife, who was screaming and shouting in mortal terror. At the sight of me the fellow ran upstairs, and I went after him. The stairway leading from the upper floor to fehe kitchen below was a very narrow affair, and it was impossible for two to walk abreast. So, with my prisoner at arm's length to the rear, I went down the flight. There was an old-fashioned door at the bottom of the staircase, and I had hardly opened it when something hit me a whack on the head like a load of bricks falling from a seven-story roof. At the same time a shrill fen:ale voice shriek"ed out: 'There, you brute, you will strike a defenseless woman, will you?' j and again she raised a long, heavy iron poker, which she held in her hand, to | strike me. As she looked up she saw her mistake, but too late to check her i sinewy right, which was twirling I through the air. Down came the poker j again. Bang! it didn't do a thing to | my helmet, and I saw more stars at ' ? ? -r 1 _"T [ mat xime man ever i am on a. uu^uc night in August. 'Holy mother!' shrieked out the woman, when she saw what she had done, 'I've struck the cop and I thought it was Jimmy I was bateing.' To make my cup of sorrow more bitter the next morning the woman swore, that her husband always treated her kindly, and that I had no ngnt to interfere while Jimmy was giving her only what she deserved. Yes, whatever people may say, a policeman's lot is no bed of roses." At Mme. Patti's Castle. Visiting Mme. Pali's superb castle in Wales, a guest not long since had a very curious experience. He chanced to open his window in the middle of the night, and, to his surprise, bells began to ring in every quarter of the grounds. Very much scared, but realizing that he had, after all, only set a burglar alarm going, the guest descended-to reassure the household, when he instantly found himself in danger from a dozen roving dogs, who had obtained their freedom and were growling aid snapping in the ugliest manner. At breakfast next morning he learned all about the curious fad of Mme. Patti, and wondered at it. The singer has a great dread of burglars. Some time ago a gang of these gentlemen from London attempted to obtain admittance, but were defeated in their object, and since that date Mme. Patti has set up every kind of burglar alarm that exists. The queer part about one of these is, however, well worth noticing. Her largest dog, an enormous brute, who might be relied OH to cope wuu a nine army ui iuic?w, is kept rigorously chained in a patent kennel. But the chain is so arranged that should any one attempt to open a window or' a door in the castle the dog is released and free to rove at his pleasure, it being presumed that he would at once make for the burglars and do his duty. The idea is ingenious, and, as the traveler discovered, not a little-dangerous. "Xavy Sherry." According to the navy" regulations, whiskey is not allowed on war ships except in the medical supplies, but it gets aboard somehow, as visitors to the hospitable officers can testify. It is called' "navy sherry" on shipboard. Sometimes, when the fleet was on" blockade duty, newspaper despatch boats carried supplies to the officers. \ man ignorant of the rule about "navy oherry" hailed the flagship New Yorkone Sunday morning off Santiago and asked the officer of the deck if he would send a boat for some supplies. "For whom are they?" the officer asked, through a megaphone. I "The ward room mess,'7 was the reply. It was an idle hour on the New York, and a crowd of officers and men had lined up and were listening. "What supplies have you?" the officer asked again, and through his megaphone the correspondent bawled:? . "Onions, potatoes and whiskey!" Then he wondered why all the officers in sight fled to the other side of the ship, holding their sides with laughter. The onions fcnd potatoes were sent on board?at least they alone were received officially. An officer, who asked a friend to get a case of "navy sherry" for him later on was astounded wh>en ..the man brought real sherry. He had supposed that every one knew the difference. "Come In, OI?l Paxd.*' The land crab, big, noisy, of weird locomotion and most objectionable appearance, was among the horrors which our soldiers encountered as they movedfrom Siboney to Santiago. Most of the men had never seen such creatures, and regarded them with extreme aversion. Often these noisy creatures invaded the tents of the men, and violence and profanity followed. But some of the Rough Riders had seen such things before. One flight an Eastern man was vrsiting a Rough Rider from Arizona, when in walked the biggest land crab of the season. "Ugh!" cried the visitor. "Look at that!" 04 "Why," said the Rough Kider, delightedly, "how home like!" And extending his hand toward the ugly in- I truder, he cried:?"Cone in, old pard. I knew your brother In old Arizona." The Eastern man fled, leaping over the "old Dard" as he departed. Tup: Sumter Freeman says: '"The dispensary stands for another year, despite the fact that a majority of the legislators were opposed to it?thus demonstrating its power as a political machine. Light, however, has been lurr.ed on and such pressure will soon brought to bear on the legislature as will compel that body to submit the question to the people and then woe to the big machine!" If a majority of the Legislature is opposed to the dispensary i hey have a very poor way of showing An enterpising American firm in Manila has struck off a number of badges, commemorative of Dewey's victory on May 1, 1S0S, and thousands of them have been sold to our soldiers. The ribbon of the baJge is a piece of red. white and blue silk. The pendant is a bronze medal on one side of whicli is stamped the inscription: "Dewey's Victory. Manila Bay," and on the other side is a picture ef the Olympia. COUNTERFEITING in INDIA. Millions Of Illicitly Coined Iitipees >'o? in Circulation, Whom the Government of British India closed tlie mints to the coinage of silver in 1S1KJ. it was predicted thai private enterprises would tind a v.-aj Df frustrating: its intentions. Sir Davie Barbour combatted thn idea ami gavt his reasons for believing: that the measure wouUl give to little or uc illicit coining. The exncrienee of the three following years sI1 HI lllUui oil ?.iLi cauLiuv/u> scale. especially in the native States Various explanations are given of the way these illicitly coined rupees gel into circulation. One is ihnt tlie ha zaar money lenders are the channel b} which they pass from the hands of th( private coiners into public currency It has been remarked that of late loans could be obtained in the bazaars fot short periods :it several points below bank rates, and it is coujectured thai this was done in consequence of tht large supply of illicit rupees .%t the dis posal of the i..oney lenders tnat c-oulc be profitably employed at compara tively low rates. It is stated, on whai seems good auihoritj, .hat millions oJ illicitly coined rupees are now in cir Sn T?1 A;o tnvnuH rtni- hv ctflroTV L UUUIVU ill luvii.t, lui v* wv?v xiug machines imported from Austria md so excellent is the workmanship or them that they defy detection even bj the masters of the mints. SOME NEW INVENTIONS. A Few Han ply entirely. An Austrian has patented an appii ance to be attached to the months ol cannon, to be struck by the shell as il leaves the muzzle, the device being hinged at the top of the gun to swing out of the way after it has explodec the shell and caused its contents tc spread over a large area. Where Umbrellas Are Valuable. An Af-rican chiefs umbrella is of greater importance than many people suppose. Apart from its enormous size, its loss in battle more than equals fha nf a standard of a European commander. Some of the umbrellas are of prodigious dimensions, bein? no less than 2T> feet in diameter, with ribs 12 feet six inches long. John Bull does not hesitate to utilize material wherever found. He a! ready has native regiments in India. Egypt and other colonies, and is nop engaged in raising a regiment of Chi oese, to be commanded by Englishmen. The economy ofrthe movement, too, will be in the fact, that, while the troops fight for England, the Chinese Government will probably pay them. Periodically some genius presents 2 bullet proof cloth and .wants it adopted. The latest is that of a Frenchman, the essential portion being a sheet of metal placed between an outer and.inner lining. A suit weighs s?> en pounds, fotu* teen ounces and a Mauser bullet fired at a distance of 70 yards made a verj slight indentation in the metal, nol enough to disturb the inner lining. Four people, all named Franklin, wer recently married m Jefferspuville. lwc brothers met the two girls the same day. called at the frame time, popped the question the same evening, eloped in the same vehicle and were married under a double ceremony.^ Verily, it was a case of four hearts "with but a single thought and that thought matrimony.' Take Care of c ... Your Properly. Save money oy keeping yoir Gins in thorough repair. Yon get better results ; please the'public and save your OWN TIME ANV LA BOH Fourteen years practical experience in the ELLIOTT Gl>' SHOPS at "Winnsboro, S. C.. is a guarantee of good work. Send yonr gins at once telle undersigned, W.J. ELLIOT1 COLUMBIA, S. C Located adjacent to the To iqt Engine Work. Tnly27 3m Write Quick ?TO THE COLUMBIA, S. C., for catalogue. Free scholarships oti easy conditions to those who write soon. Railroad fare paid. Cheap board. Notes accepted- Can pay part of expenses by working in the college office. Address, mentioning course desired. W. H NEWBERRY, Prest. * A - ---- I Charleston, South Garolina. ; I ?THE? 3 j Keeiey Institute, Corner VaoderjiorstSSm'iSts., i Charleston, -| SouthOarofina THE ONLY KEELEY INSTITUTE IN THE STATE. Hirl ITnrfli Otnta uiu nuun oiaiG uiiiimoiiu The Old* North State Oinl J ment is a medical wonder disi" covered by Jasper Miller. It cures Piles, Eczema, Carbunj cles, Boils, Inflammatory . Rheumatism, orns, Bunions, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Prick- * ; ly Heat and ail siun diseases, r or money refunded. Only 25 cents per box. The discovery ^ was a case of seeming necessity. His little daughter had a fearful case of eczema of the head and eyes, and it finally L got into the upper lip, causing 1 it to turn inside out. He had t her treated by leading?the ;? ; best?physician^ in Columbia and Charlotte for nearly two ; years, and the disease con| stantly grew worse. He be- ^ i gan reading a standard medi ; cai journal, auu saw, many things recommended for eczei ma, and went to work o?d . ; -3 [ took ofthe many things and ^ i compounded this uedical won[ der, Old JSorth State Ointment, ! and cured, in the case of this -- | little girl, one of the most J j stubborn cases of eczema; after . which xmany other stubborn l dicoasoa. hd ca haatl ftytlflri- - i5 ? ?* ' v ? w? \ mented witli and cured. Cu'.hVrL Ga . i> pte nWt?r L, 1897. ^ . Mr Jasper Miller, olom^ia, 3 O : Dcj.r Sir?A frieu pi wiillasiafew ! S Mathushek i Is always Good, always Reliable* ?l - \ PKKfrtLtfV;Flour Mill 1 Machinery. . CONTRACTS TAKEN' TO FURNISH COH?PLETE EQUIPMENT FOE? Roller Floor Mills. - ^ ?REPRESENTING THE? Rictimsnd fiity U Works, One. of the lar^st mnafnearer* Flour Mill Machinery in the on try and having experienced Millwrights, ''$&& [ am prepared to build mills on the most improved plans and at prices to compete with any one in the trade. We guarantee the products of our mills to -^32 equal the grades of the best Western mills. Before . / placing your orders * write to me. I also handle a complete line c? Wood- . . Working Machinery: Saw MilU, Ea ^ines and Boilera, Corn Mills and Machinery in general. Having been established in business here for sixteen years, I have built up' my trade by selling the very highest class of machinery, and am in a better position to serve the interest of my ' '*eu-t->!i;crs than ever before. V. 0. Badham, j| HiirirMijgjJI We will exhibit at theM Fair to be held here jM 13th to 18th, in or>? ation a umiPTVTW ?*rTRR .VV Oil UoSlPLETE m UBRAjf SYSTEM WYSTEji Built by LiddeM lotte, N. C. This wil^afford JB portunity of seajA arid simplest gjfl can't afford tdfl W'