OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, August 16, 1899, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Wednesday, August 16, - - 1891
?Winnsboro wants water works
?The cool week in Augast is about
?The teachers' institute or summer
school opens on the 17th inst.
Water, sonveaientlv and abnnd
antly supplied is not a luxury.
?A. party of young people went or
a picnic to Walker's pond Friday.
?Two weeks board on Pawley'/
Island. Apply at News and Herale
?Cnew Long Cotton Tobacco and
be happy. Best tobacco on the markc!
for the money. Sold by
Porter Bros.
We can get along for a while
longer without electric lights and
At. trolley cars, but we need water works
f; ?If the property owners of Wiunsiboro
are willing to pay for water
[works, wby not give them a chance to
Quickly cure constipation aod rebuild
and invigorate the entire system
?never gripe or nauseate?DeWitt'a
Little Early Risers. McMaster Co.
? Mr. Dellinger, a young man wbose
home is near Rockton, was taken to
Chester last week to be treated for
appendicitis. An operation his been
performed and the patient, it is understood,
is getting along very nicely.
?The free rural delivery system has
root been pat into operation ia tbis
county yet. So far as is known here,
no date his beea fixed for inaugurating
the new system of delivering miil
to residents of the rural districts.
?A game of ball was played here
Thursday afternoon between the
"Quicksteps," a local team of colored
players, and a team from Martin's.
The "Quicksteps" won the game by a
score of 9 to 5. There was no loss of
life and no bloodshed.
?The officials of The Winnsboro
Bank are now the proud possessors ol
a mechanical adding machine. Ihis
lobor-saving instrument has robbed
addiDg of all of its terrors for the
bankers, and they find it a most valuable
addition to their office-equipment
11 ?It costs Augusta peuple eight
dollars for a five minutes talk with
parties in New York over the long
distance telephone line. The rates for
night messages are fifty per cent less.
- The engine comDanv hid : the
steamer oat for practice Thursday
Irritating stiags, bites scratches3
wounds and cats soothed and healed
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve,?a
sore arid safe application for tortured
flesh. Beware of coiiriterfeits. McMaster
?E. Brandt, the Chester jeweler,
spends three weeks every August ia
New York buying the latest novelties
in his line and securing bargains which
bis customers get the benefit of. Don't
overlook his double .column advertisement
on the second page in this issue
of The News and Hejsald. y
P ?$10.00 suits for $6.50;'$7.50 suits
for $5.00; $i.50 pants for $3.00; $3.00
pants for $2.00; $1.25 pants for 75c;
75c pants for 50c. Come and look at
oar clothing before you buy.
^ ^ Porter Bros.
?An excursion train ^from Columbia
passed through ; here Mondav
crowded with colored excursionists
bound for Charlotte. A special coach
^ for white people was attached to the
l train ana a party of Winnsboro people
took advantage of the low rates,
and went op to spend a day in the
Qaeen City.
"Oar bady was tick for a month
with severe cough and catarrhal fever.
Although we tried many remedies she
kept getting worse until we U9ed One
Minute Cough Cure,?it relieved at
once and cured her in a few day*."?
B. L. Nance, Priu Bigfc School, Bluffdale,Texas.
McMaster Co,
?The Ion? distance rphdne between
NftW "Vnrb. Ancrnafft r?rtlnmV?io onH
Atlanta has been tested and found to
be working satisfactorily. It has not,
however, beea formally opened to the
public yet, but the finishing touches
will soon be put on. Winnsboro will
shortly b? on speakiDg ternn with
some of her big sisters.
?The members of the Charleston
Chapter of the L. A. W. are making
extensive preparations for a bicycle
and automobile show to be held in
thatcUy from No /ember 21st to the
24th. The show is to be held in the
new auditorium, and the newest things
in wheels and motor cars will be on
?Isaac Butler, colored, was arrested
and brought fo Winnsboro Wednesday
charged with stealing some corr
from Mr. W. R. Rabb at Rockton.
Butler was given a hearing before
Magistrate T. M. Cathcart the same
day. The evidence against him was
sufficient to warrant his being sent to
jail to await trial at the September
^ term of r.onrf.
W Kodol Dyspepsia Care thoroughly
' digests food without aid from the
stomach, and at the same time heals
and restores tbe diseased digestive
organs. It is the only remedy that
does both of these things and can be
relied upon to permanently care dyspepsia.
McMa3ter Co.
?Anna Brice, a colored woman of
shady character and most unsavory
reputation, was up' before the
mayor Thursday charged with disorderly
conduct. She is an old offender
and in her case the mayor's justice was
not tempered with mercy. He decided
that the woman must r>av a fiue of tec
dollars, or go to jiil for thirty days 01
leave town. Sbe decided to travel.
?Rain, and lots of it, fell in Winnsboro
Tuesday afternoon. "We mention
this in The News and IIerald because
it will be news to the resident;
of certain sections of town. Short!}
after three o'clock rain commenced to
fall in the southern portion of towr
and for twenty or twenty-five minutes
the water came down in torrents
giving everything out of doors in thai
favored section a thorough soaking:
In the extreme northern and northeastern
portions of town, however
scarccly enough rain fell to dampen s
postage stamp, and the proprietors oi
thirsty, parched np gardens are u0
happy. The rain extended, apparently,
for a considerable distance south of
^ town.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders,
are just what a horse needs when in
baa condition. Tonic, blood purifier
??v>/3 ro Tl.orr QTO nf\t fnnfl I
aua vuuiiiu^v. t uvj v mw. *vw?<
. bat medicine and the best ia use to
put a horse in prioe condition. Price
25 cents per package. For sale bv
McMaster Uo.
?The Desi^ntr for ?vp.ember is
replete with daiu'y fashions suitable
for the au'umu. ''Trimmed Skirts"
are given especial notice and are most
1 attractively illustrated, and the millinery
pages flnw some very stylish
5 hr.ls and toq?e3 for fall wear. Charm'
lug pictures accompanied by full descriptions
of the same tell maids and
' matrons, also the little folks, jast how
' to wear their hair most becomingly
and fashionably. Apart from these
pages which are devoted tofeminiDe
1 adornment this number of The De
rtrtnfaino Pln-i^nlfnrA Arlrirtft.
?igUCl WlliUlU3 4tVUUU??M4V ? 9
1 Book' Notes, Directions for Tatting,
Knitting, Crocheting and Fancy Work,
Photographic Helps, Two Short Stories,
A Continued Story, A Liitle
Cowedv for Child Players, a chapter
on "Odi Furnishings," au instalment
of "For Health and Beauty" explain,
ing simple Massage, the opening chapters
of "The Kindergarten at Home,"
i amply illustrated, Hints for House
keeper?, and, last but not least, re
ceipts for "Twenty-Five Different
Ways of Cooking Apples." In its
own particular line of publication the
September Designer easily takes the
Bears the The Kind You Have Aiways Bought
i At Cost.
! We will sell our stock of ladies' and
i misses' slippers at cost. Come and see
tbem. ? Porter Bros.
A Columbia bicycle; not new, but in
' first-class order. It wi ll be disposed
r of at a genuine bargain. Apply at
i this office.
[ ~ ?
T. L. Johnston Sells 1'irst Bale.
Mr. T. L. Johnston, the enterprising
Wateree farmer, made the first sale of
new cotton at this market. Mr. Johnston's
bale was sent in Friday afternoon
and was bought by W. C. Beaty.
T*. ,l.li TM->nnr?i onrl hrftntrhf1.
XL VT ^vuuv*s> .n ? 1
six cents. The first bale was sold
last year by J. C. Willinsham on oth
Columbia College.
>. .: Oar readers will observe by referring
to the advertisement of the CoColambia
Female College that prices
for tuition, .etc., at that popular institution.
have beep reduced nearly
I twenty-five per cent. The college is
i -provided with modern comforts and
i equipments, and a faculty of specialists
i will be in charge. Fuither informaA?A*m
UUU UlilY UC OCV/UitU nyui vv/uu
' Rice, President, Columbia, S. C.
1 Winnsboro Young: Ladles Capture All of
, Them*
Misses Helen and Jeanaetle Stewart,
daughters of Mr. J. M. Stewart, and
Miss Daisy Brockington, daughter of
Mrs. Sallie Brockington, bave been
, notified that they are the winners of
the-Winthrop Xormal College scholar,
ships to which Fairfield is entitled.
These young ladies passed highly creditable
examinations, and they are to
be congratulated upon their success.
Dariner the civil war, as well as in
oar iate war with Spain, diarrhoea was
occ of the most tronbJesome diseases
the army had to contend with. In
many instances it became chronic and
the old soldiers still suffer from it.
Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge,
Greene Co., Pa., is one of these. He
uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
and Diarrhcei Remedy and savs he
naver fonnd anvthinar lhat would aive
him sack quick relief. It is forlale
by McMaster & Co.
Frank AlcDaniel, a factory operative,
reported to Chief Gilbert at 11.30
o'clock Wednesday right that he had
been held up and robbed by four
negroes in the southern part of town
1 near the railroad tank. He said that
the highwaymen had relieved mm or
1 abont twenty [dollars in money. The
police anthorities are working on the
1 case, and no effort will be spared to
1 find the guilty parties. McDaniel left
1 town the night of the robbery, and it
1 was while he was on his way to the
station to catch the 12.26 a. m. train
' that the hold up occurred.
Rockton, S. (J., Aug. 12,1899.
1 Mutual Reserve Fand Life Association
Gentlemen?I take pleasure in acknowledging
through your representa'
j tive, Mr. Longstreet Gantt, the receipt
of check lor one thousand dollars on
the National Bank of New York in
! payment of policy No. 149046 in the
, Mutual Reserve Fund Life Associa;
tiOQ; issned to the late Thomas P.
Kindly convey my thanks to the
. officers of the Association for courtesies
shown and for paying the claim a
considerable time before it was ac!
tually due according to the terms of
the policy. I heartily recommend your j
*?.. ?n iko
lis an n U.\J mv
| benefits of sound life insurance at the
lowest possible cost.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) J. R. Curlee,
Executor Estate late Thos. P. Ligon.
For Over Fifty Tears.
Mrs. A\ixslow's Soothing Syrup
hag been used for over fifty years by
5 millions of mothers for their children
' while teething, with perfect success.
, It soothes the child, sottens the sums,
allays all pain, cares wind colic, and.
is the best remedy for diarrhoea It
5 will relieve the "poor little sufferer
, immediately. Sold by druggists in
t every part of the world. Twenfy-five
cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for
" "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind.. 1-1-17
1 Mr. John O'Xcil, a prominent
E voung merchant of liock Hill was one
i of the visitors to Wiuns'^oro this week.
troubles and
-"HR.vT' ?r*?^ o lr-n ace? n?/4
doctors cannot
sicians^ are so
// | the peculiar ail"
ments and the
delicate organism of woman. What
the sufferer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Female Regulator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles* It
is the formula of a physician of the
highest standing, who devoted his
whole life to the study of the distinct
ailments oeculiar to our moth
ers, wives and daughters. It is made
of soothing', healing, strengthening
herbs and vegetables, which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses, Leucorrhoea,
Falling of the Womb, Nervousness,
Headache and Backache.
In fairness to herself and to Brad*
field's female Regulator, every
suffering woman ought to give it a
trial. A large $i bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good. Sold "by
druggists. $
Send for a cicely Illustrated free book on the subject.
The Braifield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Gfl.
A learn of young ball players went
down to Ridgeway Tnesday to play a
game with the junior team of that
place. The jftidgeway boys were uot
quite swift enough for their visitors
from the county seat, end as the result
of the game one more 'baseball
scalp belongs to Wionsboro. The
score was 10 to 8.
The manager of the local team is in
correspondence with the Morgautown
boys, and it is possible that a game
will .be arranged. The Morgantown
team nlavs auick. snar>Dv ball and
wonld givb the locals a good deal of
trouble. .
Dr. McJaiLes, of the Brooklyn team,
doesnt seem to bo pitching in his usual
form this season. His arm has been
troub^ng him considerably and that
is no doubt the reason why he hasn't
been quite as effective a3 usual against
the heavy hitters of the big teams.
John Davis has been signed by the
Mountain Island, N. C., team and he
left Wednesday afternoon to join the
"tar hee!s. lie will pitch lor this
team until the season closes, and ii
he occupies the box in his usual style,
some of the North Carolina batting
averages are going to suffer.
The soothing and healing properties
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, ice
pleasant taste and prompt and permanent
cures, have made it a great favorite
with the people everywhere. For
sale by McMaster Co.
Edward Thomson, LL. D., will lecture
at the court house on Tuesday
evening, the 22cd inst., at 8.30 o'clock,
on "The Proper Observance of the
Sabbath." Dr. Thomson come3 as the
representative of the Sunday League
of America. which i<? entlrelv unde
nominational. He is a fluent speaker,
and a treat is in store for all who hear
him. See leaflets for distribntion in
the office of the Clerk of the Court.
Tetter, Salt-Rhcum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting incident
to these diseases, is instantly
allayed by applying Chamberlain's
Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very
bad cases have been permanently cured
by t. It is equally efficient lor itching
piles and a favorite remedy for sore
nipples, chapped bands, chilblains,
frost bites and chronic sore eyes
25cts. per box. For sale by McMastei
The statement was made Wednesday
that there is a movement on fool
to establish a new county to whict
Fairfield. Kershaw and Richland wil
| be expected to contribute some el
| their surplus territory, and of wbiofc
Ridge way w i !I be made the count}
seat. We mention this simply as a
[rumor and arc not prepared to sav
[that there is any very substantia
| foundation for the report. If, how
i ever, an organized effort is to b<
mad? to create a new coanty, the promoters
of the scheme will get dowi
to work before lon^ and then "we'i
see what we'll see.
The idea, we think, would not be
generally popular in Fairfield and i(
would hardly meet with general apr>prtiral
in the other rnnnfies from
which it is proposed to chop off large
slices of territory. Fairfield embraces
only .about 625 square miles, an l w<
have never heard ths l the other connties
interested are embarrassed by
surplus area. This county is smal
enough now and any effort to make i
still smaller would, we are sure, bi
met with the most vigorous kind o
It has been suggested tint this is a
clever little scheino that the numerous
candidates for tke 'sheriffs office havi
devised. A new county would offe
auother lield for the winning of po
litical honors.
Mr. T W. Lauderdale has gone to
New Y~rk.
C. A. D -nglass, Esq , is visiting bis
old boror at Albion..
Mr. C.iarie3 Jennings returned Sat
J .. x t y 1
urusv iium uamueu.
Mr Jobn P. Matt-hews and family
have 4to North Carolina.
A. o. Douglass, E-:q., and family left
Friday morning for Shelby, N. C.
Mrs It E. Ellison returned from
Gleun Springs Tuesday afternoon.
Mr?. It. D. flanahan left Wednesday
m>n i^cr for a visit to Yorkville.
Miss Uargess, of Charleston, is
visiting the family of Prof. W. II.
Miss Jennie Thomas returned to her
home iu Ilidgeway "Wednesday after a
visit to Miss Bessie McMaster.
Mr. Da?id Ellison came up from
i Columbia Tuesday to spend his vacation
<vhh his parents in Winnsboro.
Mr. C. S. Matthews left Tuesday
morning for Edgefield to take, charge
of the ?:gli$h department of the sammer
school in thatconnty.
Mr-. M. C. Withers, accompanied
by her daughter. Miss Josievcame up
from Columbia Monday afternoon ?o
visit relatives and friends here.
Sbeiiff Corn well, of Chesier, was 111
town Friday. The sheriff is a veterinary
surgeon and he came down to
operaie on some st )ck. belonging to
Sheriff Eilison. /
Mrs. T. P. Younginer, of Wallaccville,
accompanied by Mrs. Bl C.
Flannagar;, of Colambia, is visiting
her relatives at Greenville, Honea
Path and Greenwocd. .
Mrs- J. C. Douglass, who has been
visiting relatives in Fairfield County,
returned yesterday and will spend
some Jime with her father, Rev. A.
f- 7rirL-n<>frif?t ifnrp rpfnrnin/J" fn
her home at Russelville, Ark.?Newberry
Herald and News.
xV Frightful Blander
Wiil of'en cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, i'ut or Bruise. BncklenV Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and promptly heal it.
Cures Old Sore9, Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions.
Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by McMaster Co., druggists. *
The Business League of "Winnsboro
was formally organized on Thursday
afternoon. A, good attendance of
citizens was present in the court house,
and the outlook for a successful effort
is encouraging.
A coo miitee, consisting of T. K.
Elliott, W. C. Bealv and W. D. Douglass,
reported ih3 draft of a constitu,
tiOD, wiiich was adopted.
T. II. Ketchin was elected president,
W. (. Beaty, 1st vice-president, R. Y.
. Turner, 2nd vice-prosideut, and J. J.
Obear, secretary and treasurer.
Under the constitution an executive
* committee consisting of five "members
1 will be appointed. This is a permanent
committee, and it is required to
meet at least once in each month, and
toreport to the league anything Vhat
, requires aiteniion. Besides this cornmitte!-,
ihere will be several other committees
Oue on railroads and freights,
another cnjpublic roacl?, and another
on way9 and means.
The object of the league i&broadly
stated i'i trie constitution to advance
and prouLo.o the business interest of
the town, generally, and the indns-.
trial developement and improvement
of Winnsboro and Fairfield County.
Any citizen of the county may be*
- - ~ "MAM Ktf
WUJt; h lucuiucr u^uu cicv/uvu u(
league uud npon his paying an initiati
:i fee of one dollar. The annual
due- are two dollars, payable semiam.
u lly, one dollar in May and one
dollar in November.
Every one iu Winnsboro interested
in (he purpose of the organization
should join, Plenty of work can be
fout'd, and everybody is needed.to do
Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga.,
says he suffered with itching piles
twenty years before trying DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, two boxes of
i which completely cured him. Beware
of worthless and dangerous countcr
-Ltiieu jxu;iu.a3ici
Siacf; we last wrote our peaceful and
( law-abiciug town La? been thrown
into a nervous state of excitement over
the rai ii strides of that monstrosity
known as the kissiDg bug. Your correspondent
when a child played with
the Jane bug, and since reaching tbe
years ut maturity has had some exI
perierc with humbug?, and has dur;
ing court formed the acquaintance of
5 the little active, energetic, kcen-sight'
ed, heart probing hotel bug, but for
the life of me I can't find in the annals
of history, nor can I conceive where
this intelligent KHSiag Dug sprang
from. I. far surpasses the hotel bug
in iutcliectual point3. As I andcr:
stand, r never attacks the male popui
lation, but confines i'.s caresscs to the
[ rosy-Hp maidens. Is it possible that
me ougs are so iar surpassing may m
i tbis progressive era and are actually
r distributing their kisses around while
on the golden wing? I hear the girls
r are organizing and arming themselves
1 with hat pin', curling tongs aid sclu
sors against all intruders; but any
i | living creature so intelligent and pos|
sessed of so refined taste as to bestow
1 j kisses on the wing I imagine will be
1' kcen-cyed enough to see when danger
j is near, and can bare himselt away oa
; bis gO'den wings 10 a more congennu
i clime.
Crops Lavo improved wonderfully
i | sicce rain came, aud a smile can occs.;
sionalJy be seen playing across the sun;
burned faces of the liDi.est plough5
! Quite a number of our citizens have
! taken tents, provisions, etc., and gone
I to Lfi;awba Falls to fish ar.d enjoy
t thejaseives.
21 Mr. T G. Patrick had a fine iniict
f cow lo entangle hersclt in a haitei
line recently and break her neck.
With regrets we brar that Rev. Mr
i Smith has aceepfeu a call to Georgis
3 and riil leave for bis new field soon
r May he prosper wherever he goss it
- his earnest work.
Our town is tfciuking of organizing
f !
| Twenty Years Proof.
Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bowels
in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, constipation
and kindred diseases.
| "Can't do without them"
j R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over tv^nty
years. Am now entirely curcd.
Tutt's Liver Pills
a ba^e ball team composed of nunied
men; so if there is a clab in the Slate
i that wants the conceit batted out of
| them just send in your challenge.
Our efficient and poliic agent is
thinking of purchasing a kickiog machine
for his own private use, be'-au^e
' bis best girl was on the train and he
; didn't know it until tee train roiled off
| and a sweet face appeared at ti;c wis -
i (low and said, "Hello, Bot-!" il.
August 11, 1S99
At and lielow CcstWe
will sell our entire stock of hats
at any old price. Come aud see how
cheap. Porter Bros.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of
Aunie E. Springs, of 1125 Howard St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., when she fouud that
Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption
had completely cured her of
I a hacking con^h that for manv years
bad made life a burden. All other
remedies aud doctors could give her
no help, but she says' of this Eoyal
Cure?"it soon removed the pain in
my chest and I can now sleep soundly,
something T can scarcely remember
doiug before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout the Universe." So
will every one who tries Dr. King's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c.
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at McMaseerCo.'s
drug store; every bottle
The tarmcrs' institute held in the
court house Monday was rather poorly
attended, but those present were entertained
for three or four hours wit"h
highly instructive lectures and discussions
on subjecls of deep interest to
agriculturalists and_ those interested in
that branch of industry.
Mr. J. M. Stewart, president of the(
Faiciield Agricultural Association,presided,
and at 11 o'clock opened the
proceedings by introducing Mr. Sellers,
of Marion County, as the first speaker.
Mr. Sellers, who is a practical farmer,
has made a specialty of tobacco
culture aud it was on that subject that
Ms remarks were delivered. He referred
to the experiments in tobacco
raising that have been made in this
country, and he seemed to think that
the effort to diversify the crops in this
section by planting tobacco shoul I not
be abandoned He believes there is
no rea*on why the soil here is not
adapted to the successful prodociion of
"the weed." He described in detail
the method of preparing the plant bed,
transplanting, curing and matured
leaf, and packiDg preparptory to marIioc
oV>rr?r? 4ha .
rwtnug. JiA^SUtUVS ^o.=> .. mvv
. iii iliid State, at least, that the mail
planters are, comparatively, more successfal
than those who go into it on an
extensive scale. The crop is snch an
exacting one jlhat the average farmer
fi. cls it impossible to give a very large
acieage the care and attention ilnt it
demands. Mr. Seilers estimates the
tobacco crop of Marion this year at
twenty million pounds, and its market
value at $500,000.
Col. Newman, of Clemson College,
followed with a most entertaining ad
t dress on "small maustne3 on me
Farm." Col. Newman is well known
in Fairfield, and it goes without saying,
that bis ^talk was chock fnll of good,
sound, practical advice to the farmers.
He dwelt principally on the feeding
and care of stock, dairy farming and
dairy products, raising of poultry, etc.
lie advises farmers to iucrease the
producing power, and market valne
of their cattle hogs, poultrv, etc., by
exercising more care and judgment in
breeding. lie referred to the value of
silage as food for stock, and made sog
gestions lor the building of MIos.
Dr. Keejon, of Clemson, spoke on
the subject of "Veterinary Science."
lie described the diseases to which
cattle and stock in this part of the
country are most commonly subject.
He referred particularly to the disease
l-nnmn us Totos f/>vpp rmtfinrvl fhft
symptom* uppear almost invariably,
s?,f' <plained (lis method of preventing
lis spread. He regards this
disease as almost insurable. Carcasses
of cattle that die of it should be burned
or buried immediately to prevent infection.
Cattle are inoculated with
the germs of the disease by ticks.
Partial immunity against the disease
m ay be secured by riddirg the farm
of these insects. IIg spoke somewhat
at length on the subject of hog cholera,
1 a disease that is dreaded by stock
Many of those preseut have been
licavy JSJOUia luiuugu Lut laiiigd ui
these diseases, and they received some
1 sound information as to the best
' methods of dealing with and stamping
1 ont the infectious diseases of cattle.
Prof. Morrison, of Clemson, was
the last speaker. His subject was ?Industrial
Education " He made an
' earnest plea tor the development of
this branch of education. A number
of articles made by the C!em-on students
in the collcge shops were ex
hi hi tod.
For Infants and Children.
Tlte Kind You Havs Always Bought
) <<r _
MJr. F. C. Withers of "The State"
' was in town Tuesday.
Just now our farmers are nj "icing
over the excelledL rains that fell here
on Tuesday and Thursday. The rain
was ccrlaialy needed as crops of all
K1UUS XittU ^uuiuitiiijcu IV ckuiti WUsideably.
Tke rain on Thursday was
accompanied by considerable Ihander
and lightning; indeed it was one of
the heaviest thunder storms of the
season. All manner of vegetatiou is
leaking gieatly refreshed since the
raine. The farmers are now busily
engaged r? fodder from their
early corn. Tne corn crop is remarka"
"? i* * uu
uiy gooa consiaeriDg ^ue uDiavumuie
weather conditions t'u?t have prevailed;
in some instances th 1 com crop i3 very
fine. We are glad to note one fact
righf here, that there has been a larger
area devoted to corn this >ear than
has been the case heretofore. In fact,
all our farmers not alone in this im
[ mediate section, but throughout all
| oar piDey woods- and sand nill country
have devoted more attention to raising
their supplies at home tbis )carthan
they Lave ever done before. We have
al! been blessed too with good crops.
We should certainly be thankful to
G..ii for 1I13 many b'csi-i. gs lie has
bestowed upon us.
The cotton crop is looking nicely
i-incc the recent rains. Cotton on
smmIv land ha? omxeiccd to open,
and in some instances itis thick enough
to commence picking. Gardens are
not doing so well. Waiermelons are
about all gone, We've had some very
fine watermelons t! is year in our section.
Messrs. T. C. Wylie and Jno.
T. Siew?rL raised pome of ihs finest
melons we've ever seen.
Rev J E Jones has been holding a
series of meetings at the Longtown
Baptist Church.
t w? T m
illr aiiU JU S L 1 TV iiUIj lutso Auua,
and ^the rcmiining members of the
family came up from their home in
Columbia some time ance to spend
the i est of tbe summer in Longiowu.
Mis? Roxie Harrison, of Ridgeway,
who bas been visiting Mis9 L:zzie
Dixon, has returned home.
Miss Towns^nd, of Barnwell, is
riiifinor Miss Hallie McCormick.
Mr (J II Wylie, ol Eusti', Fla., i6
out on a visit to his father, ivfr T C
Mr and Mrs Jas W Wylie, of Gresnbriar,
have been visitiDsr relatives and
friends in Longtown.
Miss Leba "VYylie, of East Wateree,
is visiting Miss Jennie Gladden.
A series of meetings will commence
at the Presbyterian Chnrch to-night.
The pastor, Rev. J. G. Herndon, will
be assisted by Rev Mr Kirkpatrick
There wss a very pleasant sociable
at Mr S McUormiok's last night. It
was given by Miss Hallie McCormick
in honor of Miss Townsend who is
- i* t- T7? J\ rv
visiting' nere. & 11 u.
August 11, ^99.
A Mother Tells How She Saved Her Little
Daughter's Life.
I am the mother of eight children
and have had a great deal of experience
with medicines. Last summer
my little daughter had the dysentery
in its TOnrst; form. YVe thon^ht she
would die. I tried everything I could
think of. but nothing seemed to do her
any gocd. I saw by an advertisement
in "our paper tbat Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was
highly recommended aEd sent and got
a bottle at once. It proved to be one
of the very best medicines we ever bad
in the house. It saved my little daughter's
life. I am anxious for every
mother to kuow what an excellent
medicine it is. Had I known io at, first
it would have saved me i great desl of
anxiety and my JittJe daughter mucb
sufl ring.?Yours truly, Mrs Geo. F
Buudick, Liberty, E. I For sale by
McMaster Uo.
Ilulgcway wants a coUou mill as
we!! as a new county. Wc would adrisf
Aur friends to trv for
(he cjtlon mi!! first. It will help
tbcca to get the county I" South
Carolina at ths present time it is considered
bad manners for a town without
a cotton mill to a?k for a helping
of new county pie.
Ambitious JSidgeway is after a new
county and would not object to taking
a small slice of Richland to straighten
the lines. We don't care; but RidgeTirol?
trill find if-, rflfh^r hard work, we
fancy, to annex any of our sandhiilers.
The election industry will never be as
profitable to them in another county as
it is in (his, where Columbia candidates
are pulled for fodder every two
years aud yield liberally. No such
crop can be found in Ridgewav.?The
Ladies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease,, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes
feel easy; gives instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery. Allen's Foot-Ease is a
certain cure for ingrowing nails, sweat*
? ? *? ??? n 1 nn a crf\
IlUL/? UAJLLIU^ 1CCU Jw jl lev J. ^/ava<^v>
FREE. Soldjby all druggists, grocers,
shoo stores and general storekeepers
everywhere. By mail for 2oc. in
stamps. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
Le Roy, N. Y.
Mr. It. J. Mackorell sprained his
back seriously last Saturday afternoon
in pulling a f-ide of meat from under
a pile of meat at his warehouse. lie
had to be taken home in a carriage
nnd is still confined to his bed. unable
to turn over without assistance. Dr.
M. P. Crawford is attending him.?
Lancaster Ledger.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cares dyspepsia
because its ingredients are such
that it can't help doiogso. "The public
can rely upon it as a master remedy
for all disorders ari>ing from imperfect
digestion."?James M. Thomas,
If. D., in American Journal of Health,
N. Y. McMaster Co.
Air. J. (J. Gladden, an ex-railror.der,
now night clerk at the Southern hotel,
is off on a > ;i >1 will visit
Winnsboro and CnarioUtj.?The State.
The Novita Company of Atlanta
arc curing cises of "female tronble,"
ai'fer prominent doctors have Drononnced
such casts "incura'-'^ *' or
Lave said, "You will become >'< d to
have an operation" It p n .;t that
The Novita Tro >. n r -.omen
cares such cast- I .< ..-\c rumors
and Foreign <;?- -*?:? . -ires (Jr-?i.nlation,
Ulcerati " . f flaui:r:i?:on of the
womb and uv ; os ani ;sil d;-*7'rir?cments.
Write for tl ' :i ... -s") A ? fa
t^swmonlals an' v i]> t,c * ->a
free. 'Give the- ?\ * di
Dr. Van Vale? . ! <>. vc
without cop( i . .vat > . ... i.
Address al! lei v- i > lue NuY-ta Company,
400413 Gr.mc Opers House
Atlanta, Gs. S-l'Cm
Dr. Tbeo. A. Qnattletenm
j Solicits a shue s' <ho public pa'ron
Office is that formerly occupied by
theConr-tj- Superintendent'of Education,
in roar of Law Range. ?
fpfe:llS^ K^i::"'SALSAM
j'ifeae";.- ^-.'r r; si.il beautifies the hilr. I
<-> l'rosc.>:cS 1 luxuriant growth,
i iScKevc? Pails to Hesters Gray
re^i-.v-JfrSPB Hair to its Yoattsfel Color.
V 'A~h',:iV^"Pu.-ls soaip di?*?cs ft hair tailing.
g;c.unci il.uOai^U^^S^^J
Extract of Beef,
N I T\ _ I _
telling how to prepare many dell
cate and delicious dishes.
Address, Liebig Co., P O Box, 27 18
New York.
log a new bridge over Wateree Creek
on the public road leading U m
Winnsboro to Rocky MounJ, through
the Pittman place, will be let to the
lowest bidder. Sealed b;?'? will b?
received at this office up v> 12-o'clock
M. August 26th, 1899. Plans and
specifications on file m this office. Two
good sureties must accompany each
bid in the sum of the bid made.
County Supervisor.
Aug. 27, 1899. TUonamiscioner#.. 7fxlawlm
iiummu uuini.
Will sell at a bargain
One Engine, Gin and Press.
It will be to the interest of parlies desiring
to purchase a ginuiDg outfit to
learn terms and pricc.
S-3 lm T. H. KETCHIN.
Another Grand Forward Movement at
JOHN A. RICE, President.
Prices rodaccd nearly 25 per cent
for next year. Modern appointments,
comforts and equipments. New infirmary.
Hi-jh standard in thirteen
r\ A. A Ll. T7.
JL/epanuueuts. .auje ? acuity ui specialists.
Best homelike, social and religious
influences. Closest personal,
attention to ever? student. Those
having daughters to educate, can't
afford to miss seeing the new catalogue.
Saot on application. 8-10
Heinz's Pickles and Condiments in
endless variety, in bottles and in bulk.
Heinz's Pickling Vinegar.
Qaeen Olives, plain and deviled.
Genuine Canton Ginger Preserves.
Preserves, Jams and Jellies, assorted.
For a breakfast relish try one of our
Choice Mackerel, or Roe Herrings.
Oat FJakes in packages, new goods.
Soda Biscuits, Saltines fresh twice
each week.
Fcr the accommodation of housekeepers
during the hot season we
coip ham and beef to order.
Fine (Groceries.
And look over our stock of well
known varieties of
mTTTllTTn /*Tirm
mm - m
before making your purchases.
Don't forget lis at..
* * .i* At*
the oldrsfcand.
For Sale.
i cupving ore-half ac< e ground, comer
i Frazier and Libetij* Streets, west end
1 of town. Ha? a well of fine water,
rich garden spot and orchard attached.
For terms applv to
6-15-2m Winnsboro, S. C.
=3 MS I
In New York
buying up the latest fads
and the best bargains in
The Jeweler,gander Toner Clock.
Chester, S. C.
% g\
uyspepsia uure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon*
structiDg the exhausted digestive or.
gans. It is the latest discoxerad digest?
ant and tonic. No othCT^Bfeaatai
can approach it in effflBKv. ft instantly
relieves and perman6bi*|p' cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heaitbuw,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, NauseaSickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,ana
all other results of imperfectdigestion.
Prepared by E. c. DoWltt &Co , Chicago.
Winnsboro, S. C.
M! Fit!
... m
MILLS running, and ?&- .
spectfolly solicit the patronage of
me public. Give us- a trial and
we shall try to please yon..
For one bushel of good wheat,
that will not lose more than 2 lbs.
by being cleaned, we will give 36
lbs. good flour, 11: lbs. bran and
3 lbs. shorts.
If yon have any wheat to sell
we will pay you cash'for it at the
market price.
FaMeld Roller Mills. |
I Know
,. I have them at 5c. per
Also a full line of most delicious
Crackers and Cakes,
embracing all varieties.
Crackers, Banquet Wafers,
Salted Banquets,Butter Thins.
Cakes, Pineapple, ' Raspberry
and Strawberry Sandwiches
? Brighton, Windsor
and Minuet.
Lemons, Vanilla and Ginger.
Try them and be convinced.
They are the BEST,
J. S. McGarley,
Dealer in Fancy Groceries
and Baker's Bread.
A, Jk A A MB
> \ *
of them broken, which I will pell
cheap or exchange them for broker
down mules.
I also have ONE HEAVY
TEAM suitable for log
mules, and a few PLUG
MULES, which I wiil sell
low for cash. Also TWO
I have one COW AND CAL&' &a<i
and several good Springers,, aud ata
always ready for a trade.
Winusboro, S. C.
with a fall stock of Caskets, Burial
Cases and Coffins, constants on hand,
and use of hearse when requested.
Thankfal for past patronage and solicitation
for a share in the future, in the
! old stand
| ("alls attended to a: all honrs.
mmiTTmv nnnnrm
Wednesday, September Grh. Largest
endowment of any College in ihe
South. Coai;;letest*Gvmnasinm in U?e
State. Board $6 50 to 810.00 per
month Loan Scholarships for worthy
young men. Younsr women admitted
to all classes. Send for Catalogue to
6-24 Durham, N. C.

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