THE I 1SSWS A-*?-? Hi" ".! ! PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY -BT? m ?v8 A.N? IER4 LI Cv i* TBUJIS, IX ADT'ft'*' ~ On? Tear, ... 81.50 Six >Ioath?, - .75 vAH MMf\RORCi C. Wedneslay, Marffb 7r - - 1900 WHEX ENOUGH. Toe Fiick-Carnegie co .(est has brought out that "tbe infsnt industries" have ptsssd the stage when they should b? nrotec el by a lariff In j hie biil in ii'y, Mr. If rick tar?:' "The bu*ine s frjni 1892 to 1900 was enormous* profitable, growing by J leaps anil jumps from year to yrar i until, in 1899, the firm ac-'nallT made on low-priced eontracis net profit*, alter paving expenses of all kind#, $21,000,000 in stovenaocr, io??, C'lrnegie^estiDaated the wet profit* for 1900 at $40,000,000, }and Frick then estimated the03 at $*2,000,000." Mr. Curnegie, we believe, ha* been fairly generous wirh his money, but when it is related that, from the StandarJ Oil Company, tho Carnegie Company, the sngar trast aoS a few other enterprises, he receives an aonnal income of $64,000,000^ he can afford to tos? over a few hnrdred thousand dollars to a library now and then. Of course, no right thinking man will deny Mr. Carnegie'? right to make all the money he can, bat all justice loving men will demand that he should be pot on equal footi-g with all ?ther men as far as the law is concerned. Something mast be wroiig when these enormous profit# can be made The rsc.soa for them U to be found, to a great extent, in our tariff laws. These $40,000,COO.profits estimated for 1900 w>ll he drawn from the pockets of i the consumers of the products turned out by Mr. Carnegie, and the tariff is the means by which Mr. Carnegie is en&fe'ed to lery the tribn e upon the soasumer. The Chicago Tribune wants to know where these large profits a-e to end, and says: The Carnssie Company nude $21, 000,000 last year and yet Mr. Carnegie is cot satisfied. He wishes to get pssse-sion of Mr. Frick's interest for less than its value. Ttie Standard Oil Company has jwt declared a quarterly dividend of $20,009.000, or ai the rate of $30,000,000 for trie year, and yet its directors are not satisfied. Tbev wish Congress to pav subsidies to the ocean-going vessels ia who:o earnings they have a sh^rc. If there are any other American corporations whose profics were $20,000,000 last year or promise tu be $80,000,000 this year, it may be taken for granted that the men at the head of them are no more satisfied than the Carnegies and the Rockfellers, and are no mere scrupulons as to tne methods of adoing to their posses61009. Th-re seesas to be no limit to the rapacity of corporations which hate been built up at the expense of the public by excessive tariff protection, by illegal railroad discriminations, or or official favoritism. The men who rnle those corporation* may not lwant the earth,' but ther certainly want the United States and the abundance thereof. They and their allies on laad and saa are working at the entire subjugation of rhs Government, so that they may add more millions to their^ present, annual revenues of-$20,_000,000 in the case of tfce Carnegir'Oompany and $30,000,000 in^e case of the "Standard Oil. try to put their creatures J^ ll official place* which touea^fueir interests at any point, TiytfC^iemand subsidies for their v?^*^They insist that fas loneyof the Government be deposited in banks in which they are heavily interested, so they may be able to control the stock markets and to lend to the taxpayers the money which the latter have contributed. to defray governmental expenses. Their demands are usually complied with There are ibree things that are never satisfied; yea, foar things say not '*It is enough." That may have been the case in the old Hebrew days. **' ' "* ' ' * ~ ? i > (ka f Vflw vv neu win tue#e u usis iuat <.umj have enough and turn the government again over to the people. Me. R. H. Jennings will be a candidate for State Treasurer. It is not necessary for ns to say anything to the people of Fairfield a? t# *rho Mr. Jennings is. He has been th?* Clerk of Court for this county fo: several terms and his fidelity and sfficiency in the discharge of his dutj-is appertaining to ,1 that offise aro well known by every body', in the county. As a man he is pore, most thoroughly honest and conscientious, courteous ane interest* he has always been rea-.H- a:;d wiling to serve It is nnoecossary t > cay rhit Fairfield will support bim with en'hasiasia by a practical'1 y unanimous vote, and j it i< L'opert that Fairfield's evidence < f her confidence in Mr. Jennings will be accepted by other counties as proof that ;hey will make no mistake in reposing like confidence in him. The young lady who married the ? .v.a t^vat" DOgU? vjai c\ vi *. am New Orleans deserve? litie sympathy. She married Mm upon a conrtship of two day*, and tbis shows that she msrried him merely because sue thought r that he was the real Capt. Clark of the Tex*?. I* shows how silly Bom-1 peopie in" the United Slates are over c""~ he rose. ??? " Y\ e iiote that :he Colombia State is c>rrp!aiu5ng that the catton market in Columbia lias le3? f>rao hired. Our farmers should compare price* paid in Colnmfcia with th'jse p ud in Wiuusboro. A local cotton buyer inform! us that the ruling prices for cotton i dariDg this season have been higher in "Winnsboro than in Colombia. 1 OCi: TVIJtTHKOP LETTER. The W. ifbrop ?tudet.t< vc??r.- much iDterestcr. n this year's 6uie legMature. Pi evident Johasoa was in Co Inmbia ae oral days daring it* session He was ti re as the representative of the college to tell of the great r.eeJ of more douit?ry ro<.-ni at VVimhrop, aad to rec.ind the State thai the owes nearly as ranch to her dabbler*- as to her sons. There being- accomodations lor eight hnndred and fifty young men in the tbrte State institutions, aini accomodations for ocly two hundred &n-i sixty yon:-g women in the ote S-ate institution tor women i? South Carolina, sure;r the State *nul-J consider the matte,?and she did! The ne 9 8 of the State's geuerons apprcpri: *ion for this new riomitorv was rect ved with giatimd* at the college; s.:d when onr orei-ident (first explairac.* the signifijavce of the three "readings& "bi'i" ma*; -:;ave to pas? in the legislature) 5 i nrrctd ua tha-' the bill f' r Wiuthrop'a u- \v donjitorv had had jT* third arm ia-t reading in the houst, :here *as >? wtrm clapping Wo hmu. ;a - ,,n! r>f lii> 9J J U1UUC' ? ? V I UM W v, . VA . ?.V many sppiicaut* for j.dmiin-fion to the college, the greater isisj uity of them may be accomodated by u- xt fall. For -pare moments there i* no p'ace tog re frcqasuled i>y ihc ttirls than the reading r?oui. It is pietsa if to waicb the faces of the girls a? t)?ev eagerly pose ove.* their ropprctivcounty pspsr*. fho S ate is ei.j >3 ed by all, an i it was wuh interest that we read 0. Bryan'* visit to *':?!utnb*? Thisgiea :n*n passed ih'-oujjh Ro?.k Hill, and on h ind But the train oid not stop and ihecr.>wd assembled u the station had 'o content itself wit! -4 flatter ot h?inukerchief$. However, he ^irls haa fhohosor of getting a direct rne^aie from ins great Dan '>cratic leader a:;d it wa$ to thi? eflect, "Tell the Winihrop girl?i T mxner.r. 0 ea! thinsr? of th^ni." Rsv. Dr. Thor well of For.- Mi'l was the bearer of -hid message, aud he ?Jehveied ir lo a pleasing arid graceful mahuer. ?Vfcen the girl, ivcsircd it each oae evinced as grsrifica:ic:? as if the r essage had cooia to he> individually Words of encouragement are alwa} helpful and wheu they come froL; snch a siring a?* of 1900 took place. The following was ihc order of ex?rcisos: A short address by President Johnson. Address 10 senior c;*s* by ?ev. Mr Thayer. Planting of tree bv senior clas*. Presentation of spaae by prexident i&Lseiiior chsi 10 president of janior class. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Rogers. The exercises were exceedingly interesting. Lasf year a resolution made by the secicr ciaa? to the tffic that the aiTflbers ot the cia*# of "99 establish lie custom of planting & c!a?3 tree. Tae 22nd of Fec/roary was set aside for the exercises and so ihe second tre- has been planted on the campns. It 'a a pret?y ca?tom and io after yea: s aen Winthrop's gradi>*teretum to t ;eir Aima Mau-r. tne reminiscences o "happy *chooi ti ?" vril be doubly feasant wfr-ti ted them under tie branches otti^.r ci-.s* tree. JL<*8t nigisr betweeu eine ftna citreu "The Col German Clno" kms entertained ma deligrutat d-tnce. Ir was given ../ soma of tbe c.*:.-ge girls who bad be so oftcu e?tenu;ned by the clab, a i thinking, vilurj aboir i* fair play,' thev exened tncrcvelvtlast night t mate the ^v^iiiiif a s;ic cess, which :t undoubted)- n*s. A' the "Colon i Ball" las?, evening (for *s such the ntertainineat was k^ownj the girls lo k?d their fce->t *nd wir^ powdered : ir and co?tam-r?; o!'Martha YVasbin ion's Dar they icade c>ue a!mc?t beii- "*: thai "Coloajh- Dames"' were rea!l\ trijrpiug &ro>md to ihe music of e old ta-h-on'jd d*?iC?: Pre9ideu; Ivhnsoi! and a miaib^r or the teachor rere prescy. 'I ne "isvors" which ?vere unique and pre-t? were givsn the teachers Examinations?di ided th?r.j??! ? ai> at hand once more, ,d memories ;>f ja?t evening's pleam v* must be stored mvav for c a: : - . XT..I future aicui ; X^MC. Rocd Hilj Fe'o. 2i, 1900. Women as Well as Men Are M ide Miserable by Kic ney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor tand cheerfulness soon disappear when the kidneys are out cf order Kidney trouble ni's ~* become so prevalent "TJ that it is net uncommon jj for a child to be born y afflicted with v/eak kidneys. If the child urin ^ . at*s too often, if the urine scalds -.e flesh or if, when the child reaches an a- 2 when it should be able to control the p -sage, it is yet afflicted with bed .vetting, epend upon it. the cause of tkfc jJifftetlitV ' * fir-ot step should be towages the treatment of these imports, t organs. This unpleasant trouble is due *o a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and rot to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and oladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild ana the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon .realized. It is sold c?nt and' one " dollar sizes. You may have a free, also pamphlet tell- Home or s^-atcp-Boot. ing all abou: it, including many of tae thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers rured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this p*?er. trateree ripplks. Since year ^one<-pondf.nt, oar good fiietd, bub '.a:! ch^r^e of tit? counly treasimr's oifijc. I uom'c remember of seeing any news froin this section of theconitv, so with your permission will ij'Vs v?.?n a fevr items. j The grain crop ic not very promising at piwer;?, a;:bough a large acreage bai been pUn'-th Xo plowing has b:.*eu done np to rbis ume. It look? as it Piovidence is | iuterreniug to prevent ihe lar?e crop t of cotton oeing planted, that every ore is predicting will be dene The vytfftree Prize (Mob has reorsraeiztd for the present year, and will try and revive the energy and pluck that existed ia the club a few years back. We wouH like to tee the county institute revived again. I think ii not r to excel othere in having ?ha be-' ?xbibi:s, but the social feature cocn.cted ^vitnitia worth a great deal. What sty ?thera? TiiO Mt. Olivet High School, the pet and pride of the community, aoder tbe management of J$is? Kittle Patrick, a post-graduate of Due West Female Coilega, is doing fine work Tno pupil* of oor school have been exerci&iog and developing their srgu j mentative faculties bv entering upon I somewhat extended discussions on qaa*tions of mata&l interest. Among the subjects debated wa3 one bearing on ih<5qaa ifications of generalship as possessed by two of onr bravest and noblest hanes. The qiery was stated lha*: "Resolved, Toat Lse wa< a better general than Jackson." This tnbject wa* Abated with nnnsual zest and earnestness; aid was indeed ?n able s of that General whom they we;e to de?en:l in the debate, did not epe*k ur.kir.uiy of she other. This * ?( a of. The debaters were encoari^e.d and inspired bv the presence of a number of visitors, who w#wt aw.iy Icadly prai?i?ig the debate. As soon h3 all trie papers were read, ail anxkasly waite-1 for the decision to be r.-H'iered by Mr. F. A. Xell. He so*u -rare "ud, a-ter a f?w weli-cbosen word*, ajdre?9ed to tbe debaters, he subiritied His decision, which was in favor of the negative. 'Twas a splendid victory and a noble defeat. Another tubject discussed was one qui e different, but vet one of never faiiiitsf jn-.orest?"Bo>s aRd Girls." Th-j qu^ry was: "Resoived, That boy* have more trials than girte." Each p.\pfr presented s-ome good thought?, weii flavored wuh p'easiDg humor, Thn e'Mimwa'ion, and perhaps Imigbi adrK fU* exaggeration of trials as presented by o^a woold call lorth out sympasBi^s cur aui?e poor boy whoic iife is ah shadow; bat presentlj another crotild melt our heart into pity, lor ? tind, overworked girl, whose trials seemed mora than her weak thouidera could bear. The contest \7?a indeed a clote one, but, after the *rguments v-ere carefully weighsd , aad balanced, the decision was mads tnaf girls havs more trials. The younger pupils iiMVd also had a debate, wijicu was greatly eDjoyed. Every paper showed careful study and tboazut, and upon the whole was a iem*rkablv good one for their first attempt. We appreciate th'. earnest ?* - ? ? * ~ ? i U U ? o*l nnnilts riiUTLb pui iUi (U uy ckii and we eay tbis not to gratify ihd vanity of any, but to encourage all. We feei proud of what they have done, and ch?ri?h for thsm many he&t'.y good wishes, for all possible >ouad digestion and a regniar bt*:ily habit tha:. insarea perf-ct health &nd great energy. Only 25c at sicMaororCo.Udrng store. LONGTOWN KSWS. Wei?, we have escaped another ffivere Winter, with a few ?iigbt snows of brief *?*ys; still the wet weather ii retard)ug farming operations, a good seal as 10 land preparation, etc., which, I believe, will eventuauv prove a blessing-i?i fcoifle senses of -the word, nam.'*, farmers not spt so prep*i' ell all cotton i*ad* and pat in a plenty of cors aLd o-h >: ea.aVxs? j eces-sanes. Grai-r cro;:? on sandy t-oil? good flea! damaged 0;* fretzes, while on stifl innJf* f} fairly we;l. Not a* m.'cb f'-r.ilizer? nsed as heretoloie, a"''bough :h?re wa9 a quantity biuled from town. Some farmers will u.-e -is maca, others If-Fs ;han last -ear. whiie u-tbers softens the arums, allays all pain, cares wind colic, and i* the best revacdy *br diarrhoea li wi)I relieve the poor little ^offerer immediately-. Sold bv dreg-gists io ver> part of ice world. Twenty-five oects a bottle. Be sure and ask for "' trs ^i-ulcwV Sootfciuf Svrup," and lake bo other kind. 1-1-17 i The Kind You Have Alvrays B in use for over 30 years, h; and has ! si All Counterfeits, Imitations a: periments that trifle with ai Infants and Children?Exper What is Ci Castoria is a substitute for Ca and Soothing- Syrups. It is I contains neither Opium, Mo; substance. Its age is its gua and allays Feverishness. It < Colic. It relieves Teething-1 and Flatulency. It assimilat Stomach aud Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea?Th? ffrVk BS35X GENUINE CAST yj Bears the S . y/ j \ He Kind Yon Hai In Use For Ov THC CCNTAUIt COMPANY. TT MUI 1 ?^ BRYANT LOCALS. TLe weather Las been so unfavoraI ble iece?>tly that Terr little farm work has teen accomplished. No ploughing of n?y cocseqnence ha8 been done vet, and if present weather condition? continue to eiiil much longer farm i work vtfiii be great'y retarded. Tbe ! favTuciH, h:>wevei, have not been idle, j lave een bn?iU engaged gre'iiug! tbeir lands in readiness for the plow, ! reoairiug ft*'!C 6 and many other thirgi I ladder fa: to firm lite. Quite a targe amoont of fertilizer ' h-ii, freau Hauled from Ridgeway re- | jointly. We do o^t tbiuk, however, I ' thar. there will be as much nsed this ) ' | yea- as u?nal. , | We hope the rtcent ri?e in the price I of cotton vrofl't induce the farmers to j plant a lars;e crop this y:;ar. Let us '! prolit by our paft experiences Strive '! t > iidse j -arowj supplies at home. ' 1 Th?n and not nntil then will our con' j d:t.on be m*t?rially bettered. : Vary lifle has been . one towards j j2a--He?-ingr yer. Ae soon a? the ground 1 ger-j safibieutiy dry tbey will in all probability be planted. 1 Miss Ross Qarrison, of Texarkani, 1 Texts, is visiting relativaa in Lot><:tOWM. / Mis< Faunie Ford,- the popular a'd 1 efficient teacher of-the Upper Leng1 town school, and Miss Jennie Gladden 1 left here yesterday for the home of the former, at Miiford. Tuey will return -- u n n 1 on iioncay. a. a. xj. March 8,1900. "I us*d Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure in my family wirh wooderfnl rcsnlts. It gives immediate relief, i? pleasant to take and i; truly the dyspeptic's best j friend," says E. Hartgerink. Overisel, i Mich. Digests what yon eat. (Jan, ;iO fail to cure. McMaster Co. I BCCKHKAD NOTES. 1 I would respactfully cill the a"ention of the officer of our county, who*e duty it is to keep {he roads in good condition, to the fact that the road at the banks of Beaver Crtek > fordt at the f>ltl bridge place, a mile north ol Dr. F. M. E. Fant's reaidcnce, is in a dangerous condition, also on ' thr- 8ame road, near Mr. W. S. "Wright's, is a very deep gully partly unprotected by post and railing. There is alpo a large log near and north of this creek which enght to be removed. I bad the pleasure of vi-iting your ' city on the 23rd ult. by a pressing 1 request of Hon. Joh:i J. McMahan. 1 While there I was introduced to Judge 1 -James Aidricb, who was holding court there at the time. I also viei'cd 1 the first cotton factory erar set to ' -vork in old Fairfield. Tse public road from Capt. T. M. > Lv;<>v t;> Hook Creek i6 almost im ! p^saftle, which neses^tntes the peopie i go".g around by Vlr._ J. M. Ederi.ig! toi/8. ', The rain* have beeu almost inces fte.'t, is3. I rh;iik ;iie iucome tax law, 1 fc/H'ti auii United States, shoali be cM-?rcud. J c Fca-tcr. i^r^u 3, 1900. 'I iJj' Harriet Evani, Hicsdal-*, 111 , "1 r.evfci to relieve my c^iiareu frouj croup at once by u*ing 0?" Minste Lougb <'nre. I would u.)t tceJ snf-' wiihout it" Quickly ur'>> ".oBeh'-, culda, giippn and ag di-cxtes McMa?te Co. OAKUND ITEMS. T-i - are busy, ?>o Ur as (be p:e<**rier will permit. A? th? Selma J?n iia! says: 4'The voice of the rnul? i* heard in the land. He gird* bimetIf up wi>h u fresh mortgage, and g e? lorth cinque? ing, and to be conquered." Farmers aie buying largely of fertil'zers. wbich means a big cotton crop, and everybody knows thai mains a low pice of c-?uon; perhaps four cents, c r -iiily tot ov s fire Wuy, then, will everybody plant for a biff crop? If a farmer has the cash to pay for bis euano and proyieiou supplies to :uu him he might venture to take the rkk, but tbe man baying fertilizers ou -rfd't and his corn, meat, meal, lard and syrnp on :ime will most a?snred;y Sr.d 1 iinsolf coming out a loser when selling a big coiton crop at four or ev?n flrv re: t*. No man can come fiev tium fiuai cisl eintarriss uieij{ >>v big co'ton crops and bu\ingcon>, meal and floor. It ja*t *22132 ; ' ' - >- " - u :" or.ght# and wliicr. ':~7 ,:::n i as borne tlic signature of > been made under his pertper vision since its infancy. o one to deceive you in thi s, ad Substitutes are but Exad endanger the health of ience against Experiment. ASTORIA istor Oil, Paregoric, Drops larmless and Pleasant. It rphine nor other Narcotic .rantee. It destroys Worms 3ures Diarrhoea and Wind 'roubles, cures Constipation es the Food, regulates the healthy and natural sleep. 5 Mother's Friend. OR IA ALWAYS iignatnre of fe Always Bought e for the pait few dayi and seems to have instilled new life in the farmers. I noticcd on my trip here the lines bfing \ ulled on teaxs drawing the plows. Land eems to be rather cn the heavy order. Grain crop considerably i< jared where town laie. No gardening beiog do?r- as jet. Mr. J. A. McKinstry met with % severe sccideut at & saw mill operated i .. ~\tm TP..;,.V "? fho lftwar Mflrf oflhis U T JTI 1 JL' J iwiv AM 1 UU IV 17 V* county. While bearing of a piece of timber from the carriage, space boiDg very ranch crowded about the saw, tb? end of the timber struck against the saw, throwing him over against if, from which be received several severe cut? on the hip removing the rkin and a part of (hi muscle for some distance, leayin* ar, open wound. Dr. J. D. F. L^ver being near was called in to attend to his wound. I saw him on Saturday last and found him resting comfortably. It wiil be *ome time before he will be able *ro get about. He ii ar the residence of Mr. Barnes Beckham and receiving every attention acd good nursing. There was a diu-e reading at Mr J. R. Boyd's on :a?t Thursday night for the benefit of the church. It was well attended and a nice sum realized fcr all of which the lid:cs leturn thank*. Mr. J. L. Cauthea was quite aoweli l*?t week, wbick interfered wi'b his work ou the reiidenca of Mr. Pope Brook* Glad to sav he is at his post to-day. T C M IC. March 5, 1900 Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctor:' L'l1" They willsurelycureall J!.;;s ofthe stomach, liver cr No Reckless Asserl^n For sickheadache, d2. malaria, constipation an iKIicusness,ainiIlion people endorse TUTT'S Liver PiLLS JEXKIXSVILLE PARAGRAPHS. Atier aloi)gand painlu! iiNc?*, Mr. j Ebenezer Stauton, the oldest :nan in ! this i: til d on Frioar, the j 23rd inst., and wr; buried ar LUtle ; River Church on the following da;/, j He had passed his 85tn birihday. His | wife and three children survive him. j Waller Hujbes, the infant son of Mr. j and AIr?. Walter Holler, died of p::ca- j monia a few weeks siace, sad was j buried at Little Kiver Uharcn. Dr. Scott, of Monticello, practices j medicine in this vicinity. Dr. Douglass, of Peak, Las ie-T.ri.ed I to Union county. Mrs. John McMeekiu, Sr.. h:is been i suflerinjf witk acute rheuma'.i-:n fi?r ! some time, and at this writing Lev i condition is not much improve: Mr?. Allie McMeekwi hx* j>:sr re- | turned from (JJumbia where has j been under the treatment of Dr. Ken- ! dall tor some days. An eruption,?cal!c i "eiepuan- uch,"j has been prevalent in this section, anu j I hear of it in other localities, lij makes iome quite sick, while the:a ' suffer very little inconvenience fr^m it. j Miss Flossie McMeekiu spei;l la*: j S&.urday and Sunday at home, rvtnrn- j ing to take chaige of her schoo'. i Blythewood. on Monday. Mr. L. E. Owens, of V\iun9Uo;o ! cimeout on important busines* a l?w | dayd kince. : Mr. Hop James, of Buckhoad, ! in this community a few days a?iO making arrangements for the culiiva- j tion of bi< farm hepe. A valentine party was give at Mr. Joe Clark's near Little Kiver, and tho*e who attended from here report quite an enjoyable time. Miss Mayde Chappell, who i? teacbintr npfli- Lever's. S. (1. cuiie home on *" ?? ?" ? -? < Friday evening last, accomparded by Mrs. Tom Maybin, of Columbia. Rev. E. A. McDowell attended the ministers' meeting in Newberry kst week and read a paper on ihe institutional church. 'Mid falling rain and lo Bering clouds the delegates assembled to hold the first quarterly conference of the Fairield circuit her# at Shiloh Church. Rev. E. P. Hodges presided and preached an excellent sermon on Sunday. e1/ ttro of the four churches were represented, the weather preventing the delegates from Monticallo and Cedar Creek from putting in an appearance. Rev. Mr. Spigncr, the new pas'or here, is much beloved in this com ujumiy. Marriages are Lolof common occurrence hereabouts as not to be v.oriby of mention. I have seen no report of the marriage of Miss Earline Williams to Mr. Samuel McAfie, of Chester county, which took at she residence or Mr. Thos. Anderson on the 31st of January, at 9.30 a. m. Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, of B ackstcck, vra* :hs officiating minister. The bride was quite a popular teacher, and I darrsay her experience in ibat capacit/ will hpiter fit her for discharging her duties as qceen of a household. The weather prophets have kept as I sh'neriDg all winter with thii- predictions, even when the weather was fit.e. j We expected Jannarr to be a tolid, frozen month, a perfect iceberg, frozen from end to end BreatbiDg fresly wheu this prophecy was n}t verified, we were made to gasp and shiver again with another wr-ather forecast for Fcbruarv, which has not proved so bad as we were led to expect 'lis true that we htve had a few very cold days and considerable rain, bnt it mis{ht have been mnch worso. T. February 26, 1900. wvw wm& ^isfi No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period before her little ones are born. Neglect or improper treatment then endangers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do something wrong. MOTHER'S ' FRIEND Is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are radically wrong. They are more than humbugs?they endanger life. 11U.UI.UCI 3 J.' 1 iGiiVl lUC Uill^WVJ to relax and expand naturally?relieves morning sickness?removes the cause of nervousness and headache? prevents hard and rising breasts?shortens labor and lessens the pains?and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a Shreveport, La., woman: "I have been using your wonderful remedy, Mother's Friend, for the last two months, and find it just as recommended," Druggists sell It ct $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Send for our free illustrated book, k "Before Bai y i=> liora." jjjj -TO- ji| ? MULES FOR SALE. | Bought right jand we wilk-s jsell cheap.?* 'I. W, DOTY & G9. SGROFULfl AND ITS CURED Johnston's ! QUART B A. MOST WOND: A Grand Old Lady GJ Mrs. Thankful Orilla Hurd lives in Livingston Co., Mich. This venerable ; the year 1S12, the year of the great w York. She came to Michigan in 1S40, too." All her faculties are excellently tentive memory, her mind is full of in life, of the early days of the State of markable people she has met, and the ness. But nothing in her varied and velous and worthy of attention than JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. Mr disposition to scrofula, that terribly de and is cursing the lives or thousands a tims of the death angel. Transmitted found in?neary every family in one f pearance in dreadful running sores, goitre, or in eruptions of varied forms, may he known as catarrh in the head, and often is, tLe prime cause or consu Speaking of her case, Mrs. Hurd s with a bad skin disease. My arms an sores, discharging yellow matter. My unsightly in appearance. My body w My eyes were also greatly inflamed an much. My blood was in a very bad at frequent intervals, and I had no ap was in a miserable condition, I had tri mended, and doctor after doctor had the state told me I must die of scrofu were beginning to form. I at length w his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bot thing else, as I had no faith in it, an began to grow better. You can be sur many bottles. But I steadily Improve sores healed up, all the bad symptoms and I have never been troubled with of S3 years is not a young woman, but since then, and I firmly believe that J greatest blood purifier and the best me scrofula and as a spring medicine." T not iok to be more than sixty, and she life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SAB M1CHIG-A1V DRUG COM John H. McMaster & Co.; Winnsboro,S. < "W. M. Patrick Woodward, & C.; T. G. Pa1 "Wii On Your Spri We ape Fvoady Sl^oWirig Sj A beautiful line of Wh: Checked Muslin and Piqi were contracted for last A prices ; you can have thei tt. .1 vr^: 7 j naraDurg, imm m ar,* in Hebron, Washington w*>., new the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler preserved, and possessing a very re- * teresting reminiscences of her earls* Michigan and the interesting and ry%-;t stirring events of which Bhe was a wit* j manifold recollections are xnore mar* '' are her experiences in the use irf ? s. Hurd Inherited a tendency and prestractive blood taint which has cursed nd marking thousands more as vi? from generation to generation. It If i orm or another. It may make Its ap? in unsightly swellings in the neck or Attacking the mucous membrane, if or developing in the lungs ft may be, . -3 mption. ays: "I was troubled for many yeata d limbs would break out In a mass cf * neck began to swell and became very as covered with scrofulous eruptions* d weakened, and they pained me ray. condition and my head acted severely petite. I had sores also In my ears, I ed every remedy that had been recosx* failed. One of the best phyislelaaa la lous consumption, as interna! abcesses as told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and tie, mere as an experiment anyd greatly to my agreeable surprise^ Z e I kepUon taking it I toot a great d until I became entirely well. A3! tb? disappeared. I gained perfect health* scrofula since. Of course an old iadjt : I have had remarkably good heal to OHNSTON'S SARSAPAKLULIA 18 UO dicine in the wide world, both fCB Iris remarkably interesting old lady dftt ? repeated several times, "I believe zaj SAPABILLA." 3PAICY, DETROIT, TMTTOTg. [?.; T. W. Woodward & Co., Rockton,S.C.; . rickf&Cc., White Oak, S. C. iraar ng Shopping. to Help You by jj )pirig Gcoods.--?' M ' m ?c -S ".' '.'Si ' < ite Goc is in Plain Lawns;ie. Some of these goods Lugust, before the rise in n cheap. Also new lot of Lawn Embroideries. large and varied stock ?f Percales, Colored Pique, jhams. These goods all y buyers will get the advalue in White Spreads, I have a special bargain in two-and-a-half and threei factory ends; splendid wnre f/> ckrmr a nrl vrtll will ll^O VV OI1V II ^ ?. ? call. ^ : Goods Company, [1*7 \ e grandest line of SPRlS^ :AR ever brought to this town. hey want a Tie. Come early have missed quite a: treat ock of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS d well made. All the newest and the styles are simply grand. st. store look through -my line of y new things to shew you this "s .LI FORD. : ATTENTION of the ladies is called to a a line of 4 I TINWARE I i have just received: 1 I Dish Par.s. Kpfchin Pan*, T>?irv Fan?, Pud> i tr P???-. .Mly P*?*, Wash P*n?. 1 Jo hi uq bin, Sooiiopetf and rinin Pi>t Plates, Tea, B'*wJ and Grnw Sir?'*-^r*. O -t-rs, Po- . istti VIa?h r*. f *??r?l MvnMs, Egg Whip*, is, Sieve Ketile*, D sh Ke'tles Tea, Table and Bast- . ing Spoor p, (Colander-, Co fie 9 Stands, Bi-cait Cutters, &c , &<:. J. W, SEIGLER .v-T :