OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, August 22, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218613/1900-08-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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Wctlaesday, August 'i2, - 1900
?This Is the last week for Hennies,
tbe photographer, in Winnf-bjro. Children's
j?i<-toref a <-pecial?>.?adv.
r..- ? -lUk..., ?Jt teethe.
? D.a -v vejvci. nuuuu",
poaap&d'?nr combs, hair cl?sp9 and
brooches, jmt received at
Mra. ilcCarley's.
?Rev. McElwee Ross preached in
the A. B P. t'bnrch in Rock Hill on
Sunday and remrned on Monday to
Yoq will never find any other pills
so prompt and so pleasant as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. McMaster Co.
?Read Hon. W. D. Ma\ field's card
at the bead of the candidates' column.
He is ? candidate for railroad com
?The dry goods stores are getting
hi fall and winter goods and the
clerks are busy marking and arranging
?Bead the jewelry advertisement of
the W. F. Main Co. It is sold by McMaster
C?^ of Winnsboro, and Chap.
J. Smith, of Ridgeway."
?Mr. Floyd Propst has rented the
store recently occupied by the late Dr.
W. E Aiken. Mr. Propst is moving
his stock of groceries from the room
be has been occopying in the Beaty
It will surprise you to experience
/-vhtairtprl hv nsincr the dainiv
aid famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. McMasler
?Robert Flouruoy, Brickyard, Ala.,
writes: I consider no remedy eqnal to
Dr. Moffelt's Teethika (Teething
Powder) for the irritations of teething
and the bowel troubles of our Southern
?If you are in need of glasses, you
bad better call on the oculist at the
Hotel Duval. His many customers
already speak in the highest terms of
bim; hit prices are moderate; lie makes
glasses in all the Jatsst styles, and his
leases are tbe best made.?adv.
The quicker yon stop a con.-jb or cold
the less danger there will be of fatal
long trouble. One Minute Ccngh Cnre
is tbe only harmless remedy that gives
immediate resultp. Yon will like it.
McMaster Co.
? The Misses Ellison entertained
some of their friends at a delightful
little afternoon tea on Friday after*
noon. The tei was given in honor of
__ their guests,, Misses Marie Lee, of
Sumter, and Miss Hartalene Rcbiason,
of Orangeburg.
- A runaway occurred near the
freight depot on Saturday. A wagon
was being loaded from the depot with
reils of cotton bagging when someth<?
hr>rKi? and awav J
~ !>UlUg iti^aivuwu ?MV # ,
he da-bed tbrowing trie driver out
r> and scattering the rolls of bagging.!
The negro was badly shaken up but
was not hurt, and the horse was soon
stopped. The team belonged to Mr.
U. G. DesPortes.
Mothers endorse it, children like it,
old folks use it We refer to One
"* " V " Tf
illSQK tUUJ(U VUIC. lb nm i^vuvoi;
core all throat and Ian? troubles Monaster
?Longtown and vicinity were
visited on Sunday by a severe storm
of rain, wind and bail. The rain,;
which was heavy, came ia lime to
save crops and was most welcome.
,1 , Oq the *amQ afternoon a severe storm
"?viaited Yorkville, daring which the
depot of the Soatb Carolina and Georgia
Extension Railroad was struck by
lightning, the building set on fire and
burned with many of its contents.
?If }en are cross-eyed you had
better go and see the oculist at the
Hotel Duval. Eyes straightened with*!
out the nee of the kaife; cataracts re- j
moved without operation; siso pterygium
painless. Grannlated eyelids
cared no matter bow bad or now long
otandicg ?adv.
in India, tbe land of famine, thousands
die because tbey cannot obtain
food. Ia America, tbe land of plenty,
many suJFzr and die because tbey cannot
digest i be food tbey eat. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat.
Jl instantly relieves and radically cures
all stomach troubles. McMaster Co.
?On Friday Mr, T. W, Boyle, of
Greelyville, S, C,, was given tb > con
' * 1 A I
tract ivr lurmduing laiuuer auu wi
building new tenement houses to be j
bailt at the cotton milL Thirty-seven i
new houses are io be baiit and work
will be be?nn on rhera a* soon a? the.
_ ma'eriaU ca1* be brought here. TLe
building of tbese additional hoa-cs is
is prepara'i.m for the additional operatives
that will be required when the
. mill is enlarged.
? Have Henuies to make your photographs
at once as be will leavt Winnsboro
on Saturday. Six beautiful
*- * ? ?*? 4/v ^V\ r?
pn-HOS, new SI VIC auu lu-umc, 1UI
75 ce:?t .?adv.
Millions will be spent in politics this
jear We can't keep the campaign gc*
ing without money any more than we
sau keep the body vigorous without
food. D\8pfptieH u?-ed 10 starve themselves.
Now Kodol D\?peps":a Cure
diverts what >oa e*t andaflows\ou
to *-at all the good food you want. It
radically cures stomach troubles. McM&s'er
?We are iu receipt of oue ot the
new catalogue* ot WiiitLr<?p College.
Tbe catalogue contains ra>st attractive
iliu*trati?w? of tue buildings, both
ex'er-or and interior view?, and cony
tains ail the informs'ion about tbe
school that one could wish to kn ;w.
Appiicrioiis have b:en received from
more young UdirS than the college
r ca-j aocomm ?dat'-. Tne iutiook for
the coiui-g term is splendid ami
Pre?iden? Johnson ha* reason io be
pr?>nd of >h? co!ltg?\
?Two nc?roe? who interfered wiih
Sheriff E:Ii>on while he wa? 8arr>in?:
? <in Rofnr??j?t* ro<ir<>
? pt ICVIICt W" Jill Vi? M v. t?nght
a le-sou which tbey probably
will remember for ?-nine lime to come.
The deputy wa- conducting a uegro,
who wa? charged with breaking a
c>??tract, across the street to the jail
when a ne^r.> rushed np, and the
sheriff who ?ns talking behind the
dvpmy, ihjnkinj: :hit the negro's
object was to retcne the pri-oner
fcutckfd him down Another negro
"* . i*? v i i
ran np iiie >!? rm kiioi-kcg
Iiia down, 1} en drew Lis pistol bnt
the negroes bavin.? had t nough {rave
tofarher trouble, Wnar tha obj?ct
of the ?>egiot?P interfering is not known
batihry prol-ab;> i.evcr try tt?f
same game agniu.
?c<iyv-0 ' *
?i. i- ftmm M i
a evidence lt,cortjpleta> It's nature'#
al^'lyofwsmingyjrtmttW^wdltionj i
If! tetwrto disorders. 6^ J
tii# tloofl, 'lUght or severe, oftopg
i iitandm^ or recent origin. Its thirty,
years recorfl guarantees Its efficacy, i
6olC everywhere. frlce #1.00 per full
fionart bottle. Prepared only by -? * <
f Detroit, Mick.
John H. McMaster & Co., Winnsboro,
S. C.; T. W. Woodward & Co., Rockton,
S. V.; W. M. Patrick, Woodward. S. C :
T. G. Patrick & Co., White Oak, S. C.
New Cotton
Mr. E. B. Mason, ot the Horeb section,
brought (be first bale of new
cotton tc town 011 Monday. The bale
weighed 469 Dsnnds. and was sold to
J. F. McMaster for 8b cenl9.
l^nog slas^y babh ROA pug aqj "W m9a
Building and Loan Association.
Is there not a Geld for a BuildiDg
and Loan Association in Winnsboro?
Think about tbis and yon may have an
opportunity soon of being a member
of one. Observer.
If Mr. Morrison's figures are correct,
should not the town council, a* representing
a large interest, investigate
the management of-the dispensary?
If they ere incorrect, should not
the dispenser and board of control
invite investigation?
It tukes more grit than mo>t of our
public men have to moukey with this*
formidable institution, unless tLey have
pretty good grounds lor their statements,
and M:. Morrison talked like
he had convictions, facts and courage.
A Frightful Blander
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or-Braise. Bncklen't* Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and promptly beal it.
Cures Old Sores, ^ever Sores, Ulcere,
Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Erup
tioue. Best File cure on earth Ouly
25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sola
by McMaster Co., druggists.
?If your eyes born, smart, feel
sticky in the morning, pain or itch
you, or if you have tears in yonr eyes,
spots flaih before your eyes, or you
hold your reading too near or too far,
or strong light hnrts your eyes, or you
have headaches, call and see the oculist
at tbe Hotel Dnval. IS years' experience.
No charge for examination.-adv.
Allow me to say to tbe Democratic
voters of your county through jour
paper: I have been denied the privilege
of a canvass in tbe solicitorial
race by reason of a poisoned foot. I
attended only three meetings in
Chester county, near home, and found
it aggravated tbe .trouble every time
It is. doubtful if it is safe for me
(during these .hot days to attempt at[
tendance at any more of the meetings
|As4sood, however, as my physician
[ thinks it is safe for me to travel I will
start again.
I think it due the voters and myself
to state this and ask my friends to lake
care of whatever intcre&t I may hare
In the canvass.
Yours very traly,
J K, Henry.
Tor Over Fifty Years.
vj ?c a tvctaw'i! korvrnivr; sfrbp i
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their childien
while teuthing, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, sotten3 lh*r sums,
allays a'l.pain. cores wind colic, aDd
is the be>t remedy for diarrhoea It
will relieves the poor little offerer
immediauK. Sold by druggists in
every part of the world. Twenty five
cent* a bottle. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup,"
?n<l fate nn ,'ifhpp tinii. 1-1-17
Professor Hammel, of the Maryland
State Normal, at Baltimore, delivered
a vt ry instructive and highly interesting
lecture on "Wireless Telegraphy"
in the court hou?e in Wednesday
evening. He hid with him I he deli
cate apparatus used in tbis r.ewly discovered
way of telegraphing, and by
the means of the^e and djawiogs
which he made, he made his subject
clear ana easilv understood by his
audiwnce. He i- a very pleasant speaker
aud stemtd to take grrat pleasure in
showing his apparatus and explaining
them t. those who cared to examine
them. TLe !cc:ore was a f.rcat treat
to the people here, did they greatly
appreciate the trouble that he took to
gi?c U.era this pleasure.
It is c'aiincd that nowhere cam a full
c-)l e^e ciuwe, with all the advantages
of rnodtrn ; qaipm^ut and modern
^ ' - ? r\ * t Q lac? r?f
&U' * K, KJkJ^akl lit. 14 CftV t* .v^' www |
than at t!:c (College of Charle^to^. j
V. i h n fin'i endowment, handsome
and commodious building--, modern
and complete ?qaij Tftent, and a suon?:
fag'iUv, the institution offers unusual
advantages to the young men of this
State and section. Board and lodging
jean be obtained at the coiiege dorcnijtory
for ?10 a wont-, including fm>
} ni>bed room and lights, a*.id the total
j necessary xpenses of a scLolarship
{s ndent fhould not be more than $115,
i One scholarship giving free tuition is
assigned to each county of South Carolina,
she holder of which its appointed
by thf probate jndge and the county
Mipfrin'endcut of education.
1 have b^eu reading lha Icltcri Iroui
the famine district of India, written
D-. Klopsch of ihe Christian
Herald?arid reproduced in The State.
Tbe sufferings a: d death from starvation
and disease are so appalling as
almo^ to m*ke one skep'ical iiut I
n fleet ihii those who have nr-re than
enough for themselves will be held re- !
sponsible f they do not do what they ]
can to alleviate the a*ful conditions. |
I .... . .. . ;e ? lltknl t
?ny nave iney mors, u nut iu?? j
tbey thai had gathered much should '
have nothing over, and ihey that had
gathered little should have no lack?" j
If'tis a noble thing to save a fellow
being from drowning, or death from
any other cause, in our own midst, is
it any less noble lo save one from
* * ? ? * ? /I i n f ) ft r\ /I 9
siarcmyt eveu m a uisiaub ntuU.
A. gentleman, who does not wish bis
name known, says be will t-opplement
any fonis left at the bank for the
India Relief Fund by one half?that
i?, will add fifty cents to every dollar
anyone else will give. Will you give?
Bean the Kind You Have Always Bought
We have received witn pleasure a
coj>t <>f ihir' Summer School Number" ;
of the '.'a;-, liaa Teachers' Journal. It
isver, w.rly printed on gocd paper,
and is ti Jed with much interesting
matter in regard to the summer school
at Winthrop. So highly did the teachers
appreciate it that immediately ;
upon its. appcarai.ce the following
resolution was unanimously passed:
Whereap, the maintenance of an
organ for the teaching profession of
South Carolina is indispensable to the
progress and promotion ol educational
interests in our State;
And whereas, the "Sammer School
Number" of 'the Carolina Teachers'
Journal manifests the progressive
character of^ihat paper;
Therefore, be it resolved by the
teachers assembled in the State Summer
School, that their thanks are due.
Mr. J. Frank Fooshe (of Winnsboro)
for securing: to Carolina teachers this
progressive journal.
And be it further resolved, that our
teachers, collectively and individually,
ought(o encourage and support the
Journal, and thus make it still more
worthy if the great body of workers 1
iu whose interest it is maintained. ]
"Through the months of June and
July our baby was teething and look a
lunuing off of the bowels and sick- i
ness of the etomacn," says O. P- M. \
Hollidav. of Deming, Ind. "His
bowels would move from five to eight
times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the house and gave him
four drops in a teaspoonful of water
and he got better at once." Sold by
McMastcr Co. ,
On Friday morning Mr. W. A. .
Beaty received a telegram from bis ,
brother. Mr. J. M. Beaty, of Char- ;
>aUa /\ f hi J 1
lUilC) aiitlVUUVlKg IUG oau UKam 1-r? U1W I I
second daughter. Miss Marie. Miss !
Beaty was a charming young lady, ,
jost budding into womanhood, and j
giving evidences of a long and happy *
life. She is well known and greatly :
loved by the people of Winnsboro, and
>>?? mnnntr rflinl(r f f'<ar\An CD ll mntjm
Uti LUGkklJ r VUU^ T> A* .
her untimely death, and mis6 from (
their circle of friends one whose sweet
life was ari example of womaoly lnstre.
Miss Beaty attended the Presbyte- i
rian College for Women in Columbia )
and made many strong and affectionate i
friends ajiOne her college acquain- J
tances there. They too will monrn I
her loss.
To the bereaved-family we extend a <
heartfelt sympathy, and pray that the i
Heavenly Fatherrin whose providence 1
and wisdom she was taken from us, <
will give strength to eudnre and a 1
power to realize that "all things work i
together for good-lo those who love ?
the Lord.". i
Miss Beaty was ill for about six
weeks, and at one time it was hoped i
that she was beyond danger; but J
recent renewed illness was beyond
human endurance, .so wnue ner aeain <
is a great shock to everyone, it was i
not wholly unexpected. i
The funeral took place in Charlotte i
Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. i
... - ... i
"My baby was terribly sick with the ]
diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak, of VVil- j
liams, Oregon. "We were unable (o
- - - 1
care him with the doctor's assistance, '
aBd as a last resort we tried Chamber- '
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcei '
Remedy. I am happy to f-ay it gave i
immediate relief and a complete
cure." For sale bv McMaster Co. i
FKESKKVir?ifcr tttUll.
Frait3 aud vegetables preserved a<v
cording to ihc followirg will keep any
length of time and as natural as if 1
? (
pickel fresh *roin the tree or vine. <
Place your jar or jjirs (glass or stunc) i
filled with frnit or vegelablts (not
coc ked( in a largo, tight bos. A grocery
U x wi!l do. Place in the box
ji! s cQiv.ainitg ha I as many gallons
of wa'er as j ou have of fiuit. Putin
a separate vessel, haif teaspoenful of '
white chalk, half leaspoonfnl salt, half ,
tea-poonful mgar, oi.e i?a?poonfal '
chaical and as many ontices of m?
phnr as you lnve gailons of fruit. 1
P.see -his iu the tox with the jars coutaininj:
il.e fruit a?-.l water; set fire to
tbe chcDiicals ami cover tha box v?-ry
closely. After the chemicals are all
burned, empty the watt-rover the trn t
r\m > iKn ? .rc uiul c<il in
auu lie * \/*? >il< j 10 ui!\? WV.W
a cool p!-?cc'. Iii preserving tomaiieH
u>^ no water, Jut sca!<i thena enough
to per'. Hang a piece < f thin tmi-lin
across the t? p <?t b x, bugg-d enough
to hold tommt'ej-; set th? jar in :lie box
Hnder the uuisiin so as to catch te
juice. Pour tr:e prepaid in:o ti c
rnusiin. U*e the sa'.i:e process as
above (except water). W1k-u tLe
chemicals are all burned pour the
tomatoes into the jar containing the
- - - VIA Kofrti n
JUICC. ouvuiu vt. i/vt< V
catticg from cob and pat through
same process. This is the best rccipp,
for it saves time, sugar snd standing
over a hot fire, and then your fiuit is
always fresh and will keep any length
of time.?Mrs. Wm. R. Wilson in The
Practical Farmer.
Cure Cold !n Head.
Kermott's Chocolates laxative Quinine, easy
to take and quiet to cure cold in head and sore
bmi-wnmmmm? ???*B
IsBabyThin j
this summer? Then add a 1
to his milk three times a day. |
It is astonishing how fast j
:i 1*6 tuill imrtrftw If ho ni!?\(>?
j ..J/.w.v (
j let the mother take the
> Emulsion. ,50c^ao^K?^lldnie^5t4^J I J
Mr. Means Beaty spent Sunday in
Miss Annie Thomas relumed oo
Mr. Cullum has returned bomj after
visiting here.
Mr. Hamilton Hauahan has returned
to Charleston. Mr.
David G. EUI>oa came up from
Columbia on Saturday.
Mrs. J. .7. Gerig, of Ocala, Florida,
Vf i'.' KV liorior
4UI . t . WV.Ig.
Mr. T. W. Lauderdale left o?
Mord*y foi lleudersonville. <
Miss Miunie Sain, of Orangeburg, I
is visitlug Mif-p Lanra Gerig.
Misses Bessie Hall ?nd May Martin
came to Winnsboro on Monday.
Mr. McGee spent Sunday in town
and returned <>? Monday to Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinstry, of Gains- <
ville, Florida, are visiting Mrs. J. F. *
ixnss -.aiary Mcxiasier spent ruua; i
ia Colombia aud returned home on
Saturday morniug.
Mr. J. S. Parker, of Ridgeway, attended
the Parker-Hope wedding in
Rock Hill last week. ,
Mrs. W. t\ .Beaty Itft on Monday
for Hendersonville, North Carolina,
where she will spend some weeks.
Mr. Longstreet Gautt aod children,
who have be^u visiiing in Clover,
S. l\, returned home od Friday nignt. j
MUfc Mary Loa Jones and Miss
Bessie Stevenson, who have been
visiting Mi*s JMary Jordan, returned
on Monday to Columbia.
Mi?s LilK Beaty, Mr. Juo. L. Beaty, j
Miss Sarah Beaty and Mr. W. C. (
Beaty went up to Charlotte to attend (
the fuceial of Miss Marie Beaty on j
Satuiday morning. They retnrced t
borne on Saturday nig&t. i
Mr. C. A. Graeser, of Charleston, ]
who is in charge of the summer school
aow in session here, is away for a
few days, and duriug his absence Mr.
D. G. Dwight is conducliog the school.
Mr. Graeser expects ?o return to
Winnsbcro Wednesday. I
Cold Steel or Death.
"There is bat one small cbance to ^
save > our life aud that is through an
operation," was the awful prospect set
befoie Mr*. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, \
Wis., by Ler doctor after vaialy try- ^
ing to cor e her of a frigoful case of
stomach trouble aud yellow jaundice.
Be didn't count on tbe marvelous 6
power of Electric Bitters to care a
Stomach aud Liver troubles, but she
beard of it, took 6even bottles, was .
wholly cared, avoided suigeon's knife,
bow weighs more and feels better tban
sver. It's |>o?itively guaranteed to cure
-t- T h c
3LUIUUUU) UlVCl awu muu^ n vut/iv* ? md
never disappoints. Price 50c at t
McMaster Co.'s drug store.
Mr. Editor: J vour report ot the ^
meetiog ' i ro you did me a t
?reat iDju u v.. i >:entionally I am
mre, by giving currency to Mr. Mor- t
rison's unreliable statement concern*
ioggthe amount of breakage at (be c
Winnsboro dispensrry since I assomed
;harg' *?* dispenser. He erronioosly i
stairi! ;il ibe breakage at Winnsboro
eras : . J. 00 against $746.00 at Lan- i
sastu, .vhere the came amount of
liquet was sold. The truth is that i
since : i e 1st of Janu ary, 1897,1 have
sold $74,263.63 worth of liquor and S
my breakage, as the books will show, s
is only about $767.38. This is as good
i record as any dispensarv has in the 8
State. c
Mr. Morrison makes a great "to do" r
>ver a certain letter written by the old
ward several years ago, and is makirg
use of it and the false.statements
n regard to my breakage to defeat me t
in my race for sheriff. This letter wa* c
merely a joke and it wa? thought tbit ?
Mr. Morritou &ould so consider it.
tie thus tl inks that by cri icizing my \
niynigeraeiit ot ihe di$pen*ary and I
ibusing me, a letter uan than biin- s
;pif hp will imDrove his own chances I
for the L'^is'latnre. *
I send a certificate from Mr. Stansel!,
in inspector, who was here a few (lavs
igo, which will speak for itself.
Jno. B. S'evei;son.
Dispensary at Winnsboro. . - ^
I have this day checked up Mr. J. B.
Stevenson's dispensary and find his c
lispensary in good condition?ahead t
$8.47?and his breakage below the ]
average for tbe stock on nana.
N. IT. Stansell,
August 15:h, 1900. Inspector. J
A Monster Devil Fish
Deetrojing its victi.i., is a t>peof '
Constipauou. The power of thi< '
inurderons malady is felt on organs 1
and nerves and muscle* and brain j
There'af n ? health till it's overcome.
But Dr. Kit-g's New Life Pill-; are a
Fafe and certain core. Best in the 1
world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys i
ami BowcU. (July 25c?nts nl Mc j
il&ster Co's drrg 6tore. ,
Ail crop- have been civ offbv the 1
r. cent dr< u_-h', i-timi.ed t<? ie>s ilian
h?If a }ie:<l; whle some will make a
. > 1.?:? i.?,!?
very gUUlt pr<?IHH;ilu:?, sume uaii) 'U6
greater poriion will be on an average
of less than half. !
The small grain crop via* very
good. Some made an exceptionally j
good crop of wheat. The-e crops, vi ry
inn h tj our giatific-tlion, are increasing
every year. We hope tbe faim
er?, .a-ge ana snun* *viu continue 10 i
realize more folly ih-* nece^-ity of
Mich r.n-ps an<l vr'uh eve'i \ear in- I
cre?ic- the acr? age in giain
Thi? >ec.iii.!i hrtf not h ? 11 "annt^ ed"
but ver\ li t e 1: candidate?. We are
a'?n\ silhij to }< c il? in, aid ?-H!ieve
thai iVtn \ii' tlitla'e * h i is aliiCerie 11?
Ma aspiration* uil ai d =hon'<l, a" far
a? poofe:blc, call on each intelligent
This ifl Dsoanlial tnlho nitirsn
r Vitl JL IU3 iW klMI IV Vi?J?VM I
and more so to Ihe Irnb couscientions [
car.didulo. AleO, we beiicve every
^? -
citizen should vole from {
the fact that it is a great duly to bis *
country, one that all vi?ieis owr. (
Every possible iff rt shoult !c made j
lo elect the best men without any re- ?
*ard to personal feelings.
We regret that there are so few pro- <
iiibition advocates in the field. "We j
would be glad to rcceive the news of j
ihe election of any prohibition advoiate
with the loudest acclau.atiuns. I
Oar enthusiasm over the "political" .
success of Capt Jennings, though not ;
jvinced in words, is unbounded.
Fairfield rareiy ever hss a man on the
State ticket, but those that are pro- ?
3aced are of the very best material; 2
ire we conscientious in advocating and J
supporting Uapt. Jennings for Stale t
Mrs. R. C. Allen, of Columbia, and t
Mrs. A. J. Allen, of Raleigh, N. C.,
ire .visiting at Mr. J. S. AUen'p. r
Mis3 Marie Duke, an accomplished a
foung lady of Columbia, is vismrg
relatives iu this community. t
Miss Lillie Brrwn, one ot Greely- I
ville's most popular young ladies, is
spending sometime with relarivtsin I
tbis sectiOD.
Miss Minnie Brown, of Columbia, a
? vieilinor hpr omiiirr Misq fiarrie
Brown. F
Mr. R. E. Jeftares, candidBtefor t
county auditor, spent last Sunday in
:his section. Much success to him. t
Mr. R. B. Hogan is improving aftei
3eiDg indisposed for several day?. '>
August 18, 1900. Dixie.
A cheap remedy for cou>h9 and (
iolds is all right, bat you want sornsihinsr
that will relieve and care the ^
nore severe and dangerous results of
ihroat and long troubles. What shall t
pou do? Go to a warmer and more
*egu!ar climate? Yes, if possible; it (
lot possible for you, then in either
jase take the only remedy that hes ^
?eeu introduced in all civilized countries
with soccers in severe throat and j
uug troubles, ''Boschee'a Germau
Syrup." It not only heals and stimnlutes
the tissues to destroy the ger n ?
lis ease, but allays inflammation, causes a
sasy expectoration, gives a good 0
light's rest, and cores the patient.
Pry one bottle. Recommended many j
>eara by all droggists in the world. ^
For ?ale by McMaster Co., druggists.
We had quite a severe storm last
Sunday afternoon, which injured the
:rop3 considerably. Hai! and wind
sombined for awhile wrought fearful c
lavoc with everything. The hail cer- t
ainly injured the crops a great deal ll
ispecially the cotton and youog corn; j
eaves, squares and bolls were beaten v
)ff the cotton and the fodder on young t
:orn was beaten into shreds. The
ffind blew fearfully, uprooting trees,
lemolishing fpneep, garden?, e'c. The <jj
ainfall during the storm was very c
ieavy. The storm did not extend 1
>ver a very large scope of country; I
iboot four miles wonld cover the a
vidth of if. t
We attended ihc speaking at Ridge- *
*ay Taesday. Qaite a large crowd ^
ivas present and a ve enjoyable day ^
vas spent listening to the nameroas o
ipeecbes by the candidates for the r
rarious offices f
Mr. George W. Crawford^ candidate
or sheriff, spent Tuesday ni^bt in
LODgtOWD. . ?
Mr. J. Howell Jones, who has been
pending some time at Monticello, reurned
home on Tuesday. - J
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wilds and fam- li
ly, of Columbia, are spending some
ime at their home in Longtowu.
Mr. S. L. Dixon and Misses Edna
ind Douglass Dixon have returned 3
rom a very pleasant visit to relatives ?
d Blackstock and vicinity.
Miss Jennie Gladden is visiting revives
at Mitford and Morgintown.
Mr. Robt. Reeves, after spending u
-x 11 ? x; 11^
;ome ume hl muouceuu, uauie uuwc ,
>n Tuesday.
Mrs. JacksoD, of Wiansboro, is vis- 1'
ting relatives in this section.
Mr. John Bankhead, of White Oak,
pent Tuesday night with his brother,
kir. Hcbt. Bankhead. c
Mr. David M. Mobley, of Chester, a
vas in this *ection on Monday. . t
Misses Lcthard and Fannie Lewis i<
ire visiting relatives at Blackstock. c
Mr. R. 0. Reeves is visiting relatives p
it Monticello. "
Miss Carrie Stewart, of Winnsboro, a
pent several days in this section re- v
:ently. *
Mr. and Mr?. D. G. Smith visited ^
eiatives i d auuuer iasi weeK.
August 18,1900. E. H. Dixon.
? a
Chinese are dingerons enemies, for t<
hey are treacherous That's why all ]
iounterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve are dangerous. They look like
^eWitt'e, but instead of the all-healing
vitch hazel they all contain ingredients
iable to irritate the skin ?.i.d cause
ilood poisoning For piles, irjniies
md skin dis? ases u:e the original and
rennine DeWitt's Witch Ilaz?I Salve.
It is with pleasure w c 1 clc tl.e man
mprovements id our sister station,
"asipbell. A new ginnery is in ?
scurse of erection to. .be finished with _
be latest improved machinery two
new feed houses aid teleplone line.
A.fchool is " it establi.-teil, thirty
itsks 1 t; bi en ordered. The
;eac*er hob i.ot been elected but the I
ioshion Las bc? n offered Mis? Eanice ,
Rosboronglj, ot Aibior. Services are
held there by Rev. Iloi ton on Sunday j
ifternoons tuii a flourishing Sum'ay
School was organized last Sunday.
"Central" of the ?phone fxcha?ge *
38= leen moved In in Mr. Bond's store
o Mr?. Co!ea.an'f. Wis* Lil ian makes
in ace mmodaiing and efficient
manager. The line Irom Rid^eway to j
Bear Cretk is i.eaily c< mp!ete<\ We T
h?fe s< on t"-te cted v*irh Co- s
Mr Chuvis Wray and bride parsed j
tht<ngb en iotite for Shelby. N. j
?h< if ibey will remain f.even.1 we? 1%f. ?
Mr. and Mrs. (J P. Wrny an 1 Miss
S.ira accompanied ihetr. Achaimii'g .
Pectprion wa< tendered them by tie
Zroorn's parent-. Mr. VVray's tn-iny
friends wisii tbeyouii^ couple a bright
ai,d happ) future.
Geu. Wade Hampton being nnable
to attei.d the funeral of Mr. < has. E.
Thomas rtgaested as an evidence of
his higb efterra for ihe young man to (
be lurntiomd us o;ie <<f she honorary ]
pail bear r .
The oj iMiitii ai d ?ucc s-< of the ^
W iiui>bo!M rea-U'iij rucm has been i
wntcled b u- w th interest, and we ^
hope in Ji.e nraw fa'.arc aa equally ,
saccesjfnl nnn.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. VViay have returned
Mrs. I?, C. Gooding, Mr?. J. E I
Save Your Money.
Dne box of Tutts Pills will save
nany dollars in doctors' bills
rhey willsurely cure all diseases !
}f the stomach, liver or bowels, i
No Reckless Assertion .
For sick headache, dyspepsia, 1
nalaria, constipation
isness,a.nillion peop!; emi >rse
IcDonald. iiios Tiny Elliott aud Mr.
Jenry Gooding paid Mrs. G. L. Ros>orough
a living vit-i last week.
Rsv. Mr. Ijorndon lias gonetoj>in
lis wife in Taz.vei!, Va.
Mr. and Mr?. Jchn DcsPorre? have !
elurned from a visit in Mr?. Ward
nd are visiting Mrs. J. B. Boyd. j
Mr. and Mrs. Talley" Mooie have reused
fiom vVedgefield. Miss Mamie
Joe zer returned with tier sis'er.
Miss Inez Browne is ihe gnest of
tfrs. Sam Crumpton.
Miss Ella Mcore is in Winnsboro
.ttending the summer school.
Mr. George Moore has accepted a
losition in Barnwell. His friends
tere regret to see hitn leave.
Mr. Dei rick left tor Glenn Springs
We are glad to see M'\ Ja :k Crumpou
ont sgain.
The old friends of Mr. \V. T. CampkII
were glad to see him again. He
einrned to Charleston on Saturday.
Tir .Tec r)ocP.'?rtoii anont Snndoir in
*v?' vuuuu;
lihe citv by ibe sea."
Dr. Team, who bas been ill witb
!ever, is out again.
Miss Sawyer has returned to Johnton.
S. C.
Mrs. Archibald and daughter are
he guests of Mr p. Reid Browne.
Mrs. Thomas Robertson is visiting
ici daughter, Mr-\ Rembert.
Mr. Turne?\ of Columbia, is visiing ,
Jr. Logan Rosborough.
Mr, Wil.um tlartio has accepted a
usitiou as principal of a school in j
ieorgia. Mr. llartinisago d teacher I
nd the people are to be congratulated "
n securing bis services.
Mrs. Otfen* and Mrp. Wilson, of
Florida, are visiting Mrp. Monroe
Vi.'Eon. 3
Mr?. Lillie Wilson, of Colombia, is e
pending a lew days in town. {
Miss T!:hpl R?ihh-i^ vi-ifincr friends t
? - c -
a Colombia. L. (
August 13, 1900.
A Minister's Good Work, ]
"I had h severe attack of bilious '
olic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's
/Olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, ]
ook two doses and was entirely cured,"
ays Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia,
Can. "My neighbor across the street
ras sick for over a week, had two or
hree bottles of medicine from the doc- ]
or. He used them for three or four J
loi'Q tcithrmf relief mlleiT in on
tber doctor, who treated him for some
[ays and gave him no relief, so disbargad
bim. 1 went over to see him
he next morning. He said bis bowels
?ere in a terrible fix, that they bad .
ieen runn'mg off so long that it was
Imost bloody flax. I asked bim if he .
lad tiied Cbamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera
nd Diarrhoei Remedy, and be said, ,
No.' I went bomo and brought him
ay bottle and gave bim one dose; told
iim to take another dose in fifteen J
r twenty minutes it he did not find
elief, but be took no toore and was *
ntirely cured." For sale by McMas- .
erC'o. J
Mr. Albert G. Douglass returned to
Jolumbia on Friday and from there *
Fill go to New York tojo:nMr. J L. (
iimnaugh and assist in selecting
beir fall and winter goods. i
jearatjw ygTha Kind Yog Harc Always Boogfat j
Mis? Margaret Rion, accompanied <
yMrs. Leroy A. Williams and her
laughter, Tbercsa, returned to Co- '
ambia on Friday. ]
Shake in Yonr Shoes , - j
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It
ures painful, smarting, nervous feet ]
nd ingrowing nails, and instantly
akes the sting out of corns and bun- \
jns. It's the greatest comfort disoveryof
the age. Allen's Foot-Ease
aakes tight or new shoes feel easy. It
i a certain cure for sweating, callous
nd hot, tired, aching feet. Try it *
o-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe ,
tores. By mail for 2oc. in stamps. J
'rial package FREE. Address, Allen ,
i T o. xr v " o_ii l
U VimOCCU) UC 1WJ j A *T*J. ^
Dr. Ohft8 W. Dunlev- y and his '
cut. Mrs. Winter, after a week's visit 1
5 frierds in town, hive retnred to
For Infants and Children.
rhe Kind You Have Always Sought.
The One Day Cold Cure.
Kennott's Chocolates laxative Quinine for
old in the head and sore throat. Children take
hem like candy. \
ddi?qtn\r pthm
JL i.\ 1?d kj JL. v/ A. 1 A V 1 W J
Pacific Fire luiiirar.ce Compa y of
tfew York.
Glen Fh!! Insurance Company of
.'Tew York.
Rochester On man Insurance Coiu)anv
of Rochester, N. Y.
Solicits share of public paironage.
For YOUNG LADIES, .Roanoke, Va.
Opens Sept. 18tb, 1900. One of the
eaaing Schools for Young: Ladies in
he South Magnificent buildings, all
nodern improvements. Campus ten
icres. Grand mountain scenery in
/alley of Va., famed for neaLc.
European and American teachers
?ull course. Superior advantages in
krt and Music. Students from thirty
States. For catalogue address
G-27-2m ... ;; -ce, Va
M. vv. rEURiFOY, n., i>., rrmcip
Mrs. j?. W. Peurifot, Mu9ic and
Miss Lottie; Blair, A, B., Priu.ary
A school of High Grade in a progressive,
Christian community. Tuiion
from $1 to $3 according to grade.
Bo?rd at reasonable rates.
Next session begins SEPTEMBER j
5KD. For farther information apph j
Or to Thos. Blair, J, B. Curlee, J
r. W. Rnffj Trustees 7-12*3ai
Sheriffs Sale.
rested in nn?, I have 'evifdon and will
sell to ihe highest ca h bidder before
the Court House door in Winnsboro,
S. (\. on the first Monday in September
rfexr, the following desoribad tract
of Innd, sold ander the Acts leferring
Lo delinqa-nt taxes:
ScnooL District No 15
R. R. Martin, 160 aor^; bonnded
north by land< ?*f W. J. Powell; eiet
by lands nt P.-> p Martin; south by
Haey's Fe?-ry roa ; wesi by'ands of
8 2rd ' S. F. Cv
NO. i
JEWEL! - **
Look at the next ten people you nice},
and see how much is worn of the socalled
jewelry. From a $500.00 watcli
chain to a five cent stick pin. Jewelry
ha? come to he a staple article of
You will buy irore or less of it: see
that you set what you pay for
when you buy. You ean be sure of
this if you will buy of McMASTER
C ), ef Winnsboro, or CHAS. J.
SMITH, Ridgeway, who have a full
assortment of the W. F. MAIN CO.
goods. Every article of these goods is
JUIIJ wiiirauteu 10 uc cascuji as ic?/icsentcd.
A printed guaranty to this
effect is given wit!, each article of
these goods pure has. J at their store.
Eastern Factory Cor. Friendship and
Eddy sts., Providence, R. I.
Western Factory (Largest Jewelry
Factory in the world), East Iowa City,
Iowa. Over 52,000 feet of flsor space.
Dyspepsia Cure
m m m
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Mature in strengthening and reccaitructing
the exhausted digestive organs.
It is the latest discovered digestmt
and tonic. No other preparation
?n approach it in efficiency. It in
itantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
C4-/\w?OAVI XToneao
Sick Headache,GastraIgia{Cramp9 and
ill other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 234 tto 3
snail size. Book all aboutdyspepsia mailed free
hu P. C. DeWlTT A CO.. ChlCOOO.
McMASTER CO.; Wmcsboro, 5. C.
Stairs fop tie Primary Electa
for FairMfl Coity.
. 'h *
sSaleit.?S. T. Clowney,W. B. Estes,
Gr. H. Jenkins.
Fairfield Cotton Mills.?M. M.
Ulinkscales, E. V. Gantt, Hill Park.
T rs A tl.an T T
ill UniiUaLbU. O . 1/. ZUXVWJj X. U.
Eiabb, W. J. Borlev.
Blythewood.?"W. J. Hagood,Humphrey
Brown, F. E. Hood.
Gladden's Gbove.- C. S. Ford,
J. M. Higgins, J. H. Hall.
Hobeb ?J. M. S'eele,A. L. Scruggs,
SI. D. Roberts.
Jenkinsville.?J. U. Curry, J.H.
Sfarborouoh, J. A. Stanton.
Mossy Dale.?T. C. Camak, T. F.
?!it. n it? -.1
3im i a, or. ?v . crww.
Gbeexbriak.?S. W. Broom, J. L
^authen, W. P. Blair.
Woodward.?T. M. Bou'ware, JuLn
5. McKeowu, H. A. Holder.
White Oak ?H. F. Baechel, Jno.
B. Patrick, M. Y. Bankhead.
Feasteeville. ? H. C. Coleman,
Martin Beam, M. C. Bonlware.
Longtottn. -Saml. McCormick,J.E.
Stewart, T. J. Robinson.
A n T? n T Oi
AI BIOS.?li. xu, oieruDg, \j. </, oiev;d80q,
J. E. Stevenson.
Kidgeway. ? Olin Sawyer, \f.
Simons, Joe ColemaD.
Centretille.?W. B. Hogan, David
Branham, Thos. Hollis.
Beae Cbeek.?M. L. Cooper, Chas.
Heins, Clifton Dake. .
Oakland.?Woodward D a r h a m,
P. C. Mellichamp, Jno. GibsoD.
Watebee ?Wid. J. Tsenhower, J.D.
McDowell, Jas. Rawis.
Jackson Creek.?W. J. Lemtuon,
Jno. Brooks, T. M. JordaD.
wurasBORO no. 1.?1j. su vweus,
h>o. il. McMaster, C. E. Douglass.
Winnsboro No. 2.?Jno. M. Smith,
tieory Phillips, Netl* Johnston.
One manager from each club will
)e expected to meet J E. Curlee,
Secretary, at Winnsboro on Saturday,
An?nst 25, 1900, and get boxes a?d
ickets. *
Q 7 rt?
U'l "Xiirt V ? tJVVft vvu* j t
For Sale.
fl n i r\ Pirn n n i n n T1 Am i /n nn
(Some planted -July 14th show
topsthrough straw Jnly 29th.)
Seeds suitable to plant in
and 15 varieties of Turnips.
Mm Cfliif
_ -curesIndigestion
: . ' - :-v.
Of continuous
business have given our goods
wide and general distribution
They have been subjected to
the severest usage and their
wearing qualities have been
fullv tested.
We Guarantee
every chain, button, every article
we sell, to give satisfaction,
you being the judge.
Any article failing to do this
111 t f 11 1 1
win oe cneerruiiy excnangea
We Deliver |,
no work, we sell no goods not
under our guarantee, which
has never been questioned
throughout our entire business
* >7
The Jeweler and Optician,
OHB8TBB,9. m.
Gnu ill M
is not only one - of the most
delicate and delicious of breakfast
foods ever offered to the
public, but in addition is highly
recommended for the use
of persons of weak digestion.
See Our Window Dispiaj J|
of handsome gravures we are
giving with Cream of Wheat.
They are works of art. Ask
to see them.
F. M. KHabenicht
Dealer in Fine Groceries.
I Still Have
-6 or 8
Young Mules |j
yet unsold. Persons needing moles
should call and see them before baling
as I will sell them cheap for cash
or good paper, payable in the fail.
I also have a few horses, among
them two good Combination Horses.
Also a couple of GOOD MAEES,
suitable for brood mares?young and
i will pay the highest cash pricc for atf
lasses, fat or poor.
' ' -
1 8tili have a few BUGGIES that 1
will sell cheap for cash.
A. Williford,
Wionsbero. S. tt.
The Easy Running Z%.
^ The
most modern. Sewing
Machine of the age, embracing
all the latest improvements.
Unequaled for Durability,
Range of Work and
1 I 1 ? _
jjeaiers warned m unoccupied
territory. Correspondence
solicited. Add 'ss,
General Agent. ~
Richmond, Virginia,
t 2-28-1V
? ? -J
with a fail stock of Caskets, Sarial
Ca??s nnd Offins, constantly ??u band,
and us- of hearse when r? <juest???l.
TJiHokfai for pa?t patronage and solie?lation
for a share in the future, in tbe
old stand
< alls a?tende?l 10 a: ail hours.
"' }

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