OCR Interpretation

The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, August 22, 1907, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1907-08-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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he -sarte to sa ,bu toh better
f t
Wido, hobvdegr. un
faieny roned audbly, but thh ettegr
of I. m u
aan grod oudiy butyod the"-u
of saldos seemed to stiffel with de
ance. Uniformed nen peered auto the
luteroir with more rudeness and curl
osity than seemed respectful to a prin.
ees, to say the least. They saw a pret
ty, pleading face, with wide gray eyes
*-nd parted lips, but they did not how
in humble submission, as Rahlos had
expected. One of tie men, evldently in
command, addressed Beverly in rough
!but polite tones. It was it (iution
tiat he asked,- she knew, but she could
mot answer him, for she could not un
derstand him.
- "What do you want?" she put In
-EUnglish, with a creditable display of
"He does not speak English, your
bighness," volunteered Baldos, in a
voice so well disguised that it startled
her. The officer was staring blankly at
"Every ollicer In iy army should
and niust learn to speak English," shi
said, at her wits' end. "I deelif fo
ho inestioned by the fellow. AYil you
Ailk to him In my stead?" .
"I, your highness?" h, (rled in dis
"Yes. Tell him who we are and ask
where the lospiipt- Is," she murmured.
aluking back. With the air of a <iueni
but with ie inward feeling that all
.was 1t
"1 I don't speak your hinguage
l" le protested.
"4You speak it beautifully," she said.
tBaldos leaned forward painfully and
spoke to the ofi1el iII the Gr(anstark
"Don't you know your pihicess?" he
demanded a ti-ileo harshly. The manA
e-yes flew wide open in a-n Instant and
%his Jaw dropped.
"The-the pinllicess?" he gasped,
"Don't sta-e like that, sir. Drirc'.t us
to the main gate at once, or you will
have'etuse to regret your slowness."
"Butt the princess was-Is coming by
the northern pass," muibled the man.
"The guard has gone out to meet her
and."- Baldos cut him off shortly with
t infolmnJitlon that the princess, ats
he could see, had conie by the lower
pass and that she was eager to reach
a- resting place at once. The conv"ine
hig tone of the speaker and the regal
Jiudifference of the lady had full effect
upon the officer, who had never seen
,her highness. le fell back with a
deep obleisance and gave a few bewil
dered' commandsl(1 to his mna. Tile
4ioach. mioved off', aittende~ld by at party
lef' foot soiliers, and Beverly breathed
'Ie- Mrst sigh of relief.
"Tou did it beautifully," she whis
~nuredi to Baldos, and he was consid
etably puzzled by tile ardor of her
pmiae.. "Where are we going now?"
anoe asked.
S"Into the city, your' highlness," he ant
swerenf. It was: beginning to dawn
.ugon him that she was amazinigly Ig
norant anid Iluonsequentiat for one
awiho enijoyedi the right to commauhnd
.these comlmon ,soldiers. Her old trep
taLatilon returned with this brief an
-er. Something told her that lie was
freginning to- mistrust her at last. Aft
er all,. it meanit everything to him and
a litle to her.
Whflen the coach halted before the
eity gates she was in a dire state of
. mnhtappiness. In the darkness she
ufd feel the reproachful eyes of old
'Aunt Fanniy searching for her aban
doned coniseicence.
"Ask if Bar-on Dangloss Is in Gan
Iok,. and, If he Is, command them to
aite me to hm Iimediately," she
whtispered to Blaldos, a suidden lnspilra
ion, eizluig her. She wvould lay the
police andi trust to fortune. Her haind
fell iiimislvely upon his and, to her
aimazement, it was as coldi as Ice.
"What ia the matter?" she cried in
"You trusted me in the wilds, your
Iighniess," he saidi temnsely; "I am ti-unst
tng you niow.' Refore she couild reptly
the otficer In chai-ge of the Glaulook
gates appiieared at the coach window.
There wer'e lights on all sides. Her
heart. sanik like lead. It would be aI
uniracle If she patssed the gates un
"I must see Baron Dangloss at once,"
shle cried ini English, tutterly disdaining
her iustrutonus to Baldos.
"Thme baron . is enigagedi at present
and can see Ito oned," responded the
good looking young officer it broken
"Where is lhe?" she demanded nerv
"He, is at the house of Colonel Gonz,
etu ommnduant. What Is vnnr bhist
smiling face for a, o'n nt,.bisbushy I
Ivebrows contracting vior, sos slightly.
here was a shameless streaik of dust I
across her cheek, but- there was also
a dimple there that~ appealed' to theo
gi 1 ol m1a. 111s9 eyes twinkled as
lie replied, with tine oleqiuousness:
"You tire .MIs Beverly Calhoun of
W~ashiington." -______
~VElLY'5 eyes showed her as
toilIlh ment. Bairon Damigloss
coumteously pin-ed a chair for
her amid asked her to be rated.
we were expecting you, M1is Cal
hiouu," he explained. "Iler royal ligh
ness leflt St. Petersburg but a few
hours af'ter your tieparture, having un
fortunately inisseti you."
"You don't mean to say that the
princes4 tried to find me in St. Peters
burg?" cried Beverly in won(ler yd
"Tit wis oie of tlie Ii o of her
visit," said lie bruy41il .
"Oh, how jolly'!'" cried he. her gray
eyes-sptarklin'g. The grim old captain
was taidied for the sminallest fraction
of a ninute, hut at once fell to admir.
injg'tie freshi eager face of tie visitor.
''The public at lai,'ge is under the
impressioni tiiat she visited the czar Oin
nit ters of importance," he said, with
i contdesceniniig simmile.
"And }t retlly vas of no importance
at il 1hat'wht mean?" Shq
A tent nmeeting is in progress now
at Libertv. -
Rev. .1. F. D-ennoi and wife are
Ouruejs "f Mrs. Bessie Su ith and
her fr'nd -..
R.-v 11iil-y, the pr Rent, pastor of
t.-e Pishitrim chuich at this
places, Rn- to Ile very pophiar
with II all den minafill tions,
Linuber is on the ground for the .1
trection of a Msthooh-t eburch; they
have a pretty Ih-cation Success to
Mis H'rde, of Cineinnati, is on her t
aianed visit to her brother, Enoch c
Ri.e -a rdmom, and other relatives in C
town! 1411d coulntry. t
Mr-. Nora Holder Jones, of Ander- 9
oI coIunstv, Cnmels ove: Sutiday to see
I er sister, Mrs. D. H. Divis, who is t
a Ili (uite sick. She was accom
pjn-d iv Mis4 Leila Noris.
O-m K#-lie' who lived a few miles
bel00w to4wr', ripped dead of heart
trouble lin-t 'huriday. -
Mr. Crows, of -Libertv, lopt a little
ons by denth last Friday. Ttey and
othets who have lost loved onus have y
Dur8 ,mpi thy. a
Horace Davis had a frue horse to
tii" icA o-A.Iii
jis la1st WEe4l'; bled ti, death at the a
Jat'. Mecr'm d's class iin telegraphy ~
wvid ~so sendi~ oult opearatives. I hav~e
~.fsa (-est on foir the dots and dashes. I
i reeuil wtua a thrill of pleasu4re the
lirst. imssamge 1 was able to sendl over
the ires. Meninig a message for
the birt time sand receiving one are
Lwo diffet tiigs. My teacher was
pitteit, though, and wro'te to the
operator -who was to answer my
mesaage-to write very aio'v, as there
was a new h'ind at the receiving
bourd. How elated 11 felt w~her) imy
teheg told me that I had sent the
mtessage c arrectr ly. DREsAMEKR.
Liberty, IL E. 0. 3.1
De r Senitinei-Jouvnal, I will give
you a few dots for the Gret in life.
Mr. W. E Bolding and daughter
of Al bama are on a visit to the old
homestead and are spending a while
with relatives anid friends. Mr Bald
ing was born anid reared in Pickens
county. He has been in Alabama
27 years.
.Tbg health of this community is
very iood exeept-some cases of jaun
d ce.
Crops are looking fne. .
Supet visor LJooper has brought the
road scrape to onr'seotion and is do
ing some excellent *ork on the roads.
A protradted meeting 4vas held at
Six .\le last we& Miuch interest
was manifestedl a d: several names
were added to the church roll.
If this escapes t e waste basket, I
w II write again. Farmer G4irl.
Makes Kidneya at~ Uladdete uIght
f * - 5 * -
k * t.' Author of "Graustark"
.* -
-*. 0pyight, 1904. by Dodd,.
MWa and ( mpany -
"It is with him, and not with you,
sir," she said, imperious once more.
"Conduct te to h111im imm11ediatlely."
"You cannot enter the gates unless
iyou"- -
"Insolence!" exelaimed Bhtldos. "9is
this the way. sir. In whll h youl N011 address
till princess' 31aike way for her."
"The prlncess!" g isd et olicer.
Thon a pectuliar Smilh' overspread his
fae. He hadlserved thre years In the
castho gmard al Edelwelss! 'i'herr was
a long iause. fratight witi disaster for
14evwrly. "Yes; lierhaps it is just' asq
wiell that we conduct her to Bayon'
I)angloss," he saId at last. Tihe,, 'leep
mnonning inl his voice appeale6y111' to
the unhaPPy girl. "Ther.,tiall he 110
further deiay, your hlglijk-ss!" Ie add
od miockingly. A iefielit 1111 . the
gates swung o)(Jn' and thiiy lssedl
through. Beve )6'_ alone knew that they
were going pa Baron Dangloss uider
heavy gi di. virtually as,; prisoners.
The mn knew her to be an Impostor
and _ j doing only is duty.
T - p mhere smileos of derision on the
fi .4 of the ohllers when Beverly
Vept proudly betweenl the files and
Up the steps leadin to the (comm:a nt
dant's door, but there were no audibie
rentiarks. B1ahlos followed, wai!,:la:
painfully, bult deiintly, and Aunt P-nn
ny eamn last, with the hand hntg. The
guairds griinned broadly as the eorpu
lent uegret'ss waddled tupi the st ep:..
The young ol-r andI I w*o mt, entewred
the door wiNNh11 the wAviyfarer. who were
ordered to halt it till Illwny.
"Will your lhighiness coie Willi ite?"
i ih the olileer. returning to the hai!l
ni'tEr it short uhsence. There was m:
mistalmble derision in his voIce and
palpable ing.oienie inl his mtiannitter. l1ev.
erly flusied angrily. "i1ron Ialngi.
Is very curious to se" you," -lie atddhd.
with a sn k. Nevertheless he shrnnu1
a hit beneath the cold gleam fin th.
eyes of the Impostor.
"You will remain here." she sniii.
turning to aldos an( the negre.
"And _y.ou will have nothing whitever
to say to this very important youn;.
mnii." The "iilportnnuit young manl"
aetiua.Ily htuckled.
"Follow me, your most royal higha
ness," he said, preceding her through
"Youare issBwlyCloueo
inou theak, Mssi Beerly Chol~y. The
thie doortaty openeed frto the- mee
te felow'st aco glred wafta
wot dofprhc in theryway she said
you Someho he si a much moliren
respectful humor when he returned to
the hali and stood in thte presencee of
the tall, flushed stranger witht the rag
ged unlformt.
A shtort, fierce little man in the pie
tutresque uniform of a Graustark offi
cer arose as Beverly entered the ofIhee.
Ils short beard bristled as though it
were concealing a smile, but his man
ner was polite, even defterenthuIl. She
advanced fearlessly toward him, a
watyward smtile struggling itnto her
"I (hare say' you knowr Itlam not the
princess," she said composedly. Every
vestige of fear was gone ntow that she
had reached the line of battle. The
tioughty baron lookede somewhat sur
prisedi at this frank way of opening an
"I atm quite weoll aware of it," he
saId p~olitely.
"T1hey say you know every one, Bar
on l)atngloss," she boldly sajd. "Pray,
who umi 1?"
.io ,p~oerful! oficlal looked at ite
Period K
of a woman's life is the name often
!"given to "change of life." Your
menses come at long intervals, and
grow scafitier until they stop. The
change lasts three or four years, and
causes much pain and suffering,
which can, however, be cured, by
taking 4
Woman's Refuge In Distress
It iuIckly relieves the pain, ner,
ousness, irritability, miserableness,
fainting, dizziness, hot and cold
flashes, weakness, tired feeling, etc.
Cardul will bring you safely through
this "dodging 00riod,'' and build
up your strength for the rest of your
life. Try It.
You can get it at all druggists In
S1.00 bottles.
I suffered." writes Virginia Robson, of Fast
on, Md.. "until I took Cardul. which cured
me so quickly it surprised my doctor, who
didn't know I was taking it."
"And If I give you money." said the
lhilanthropist. "will you promise to go
nd take a bath?"
Itedi'nee Leary drew hinself uap to his &
ill he.it;ht.
"A bath? AI Is It a mieranniI you
iko me for?" he cried bitterly.-New I
Cork Press.
That truth is triauger than fintion uia
uce more been demonstrated in tho lit. i
le town of Fedora T .u., the repidelice
f C. V. Pepper.. tie writ-a: "1 was in
ed, mutirely ,inabled with hemorhaagna r
f the liigs and thro it. Doctors4 failed e
Shielp me, nndlt a'i hop., I J flind witen I a
egan itking Dr. Kiig,s New Dscovoiry. t
'hell ititint re'lie-f camn. h'le con ,ing I
Dm'1 aw11 t1W. bleed4inig demo1niRshed a3
spidlv . a d in hr- i wi-kv o I was al>l.
rs (p to worjk " (aranteedl cire for i
niiila nel 141a144. 50 -. and $1.00, at
'iek,-nts Drug Co., drug store, 'rial bot
Tiaughter--Palm. In time of trfa'r..
rhat do youl suppose0 bringas- the Imm.)t
'oml'ort to a 111:1u? Papa-Ani nequi't
i. 1 shotildi think.--isni rek TrIbumne..
Men Past Sixty in Danger.
Tort thai half of mankind over sixty
ears of ngte suffer fron kidney and 1
l-idder disorders, sunily enlargement
r the prostate glaids. This in both
Oaiful and daigeroua, and Fotny's Kid
ey Cure abovld be tnkeu at the first
gn of danger, a it corrects arregulari
as and has enred many oid men of this
ikeas. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rookport,
lo., writes: "V Suiffered withl enlarged
restate gland and kiduey troublA for
ears 'nd aifter taking two bottleq of
oley's Kidney Cure I feel bstter tV an
have for twenty years, although I aim
ow 91 vears old"
A Most Valuable Agent.
The glycerine employed In Dr. Plareeda
nedicines greatly enhances the medlietnal
rope'rtios which it extracta from native
nedlicinsal root and holds in solrtion
nueh better than alcohol wvould. It aLao
ossesses medIcinal properties of Its own,
>eing a valuable demnlcent, nuivtive,
blntiseptic and antiforment. 10. adds
~reatly to the eflicacy of the Blackc berry
>ark, Bloodroot, Golden Seal root, St~ie
oot and Queen's root, contained In
Golden Medical DIscovery " in' sabulng
hronic, or lingerIng coughs,'bronchial,
hroat and lung affections, for allI of which
hose agents are recommended by stand
brd medIcal authorities.
In all eases where there Is a wasting
wiay of flesh, loss of appetite, wiha weoak
tomach, as in the early stages of con-i
uimption, there can be no doubt that gly- *'
erlno acts as a valuable nutritive and
aids the Golden Scol root Stope root,
2naeen's root and Black Cderrybark in
>romoting digestion and- building uap the i
lesh and strength, controllIng the cough ,
mnd bringing, about a healthy condition
if the w hqle system. Of course, it must
tot be expeted to work mtiacleps. It willi
lot canro Consumption except 1in its earler 4
tages. It- will cure very sovete, obsti
ante, hang-on, chlronic coughs, bronchial ,
md~ Iaryngedl troubles, and chronIc sore
hroat, with hoarsensess. .In acute edu ghs
t is not so elfective. It Is in thea lingering
lang-on coughs, or those of long standing,
venl when accompanied by bleeding from
tugs, that It has performed' Its most
na'veions cuires.
Prof. Finley Ellingwvood, M. D., of Ben-i
wtit Med. College, Chicago, says of gly- -
"In dlyspepsia itserves an excellent pu rpose.
bioding a fixed quantity of thae petroxideiof
aydropmn ia solutIon. it Is' one of the best
nan utac t ured products of th lpresent time itl
ts actlin upon- enfecubled, dlsis'eed stomn
chis, especlily If there is ulceration or ('a
ar'rhal gdfstritIs (catarrhali inflammation of
stomach, it is a most eill'iont, prepsaration,
ilycerit *111 relioVe mimy cases of pyros.is
hoart uirn) and excessive gastric (stomach)
icidit ."
"Glen MedIcal DIscover-y" enrichles and ''
;mrlitos the blood curing blotches, pImples. -~
uruiptlons, scrofulous swollngs aid old sores,
r uh'e rs.
Send to Dr. 1. V. Pierco'of hnutrao, N, Y.
for free booklet teflling'alI about tcle nativei
nedielasal roots composingtiwneru
medleine. There isi no alhol ineit,
Notices of Nale, Wants. swaps, etc,
inserted in this Col"uum, at 5 cents perQ'
line for eatch insertion. NXlihing taken
for less thaln 10cents.
11 Bu siless Aga111.
J. D. Moore will soon be ready to sell
'on1 m9Lat again and wil' huy 3 our pro
luce alkn.
Wbon inl Esley put up ytir stock
it B P, 1Martin's feed and livery sta
)le. Ho also handles all kinds of
s~edettoff --38-tf.
A few first clqes sewing machines,
lightly used to be ,sol-1 at grottly re
iced prie". Also sowing machines re
aired. Call at Craig Bros ,
0. P. Knight.
All who owe ime please
Yotieo. come and settle. It is too
much trouble for me to go
di around to collect, especially those
little meat b'.ll, so please con. nnd set
le and oblige. J. D. 3100Ri.
Remwmber E. M. Farmer, the ph.
ographer at Pickens and call on Fri
lays and. saturdays for portraits or
41: aores of land in Liberty for sale.
Vell improved. .-Terms easy. Bargain
f tuken quick. 41 C. E. Robiusou.
For Sale-42. aores of laud, good
broom house, good well of water, good
>arn Terms, re.sonable. Apply to H.
W. Farr.
For Tkale-126 acre farm four miles
rest of Eas)oy, three good houses and
IlI nece-sary outbnuildings, etc., 75 acres
U cultivation balance in tunber. Price
45-p r acre. - Terms to mtit.
County uf Pickeia
By J. B. Newbery, Probate Judge:
W -IEREAS, Liaurn H. Alexander
imade suit to me to grant lher~
Aters of Administr ition of the estate
nd effects of Claude H. Alexander.
T..ese are therefore to cite andadmon
ah aill and singular the kidred and
:editors of tbe said Claude H. Alexander
eceased, that they be id appear before
se. in the Court of Probate to -be held
t PickenA ou the 5th day of Sept. next,
fter publicatton hereof, at 11 o clock in
be forenoon, to ahow cause, if any they
Ave, why the said Administration
hould not be granted.
Given under my hand this, the 22d
lay of August, Anno Domini 1907.
J. B. NEWBERY, [Seal]
J. P. P. 0.
'Sore Nippies and Chapped aunus
.re quickly cured by applying Chamberlain's
alve. Try it; P l a siccess. Price 25 cents.
Oures Golds Prevents Pneumonia
The Cats'e of Many
Sudden Deaths.
rhere is a disease prevailing In this
soontry most danocrous because so decep
-. tive. Many sudden
.1 deaths are caused by
- it it heart disease,
pueumonia, heart
-- ailure or apoplexy
, - are often the result
- - of kidney disease, lI
Ikidney trouble is al
Ilowied to advance the
blood wilt attack thes
,.. vital organs or the
ddncy73 themselves break down and waste
.B.'adder toubes most always result from
r dorangemnent of the kidneys and a cure is
>btained quickest by a proper tecatment of
hie kidneys. If you are feeling badly you
:an make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney,. liver and
>ladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and scald
ng pain in passing it, and overcomes that
mnpleasant necessity of being~ compelled to
o often during the day, and to get up many
mes during the night. The miid4 and the
xtraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
ealized. it standa~ the highest for Its won
terful cures of the most distressinig cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take -and sold
>y all druggista in fifty-cent and one-dollar
ized bottles. You may
mave a sample b',ttle of .
his wvonderful new dis
:overy and a book that -'
oIls all about it, both naomoor'swamp-nloot.
oent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.
3inghamton, N. Y. When writing mention
eading this generous offer In this paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remember
he,. name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
swamp-Root. and the address; Binghamton,
4l. Y., on svery bottle.
We earnestly retiuestall young persom., nonmatter
cow limited their means or education, who wish to
ibtain a thorough business training and good post
Ion, to write by first mall for our great halt-rate
foer. Success independenceandirobable fortune
re guarane.e Don't delay. Wite today.,
he. Oa..Ma. Bqusineu Co. . Nacan. Gab

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