-H SENTINEL -JO RN Eutered 4pril 28, 1903 at Pickeunh, 1. (.. amueoond olass matter, uts.ir st of Of'& .on of Marci 8, ) x7 VOL. miill l'CiEi, BOUTS CAQLINA, THURSDAY, JANURY 9 M ',e That our American forests abound in plants which possess the most valuable medicinal virtues is abundantly attested by scores of the most eminent medical writers and teachers. Even the untu tored Indians had discovered the useful noe of many native plants before the advent of the white race.) '.iis informa tion, imparted freely to,$ e whites, led the latter to continuo investigations until to-day we have a rich assortment of most valuable American medicinal roots. Dr. Pierce believes that our Ameriean for ests abound in most valuable medicinal roots for the cure of Inost obstinate and fatal dis eases. it we would properly investigate them: and. in wnfirmation of this conviction, he points with pride to the almost marvelous cures effected by his t'Oolden Medical Dis covery." which has proven itself to be the most efficient stomach tonic, liver invigor ator. heartilonic and regulator, and blood cleanser known to medical science. DyspeD sla, or indigestion, torpid liver, functional and even valvular and other affections of the heart yield to Its curitive action. The roason why it cures these and many other afrections, is clearly shown in a little book of extracts from the standard medical works which In mailed free to any address by Dr. U. V. Pierce. of Buffalo. N. Y.. to all sending request for the same. Not les saarvelous, in the unparalleled estes It is .0htantly making of woman's piany pecultar affections, weaknesses and distressit dorangements. Is Dr. Pierce's = :9 .P p atr attested W~f boasand@61 6otsfio~f con tpibuted by grateful patients who have been - ured by it of catarrhal pelvic drains. painful - 10 1"rregularities, prolpsus and other 60. Ce~~scuseth _ byeakness V~eer fUqnof uterus and kindr affettonK de n after many other advertised medicines, and physicians had failed. Both the above me od medicines a y made up from tbelgoeric extracts Is icinal roots. The processes em p o teir manufacture were original .k and t are carried on by chemists and armacists with the bt of paraus and lances specially staue and built fo'apurpose. Bet eicines are entirely free from alcohol an - 11 other harmful. habit-torming drugm. 1 lisat of their ingrediente toprinted o '46h bottle-Wwser. P{-NrPiry daetring A man- In New York. atate-who owma several fine cats, steppede ot. ot him house one day to see two of his feline possessions crouched in the grass, and equidistant between them sat a com mon striped squirrel, not daring to move a hair lest he invite the sharp -claws of one or both of his enemies, but the anxious brown eyes rolled from side to side as he calculated his chances of escape between the Jo, , T4g, mA walked o toward the squirrel, 'And when. bsecame within jumping ditane "the squfrret seined his opportunity and leaped upon the man's tousers and tan nimbly to him shoulder. Then the .san backed slowly toward i' tree at no great distance from him. Again when Within leaping distance thei squirrel jumped into the tree and dis .appeared amid its branehes. 6ngland's One Protestant Cathedral. Trtiro cathedral is the only Estab .Jsbed Cburch eptbedral 9( any inipor fane which has 'been bullt since St. - -Pant' was com pleted, by - y ,ChrIeo. her Wren. All tii Irnt cath Is and -abbeys-In Efngilad were erected by Catholirs and were handed over by .net of parliament in the reign of Hen ry VII . to the Protestants when ,the (atholI6 chUreh was established abd -the Protestant religion ereated by law. 4Beynelds' Newspaper. r. . - What the Cloth Get in Beaten. It yougo to San Francisco and meet a' friend, he will ask you to stay' a week witti hine. Ini Omab& he wilt -take you home overnight, in Chicago he will take you out -to dinner, lto New York he will hurry you og' to iubch,; in. New H vpp he will heind youa good .eigau, a-s in Wotou he Wrill atte. you 4W abl.-Congregationaffet. Maiden ineurtne. The Maiden Insurance company is a alnguiar Denmark institution. It is .confined to the nobility, and the noble man1, as soon as a female chid is born to him, enrolls her name on the comn ipnny's books and pays in a certain .aum and thereafter a fixed annual .amlounit to the treasury. When th young girl has reached the age of twenty-one she is entitled to a fixed :lncomie and1( to an elegant suit of apftt m nents. al this income and this resi .dence, both almost princely, are hers until she either marries or dies, The s.ociety has existed for generations, It lIas always prospered. Thanks to it. poVerty stricken old maids are un knmown among the Denmark -nobility, buit every maiden lady is rich and * happy. ________ Do The Cheaper Way. "oyou know, hubby, that when I go to Osntend I shall dream of you ,erely night?"' "If it's all the same to you, I would prefer to have you stay with me anti .dream of Ostend."--Fliegranda Rlntter. GANDERBONE'S lanuary Forecast. COPYRIGHT 1907 BY 0. H. REITH. What are the huglesi blowin' fort" Said Beh'lor on parade; 'Its New Year- Day, It's New Year The Woman-titer said. 'What makee yom look-s0.-ahima white?" Said Bach'lor on parade; I'm dreadin' what we've got to face," The woman-hater said. 'Fur Leap Year is upon un, And the pirle will use a wire, Phe-'I hook us like a pe.ad' When the licenses eVxpi'e Lad tbeflU dump as in the Ragon And we're off to find a squire. For they're la.ong for the Baoh'lor In the mornin'." The big bet for this month will be raft. The 4tlanfio fleet will ap ,roacb the Burn with a beat spyglass, pooking 'oundm for Japs. "0. hell," whispered in Uncol JoeCtasno's ear, sill be the passwor to get anytibg aefr-e congress. Japan will have a 1ack moonth at jlie 'Tagseaki navy rards, and will build only twenty ieven more war ships, rhe gues* )a Roosevelt's future for this month sill be that he will beconte a con gressman after he leaves the White EIovse, and will go into the ring with Williams and DeArmond. Mr. Brysa will walk around the Democratic mn.mination wih a hammer, to see if. bhere is anty place where he could nil it down. Money wilt continue shy. rising out of range and flying eight miles. Mr' Lawaan will put bi, unak rn and go book into the gamen; jobs will continue to run when they see ran comni' , nd s rm'etime during bbe month Mr. Morgan will decide whether he has all the money he want. now, or if he will continue the panic. After the 29th we shall be under tha influence of Aq'uarius, the water arrier, the 11th sign of the zodiac. Under tbis favorable sign Prohibi tion will establieh about eighty more stormn centers, booze will run another mnite in nothing south of the 'Mason anud Dixona line, and Carrie Nation w .1 worK with a hatchet in each hand. To qitot- an Omar of the Oklahaoma' desert tinush, little bar-room, Don't you cry Y-u'Il be a drug-store By and by. January was named after Janus B.fronp, known as "Two-Faced Ja nus. " lie was the originator of what 1s isnow asW) "tbe) p iticlin B saver" A wave of pr-,bibition was swelping Rome, asd Bifran0, a . didate for the sonote, hlia to l e himself one way or themsther to . thirt man he met. But be " foxy Dago, and whnu he wias a,J d, "Do %ou drink, Bifonrs" he w-od slyly ask in return, "I1 this ani invi tation, or do 3on just wan nt to kov' Rome had a gate name'd for J usna It 11 from the Palatine -to tbo Qair inal Hill, and WAS clos,,; only V-n Rome was at peace'with the world This ocurred bat four times-mier XUiua, Augustus Cmar and Ve-spiA. tias, and ifter the Afeit Punio war Zitus Cai*ar kept tbe irate Open vider thad anybody. Ju & to sat pf. 'imualf thAt no "tbier Aonan had ever ny anUiA g on him in this retsppct, he one dtoto teAnty loads of ha reoor 1 toari*n biada. Caeoar was a gtdi k and is favorite OUR. ;404p- r. Op a-dijng, tho'g 4 trpedo.'was selling, he 'point -at Sb anirmet with 1.tie bad sid 'a te jaing railroad con struotiQn drew *ith the other, *n4 exclaimld to hli lieutenints, "Be h6ld, the do1 god l" Another .est (mark well the rbmo') Has j Ined ihe boat of Father Ti e A few more solid banks wi I burst To muany treAting ones' disgust; The widow recently bereft Wilt pop the questi osieht b&& ft, An& lueklewsumn. of Lap lear itt, 'WIWirrable f the tsl 'uncut. The sport in conigress will crnsiiet tif battles with the horny flit; the gentleman Missouri bred will call some one a noodlebead; they'i clinch and b.'e each othmr's cheek, the frighteoed gatIries will ahri-k, the Speaker will get out a gun, the m*n fram Ark musa will run, the segoa t *ill bt. through so door, the flrh Iri'lRspreid upon the floor, the clerk will climb the ohaplain's back, and thM eir will sound with biff .nd whack, the war department,will turn out, the senate will get in the bout, and Fair hanka wath .riumphant cry will black Bpn Tillman' other eve, the prel d40t 'will get i .1, ' ' b1xing Te'$~S' eMi W iusi, b'; a' will .1 claia oi -inig ask, Wit's. gU' After that we shall bave very plea anot weather. The moon will be full onjb 18AU, ani4 .tprqow, ,we never beard of will b~i mentioned for vir. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAE BACK ? Ellsey Troutile liakes You MIserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is stirs to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. IKimer's Swamp-Root, . the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It la the-great:rnedi cal triumph of the nine tpeth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dir. Kilmer, the emi --- - neont kidney and blad --- der specialist, and is wonderfully .successful in promptly curing lstne biok, leidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles audBright's Dinesse, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you havekid nay, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need, it has been tested in no many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur Ichase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not aiready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telin moe about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous . offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Bing I hamton, N. Y. The iregular fifty cent and Jiom or Swnap-inoot. Idollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. -Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N4. Y.. on every bottle, know that if they have teed Scott's Emtd ek healtx and strength. it point about Scott's t you don't have to be rom it. thlete's strength, puts fat es a fretful baby happy, e girl's cheeks, and pre md consumption. rated form for sick and rich and poor. ko drugs and no alcohoL 'St SOo. AND $1.00. SEAT IF HUMAN LIFE iced by Young Man Is r Entire Country. he cause my New Discovery medicine to toneerthestomachnUp.to required ug strength In about six weeks' time. ry: -Tat..Ia.why L.have.had more peolle come and thank me wherever I have of gone to introduce my medicine, than I ble. have bad time to talk with." re- Among the immense numbers of peo. is ple who are now strong believers in ury Cooper's theory and medioine is Mrs. on- M. E.L Delano a prorninent resident ot ic the suburb of Brookline, Boston, Mass. sed She says: "For several years I was In broken in health, caused primarily by ras stomach. and nerve troubles. I gradu. as ally became worse, until recently I was Ing compelled to go without solid food fer oil, day-at a timei I had sour stomaeh, hat palpitation of the nerVes of 'stomach and heart, dyspepsia and extreme nor in vousness. I suffered terribly with In. oat somnis, and my liver, bowels and or# whole system gradually became de. [on ranAed. I felt instant relief the first re day I began this Cooper medicine. I now feel like a new being. Today of I walked all per town, shopping by something I have not done for years. Ich "I make this statement wholly from a sense of duty. I feel I owe it to k. anyone who might fnd relief and renewed happiness as I have done.". a The record made by the Cooper med. OW Iclues Is atonishing. We will take he plessure in discussing It with anyone PO- who whftes -o know about QN. be --Pickens Drug Co. ht- will semv them. Ir. The tfrutew will no'tinue to show ri. where lo hjeNd in, and congresa will ng VotA otur M may like, it was their's. a: 'lb. fa.Khiohnabi.. wintering pilaces for srr the m-mth will b. ~southern Califoarnia ag- and the F~ioreli coaet, and aill trains na bound~ to those544 p)ointa will bet loaded, ed with laaNt.rers and bricklayere, with pm, their families. hst And th.en tl.h srt-liv.d month of reir February, wheun womaen will complete m~e her web,, and foolish zian will hum~z about until thle Hpitier dashea out and Jid nails him nearly to the mast for so a y igng s his life shall last. a'1s But niotwitbatamndinag Leap Year's t"tricks, tad And maid.' and widow.' wee, ek And thoughl our hi r I Iluck c mes rea Ju..t uk.. a string of be',ds, n's Uuneer 'all chieer up! It'~.saot so bad sir. With, na. nu 'tilt with Ted, ' e Whio had to co~me to it aind knoc~k e i, third term in the head. ver - .. *IF YoU AImE SUT OF w~oJIK, or have hisapare tem.-,3you Thould g~et our prop 'ONItIIIn, N. masil o-der scoheme, but If othe a aire umakinsg moneay, witha no ut compitioni. The. first acceptable ieap lbe-nt ge tiyuar territorty. -Write to-day, to-miorrow mai'y be too late. an jPaurisculars free D uuinsorar le Co., Most people been sick they r a/on to bring bi But the strongei Emursion is the sick to get results I It keeps up the a on thin people, Mali brings color to a pal vents coughs, colds i Food in concent well, young and old, And it contains i ALL DRUOOI8I OYMACH IS New Theory Advax Spreading Ov TW C pletheory concerning innwuacbme. wha1 .be...cna proM with his new medicine, iabe ustee eesspecase~amnes day; .. - Cooper claims that 90 per cent, all ill health is due to stomach trou When Interviewed about his theory cently, he said: "Stomach troubl( the great curse of the 20th cent so far as the civilised races are 4 corned. Practically all of the chr< III health of this generation is cav byanormal stanokchio con4tiops. ealiser da"a When 'the human race' closer to nature, and me* and woz worked all day but of doors, diga their frugal existence from the a the tired, droopy, half-sick people t are now Ao common. did not exist. "To be sure, there. was siekiems those am ut.t 'Wa. of a Virul aaotern, Wy temporary. Th was non of this half-efek condit an the tim with which so- many I aMloted nowadaya. "I haOw positively that every bit this chrolo ill health Is caused stomach trouble. The human stomi In civilised people today Is degener It lc ton and strength. This we Bon has gradually come through sedentarY 6Xistence. I further ka that few people can be sick with 1 digestive apparatus in perfect ohs The sole reason to my success is Irepid.-nt Tho F1-,h-Rarrim,n fig vill g-) into the tenth ,emind, anul % Fish will comtuplaia to T us H .gu-, C bunal that Sir. flharinen is uni kamuehn. Gen. FUnh'hll, isn guard Lioldt1eid, wall appI--al to Secreti lietoaIC to, tran-aier him to Washli on, where the flghting~ is going Dhristmas pres~eta will be vxchwng ror somethiug youl Welnt, and J &p In acroes the Pacinec, will wove u >n the mainland ansd .Ig (lych~ P,-rsona born in .'Innmry have e reet, and do not pluay pok. r. If ti ire born uander the inilusnnen of A q rna, the wale,-ciarrier, they will vi a'y. Trhey are vety ingenibous, a knoW houw to tun the gae-meter ba 'T'by have large fam lies ansd aen luacom. s. Thie.y are gooid ati fgu and can toll you whether a woma, shape is real or . ii eleier. '1 hey slow to marry. but, can get a divo as8 qui -k as aniybotdv. Theby are y shrewt in mor1)a3 maQter,, and* no give their wives thes hmoney. D)on t answer th~ 'lor-bell I mn n~ ; it's a b)e.1k nge, nt. Keep 'silverware under the coal pile y ou come bomne late at night, look for highwaymue, and walk in. middle of t'ae road, as the policoni ane. Don't