Pic[ons Selltliol-JOur'lal WUMUSED EVEBE TUIWDAY MORNING. -BY The Sontinol-Journal Company. TUOMPSON & Bwnar. Pnors. J. L. 0. THOMPSON. EDITOR. Subscription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising IIttes Reasonable. Entered at PICkw'e rustolice as Second Class Mail Matter PICKENS, S. C.: THURSDAY, M.iY 21, 1908. Salmagundi. There is nothing particularly new and sensational In the re port from Washington that the president is "figting mad." That has been the nature of his con ph ilnt for some time.-[St. Louis Post-Dispatch. An Italian proposes a tunnel I to tap Vesuvius, to avoid possi- I ble explosion from an obstructed t vent and to supply molten lava 3 for molding into building bricks. t I Between government by the big stick and government by the gavel there is little to choose. I Either of them is a perversion of government by the people. The first railroad was that known as the Stockton & Dar lington, in England, opened Sept. 25, 1825. 'The first rail way in the United States to be worked by locomotives was the South Carolina Rail way, started in 1826. -did Republicanl vised they will oUk Whisky is about to be definett, yet a d(Anif'oln of one variety will not fit the rest.-[Philadel phia Ledger. The Atlanta Journal is get ting so nervous that it had a man arrested the other day for I yelling for Brown as he passed t the Journal office. But Judge Broyles said that he could find no law in Georgia against lese miajestie.-Griffin News. In some phases of the coming campaign it is suspected that the contest will be between the anti-saloon and the saloon ante.1 -[Indianapolis News.1 Mr. Bryan is the candidate of the Blunderbund."-News and Courier. And the Plunderbund is trying to beat him. "Any body to beat Bryan" is the Plunderbund's cry.--[The State. There is a good deal of curl osity to know whether or not it was "near" beer or the real thing that the tiger has been dealing in.-lBalto. News. Tornadoes are getting as cam. mon as campaign lies; but they do. more damage.-[Columbus Fnquirer. Oallfornia cherries sold for $2 -a pound the other day in Chi cago. Allen Sayrre, a boy of Cape May, frightened a fish-hawk by shoutiing, and the bird dropped P ~ a 4-poun~d fish, which was served at th~Sayer family supieor. Afflin~any months of train ing, Miss Mary Lightfoot. of Warsaw, Ind., has taught acomn mon house mouse to waltz to the music of a harp. Nature faking? In four years a pair of rabbits could have a progeny of nearly 1,500,000. A doe rabbit produces *~.~ ....as many as seven families a e:.r. Convalescents need a ment in easily digested f IScott's EmuL-dk ment-highly concentrat< I It makes bone, blood putting any tax on the ALL DRUGOIBT~s 84 A man may be absolutely im possible, but somewhere there is some woman who doesn't think s.-[Chicago Herald. The Jacksonville Times-Union s of the opinion that it will "require a greater force than he prohibition law to keep the 3eorgia peach out of the brandy." A casualty company refused ,o pay a policy of $3,000 taken >nt by H. N. Myers, of Arkan ;as City, and who swallowed a ,oothpick which caused blood )oisoning, on the ground that he act was not an accident; but rielded when ordered to pay by he state superintendent of in urance, or be barred from doing >usiness in the state. le th-oght her a peach when he proposed, But later, when they weie wed, Ie found to his sorrow, alas! that he Had paired with a lemon in stead. -[Chicago News. Tom-''Do you think it really tocs any good to tell a girl she's he first woman you ever loved?" )ick-"No, for nine times out vou're not the first liar ."-[Baltimore .its. We know of one community n Pickens county that in one nonth -last year sent one hun ired and sixty dollars to the nail order houses in the East or scheme purchases. We ven ure to say that ninety per cent. )f the goods are packed away, tovered with dust and of no ralue to any one. Where is the rofit? How much do the mal >i-der houses pay for keeping up oads In this county9 We are told to believe all we r'ead in the Bible, but lt some Limes takes a terrible stretch of magination when we hit the Eamilly record. Experts in the Thaw case give ais two reasons for declaring hiin insane, because he wanted the piano tuned on which he prac ticed, and because he wanted to decorate his room with Easter lillys on Easter Sunday; and the dear people pay $500 per day for expert testimony. Given the We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tioun, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparlilla you have known all your ,life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. poisonostprodnotsare absorbed, causing head preeliating the Sarsaparila fron doing ts best wok yegbr's Pills are liver pills. Ac gently, N AI R VIGORt. erSAGUB CURE. 1/ CifERRYPCTRL We have no screts I 'we publish te frmulas of anl our mediolnas. large amount of nourish Drn. Oft is powerful nourish. Ad. and muscle without digestion. )a. AND $1.00. lunatic in the picture. Please find the fool. "Music hath charms." What would the "merry-go-round" be without music? Old people ride because it brings back memories of long ago, middle aged people ride to please the chi'dren, young folks ride to spoon, children ride as an excuse for the older people, and everybody rides to be doing something. Well, there is no harm in innocent fun, so let the "go-round" go round. It is not safe to judge the piety of the family by the binding on the family Bible. "Turn that wrapping paper the other side out", said a lady in a store the other morning as the clerk was putting up her purchase in a printed wrapping paper, "I don't want to be a walking advertisemeini to your store. I read the paper as all intelligent people ought to do, and I think there is the place to advertise your business." If there is such a thing as n->bility in America, it is that which follows the plow and lturns up God's g6od soil for the i aintenance of the people he created. Old Soldiers' Day-June 3d. Wednesday, June- 3d, is the oie hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jefferson Davis, the only president of the Confed eracy. Pickens Chapter U. D. C. is preparing to celebrate this cen tennial in a way to fittingly honor the memory of the hero so dear to the hearts of all South erners. They cordially invite the Veterans of the county to join them in making this a memor able occasion. An address will be made by Judge George E. Prince. Crosses of Honor will be presented, and Capt. Robert E. Steele will talk to his com rades of '61-'65. After the exercises in the courthouse the usual picnic din ner will be ser-ved, and the Vet erans and their families are urged to join the Daughters in making this part of the celebra tion e.success. Following is the programme for the day: Assembling of Veterans fi front of Baptist church at 10 a. in, ,40,20 a. m.--March to court h6ibse. Veterans in command of Col. W. B. Allgood. I0.30 a. m.-Call to order by master of ceremonies, Hon. J. 'E. Boggs. Prayer-Rev. N. G. Ballinger. Music--Easley Band. - Address-Judge G. E. Prince. Music--Easley Band. Presentation of Crosses by Chapter. ITalk to Veterans, by Capt. Robert E. Steele. Music. Benediction-Rev. D. Lander. Greenville District Conference -Mi E. Church, South. The Greenville District Con ference convened at Clinton,May 13. The sessions of the confer ence were held in the Methodist church of that place, of which Rev. W. H. Hodgen is npasr Candidates' Column t Announcements of candIdates will be run u i der tils head ntil the prhnary election for , , cash in advance. Local noti er, or "guffs", will bo charged for extrai, accordilng to te 0 'Paco iall occulty, mi~d tie amount of strain oi the edltol's con$ lt. No writeup for loss than 16. For Congress, 3d District For Holicitor 10th Circuit I anth candidate for the offico of Solicitor of the loith Judicial Circuit of souti, Carolina, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. I have served in court continuounly for ve-veral year" as court stellograrher after comnpleting aly law course and Iam amiliar With the work. ings of the coua ts. b. C LONU. For House tif Representntives For Clerk of Court For Sheriff I hr eby announce myself a candidate for iv electionl to thle oflice of Sbcutl', subject to thle ntio of the voters In the Denioeratle inimny election. J. U. JEN NNS. I hereb announee myself as a candidate for for Sherfif of P'ickens county, subject to) thle rules and regulaltions of the Denocratic party. J. 31. JA3MESON. For Auditor t For Treasurer For Co. Supt. of Education For Mupervisor For County Comimissioner I hereby annaouaice myse f a candidate for tie office of County tomnilsamloner, sut-jcct to tile action of the voters in tie pi ltAiT y elc cin. A JEIWi WELBIORN. The presiding elder, Rev. W. M. Duncan, presided over the con ference, the bishop for some rea son rot being able to be present. There was a good attendance on the part of the ministers and a fairly good representation piers ent of the laymen. The reports of the preachers showed the entire district to be in excellent condition, both spir itually and financially, and that many additions to the church have b'en made during the past year. It is a matter worthy of a note that approximately *3,500 has been added to the amount paid to preachers during 1907 as salaries, and there is no Ireason now to doubt but that this amount will be paid before the end of the conference year. Another gratifying feature . which developed from the re ports ioming from the various C charges was that practically all E conference claims and assesc- - ments have already been paid 'n full. It seems that it has beer, I during this year, at least, tI e , aim of the preachers to com-. : mence early in securing they e claims, and they have succeeded remarkably well in that there were very few who failed to re port all these conference claims as paid in full. A very interesting feature of this conference was the interest taken in it and church work generally by the laymen. On Friday afternoon the presiding elder turned the conference over to the laymen. -An interesting address was delivered by Hon. W. L. Gray, of Laurens; after his address the laymen generally discussed the various phases of the Laymen's Missionary Move ment. It seemed apparent that from the interest there mani fested in behalf of this general movement on the part of the laymen of the church, sonme con certed action will be taken pur suant to the methods provided therefor In the conference of laymen lately. held in Chatta nooga, and that material results ought to follow speedily. The people of Clinton were exceedingly hospitable, and, ir respective of denominational lines, threw open their doors to the visiting preachers and dele gates, and accorded to all a most cordial reception.1 The conference was a most t4 harmonious one, anid, in their . deliberations as .to where thr-" would next meet, exhibited mc excellent judglment fr the re. on that they decided to accept; he timely invitation given themt oy the delegation from the Pick mns charge to meet at Pickena 11909. [HE RINGS THAT MEAN V MARRIAGE ie alw ays the most pri oious.articles of' owelry a woman owns. Her entgage nent and weddir g rings are lor be. I loved passsini3 . 'It If up to the man r.-fire to see that the rings are wor nyi of the sentiment lavish. d on thent l' )be sure of it come where )NLY GOOD JEWELRY 13 tOLD. Nat place is right here. Bring your oromised bride here to seh et and be flt ed for a ring that she will I o proud t> vear every day of her life. Easley, S. C. FIME IS MONEY 'his is just as true in regard to Sewing Machint s ::s anything else. Bly mat Le lit ow Oven. '11E STANDARD ROTA hy SaUTI.E. SEWINU MACHINE Vill tiake 350 s: itches in tht. samte timri ,Ong Shuttle Machines imike cnly 200. The Standard Rotary Princ.ple is most Lientifically correct. w hich fact has een proven by 25 years of successfut .e in all parts of the world and by out onpetitors cont inuousiv trying to copy without succes-4. TIlE ATANDAR> RAND ROTARY. THE WORLD'S. IEST SEWINC MACtIINE. is two. inchines in one-Lock and Chain Stitch -Ball Bearing Stand-Straight Auto iatic Lift. Do not fail to investigate le merits osf the Fatstst. Molt silent,. asiest Running andi the msa etiurale ewing MAnchine maede. T 'HlE S 1'AND LRD ROTARY. 'A demonstration is revelation." Write for prices and asy Payment Plan. Guaranteed Sew g Machines $12.00 (zp. The Standard Sewing Machine Co.. 58 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. feb20mC FIGURES TALK Yuaas DbOES SOLD 1892-..-... 155,375 - 1897-...-. 290,954 19fl..........,..... 475,215 1903...........5W0,90 The beat eidence that Bliss Native Herbs fulfills the claims made for It is found An the increasing sates it en Joys year after year. It cures, or else people-would not buy and take it for such diseases aa Rheumatism, Constipation, Dyspepsia, K( 1dm. y Diseasep, Liver Disorders, Ecseena, Scrofula or sny alment arising from impure blood. Bliss Native Herbs is effective because it is made from pure roots, herbs and iarks and con- - tains no opiates, minerals or alcohoL. It is guaranteed under the United Stater Pure Drug Law. Each box contains 200 tablets for P.* and if no cure results, money is refunded. It Is made by The Aionzo 0. Bliss Company, WashIngton..D. C.. Can not be found fin drug-stores and is FOR SALE. BY-.. F. A. Finley, Pickenis, 8. C. aial orders. receive prompt at nftiOn. 4june'O8. P. nrrn ombrin1own Leghorns,