W. L. GASSAWAY, PRES. H. J. McGEEs, CASHIER. L Farmer SAFE, SOUND ANI OPENDD BUSINI Capital Stoc Farmers Bank < Has every facility of hand solicits the accounts of ] Manufacturers, in fact, the PEOPLE. Savings De Call now and let's make if you have an idle dolla have you entrust it to our Interest paid on time de $.oo starts an account. HERE TO D( If at any tinle you shcul an accomodation of u-, yo careful consideration. CENTRAL ROL' Has on hand several cars of Hiu Cotton Seed Meal $1.50 per s Cotton Seed Hulls (t 50c. Pe Seventy-five barrels of GOOI Every sack guaranwx-ed. CENTRAL ROLLI C, W, GARRETT SIX MILE, S. C. BLACKSMITH & WOO-WORK 3Manufactures a fine line of turned work, such as balustern-, columnns, brackets. and all Such work. Let mie estimate with you. No job to large or too small to receive careful and prmmpt at tention. Communicate with rme b~y telephone through the Central, S. C. office, or by mail on Ri. F. .D. 2 from Central. f735 - College of Charleston - 19081 Charleston, S. C. 124th Year Begins September 25 Entrance examination wvill he held at the County Court H~ouse f Central, S. C. ling your business and it Farmers, Merchants and business of ALL THE partment new acquaintances, and r, we shall be pleased to care. - Five per cent. posits. BUSINESS d find it necessary to ask ur needs m ill receive our LER MILL CO. Ils and Cotton Seed Meal. ack. r hundred pounds. ) FLOUR at $4.90 per bar el, Come at once. ER MILL COMPANY, 'ASSAWAY. -President. J. P. CAREY, JR Attorney-at-Law Pickenis, S. C. Practice il all Courts. Clewason Agricultural College Exainaion. Th'le exan,iinition for .the awa'frd (I 'chliships in Clen son Agi icualturn Xolle-ge will he held1 in the coumly coun )e'l~ on FrIday, July 3d, at 9i a mn A ppI'canlts mus1t filli out propt r forms, to oe s'curedto from thew County S-uperir tenadenat of Education, before they wi~ U' aIllo)v ed to stand the exmiations 1or detailed inforataion apily to tiha Bupt of Education or to the President o lenon C7ollege. Applhcants for admiB ion to the co ege, w ho ari' not seeking for the schrol arahaips, will also stand e' trance xiXLC~ ani ions at, the court house Jul e 3d. '1 ho scholarships are 'worth $!00 anm ree tuitercn. Thnr next session of the college opera kipt. 9, 19 8. F or catalogueRs and information appi o P. H. Ma-LL, Pre sident. J. F. JENNINGS GENERAL MERCHANDISE Liberty, S. C. las a mighty nice line of goods or your inspection. The qual ty and prices of the goods arc ;uch as to move thenm wher ur customers see them. Just to see whether you will uy or not, we make a few >ffers that are inducements. $2.50 gr'ade Men's Fine Pantt or $2.00 a pair. $1.50 grade Men's Fine X'ants or $1.25 a pair. Meni's ilats at Cost. seli you a good $2 hat for $1.50, 25 per cent. off on Shoes. $1 Union Made overalls for 90c. Your trade is appreciated. iL F. JENNINGS L.iberty,.'S. C. FAN May Come, Pa I BU Rice Goes o Making Prices to Me This season's goods to go now, while yol Nice line Shoes from 10 t Car load of Roller Kin; Still selling Shells at 7 Watch this space and I continuously offering. I am now buying Fal ever goods are on hand begin to come in. I D. I Proprietor Norris NORRIS, AGENT-r w ANTED;-'6 x 20 crayon portrailis 40 ceiit, fraiml, 1 10 cents and up, Sheet pictures one cet.t mnch. You can make 4.:0 p -r cnt.p r, it, er I:L VA per week. C -Ualogu u1nnl a mpAS free. Addres. Frank w. Williams Cov, 120O W. Taylor St.. Chicao, IPhysician an Fon S.umx-17 aeris, (,iigin..1 f..rest, 1. lmlile ot l)vth of Pickeus, $30 nn acre; 75 neres west (if Woodall 3'Nonntalin, 10 ar branbuc bottom, balance in timber. 1 .1, I u 1 )riC $!0 e tre enah d a. E. F. KEIrH. R. 1. D., Nil. 4, Pick.cas, S. G. The PEOPLE of an article is it's merit. mnacy" is -THE CHOICE miles around. The Reason Is plain, It is a new firm, with newv goods. Nothing in the line of goods carried in a drug store should be TOO) GOOD) OR TOO PURE, hence, the PU REST and BES I is our motto. The Prescription Dept Is in charge of a competent phar. miacist and all prescription work has h:s personal supervision and all the in gredients are the purest, best and .fresh. est that can be obtained. If we do your presc: iptionl work you need have no fear of what you are getting. On Sunday and at night as well as week days our Prescription Department is open. People's I (9 C9 Ilcs Will Go, r n Forever et all Competition t need them. Calicos, fast colors, 5c. o 25 per cent. less than else r to go at a price to move ic for 2 boxes.