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The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, August 27, 1908, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1908-08-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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$1.00 Per Annum.
ng ites Ressnbe
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4UGUST 27, 1908.
wondered how a man,
* ringa white vest that
oof things that worry
athe advance In the
0,di onds,
4 cd0 ha nothing helps a
,uch In securing aL firm so
as a difficult surgieal ov
n a woman Is too sick to go to
It is my Idea that there Is
ovpe thing to do: Call in the phy
or,' a consultation.
nOan unmarried man has time
hlawn and spade uip the
ne only looked as well In life
ey do n the advertising pages
e magazines I should not blame
so 0 much for falling In love
My experience that a man
care much what kind of en
ment his hostess devises so
a4 he Can have a drink occasion-I
and a cigar when he wants one.
hdVe noticed that after an affair
een a mian and a girl gets far
Aalong the increase- in father's
bill 'is more than offset by the
19ase lin his light bill.-Topeka
Is he who profits by the fool
of others.
u s a suffer
At Is y i ar wth .
qyoiethin prpto o Ca i nnphg
ometi~n umae "Iman tme
tO owomhen lan a head for thg
h1t en i ome t looka ein litfor
hey an in theledduertitinburyghs
agazin es ap t sh d tearam
myap epeiencema tha a anr
coare mh whaind oatfe
',.t~~* ninisotess dutinot sot
apaad tia hhe ant onte
arrese n ted that doter n affai
en to banen a girltgous faro
eal theincra.. ahe'
bili othan offenet beth
Nohi lightbisesopeat
eh wh rftsb t e tlee.
-~es ss of'ttherry
t9 .be.. . . rt lying 1
is as pro4 of
as is of her husband'-f.
You -:ay have observed that a girl
never misses an opportunity to rush
up and kiss another girl if a certain
young man happens to be looking.
Don't have a continual grievance.
.Don't be the chronically injured per
If you make a mistake don't brood
over it. Consider it only an Incident
for the purpose of teaching you a les
Don't forget that life is what one
makes it. Expect life to use you bet.
ter every year and you will not -be
Don't forget that if there is noth
-ing but disappointing experiences in
our life, the fault lies somewhere
within yourself.
Don't be distrustful of everyone you
meet. If you are you create an un
wholesome and unfortunate atmo.
sphere about you which will bring
only the unworthy and deceitful.
Keep wholesome, hopeful and sympa
thetic with the wnrld at larg, what.
eyar Individuals may do.
best Method of Putting Up Grapes
and Quinces.
e season when grapes
e plentiful, the fol.
pes sound attractive.
bunches of perfect
i a silver fork prick
y; put them in pro
iave been- thoroughly
cleansed, and stand them in a shallow
pan of hot water so that they will not
cool. Make a brandy sirup by cook
fiag together three quarts of - water
with seven pounds of sugar until very
thick, remove from the fire and add
an equal quantity of best brandy; re
heat and pour immediately over the
grapes; seal and do not use for a
month or two. Of course, a small
er quantity can be made as an experi
Peel half a peck of quinces and cut
in thick slices, dropping them In cold
water to prevent discoloration; then
drain well and add two pounds of
figs, sliced in quarters, and three
oranges cut into cubes; place in a pr
serving kettle and 0over with cold
water eooking until the quinces am
soft. Take out the fruit and from the
water in which they were cooked
make a sirup, allowing three pouVAIs
of granulated sugar and the white of
one egg to every pint and a halt of
liquid. Au soon as the scum rises,
a'dd a tablespoonful of cold water;
skim until you have a very clear
heavy lirup, then return the fruit and
cook about five or ten minutes; pour
into jars and seal with air-tight covera,
To remove rust en copper rub the
article with liquid ammonia.
Never put salt in soup when cook
ing it until It is skinamed, as salt pre
vents the scum frmm rIsing.
The best hoeb~per Is the one
who passes less time In making fidngs
clean and more? thought In keeping
them clesa as she goes.
Keep camphor In cupboards where
elothee are stored, for not only will lt
keep away moths, but mice, which
dislike it exceedingly
Paraffin spilt on a stone floor may
be removed by rubbing bath brick over
the mark and lettng It stair till next
day, then wash In the usual way and
th~ foor will be eetly clean.
t'can be ved from glass'
by rubbing It with hot, strong vinegar.
Stains on the hand can be removed by
acetic acid or salts of lemon and
ink marks will soon yield to pumice
It Is said that potatoes will bake In
much less time If the skins are greased
before putting them Into the .oven.
The skins wIll come off more easily
and will be as thin as when boiled.
Washington Pie.
Scald one pint of milk In a double
boiler. Beat together the yolks of.
two eggs, a cup of sugar, a piece of
butter the else of an egg and a heap
ing tableupoonful of corn starch made
smooth In a little water. Stir thsese
Into the scalding milk tantil thorough.
ly cooked, then set away to cool.
Make a rich crust, roll very thin, line
your pie dish and, with a fork prick
many holes in it and bake.' By jhe
time the crust Is done have the cream
cool. Flavor it with a teaspoonful of
vanilla, pour it Into the crust, beat
the eggs to a stiff froth with a little
powdered sugar, spread lightly on top
of the pie and brown slightly In the
COPYRIGAT I1908, BY 0. -i. RIET04
Now Bryan was having
A speech phonogaphed,
When who should walk in
But the giant Bill Taft
And they laughed.
"Good morning," said Bryan,
Displaying a look
Of joy and surprise
As he laid down his book
And they shook.
"I have come for a visit,"
Said Taft, while his-hat
Was hung on a nail
By the great Democrat
And they sat.
"Delighted?" said Bryan,
."If I be allowed
The sentiment Ted
Has so often avowed"
And he bowed.
"I suppose," ventured :Taft,
With a smile that was sweet,
"You have just made a record
That I've got to beat"
Very neat,
"Why no," Bryan laughed,
"I have records for two;
You may make one yourself
If you wish so to do
After you."
But Taft waved his hand
With a show of suspicion,
And said, "I an not
A machine politician"
In the old Roman calendar
September was the seventh
month of the year. This brought
Labor Day around in the heat
of the summer. All the unions
said it was too hot to march far
enough to make any impression
on capital. Like every other
politician, Nuia was afraid
of the labor vote, so he pushed
September along to the ninth
place in. the calendar and had
Labor Day fall on the first day
of Autumn. TheI unions were
thus enabled to' march twice as
far, and Numa had to refuse a
third term.
The old school bell will toll the
knell of youthful summer joys,
and the girls will meekly get In
line, together, with soins boys;
but the gamer youngsters will
hide out a few days in dissent,
and later on the last one in will
run for president.
The summne girl will get her
coat and Marry Widow hat, and
journey-homeward fromi the sea
uincertain where she's at; but
the widow cailly caressed be
cause she stuck to. togues, will
bring a mollycoddle home and
showJt to the folks.
- The tourists 'who have been
abroad on fashionable trips, will
homeward wend with hotel tags
stuck all around their grips;
and thronging in their wake
will come a neverending flow
of busted immigrants -to see
where they got all the dough.
September is when the au
tumal equi-nox the mosquito
out. This occurs on the 22a,
when the sun ~goes over the
equator for a touchdown on the
jice-cream gigglery anid summer
underwear. The 6041 man will
kick coal, and Mrs. Roosevelt,
leaving Sagamore Hilt, will turn
to Washington ttAd thei serious
business of loadiwe some more
shells for lions,
The cooler air will stImulate
The Presideni41're.
And everybody Wlithit up
A little fastertpa4 #
The smilln~gafikfrorn thi
aid if befeats the
win the highest
he'll laugh und.
few old reassdrig aues
toss a big fat buibilebee
Taft's back pantsloons.
And then there will be dolnt
on this noe too ,stable eat
and every.Democrat will get,
campaign dollar's worth; the
Hisgens, Debs, and all of that
inconseguential fry, will duck
into the weeds and watch the
big event go by; and the Taft
men, looking on the while the
fireworks pop and sizz,. will hold
on tightly a'nd inquire, "Which
cloud of dust is his?"
rihe touch of Fall make the ripe
And falling acorn thud,
And the crawfish will throw up
his tail
And burrow in the mud;
The dread mosquito will depart
From this terrestial. scene,
But he'll die, as well becomes
- the brave,
With his face 'against the
And the fall-enlivened- colt
will frolic on the hill, and the
railroads will return the folks
they found too tough to kill; the
fat and idle plutocrat will close
his summer place, and thecan
didate will mount the stump
and run off at the face.
After the 23d, September will
be under the influence of Libra,
the seventh sign of the zodiac.
The sign of Libra represents a
pair of scales held in the claws
of a scorpion. It is of Chaldean
origin, and is supposed to mean
that about the 23d is where the
ice man gets stung himself.
People born under Libra are
incapable of pretense; the wo
men never kiss women they
hate, and the men play a
wretched game of poker. Libra
people also have no ear for mu-'
sic, and generally play some
particularly loud instrument in
the village band .
Thie swallow will desert the eave
And start the movement south
And the farmer prime himself
to spit
.Thro' early autumn's dropth;
The pumpkins will grow long
and gaunt.
With dragging on the vine,
And .when the time. shall come
for old
John D. to get in-linie
And pay his month's install
ments on
That thirty million fine,
We'll hear a horse-laugh .that
will give
Us shivers down the spine.
The moon will be full on the
Loth,,.and the American .fleet
ewill make the Society Islands
ibout the 12th. ' It is .expected
bhat it will remain there per
nanently, society having be,
come its long suit.
With the advent of autumn,
pice-Dresidential' whiskers will
begin to blend with Nature's
general color scheme, and both
Mfr. Sherinan And Mr. Kern will
run a little stronger on the tails
>f their tickets.
A~nd then October will return,
That gladsome time and rare
When the pumpkin-pie .will an
swer "Here!"
Up'bn the bill of fare.
The-executive committee dez
:lares Carey and Maildinx to be
5m~inated for the 1*ouse.
to Col. Baa ihIt
of making pitbll!
tributions and ' o b
t1king subscriptions ooas
aign. purposes fromOpora
Mgons. It sounds very nlep and
very beautiful for a. Replitcn
pandate for the presidency to
rvocate such high-sounding
tncples, but if there re any
emocrats who really believe
*e Republican party capable of
*doing such things a iAtile reflec
10R will show them thmutter
absurdity of the proposition.
$6t -ntil the leopard changes
its spots will the Republican
party cease to accept campaign
contributions, and as long as
the Republican party is the Re
publican party It will elect -its
cangidates by the use of barrels
of Inoney. When the party
ceases to use money in elections.
the Republican party will have
ceased to exist. -[Darlington
A Quall's Singular Stunt.
The prize nature faker story
comes from Alexandria, the
county-seat of Campbell county,
Kentucky. A quail's nest on
the farm of Edgar Thatcher was
invaded by a hen that laid one
egg there. ' The mother quail
drove the hen off when she re
appeared to lay some more eggs,
and set on the one hen egg and
her own. The hen egg hatched
firdt and the quail then aban
doned her own egg for the
adopted chicken, which -she
raised until it was large enough
to be taken to town for a
"springer." - [Cincinnati En
The Stab in f .
A Chicago man
ing in the South
not long ago to PU, up Ab i
"hotel" where a numbar of state
senators were stopplng Ont the*
Way to the capital.
At table their conversatiorr
soon revealed to the other guests
that they 'were newly-elected
"solons," full of the dignity of
their new honors, and anxious
to Impress everybody accord-'
ingly. -
These gentlemen caused the
Chicago man to feel no- littlo
fatigue. It was, "'Will the geni
tieman from Dodgeville have
the butter?" and "Will the gen
tleman from Centertown- pass
the bread?" and "Does the gen
tleman from Jungtown Junction
care for the pickles?" etc., etc.,
ad nauseum,
Even the natives were begin
nling to squirm under thies offi
cial formalities, when the Chi
cago manl turned to the negro
waiter alid asked~hlm in'his best
manner, "And now will the gen
tleman~ from Ethiopia bring me
another cup of coffee"-[{far
per's Weekly.
One good' blackemithing ont
flt containing one gasoline en
gine, one large power delll, one.
8-inch' jointer, one band- saw,,
one wood lathe, one. set. good
pipe tools. In fact,acornplete.
set of tools in ei*ery t'ispect and
as good a stand as therirls In
Pickens county. I have t good
reason for selling. Terms'easy. -
Apply. to C. *W. GAnar/rr, Six
Mile, S. C. 24-~4w
.Bridge to Let..
JI will let to the lowest rtsp-n~ ble b.
der the hu i2inog of a new tg
Twetlve Mile River, know.as the .uto
b)rtdge, Saturday. August 29th, 4 1.
o'cloc a. in.
Plans mnade known;that dw
td - Coun gr..

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