OCR Interpretation

The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, September 10, 1908, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218672/1908-09-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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gsoa Locl an
Married i Mur ,.S. C , on
eptember 'id. . J. . Vic
tory to Miss Maud Savoia. Rev.
B. F. Murphree officiating.
Dr. A. C. 8p in, dentist, of
Greepville, wvlVe in Pickens
Sept..10th for four days and can
be found at Dr; olfs dffice.
Mrs. Addle .lurphree's fune
ral wil'be preached- at Antioch
Baptist church next .Sunday,
Sept. 18th, at 11 o'clock, ;y
Rev. B. F. Murphree.
The-"city Dads" are uproot
!ig the trees in the middle of the
streeL Fair, and other -visitors
* will not know -the place when
-.they get through their work.
Married, at Mt. Grove church
on the fourth Sunday in August,
Mr.- F. R. Haney, of Greenville,
to Miss Anna E. Ligon, of Pick
ens. Rev. 13. F.' Murpbre-e of
A. B. Riggins lost his pockei
book last Friday between Nix'i
shingle mill, near Robt. Maul.
- din's and his home. It contain
ed two or three dollars in silver.
He will appreciate its return.
J. A, Peak is getting hi
dwelling ready for occupaicy,
and by the time this- papei
reaches you he will be pleasant
ly domiciled, and "at home" -t<
his friends, in the neat Kelley
house on Ann street.
The Pickens county Singing
Convention will meet at' th
Baptist church in Liberty or
next Saturday and Sunday,
Sept. 12th and 18. All lovers ol
good music are urged to attend.
Bring your song books.
district Masonic Meeting
uesday, the 8t4-, at Seneca
.ll that could be desired
.Liv visiting brethren were high
ly entertained and royally treat
-ed. The work was all done it
amplified form and was v613
The- troupe of funny clown
with Sparks' Show, headed b3
Barney 'Shea and Billy Light
foot, will keep the audienc<
laughing, and when they ar<
working, Panhandle Pete and
his comedy mules will get int<
the game and make everythinj
howl. The fuh 1s real an<
every act a startler with the
John H. Sparlks' Shows. :A
Easley, Saturday, Sept. J19.
You don't have to s~t on th<
old kind of uncomfortable seati
when - you visit the Sparks
Shows. As In everything 41s<
you wiW find this sgentleman ih
advance of others in the sea
line. Roomy seats with broa4
* acks and foo$ rests, as easy al
opera chairs enable you to enjoy
the performance without die
comfort. A lot of other. 'little
details around this show wil
make you wonder why som<
one di4l not think of it before.
*We call the attention. of ou:
readers to the ad in this issue o;
Dr. Leland C). Mauldin, o:
Greenville. Ossie has movei
his office from the H ynswortl
it1u'hiig~ M'the new Dvenport
bultdi'tg ou South Main Street
U n ville, where he will' b4
h a d have all of his Pick
en n ii y friends call on him,
le is fo4 building up quite' a
reptationI as an eyre,' ear, nos<
aoli t hroat specialist and. is
fo (quent ,contributer-, to th4
Card :o1 Thanks.
y f6
en me onh i th ay
gust re-electing me te *
sdonsible office of county a
or. In return for this support
promise to do as I have done in
the past--give good, faithful,
honest service bf always being at
my post of duty and keepin a
straight andoodrplete'sek of rec
ords,. The comptro1ler-geneia.
has lately . complimented my.
work. by declaring that I was
one aniong the best of the forty
one tuditors in the state.
Respectfully, .
A Card.
To the Voters of Central Town
I desire to thank those who
voted for me. at Cateechee and
at Norris, for magistrate' at Ca
teechep, at the last election.
While I was defeated, I have
the pleasure of knowing I made
a fair: and square i'ace on my.
own part.
I had no man working for
me for the 'constable's job. I
had made no promises, only,.if
elected, to enforce the law, and
that I Would have done.' [ a
person had violated the law, and
been brought before me,. if
found guilty, he would. have
suffered the penalty of the law.
That is what the magistrate Is
for-to keep order and see that
the law is enforced.
I wish to say lhat it was used
against me right at the last, and
Swhen I had no time to enlghten
some of the voters who never
knew any better, that if I was
elected, being a cripple as I w
And a rift or disturbance sloA
occur, the magistrate was the
only one who had the legal au
thority to arrest without a war
rant, and that I was not physic
ally able to do so..
Now, (am willing to leave It
- to any good lawyer if the con
L stable is not the proper one to do
the arresting, warrant or no
warrant. I would have had a
constable who would have done
his duty, and one who did not
drink whisky.
Again thanking those who
voted for me, I am for law and
order. J. ALONZO BRowN.
*The John H. Sparks' Shows.
The Henderson, N. C., "Gold
3 Leaf" of last week says:
"The J6hn H. Sparks' Shows
k ave two splendid performances
here yesterday. Sparks always
makes good, and the reputation
establishedl here on formner visits
was more than sustained. In
fact, the show is better than
ever. There was not an Inferior
act in the entire program, and
many of them were the best
ever seen in this city. Mr.
Sparks Is deserving of the high
et com~hendation, not only for
the excellence, but for the clean
and respectable character of his
The Charleqton, W. Va.,
Daily Gazette says:
-"The fact that the 'greatest
Sshow on earth' is to exhilbit here
in aday or two did -not seem to
deter the people from attending
the Spaiks'- Shows yesterday.
They came in throngs, and the
tents were packed et each per
formance. The fact is that Mr.
Sparks has established a gre'at
reputation 1ij Charleston, not
only for the' Oteellne of his ex
hibition ~ bu the respectable
way in whibit conducted.,
The sh6N~ S etter -each
year, ag t(e of satis
factionto el ho saw
Y . 6d a remedy over sixty
rart'414- r Ayer's Cherry
P06oiokaI. Of course you have
beard df it, Probably have used
it. One in the family, It stayd;
the Qile 4sehold remedy for
coigij 'nad hard colds on the
chest. Ask your doctor about It.
me at kind of a testinlQOl -
'So)4 afr over sixty years."
W4d .uo rr I In
fls AM VIOR.
0Grnt I We pubumb
I se the activit*
e , aid. recever
SuMmons for Relief.
(Oomplalnt not Served).
State of South Carolina,
Pickens Ciunty.
Jourbosf emmon PlE.
J. D. N Ketas.. Executor of the last
will awl t of M.D. Keith, de
ceased; iii ."
E. F. K*Ith,'W Keith, & i. Keith,
LitIa Joaw Ianoy Ferguson, Mary
Tal e Keith, Jaret M. Keith,
J. ' a g".10 a Feigesoa, San
dacy DiI0,&Martha-Evat6, Angeline
Rice lo&- A. Keith, Mar Clark,
.Wariy Wo4&1al, N. A. Keith, W. Cal
vin'Xeih, 8. 0. Keith, G. W. Keith,
Mary Roper, Eliza Edens, Sarah T.
Jones; Rebeaca Roper. John S. Hen
dricks and Lula Roper, Defendants.
To the Defendants above named:
You are hereby summoned and re
quired to answer the complaint in this
action, wh oh *ias filed in the office of
the Clerk of Court at Pickens, S. C., the
5th day of August,. 1908, and to serve- a
copy of your ansWer to the said com
plaint on the'subscriber at his office at
Pickens, 8. 0., *Athin twenty days after
the service hereof, exclusive. of the day
of such service; and it you fail to answer
the complaint within the time aforenaid,
the Plaintiff in'this action will a ply to
the court for the relief demand In the
Dated Auget 5th 4. D., 1908.
C. E. ixBIQN, Plaintiff's Atty.
A. J, BOGOs, . P.
Here ilieliefll 01 WOinen..
If i ou have pains in the bafk, Urina
ry, Bladder dr Kidney trotable, and want
a certain, pleasant. herb cure for wom
an's ills. tr Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN
LEAF. It is a sfe and never-failing
regulator. At Druggists or by mail 50c.
Sanmple package FREE. Addres, The
Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. f20L41
That we have bongh
can save'you money <
~We. haven't space to
right here to familie
thing in our line: W
Come and get yovr fi
We want to say to tL:
bought 75,000 shells i
Ldadies Jackets and (
Boys Suits at $1.25 e
Dry Goods' at a price
Our line of Ladies ha
We want to a.y to pi
you to come to the N,
I want to thank the a
given mec and assure 1
to merit u continuanc
Come to see me for b
goods for less money.
' Prnnriet
Has every facility a
solicits the accou1
Manufacturers, in fi
Call now and let
iyou have. an idli
have you'entiust it
Interest paid on t
$1 .oo starts an at
If at any tiine yor
an -accomodation of
Has on hand several cars
Cotton Seed Meal $1-5
Cotton Seed Hulls @
Seventy-five barrels of
Every sack guaranteed.
our Fall Goods
>n all of your pui
say much aboutj]
s who want a bi
e are in-shape tc
te -boys who wan
Lnd are selling' ti
Stock Is F
3l0aks from*2 u
nd on up.
that will move I
Lts are all in.
Lrties living at a
arris Bargain 11
'ood people for ti
hem it is apprec
e of same.
etter goods for tj
r Norris Ba
>f handling you
ts- 0 Farmere,
ict, the businen' -
s Departhn
s make now acqaintan
e dollar, we beJl
to oar care. P
irme deposits W
shoull& it neieksary
us, your needs wil r v
of Hulls and Cotton $'t ~
o per sack.
5oc. per hundred poun
GOOD FLOUR at $4.9:
right and know ta w
-'rices but we wein t
II of shoes, clotho #i
make you a priee.
t to hunt that we
em at 75c. for 2 boxes
distance th Nii~ a
>use to buy
e liberal tradv
'ated and we w a ttv
ie same money and ~
~espgetfully, -

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