\,owmnl~fNATIONAIV jr,#14fti1 31ENTS FOR NOV1lMBgIa I g -mobject: The Lord Our Shepherd 11sniin 23-Golden Text, Ps.8:l -Commit the Entire Psalm Mead John 10:1-18. TIAIE.-Un certain. PLACE.--Un. eertain. EXPOSITION.-I. Every Want Met, 1-3. The twenty-third Psalm is a great depth, an unfathomable ocean -r tith. The foundation thought of the first four verses, "JehovahI srqy Shepberd." The figure stands for 4are, protection and provision on Cod's part; trust and obedience and following on man's part (Jno. 10:1, 3, 2-29: Gen. 33:13; Lu. 2:8; 6:4 4; Acts 20:29; Isa. 53:6; Matt. 9:36). It is a shepherd's business to Teed the sheep and lambs, and by naking Himself my Shepherd Jeho vah has undertaken to make it His business to provide me with pasture, to meet every need. So David con tinues, "I shall not want." This any ne who is sure that he is one of Je bovah's sheep can confidently say. Who Jehovah's sheep are Jesus plain ly tells us (Jno. 10:3, 4, 5, 27). Je hovah's sheep will never lack any thing that it is for his real good to havi (Ps. 84:11: 34:9, 10; Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:33: Ro. 8:32; He. 12:5, 6). The Psalm leads on from the general statement to specific 'wants supplied. In verse 2 we have four wants supplied: rest, food. drink, leading. Literally translated, "He mnaketh me to lie down in pastures of tender grass, He leadeth me beside the waters of rest." There is a two fold rest In this verse: the passive rest of sheep lying down on the soft. young spring grass; the active rest of walking beside the waters of rest. Is there any other grass, food, so easy for a true sheep of Christ to eat, so jUicy, so delicious, so nutritious, as that which we find in the Word of God? There is drink as well as food. Jehovah leads His sheep right beside 'the waters of rest.' What "the waters of rest" are Jesus tells us (Jno. 4:14; 7:37-39). The Holy 9p!rlt. is the water we drink (for the anpropriateness of "waters of rest" cr. Gal. 5:22). There is guidance also "He leadeth me." Not only are there still waters there, but it is J - bovah Himself who leads along 'th bank. This -leading is continuous and constant. He "leadeth," not driveth. In this and the following verses there are four experiences into which, and in which, He leads; "waters of reat:p "paths of righteoubness" (a holy walk); into and through darkness, 'peril and testing; into His own h9uke forever. In verse 8..we haVe a 4fth want supplied: healing, Qr :reviving, invigorating, "He restoreth (or, re Viveth) my soul." 11. iCvery Fear Banished, 4. The Lord's sheep is now taken into .entire. ty new experiences. No longer pas. *ures of tender grass and waters i lest, but "the valley of the deepesi darkness" (that is the force of the Hebrew phrase "shadow of death") 'The Psalmist has not merely the ex. perience of literal death in mind, bul all experiences where the darkness ii thick- and profound.. God's sheep d< uot always walk in bright paths. Ii t.he darkest valley Jehovah's sheel have no fears, "I &ill fear no evil.' A true truht in God banishes all fear under all circumstances, for all tim< (Isa.'12:2; 26:3; Ps. 3:5, 6; 27:1 46'.1--3; Phil. 4:6, 7; Ro. 8:28-32) And why net fear? "For' Thou ar with me." Not because there is n M 'anger, but because there is One .wit) as stronger than any possible enemy 15H. Every Longing Satisfied, 5, 4 Here the figure changes: Jehovah n ionger ap)pears as a shepherd, but a a bountiful host. "Thtou preparest table before me"-think out all thn Me has spread before us on this tablt No banquet on earth like that. As t the general character of the feat * ead Ps. 63:5; 81:6. -Note where w are feasted, "in the presence oftmin enemies." Chrisit's own have enemit (Jno. 15:19; 2 Ti. 3:12), but oil wonderful Host will spread us a bat quet in their Veity presee. That: ene of the things that shake the worl aoangry with the church: ,they e what a banquet we havel wrhile'thE are feeding on husks. There is ni esly. a feast; but also an anointin "The oil with~ which He anoints o1 beads is "the- oil of gladness," tI Moly Spirit (Acts 10:38'; He. 1:9; .Jno. 2:20, 27, i. V.). He anoin our beads with this oil, it flows dds over' Our whole person (cf. Ps. 138: .3. V). In ancient tinies an anois lag was a necessary preparation for beast, and the anointing with the Ho -Spirit is a necessary preparation f, the Lord's feast. The next step fc lows naturally, yea, inevitably--"n Map runneth over" (Qr, is "an abul ,dlint drink"). IDo you know the ove Eo01Ing cup? Now we leave the fea ter our earthly -pilgrimage (v. 6 Ilut we are not unguarded, "sure goodness and mercy shall fellow me -A wish no better rearaguards, or foe Mien than these. God's goodness a: mnercy (loving-kindams) follow 01 -every step. There iB no doubt abol It, "surely." Howv well-protected a: perIeetly secture we are. The She herd picking out the path before u and again close be side us in the dat valley, and, 1is own goodness ar mnercy follo*lng .is all the way. No i ue. No'w - VV( al rp 6ts entyyet prom t anthe bowvs,cense e syseejectualy assisT o,ne in overcommnt. habituL 4constipation pernanently. To get its beneficial effects buy the enuine. jlanufactured by'the -JIG SYRUP Co. 50.L BY IADING DRUGI$T3-5Oe,r.= Had,Seen Both. "It was a case of love -at first tight." "Must have been in a dim light, ;hough.' 'I STATE or Onio, Crry or TOLDO, I LUCAS COUNTY, FRANK J. CUNT makes oath that be is 4emor partner of the firm of V.J.CHENEY & - u.. doing business in the City ot loledo outly and "tate aforesaid, and that said rin will pay thesum of o HUNDEED DOEr t.A s for each and eve y cas g 41 CATARK I that cannot be cured b the use of HALL's ''ATARn CURI. FRANK J. CUNnY. Sworn to before me and subscribed to my resence, this 6th day of December, A. D.. 880. A. W. GLEASoN, sEAL Notary L'ublic. al tarrh Cueistaken antercially,and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur laces ot the symtem. bend for testimniomals. tree. V. J. Cunmi & Co., Toledo, U. 6old by all Vruggists, 75o. Take Hall's FanMy Pills for constipation. There may be some way of falling in love and escaping dire results, but if so, the average man has never found it out. Hicks' Capu4tne Cures Nervousnesw, Whether tired out, worried, slee lU ses or what not. It quiets and refreshes brain and nerves. It's liquid and pleasant to take. Trial bottle 10:. Regular sizes 25c, and 60c., at druieists. Doing what we ought is our duty. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething,softens thegums, reduces inflamm.. tiUn.allajspain,cureisvind colic.25c a bottle He gives twice who gives quickly, A641rio DVWMTi11*"";10T dURE WOR PILES (IAMPLE TREATMINT of Red Cross Pi4 JandlIstula Cure and book explaining Pilei seWt fRe. REA CO..DeDLB4.MinneaMolis.Min IflJ. R. axtr"et9 nll is, Canwa".rer 41 e .s BEST PROPO buying Artieles advertised ini thes4 coluas take only the BEN U N E and DECLINE ALL SUBSTITUTES When with a mishap, the sa pe 1t the trouble fr Weak woinen nee to strengte teir s - this trymg period. 3 found it of wonderful ing times of their livei Mrs. Fannie Niel " atyear I was thr I,. 1 ti T a ity -SQ t. Beware of the.Cough d tlnt hangs on pesitent tof the paroxysm. A fewdoses Ld of Piso's c.ure will rwieve won p. drfufy a cough, n ,It soothes and te,itated k surfaces, clears the elpd alr d passages and the eeausp a.t as.V tht~ a Is . 46!0' After of Deackache, Di"uines -ARi Ridnet Dluorders. Mrk C. -einond, of North wood, l9wA W ays: "Fpr -years I was a martyr to kidney troiible, baciquhe. dizzy spells, head aches and a terri . ble bearing: down pain. I used one remedy after an other without ben efit. Finally I used a box of Doan'sCidney Pills and the backache ceased. Encour aged, I kept on and by the time I had used three boxes not a sign of the trouble rem.ained. My health is per fect." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Industry is the parent to success, and the success belongs to the man who wons the industry. 4 To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up the System Take- the Old Standard GaovWs TAsTa Lsa Cumt Toxic. You know what you are takig. The formula in plainly printed on every bottit.,showing it is simply Qui nine and Iron i a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grow* people ad ahildren. 500. Absence makes the breakfast table m&re alluding and the home bed seem a heap softer. ANTIDOTE FOR SKIN DISEASES That's what TZTTZRIK is; and it is more. It is an absolute oure for eczema, totter, ringworm, erystpelas and all other itching cutaneous diseases. In aggravated cases of theSe affictions its cures have been phe nomenal. It gives instant relief and effects permanent cures. 50c. at dru.gists or by mail from J. T. SnupTax, Dept. A, Ba. vannah, Ua. People who are always trying to look the part sometimes get so busy about it that they forget it. Nothing New or Mysterious. "ASK YOUR GR(AND MOTHER." For many generations Goote k rease hat beel recontised as a wonderful remedial medium in treating and curinR Pneumonia. Grippe, Rheumatism and-Neuralgia. RICE'S 0001 GREAS1f LINIMENT is made from pure goosq grease, with other valuable eurative ingre dients added. Try it. Sfe-At all Drugglsts and Dealerg-95e. qnOSE GREASE COIPANY, mg"o NATKINSMEDlAL.CO. rNONA. MNNt@qTA. - LArtleleas Plenaeeld Itempie. jwIav~sIng ide frelt Prepasmiasen. V$ae mpp. Xte. Wanted in Every County, - Exes-ewe . ee,eee Omute. ATiON EVX.OE21f 0AGENTS The Sa Threatened re way is to take Cardui and om occurring. d Cardui before con4inement, ~stem and help them through 'housands have tried it, and benefit, at that and otheor try 101s, of Mexico, Mo., writes: eatened with a mishap and Lk.e C Afeast is worth nothing withoul its c'onversation.--Irish. RHEUMNATISIZ."wa,** *tb*u'a*""***u*ed'''e* low. write quick. TIE ?GNR 00, Peru, lad If aitedThompson'sEye Watet So, 46- '08. AU' nij~lttlieold 'to broke io hi oot6r, but,' util A go (one Co a i. oneVP Aa~D sst*)4s and nig a raw. ,'Alen' I took,hin to ll ee P*do fatk for him. The go . sles and we cculdc.t get g sleep in months.. I got a set of Outltra Remedies and he felt relieved th irst, t~ae I used them. I gave the Vat. curj Remedies a good triW ano,gradua*. the'eeema heeled all up. He is now seT years old and I think 'the trouble will never return. *Mrs. John (. Klumpp, 80 Niagara St., Newark, X. J., Oct. 17 and 22. 19ri.ft___________ A day's pleasure and a yen's grief.-Modern Greek. enwarv- nUE4Aar,5 cURU. Tawnms is a sure, sawe and sa dv our* for eesma, totter, skin s&d se4p diseases md Itming piesn. ,aderse-t by physielans; praled by thousands who have used it. mr"Want, soothinic, antise ptie. N0o. at dr*ANu% or by mail from J. T. Snurrains, lopt A, Savannah, Ga. A soft answer permits you to fall an easy victim to the shrewd agent. Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains, Pelehing, Sour Stomach, and Heartburn, from whatever cause. It.a Liquid. W~feeta immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 2c.. and 50e.. at drug stores. A pleasant thing never comes too soon.-Danish. Good Thing to Know. Those who traverse the alkali plains of the West and Inhabit the sand blown regions of Texas, find daily need for a, reliable eye salve. They never drug the eye, but simply apply externally the staple, Dr Mitchell's Cye Salve. This Salve Is sold everywhere. Price 25c. Much would have more and lost all.-German. does i other on CA[ grow quickly and : portance of this eleme that an average crop soil 130 pounds of Potas Use from i,ooo to a,oo fertilizer. Insist on 9% ( tilizer---or to increase tht Muriate of Potash to e: Arrange for Potash nc Our book. Truk : Wrii GERMAN KAL WOR F AD ELE fe Way Wine of Cardui helped me any other xruedicine. Now I: healthy boy. I think Cardu medicene I know of 'for fema and I wiish all bu.Oering wo] try it." Cardui is sol41 by all reli 'ists, with full directions for laguages, inside the 'wrapp vA REEn l -.. -a-aloNu BOOK FR E '"- ai"t "a A R A shoe that is too big eay not pir .What yota want is a shed that mali place where yor weghtrests,-nc right. S0CR3 EMRa hoeslik thestyheis th ,too, Look for ti PnSta P. P11, CI'. M r..1c.4 4h2o # to 1o6 mon ofeLi rous ro AtI,o Mis M1ariNtolix. Man, Otft , 1wies 1*44iaran 4owno nditonsa4s feredromsupprim, lt otu, And lkham's Veptabe fComouand a ame 'well d stro." Mis Ellen O Aof 417 X. East st*'. WAG II say Ly tableo Com ound euie& me of b90116 side MOO M. LS S o, and tble my peoft . atrthe beist loeA doctorm had fAiled to help me."o ' FACTS FOR SICK WOIREN. For thirty years Lydia . pink ham's Vegetablh Compud, made from roots and merbs,has been the stabdard remed for female ils andhasapositiveluredthousansl womenWho have been troubled with displacemen Inflmmation uleera n,. fibroid aumors, irre aritieg, riodic pains, backache, gat bear. Ig-down feeling, flatulency, indigs. tiudizziness,ornervous prostratin. Wh don't you try It ? Mrs. Pinkhiam invites all sick women to Write her for advime. She has auded thousands to health. Adreesd Lynn, mass. nore than any mthing to make MBAGE ead up solidY. The im. nt is evident from the fact of cabbage removes frm the h per acre. :) ounds per acn Of ac ab oh In Your cabbage fer Potash 9X add 22 ounds of ch yoo pouns of tilizer. W. Potash is profit. am eng." is fr to frmerf. Ah to-da ke KS, CaderBIdg..Atlanta,ct low Yuk-3 1asmas If. mofrbae reovhan m h hae are. fketrsoures, e er noens 9%uldaponso "i. Poass i.na aNs trat&ed isf eeto fes.ec NwTi-3lase Tena ch buto it ios a blftejus thn aymte y. che thsapeon orfots h iav to letoma,btea Le tat, es,and t abe .rug.. u si i