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The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, June 03, 1909, Image 1

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Entered April 23, 1903 at Pickens, S. C. as second elass -matter, Under act of Congress of March 3,179
39th Year PICKENS. S. . JUNE,8,1ONumber 9
State News I
All thit Liti Nows frmh
The Walterboro Cotton Oil
mill declared a dividend of 401
per cent.
A movement is on foot to
build an automobile road be
tween Columbia and Charleston.
Capt. Sam M. Stoll a popular
Pullman conductor on ihe Atlan
tic Coast Line road, died at the
home of his brother in Kingstree.
Arthur Meyers, convicted in
Columbia on the charge of grand
larceny and sentenced to serve
11 years has been paroled by
Gov. Ansel. He is said to be in
a dying condition.
There is a big contest in Dar
lington over the selection of a
site for the postoffice building.
The new depot at Ware Shoals
and improvemients made about
the railroad have added greatly
to the appearance of the town.
The Seaboard Air Line is
building a steel bridge over
Long Cdne Creek, in Abbeville
county, to take the place of the
old v ooden bridge.
The dead body of an unknown
man was found near the tracks
of the Atlantic Coast Line near
CharKsto,- The supposition is
nat he fell froin a train while
stealing a ride.
John Y. Garlington, ex-pres
ident of the Seminole Securities
company, has filed a claim
against the company for $24,000
which he alleges is due him for
stock sold during the year 1908.
Samuel H. Wilson, who died
a few days ago at his home in
Charleston, left $55,000 to his
brother and his brother's chil
dren and the residue of his estate
amounting to not less than $200,
000, to the Charleston Orphan
The annua meeting of the
Lexington County Rural Letter
Carriers' association will be
held in the court house on next
Monday, the 31st. This is a
strong organization, nearly
every carrier and substitute in
the county being a member, and
it!s expected that a large num
ber ofthe carriers will be in
The Grand Chapter of the
Eastern Star of South Carolina
will meet in Spartanburg June
1.5-16. The occasion will be an
important event in the order of
the Eastern Star, for among the
guests of honor will be Mrs. Ella
Simmons Washburn, most wvor
thy grand matron, and Mrs.
Porraine Pitkin, right worthy
grand matron.
Miss Marie S. Cromer is
county organizer for the Aiken
School improvement association.
Her excellent work deserves
special mention. She has work
ed hard for this cause, and her
efforts have been crowned with
success. She has started out to
organize an association in every
school district of the county,
and she has not met with a sin
gle failure yet. A large number
of associations have been organ
ized1 and are now at work in this
county, bettering the conditions
of the schools.
(Col umbia's splendid tourist ho
tel, tb e Colonia, which has been
said by many tourists to be the
. best conducted and most attrac
tive resort in the south, will be
converted inth a big family hotel
and run in tip top shape. The
same management will be in
charge of the cafe and of ar
rangements generally. Mr. A.
E. Gonzales is now in New York
to complete arrangem entS for
the new deal. The undlerstand
ing is that Mr. T. D). Green. who
Opened the Colonia undler a ten
year lease, will dlispose of his in
terest to the o)wners, Mr. Green
is manager' of the Woodw ard
Hotel in New York, and has a
summer hotel at Thousand
ly soction of Sodb CWolna.
A citizen of Kershaw county
has a four-legged chicken.
A white boy while at work in
a field near Cope ploughed up
a nugget of gold.
The total value of taxable pro
perty iu Chester county this
year is $4,823,525.
James A. Waters, a well
known citizen of Chester county
is dead at his home.
The Cherokee Falls Manufac
turing company declared a
semi-annual dividend of 5 per
Three hundreds negroes left
Charleston Monday for New
York, where they will work in
The city council of Aiken re
fused to pass an ordinance re
quiring drug stores to close on
Prince Russell White, colored,
is being held in jail at Green
ville pending a search for his
12-year-old daughter, who has
been missing several weeks.
When court convened on last
Wednesday not a lawyer was
ready w'th a case. Mr. Feath
erstone, acting judge for Judge
Prince who is ill, dismissed the
jurors because he did not believe
it right to keep them away from
their farms on account of the
delay. Court then adjourned
until Monday.
The indications are that there
will be a very large attendance
at the reunion of Confederate
Veterans in Chester next month.
The people of Chester are mak
ing active preparations for car
ing for all of the visitors and
a general request has been sent
out to all camps to send in the
names of all delegates as early
as bossible.
At a meeting of the Sumter
Bar association on Saturday af
ternoon a resolution was adopt
ed recommending the Hon. E. C.
Haynsworth for the position of
master in equity for Sumter
county, to succeed the late
Major H. Frank Wilson. Mr.
Haynsworth has been a mem
ber of the Sumter Bar for a
number of years and is emi
nently qualified to fill this posi
Active preparations are being
made for the meeting of the
South Carolina Bankers' Asso
ciation at Wrightville Beach,
near Wilmington, N. C., on
June 16, 17 and 18. Secretary
Giles L. Wilson, the State bank
examiner, is sending out to all
bankers in the state the copies
of the invitations received from
the people of Wilmington to
meet there. One of the speakers
of the occasion will be the Hon.
Chas. H. Treat, treasurer of the
United States, who is well
known in Columbia, having
been one of the principal speak
ers at the annual banquet of the
Chamber of Commerce in 1908.
The Edgefield News, weekly,
edited arid published for the past
two years by MIr. Win. P. Cal
houn, discontinued with last
week's issue. The reason assign
ed is the poor health of Mr. Cal
houn. He will resume his law
practice now. This leaves Edge
field with two live papers, The
Chronicle and The Advertiser.
Dawson Pott, chief of police of
Fort Mill, on Sunday night shot
and killed Jack Jackson, a very
powerful negro, who was resist
ing arrest. Chief Potts attempt
to arrest the negro and the lat
te' showed fight, taking the of
ficer's pistol away. Chief Potts
then drew another pistol and
shot the negro dead. The wea
pon the negro took was a mag
azine pistol and the chief thinks
he owes his lite to the fact that
it was locked and the negro did
Inot know how to unlock the
Peter Cotes, the negro who
shot B. A. Jordan at Johnston
several days ago has been cap
All of the agents of the impor
tant stations on the Columbia
division of the Southern met in
Columbia Sund iv on the call of
Sup. H. A. Willams. Matters of
interest were discussed and the
meeting is sure to result in good
for the service. There were
about 100 agents in the city for
the meeting.
The work of equiping the old
state dispensary building with
modern fire sprinklers and other
apparatus will begin shortly,
and in the meantime the sinking
fund commission is advertising
the various compartments for
rent as storage rooms or for
manufacturing purposes. There
have been several inquiries re
cently for rooms, one from a
concern that contemplates erect
ing machinery of some kind, as
the letter asked if the building,
was suitable for the erection of
shafting. The reply was sent
that almost any kind of ma
chinery may be installed, the
building being in excellent con
Jealous Husband Slain
A sensational killing occured
last Sunday near Bellamy's Mill,
in Halifax county, N. C. Levy
Marriott was the victim, and
Charles Flannigan is charged
with having fired the shot that
caused his death. Flannigan,
according to the report received
here, had gone to Marriott's
home where part of the morning
was spent. Flannigan went for
a drive with Mrs. Marriott and
upon his return was cursed by
Marriott. Flannigan bore the
cursing, but when Marriott told
him he must leave the house,
drew a revolver and fired, killing
Marriott instantly.
Monday a hearing was given
Flannigan at Glenview and he
was discharged, the killing hav
ing been held justifiable. Mrs.
Marriott's testimony was such
as to influence this judgment.
Subsequently, however, she stat
ed that she had been promised
by Flannigan that her hus
band's funeral expenses would
be paid and that she would be
supported f~r life if she would
testify in Flannigan's favor.
Proceeding upon her altered
story of the killing, the authori
ties again arrested Flannigan,
and1 another hearing is to be
given him.
Guardhouse at Branchville Desiro yed
By Fire-Revival Meeting Doing
A dispatch to the dlaily papers
from Branchville, says: One of
the saddest deaths that has ever
occurred in the town of Branch
ville happened here on Sunday
morning, the 16th, at about 2
o'clock a. mn., when West Sing
leton, a colored man of about
the age of 30 years, was burned
to death in the town guard
house. Singleton was under in
fuence of whisky and was ar
rested on the street for being
drunk and disorderly.
The arrest was made by the
regular town policeman, w~ho
committed the negro to the guard
house because he could not fur
nish bond. Nothing further
was known of the matter until
the alarm of fire, was
given. Nearly every man in
Branchville turned out to the
fire. but it was too late to ren
der any assistance to the poor
dying negro, who expired in
a few minutes. The guard
house was a wooden structure
and was completely destroyed.
The revival services at this
place continue under the leader
ship of the Rev. Mr. Coman, of
the North Carolina Methodist
conference. Mr. Coman is cer
tainly doing a great work and
he is meeting with wonderful
success. At one service-on
Sunday afternoon-he added
thirty-nine new members to the
They Must Answer Them Before They
Can Get Certificates.
On a recent Friday examinal
tions took place at every county
seat in the state of persons ap
plying for examination to teach
in the public schools. The law
is that no person can teach in a
public school in South Carolina
without a teacher's certifficate,
issued by a county boardof edu
cation These certificates may be
issued by the county board upon
the presentation . by the appli
cant to the board of diplomas
from certain colleges in the
state-the list of these colleges
being made out by the state
board and placed in the hands
of the county boards; and this
diploma must be for the full
course in college, and not in any
special department. As a rule
college graduates do not have to
stand an examination before the
county boards. Persons not
having college diplomas must
appear before the county boards
and stand examination upon
questions prepared by the state
board and sent - out by that
board to the several county
boards; and the examination
must be held under whatever
rules and restrictions the county
boards consider necessary in or
der to secure a fair examination,
without outside help to the ap
Following is a list of the ques
tions used in the examination,
not including the question in al
gebra-those being all the alge
braic symbols necessary for
copying the six questions on
that subject.
The questions for the first,
second and third grade certifi
cates are the same, except that
algebra is not included in the
second and third grade examina
80 per cent. average with not
less than 50 per cent. on any one
branch will entitle the applicant
to a first grade certificate.
70 per cent. average with not
less than 45 per cent. on any one
branch will entitle the applicant
to a second grade certificate.
60 per cent. average with not
less than 40 per cent. on any one
'branch will entitle the applicant
to a third grade certificate.
The questions are given below
unner the different heads:
1. Write a complex sentence and
point out the subject and predi
cate of each clause.
2. Point out and classify the
clauses and phrases in the follow
ing sentence: I don't know
what happened, for I wasn't
there to see.
3. Write the plurals of box,
ox, child, woman, sky, chimney
4. Use the past tense of the
following verbs in sentences:
sit, set, lie, lay, take, throw.
5. Define transitive and in
transitive verbs, and give illus
6. Choose the proper word,
a nd give the reason for your
choice: The prize will go to
(whoever or whomever) the com
mittee (select or selects).
7. Write a paragraph of fifty
'or one hundred words on some
piece of literature you have re
cently read. (This composition
will be graded on spelling punc
tuation and correction).
1. How many years have elap
sed since the discovery of Amer
2, What five European na
tions established colonies within
the present bounds of the United
Give the exact date of the
signing of the declaration of
4. Name the Confederate
5. What is the difference be
tween tariff for revenue and a
tariff for protection?
6. Compare Tecumseh and
7. Give the date and result of
each of the following battles:
New Orleans, Manila. Chick
amauga, Saratoga.
8. Name four American in
ventors and discuss the effect of
the greatest invention made by
1. What elements of person
ality should a teacher endeavor
to cultivate?
2. Describe the opening day
of a well-ordered country school.
- 3. What is meant by the honor
system in school gover'nmentf
To what extent is it possible in
the elementary school?
4. Name the school virtues
which you would definitely aim
to develop.
5. Name the incentives to good
school work which you have
found effective.
6. Describe a correct method
of questioning for recitation in
the upper grades.
7. Describe the interior and
equipment of the school room in
which you should like to teach.
1. Name the largest body of
fresh water in the world. (b)
Where does the Colorado river
rise, and where empty? (c)
What is a "delta" and tell
where found in the United
2. (a) What state of the
United States ranks first in pro
duction of cotton, and which
secord? (b) What state of the
southern states has the largest
coal and iron industries. (c)
Name the states of the United
States partly bounded by Lake
3. (a) What seaport on the
Pacific ocean is directly connec
ted by rail with Moscow, in
Russia? (b) What large island
lies near the northern coast of
Europe, and to what country of
Europe does it belong? (c)
Name the two largest islands of
the Philipine group.
4. (a) What cape on extreme
west coast of Africa? (b) Name
the two largest lakes of Africa.
(c) Give location of Mozambique
5. (a) Name the four largest
islands of the West Indies. (b)
What state of the United States
is nearest to the West Indies,
and about how far is it from the
nearest point of the state to the
nearest of this group? (c) Wh4a
capital city of South America
has the largest altitude, and of
what country is that city the
1. (a) Where is the longest
bone in the body? Give its
name. (b) How may the skele
ton be deformed by improper
clothing, or be otherwise injured
by careless habits?
2. What is the tendon of
Achilles? (b) Why should we
take exercise?
3. Describe the blood as seen
under a microscope.
4. (a) Name the cavities of the
heart. (b) Describe and give
reason for the lessser circulation.
5. (a) The pancreatic juice
plays what part in the digestive
process? (b) Mention some of
the causes of headache.
6. (a) Why do we breathe?
(b) Name some evil effects of
poor ventilation.
1. Write within fifty words
a sketch of the president of the
United States.
2. How many justices com
pose the supreme court of
South Carolina? By whom,
and for how long a term, are
they elected?
3. Define a tax. Enumerate
as many kinds of taxes as vcu
can think of.
4. Give the official title of
each of the nine member~s of
the president's cabinet.
5. How many members com
pose the general assembly of
South Carolina?
6. What are the duties of the
county supervisior.
7. Who is solicitor of your cir
8. Tell what you know of re
cent happenings at Messina.
(Solve eight.)
1. Divide 7.601825 by 347.512;
niultiply quotient by .05, to the
product add 3.45, and from suM
subtract 2.115.
2. Simplify 3 1-5 plus 4 1-3
minus 5 1.4 multiplied by 617)
divided by 3 1-2,
3. Find the weight in tons of
the water in a dock 24 feet deep
and covering 1-10 of an acre
giving that a cubic foot of water
weighs 62 1-2 pounds.
4. Find the simple interest on
$2,000 for 2 years, 9 months, 18
days at 7 per cent.
5. How many meu are re
quired to cultivate a field of 7 7-8
acres in 5 1-2 days of 10 -hours
each? Given that each man
completes 77 square yards in 9
6. On a map made on a scale
of 6 inches to a mile, a rectang
ular field is represented by a
space of one inch long and 1
inch broad. How many acres
are there in the field?
7. At what rate per cent. will
$2,259 amount to $2,565 in 4
years at simple interest?
8. If the wholesale dealer
makes a profit of 25 per cent.
and the retail dealer a profit of
40 per cent. what is the cost of
an article which sold at retail
for $18?
9. What fraction of 39 gallons
is 3 bushels and 3 pints? If a
gallon contains 231 cubic inches
and a bushel contains 2150.4
cubic inches, Answer asa com
mon fraction in its lowest terms.
From Central R. 3
James Durham and wife, of
the Six Mile section, visited at
the home of B. P. Smith, Jr.,
Miss Marie Billingsly, of Cen
tral, spent the week-end with
her friend, Miss Louella Bell, of
this section.
Charlie Evans and wife were
recent visitors at the home of
Perry Smith.
Marion Evans and wife spent
Sunday with his parents.
Charlie Durham and wife of
Cateechee, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bennett Satterfield.
Calhoun Stephens has set him
self up to a nice top buggy. We
will see what lady gets the fist
ride. Hope it will be me, but
am sure it will be Miss R. K.
Hello, Pansy! Wake up. I
like to read the news from your
little city.
What has become of old Roos
ter? Why dont you wake up and
crow I like to hear you.
Wish Dreamer would give us
some more of her good pieces.
I know she could find time to
write occasionaly.
Mrs. Lawerence Merck, of Ca
teechee, recently visited her sis
ter-in-law, Mrs. Bud Kelley and
her brother, Alonzo Satterfield.
Mr. Bud Kelley and wife vis
ited at the home of Mr. Shirley
last Sunday.
Mrs. W. E. Pinson, who has
been quite ill, is able to be up
This section was visited on
the 20th by a heavy rain. We
needed a good rain, but am
afraid this one will cause the
grass to get over the 6c. to 7c.
Some gardens are nice and
some of our folks are eating
white-head cabbage out of
The debate at Garvin school
house was well attended on theI
15th. Several of the boys took
a hand and delivered splendip
orations. Don't forget that the
debate isevery Saturday even
ing at 8 p. m.
Hello Owl! Wake up! I love
to read your articles.
What has become of Miss
Pansy? Guess she is grieving
about A. D.
Wake up correspondents, and
write more to the dear old
If that lovely old bachelor had
stopped he would have received
a cordial welcome and gotten a
bouquet, too, aud I would have
pinned it on his coat for him.
How about that, old bachelor?
tou Old Contedi.
You .boys are gttig kiid
You old Confeds;
You surely ain't got long tb
You old Confeds;
Old Father Time is after you.
He's worse than were the boys
in blue;
He'll get you all 'fore he gets
You old Confeds.
With old "Pap" Price and
brave Stonewall,
Yoi Confeds;
With Robert Lee (you fought
with all,)
You old ex-Rebs
Half starved, you faced the boys
in blue,
When clothed in rags and tat
ters, too,
And braver soldiers no one
Than you Confeds.
No north, no south, to you they
To you ex-Rebs;
No more you see the boys in
No old Confeds.
Sweet peace is here you gladly
You're satisfied that all is well;
But when you think of those
who fell,
And hear once more the mus
ket's hell,
You'd like to give one Rebel
You old Confeds.
And don't forget the boys in
The brave Confeds,
Who can't be here with you to
The deaa Confeds,
Amidst the screaming shot and
Amidst the thunderbolts of hell,
They bravely fought and, fight
ing fell
The soldiers deod.
A silent toast to them now drink,
To each Confed;
To comrades dead let glasses
To your brave dead.
You drink to soldiers that you
To your dear comrades brave
and true,
Who sleep beneath the southern
Their restful sleep.
You love your country and its
You old Confeds;
In {its'.defence yo'd never lag,
You old Confeds;
But long as heart beats in each
You'll think of those who sweet
ly rest
'Neath flowers by south wind
soft caressed
And when old Gabriel- blows
his horn,
You old Confeds;
Will fall in line on that great
You old Confeds.
The master then will say to
"Just take your seats in that
front pew;
There's nothing here too good
= for you
You old Confeds."
William E. Fowler.
See what you missed, you bash
ful man.
Wonder how the old bachelor
and Miss J. of Greenville, is get
ting along by now?
Flower of Pea Ridge
How's Thisi
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for rey case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hailrs Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
we the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness tratsactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by his
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Bali's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting diirectly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free, Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggisa.
TaeHail's Family POis for constipa

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