X 16'l ,S Ye ii$ 8l-J01Rn I*OCABEIE: Yo Yonsow nod atSoe YOR D&iprietor to hand you out 10 pournd ..e~-f sugar for nothing, evei though the grocer may be a per sonal friend and even thoug] 4he gift might not be a large one -For variety one of thes cold mornings, try this: Pee some large potatoes and cut little piece off one end. With; small knife scoop out the insid and fill with sausage meat. RE place the top piece, lay them il a baking dish with bits of butte between and salt and peppe over them, and bake until thc roughly done. . . -Our merchants are disp lay ing a nice line of holiday an Christmas goods and they woul Spreciate very much if yol liidd make your purchases a erybasyou can. If you do n caeotake them home wit .2i~at that time you can leav~ theIU and they will take cai j f em for you until wantei e'elrks all will appeciate ver 1ch1 the early shopping mott< tMaried on Wednesda 'nfing, the 24th ult., at 4:3 ,at the home of tb F bride's parents. Mr. Perry NV lock, by RvW.C. Seaborr Thebrll i amostchri Young~ lady othtsection an num2bers her friends by tla 5 score The groom, who is a so SfMr. James Durham, is youn manof sterling qualitif andhstrindsare rejoicing wit him at winning such a charmin -Shop eary and often. -D 56you belong to the "Shot earl'y" club"? -Tax collections are said- t be very good. -Skiddoo! Only 23 days un til Christmas. -The merchants are dis playing their Xmas grods. -Hunters reports that there, aie plenty of partridges this fall. Pijkens will appreciate it if you, will do your Ohlistmas shopping - early. t -Born on the 27th ult., to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ferguson, a fine boy. -Miss Maude Hyden, of Blacksburg, S. C., is visiting the Misses McDaniel in Pickens. -Santa Claus will buy all his toys and useful presents for good little boys and girls in Pickens this year. -It is safe to put your money into Pickens county real estate. Prices don't fluctuate. There is a solidity about it which makes investments attractive. -The Pickens Graded School closed down two days last week for Thanksgiving, giving the teachers and pupils a little rest.' -The clerks in every store in Mr. S. W. Craig, the p0.ular clerk for the Anderson Depart 'nent Store, spent Thanksgiving Day with relatives and friends in Pickens county.-F.rm and t Factory. -W. M. Murphree has two calves, red and brindle in color, that have taken up at his house. Owner can ,et them by calling on him and paying for this - notice. -The annual meeting of L Pickens Chapter R. A. M. will be held Friday night, the 4th instant, for the purpose of elect ing and installing officers. All members are urged to be on hand promptly. By order of B ) Lewis, H. P.; R. R. Roark clerk. .-Married at the Glenwood parsonage, Easley, S. C. on Wed nesday, Nov-. 24th, inst.; by We AChristopher, Mr. Ernest Hol combe and Miss Vicie Hill. Mr. Holcombe is the son of the late Elias Holcombe and is a worthy 3 young man. Miss Hill is a 1 daughter of Mr. John' Elford Hill and is'an industrious, ac complished and beautiful young woman. They have the best C wishes of their many friends. - F. W. Whitmire has sold his market to F. L. Findley who took charge the 1st instant. Mr. Whitmire made many friends while he ran the market and his friends are sorry that he has sold out. Mr. Whitmire has not yet decided on what he will do. Mr. Findley comes highly - recommended as a gentleman and meat cutter and, no doubt, 1 will take 'well with his patrons, - and, as soon as the novelty 1 wears off of the change, they -will like him as well as they did his predecessor. 1 -The statement of the various 'banks of this county, published n this paper last week, in com pliance with the call of the - State Bank Examiner is the best 1 that has ever been made. The r statements as usual, showed r that these ban's are in a health -ty condition, that the resources grow steadily greater and that - these banks are today stronger in every way than at any time i in their history. An exami nation of the statements and a s comparison with previous state t ments will show that stockhold 1i ers have every reason to be sat: e isfied with the management of e these.institutions. L -Than~ksgiving Day was gen Y erally observed in Pickens by - the banks and merchants, and the postoffice kept Sunday hours. 0 The rural carriers also got a holi e day. The Pickens graded I. school, as usual, observed the y occasion by giving a holiday - that day and also on Friday. A t. number of sportsmen spent te g day in the fields gunning for d partridges, rabbits, etc. A un e ion Thanksgiving service was n held in the Methodist church. a The day passed off very quiet. s We have heard nothing to the h contrary but that the day was g thoroughly enjoyed and many a bontiful dinner spradrl Central. The profitable Uni6n Than.ks giving services in the auditoriun of the school building onThurs day morning were conducted b: Rev. J. F. And'erson, the Methc dist pastor, who preached fron the 15th and 16th verses of th last chapter of Hebrews. Several Clemson student came over for the entertain ment given by the pupils of th High School on Thanksgivinj Eve. Mrs. Rudisill of Kings Moun tain is visiting her daughter Mrs. Horace McGee. She is ac companied by Mrs. S. Maune and Mrs. Kate Falls, both o Kings Mountain and aunts o Mrs. McGee. Mrs. Worsham of Covington Ga., is visiting her mother, Mrs Rochester, who has been ver sick with typhoid fever. Some half a dozen of Central' Shriners attended the exercise at the laying of the corner-stonr of the Masonic Temple in Green ville on Thanksgiving. Mr. Carlisle Folger of Spartan burg is spending the holidays a home, Dr. I. W. Wingo, pastor of th Central -Baptist Church, is ii Greenville recuperating from ai attack of grip. His pulpit wa filled last Sunday by Rev. C. W Brown. Mr. C. G. Rowland who ha been confined for more than i month with typhoid fever is ou again among his friend.s Mr. L. C. Posey of Spartan burg visited his family Thanks giving. Mr. R. B. Jarratt has returnet from a visit to his home in Vir ginia. Mrs. J. F. Anderson and he two daughters of Pendletoi spent Thanksgiving day wit] CentraLfriends. An Enjoyable School Entertainment a Central. On Thanksgiving Eve in th auditorium of the school build ing at Central, S. C., the pupil of the High School, consisting of the eighth, n'inth, tenth, ani eleventh grades, gave amost'de lightful entertainment consist ing of an operetta, dialogues and drills. The occasion was most enjoyable one, and wen far to show how .pupiis, teachers trustees, and patrons are unitinm to help along the intellectual ani moral growth of their school. After the reading of Georg Washington's first Thanksgiv ing Proclamation and a shor prayer by the Principal, th eleventh grade girls, assiste' by some of themembers of th tenth grade, most creditabl: acted "School Girls," whereia the stage, was very pleasing. This was followed by a delight ful Thanksgiving operetta, con sisting of three acts full of en gaging dialogue and merry an' fascinating songs rendered b: the pupils of the eighth an ninth grades. Then came a short, humorou dialogue called "The Peddler,' in which a "Mr. Watkins,' whose name was "blown o every bottle" of the patent medi cine he sold, ran up against deaf and dumb man and nearl: talked a hole through his ea drum.' The last two numbers of th evening's entertainment consisi ed of a rainbew and 3. taper di in which the differently bri] liantly colored costumes of twen ty of the High School girls, wh so gracefully took part therein showed up most effectively. The school of Central has gon forward this year, especiall: since its removal to the nei school building, the most hanc some and complete one in th county, and by the addition o the eleventh grade. The increai ing attendance will necessitat an augmentation in next year' teaching force, and every on looks hopefully to the Institt tion's continued improvemen1 Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL pers ns holding claims agains the estate of tha late Mary McComb4 must present the same duly proven c or befove the 15 day of January 19) oc be debarred payment and all persox indebted to said estate, must make pa; ment on or before the above date, the undersigned. I. N. Miller, J. J. Mcc.ambes, Administrators. Notice of Final Settlement and Di! charge. N OTICE is hereby given that I w znake applicatien to J. B. New beri Esq., Judge of Probate for Pickex county, in~ the State of South Carolin on the 30 day of Dec, 190%. at n1 o'clo< in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter said application can be beard. for lea, to made final settlemcent with my war< Julia C. Chapmanl et al mmnore and as to be dismissed as guardian. Dec. 2 1909 J. A. Whiten, Guardian. - -Do your Christmasshopping early and in your home town. 1 -Mr. Haskell Stone, of Foun - tain Inn, S. C., is visiting the r family of his uncle, E. D. Miller, - of Easley, R. 1. -Prof. J. H. Carlisle who was struck by a street car ou Bun combe street yesterday afte'r - noon is resting very well at his home today.-Evening Pied a mont. 2-Mr. N. C. (Carr) Roper, an old Confederate veteran, died at the home of his son-in-law, Earle Gilstrap, on the 28th ult., and was buried the day follow ing at Tabor church. He leaves a wife and five children, a sis ter, Mrs. Wm. Gantt, a brother, Spencer A. Roper, and a host of r relatives and friends to mourh his death. 5 -The Layman's Meeting and the S. S. Convention, both held - in pickens last week, were well attended and greatly enjoyed. - Much enthusiasm in these causes b were aroused --and much good was accomplished. We are sor ry time, space and sufficient help is not at our command to give a synopsis of the entire proceedings. -There are few towns where the stores present a more pleas b ing appearance than those of our town. Oqr merchants take a - pride in the appearance of Itheir respective places of business and such pride is certainly commen-' dable. This is not all, they carry good, clean stoeks of merchan SIdise and their reputation for fair 1, dealing draws asplended patro lj nage from the surrounding terri tory. t -The Pickens Drug Co. have received their line of holiday I novelties, jewelry, bric-a-brac, - toys and Christmas goods and . are now placing them on dis r plav. They also have a I handsome doll which they are - going to give away. Every - purchaser of 25c., or over, of . goods gets a ticket entitline L them to a chance at this hand Ssome present. Dr. Hallum says ,let your motto be "shop early C and often." Avoid the rush by i coming soon, before goods are picked over. IBankrupt Sale By virtue of an order of Julius SH. Heyward, Esq., Referee in Bankruptcy, I will sell at pub lic auction in front of the Court rHouse, at Greenville, S. C., on 1Monday, the 6th day of Decem ber,1909, at 10 o'clock A.M.,cer tain property belonging to the bankrupt estate. of John G. -Wyatt, and consisting among other things of the following: S42 Horses. 20 Buggies. 4 Surreys. S3 Three-seated hacks. 3 Three-seated carriages. 4 Landaus. 1 One- horse wagon. 5 Two-horse wagons. LThe above property will be sold free and clear of all mort gages and liens, and may be in spected upon application to me. Terms are all cash payable at time of sale. 1 James I. West, Trustee. "Trade Follows the Light" E The bright streets are the busy streets-the stores th at use Ele~ctricity generously, judi f ciously-for purposes of adver -tising as well as illumination, are the ones that get the great est trade. Do you know of any big suc .cessful, progressive stores not using Electricity for either in ,4terior or exterior lighting. 3 Just think that over. i A store may shut its doors at Ssunset. but if its show windows Jare properly dressed and electri cally lighted, they are doing as effective soliciting for the next jday's business as a corps of ;. salespeople. The new Tungsten Lamps will give you mose and bet y ter light--for less money is than any other tllamznant, LWrite or'Phaone for our spec k lal proposition,. Ivy Water, Light and Power Co. e5 ' . * 0 00 LOO 03 A'd om yo@ ve ouh - or oodyad 6c.pe yrd Ca->Ala Yo9a byjs Apo*n \for 6c ic JueR GoCoto A0 etrBa God llwo Mens al w ed ouor8c Don't falt - Heavy Rain Hev Ri Heav Rai and ice.a CRAprna IJ AS GI We are giving away a $15 doll, 2. life size-the prettiest doll e could buy. Every 25c. cash p chase of holiday goods gives yo a chance at it. Be sure and ca for your numbers or coupons. Doll can be seen in our show window. X MA GOODS! We have our Christmas gooJo now. 'We have the largest sto most *extensive line ever carried. -u or, any me else in Pickens county. We show you Dolls and Toys of nost any description you wali Bais ;mnge in PSc price fromlL Our line of silverware includes knives and forks, spoons, individual sterling silver articles; ladles, forks, suar didh es, butter dishes, spoons, etc. Siker shaving Mugs and Mirrors are in the list. Prices range from $1.00 to $8k.00 A fine line of Toilet Sets, Mamire Sets, Scissors Sets, Chinaware, Iinages, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Dessert hisM Writing CasesDol10arriages, Beds; tc 1 t once and get some of the very best values - n your life. We know yoar can use some of ide Bleaching- that is worth today r oc., for [ing, worth today 12%4c., for- xoc. a yard. as much or just.as little as you want. - ress Ginghams, worth today 8%4c. a yard, gs,18 x 36inches for 35c. each.. Blankets for 4pc. each, or 75c. per pa1. ket for $I.z5 per pair. 1 Blankets for $4.00o per pair. ol Overshirts, regular price $1.25, to o see our bargain counter of Oirercoats. Overcoats for Men for only $3.oo ezch,\ Work Coats, regular price $I25; fcr 89c. Work Coats; gua prie Sr.o, for 98c. a good suitof pte 'b~aa come in -We have someba f1patterns. a pair of we wli be glad to show* h worka asn fLadies that will please you in style 1 to see us.