OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, February 24, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2012218673/1910-02-24/ed-1/seq-4/

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70 Years v
We have had nearly seven
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Th;>
fidence in it for coughs, cc
I and weak lungs. Ask your <
he has had with it. He I
wisely. Keep in close touch
I No alcohol in this cough ivied
Be well; be strong. You cannot if youi b*
Ayer's Pills, all vegetable. Ask your doct
Pickens Sentinel-Journel
8 1.00 Per Acuuru.
Advertiaiug li'itos H< umoiiu! e
Sntered at Ploxonn l ustotllco bk Second OUm>
Mail Matter
Hazel Happeninds.
Dear Sentinel Journal and!
your many readers, 1 will trv to
give you a few items from I hi- J
neck of the woods. Every thinu i
is vcrv nn i f o
? ? J vi v*1
We had a six inch snow on
the 11th inst.
This section was visitt <I by ;i
heavy rain accompanied with ,
lightning and thunder, on !!n17th
TA 1_ ; . i ; 11 i 1 I
rmiu worK is sun oil ;i suiiki
Rev. B. C. Atkinson, has lieen
called to the Pastorate care ot
Antioch Baptist church, and h<
has accepted the call, and look
charge of the church on its regular
preaching days in year
1910. The regular preaching day >
nro pvni'v Q.n/l ciiikImv -it I I -Oil
o'clock a. m. and on Saturdays
before, at three o'clock p. m.
Health is not very good at
this writing.
Mrs. W. A. Datis, is in \.rv
poor health again, and is under
the care of Dr. J. A. Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). Canuvll
have been very sick but arc reported
to be improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Can
trejl and two of their children
? have all been down at once wit i\
pneumonia. Mr. Cantrell
and one of the children is improving:,
hilt the otherchild, and
Mrs. Cantrell, is still very sick.
Inez, the little three year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Winchester, has been very l<?w
with pneunomia, her lever re.v,
istersng 10o? on the lltli inst.
The Dr. said the fever was the
highest on her that lie ever saw
on a child except one. Her ease
was very doubtful, indeed, l>tii
under the honest, faithful and
diligent, treatment of Dr. J. A.
Cannon, she is improving. Tin
many friends of all the sick f??!k
wish for them aspeedv rerowrv.
The sn.le nf the nmnert v til' \
A. Alexander was wellattendi
by both old and young, men and
women, in spite of I lie ra iin
weather. Nearly everything
went almost as the cnw did.
When she jumped over the m<>< >11.
^ (out of sight.)
Corn brought as high as * 1.1 "
per bushel, and other things in
Let me say there is ? n >ir.Ji
mud in the road now t<? make1
brick enough to build many, i
many, sky scraping house-.
T* t* in *f i i i I
xvev. r>. r. iviurpnree 1111?-<i in ;
regular appointment at Holly.
Spring, on the ll)th and lililli. i
believe both Church and I'.:
tor, love each other, as he li i
been serving theni for I ho p,
13 long years,
I was very glad to learn thai
Mrs. 1?. R, Tillman jr., gained
her children, and I bellow ih<court
lacked this much finish in
up its work, and its duly, and i
that is this. I believe the court
ought to have sent, the young.
Mr. Tillman to the rhaingang.
or the Penitentiary, unt ill lie got
willing to live with his wile, and
work and make- a support for
her, and the children,
and treat them as a husband
and father should treat wife and
Mr. W. P. Davis lost a line
milch cow recent I v.
Say, Mr. Editor' why haven't
you been saying something of
thePinchot, President's trouble?
nearly every paper I pick uph.i
something to say about il i?ut
your's, and if you have, I I",ailed
to see it. Even our Baptist Cnin
ier had nearly two columns in
it some time ago about it so you
see you are behind. Well I will
rinf? off.
Mountain Sprout.
iSlr?L L. /
. ?*?tjsTrn: ?wn jail
/i?!h CoiafjSnsi
iy years of experience with jj
C IlilllVlS lis llcivt CUII
uls, bronchitis, weak throats, i
own doctor what experience I
cnows. Me can advise you H
with your family physician. |
ICine. JTC. Aycr Co., Lowclf. hlass. |
nvels are constipated. The best laxative is
oi if he agrees witli us. Do as he says.
To The Farmers.
\\c have arranged to have
with u- l'rof. I). N. Barron, of
the State I h'UKinsI rat ion work,
from (Meinson College, on the
following; dates, and places, vi/.
At rickon: ('. II. Friday,
Ma roll I llii. at I! A. M. At Ubjcriy.
S. ('. Saturday, March.
1 -J{I), cninii!! nciiu; at I I a. in.
IT.t i. I urea w ill be ]?ui> 1 ic. and
ev< rybody anvway inti rested in
fanning should not fail ta take
advantage <?i Ibis <?]>]>??rlunity
of hearing I'rof. Barron, it will
he perhaps the most profitable
,1m . ' , \vi > i I v von w i 11 ?In 111 i< v< > i*
<> nil turn ?> u I ;iikI show that
l lit re i si ill sniiu.' interest in farming
in this "omitry vet.
John T. Hoggs,
for ('om.
l'l i'kIiIciiI I1?'I|ih Orpliitlix.
Hundreds nf orphans have been holpl
oil !>v tin' Pi' i-ii nt nf the Industrial
ami < ' j ?!>?:.' - I ionic a I M o on (ia , who
wnii': "\\V havi-usi-ii Klertrie Hitlers
in tlii i;:- t iti a for nine yi-ars, It has
p-i.vf| a most i \ *. * 111 111 medicine for
S'oiaa'-h, l,iv? r and Kiilney troubles.
H i regard II as< in of the Ii st family
in h iiu s nil ear:h." It invi^orat< s a!vit
al oi _r .ns. pin iti s (he Mood, aids ?Ii
'is iii < :i!< < appetite. 'I'd stivu^l lu-li
:t?11 liuili] u|> ] air. tInn, weak eiiiMivn
r niiidiiwii |i npl" it. lias no ti|iiul.
I'.i st fur fi'iiial complaints. Only fjdo.
at all I)ni}jnis s.
BURT [Or 90 days] best seed
?sow in February or March.
Rust Proof, best variety.
\ \ 71. ! / 1* 1 . i * i
w.iuc; v 11])| i vaus lor K'1 !
Cabbage Plants in any cjuantity,
prices riidit.
Now Crop Garden ami I 'm id
Scot Is. S< '< u 1 Irish Potatoes of
ill the 1 jest kinds.
1 lulls and Cotton Seed Meal
We h ive a bi^ stock, bought
early, and our prices are ri^ht.
l iour: Another car-load of
Ix'st patents, to sell at $6.75,
and v ry sai l; backed by a
) 1 .itive guarantee to ^i\'e you
entire satisfaction.
Soda: l>cst Soda, 10
;>ounds lor 25 cents.
I orn: Solid Car load.
()ni;>n S' l s, 3 <jts for 15c.
I 1 a\: No. 1 Timothy hay,
1i .m?S il wuly <.;ood Iced.
liuy your seeds from us and
iv a golden harve ;t. By all
neans sow some ol our oats?
... 1 ..'ii 1 1.: 1. .1
i . ! wm m- ih!l;m iUHl iCiircc 111
tin: summer and they will conic
;n at tin- r'^lit time.
\\ C. s -!i .1 lull line, c?1 ( ielleril
Mcrcli >n?li ami appreciate
your business.
Horns Colon Ills Slors,
Ctitecchec, S. C.
? t i H i: i) ? I
in-TT---iTum immnnifflmr umim
j'! I f WILL W/XKFN |
j UP VOIJ 72 LtVtM |
! ;ukI - rt il work it. Then M
j you i ;iii work, and enjoy it, too. I
THE GENUINE tw? <ho RED Z on I
lh? front of ?acS pa^ka<jo and Ihil I
' elgnnfur t nnd *nr?l of J. H. 2?ILI7I H
3 & CO., o- tho nldo, in RTD.
Our SSsJlii
Clcmson College has been
Our i j per et. acid analyzes 14.
1 *
i lyz ?s 10.57. wur io*4 gooas ai
I analyzes 8.34, 3.39, 3.26.
Our goods always stand 1
'Stuff in them to make them stan
but stand up.
Nearly all the fanners who
contest used Anderson Fertilizel
fourths of the finest crops made
were crops fertilized with Ander
better crops made in Anderson
fertilized with Anderson fertilize
t\ 1.. 1 e 1: 1,.? _ r ^1- -
| 1)11 . |. >1, 1 UWICI , UI1C Ol lilt
lor any other county far that mat
fertilizer lor cotton. 1 lis lands
proper choice in selecting a ferti
the soil is more or less sandy wc
S- j-.j. The extra unit of potash
ful to the crops on sandy soils.
Mr. | no. S. Cromer, anotl
iooo lbs ol our fertilizer on som
and it paid him. I his year he <
a ton to the acre on some ol his
We believe it will pay.
A s/ood farmer, larmimr on f
??? ' r?
vation, can hardly put down to
We hardly know what would be
Anderson Phosp
J. R. VANDiyi'-R, Pres.
Ynii can got v
when you want i
Drugs, I'atoni
Soaps, Toilet
t ionery.
"None like iS
Keowee I
SOFT 1)1
The (irealest ('old
Ma<l?' 1 ?y 111? I'i.'U.Mis Rottliuj
elusive riiihl in this territory
of ol hcis claiming to put it
just as u'ikhI."
We are the Only D
T <
I n<|uiiv <>f \ our friniicls aboi
# .r
fci ti ^
" 11 lol|r||( ^ 11|(? spot. " I
(iri :i kc.r out of I hi-; ear-lc
rluilin i 11? r on. All order:
Pickens Bott
II. I,. I >.ivis I'roprictor.
1 lie J
.S NO NT, T(
lor Our ('
I his is tlx- r< ason that
attention to little detail
In the Inlying of drugs and
scrii (lions we im<* c <m'v ntvrniifir
I } \
and take particular pains to u-><
i his rule applies all throuj
must !>< ri^ht every detail iriusl
lore any article leaves our store.
In buying llallum's Kidney
dries,Toilet Arti<l<s and Pre para
I'rest siptions filled lu-re, you kno
P*fK MS*
Pickens Dm;
Masonic Tmiplti
\ * i W f
J U. ' _SH" !lul '. L "'l!"ll HIUT'l. 1
11 mi
analyzing our fert lizer again.
46. Our 16 per ct. acid analalyze
10.92, 4.94. Our 8-3-3
ip on analyses. We put the
d up. They can't do anything
took prizes in last year's corn
- in making their corn. Threein
Anderson County last year
son iertuizer. I here were no
County last year than those
i finest farmers in this county,
ter, says our 8-3-3 's an ideal
are dark and he has made a
ilizer for dark lands. Where
; have an abiding- faith in our
in the 8-4-4 will be found helpler
onv of the ' finest," used
f 1 r 1 1 *
e 01 ms line lanas last year
expects to use 2000 pounds or
line lands as an experiment.
ine lands in a high state of cultimuch
fertilizer to the acre,
too much in a case of this sort.
hate & Oil Co,
1'). S. VANHIVRK Mnn
rlial yon want
I Medicines,
articles, ?taSH
tfNKS? ^
Weather .Ihink is
X \\ orks who have the exfoi"
putting it up. Beware
up or having "something
istributors in This
the (Ire; u V7!:*_t5r Drink,
t is a ^reat cold breaker.
?;i<I ? vmm m'mht not ^et a
li lied promptly by
ling Works,
Pickens, S. C.
) ) (JOOI)
we give so much
tin: compounding of our pre.
>11 to get fresh pure drugs
only tli.it which is called forrh
our business. Everything
[ be carefully gone over- -beI'ills,
I )rugs, Medicines, Sun
tions. as well as hnvincr vnur i
, ?e? j
w what von arc getting.
Pickens, S. G'.
L 'I 'l I'll" I""'****
Look into our show windo
the foremost makers, they re^:
Summons for Relief.
State of South Carolina
County of Pickena.
Court of Common Pleas.
Summons for Relief ? Complaint Not
M. M. Hunter, Guardian
Mrs* Bessie E. M. Hook, I'ercv W. Miller,
Patrick Calhoun and Mrs. Sallie
Calhoun, Defendants,
To the Defendants above named:
iuu urn niTKuy Hummone? and required
to answer the complaint in this
action, which is filed in (he ollice of the
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas,
at PickensC. II. 3. C. and to serve a copy
of your answer to the said complaint on
the subscribers at their office at Pickens
< 'ourt House, South Carolina within
twenty dajs after the ser\ice hereof,
exclusive of the day of such service; and
if you fail to answer the complaint
within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff
in this action wi'l apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the complaint.
J{. W. Simpqnn,
Uuattleaoiini it
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
Dated, February 2">th A. D. 1H10.
To tlio absent d^fendents, Percy W. Mil
ler, Patrick Calhoun and Mrs. Hal lie
You will take notice that tho complaint
in the above entitled action was
hied in the ofllce of the Clerk of the
Court of Com-non Pleas for P ckens
County, South ('aroiina on ti e 15th day
of February, lido.
It. W, Simpson,
t^uattlebanm & Cochran,
Plaint ill's A t torneys.
Notice of Final Settlement and Discharoe
WOTIIJK is hereby nivrn that I will
* 'make application to J. It. Newberry
Rh(|., <>f 1'iobato for Pickens
countv, in tin* Suite of South Carolina,
on the Kllli ila.v of March Hill), at 11
o'clock in the forenoon. or as soon thereafter
us Paul a|>|?llciition can bo hear<l,
for leave to main- Una' i-etilenient of the ,
oatate of J. J. Lewis defeased, ami
obtain discharge an administrator of
said oatate. J. 1. Valley.
Railway Mail Clerks Wanted
The Government pays Railway Mail |
Clerks $800 to $1,200. and other
Employees up to $2,500 annually.
Unfile Sam will hold spring examinations
throughout tin- country for Railway
Mail Clerks, ( u-lom House Clerks
and other Government Positions.
Thousands of a, pointments will he
made. Any man or woman over 1H, in
eitv or country can gel instruction and
free information by writin^ at once to
Kureau of Instruction. 10S Hamlin
Building, Rochester, N, Y.
Breeders Guide
The S. C, Rhode Islaml HpcIh, are the
Ih'hI known breed for producing good
winter lajorn. F.gga at dl On and $2.00
per Retting. K. II. Craig.
K. I. Her] and Blitf Orpington KtrgH,
from pure bred st < (, for sale at ?1 cejita
per settinfl of 15
W C. fiarrett,
Ceniral, It. 2.
All persons are hereby warned
not to [unit, fish, cut limber, or
otherwise, tresspass on my lands
in Central Township, 1'iekens
county. All persons disregarding
this notice will be prosecuted to
the full extent of the law.
C. I i. Dean
All persons liable to road duly
who do not pay their comnmta-1
tion tax of i? 1.50 by the 15 day
|of March 1010, will be required;
to work f> days undor an overfleer
or nay $'i.
By ordev of the Hoard of
County Commissioners. <
C. E. Robinson,
. .Km, - > ' gf* V';V v rf ^ V.v;
R in Fal
^VL , ;rrrrn Trr^f rn _? !:{
Will be a marked feature ot the fa
and winter season; a great variet
of beautiful patterns is being showr
Some ol the new colorings are s
attractive that men are apt to ne?
lect the plain blue serge or blac
^ u:i ?
We advise you to have at lea;
one good blue 01 black suit, in ac
ditton to the fancy, colored weave!
and a black or Oxford Gray Ove
coat, in addition to the fancy fabri<
This permits a change, and givt
each suit a rest; to get cleaned an
,,rnnCn,l l ? *1-.. i:r c _
yjA V^30V.U. XL piUlUll^b UIKZ 11IC Ul cl
your clothed, to treat them this wa;
ws, you will see there a display ol
resent the latest fashions, and yi
Yours to please,
Some Fertil
Don't use less than 600 poui
say that when you use less you s
Where less than six hundred pou
as a stimulant and takes more
it adds to it, but where you put n
ing more than you take from it a
proving your land. If you will n
making farmers in any community
zer the heaviest.
1 1-..- c?? -
ijsc a tumpicie ieruuzer at :
of your crop. A compiete fert
acid, ammonia and potash. Pho:
growth. When a plant is grown
is ripe it opens. Phosphoric acic
cotton seed are valuable. By tho
each year you can improve your s
Ammonia gives size to th
and the bolls.
Potash develops lint and gi
also enables your crop to withst
vents rust and blight and the otl
liable to have.
There are three kinds of am
and mineral. Your fertilizer shou
of ammoniates in it. As one exh
having the three yon have a fertili
ish the plant from the time it sprc
to be gathered.
Nitrate of soda is a valubl
place it enables yon to get a gt
seed as scarce as they are this ye
tant point with yon. Then it sta
condition so it will grow.
Agricultural authorities and ex
commending a fertilizer which if
8-4-4 goods for the loamy lands ir
lands are darker, 9-3-3 or 8-3-3 ar
loamy lands reciuire ootash and tY
iii the quantities needed.
Ammoniates are quickly dissoh
ture. Some expert fanners rec<
phosphoric acid and 4 per cent, pi
phosphoric acid and 6 per cent, pc
land and when you phnt your ci
potash do not leach when the rain
ground where they are taken u]
Then when your crop is up, during
mend top dressing or side dressin
containing phosphoric acid, ammo
is adopted you will cultivate your <
so far as fertilizer is concerned.
The Anderson Phosphate and
study of tl e fertilizer needs of the
commend their 10-4, 10-6, 8-3-3, 9
ing especially adapted to these so
1 ?
wur nign grade goods are am
sc-rap, than which there is no bett
fertilizer trade. These fertilizers ;
Our goods are dry and well j
Ande :s3n Phosp
J. li. Yiiiiilivor,
^ , ,-v. , .. .
/ n
f new models Irom some oi
nil will Cnnt tilpm it nnco io
?* ^j,/w %I*VIII ui wiiv-v., ao
izer Tips.
lids to the acre. Authorities
ire impoverishing your soil,
nds to the acre is used it acts
plant loocl from the soil than
lore to the acre you are addmd
in that way gradually imlOtice
the progressive money'
are those who put in ferti'v
some stage of the cultivation
ilizer consists of phosphoric
sphoric acid gives a quick
it ripens; when a cotton-boll
1 also develops the seedsand
roughly developing the seed
e plant, the stalk, the leaves
ves strenorf-H tn c?-nltr T*
_ fy?. ... v..~ 1?and
a drouth better. It preler
diseases that cotton is
moniates?animal, vegetable
ild have all these three kinds
austs another comes in. By
izer that will feed and nouiiuts
until the crop is ready
le ammoniate. In the first
r*r\r1 cMiul /-vf *'
av?uu ui v-uuuu UIIU Willi
ar, that may be a very imporrts
the plant off in a healthy
periment stations unite in rs?
practically identical to our
1 this section; and where the
e especially profitable. The
ie 8-4-4 an(l 10-4-4 furnish it
/eel when there is much moisDmmencl
10-4; 10 per cent,
otash, or a 10-6, 10 per cent.
)tash when you bed up your
op, as phosphoric acid and
is are heavy, but stay in the
[) by the plant as plant food.
r the cultivation they recom^
with a corrplete fertilizer
nia and potash. If this plan
crop under ideal 'condition
Oil Company has made a
OAllt* 1
. 111 11113 aCLllUU el II CI re-3-3.
^-4-4 anc* 10-4-4 as beils.
imoniated largely with fish
er ammoniate known to the
are good for?otton and cbrn.
hate A. On Co
3L? O.
I). S. Vandlver,

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