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The daily enterprise. (Beaumont, Tex.) 1898-190?, September 23, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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Cbc JDnlli? jCntcrrrloc,
10 CUNTi
.t-Kii vnn
'('upturn (lenerul Illuaru will
have limpid opiK.rtunity t( nppp-
..illtft tllU Vllllll Of "tll AllKT'K-lt""
jiiir" during tho evacuation nl
Cuba. .
It in ri'iiiiukubl ltw Jittlo i
Htid aguinst th extravagant
niuouiitof money which tho I'.n'i
coimniHsioii will Kiiuinl'r. Tin-re'
tun do no possible exciisofeii'Miih
tt lavish expenditure of money.
I'l-iti-r iim) it to buy tombstone
for tliu tloud KoMiers vlioiliel for
tho lurk of proiKT modicul atten
tion. Nothing ean bettor illustrate
tlx. ilisiLinn-aiiinet! of sectional
feeling between Hie north and
south than tho expressions of sen-
...iif !t I lio mil tb over the death
w if
of Winnies Davis. One of tin
newsoaoers that kept "the. bl l.y
shirt" at its masthead the longest
und Hunzted it tho most often was
tho Chitago Xrinuiio. on u
death of Miss Davis the Tribune
nays: "Tho sentimental associa
lions that Clustered around her
numo und birth naturally endear
cd her to ex-soldiers of tho south
crn states who had fought for the
Ixist Cause, and sho was idolized
i.., ilw.ni Knl Miss Davis hud
personal charms undquulitiouthut
won esteem and love wcrcu
she went, entirely apart from the
historic associations that led den
oral Gordon to introduce her to n
cheering crowd in Atlanta as the
"Daughter of the Confederacy.'
The north had conio to know her
most widely and favorably through
her literary productions, which
il brilliant and useful
future for her. That death shouli
come te her in comparative youtl
is sad enough, but that it shouh
..nmn tit t.li( moiiicnt when a new
war has finally blotted out the e)l
sectional antipathies ami opened
o r,r a (.omiilele reconeilia
iuioiv ism. j.vciv i- i
like that of Miss Davis, with
breadth and force enough to e-oin
pirliend and attract both se-ctious
is a beneficent influence for the
healing of the e)ld wounds and tin
cementing together of north am
south into one indissoluble nation
Not one of them can be lost with
out iusl cause for national r
Fort Clark Ia-Uvv.
Fort Clark. Texas, Sept. 2o. A
tlu! weary traveler on the lonely iles
ert sees naiiL'lit but waste nrouin
Iiiiu, ho we, in our fun-cd stay in tli
norvice, boo valuable time behind an
before us willi notliiii'' but a deal
boiiL'lit t'Xierieii(!o to show for it
We hate to harp forever on one mil
iret. It will become Htale even t
our best friendu. lut as the littli
bird beats its wings against tin
wireH of its ciil'o uuiil they are all
bleeding and bruised aud yet cease
not to strive for tho sweet liberty ol
air and sunshine so plentiful just be
yond tuo Cftije door, mo we, wlieu we
aro stared in the face with tho cold
hard propobitiou of ''regular" service
of nn indeliuito length, can not sit in
silence aud bemoan our fate.
even console cadi oilier oy saying
"we don t behove the volunteers will
be held after peace is signed.' ami
such things. W hen we lead of tin
movement iu llcaumout to send lion
Georgo C. lrie n and Congress
man S. 15. Cooper to Washington t
try personal suasion on the war dc
partiucnt wo gave the usual "thrct
ekeem" for tho home people. Thi
wnr lm: shown us how dear the hov
. . ... . . J
me io I lie Home Iolks mul mailt- us
loe the very name f Iauiur.nt.
I teauinout's untiring IntcrcM in In r
MJier lxs Las added greatly to her
tuvinblc reputation.
5Iis F.mny Laiub ai In u- iit
ing a fchiHihuiite when c .line.
Sin-1 ft lust niht aftirnsi ril'
flay in tLi health ghing ehnnitc
Tbp bora all bated to m - l.i r
lu Ji-eng mau r iti.-u L 1 ti h r pis' j
I h-fore bidding her pm.Mivi-: "Am I
girl from lVauuiiut Mtnstn in 1 1 U I
a awecuic-an or MM r it l a l m . ti
m long aincr I ve Ihi n at l.i-me. "
Ik-b Ijponaid r-inie in a f, w d.ii
ago, after a lmnied trip t . i ,1
i'.tin ft intret to Luu in t-i t ti ,1
big fliMT VfktlldiT f t t U I'll
Vin'j.j t),r anml ,,fj ;,., r.i-v
bo . ft in innmiati.
I .ail Mi jit r n 1 in tie 1!mi i.- i t
f w ilara a-., t).-, ., , ,..
That's iithiug." teaiialeJ Kal,
kuow of t limn iu Ileaumont that
will bo dihghti d t tho ui rival of u
llt'.l pound boy at liiahouao if Uncle
Sam will j ist'luru ino looao."
Mr. I. i: lVid igeakft thiaiuoru
ing after a t ivo days' May ut X'ort
Clark. Il" lion tl llliiiell eif rtaeue
- hn U trying to icm-ihi o unpany D
f.m.i foil her li.-idlci-s Ml vice-. 1 1 if
liuding out if a troop of liie l''t"
avail V evui't h t xehaligi 'l a a
m- couipiuy I', oi, i'i'"K
In si i-ui e as many iinlivinuui nuim-
.u in i-iHimuiiv 1) as liecali, in oiue-r
.. I. t l..,.u.. I ll, I'll llU Hl Il ll-SIUtt.-
. . .
' ......... D
Most of thu boys me lining nil in
il...; In ii.l a iliHi-hargi) or
1 1.. 1 1 f i i' in iii ilel- til L'l' t back to the
ui, i hi iiiii'ii inure-.
A largo iiuiuhe r of Hie bi.js liave
hei u on the sick le port biiie-e urriMiig
John Traylor and Cu roll l'atillo
are tlie omy ones m il"' i'-'"!
Mr C It. l'. ill lias been liiaili' ih
uiui..i.l lilmiiiiiu eif tliu I'osl. inn
I.. .. ..IP HtKfi llliHI I i and Hiieuks
in II ,rij I
we II for Mr- 15 ''I ami euupany w
As soon as wi) urriveid loin lgle
i i ..l . ill i, liuv ' lii) is Known iu
111 III b j
it... l.ril'UI WI1H M' nt for and olace-d iu
his old nosition in tho commissary
I, imrl mi nt.
Willhiin .leiiniiitrs Di van hamonl
is anot he r one of "aaiuo old D to be
..1....I...1 f,,r uneeiiil (lilt V. J10 IS
PI, II , v
steiioL'iaiihe'r for tho niliulant.
Corporal Li iau i mrain m -i-.1
i ...... t iiufist nrobahlv a successful
.. . I. T:. ....... I in i.n (i 1 .
ime) for tho position of post, teleg
I . -. r 1 1 -i :
Corporal l'erry iiyau wua ucuny
sergeant-major ol ono oi iuu uui
hi inns lust weoK.
01 to Froniino has been tho Dull
,f iniiiiv a well i.launed loko Hincc
joining company D. He m used to
I li.. ifi .'i.H HIHl cau 10K0 Uliunun an
aell Tho next morning after mov
nwr llll Kliiirs und sleeping on the
nuts ineviouslv occupied by company
( ' lin uniil- "IIovs. the bod bugs
v,i ... , i
l.l.,.ir 'u inn i v' f)ll II1V D1U0W lllhl
uiirht and then blew 'mess call
,-iin tell vou thev had a fount on me.
too, right afti'i wardb." The most of
us having had a similar experience
-iiiw tho noiiil.
There was a grand ball at Major
Taylor's quarters last night in honor
of Miss Lamb. About a dozen
l i.liim mul about twico as
manv vouiiL' men were there. Com
i.iniv 1) fiiinisl.ed about a third of
the vouiiL' men present. Miss Lamb
li'ied T.itmb. Leio Srottswood, Earl
we're Beaumont's- representatives iii
the elauce. Th regimental band
furnished the imisic. At the close
a Jlash li'dit picture was taken of
those who had remained to the em
of the! all'air. J t seemed to bo a very
enjoyable) occasion, and at its close
everyone told Miss Lamb good-byo
aud felt sorry that she could not re
main longer to ho in other like
events of the future!.
When the "kitchen brigade-' got
left at Alontuuk Point tho secret or
ganization in company D known as
tho "15ig 8, aud owne-d and con
trolled by Corporal. C. If. Cham
hers and K. M ute Kogers, took
charge of affairs. John Snyder was
mado chief e-ook, Chambers served
the food and Kogi-rs 8aw that it was
lono right. It se'cmed a happy
!ombination, for the motto eif the
'Big 8" in "not what kind, but how
much." This pleased tho boys im-
mensely. and so far as the food sup
ply went il seeiiH-d to bo more than
sullicieiit something that has not
occurred bgfore iu some time.
Private dilbert Walker got a
tiansfer to company L a fow days
:igo iu time to go with that company
lowii on the Hio Grande. Private
.Murray of company L was traus-
ferred to company D iu his place.
ihreo companies here were paid
ofl'Suuduv for August. The othe-r
nnipanies had ulreiuly been paid.
Sunday night the ''corporal of the
uard'' was busy providing accom
niiid.it ioiiH in the guarJ house for
fhose who got too happy and con
seipienlly noisy.
Tln-re nave beeu so many reports
ut as to where we are ireunir er
hat in to become of us that the
mvs liall wav liclicve everytliing
ii'V hear, and ve t they discredit
ever thing, too.
lohu li. La::c walked in toJ:iv
ilid said: .SiinttswiiiiJ, 1 heal that
it r in l innve is to l us. ia'
tin I d, I lift lllldi rt.'lllil or did lint
ml to nduiit that be did imt know
hue Mai- i. Ilcliki.l up ipiite
iiiiini . ut I v aii.l at-ki-.l. " li lt l-Mile
we tiki' "Tlie .Inks Viii.c
rm:le. Ii In J laiie, all. I I lien I ."O
c night on ( 'ini Ivn ti
Watrr Cmiuiiit.
It i iiMi-0-.siMe to rive the -itr
u!ii'. i nt tin- pli n.-.ue wLile yunr
n iee pipi " are in a h skit p C'-n li
tion. aii.l li,re t-iuh pil arc
(.mi 1 aai.r iin-i' will lie 1'iouiit
'y fl.iii f (T. an 1 w;Il ! Ik- di-on-'
t.iiuel !.ie j-iitii arr found
1 iii I! ' t!.- ,Tti.r irrv'iti-j;
t . t ii ' i .
v'IKIi Puilliim liV i-sia-rli-IH'e'l
U-uoeraiilie r. lt-i n li ri'iin-. u'veu-
Aililrt-k Ml M. A. O., Ituum 4,
ImllJIna, Aniouiu, lo,
WAXTKD--A miiol Ik-.v
(nr Hli-rU
K. l.mi'ly.
Kimi '1 eii
iga-r. Aiii i """J it.
Miint rniui' null ri ii n iii i .
'i'i'iliuiiii i-iiiiiniiiy.
WAM'l li i: i sIm.iI l hay llirwli k
imv nn r. Ki n siiini-y .Mnyr, aai-m
for liirwlrk liny Kil4 ami Ovkiit imi
WAMKIi-Un 'M"I ala.v. a IUt
la-. eollii ior ami hollelinr. Api'lyo'
lli aiiiiioiil Arl Sluilio.
w..NTi:i lluu-fi in ri al. Will ail-
verlNe, ri-mler fr taxi-n, ki-i "l '"""'
aiiei! ami repair nr you. iiim -
chur-i il per tent. .H XKi:U.
FOUl It 'NT.
FOIMIKM- Klo i""i" lio'j '"r
hlockH from Inisiiiis rcuur.
IVarNli lii. .
HHt JtKNT Kive rouui iollnii on
I'iiii) strict, .ILMvl'.ll.
vim KAI.K House mul lot on Norlli
M reel one) eloor w-'Sl of It. K. Kellcy S.
Apply l Mrs. J. n . sanen r.
KOU HKNT Two smiill cottiijje.s, one
a three ronia eotlno on wese.
the other n three room cottniju with hull,
In Ncclies aik. Apply ni liau a resiau
rant. 9-2 Mf
von l.'KNT Tin; store liuilillna re
reiitlv cre iinlea by the Uiult-r. Apply to
V. W. Kyle,
VOU HKNT Kuriiisliuil rooms, with
...i. i ...i i,..,,rii. virst door uortn 01
111 WILIIWIl ..... - - -
11-1. -i
FOR ItKN'T. House suitable forloel-
hi" house near Tec liee elepoi on junci
soii street. Apply to 1). lioniiuinaison at
neniuiioiit buinlier coinpiiny'ssioru.
FOR RKN T A th e room house
. Ap
ply to R. Henry at Leon H. i-cvy s.
nm sai l: nil KXC1IANGK-A Stu-
.l..l,nl.-i.r wn.'nll. .')' III' 1 sKclll. II 111
u,.U rlieim or tnide for uooel lllllcll COW
A nil n-KS imsto ce DOX its, ueiiuini-uv;
vnu m A T.V.I inn walnut beel room set.
I. ...I. ..II.... u-nrili-nllfi; Olll! Slllehonril llllll
i,i n InuiiL'e anil table, two uew
stoves mill other hoiisoholil goods. For
imiliciilars see
r. k. snouswoou, ui
room 1H, Stark building.
FOR SAI.K My family surrey
ntiii vi'ill': will se II for S5D. Mrs.
vnn SAl.K-Or trade for lumher-
A pair of center crank connected Sterns
i,iiiiif!ii.iiiriii!' coiiinanv slide valve en-
Hines, 1'ixis, each complete with gover-
n...i.ii-.. Won id nreierseiiiuu iuv-'
. .. .... .V. work re
lilll, ,Y UIIU K'lly lUWi
Tlie cost of announcement for county
olliees in Hie F.uternrisu is 810, payable
strictly in advance. This rule will not
lie varied for anyone.
Though tlie heavens he ileckeiljjvvitli
cloud or sun,
In friendship's bonds we'are hut one.
Our burdens alike we'ull must tote,
And now kind friends I ask your vote.
V. Ii. Jtlffsby.
for re-election of justice of tlie jie.'iec'for
precinct No. r, .le-fferson county, lexas
ill the comiii!; election to he held on the
second Tuesday In November, 1SD8.
CO!' NT V .ll lllil'..
Tn m Din.v FNTi'.ui'iiisi: isautliorize
to announce tlie name of (ieo. ('. O'llric
as a candidate for County .Indue.
We me authorized to announce tlie
name of P. A. Dowlcn as a candidate for
count v indue of .Jefferson enmity, and lie
will appreciate your support.
till Kill l'l.'.
We are authorized to announce the
name of It. 1) Sinuintnii, jr., as a can
didiite for tlie ollice of sheriff of Jefferson
COl'XTY TltKASl llKlt.
We are authorized to announce Stlie
inline of I.ip Norvell as a candidate for
re-election as county treasurer ofj.ltffor-
sou county.
cm s i v A I I OI1NKV.
We are authorized to aiinouiieejjthe
name of A. 1.. liroiissartl as si candidate
for re-election to the ollice of County At
torney of Jefferson county.
We are authorized to announce the
name of S. M. Johnson as a eaadidute
for eoiiutv attorney.
We are authorized to aunoiinccJtlic
name of C W. Maciuie as aciiudidate'for
Count v Attoruev of .1, ffiTMin couul v.
,1111 NTV CI.KKK.
We .ire aulliorizeilljtoj.iiiiiounce the
name of l.ee lllam hette us a candidate
for re-i'leetion as count v clerk of .li ffer-
Kun county.
hum v 'MMI-im:i;s.
We nre auihoriVil to aiiiiiuiie tnc
n.inie of .la. k Ward a-a candidate for
County t'oiiuui -inm-r of I'ri cinet No. I.
We .hi- :i 1 1 1 1 1 r i , , I to aiiiioiiin e the
11:11 1 l.i rol hlll .1- .1 , ail'lnl.Hr lor
ii-tii c ot tlie peace in I'li-ciiiet No. I.
We si- an; 'ioi :i , t. ainioiin, e l!u
iiain,' -l e apM n II . r. li'-i't-r s-a in-.l-.'iati'
I ir r. mm, ti f.tiii!tn;oiii r ol I're-
1 , ou t N,'. 1.
loll ium:i:i,
Wr ir-' au'horii'-l to announce tin
.1 1 1 1 : . 1 l ,'f :un r.li'll.-!! t',w-pi"3'-'r
ri -noiiiiiial i.-n a 1'ie ! nn rnt'.- can li
.lile t'i 1'ic F't'-i'h i omt f rem Ihr
SitoimI C,'-in' "-.il d.tr?i t.
C'ty -i!. t f:n t"i vill
ti". -ni-y 1 - v t-Ni i in j ! ir 'l iii"
imii'i r lii'f-'' J 'l.ii ii:' tln ir
Ii r. lV .iu::i"i ; Iini,U r (':
l-ronldnnl. VtrITeii'ii
rilA.N'K ALVEV.t'anliler.
II Nil Ml
CAPlUt STOCK StOO.000.00.
IM ona Undivided Proitis $50,000.
KtrSuHit 'Irairn mi nil Ihe priHri)iut citirt
of the trurfel.
li. I... 1.. ll Klam and Federal CliUriM.
li.-iirr.il civil, iiiiiiiiii-rtlal, iimriiinn mo trim.,
il., I cr rrcf i inii-iiliuii ai the haniU ill On
In in. 11,'auiiioni ointo iiK.aii-ii in " "
inir. ll,-aiiinili.Texa'.. Our Mr. 1 lion. W. Jack
mil in fullcliarK.
John Perry,
Will moot all trains and handle
biiiriiro unel passengers. UooU
service guurantoed and pntron
a'o solicited, lies, corner Masr
noliu and Concord.
Residence and office W.Crockett
FULL 8T. OF lEtiH, $7.00.
-- vv. MAKK
The ClemicHt, Healthiest ami Best Set
of Teeth ever made. No extra charge
for extraction.
rainless Extraction, 50 Cts.
Room No. 8, Starke Building'
Ovcrlleeht's Clothing Store.
Has opened a dental of
fice in this city witn i;r.
Ilolhcrt on Willi St. near
Antioch Baptist church
and oilers Ins services
to all who elcsiro their
masticatinsr organs re
rne cuie An Mlkwu.
Is tlie place to have your pictures taken.
I'lioiogruplis made m all tlie
Kverytliing up to date.
CLARK Jill OS., l'roprs
Pearl Street, 2d Floor Illaiiclietlc liiiililiiip.
Per vear
By mail, Daily and Sunday M.OO
The Weekly, one Year 25 Cents
s. mil 1 1
Office over II". J!. Dunlap'g Ih-Hfl Slon,
JirsidtHcr, Heal torsglhc street.
"esidf.nre riione .S'.o. Office I'lume SO,
MRS. T. F. COX. Pkincipal.
free Carriage to ami from school.
A run ci.iiiliinatii-n for
Ssii tnian e-f tml.iy
k'j Bl7:ics cr,3 1. C. S: :n G:r.s
llcntcr bii v ! urc jr-xiil
;,v nil' lliddi. Tho 1 C.
im li
Lim !in sli"1 it wav
' lir:ilt -f liiT ill"!
adtnin-r. ! t'r-'.-i :- rni
l'.-r il" "v
!- CMi:il5MAN.
$1-25 at a , .
icvciano aeiccie.
Not built like a watchnor a gun,
But built like a Bicycle that is to run.
Throe hundred and sixty-five days there is no wearing,
"lis the only Wheel that has the famous Burwell bearing.
Tl'ltE MILLS: T j
11. A. 1,0dKR AlCO., (ien'l Selling Affts., Clevolaiiel.
(JKO. A. lU'HWKliL, Suiie'riiiteinleiit Jaetorie'S.
i Ao-ent For Jcll'crson County, Texas, Beaumont, Tex.
1 5 Reliaree
I Cumber ?o. I
E ong eat' Yelloijojgiiie iimber 2
Sized Dimension
Coiling. Siding and
Cross Ties, R. R.
'.Export Shippers via Sahine Tass;
BEAUMONT, -:- -:- TEXAS, r
Finest 15ird Cages, No. li
53c; No. 1, OJle; No. 5J, 73
fleHKl Wash Dewrd lie
Hest KiK'hostor Iamp
Chi limeys lic
Fine half gal. glass pitch
er, 10
Finest S.V writing piiMr
only Kic iKii-kngo
Tetih-t ikijmt h rolls i.V
Lunch lciskots. No. 1.
'1 fU;irt tin bucke'ls Tie
I d"Z t'asiMiiis ."i-1'k-
granito diinrs .V
3 lniltli' iiiucilngo lo-
Beaumont Racket
firicrcbant 8
CAT'. I w "' to
Full Line Of Latest Patterns. Fit GuarantE
Aii t I'l-.Linr -r ,iii-' r'Ti "1 tin
Covers like this cut for
No Watches nor Guns Built Here
Cleveland Bicycles Only.
Where loiois imieior me Cleveland wneei.Q
These Mills were selected )y the Lnitcd
States to manufacture the Tubing for the new
Torpedo llonts.
Hiprh Grades
of Flooring,
Finish a Specialty.
Timbers, Car Sills. -
Furnaces, No. 0, 32c: Ne.
5, 4lc; No. 4, 52c; No. 3,
6lV;No. 2, Tl'c
Wash tubs, No. 1, 45, Nei.
2, 55c; Nej. 3, (55c
Fine egg boater 2c
M Ixtrs lwst White Hillew
soap Lie
lloll matches 1 de boxes,
Wash iKiilers, No. 1, 2c:
No. 2, 3eV; No. 3, 4.V
All sizo chinmoys, H fur 25
Cliilds. briMiiii 7e-
Opp, V.mt Trm
1 l'phon Krhc
.s 2 cailo
hlj c-j
w- Moore.)
fm n .j-m worim'-i
I 1. 1
? .' 1 .
I ! I IM !.l I I .l 1.
, I tiii.'J
' I -ti
I limits at tLt-i
r.lic ici'i r r '-ut-i-1 ri'
T. H. HOFFMAN, Manafer

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