OCR Interpretation

Ohio valley worker : official paper of the Federated Trades Council of Louisville, Trades and Labor Council of New Albany, Central Labor Union of Jeffersonville. [volume] ([Louisville, Ky.]) 1904-????, September 10, 1904, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2007058207/1904-09-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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U Lnbor Day in Now Albany passed of
quietly tho iwrudo in tho forenooti
being a most creditable domonstratioi
though not quite so extensive as a yea
f ago This seems to havo been tho fate
of parades all over tho country After
> noon tho steamer Hiawatha carried the
crowds to Illvorvlow Park whero th
k balance of the day and evening wai
spent in listening to music dancing
boating social intercourse and such
other amusements as tho Park affords
IA report of financial results will bo
a miulo to tho Trades and Labor Council
I at tho earliest opportunity A moro ex
f Itoiidetl mention is deferred until next
4iissue after the committees have mado
ti 0 their reports v
Nora Now Albany news WAS de
layed in transmission this week and
was not received until too Into for pub
t l V Hcation Wo regret that tho uamo
0 thing happened to our Jofforeonvlllo
I iq f correspondence Ed
i i
y tj =
P T O Thursday night Sept 1C
Mrs J E Morriek and family of
flvo children aro visiting friends at
t I White Mills Ky
Harry A Wellington ono of tho
finest among the printers has been at
homo on n visit for n couple of weeks
1 Mr and Mrs Jos Stoy havo loft for
St Louis to soo tho great show Mr
Stoy is tho popular Stewart at tho
InnnorH I Homo
I If yoh want to sec that friend of
yours win in tho WOUKKII popularity
contest you must do porno hustling for
him Tho hustler wins
Got in thoso votes boys or the man
S you have been pulling for may bo
TIort n couple of hundred at tho wind
fOU f You would regret this
John N Smith of tho WOUKEII
o leo force spent Sunday with ruIn
i tives and friends at Danville Ky They
Bay Johns best girl lives in Danville
A Now Albany dark horse far
from tho lead in tho contest is tipped
to make a dash In tho quarterstretch
and win tho prize trip to St Louis
Ohas Harris of tho Stovomountors
Union complains that it is indeed
laborous and feels fatigued from riding
his mare lastMonday during tho parade
Tho attempt to withdraw tho repro
Hontiition of L T U No 10 from tho
Federated Trades Council resulted in
thatI I
pThto Ico Wagon Drivers Union of
V Philadelphia announces that it will con
tinue its light against tho tuilo of Ice on
Sunday by taking a test case to higher
Mr Ed Evingor editor of Tho
Toiler at Terre Ilauto InllIs the proud
papa of twin babies both girls Mrs
MrsJ J
and tie doctor nays that Ed is I out of
danger mid will recover
Only fourteen delegates in nttolldI I
I unco at meetings of tho Louisvillo Fed
J oration of Labor is not very much otn
kconipiiiiiont to tho charter issued by tho
A P of L when a year ago tho moot
Ings wore attended by n hundred or
Mr Frank Hoiss of Greonsburg
PH is in tho city on business Mr
Kolss is a sheet metal worker and hUll
been at work at Grcensburg for three
years His many friends in this city
> woro pleased to loam that ho has been
In good health and doing nicely
Wo are glad to anuonnco tho rapid
recovery of Mr E O Barclay whoso
serious illness from an attack of typhoid
fever has been mentioned in these col
umns Mr Barclay Is ablo to bo tip and
coiuo down own Labor Day for tho
i first time since lie lias taken sick
Jacob Mouth foreman of tho Wil
koo cigar factory and Wui Dandistcl
I member of Clgarmakors No 82 have
been spending a week or so at tho
i Worlds ulr They will bo able to toll
tho boys in tho contest about tho great
things at tho Fair when they return
Frank O Montfort who formerly
worked in this city in various printing
offices was shaking Imnds with old
x friends hero a few days at tho cud last
wook He is now located in Chicago
his family being thoro also and Frank
holds a nico position with ono of tho
largo print shops
Womans Auxiliary to LT U No
I 10 holds a regular meeting next Thurs
day afternoon at which a full attend
anco of the members is desired to take
k action on new laws which are mado
necessary by amendments to tho Inter
national Constitution adopted at tho St
Louis convention
Tim union label is tho unmistak
I able sign of practical cooperation boo
twoou employers and employee Tho
demand for tho union label completes
tho relatlQuship necessary to tho most
offoctIvo practice of cooperation by
tmnklng tho purchaser also a partner in
tho business Union Reporter
John Karlon stirred up a littlo feel
ing a smoker to only a chosen few
However It is tho sweet consolation of
his ndmlrorswho wore slighted in this
trent that perhaps tIm brand of smok
ers cigars would not ngrco with
thorn 8o8 < iyB ono who thinks lio known
rTho r occupants of tho hack ropro
I sontiiiR tlia Allied Printing Trades
L Council in the parade List Monday ox
perienced n Flight shako up which WM
canned through the carelessness of tlio
driver from tho LouUyillo Transfer
I Co who followed tho A P T 0 car
I riage The parade was subjected to t
I freinont stops when tho transfer
driver proceeded with his team and l
I drove tho tongue of his hack into tho
i back of tho aforesaid vehicle
Under tho caption Dont Pay
High Prices for Meats an Illinois I
butcher advertises tho following prices
for homokilled meats Louisville
housekeepers would have n fit if they
should strike anything liko it Tho I
prices IWO as follows Host sirloin and
porterhouse steak 12 12 cts Ib best
round steak 11 cts best shoulder steak
10 cts boHt rib roast 10 cts pot roast
o I eta pork chop 13 cts pork steak 11
cts best licriornndo lard 10 cts lb
Tho Louisville colony of printers in
Chicago has been augmented during tho
j lMt low months by the addition of
Billy Council mid Mre Council Tom
Bailey Ed Owen II A Voolf Frank
McQuio Bud Lawless Joe King
Jimmy Shao P O Montfort Goo
Ximmorman Ed Johnson Ed Qnln
J W GrlflUh all of whom so tho
WouKKit is informed are holding satis
factory positions Their host of Ken
tuck friends will bo glad to know this
and of course hope their good fortune
may never desert them
A Chicago spotter for tho Typotho
tao who claims to have been in Louis
yule during the printers strike in be
half of his owners told a union
printer in tho Windy City recently that
tho Louisville Union has the fight
won today if they only know itbut it
isnt my business to tell them It hap
pened tlmt ho was talking to ono of tho
boys who hnd gono through the Into
struggle and who fully agreed with Mr
Spotter in tho statement made by him
SlOt wasnt aware of tho fact that
ho was talking to a union man but be
lieved his newfound friend to bo a long
tailed rat from tho East Ilenco tho
outburst of confidence Local printers
well understand tho situation and they
know how their victory wan turned into
apparent defeat When tho proper time
arrives they do say thero will bo
something doing in regard to it too
Side Lights on Men and Things
Mv corpulent frioiu Joo Roberta
never misses a meeting of No 10 unless
ho has an important engagement with
his tonsoriul artist or to visit Jacob
Park or HOIIJO other old park Too is a
great walker for his health
VicePresident p W Uonto will momumo
day fill tho throne of No 10 Fred is
taking lessons and carries a manual
not military but on rules and law Ho
has tho backbone required to make an
olllcer of tho bar
The Heralds Chapel Chairman II
1C Van Pelt is ono of tho boys that gets
what ho goes after and knocks tho per
Biiuou over time Van represented
No 10 at the St Louis Convention with
credit to himself and his union Ho
was tho right figure III tho right place
My distinguished friend Senator
Katie met with II Waterloo at No lOs
meeting Tho Union would not allow
his bill of charges to htand Johnnie
old boy tho war is over United wo
stand divided wo flUgo aguuin for
union enemies not union men
Im glad to sea my old Kiirocuough
friend Timmio II Watson at No
10s meetings Jim like all of us
has his cranky ways and faults but ho
is conscientious
Jomiumy Owen likes to see all tho
boys with money for cards Ho must
feel that his pro torn job is a hard
punching bng If ho did could yon
blamo him Naveol
Old No 10 has done many good things
since its organization Job 2 1852
Chief among them slip has been instru
mental in the establishment of mi upto
thominuto handsomo and progressive
weekly I labor paper and tho formation
of a sureenough central body com
posed only of union card delegates
It is not always good diplomacy on
tho part of tho executive officers or
Board of Directors of a union tojct tho
cat out of tho bag as to what is
doing to tho general membership
Streot corner discussions nine cases out
of ton bring warning into the enemys
camp My old friend Ed Cronk was
forced to admit that ho was somewhat
prejudiced in tho Federated Trades
Council and Louisville Federation of
Labor combat An 1 iores t confession
is good for tho soulmId business
It makes strange bed follows
My loft hand boworII Johnny
Stack is ono of tho good natured tel
lows that takes reaolutiou defeat
with n light heart and n smiling face
in fact tho fat boy cant do other
wiso his facial expression is always tho
same smiling
Tho Wogglo Bug at No 10n last Sun
days mooting said moat emphatically
that tho Federated Trades Council is a
lively healthy boeiug which carries a
4 m
Closed ToDay
On account
of the Holiday
after 6 oclock
in every
stinger that sharply punctures tho do
caying carom of tho old lady lately
christened ILouisvillo Federation of
Machinists Will Give Smoker
Falls City Lodgd No 205 will givo n
smoker on Wednesday night Septem
ber 21st to which all machinists in tho
city are urgently Invited This includes
both members and those who are not
members of No 205
A few brief addresses is proj > 6scd as a
feature of tho evening and a general
good time is expected
Cigarmakers No 32
Cigarnuikors Union No 32 has boon
honored by tho International ExeeutlvS
Board by being selected to elect oa
member from its ranks to go to Chicago
in tho capacity of auditor to audit tliSi
recounts of tho International unclltili i i
Mr Herman Hoffman Register Clerk 1
is on the sick list and confined tor hk i j
bed by an attack of plourisy and bon J
chitis At last accounts ho was getting
along nicely mid it I is hoped ho will
soon bo out
Mr Jos W Grimmo Treasurer is
sick suffering from nervous trouble
Mr Grimmo is ono of No 82s foremost
members and an active worker hi tho
trades union movement being both con
servative and reliable His many friends
wish him u sj > eedy recovery
Tho Regular meeting of No 82 was
held in Gennanla Hall Wednesday
night This being tho first meeting in
tho month there was a largo attendance
President L J Kieffer presiding After
routine business was dlsjxwed of a com
mittee of ladles from the Garment
WorKcrs Union were admitted and in
troduced by Organizer John Stevens
They woro there in tho interest of a
euchre to bo given by their local Friday
night and left a number of tickets which
tho union purchased Secretary Her
man Christen was elected to represent
tho union on tho Auditing Board to
audit tho accounts of tho International
office He will leave for Chicago on
Mr Nat Lconbergcr a prominent
member of No 82 has returned homo
after an extended visit to rclnHrc and
friends III Missouri Ho took III tho
Worlds Fair
Where Will He Land Next
National officers of the Bill Posters
Union have given Pcctz thirty days to
get out of their Louisville local tho
statements in Peotzo weekly paper to
tho contrary notwithstanding
Bythoway it turns out that Pectz is
tho man that has been going among till
business men of tho city and represent
ing that entire harmony prevails in tho
Lonisvlllo labor movement that thero
is but ono central body It is n painful
fact that thoro is not a word of truth In
such allegations There can bo lio har
mony until UNION men take hold of
tho movement and put tho fakirs liko
Pcetz and his gang out of it
Wo want to warn tho business com r
inanity against giving Peotz any but
ness for tho account of tho OHIO VAL
LEY WOUKEH Wo most seriously ob I
ject to having tho good name of tho
WoitREit prostituted in this manner
And Peotz is warned also that ho must
not leave tho inference with business
men that business secured from them is
intended for tho WORK R By Buoh
course ho lays himself llablo to prosecu
tion and if persisted in he may expect
to havo tho law upon him
F T O Thursday night Sept 16 I
I t
> h
c = = = = C7 = = = co = = 1l
Federated Trade Council or Louisville
I meets nnt and third Thursday nlht
each month at Jermanla Hall J E
Merrick Irellldpnt George Mlddendort
llecordlnr Secretary 1313 West Uarket
I Uhrls Kundert Corresponding Secretary
Allied Printing Trade Council meets at
Odd Kellowr Hall Walnut below ftn
first Friday night each month
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers
Workmen Union No C7 meets at Urr
mania Hall second and fourth Wodne
ilny In thc month Tliomm toy Sivrctnry
lUIOHIory nvrmiti
Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers
Union No 110 metit at Qenrauila Hall
cwooml and fourth Monday each month
Phil Ossmonn Secretary VQS Franklin
Amalgamated Woodworks Union No 151
meets at Germanla Hall flrat and third
Mondftv each month Oeo Coton becrc
tary 2K3 Weit Jefferson street
Amalgamated Wood Worker ot Box
Maker and Sawyers Union No lOu
meets nut and third Saturday nights of
each month at dermanla Hall
American Federation of Musicians No 11
niittx nt OiTitimiln Hull I lIt Frlitnjr morn
Injr of each month Jos Mueller Secre
tory 809 Clay street
Dakera Union meets nt Ocrmanla Hall
second and fourth Saturdays U p m
Bartenders National Alliance No n meet
at Oormanli Hall first and third Friday
ot each month Harry P Wood Dual
nean AIn 115 W Jeftenon street
Beer Drivers Helper Stablemen and
Bottler No m meet at QcrmanJa
hail first and thIrd Wrdn08day ot the
month Gee Kolb Secretary 1107
Twentyflral street
Bindery Women Local No 12C meets at
Odd Fellow Temple Walnut below
Sixth street flrst Monday In each
Brewers Encineeri Firemen and Helper
Local > KJ meets at Becks Hull rtrst Sun
day and third Tuesday of each month
Ed Dickens Secretary SIS Bast Qrcen
Brotherhood of Blacksmiths meet nt
Hecks Hall second and fourth Saturday
nights In tlio month
Brotherhood of Carpenter and Joiner
No 103 meets at Docks Hall first and
Ird Monday night
Brotherhood of Bookbinder No M meets
at Odd Fellows Temple Sixth and Wnl
nut second and fourth Saturday each
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners
No 214 meets at ItcklI Hall first and
third Monday of each month
Brotherhood of Painters Decorator nllll
Paper Hanger of America No US meet
at Uermanla litill second and fourth
Tuesday In the month Henry Hunter
Itecprdln ir Secretary IS Kddy street
Brotherhood of P I > andP IH bfA7Sfo7
915 meets second and fourth Monday
nlKlita at Germanla Hall William Mor
san Ilecordlng Secretary 1817 West
Brotherhood 1 > D and P If of A No
KJS meets first and third Wednesday at
Becks Hall Alex Smith Secretary 130J
West Market
Boiler I Makers Union meets at Becks
Hall fourth WednoBdajr in the month
Broom Makers International Unlon No
19 meet at lIecks Hall first and third
Tuesday of each month
Candy Makers Union l No 124 meelll at
Hubers Hall lUncock and Green first
and third Wednesday each month II
S Glmble Secretary 1014 Ellison I ave
CandySfaker Helpers Local No 340 meets
at Becks Hall first and third Friday In
yOi month
fifigutters Garment Workers Local
No 2rZ meats at Preston and 1iarket
street Hall first and third Friday In the
Carriage and WaltOn Worker Union No
1M meets at Union Hall second anti I
fourth Friday each month Adolph Kra >
mar caro Looms Carriage Works Flrrt
street between Market and JelterBnn
6BrnentersT Union LbcaTNorTiW mewl
at Union Unit Flrnt nnd Market icond
and fourth Tuesday
riarM 1ie i1J lon IJb Si meets nt 3Vr
mania Hall first nnd third Wrdnnsdoy
night each month Herman Christen
Secretory Headquartera 4H Center
ntreeL Homo phone 4774 Ounce hours
10 11 l to G
CoT r rltrtTnlon Tx > onl Inm t l
It their hall second nn < t fourth Friday
of each month at Walnut between
betweenj3jgjith I
ComxTwrnltfis1 Union met nt Union Hall
J first > anti 1 third Tue ilayof each month ±
Coopcri International Union PNojf
meets second and tourth Wnlnwxlay at
Hwliw Hall Jefferson street between
Knamelcrs Union meet at lIecks Hall
iwcond and fourth Sunday of ooch
simon It
liirmcnt Wnrkiw Union mwt tlio snut
ant fimrth JVIdiyr nt IfcimuT Cinincll hell
IMvtiiii nnd Miirkrt xtri > ctn
Gruilte Cutters Union meets at Get
mania 1 ILthlnI Friday of each month
Hard Stone Cutter Union monts At
Hocks Hall second and fourth Wednts
clay f ttm month
HorseshoerV Union No 17 meets at Union
Hall Flrat and Iarket streets second
and fourth Wednesday of UGh monh
3Iod Carriers Union No 10es meets nee
and fourth Monday at Flubutlers Hall
Hotel anti Itcstaurant Umployer Inter
national Alliance No fa meet at Becks
Hall occond and fourth Friday each
International Association of Drldgo and
Structural Iron Workers No 70 meets at
Iteckn Hall every Wednesday night at 8
International Association of Kleotrlcal
Worker and Linemen Iocal 112 meet
atGjrnninla Hall every Tuesday night I
International Association of Mnchlnjita
Falli City Lodg No a iX meets at CJer
mania Halt Wednesday of each week
International Bricklayers Union meets
overy Friday night at Barbers Aid Hall
International Team Drivers Hack > mf
Cab Drivers hinl I No 4D2 meets at
hecks Hall I fourth Friday moll month
Iron Molders Union No 16 inert at Hi
bernian Unit Seventh and Market first
and third Thursday each month
Iron Molders Union No 18 meet at Sev
third 1YIday each month
Inside Kleclrleal Workers mtset ut hecks
Hall I third Friday night of each month
Journeymen Barbers Union No 4C meets
at Barbers Aid Hall every Thursday
Journeymen Brewers Union No 110 meats
at Beoks Hall every first and third Sun
day ot each month Val Sohaeffer Sec
retory SIC Twentyfirst street
Journeymen Tailors Union No 49 meets
at Germanla Hall first Monday each
month Fr d Welser Secretary 333 West
Ladles Label League meets at n e oor
ner Preston and Market every send
and fourth Thursday In month
Leather Worktr Tanners and Carriers
Union meets at Beck Hall seoand and
fourth Tuesday In the month
Lithographers Union meets at Oermanln
Hall second and fourth Frday each
Louisville District Council of Carpenter
meota first and third Wednesday of each
month at 426 W JiReraon st Mike Guel
da Uiiilnnu Agent
Machine Cooper International Union No I r
173 meets at Seventh and Hill streets
flrt and third Friday In the month I
New AhlatiyTnuls itid Lalor CmlllllI mitts I
hrcond nnd fourth Friday nt Hiildinii Hnll nt
7SW p 111 T 11 LiHov Prwldint Jllolmrl
11ntnll JornInlln nl1 Itntllhll
B < rftnry 0111 Wit Main Htntt
mnltrnnintHl AxKiwlntlim en Iron nnifi niici
Tin Workini Owou IxxlRK No 1 > mwt In
HuldinV hail truer Htntn nnd Market first
nnd thlnl Kntunlny Jiwcph UrntidliT Prwl
IetY1i H
fgnl1lsr1 iilworkirH nnd HnnTllinmk
ItH No 11 iiitts In uttKmitN hall tyerv
first mill tided Saturday IIhht lit iwh
l1Ionlb Cites Yiuuit r lrvijdeit lIb mhult
liivunllng Hivrrtnry
AmnlKiumitfd WcxxlworkiTH1 Union j No itt
iniitn iiviry BUCIIIII nnd fourth Tuiwlny
night nt O A K Hull SIliwNlehoIiw lnI I
dent P J Smith Itt otllluif Si rftnry 1210
Ekln nvcnnn
llcr nrtvCIII 1IIIc181alifilUIn end hlotthnc
No 001 uf 1IIIc1 ltIiiittiit with New
Allumy TnuU and Ijlxir Cuimcll 11m
Kolb flicri tnry 1107 TwentyUnit street
UmUvllli Ky
JrWlfII FoIIllhllIII 1rChtt1I nllli 11lpIII
Ial ifi of Loulivhll IIlIIlInlld with New
Albany Tnultn nnd Ijibor Council ni Dick
iw Bicritnry IllS Eat Jrif1 street Lout
Bwr DrlverH1 Union No 2U7 mift lit leriim
nla llnll IxiuldVlHi first nnd thlnl Wtdiiiw
day of Mich month Kiirtvnt il br thm >
dcfectttiM In Tnulm nnd Liilxir Council I
Krotlierhood PnlntiTX Docorntow nnd PupiT
lmnxcrn mittn mcinid nml fourth Jtomlay
nlKlits In CariHntcrH Hall Htntn nml Market
dtritts Win MOHK Prinlilint J Kd Hucklt
hry 1tCordhllt Scntar3 ilJd tQIII
Central labor Union of JeCersonville
meets third Monday night taoh month
at Kents Hall Oscar I > uffy Secretary
Boat Front street
Lmalffamated Woodworkers Union No W
meets every Saturday night at Berts
Hall W A Stout Secretary 912 EUot
Chestnut street
Brotherhood of Blacksmiths No 429 meets
every W dnes > lay night at Dewts IU11 >
J Chandler Secretary Kentucky ave
Carworlal Painters meet every first and
third Thursday of each month at TIm
mOM Hall Joi Enlow Secretary Pearl
street and Court avenue
Schmidt Moock
House arid Sign
Graining GlazIng
and Calcimining
ome Phone w 543 E Jefferson St
Fine Kentucky Whiskies
Pure Wines and Liquors
tlephone 19482 234 SIXTH STREET
1 J t t
C e r a
CnHi tn < nnd ToliuTH Lncnl No 4M nutIn
ev rr Tliutxluy nt tlirjwntirH Hull State
nnd Mnrkit John Slultini Prwddtnt H A
Hiiivm ComwixmdliiR Hccrrtiiry TSu Wott
CJjrnnniikint Unlmi IIIWIH In Clifiirmnkin
llnll State IM t1I IIIrkt mitt HprluB H < C
mill Thursday nt 7W p m Jnoob irlii
Iniililiiiit Oliiw IfiffiT Siontnry
hat ernationtl Hrlrkliijim Union No 14 I louts
nt LuriHntrni hell every Witlmwlny nlvlit
MIls KnXH > Pnvldint lie Mlldiill Oor
rIMIIUIII1t HIn1I1rr IIIH IIlhrllInu
Inttrntt tutu Hri > tlii > rliiM > il of lIlnokiinilllH
Ixicitl No 41 I I inrrtH nt tluunnukiTx1 itch mo
und limit finn ii Tiuwlnr tights J V Intton
President Phil WWntrrKiT llivonlliiKBfC
himterntmt intel BrotliirlnxKl llvt net Vorkir
tuiftH nt ClKiirmukriV Hull fIt nnd third
Mondny J K Kinder Prcxldiiit J Jiilm
UliniT Secretary
IntiTiintloiml Union of Steam Engine 1n1
No HIS 111011 UIIUKIT 1nvldiMit Mlchnol
llnirnMtnli liiicnil 1 Hivrrtnry nnd Tnnnurcr
DUIWiKt Main street
Iii ruititmmnt WiHxl Carver Asuciat ion
Ixubvlllu Intact nl i Kiiiilxiii In Istcj nilllliiKil
with I New Allnny Tnulin end I tlmrUiiuncll
Iron MonMini1 Union No 1ST inretx first nnd
hint Frltlny nt ClKnnniikrrH1 Hull I 11111I
Wrbrr Irifldiiitj Nmln Wnllnrr Corn I
Himndlnit Hi ri > tnry 17III Knit Otik xtnit
Carpenters and Joiners Union No 633
meets every Friday night at Bests Hall
Thos Heed Secretary
Painter and Paper Hangera Union No
003 meets at Tlmmondi Holt W IL
Carter Secretary Ohio avenue
PaInters and Paper Hangers Union N
1070 meets at Ttmmonda Hall Luke
Short Secretary
Paperhanger and Deooraters meet every
Friday night at Golden Cross Hall J
JT kffoltcr Secretary rot Ohio avenue
Retail Clerks Union No 408 meets at
time and place deolgmated by call of
president Oscar Duffy Secretary S
East Front street
okI 4
manla Hall first and third Tuesday eaoh
i month iJNf m J d u j 1 hfta
at Union Hall first and third Monday
National Alliance llTinWteri nT1I1117
of America Local No t meets at Itoeka
JIall ant Sunday each month li Goer
Irge I Becrotary 611 R Chclnut
Opera I live 1 1asterersT Union meets at
U eka 1111 second and fourth Thursday
each month
liatternmaVer Union meets ooornland S
fourth Tuesday evening at Ilecka HaM
Tavers nnil Itarrnnm meet at Reeks u1i
every fourth We lnfsday aoh month >
1lunikMTs Steam anti doji Vltteni1 UnTon
meets at nooks Holt second and fourth
Wednesday eaoh month
Treismens tfnlnn Uo S8 meets at 1i cltc c
Hall first Wednestlay each month
ISess AfMTsiants arid Job IressmSn 1
Union No a meets at Oermanla Halt
first Monday each nmnth John Schneid
er Iluilneai Agent M West JeTervoaj
Are IroTectlVr Utiloh yfb 8 m oti
at Hebrew Hall l t First street between
8ft Stone Cutters meet at BeckVlTIII
the second and fourth Thursday each
month e
Blenm and Uowatei PiteriThtonS
meets lit Decks Hall fleet and third
Wednesday root monthS S i 1 s 1
t Steam antI 110lltlr litters Iie1it
Union meets at Hecks Hall second lidf
andtuurth f rc
meets at Decks Hall first Monday eaoh
TeX 1IeV fkflll71ttiiner Ial N43
meets at Decks Hall nrst Tuesday of
each mo rift S
TheatrlciJ ddKf fcmpToyes Local No 17
rnoet at becks Hall first Tuesday
morning In each month T J Harmon
Secretary 4W Plait OrllUlby venue
Tritiaeco Workers Union No n meets at
ntxbutlers Hall Green street near
First first and third Wednesday of eaoh
month 4
Tobacco wnT HbiisCoopersT1UnTon meets
Thirteenth and Walnut first and third
Monday In the month
Travelers Goods and Leather Novelty
Workers Union No 8 meets at Ocr
nmnln Unit I lIt emit third t Hntuiilnv < whS
month Win Ifnu Ster tnry 2101 W Mnrkrt S
Tniographla No IS meUi at lleckn Hall
tlrst 1tondty afternoon of etch monthS
Typographical Union No 10 meets at
Dauber Aid Hall Jefferson Street be
low Fourth first Sunday afternoon at
220 of each month John W Owen fteo
retRrtreullrer Hatljuartllrll third
floor over Uunchemeyera drug stors
Fourth and Green Home phone X711
3741qmcsJwurs I
united Urotherhood of Leather Workers
on Horse Goods Local No 14 meet at
Wednesday rf each month Jos Walther
HxrMarv Colnti avenue
united Cloth Hat and Cap Makers Local
Union No 22 meets at I reton and Inr
ket second Tuesday In the month
Uoholsler and Mattres Malccrs1 Union
No K meets nut and third Friday In
the month at Union Hall
itnI Auxiliary to Louisville Typo
nanhlcal Union No 10 meets nut and
Barber Aid Hall Mrs G K Allen Sec i
retary ICO linnt Chestnut street
Wood Carvers Union meets nt Uexks
Hall nrat and third Monday of each
Woodworkrfs Union N iCl meets at Un
Ion Hall first and third Monday In the
month c <
Vood rr orkVr amTM e fal Lftinersv I nke r
national Union Ide K meets at Beck
Hall nrst and third Tuesday of each
Journeymen MnrLiTM1 Union No 101 inert W
Ilt nml third Momtny nt CnriHnt < > ni hail
Htntunnil Market Ilrln Tort Hundrrx Priwl
drntK > 1 HtilnhnuiT ItrcanUnu ttcrvtaryS
aw Piiirl trII I
1tllIr Wnrkirn Twiil No M meets viry
fix < oiiilnndfi > Monday at 7 UII K of I I t
llnll 1iiirl and Miirkrt 1 K Jlrulllnf lnI l
dcntiCliiH Ixultr Hcconllni Secretary 3W
Kiwt Miiln
JUclilnliU Union No 1113 inn U first amid thlnl
Tui ilny nlplitx III ClifnniiukiTx huh Louis
OHlmfir PrfHiilcnt W J LoWh Bivro
tnry HIM I tliiirtrniiitrvrt
Mu liiliinn Muttuil Pnitcotlrii AxxxIutlon No
11 iiiitt nt UfckM Hall In UnI vlllo Ki > pn <
AIINInTroto Itprosntitt l > fc
Troto tndLalwrConncll
ItiliUl Clcrlu Mutual pnitiitlvii Asmx lntlon
No A78 miftM first amid thlnl Krlilur nights nt
Klniir N Whltlmk Hicntnry Hiring itrift I
Htonn MOWJIIM Union inifU nt Citrp ntfn Hull
NtTiind nnd I butt Ii Jlnndny nlirht Peter II
fViimPnvldrati Jiw Klyim Secretary 781
Rut Ktichth
TinniHtcrH Intrrimllonnl Union Ixxul No 432 I
liiiftN xiwond nnd fimrth Hntimlnr It Carpen
toM 111111 Jiw H Hulllvun PriwldoiitIitrr
Dclclmnt IliTonllnir nml CorriKixiiiJIni BiO
retnry I m Kiwt oak S
TJIKnIIaI11 Ullion Nil im iitsts I nllltThl1l14 I
day IIC rnoli tenth nt UlpirinnkiTH llnll
Clinn HchliiKiitcr Iriwliknt j lYnnk Aroii r
linwtiT Bfcnlnry Hurry Hmltli Sicrvtnry
TniisunT 0 C
meets the llrat and third Thursday i
each month at KM Spring street Clues
Sprague Union International Carworkera
day night John Hcnolnr Secretary 831 i 4
Missouri avenue
Sheet Metal Worker Union of Jefferson
vtlta meets second and fourth Thursday
nights at Beats HalL It J M Berry
nn Uh
Teamsters Union No 654 meets at Beats
Hall I nrst and third Wednesday nights
each month
Eats Cuscadens Ice Cream
S i
m k
12 Wagons and Horses 4 Telephones S
S 115
Incorporated 1 r
Both Phones 2718 308 to 320 Seventh St LOUISVILLE KY
1 >
S 5

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