OCR Interpretation

The Washington critic. (Washington City, D.C.) 1890-1890, February 03, 1890, EXTRA, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2008058169/1890-02-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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i i m
AS 1 1 1 Nl iTO . j u WW
WAHlllNHTUN. It. t'
tiik Ht'.viiAY uirrrr.
One jcnr
...1 Cents
Flitulo Copy 8 Cents
J5T C'nrr it, ror moiilli -nt entl
Ily mall, pojtnito paid, onuyoir..! $3.00
Jtymall, postneo im'iI.hK months ROi)
By mall, iitiutop.lld, pur month.. ..V Cunt
XIH11 subscriptions ttiviirltlily m n tvanee.
Tin: cuitio,
WHilitititton, I) c
W AfciHIMlTOX, 1'HIMUAllY :!. 1st")
Mli I THJilt II, I I.S Til. 1 1 6 ; I A S 0 1 '.
It Is Into In the day for .Mr. Thomas of
fcprhigfli-lcl to bii'oini! ennserx uivo In
tpmh, mill tliu statements tli.it llio multi
tude of reporters x ho lime called upon him
tml haxe licunl from hN cti)iiiciit llpn tliu
n nils of wisdom li in- generally been liuic-
rurute, an1 not, under tliu rlrcuinstuncw,
in clved by the public xilth uiifpullllod ml- I
miration. Tin! Pittsburg IHrintrh cnmcn
tloscto tlioiimrk InthecaseoC .Mr. Thomas, ,
who seems to haxc been n much-abused
man. It gtrcs hint full credit for the stern I
Intcgiltj dlsplnjcd xxliuti bo remarks thit
".Mr. Kggcriii.iu showud himself to bo a
piir.on totally ilcstttiito of lionor ntnl mm
boud." "Whnt safety li there," tbo !
jfttclt nuke, "for nu nm'iltlous million ilro It
a legislator, xxhom be has neipilreil at n net
iiihtof ('C0, can turn nioumlnuil vote again
forHliIgheraiidlutcrbtililor" 'Die DUjMlih
in In Its figures. 'Hie iiiiiount of cash nc
pilrtil from Mr. Tboinas bj Mr. Kggt-rninu
vtla WO. Mr. Uitco his not been necusuil
of puttlm; In more tbnn sVK). Tho cnor
rnlly of tbo olTene of Bgerinuii Is to bo
found in the fact lb.it jftur nceeptlug $9)J
fiom one Dcmocr.itlc iiillllon.ilru lioiotod
for another of the wuno Kirt for tho paltry
mm of j.'.OO! 'Hiiro Is a streak of Iti
tODststctiey in this Hint ouht to rmse
rltlier tho public luillgnnttou or ntiuw
Bient. "Tbo reprrhcnlblo prnetice," sus
the MfjxUcli, "of overselllni: the Sena
torial mttrket should be stopped," and Mr.
Thomas should n:;lt.ile In faxor of "atjs
tliu of piotectlvo leKlrtrjtloii of tlui titles
In k'lslators like that of real eitnte, by
which the first pureb.icr uett a legal title,
ml subsequent piirehiiM s m o uriieil off."
If tills should seem dlllleult, It mlqlit do
for the millionaire Input a uuik upon the
legislator, sa a. Mmple bland, such as dis
tinguishes the cnttlo of the severil wncties
u the Western rauget. '1 bo substance of
the uITqIi seems to be that if theie Is nut u
toiiiinitttu of linesltuatlon to determine
tlitexaet luUtloiisbetMLOii the millionaires,
iilio gave of thtlr substance lu furuUhlug
fiimlifoi the riiiidbl lies for tbo I.elsl ituie
l.t-fi te Dm tin linn It Is erj Ini,iortoit
tv Kim Hilar Hie ilMIiiellou that tills win
riMiu lefurothe eletllou -lln.ro s'lo lid tw
li;.Uuitlim InoMlflf to tbo protcetiun of tbu
th'ililni In the NiMturltl iiiictlniH, It is
oiifto nu mi mliu', wo belicie, to lutro
OiKiia little bill to this effect Too p ir
iliiiMi of Siu.itoii.il se.i'3 In Ohio Ins liven
mini i d to such .i sjstun Hi it If it Is n it to
Lc ricogiilLiI In one u.iy. It iniit bo in
Mother. If tbi-ie Is not prosecution, there
iMitbt bo lirotictlou. O'lV uiii'tti Commrr-r!nl-(!i:ettr.
Jly cose la a most peculiar and xexatious
one. Sex en jeais ago I Insured my llfu tor
V"i,C0O In a good company. I xxas thou In
iomparatiid allluent elieumstauece. Two i
jenrs afterward I suffeicil a sudden financial
reverse and xxna obliged to Iijpjthec.ite my
llfo Insurance to n friend, who lomed me
ll,f00 thereon. Subtcipiently be lie.'atiii)
liaiikrupt and trausfcricil the sceuilty and
lb Indebtedness to a third party, ono o
bis ireditors, n monej-loiiicr by birth aud
Perhaps you linvo noticed on the stieeis a
mull xxith a remarkably low bron, an ovll
rye ortwo, a slouching figure, bands which
enn to be clutching forovcr nt something
which eludes them, and a general air of
nioiietaiy depravity. That Is .Mr. llelehen
Hffer, xxbo holds the liisuianco on my life.
If you should need .mother point by which
to Identify him It would bo found In tho
fact that Jlr. Ilelchenllller walks with his
iiead'dowu, looking aluaxs for pennies on
the sidewalk, "You haf no Idea how many
pennies dcro xere on do sidewalk," s lid ho
tii mo one day. "I b.if fount scfentcen In
my life. DIs is n feiy can lets X'orld, my
T bo fact Is Hint Mr. llelchonlliTer is ex
eeedliigly anxious for me to die, and so
sulcnt and persoxcrlng Is ho In tho cxprcs
tion of this wish that ho anuojs me cteeed
iugly. Not that lie ever comes out directly
be is too iulet a man for that ho It, In
deed, In his manner ns solt and soothing us
k silk worm; but every morning when I
emerge from the door of my humble home,
there Is Jlr. Hi lehriillirer at tbo gate xvlth
oi e eje cm tie sidewalk uml the other on
"Coot morning, mj frent," lie si; "It
tJf a pulifiil taj."
'ei.," I antix cr. I urn as brief with him
s i posrlblr,
"Mill." nmaiKs .Mr. Heb liinlllTer, "dtre
vchiuiuli iiialnrlu in tie ntinospheie. Do
m tlicr x u line, hut jiiiloin,. I haf not been
fietlng ferj well mjself lust iiliht. I hope
3 our health 1ms In en excellent, my po-,"
Ibis is on line dajs. On rainy days -Mr.
Jlticbeullffer lemluds mu of tho rheuma
tism ami of the well Known fact that
rheumatism of tho heart Is nearly alxx'ajs
fatU,,pii cold dajs Jlr. IleichenlifTer
in ctuoutly discourses on pneumonia, and
mi hot days he turns to cliokraaud suu
f troke. And then be semis me pamphlets
through the malls loads and loads of
tbtm almanacs containing pages of bitter
advertisements and columns of letters fro-n
nvallds who have been sick unutterably
sick tiacts of ipinek dmtnis xvbo describe
In lurlous terms all the ills that human
flesh has been heir to since tho ilajsof
Adam, and who put Into the head of the
athlete tho notion that he Is trembling on
the x-ergo of nervous prostration. Jlr.
llelilienliffcr aUosciids me all the obituary
notiies be can Iiuil In tliu dallx pipers,
memorial volumes of dead Congressmen,
undertakers' cards, blU of erapo, notices
of eoioners' Impiests, and beaxen only
knows whatnot, l.astweck Icuue home
one exenlng tired fiom work nud there xvas
a btarse at tliu gate. I didn't feel partleu
laily angri I bad gone bejond that.
"Drive on for a little while," I snid to
the gentleman In churgo of tho xehlelo, "I
don't want j ou just now. You have a tele
phone, I suppoi-e"
This morning 1 im.t Jlr. Helchenllirer, as
"Ah, my poy," said he, "ills vas a ter
rlple ttscuse, do grip. 1 congratulate you
oh account jou haf it not. And mjself, I
but it not. It Is a goot thing."
,"1ou haven't Itr" I asked. "When did
jou ever let go of anything"'
"Root enough," exclaimed Jlr. Itelcbeu
IllTer. "You haf a delightful spirits. A
goot Joke dat Is de result of excellent
digestion. You haf gout health, my
frent. Ilut you look pale and tired. lo
tlbly you Imvu not sleep a creut deal, nlcht
1 illel not reply aiiJ presently he Bald
xaiUliigly . "A tousend tollars It Is a goot
nf nl of moii uii.l ilr Interest, II pllos up,
hi d pllts up, Uj li lay It never stop.
tMiili' viil ms Wn km' Iin.l ixlitle 0 t viis
din I In', ilr in i n "i M sllll a plltn' tip.
I ml rn inn il.uit pis It ileio aa do lu
ll list on do luti-retf iiml ilo Interact on du
liitircst of tip Inii'imt "
1 walked In iilijut silence. In a little
xxhllu ll" Klllll
"DIs vas a lion xnrtit solir hart. I f It
vasn't one tlug It vas another. .My poy,
did jou lITci stop to consider vol vonre
linn' for? Hint lim oasy mil one pistol to
forelt nil iloo tnriuive iiml linf boaeo?
Dure' no lliiff llko hence. Alicr jou
inuiu't Ut so gloomy thoughts In your
Iikai, my piiy jou limit pmco up tako
nni of xoiirn-lf iiml "'
Tom I'i in r It re sill n bigger inftu In ?cw
Yiuk Hum Ward McAllister.
Hill bo in tbe jiiuth thit summer day
As ho smoto nt tho ribs of earth,
And bo piled bis pick with a merry clliik
And bo whislliil anon in inirlh;
And thncoiiMmit tbuUKht of tils doar irao'n
becincd to Illumine that ghostly rlii o.
1 he (jnunt Karth envied tin' lover's Joy
And she mm ed mid ulunpd on hit head
With no ono tilghunil with noverii ery
llio biMiitifnl buy luy dead;
Aiifi the trtnfiiio ho imcht for hit sweot
heart fair
Crumbled and rliuitf to hit Kbirlous lillr.
Kill i ears It iiinlKhtyipiec
In tbo huiiuiii toll for bnvl'l,
Hut to I.ovo and to Death 'lis ineiely a
A ilronmthut It ipiloklj sped;
1 If i r ytnrt, and tbo fair lad lay
.luitiis ho fvlltt'iit summer day.
At Inst enmo oilier In ipiest of Kohl
Ami honed In that numntaln place,
And deep In tho ground ono tbno the found
Tlio boy with the "lulling face;
All unconupt by tho pitiless nlr
He lay with hit crown of golden hair.
lhcy born him up to tho sun again
And laid lilinboldo tho brook,
And the folk tnmo down fiom the busy
To wonder and mate and look;
And so, to n world that knew him nut,
Tbo boy came back to tho old time spot.
Old Unrbiirn hobbled ninong tho rest
I Wilnkli d iiml bono J wns she
And she gao a ery us she farm milh:
' .At Inst ho Is coiiio to mo I '
And she hntelcd by tbo sldu of tbo dead boy
And sho killed hltllpt and she stioked hit
1ml i-
"TlilnuvjcMiru sealed, oh, doiiestonol
And better it It 'tis o
i EUo thou mlKhtst seo how harsh with mo
Dealt t.l'o thou couldst not know;
I Kliidllci Death has kept Art fair
1 The not inn of Life hath been my ehiie'"
Ilnib.ira I owed heriiged faco
And slept on tho breast of her dea I,
And the golden hair of her dear oco thorn
Uncased hei snow white head.
Oh, Life it suiet with its touch of pain.
Ilut sweetir tbo Heath that Jjliiollln 3
txiulti "
1. 1 rn (in i hi: 1,1.1111:.
All .ctlrs Siijh It Ik llnox enltllt unit
full til lliircl Wor'e.
i All tbu stnju stniek Riils llir iiibo it
' tlio length mill bii-aillb of ibis 1ml
' fmrx that nu aclic-s' llfo must be ,m
i Ideal ono, full of inhibition, lluttcry,
! nimiHiiicnt, 1ir,lr.ictIon. An ncticss
x ns fipeaUing of Ibis tome. Shu U a
I xxomnn xvbo, by tlint of millions work,
bus climbed for up the ladJev of fume.
I "Jly life Is eiy uneventful," sbu
said; "it is full of bard nml motioton-
oui woik. lAuitemcntr tut, nt night,
w lien lam bcTovo tliu
pulillp; but for
Minpose 1 give
tliu leit of tliu tl.iv, no.
jou oiio ilnj s routine, nnd you can
judge for youtsclf wbcthoi' rav life is
otic lound nt c.liiliii,ilion and plcasiue.
At 9 in the mmnlng I ting for my
bouillon. After I lmvo llnlshodit'l
tii leu a rold lntb nud then mj' bieaU-fnt-t.
Unless I am due nt tho theatre
fin a long, ledioiis roheirsal of four or
five boms, 1 attend to mj- coirespond
enee, sorting mid niiiweiing v.uious let
ters. After Hint is finished, nnd my
household duties mo looked lifter, I go
tor my constitutional x idle of lo or
tlneo botitn.
"1 eat no luncheon, nnd when I le
tin ti fiom my peicNo It is neatly time
foi my dinner, for I dlno at 4.110. After
this iue.il is oxer I lme just u little timo
to lest befoioilie leal business of the
twenty-four hums begin. I must bo
nt the tbeatie by T.tJl) slinip. At mid
night I nni home again, and after sup
per I go to bed. Xovx-, tlint is a fair
hample of my life. Kiery hour has its
duties. 1 hsixo systematized my xvoik
nnd nllotied my time so tlint there tiro
veiy few Idle moments." f. Aijuw lie-
Tusliio of the Pi-lien Clark.
Washington rejoices In a justice or tho
pence bj the name of Clark. Washington
may xvcll rejoice, for Justice Clark over
rules the Supiemo Court of the United
States xxith the utmont enso. It was thus:
A landlord uml tenant enoo was before
his Honor, An attorney was reading from
"Tnjlor on I.undloid and Tenant," a de
cision of thu fcnpieino Court of tho L'nltel
htates, xxbich was precisely In point. But
the decision did not commend itself to the
legal Judgment ami acumen ut Justice
Clink. lie nipped and Intel ruptcil tho at
torney. "'1 hat will do," ho said, "You
neidn't read any fuither or proceed with
xour argument. If tbo Supreme Court ot
thu Untied States chooses to err that is no
reason xx bx this court should. I give judg
ment for the plaintiff."
.Inlinsoii MiMimlerstooil Her.
.Mistress of the House (widow) Well,
Johnson, of course I'm x ery sorry to loso
jou; at the same time I must congratulate
jou on jour good fortune In having this
money left jou. (Pleasantly.) I suppose
j-ou'll ho looking out for a xvlfo noxv?
Johnson Well, mum, hoggin' jour pai
ilou, and I'm sure I feel greatly honored at
what jou propose, but er I'm engaged to
a jouiig xx email nlrcadj-. (li lp.
A Wise Precaution.
.Mr. Wllllnins-Wln' jo' doln' tint fo'.
Mrs. Jo'son, puttln' moi-qulto nets up dls
t f ttio In de jcaif
Mm. Johnson Wnul, yo' sco do doctor
tolo me de air war full of deso jer grip mi
cro beis, so I'so takfu' prceotlons agin get
1 1 it 'em Into de hoitco JIarji'r'i Ittivir,
Ollllllllil us llnll I'outl.
I'oubtlcss most people have at aotno time
in their lives been obliged to tako piliiiuo.
I DIsciiImi It ns one will, In enptules or gela
1 tine covers, It Is a bitter dose. Think, then,
of a count!- where It Is an article in dally
lite, placed upon tho table us regularly as
tbu bread, laucb Is the caso In portions of
Afrlra. 'lhe unitios do not need It, of
course, litciuixo tbej are boin to tho cli
mate, but quinine Is the white man's shield
1 from malm In. A missionary I.ulj xvbo lived
ior ninny xenrs on mo west e oast ol AHIca
told mo thatwheii pcrlecily well sbu took
six grains ot epilnlno oxery day In oulor to
keep well, and that in her family of three
iiersous tbey uied on uu avei age nu ounce
In six weeks. One can run ox-er tho table
of weights and easily see xvh.it a large
number of grains au ounce contains, Wule
CniiMuuptliiii sjiiruly Oureil.
Tu the l'.diliir-
l'lense Inform j our mailers that I have u
posltixe remedy for nbovo-iinined dljeae.
Ily Its timely use thousands of hopelost
eases haxo been permanently cured. I
shall bo glad to send two bottles or my
remedy I'uun to any of jour readers who
haxe consumption If they will send me
their Express and I'. 0. address, lictpect
fully. T. A. Htoccxr, M. C , 181 Pearl
street, New York.
Tho I'rnetlri'of Tultlni; IVrvmul ltnnit
'rlll,l.-il.itt It lnipl llio I'roin
l of n I'l'lsoner to llerorm," S.i.it
illlltKO Mllli.
inimy vcais been a
There has for
question in tbo minds of those xvhohnve
to do with tidmlnlMoiIng the Inw In
Wfislilugton m to xvbether a jtidgo lias
tlio power to tako the personal bonds of
a prisoner brought before him for Irlul
llcccntly there bns bei it u great deal of
discussion on nccotiut of a decision
mndo n xveek ngo by .ludgo JIUlei la
tho Police Court, nnd tbu legnl fnter-
nity of tbo "lly it dltldcd on the ijui't.
tion. The tcim is n intanliiglost one,
and of iboni'iir 12,000 people wnlklng
about the lirtts of Ibis elty xxhoh.ivi'
givon their pet sonnl bonds, not one of
thrm, pel haps, could dcfluu the phrase.
It is the Me noir of the members of
tho police forrc, nnd they will bo chid
to'knoxv tlint in Hie opinion of the u?t
legal tali nt oi tne (iy it xxui soon inn
into diMiM1.
Tin. i'oi.ki: oiricrts i'i.i:vsr:i).
The oflli er, who bus n good record
and wonts to make u belter otic, con
siders that when the bonds of bisptls
ouir me tnken it is a (.-unsure upon tliu
ivniiniT in which bis duties uro pi-i-foriiied,
nnd llu-y speak In tbu most ills
nppioxiug terms of the custom.
.Samuel C. Mills Is a Justice of tho
Pence, nud when Judge Jliller Is in
disposed he occupies the bem-h of the
Police Com t "J made n decision ro
ccutly," ho snid, in answer to the re
poitcr's question, "lo tho effect that a
man was either guilty or innocent.
That is patent to every ono and needs
no explanation. If lie is guilty bu
should suffer, If not, bo should go fice.
There is no middle ground, but this Is
just what 'personal bonds' creates.
omoiN or Tim riutrrici:.
"Tho prnctiro originated in tho higher
(-nulls some years ngo, nnd fiom them
tlesu-udcd to us. They were taken in
rrimlnnl enses, in xxhicb tho Court did
not think the defendant h id mtde him
self liable lo Kcntetu u, and yet whew
the fuels showed that he had been con
cerned in the clinic. Tho practice Is
nothing more nor less than an assump
tion of n piivllegc which, by light, be
longs nlono to the pardoning power,
muf which alone should be exercised b'
them. Tlio Coiiimissioncis have that
power and tho President has it, but the
Court does not and was never intended
to have. Tho thing in itself amounts
to nothing nnd I doubt uceedinglj'
that, if the bond were violated, whether
it could be collected. It is simply tlio
promise of the prisoner to reform; only
thnt and nothing moic."
what Tin: i.vwyi:u? six.
"1 am opposed to tbo pi.ictice," snid
Mnji r II. II. Johtp-oti, a prominent at
ti nu j, -'and nm glad to Uuow that it it
to be abolished. His a usurpation of
power and ono tli.it does n gri-u deal of
ilium. Conviction or ncquitt.iliswb.it
the courts should find, that is ivlnt they
me theie for."
Captain Chniles C. 31. I.oulll-r an
sweicd tho question, when it xxas put lo
him, bj' a stoiy, ns he usually diet.
'I be custom, he snid, reminded him
of a story he bean) Ileniy Ward
licc-chei- tell one day when asked his
opinion as to whether a man ,vb03o per
sonal bonds bad been taken by the court
xx ns guilty or not. "Tho judo nd
mittcd that tbu defendant xvas Inno
cent," bo said, "but mule him promise
Unit ho would never do so again."
I " Hint s the xvholu case In a nutshell,
i Mild the Captain.
noiiuv tvo.xiKN oi' iiosiei.v.
Mroiic-.MIiiileil uml Jlstliolto
lo I
Wear CIollus fluicerully.
It Is feared that lloston women can
never claim tho title of being xvell
drcsscd, says the Boston Herald. Do
what tho fexv may to asplte to that
fax'oritc veidict, there is alxvays the or
dinniy iincoisetcd, hygienic mnjoiity to
eountcuict it. It would be laughable
xx ere it not p itbetic to note the short
comings in 'this ono direction of tho
average Uostoti woman. She has as
much opportunity, as many means of
dicssing well as xvomen clsexvbcte, but
she invaiiablj' fulls in producing tho
ellect which strikes the obsci ver in Now
ltcgnul the tlnongs of women who
daily pnss up arid doxvn llovlston stiect.
for iubtnnce, nnd point out ten, if you
can, who become their clothes or xvbo
cany tbemsel-es xvlth grnco nnd ele
gance. Nearly all have been to fash
ionable tailors, xx ho hnx-c done what
lay within their power to gi-o eliii, air. i
btyic; out tne tsoston xvoman 18 stub
born. She xvill not permit her precon
ceived notions to bo displaced by the
nexvust fashions; sho xvill not wear a
corset; she will wear a hygienic waist,
if she wants to; she xx-on't wear her hnir
except so nnd sho xvill kick up her
skirls ut the back because her gymni
sitim teacher tells her to bring all the
muscle? into play when she. xvalks.
ItcMiles this, "sho is iu hasto. How
can sho tako life easily and gracefully
xxben sixty different calls nre being
mndo on her lime mid brain nil at once?
The art of wearing her clothes woll is
unknown to her. She puts them ou.
She does not mako her toilet. She
wouldn't bo guilty of "prinking,'' nor
of being suio her boots wero xx'dl
blacked; nor would this usual llotton
woman consider it worth her while to
tako nhandmiiror to see if tbo angle
of her viiluous bonnet corresponded
with tlio angles of her profile and her
back hnir. It Is these little omissions,
delsihi T of ''woZ;
'wdeS, " l8 ,,L "rSSnVZ'r
ti.n..;i. ..iiin.,i Tf;.;. Va '
though critical, oWncis.
Rcnix Tin: firelight slilucs through tlio
Chasing nxniy nil the shadow and gloom;
J.lglit-iietirtccl children uro prattling In glee;
l'litlier Is as happy ns happy can lie.
For tlio xx Ifu and mother who tu!Terol so
Is getting her health back, and soon xvill
lo strong;
Ami xvlio Is so happy as slio Is to night,
As (hit thinks ot the sliajow Unit's taken
Its lllclit
tlio slijdow of elljenso Hint ilarkuns so inimy
lionire, unci makes tlio llfu ot wife and
mother ono of terrible sullcrliig, IIocv
plensi'd xx e uro to know that ut last a remedy
lias been found for all tbou delicate do
ruiigcuieiits and xxeukimses peculiar to
women. Itconus to clu-crlost, homes with
"gluel tidings of gieat joy." Dr. Plureci's
Fuvoilte I'rescilptlou lias done for women
xx lint no other leuiedy has dune, or cau do,
mid It Is not to bu wondered at tliut women
xxlio have been cured by it am so cntliii
elastic In Its pruUe. It Is tlio only medi
cine for xxoiueii sold, bj druggists, under a
jmtltlte giMumtietrmntho manufacturers
of satisfaction, or money icturiiud,
''nil up tileiilioiio No. U51-2 and order
'Iin; Cinrie de-llxere-il to jou for X cents a
An Ilupiil lillit r.leiiliuil.
Of Hie sueeesa of Hood's iarsaparllla tlios
fact that every purcliaser rec-i-lvos a fair
eiliilxulcnt for his inouey. Tlio fainlllai
headllno, "100 Doses Ono Dollar," stolen by
Imitator, Is original xvlth and truo only of
Hood's BarsapnrtHa. 1k!a can easily bo
proven by any ono who desires to test the
matter. For real economy, buy only Hood's
t-arnparllla. Hold by all druggists.
' Vmlj on will positlvidj' mnrry liur,
If slu Mill lliie ou: '
"Jiol n iloulii of oliliur. Iloforo thh
ilriy forltitght rhe sli ill bu Mttilnmo Vft i
"You will iiinUo Iter yntir vvlfo with
""J nl'Hn '' 'lth your Into p -
mil V lit
"Indeed will I. -My very position 10
quitesit. Theio's no loom for a nr-iu-pic
Hho expects to live on tny fortune;
thinks to intiko a great catch of the
licb Dutchman Instead of that I sh ill
tpoinl bei salary. The oldstoty; going
out;rof wool nnd letmning shorn."
The conveisatlon of which this is bu
concluding ftagincnt. occurred in t'n
public loom of the Hotel de Ilosse, 1 1
the illhigo of Ilomburg on tho IM1
then mi Iiisigulllcnul handful of ho mm
olllclallngns capital of tliu Impiitun
litndgrav.itu of Hesse llomlmrg. 1'u
table d'hote bad been ox- -r som, li n
the attests had depnite-d lo tupoti- In
their npmlmcnts until the hour of
ex cuing piomcnnclc sliouhl summon
them to tbo excellent band of music
ptovldtd by tbu calculating liberality
of tho gniiilng-houso keepers, unci to
loiter in mid tlio brunnen, of moio oi
less nauseous llnvor, tbo pictext of to
soit to Ibis lemlc.xous of idlers nud
gniublciri. Tho xvnlte-rshad (lisai)pc ired
to batten on the bioken ine.its fiom the
public table, and lo d ize a,vay tho
lime till the approach of supper ic
nexxul their nctivlty. Jly interlocutor,
with whom I was alone in the dutciitud
aiinrlincnt, was n niniiof about IJOj-c.irs
ot age, whoso dark halraud moustijcbot.
maikcd features, spite pcison mil
complexion bronzed by a tropic I1 un,
entitled him to pass for a nnttvo of South
t-in Kutope, or ex en of some moio ar
dent clline. Novcrtbuless, he nnsivcre I
to tho veiy Dutch patronymic of Van
llnubitz, nnd xvas a native of Holland,
in whoso principal citj" his father was
a banker of considerable wealth and
linnudnl influence.
It was towards the close of a gloilout
August, and for two months I had been
wandering in llhlnelnnd. Not after
tho fashion of deluded Cockneys, who
fniicy they have "ecu tho llhlno
when they have cnieered fiom Cologne
to IMiinnhuimnstiido of n steam engine,
gnping nt objects passed as soon as pji
ceived; diiuking and paying for in
dllTetcnt vinegar ns Steinbcrgc-r Cab!
net, eating vile dinners on the decks of
stenmeis, nnd excellent ones In tho
capital hotels which British e.isb nnd
pntionngo have raised upon tbobiuks
of tbu most renoxxned of German
sticnnis. On the contrarx, I had early
flflttnntf ll lII1, lltn util nf cl.inin tt I
wnndei on foot, with the occasional as
v..iUhv.. .,... ...w ..... . ..U., v-f ;
sistnnce of a lay diligence or rickety
einajMiincr, through tho mnuj' biMiiliful
districts that lie upon e'tber btnk.if
the ilxei; pcdestrianlslii in Itioniti
15ax ai l.i, losing myself in the ()l-i
xvnld nnd pausing, when nc-iim
oflcied, to pick a tiout out or th ti i
melons blieamlets that dasli mil nu-i .
dcr Ihioiigh dell nud toxlne, on tin- r
xvnj- to swell the xvaleis of old iuiior
IthiiH'. At last.weaty of S)!itul:
scnicely bioken by an occasionil ostlo
with n heavy Qeimnti boor, x ilia .re o .!
or tlrolling student I Ihiisiel after
tho haunts of civilization, and found
myself, within a day of the appear nice
ot mc symptoms, installed in a lnx.il
rlousholel m the ficecily of Frankfoit-on-thc-Slnlnc.
Bui Fiankfort at tint
season is deserted, save by passing
tourist, who escape as fast a possible
fiom its lifeless stieetsand sun-bilked
pavements; so, after glancing over an
Kngllsb nexvspnper at' tlio Casino, tnk
ingone slioll in tlio beautiful garden
Buiiounding tbo cllj, and another
tin ough the Jew quaiteis aiwaj-s in
teresting and cut ions, although uny
thing but bavory at thatwaim scnton
I gstbered together my baggage and
was off to llombutg. There I could
not complain of sollliido, of dcscilcd
streets and shiitlcicd xvimloxvs. It
seemed impossible that tho multitude
of gailj'-dicssed belles nnd cawalier,,
English, French, German and Ituss,
who, fiom 0 in tlio morning until sun
set, lounged nnd flirted on tbo walks,
wntcied themsehes nt tbo fountains
nud perilled their complexions iu the
golden sunbenms, could ever bustow
themse-hts In tho txvo or tin ee mid
dling hotels nnd few score shabby lodg
iiig.houes composing the toxvn of
Hombuig. JIan.igo It tbey did, hoxv
cvcr;ciept into their nnrroxv cells at
night, to emeige next morning, like
j bultciflics
lrom tlio enrysalis, gav,
bright and brilliant, nnd to recommence
the never-x nryitig but pleasant lound
of eating, sauntering, love-making and
gambling. Jiommug xvnsnot then xvhat
it has since become. That great house
of cauls, the nexv Cursaal, had not yet
arisen; and its tabic (i'hoto, reading
room and profane mysteries of roulstto
and rouge-et-noir, found temporary
domicile in a nanoxv, disreputable
looking den in the inalnMicct, xvlierono
coiiimodnttoas of nil kinds, but es
pecially for dinner, wns scanty iu the
extreme. The public tables at the
hotelb xxeie consequently thronged, and
there noqiuintnnccs were soou miule.
The day of my arrival at Hoinburg I
was seated next to Ynn llaubitz.; bis
mnnuci- wns olT-luiud and flunk; wo cn
leiecl into eoiHeisiilion, took our after
dinner cigar and evening stroll together,
and by bedtime had ltnockcd up th it
soit ot intimacy easily continctcd at a
wnjerlng-placc, which lasts one's time
ofiesidenco, and is extinguished and
foigollcnon dcpniture. Van llaubitz,
like many Continentals nnd veiy fmv
Knglishmen, xvas ono of those frcc-and-casj'
communicative persons xvlio mo as
familiar after twelve bonis' acquaint
I twelve yen s anu o d. not 'l e ita te I
' locmXoV
I the history of tbclr livens, tbei'rpuisulls,
ance ns if they had known tou for
position mm piospecis. 1 xvns soon
mado aeep.nintl-d. to a veiy consider-
i nuio cxieni, ut least, xvnn itioso ol my
filend Van llaubitz., Into lieutenant of
nrtillciy In the seivico of his Majesty
I the King of Holland. Ho xvns the
i youngest of four hons, nnd having
shown, ut a veiy enily ngo, a wild anil
inlmctublo disposition and piccoeiotis
addiction to dissipation, his father pio
nouiiccd him unsulted to business, nnd
decided on placing him in tbo aitny.
To this thOiNNAcrOio claimed nobillly,
and displayed nbovo his arms a species
of coronet, bearing consldciiibloieseni
blanco to n fingment of chcvauK du
fiise, xxbich he might hnx-e been puz.
sded to piop with n piichnicnt) had no
puiticulnr objection, nnd might hnx'o
mndo a good enough olllcor, but for his
lccklcss, Mitudthiift matinci- of life,
xvblcb entailed negligence or duty anil
frequent lopiitunnds. Hxtriivagmit be
yond mensuin, tinuhlo teiclenj' himself
nny gititiflcntloii. biiuaiidciing money
ns though millions xx-eio nt his com
mnnd, ho xvas cons itintly ox-ci whelmed
xvith debts nud n mnityr to duns. At
lust his father, nflei thrice clear
lug him xvlth his cicditois. eoti
cIltcd to do so a fourth time only
on condition of his getting ti.ms
turicd lo a lcgiincnt stationed In the
Hutch Km-t Indies, and remaining
theie until his icturn bad the paternal
sanction. To avoid n piisun, and par
haps not altogether sony to leave n
countiy where his ensb and credit weio
nllkooxhnustcd, lie ombnikcd for Ba
taviii, But any pleasant d ij- dicams ho
iinyhaxe ihrrltbcl of tiopieal lu
lies, of the liiilii'eeim'ftf h..m h ' '
llfo In a grnss biimniook, guitlj oil
nneedby Jnx-nii bomls Inmeith biun-n
shade, of spire h'li-u bi-ee.et nnd e il
sherbets nud oilier attributut of a M
hniinuednti ninnlUe, wore sp-'-l .
ily ilislp.tpil bxr Ihc tulloiit tu
uliies nt lillh nnd vi-rmlu, mirub
fever nud iiioscpiltos llu wrot to
bis father, describing tho horrors of ,
tho plncu, and begging to bo reh'ied
from his pledgo nml allowed to icturn
to Holland. Iltsobditraic prog'onllor te
piled by n letter of reproach, ami s.voio
that It he left lUtavln ho might live on
Ids paj , nnd never expect a stiver from
tbo p-itoi nut strong box. either at gift'
en bequest. To live upon his pay xvoulil
hnx ei been no casv matter, oven for n
inmo prudent pel sou than Van II iu
bltz. liogriunbied timnoilcriliily, sn ire
like a pagan, but temittiod whuro hi
xn. A xc-ir passed and ho could hild
out no louver. Disregarding tbo pi
h unit dWplciMiie nud reckless of cut
M-qut-iu e, he npplli-d to tbo ehtof tnln
tnry iiiiiboriH of Ibe eolonv for leiv.i
of ' iibc nee lie xvis inked hi plot
mil nllem-tl 111 health. Tho goner il
ll ought ho looked pretly well, iiu.l r
c nested tbo fight of a medical corllll
catoof bis nvalld slntc. V'an llau
bltz nssumed a doleful couiilcuauconiid
betook blni to tbo surgeons. They agreed
xxith tho gemrnl that his aspect wis
Ticnlthy; nskc I for symptoms! could
discover nono more alarming" than reg
ularity of pulse, sleup, appetite and dl
gistion; laughed in Ids face and ro
rilM-d Ihocetlilhinto. Tho Sickly gun
ner, wlin bad the constitution of it ih!
lioc-eros, nud had nuver bad a day's ill
ness since ho got over the measles at
the ngo of I ycai s, waited a little mil
tiled the second "dodge" usually ro
soitcdtoln tch cases. "Urgent pri
vate nlliilrs" wore noxv tbu pretext.
The gcnenil expressed his regiet that
urgent public nffalrs rcndcied It impjt
siblo for hiin lo dispense with the valu
able services of Lieutenant Van Ilau
bilz. Ayiiercupon Lieutenant Van llnu
bltz passed half nn hour in heaping
maledictions on the head of his diso
bliging commander nnd then sat down
nnd xvipto mi application for nu ox
change to thoaullioilltcs In Holland.
Tho reply xxas equally unsatisfactory,
the fact being thai Ilaujiit. senior; like
nn iinplncnbfc old sax-agons ho xvas, hid
nmde interest ut the xvnrolllooforthare
fusal of all such lequcsts on tbo part of
his scapegrace oflspiing I Inubitz, juulor
took patience lor another year, and
then, in a moment of extreme disgust
and eni.ui, thrcxv up bis cotnmlsilon
and rctuincd to Duiope, tiusling, ho
told mc, thnt niter flvu years' abseucc,
tlio governor's bowels would yearn to
wards his youngest bom. In this bu
wns cntlrclj- mistaisuij ho greatly un
cicrrntcu uio tougimcss ot paternal
visceia l-'nr from killing the fatted
nnl f rn ilin vrrllfrnl'a tntiit, ilm In
v... v.. i.iv l..vv.,j,..l o .v......, ...v ..."
censed old tioltaniier rctuscd nun tliu
smnllest cutlet, nud, shutting tho door
in his face, consigned him, with moro
eneigy llinn aircction, to the custody
of the evil one. Van llaubitz Ihm
himself in nn nwkw.ml tlx. C-cilit ..i
dead; none of lila relatives xxonld u i.l,
1 or assist him; his xvhol. fot'.iu
sisttd of a dozen gold Wiuu mi-, i
this i-iitleiil moment mi eeo-it-c
mniden mint, to whom, a jeaiortxo
pioxiouslj-, ho bad scut u propitlnry
olleiing of ti ling-tailed monkey and
leash of pca-fiieon parrot, nnd who
had nevti tondcsi ended to ncknowl-
edge the present, dcpai ted this life be
oucatlilng him lLi.ouu Ilorins as a ic
turn lor the addition lo her menagerie.
A man of common prudence and xvbo
had seen himself so nenr destitution,
xxould hne endcavoted to employ this i
sum, moderate as il was, in some trade I
oi business or, at any rate, would have
lixed sparingly till ho found other re
sotuccs. But Haubilz had not yet
soxxn nil his wild onts: he had a soul
above bnrtci, n glorious disicgard of
the futuic, the present being pro
xided for; ho loft Holland, shak
ing the dust from bis boots, dashed
across Belgium and xvas soon plunged
in the gnictics of a Paris carnival.
Breakfasts at tho Iiochcr, dinners nt
the cafe, balls at tho opcia and tho
concomitant pctits soupen nnd ccnrlc
parties xvith tho fair denizens of tho
Qunrtler Lorette, soon operated n prod
igious chasm In tbo monkey-money, ns
Van llaubitz. irreveiently styled his
venci nblo aunt's bequest. Spring hnv
ing arrived, ho beat a ictrcat from
Paris and established himself at Ilom
burg, w lieu ho wns quietly completing
tbo consumption of tho 10,000 florins
at rather a slower paco than he would
have done at that hendqumtcrs of pleas
nut iniauily, the capital of Fiance.
From hints he let fall, I suspected a
short lime would siiflico to see the Inst
ol the legacy. On this head, however,
ho bud been less confidential than on
most other matters, and certainly his
wanner of living would havo led no
ono lo suppose "bo was low in tho
locker. Nothing was too good for him;
hcdinnk tho best of xx-ines, got up
parties and nic-nics for tho ladies, and
had a special addiction to tho purchase
of costly trinkets, which ho generally
gave nxvay befoie they had been a day
in his possession, lie did not gamble;
be hnd done so, ho told me, once sinco
ho wns at Ilomburg, and bad won, but
he bud no faith iu bis luck or tastu for
that kind of excitement, and hhoulil
pluy no moro. He xvas playing another
gone just now, which nppiruntly in
terested him gicntly. A few days
befoie tnjself, a young aciess,
who. xxithin a very short time, had ac
quired considerable celebrity, had ar
riqed nt Ilomburg, escorted by her
mother. Frnulein Kmiiio Sundel xvas
a lively lady of four-and twenty or
theieiibouts, possessing a smatt figure
and pretty face, tbo latter xvanting
somewhat in refinement. Her blue
eyes, although i other too prominent,
had a merry spaiklo; her cheeks had
not vet been enllielv desnoilud hv en
xious rouge of their natural, healthful
tingo, hair, of that peculiar tint of red
nubuiii xvbich the Ficuch call n blomle
hatauh, was moio lemmkablo for
abundance and flexibility than for fine
ness of tcxtuie. As regnrded her qu il
ilics nnd accomplishments, she
xvns good hummed nud tolerably un
affected, but wllfull and capricious as a
spoiled child; sho Mioko her own lan
guage pietlj' well, xxith mi oconsloiiul
j slight vulgarism or bit of green-room
slang; hnd a smattering of French, and
piaycti tne piano sullicicnlly to nccom
jinny the ballads and vaudeville ulrs
xxhicb she sang with spirit and con
erablo fiecdoni of style. I had met
German netiesses who xveto far moio
Indy like olT the btngc, but tbeio xns
nothing glaringly or lcpulsively vulgar
about Bmlle, iiuil ns a neighbor tit a
public dinner tabic, she was amusing
and quite above par. Ar If tovlndleato
her nationality, sho xvnuld ocensiounlly
look bcutlmeulnl, but tlio mood sat 111
upon her nnd never lusted long; cotn
cely was evidently hr nntiir.il llnu.
Against her icputntlon, iiimor, alxvays
nu iniliilsltlvo ecnsoi, often a mem li
beller of Indies of the uiofcssion, hnd
nsyct, Bofui- us 1 could lenm, found
nothing to ullcgo. Hur mother, a ellngy
old doxvneer. xxith bad teeth, dowdy
gowns, npmfiislon oi iiilillcliil lloweis
nml u stiong addlellon to tea ami knit
ting, pcifcctly understood the duties of
ducnmiEliip, nnd did propriety by bei
ilaiigbtci'b side nt dluiiei table and
promenade. To the heuit of tbu diirjh
tcr, Vim Haubilz, almost fiom thu
fjist hour bo had seen her, had laid
persevering nijd determined siege.
During our after dlnne'r hie it tett on
Ibo day now lcfeirnl lo, my ftlund lb"
gunner hiul shown himself evceedlilly
uiircsctvcil, nnd, iihout any atti n.it
on my part to draw htm out, ho had
clucldhlid, w tb a rinnkncs that limit
have satlslled tho mos luciulsltlve,
wlintcvcr sin ill points of his recent his
tory nnd present position ho lul
piovioiisly left tu nliti-iirliy. Too cou
virsatlon began so soon as the cloth
was removed mid thu guests btid de
pnrtcd. by n iestlmr allusion on iny inrt
to his flirtation xxlfh tho acttoss mil to
her nrnelotts reception of his nttoutlons. cended the stair". On the liituliiir
"It is no mere llirtatlon," said Van, plnco I found myself faco to f.tcc vtlitt
graven'. "Jiv Intentions nro serioti.
You may depend Mademoiselle Scndcl
uniicrsinntis tlit-m ns such."
"Seriousl You don't mean that you
xvanl to innrry herV"
"L'liqttesilomibly I do. It Is my only
"Your only chance!" I ropeatod, co i
sldcrnbly puzzled. "Are j'ou about to
tmn nclbr, and do you ti list to her fir
liisliuctlott in histrionics?"
"Not exactly, I will explain, hi
Sendel, Jou mut know, has just te-rnii
unted her last eiigagoinent, xx lileh was
nlntalnryol 10,000 ilorins. She bit
nlrcadj leeched mid accepted mi offer
of a new- one, nt 13,0011, from 111)
Vienna Theatre. Vienna is n very
plensnitt place. Plftecn thousand Ilorins
nro 32,000 fumes, or 1,200 or your
Dngllsh pounds Bturllng. Upon tint
sum two persons can live excellently
xxell in Germany, at least."
Unablo to contradict any of tbeso as-sc-itlons,
I hold my tongue? Thu Dutch
mnn resumed:
"Yon know tho history of my past
life; livill toll you my piesent position.
Ills critical enough, but 1 shall inl
ine) vo It, tin hore,"and ho touched bis
forehead, "Is xvbnt nox-er full me.
This letter." (ho produced an epistle of
mercantile nsnoct. bearinc: tbo Amster-
ilnm linct.mnl L.X "f vnriitx',nl Inch ivnnl- I
from my eldest brother. Tho shabby
uh(lm declares ho will leply to no
moic of mine: that his effoies to ar
range matters with my father have been
fruitless, and thnt the old gentlcmnn f
has strictly forbidden him and his
biothtrs to bold any communication
xvith mc, a command they seem xvilling
enough to obey. So much for that.
And now for the finances."
He look out his pockctbook, opened
and shook it n lliniy, ciumplcd bit of
paper fell out. It xas a nolo of the
bank of l-'innee for 1,000 I't.incs.
"My Inst," said he. "Thnt gone, I
ntu n beggar. But it xx-on't como to
that, either, thanks to Fr.iulein
"Surely," said I, "you are too reck
lcs of monev; too cxliax-ngant and un
letlcctitig. Six" montliH ngo j'ou told
mc j-ou bad twenty such notes.""
"Ay, txvcntj'-txx o exactly at Ihc end
of Jnuuary when I left Anistcid.ini.
But whither was I bound? To Paris,
nnd who can cconomlso there? I've
hnd my money's xvorlh and could have
had no moic had I dribbled the dirty
10,000 Ilorins over Unco yems instead
of thicc months. 1 take great credit
for making it last so long. Such sup
pus, nnd balls, and orgies, xvlth the
pleasnntcst fellows mid picttlost ac
trccs in Pnrls. But the louis d'or loll
inpidly in that sort of society. One
must be a Kussian piinco oi a French
ft ulllclom'fte to keep it up 1 never
lllnched nt anything so long ns tho
money lasted. Then, when I found
myself reduced to tho last note, I got
into the Frankfort mail nud eumo to
rusticate at this mini roulette table. Mr
noxt change xvill bo to conjugation and
mil it you iinei only i.oiw rinncs
on leaving J'ai Is, and hax-o got them
still, hoxv have you lived since?"
"You don't suppose these arc the
same? Theie me not .many ways of
getting tluough money hero unless one
gambles, which I do not; but coin has
somehow or otbei a peculiar aptitude
to slip through my fine en, and tho
1,000 frnucs soon evaporated. Jfcaii
xx hile, I bad written dozens of letters
to my biothcis, xvbo seldom answered,
nud to my father, xvbo never did. I
piomiscdrcfmm and a lespcctablo life
if they would either get mo a snug
place xvlth little to do and good pay, or
make mo a le.isoiiable) yearly allow
ance, something better thon the paltry
ii.000 Ilorins thoj doled out to me when
I was in the ai tlllciy, and on xvblcb, as
I could not live, I xvas obliged to get in
debt. Tbey paid no attention to mj ro
epiest, icasonablo as it was. Tbo best
oirer they mndo me xvns live francs a
day, paid xxcckly, to lix-e in a Silesian
illngc. This xvas milling insult to in
jury, mid I left off xvilling to them. A
lexv ilnys aftetxvnrd, Inking out my
puise to jiny for cigais, a dollar
uioppcd out. It xvns my last. I paid
it away, xv.il ked home, Iny down upon
my bed. smoked and relleeted. My po
sition xvas gloomy enough, and the
more 1 looked nt it tho blacker it
seemed. Fiom my uiidutlful relatives
there xvas no hope; tbo nbominablo
Silesian project xvas evidently their ul
timntum. I had no friend to turn to,
no rcbource left. I might certainly
have obtained tho mere necessities of
life nt this hotel, where my credit was
excellent, and have vegetated a month
or two ns a man must vegetato without
ready money. But I had no fancy for
such nn expedient, a mete protraction
of the ngonj". I lay iiimiunting for two
hours, txvo hiieh hums as I should be
sorry to pass again, and then my mind
"was made up. 1 bad a brace of small
trnxellng pistols amongst my baggage;
thco 1 loaded and put in my pocket:
and then, lcaxlng llio hotel nni tbo
toxvn, I struck ncross tho country for
tome distance and plunged into n
xx ood. There I sat doxvn upon a grass
bank, my back against an old bcoch.
It was evening and tho solllaiy Hub
glndo befoie mo was striped with the
last sunbeams darting between tho
tree tunics. I have dilllculty in dcfiniii
i my sensations at that moment, I xvas
(titite lcsolvcd. did not waver an instant
In my putpoe, lint my bead was diz.zy,
nnd I hud a sickly sensation about tho
heart. Dclcimlned that Hie physical
' shrinking fiom elcalh should nntlnxo
I time to weaken my moral determina
, tion, I hastily opened my xx nlstcont, felt
j foi tlio pulsations of my heait, placed
I the niuzzlo of n pistol xx hero they xvcro
strongest, htcadjlng it on Hint spot xvith
my left bund. Then I looked stiaight
before me nml pulled thetiigjer Tbeio
xx ns tho click ol the lock, but no rcnort;
1 tho enp xvns bnd, und bud been ci ushed I
i without exploding Hint xxas it houl
ble moment. I siialchi-d up another
pistol, xx hlch lay cocked to my bind,
mid tin ust the muz.zle into my mouth.
As befoie, the sharp iioNe of the bam
mei upon the niiiple xx as the solo icsult
Tho cans hnd peen some time In my
possession, nud had become woithlon
tluough ago oi damp "
1 looked at Van I Inubitz. doubtful
whether ho wits not hoaxing mo. But
hilheito I hnd obseixud in him no ul
diction lo tlio Munchausen vein, und
noxv bis coiintennnco nnd voice xvcro
serious, theie xxus a slight Hush on his
cheek nud he was ex idcntlv excited nt
the lceollectlon of bis nboiilvo nttempt
nt suicide, peihnps a litllo ashamed of
it I xx-ns convinced ho told tho truth.
"1 do not know," ho continued,
xx bethel' hud I hud suier xx capons with
me, I should haxo bnd coinage to mako
a Ihlid attempt upon my llfo. ifonestlv,
I think not, tho self picseivutlxe in
btuct xvns rapidly gaining sticugtb. 1
walked sioxvly back to tho town, my
brain still confused from the agitating
"moments I had passed. I xvas unable
quite to collect my thoughts, and felt
us if I had just awakened from a long,
benvv sleep V wna now d-xrk; llg'a 8
ctictacil froaa llio epia IndowJ of '
tliogiiiuOiliif, inuiiia, UIO Voices of till! i
ciotiplers. tho stir and hum of tho play
ersand jingling of money weio ills- i
tlnctly huarcl In the streets without I
have already told ou 1 am nogitn
bier, not from scitiplo, but eholee.
Ncxertheless, 1 used often lo stroll up
to the Cursaal for an hour of an ox en
I Ing, when tho play wns nt thu hlgheti,
to look on unci ebnt xvlth chnnco ne
qttalntiincc. 3tcchaiiically, I noxv us
a mnnwiiu wiiom i was siiguuy nm
mntn. nnd who. a few evening befoio
had bonoxved forty francs of me I
had not cen him since, nnd ho no,v re
turned mo tbo iiltco of gold. ' Try
jour luck with It,' snid ho, 'there is a
run against the batik to night, ex ij--botly
wins, nnd 31 llluno looks blue
And ho pointed to one of tho pr iprl
etorsof tbo tables, who, hoxvevor, wore
n tolerably tranquil air, knowing well
that what was cniried axvny one n gbt
xvoutd como buck with compound In
tctcst tho next. The piny xvas heavy ut
tl n roiiife-et-notr tablet a Itusslan anil
J.-., u.Si, , .!,,. t,ii.,H f .iim
tXVO ITCnClimt'll tllC l.llter Of XVIIOIIl,
iudclni; from their nnncnr.tncc. nud
from the comnllcatcd nirav of calcula
o'-.r ...... . .' . i
tlons on tho table befoio them, xvcro
profcsrional ganibleis extracted, nt
marly eveiy wtj), notes or louleaus of
gold from the grated boxes in front of
tho bankers. 1 drank a glass of xwitcr,
for my lips xxcro dry and hot, and,
placing myself a nCnr the table ns the
crow d of players nnd spectators per
mitted, xvalctied the game. 3Iy hand
wns In mj pocket, the torly-frntie plecu
situ uotween us tinea-is. nut, in pmio
of thoadvico of him xvbo bad paid it i
me, I felt no disposition lo risk thu ,
coin; not that I feared to lose it, foi ns i
my only one it xms useless? but because,
ns I tell you, I nex-cr bud tho slightest
loxo of gambling or expectation to
win. J
"A riause occuricd in tho trtimc. Tho
cards had run out, nud the bankers
wero subjecting them to those compli
crttcd and ostentatious shunting in
t i-nek d to convluco the. players of the
latrncss of their aciitngs. uiuing tuis
operation the previous silence xvas ex
changed far eager gossip. The gnme,
it npn'cared, h.iel como out thnt night in
a peculiar maimer, xeiy favorable to
those who had had tho address nnd
rcr-e to avsiil themselves of It. There
had been alternate long uiiisiipoii led
nud black.
" 'Mille noms e?c Dtcu." exclaimed a
hoarse, cracked voice just beloxv mc.
, 'What a seiles of black! Txventy-two
J nud only three red' And to bo unablo
to tnke ndx-antngc of if
I "I looked doxvn nnd recognized the
gi ay moustache, wrinkled fcatmes and
snuffy-black coat xxith a ribbon of tbu
1 Legion of Honor, of nn old Ficncb
colonel whom you inny have seen limp
Ing in and out of the Cursi.il, and who
muks among the mitlipitlies of Iloui
bmg. He seived under Napoleon, xvis
slicked at the peace, and has lived
siucc then on a moderate annuity, of
which one-fifth piocurcs him the barct
necessities of cxtsteuec, xvhilst the other
four parts aie annually absorbed in tho
xoitexof roitgc-cl-uuir. When gnm-lliug-houscs
wcio legnl nt 1'nris, U
colonel rape, tho thiendbaio colonel, as
he xvas called, xvas one of tho most
punctual ntlcndnnts nt Fi.iscati's and
tho Palais lloyal. "When they wera
abolished, he commbneed a xx-niidering
existence amongst llio Uernian buns,
! and finally settled down nt Hombuig,
giving it tho piufeieclce, as the onlx
' place xvneio no couici ioiioxv ins milling
mir.suil nuke In w inter mm summer,
j Fiom the opening to the close of the !
play lie is seen sealed at tne laoie, n
number ot cnids ruled iu reel and black j
columns, on the giccn cloth before !
him, in which he pricks xxith pins tho i
progics or llio game, 'J uat evening
lie heel been imfoitunate and had
emptied his pocket, but nevertheless
continued punctuiiiii cauls xvith laud
nblo pcrsexcianec, ot course discover
ing, like every penniless gambler, had
he money to stake ho should infallibly
make a fortune; predicting xvhat color
would come out, and indulging, when
ho proxed a true piophct, iu n little
subdued blasphemy because he xvas un
able to profit by ills aeutencss.
" 'Extraordinary run, to bo sure!'
lcpealed the veteum dicer. 'Twenty
two black and only tlucoicdl There'll
be a scries of i eel, now; I feel theie
xvill, and when I don't play mj'self,
I'm always light. I bet thlsdeil be
gins xvith seven led. Who nets a
hundred francs to fifty it docs not?'
"Xobody accepted this spoiling
offer, or placed upon tbo color xvbich
the colonel's piopbctic soul foiesaw
xvns to como out. The caiels xx-ete noxv
shuttled and cut for dealing. Tho hell
relapsed into silence.
"'Faitctle jtu, Meaeiem!' xvas re
peated in the harsh, biisluess-llkc tones
ot tho presiding demon.
'"Bed xxins,' croaked tho colonel.
'Seven times at the least.'
XTIilil It Ittall Ik Kxpliilneil by lno
ol lliu llest luroruitiil Slim la Aiuur
liil. The prefldint of one or the leading Xexx
York medical college, In conversation xxith
the xxrltor tbo other excnlng, said:
" lI.a Orlppe,' the Russlau lullueiua, that
linB caused so much talk, is a more sex ore
ullllctlou tbtm pcoplu usually think. It
arlies uijsteilously, mid nppears to havo Its
origin In tlio atmosphere, Tliu last time It
visited America was In ISO I, and It caiuo
then, as now, from Asia. Tho imlno 'In
fluenza,' comes from tho suggestion that
tbemaludy xxas duo to tho 'Influences' of
tho beaxeuly bodies, but moio modern
science lins dlscox-cicd th it ft Is duo to tbo
changes Iu tlio cleetileal conditions. What
ever may bo tho cause, It Is a strong con
gestion of tho blood vessels and mucous
iiicmurnne, principally m tno ncai uml
throat, and nothing but strong stlmulents !
xx 111 check this congestion and keep the '
blood aetlxely chculatlng. For this pur- ,
poso 1 know of nothing better tliun pure
whiskey, and I bellovo DulVx's Puro Mall to
bo thu best nud purest xxhlskei known to tho
xxorld. i
"Formcily this Inllucnza xvas said to pie- I
cedo an cp'tdeinlc of tbo pljgue, and tlio '
person xxho v as about to bo taken with thp
latter, had as a prelhuliiaij', a lit otsiieez
Ing, Now It pieccdes a worse eplcleinlo
than tbu plague, namely, tbo teirlblo pneu
monia, lib beginning Is slight, but Its end
lug Is often ten I hie. l'.ilns lit tlio limbs,
linek, chest nud bead; n soro throat and a
luck of appetite; iciploiis dlbcharuo nt thu
note; tliiso uro uunu of tlio symptoms ot t
this dread OUeuiso. Upon llio ellgliteit np
pto'ichof any of tlicsusjiiiptoms, a nervous
feeling, or lassitudes iicort should be had '
to u puru whlskej', xxlileh Is tlio only ee-italu
ineurib ot bii-aklug up ibis epidemic befoio
it secures n lioici iqiou llio Bjsleinor elieelc
It when It has beeomo started. Cam should
lo taken, however, to sceuro onlj that
xchlili Is ptlie, us thu mtlclo ahox-u named
cettulul) Is,"
Umbrella Shades,
S. S. SIB k BR0
1 43S 9th St, N, W,
Pjocfniont Air Lino.
Sohedulo In otloct Jane ". l-c"
BOn. in. Eat Teiinetieo Va,!! dillr fo
Warrinliin, (lonlousvlllo, i tm telllo,
1,1 in tibui rand stations betW"'ii Ah xumlrla
nnd Lyiii-hburg, Ilnanoke, 1 rltv ' Knox
vlllo, ( liBttanooya and Hctn, h,- rul.man
Hle-eper Washington to McupbW
llril a, m fast mall dn.'y for War
rcntoil, tharlolle-svlllo, t-mtl i fhea
pealie nnd Ohio llonto, Lyuel burs Iloiky
Mount, Danvlllo nnd Stations bctwci n bj-nch-burg
nnd Unnvlllo, Orcontboro liileigli,
Ashovllle, Cbnrlotto, Columbia. Auintta, Vt
lnnta, DlrmliiKbam, Stontgotne-v Noxv Or
leans, Texas and Cnllfurnia I oilman
silropcr New York to Atlnn-n, ran ir curs
Atlanta to Molitcomcry, I'ul'man '.lecpors
Montgomery to Now Orlcui Pullman
Weeper Oreensboro' to Columbia and Au
enstn, Pullman filcepora Washington to
Cincinnati via O. A O. Itoute. ,
4:15 p. m. Dally, oxcopt Sunday, for Man
nssns, strashurgand Intormculato statlonfc
7S5 p. m. Dally via Lynohborg, J)r)toI and
Chattanooca. Pullman Vestlbulo Sleepers
Washington to Memphis, connecting thenoa
for oil Arkansas points; also Washington to
Now Orleans. ....
0:to p.m. Wostcrn express dally for XTan
ntsas, Culpoper, Oranrjo. CharlottesTlllo,
Hlaunton, LoutsvlIIo, Cincinnati. Pullman
Vostlbnlo train Washington to dnclnnatl,
with a Pullman sleopor for Louisville. ,
11.00 p. m. Southern Eitprosa dally for
l.yneuuurK, XIU1IV1IIU, jiuiviku, asiiuviiiv,
Charlotte. Columbia. Anirasta, Atlanta.Mont-
gomcry, Now Orleans, Texas ana uai norma.
fTUImnA VnallhnlnrAr Wnnhlnirtnn tn TIn
orleaim. via Atlanta and Mont comer r. Pull-
- z .1 .. . ..r.L, . .".,, -i .
man Bicepor ivasaiogioa eu utrui uf;iiiu
A'n., via Atlanta and Ooorgla raclflonall
wiy. iiilns on Wnthlncton and Ohio division
lenxelViisiiington 0.00 n. rn.,dBlly uxcept
Hunelny, and 4:15 p. m, dally; arrlxn Jtiiunil
lllll 11-10 a. m. nnd 7:S) p m.; retaining,
lenvci Hound lllll 0.0" a. m. dallr. and 1 J 10 n.
m. dnllv oieeptMindny, arrlvtai? Wash but ton
R. if, ii. m. nml 'Jil . m.
TMniHih train fiiini tho South xlaChar
le.tte, lianxillc iind I.yiichburc arrlro In
XX HsOilngton liAS a 10. nnd 7:11 p. in.; lri Kust
Tenriocrc, flrlstol unil Lynchburg at 8.0-la,
re. and 10-IOp. m.: via rw-sapeako nnd Ohio
louteiiiicK b-irlottesvllloat'.'.Up. m. and 7:13
p. m. and CM a. m. btrasbure local at 9:13
a. m.
1 1ckcts, cb'i-plng ear reservation and Infor-
miiiiiin inmisufo jcu oicfTJi-e cnccncu ne
omcc, i i-ennTivania, avenue, anu at rns-
scnirer fetation, Penusilvacla Knllroad, Ctli
ivumn juiuroau, i
aim n sirccis.
Gcucial Pat'cntfcr Agent.
Cdril Engraving and Printing,
Jilt, and Sins. MIDDLETOV,
SIIIS.SIinm.K-rON Glx-os r.e".u.i to Ladles
ami Cbltcticn Initio Cone-1 stj- , of
Eltbor Privately or In t'a-u.
t3rTho llest Clasj ot Saddle and Dilving
Horses Always on Iland for bale and
Opposite) "Forlknd Flats,"
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of
purity, strength and wholesomonO's. SIoio
economical than the ordinary kinds, and
cannot be Bold tn competition with tlio lnultl
tnde of low-test, short-weight nluraor phos
phate powders. Sold only In cans. Itorii.
liiKINQ POXTDRB CO.. ICO ff&W Stroet. X. Y
The Only Grand Prize
Awarded to any Uioxvin.' EstablWiment In
thoUnltod States at tbo Paris Exposition,
ALE r-m -.xx
BrowuStout- -Bottles
H.L.DAUTER1CH. Manager.
VA.AVE.al6I3ST. S.W.
Tctopliono 768.
Wbnley cm Ida uotuccn merely to itop tbra
rottiraeftndtheahTe thcra returuio IiBn
rftdintlcurv, I ham&dBthdiMuau( XltB, M'lL-
tilCKNKafl Ufa lone itutlj. 1
trinutxarrraiMtocuro UmwontcMM. liruni
OIIMIH DftT I&llM 111
tor. , Hnd a(onc tot tretlflnd FriM Itottln
ir btT f uld u do rvuon t ot nut now tcifins n
Isfillifch rmlj. oi,
x&jfcl W? mtm
I ft, enixe ij?. ? TuuS.J

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