THE DAILY CKIT1C, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1800. AT THE GAPITQL. MATTERS rUTHSR BBlt. AT Tlfc HOUSE ON THE II ILL The Tariff Talk ffrtes Monfttonbnsly On, The Imtrlet Committees Not In Session trtnnJlnreli' "HI rHm the Ilhn.e. Kp niniTim wm present whwj Urn Semite met thrs morning. A roll mil dlfroveral only ibiTty-ternn Snnn tors Within flte minutes month other sdons stalked in, wrapped In tilUnlty Untight, to make a quorum, ami tbc sedate session began. Jlr riumb was not on hand, ami his Hfolutlon concerning llqnors In the Pen Me restaurant went orer tilt to mor- TOW Mr. Hale offered a resolution direc ting the Secretary of the Navy to tnves tlgate nlleged defects In castings for that Tcrartment furnished bythe Standard Btetl Company of Thtirlow, Pa. Adopted. The Senate passed House Wll to Amend the net of 1874 for the relief of settlers on railroad lands. The Tariff bill was taken up. Mr. Mr Pherson's amendment to parnirraph 1G2, page 40, to substitute a uniform rate of 25 per cent, ad valorem for classified specific rates, was lost, 10 to 27, ft strict party vote. No further Amendments were offered to paragraph 102. IN THE MOUSE. The House to day passed Senate bill crantlng American roglstors to the steamers Stroma and Marie O. Aurollus. Tho House then vent Into Committee of tho Whole on Senate amendments to the lilvcr and Harbor bill. District In Congress, The District Commissioners sent up two bills this morning which woro In troduccd in tho House by Dr. Atkinson. Ono is to provide tho Assossorof tho District with plats outsido tho cities of Washington and Georgetown. The other for tho protection of tho parks In tho streets and avenues of Washington nnd Georgetown, Mo quorum, no meeting, no news at both the District committees to day. Larisbnrclis' JJIII 1assoiI, Tho bill to exempt tho property of Messrs. James and Julius Ltntbiirgh from the operation of tho Allen Land Act passed the Housothls afternoon. J THE WAR IS NOT OYER. xetn Will Itrject 1'enco l'ropottt.ona and Itesnme Hostilities, New YonK, Aug. 22. Tho HeraM'a special from San Salvador, says tho piopoiltloos for peace, mtulo by tho diplomatic corps to Provisional 1'reil' dent Ezcta, Imply tho abandonment of the autonomy and Independence of Sal vador. Hostilities, which have been sus pend d tin to this time, are liable to be iiiiimid at any time, as Eeta has de clared that he will not submit to the dlctatlcn of President Hnrlllas, and it Is currently reported that be has definitely decided to reject the proposed treaty. Tho protocol, as submitted by llmte roala, demanded that Vice-President Ayala assume the executive powor and arrange for tho election of n president. Ercta says Ayala Is n traitor to his coun try, and that he (Kzeta) will reject the protocol. Nnw YonK, Auc. 23. A special from the City of Mexico to tho JitruM says General of Division Ignacleo I). Ala tone has been appointed by President Diaz as a special minister to Central America, resident in Guatemala, with confidential Instructions to act as medi ator in tho affairs between San Salvador and Guatemala. lie lias just left San Francisco for his post. THESE MEN DISGRACE THE FORCE. An t'ujnttlllable Arrest noil a Jlepala ble Man Clubbed, Judge Mills is beginning to find out bow tome of tho policemen make their cosei. Officer Ilayden made an arrest Wednesday night and then cams up and asked what was going on. Hayd in took In the three boys, but Judge Mills dismissed them on sight. Yesterday afternoon Officer Cutler of the Ninth precinct bad Charles O. Newman, a reputable German citizen, beforo Judge Mills. He arrested and brutally clubbed him on his war homo from a picnic with a party of friends. Officer Cutler said he did not driok, but on the stand an employe of tho District Government testified that he took three glasses of beer with him the day the arrest was made. Judge Mills promptly dismiss! the rase after Mr, Frank Ctos, the de fendant's attorney, argued FIVE PERSONS KILLED. ' A Train on a Oravlly Kallroad doe Oyer an Kmb-inkiueot. New York, Aug. S. A dlsjutoh from Heading, Pa., says: "A train o the Mt Pens Gravity road wat ever an embankment at 11 o'eleek this rrrrclng. killing five people outright ard Injuring several otWWs." Texas Fever In Ohio. Comma, Ohm, Aug. Dr. W. A Hopkins, health ottcer of Ashtabula. calls attention to tbe exleteace of Tuns fever la that Befghboshaod. He uya that a butcher hns twett pmkaeiaj( steers which be drives front the rail road to the slaughterhouse. Tfaree cows, belonging to eHtai of tbe town, and which have ben daily driven acMMg the path leading from the railroad to tke slaughter house, have roUy disal from Texas fever. O ue-Way Fartjr Ttsketa far Ta, riTTEBCRC, Aug. i. Mr. K. A. Ford general pnnanjir ifsntt of the Pennsylvania Usee, snawwaas to-tlsw that, in dtJfeHwae to the wistitM of nb o mpetiton, Uu Unit auwliar at saa wuy party tkkats will be ad van gad f r vx beven to tan pcraona oat fiaskiasneior 1, jr, ximo. TerriHa KalMtuxtu, Nuhtu APiJig, Ma.. Aiig.9flL A tcrrlue rainatonei pncrnii over this paacw last evening, doing a gnat awwini of damage Main was loflatol to ilc depth of several faac and knneky oak Urn vttre flooded. Tfcs grain cces is csivlerably injured. The aasosuU of J o3 u nut yet kaown. Answer to Mr. tHuwkt1 KsinlnMnn. ( iiiiiiiMionara mat) and Hohatt anj AUvrtty HaxeMaw pctMd w mm i tu r'luuib MaotoMkM Mad a I l. jiowti is not ejbiiawaad is Tim ' lk benaU; fur two or tkaae dftpjiet - -muotuf Um liuM mum to 90 or ' i i iix.r m i. HsJbaaAa SsaMbbaaa. 'An liChkago ao dirty ?" wkd "'i-tHntngfr t u r l u v Wua ntgkUrg are ail th,ro w- - r i at W ' eaptaitttnl a loakkut THE KILLED AND INJURED In trie IttplttMnn at llto Stnmtimt Onrt rlflise PhetBry Vestenlnr. Chicago, Aug- Tire fottowfwg is a list of the killed awl rnjnmi by yes terday's explosion at the 9ttftifd Cart rMge Factory, Blue Island. Illinois Kllred Charles SMilell, 95 years old, of Cincinnati, strut- by a pwee of a whl in the abdomen. Injured Frank Iin, 25, mtrmd se vewfy from the waist np, anil cut about the ankle, may dr Alex. Lamore, 89, mariled, burned severely from th shfiuWers no, ami struck In the back with a quantity of shot, may die. E linrke, 26, of King's Mills, Ohio, se rerely bmned and cut about the arms. Ida wick, IS, burned about the face, head, neck and breast Mark Harney, 11, badly burned about the abdomen, Mary Matvits, 16, burned about face and hands Lena, Shnltr. 16, severely burned about the shoulders; Pauline lloll, 15. burned about face and hands Annie Meekelberg, 16, face ami hands bumed, Mary Stevens. 16, face ami hands burned, Mary Graves, fare and hands severely burned; Annie Graves, stsler of Mary, burned about face and hands, Emma Scbultr, IS, sister of Lena, face and hands burned, Mary Wick. 16, sister of Ida Wick, burned about face and arms, George Wells, burned alraut tho head and body, Howard Gllson, 18, slightly hurt about the head, Gcoreo ItoTl, 30, struck on the head by n piece of wood, William Dorman, 18, face and bands burned; Charles llurmclster, slightly burned about the face and hands, Kugene Illck herecr, 10, face and hands burned and struck by piece of tin In abdomen; Ed. Baseett, slight Injuries caused by jump ing from the building; John Harney, 16, slightly Injured about the bond. THE CHOLERA IN SPAIN. Trie I'enmntrr oppnnlnir All Attempts nt Sanitary l'recmitlonn. MADMti, Aug. 28 Tho Government physicians have announced their rofusal to serve nny longer in the cholera in fected districts unless they arc given a strong military escort. They declare that the peasants arc opposing all at tempts to institute sanitary precautions, and even resort to force In order to pre vent them from doing their duty, and that under Ihcso circumstances any abatement in the vlrulcncoof tho disease Is finite Impossible. Tho city of Argus has been deserted by all the Inhabitants, only those who arc down with tho cholera and n few relatives who rofii'o to desert them, being left, Tho Mayor, who Is the only remaining official In tho city, yesterday burled his own son, all tho grave diggers having fled tho city. Of 133 people, who bavo been attacked by tho disease, forty-four have died during the last four days. - .1 .1 ..i il . ,M BORDERING ON STARVATION. Crops n Total l'lliiro and Settler In n Very Had Way. Dknvkii, Coi, Aug. 32 The BOO or HO people who live in Kastern Arapa hoc County, Col , near tho Kansas line, are In a state bordering on starvation. A committee representing the settlers was In Denver yesterday seeklm; aid of the county commissioners. Crops are an absolute failure this year and as tho country Is new, the first settlement having been made only three years ago, tho people have no resources, and they find winter approaching without any prospect of pulling through It all ve with out assistance. EL1.KNDALK, N. I)., Aug. 23. It Is reported from Mcintosh County that a number of farmers have asked for as sistance from tho commissioners, and that supplies are being furnished. Tho crop in that county is almost a total failure and. roost of tho settlers arc bard up. A MURDERESS SENTENCED To be Jmprltoned for Life for n Sloit Uoltl'IUooiUd Crime, Whbbunq, W. VA., August 92. The trial of Mrs, Jacob Morgan, which has been in progress in Tyler County for a week, bos come to an end In tho conviction of the woman and ber sen tence to the penitentiary for life. The man murdered by her was a full cousin of General John Morgan, the celebrated Confederate raider and cavalry com mander, and the crime was one of the most cold blooded on record, Mrs. Morgan is the first woman ever sent to the penitentiary for life from West Vir ginia. JUDGE LILLY'S COORT. Two Hundred Indictment Itetorued, BJany of Tbeiu for Alnrder. Cincinnati, Aug, 38. A Hazard, Ky , special reports that Judge Lilly's court, held In a tent guarded bv sol" dlers, has resulted in 300 ladletBwats already, many of them for murder and kindred aets of violence, and the sheriff, with a military poese, is making arrests in the mountains. The Faf tensers llrouclit Safely Ashore. New Yomk, Aug. S8 The passen gers of the steamer Dania, whiea is ashore near Point Lookout, L. I., were brought ta the company's pier in Hobokea last night by the steamer Augusta Vietoria. Tky numbeed 9M persone, and were all Mowaa? nascea g. Secretary Wnlto Salt far tlamt. SoiTUAnrroK, Aug. 39. Hoary White, the Secretary of LogattoM of the United Staias to England, wttk kte family, Mrs. and Miaa Banoit and Mm. ffilmUsMT, won among tlw bos sangeie who kft yaatofday on too Xotth Gorman Lloyd steamer Lakn foe New York m ' Hurricane la Atutrla. Yikkxa, Aug 3U. A hurricane yog today visited tko Ducky of Styria. Muck damage waa dono by tko wind, wkkk blow wtrk eitraoadimwry fates. At OraU, tko capital of tko ducky, tko atom wsockod k koikitega is wkkk tkya4iooalfckikkfawabesngkokl. sacooo uhiwco iy mm. PiuLASSLriUA, Aug. 38. A isoiaat oveoing dnmog&d tko kttikMogJi and oonloftss at C4evokuui and ytastkttn ttinrti. owned by J. C. Homo aod oocu nnvd kv J DoUas1 Soavt, mnjutfartiiroti of gtogkami. ami by Fuk Woodkoad. maaurarturor of akavl. Lorn I3S.W0, fully injured. Stow PMSMd H ttk fs.uinlniiunns dvM Sowjbco Cowsskimoootr Mamo vttt aaU to a Came conottor tkit mot u tnw ' - DPn nan makksM tim aaoM aaaonitOMS fiUftrtt to oil tko Souihnfs iiwiit(L out as tknso hi not onousk ffts?m doksjnnd- to comhift tko eTamlaatioM, I aw sorry to ay w are not making tkat pcogaau we mould Ww to." Taua u ttu, bektUme vt toe waule ear Ui yunly oux Uuod, lc..ue now yon are mure tuctuUe to bencat tium inaiii lue taaii at an vtiur Miaeoo Hood's aWn LiaUJ w Ike Uat n.iWi iii- to Ukc, and It U Lite &ust iivuuUiiiiii 100 Pvee U Svllar. BO YOU KNOW HOW TO CLIMB ? Trie Valhe of a Little Jntlement am! Care. ypm f fltmefi TTernM Tire ptfwtron of our sumiHer tontttts that make annual ptlgrlmftgct to dhtrtcft of a more or less mountMn our character in preference to seaside retorts H very considerable Ami yet how large Indeed Is the percentage of those that never even attempt to climb any of the many hilts and mountains for which they flrofeas swh fondness before ami such profound admiration after they are reaoned. This fact may be attributed largely to ignorance or fear, thoueh doubtless many will add, to Inert laziness. For a person In good health, fond of tramping and properly clothed, there Is no reason why mountain ascents rannot be made with perfect Impunity and with actnal benefit, provided only that the eTeiclse be progressive from small be ginning, lest it put a sudden but sure cid to all future walks for some time to come He, Indeed, Is fortunate who has the endurance to make himself Independent of railroad or stage, for a trip throuch the mountains arranged on such a basis must needs be less expensive than other wife Up steep mountain roads ft eootl walker can easily keep ahead of a team, while coming down hill their speeds will be approximately the same. Few persons can realize to what an extent the time necoseary for a mountain ascent can be shortened by simple prac tice. The writer has In mind some very valuable experiences In this connection. Upon the day of arrival from Boston at the base of Mount Moosllaukc, In the White Mountains, the acent waa made In two hours and forty five minutes. Tho length of this lofty mountain road Is five miles, and the rise In that dis tance 3,000 feet, yet after ten days of mountain life, and with less fatigue, the distance was traversed In one hour and twenty five minutes, or In just one half of the time. Upon the former occasion frequent stops were necessary for breath, while on the latter the walking was continu ous. The beginner need not, therefore, be discoursed If he finds his wind giv ing out quickly when he had anticipated far greater enduring powors, and he must not give up climbing because his joints feci soro the following day. If bo has thus rashly attornptcd a hard climb before getting into a desirable condition, let him profit by the experi ence and go slow at first. A Letter from Her Herman llcilti. New YonK, Aug. '42. Constant Paudcuski of East Thirteenth street was yesterday taken prisoner for beating his wife, because she, in n fit of passion, had said she loved an old beau In Ger many, who had Just written her, better than she did Constant. There will be no moro bcatlnes of that kind In tho Paudcuski household for ten days, while Constant sojourns on lllackwell's Is land. Siniillmioil A r routed. OtPcors Kccf and O'llrlen yesterday afternoon arretted Hurt Small wood and plural him under lock and key at tho K street station. Small wood Is the man who on Sunday last during an altercation with Sam Johnson cut his head open with an axe. The latter Is not hurt very seriously and will be able to appear In a few days and give testi mony against his assailant. Fire In X.ewl, Jolmton St Co.'e Hank, Last night, about 7 o'clock, an eloc tile light wire cauted a Ore in Lewis, Johnson &. Co.'s bank, opposite Tiik Crime olllco. Olllcor Eaton saw tho fire and promply summoned Engine Company No. 2, and tbo 11 nines were soon oxtlntrulsbed. The damage Is esti mated at $800. It appears that the elec tric light wlro full on a telegraph wlro which leads Into tho building, and tho powerful current set the woodwork on tire. Charced Wltn Krabenlement. J. II. Nottingham was arrested yes terday afternoon by Detective Mabon and charged with embeaalement. The complaint is made by W. II. Brewer. In the Police Court to day he waived examination and gave bonds for ap pearance before the grand jury. m The Flaetltlp Charleston, Newport. Obk., Aug. 22. Tho United States flagship Charleston of the 1'aclfk squadron arrived here this morn ing, fourteen days from Honolulu. After taking coal In she left for Port Townsend, from whieb place it Is thought the will bo to BehrlngSea. -I i I, A Wine and Wlna Uoom. SJitwioi l.. Y, Cmnitial JLiiuttUw. The story cannot fall to attract atten tion as a clever bit of writing and an exhibition of modern "realUra " It will also set people to guoMtag who is the author. Jtert HUm l UUto. The publishers further announce tbU racy essay in modern realism as the picductioB of "A Woman of Society." They ate entirely justined la tbls, at Mrs Van l(enesiaer Cruger, to whom the authorship of Ike story U to bo eiedllttl, can easily sneak ox-eatbodra on the subject of wkkk she treats. mi .III Intellectual fleaanree. Pram JW Mr. Jokmoi You soom to be In tensely iotefeated in tko pa nor this morning, my dar. Do you Ami any tking ploaaant? Mrs. Jokwoi Ok, lots t Hso aro four munkfg, an elopement ami a di voteo coco on tko very first page 1 flatttied Died. JHamed KB. KK - K1.TH OLM - In Bslliaure, Auul ' lew. by Bev J II Bulnd, i XcMtun Brevier to Irene BatwtaUe KKILY-BI'KKK -Wedneteay. AaUM X, ISM. at tbe reeideaie of lae bride' author, by rtlr W X CowanUo 8. 1. Mr Arthur Kelly ui Trenton, X J.loMiae KktWae De Salee Burt of Waealaglaa, P. C- Xv cants. TOMLlOH-HAitVKY.-At St. Chartttt' Pari, Brooklyn. S. T . Auanut U. was. r Art kar Toariteaon of Waskwatea. U. C . to tjgtaU,ganyrt -toouaTya, M Y No l. W UtSitmSaaiv otie 'mide.'wc WO. MculLL -eaddoaly at us makloaee. aOS Seat canlto! atrcoti T OUarn C. JtoSSTLs uU Sea sear Xuboa v laaorai tatetHw. JOHXoOe) -unAaaaet.Wj(.lie WUluj tetmnwat at Caatortdavs. MaV tipkoU . onla. Xokort a- FerwoA. LZSFR run hie inotaar'i riwfamaoe, Xe iUS B trai:t aurtacaet. on rtmr vmp m luueraJ itrUlly jsivate. xomowby -uo Auuit to. we. Jameti XubiUKy uolr tLUii uf Jimts anil Xary X bub, r tu ui akunUu and -'! lay. 1 uncial villi uvfce pliuo Siardny J.uaO'4 J. ,1 '1 Uo, kp id bum tbc rttUdunca ut bin;xruu jis tlrcil Ukttbwuat. Vt l'lUUta -On Auut 1. liS4), ox but real dccis. ylxuw IicaT bUOUDlt 1'outi, V V . JtddlaUBl. W Itbera. privr to UKM Iratdtul nt CevraetuSB.S ' aud AiciAi. ltia- V ai for thirty e!jbt Team iub9,cuL!y uf CuJkbrrUu. J Jd a t-bc ?L6 yer -t hia l I'KCIAI. JOrlCK9. jgI FRT XltMXVfb. . i. WHTTE, wTrenn. nriWSTg'J Thoo.stirts from far aird near visit DrWWJT tMibmtnt for rel'ef from an ,avea nrt of mmf, hnainns, dfessswrl nails w ail ether for t troaMe Sow. 8a. m tv sn. m. nniiiy. s to is oinfee,fi pet yigtrot pnttiTie the fset la too1 orter. nstaowsneo, 1M1. wASBiratow af PBTosrr co . re ami w j-rnifsyiTitnn .c... KTOXAGR nBfAHTMBST. Foonie Are and btrrirlaTprrwf.andall aove rrontiil. pafilenlarl; artar re tne storae of fnrtutate, rtars,. anM im 3' wjiSMHOTOt, D. c , Amr. IN Wrttiln to rttlre froia active Mitncn, t have this day sold all mv InterMt In the Brm of B K. Plate r. to Mr tewt O Tews mirT, nanser ann nroser, oi mw i rr-n i ny The btwitiess harwflet will he mndnrted Inthermtne tf tw1 O Tpwshnry rn tr W. p. rjlMrt.who has beea asrititci with we tor the past eight year, eontinne with the new flf and will remain la rharire of the trashltwtoB office. Mr lllnbs ned no rtoomnMvdatkm, Ms Intostlt y and abll Ity are well known, but I tahe pteaiore In reroMinewlmf ray (meeessorn to my patrons and the pabfto (reiwrally a beln In all re rtts worthy of t heir confldeaee and patron site. B. K TLA1S. OUT OFTOWN BUSINK8S A SrECJALTT. lewh O. Tewkstmry, W. B Rlbbs, Iienkw. New York. MDrtMHlnny. 41. NewBt. New York. t hlntf o. Washington, Washington. D C. Manacer. LEWIS G. TEWKSBURY & CO. SUCCESSORS TO B, K. PLAIN & CO., BANKERS, iaS5FSTWA9ntSaTON,D. C. inTcstnunt Seenrttles Donaht and Sold. OHDEI1S EXHCUTRD IN Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Petroleum Fort cash on on margin. 4 per cent laterestallonedoadeposltssub Jeot In cheek. 5 per tent. Interest allowed on raarrln ae ccmntii Dally Market letter forwarded on applica tion. Constant Quotations of alt Markets over our own Private Wire. TxLrrnons Call Sis. rABUAunntx ' tMpwIng " anlS,6t tSST-TEMronATtY offick of Tnn ri' WASHINGTON LOAN AND TWJST COMPANY. 1001 F street n.w, CAriTAL l,0CO,000. This comrany Issues certlBcnto of deposit bearlne Interest an follows: On all amounts driotltedfur ninety days or more. but Ism than lx month. 3 per cent, per annum: 31 per cent, on deposits for more than six months, bat less than a year and 4 percent, on deposits of ono year or loneer. Hecurod InvevtmcnU for sale. Money loannl . W. 1). 110DI60N. See. II. n. WARNBIt, rrss. DIItBCTOHS: Charles n. nalley, Oeotire F Sehafer, James I,. Ilarlonr, John A Hamilton, Ocorse E llarlol, Thomas Somerville, lllclmnl w. (lay, John A. Swope, Itotace H. CutnroInK", J, S. Swormtiedt. J.J. Parllnrfton, IlatterMey W.Tnlbott, John Joy Bdion. Oeore Trnelell, (harles J. Faulkner, H. II. Warner, AltrtF. Fox, A. A. Wilson, O t Orenn, L. II. Wine, W llllum u finrlcy, 8. W. Wooitwanl, John II. Lamer. Chat, lien, WltklBsoe, A. 8. Worthlnston. 33r"FonsnKim muiuivy. 33' Axents In Waihlneton for THE WIIirriKIl ELEVATOR Of Iknton. THE I1B8T ELEVATOR IN TIIK WORLD. Over to hAve been put Into the beet build tncs In MblnEton In tbe last two years by u. Eitlmates promptly farnlahed. Aln aeents for tbe Wortnlnirton Hteam Fumplnjr Maebln 3TJ. Also General MteblnUtnand Knelaeers. A larpe itoek of Bnetnes and Dotlero, I'nnpt and Elevators on band. Wareroomt from ICOl to J0O6 Sevestb street southwest. 3r-rROTBCT YOtirtSELVES A1 IIN3T a5 TYI'UOIIl ANI MALARIAL FEVERS. The Alvares Disinfectant rompany Is pre parrd to farclgate and dltlnfect all preratwi Invaded by typhoid and otber mallBat and oontaclous feTe'f. Aik your druagUt or irrneer for tbe ALVA HFZ CLOSET AND CESWl'OOL DISINFECT ANT. I'rlee. wo. and f I per box. For far tbr Information atdrest the Company, at M8 F t, n. w. awi.lw J-J. WILUAM LEB (Sneeeeser to Henry Lee's itoae), UNDERTAKER. JKFA.AVE.N.W., South Elde. Branch OHce, 498 Maryland ave. s. w KTjr-LADIKS! LADIES! LADIKSI X Mrs. McCnfferty Is tbe only bat and bonnet frame raannfaetarer In tbe eitr. Call and ee ber new abapes, Bleaeblaa aad preeetng. btraw and felt bat altered to the latut style. Orders promptly attended te. loueoitre i. Wj KBr-WIIY NOT HAVE YOCB SniRTS XJ made by one ei the moat celebrated OBtters la Amerleal Frlee una ai tboe third rate entters charge. V, T. UALL. 9M F stnw. J3grCUAKTEHED BY CONURBS0 ISM. FHAMfUS JNSUHAMCK CO. OF WASHINGTON, D.C. CAPITAL AND SPHPLUS. WSS.a. Ha sever eeatetted a toes by are. bat always make srowr t aad liberal adjuifaaU. Dr. DaBtel 1). i larke. pree't. George S. Lemoo, Vtee-Breat, CaarieaS. Bradley, traa.; I. Fen wick Ywbw, seo'y; Will P. Boteler. awt e'y luiVta 1VANTEU IIELH. AdtrriUtHUHM ututtr UUi Ktatt, feurlUuter U4, ttt4 ftr en4 UmrUui: iO titU fcrlkr. w ANTED-A NUBSBRY U)YKitNBb8 l a null family. Addraaa P O Box UI. hm-kvUte. Md. 8.' a WANT BB-A ftOOfl COOK-WHITS. NO waabtur or iroaiac, xeaat stay at aUbt Call at SIT Bit. fe a WANTEfl-COi-ORBB CUAMBBKMA1I). cook, oaa wattar and a airl to wah Call at Sil r a a w Irum 7 to s p ti it y? TAMTBU-A iilML FU8 OBMBbUL r biuuMVork. Mibt ta.r at aihl a&d briac cltr releieaea. ADHlr in atur. 1 W T at aw. tu Wa:"H-a tuy white uiiu, to aUtad to the graaiai aonaework uf a small private family, so waakma or ironing, muat stay at aiakt btt XortliCaiuliau a a. - a wj AMT1UV-A WOMAN COOK. AL&0 laaadrtaa- both culurud IM La ave p w. Apply Irom 9 am to 4 p 3 w r ANTtW-A FHWr CLAM VbUMAN t M i aaaaralhiMuawork.maatbjieXDerUiib.ed and atav at slant. leUFataw CaJl aftar o'clock flat -IITAHTID-A UOOB COUMtXO CURL TO 1 cook, moat coma well raioia mended. ApniysasFidBw a a w ANTED-A 8XXVAXT TO OUOX. WAH aad lion, auut rnai well rsmtmsaaa ' and go home at nlAi taMiath.tnw a 3t -rAbrTB-A YMJk MAX WHO BA kftiaaiorioDce in tie raacy Uood. Mmwi, oh was u sot auaaa u ware w ry to bests vita as per we Sr X A ODJtlL. ia iu w Tiit v rAXTSD-A CHAMBWMSIU AT ON. K x n v w a w ii'i w JAWFSih-lVUHtMO BOY AHOtT UI" I drealul wurkia butua Aitoli liM Wtaw il .t -W-aVTk-A CHAXBHU1AID. API LY V at IBIS Jafeuua Place. Xefer.eni.tte ri. VI aired il u VWAXTSIVA ulBi FOB bEMEBAL. catsrg.-j0WMtel Ma ut? WAXTBfr-A UW. BOB OCMM1 4MU annual bonscpurk, no wash uh o irotOiu; brias cUy tafnaniea. uj) B i- Itkaad Fa we ;: 't 7AKTXD-A QIUL BOB i.Nt!.iL t V KuUMiwurc Apply at lu.t, J" i -; ytbllib-t BbLLtbLK utU ti t l a-i"1 tur a-i-"-r l. v ".lUt.uj. i,ll J-' 41- TVANTFJl lllt.P. STANTBD-A ROOD ACTIVE SOT TO Wrrk arotnra trove and assist fa fcatrsa make h!meif niTlir nfai; also a vnrran for wnm hnneotk. AfmfUII 1h rt n :L XtTATEr (TIO n ROT FrTOIt IS TO i"iyearrf , i, ifend tono'eant do chnrp for doi tor In i-nnrylvatllt tall M 10h t n e St HxrATrD-mrOWBtR rTl A TAM isnndrv: mnst bv erJwne i the btrtT. (all at tCTtswn. ts w Avr ASTl-WRIT WOIAJ TO rsmil and do reneral hotweinwk for family of 1 mutt stay at nleht. Aptdf to tlSMSth n w . -rANTRD-LObOgtD BJY TO WAIT IS a More Call WW Htnst iw,. 19 WANTBD-A 0008 COOK. OWB HAV ln llvrd with Oerman people pre ferred ( ady home and apod wae to rlht iTif At ply at oneo, cor m and n s n w, la drnrjtrre J w fASTED-FlRST CLASS WOMAN FOR i gnrl honnawoth : mnst Tm esnerlenged and May attrhrkt; call after o'clock tail Nut W St W T ANTED-AN ABLRrrODun 'IBTTt.Bl) whit Trnrnen to do the work of a mtlt fomllT and attend an Invalid lady no wash ln Ca'l ISM Wh stnw. tilt AY rANTK!-A WMrTB t.IRL TO WIGBN I mI homemirk or rook. mnt bmva exwn reterenre Apply nvi t t n w, o tweetB and 14 a m. WANTED-A 01RL FflR OBNERAt, honwork: small family- Herman or Scotch preferred, call at SS, B Canst. IS.Tt ANTRD-A 9RTTI.RI) WI1ITR VOMN. 1 ? irent nmi minvu t sjvfor. itnu t tsTTjimrni hotiework In n smnll fnmllyj no wnMnT or M.a ...1 1..a a . -.i .1. laklna;irooil references rennlred. Apply at 1 HO tth t n w T,lt "XrANTED-A WOMAN TI COOK OI T; Vi clly references reqnlred. Apply at aid mt t n w lfyt Wo ANTBD-A OIRL TO DO OBNRRAL honsewntk In mall family, must come recommended 1S8 K t n w 19t irANTBD-A 9KRVANTTQ COOK. WASH V andiron- mnst come well recommended and (to home at nlent ISIS II st n w. 19,St 1VAHTKII SITUATIONS. WANTKDliY t COLORED WOMEN NOT afraid of work, employment, one to do rtneral boosewotk, the other chamberwork and waiting. Call or address MARTHA, oes But n w SB St WANTED-A SITUATION AH TKACIIKR In a private family: country preferred; can (Itc rood reference If required For par tlcntars addres Mrj. C II . Thoroughfare. Vn W-St ItrANTRD-SlTrATION AS PORTER. tt Cor Coeebman or Hnerrroan Call or ad dre DAVID. t llth i n w n it Y7ANTBD-BY A IIBSPRCTAIlt.K. KX V perlenced coloretl youth, a situation to work around house or store; relercnco. Call or aderen 1119 wh t n w 1 1 -H WANTED- 11Y A 1IBSPKOTAI11.E WHITE woman, a sttnation In a small family to cook, WBfli and Iron. Address COOK, this office. ' WANTED- DY TWO ItBSPBCTAIlt.E girls, fltnntlons one as a cook the other as a chambermaid and waitress In a tmall private family. Address F II.. this offlce. it rAN1KD-HY A NEAT COLORED OIRL. a place to do general housework for a mall family In the eastern part of the city; references, call at Mil c it n e. am WANTED-BY YOUNO COLORED MAN. aged is j ears, a pltce to work in a bouse and drlre carriage and take oaie of a horse Amlfpss IBrfO lib st n w 19.3t WANTKU MISCr.I.l.ANHOCS. AdtrrtUrtntntl vtuttr Ml lut,fMT Jier Uh, SS ttntt per en4 biMrtien; SO cmb ftr irn. w ANTKD-M WIIOOL DBHKS at MARK ham. Va. TAYU1R LAWW ISSt W. ANTED-BY IXPERIKNCRD WASH erwoman. washlnc and Ironing to do at home. Call or addrrss 101 1 Temple are, bet inn arti iam, ranii tusn w m it WANTED-HORXBH TO PASTCRK AT 11 (leaerat Heale's farm at 13 per month; bett of pasture, rannlng water aad plenty of shade, with careful attention. Apply to gen eral manager K. H LAFFKIITY. lOtb stand La ave, or at tbe farm. 4.181 Telephone call. TOV A FEW DXMR.BLE ROOMS, WITH steam power, good elevator service and am Glass janltorfblp. In tbe POnT UUILDINO, for rest at low rate to first-cla tenant. Apply to WILSON HLTCIIINS, 9M Post llHlldlng. or FRANK MAGUIHE. Saperin tend est. FtlK BALK-IIOOSKt. AdrcrUttmmtt umlcr UU luad, fnr timior hit. . mH ftr aw iiurrHB; SO ctnltfer tAru. F OR 8ALE-T TWO-STORY NBW IIOUSB8. miatb ob deferretl payment. Ob tbeso term yoa can owu a boune a easy a you can pay rest. UEHHON A RAUEY, aut4t No. 1307 F.t. n w F ORCXD SALE OF REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT A BNAI't luat nip tnu HunrnrKu.dni ,4 t ,, w. comprising nearly SUrtO fret of grouadaBd among tbe most delightful elevation In Georgetown, will be sold at a sacrifice if takes soon Ttrm eaa be made satlsfac tory; bat tbe property mutt be sold at onee. Key at Mr C It. FwkHng' oaiee.Ulah st, Georgetown Write to L. O JOHNSON, aattf ltlebardtTtlle. Va FK SALE-1N ALEXANDRIA. 8-HOOM frame boose, Jtwt BBlsblng; ardraatia yard; tot ttxllS;uag borne; prtee, W, Ap ply to ROBERT J. THOMAS, Room No. 2, 13 lttbrt, F OH HALE-THREE OF THE CHEAPEST hOBsea Is Washington. ldC. 106 and lie mast no; two-itory aad oasoraeat, Brown ttoae trimming; T room and bath; eleetrle beU anji gas; price, UfiOO eaeb. 500 oath balance to ealt or trade for Eod lot. rOIC HUNT HOUSrW. AdttrlumuH wuur IMt luati, AwAwier gs4srg sOW VoAOtff "tPT VHf 04FvntsOtg ay fdfssiOtp r tmrfff nH)H KEXT-ONFVRKlfiHED- MU Ha ava, T n aad ttaUa f3M 00 imtaiv.iiR jww Mil Oeaa ave. r 19 CO W?MHw. ISO 00 lttbktex.ISr 1W IHHuaf.llH ... ItSW XCOathstaw.llM MOW rmOM.W.llH MM 00 rT4 Putnw.rS M 160 00 7SI43ttBW,MM .. bWIW Laay atte aoaaM, ti 1. . si e st w31.7 . .. . ssai TIT tttk at a w. tt M. WS8 as. TSW ta'T.iiw,)7M. waa 01 IHbtta w.ttr OS ST iM.aatk.tBw mm saw utsottaw.iiH sa am Hilljer Mat. II sa SS & uMXstBw.u r mm MatXataw.MM . as ft UML.lw.Bn sav WW ISM S4AMticktea t, Sa. . was iiiBtxSnioafH... ua 114S rnaat a w. T at. . 4 tt 14MCbaanit.lM. .. twftka aw. strand dw . as M9staw..M 31 l&3PtareaF4ie,ra.. 39 tt ttt tttk at a w.t at.. . . tttt tatSYate. tm . tttt lStt3atbataw,SM . M14 ttth M a w. ( H .5tt latitat at - Tba shew anaaas can be assmlnwl bypur satt teaam our onto only at a w IHtK bALK MlSCItLIhHsMHi. AJa4t4ULB-' bhb Lxnnt ikannnni. inattnT snsttnf ttn" LTjT-. U-Cav 10 Ommlt tmW aanxsttnt. bbi fttXtMaf eSsSr ttlntt WxttXtsFsXBInntsi - fJnXWattttBf tonxsaanB f S fctL-t00DiU 1X1, UK Bltf xae iisi m bhw 4uwjhu I- ,!.., Ill, I. ! I..M ..M...... ,.l.k rctoJk. P X . tt .Si t tt w a a Taoa ill g-tjaktfMrTg uollxltiox of 1T saoiera andaacdaat ooUi.. a geoluai...-i euUneataa aaat lasU rtiics. sshtu lud , lot Mb and 19, a VtkBXBB. CuluaUuu. 7SJsssaBmswi m m waansswsanr. Cateita. TXsBsVUt-aXBW4MTOf IMC UOHaS. 1" want and aanuts CaJ nia jotb t a w,a X2fM aAHV-Oiil.1 aso-utuuT BAgtiilW Jf . attoac. pkaototi boggy rallskto at. aar. aiao uaa-uan road ettsxf 1; ajuat tml btabk. UM iai at W- is. a tX SALtV-A PbUNATB VAX1LY 1LL t sell n bjsd inc bu ttur suatsd tur i.oujje. bualBew ur tajiuly ixtx six. years old tcu aaio' trisj mvio '" elacsJi! t u b .jj tts. fete i-cUa.i- 5Ui ' rcr Ut. Jt :t AUCTION MW. r KORfiB W. 8T1CJRHXT, Anetkmeer, m rm. Bv vlrtna of a eartatn deed of trnt re corded in liber Wo lrW. folio lt, ct se ona of he land records for the Dtwrtrt of folam bta. and at tha reonsjst of the partr sei-nrcd thereny, we wjll oner rorsare re rront 01 mo premises on MOSDAY, TUB TSTR DAY OF AUGUST, at s o'clock p n. tin following darrved re 1 estate situate In the roanty of washrngt'tn. District or Columbia, and known atid MserTheil a lot nirmbersd IT. m sertlon 3. of the subdivision Barry Farm mado bys v ronaroy, jorm n bitbbs ami u u ITtJ franmt. inastaes. Terms of sat- one third cash and Ihe bal atrt In one (1) and two t) years, with Inter est at the rate ot six m per centum pi-r an nom, parable semi annually and scmred by adeMPT tmst on the property sold, or all qash at tire option ot tne purchaser $wn deprsltat time of sale All eonreyanolng and rvrwdrnf at pnrchaser's cost Terms to b cwnwdled with In IS dats or nropertv will be rcaom at risk and cost of defanitlag nnr eawtenr. WIUIAM MYS, ntAjs R L CALBOtm, The above sale Is postponed to MONDAY, AlotST tB, rm. atn amir and SJffle. r. il CALBrHrN. aatWdAds GROROB W. trriCKNBY. Atrettaneer, sag p street. tit virtn of two deads of true, one dated Angnst IV Is", and the other Jaly W, l9, and duly recorded epeetlrelyjn llherNo ISIS, folio S8, et seq , and liber No 1STT, flli . et sen. of the land records of the IMstnct of Colnmbfa, and by the written request of the parly swnred thereby, we will sell at tnblloanrtion. In front of the premises, on TUESDAT, AUOUST S". 1SW. St S o'clock p. m , lot lettered "P" In U. Magntder's snNII vision cf lots 10, It, IS and IS In sqnare anm bered one hnridred and fifty two (IBSi In the cltr ot Washington, D C , with the Improve ments Terms- One half cash, balance In one year, with Interest at 6 per cent, per enred by deed of tmst on property sold, or all ensh at option ot pnrehaser Deposit ot $100 renulretl at time of sale Conveyancing atexpemeof purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within ten days. CHARLES E. FRASBR, JAMES rjtASBIt, snlt eodJtds Trustees, FOIt ltI3NT -ItOOMS. AtrrtUrnmti tnJtr thlt ht4n fmrlinn or tttt, SB etnli ftr on litttrtlen; W ctnUfer Utrtt. F OR RENT-a UNFITRNISHED ROOMS, 1st floor, front and baek. for lleht house keeping, gas, bath, ete ; no children; refer erences. irw F t n w Hit Irion RENT-COOL, DELIGHTFUL ROOM. ' hardomclv furnlihed, In northwest, second and third floors; on suite or single: ourlcohlng Mcpherson Squire. Terms rea sonahle lOlllMhstnw It 170R RKNT-1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON .L the second floor; imtthern eTpnstire; new house; private bath. Inquire Hit Kstnw JNJt I7OR RENT-TO A t.KNTLEMAN, FINELY ; furnished second floor front room! south ern exposure; 3 windows, awnings: furniture and paper nearly new W per month In ad vance p A st n w. . INSt I?OR HBNT-NICBLY FCRNISHED ROOM 1 In private famllr; only to gentlemen; nerr Patent and Pension offices. 119 Sth st n w. 91-St. OR RINT-S INFUHNI8UED ROOH. AnnlrTOl Rhot e Iiland arenw. Kent iarermoeth. at St sr F R RENT-CORN ER9TII 8T AND MASS. ave. Urge alcelv furnished room wlili lioanl, pleasant summer rooms, Kiithern and eastern exposure; references txebangad. S t I70R IlBNT-lIil F hT N W, 10 AND ID ' floors, nicely furnlabed, southern i-x tosnre artl sxrellrnt table, near tho War, State and Nary Departments, also table board. Term reasonable lor the winter TTOR RBNT-LAHdR. AIRY ROOMS, CEN 1' trally located suitable fur oBVes or dressmaker; (Mortis. IlllU'.S Fstnw sr st I?0R RENT-SI8 9TII ST. f FURNISHED i' front rims and 1 unfurnished room, with ur without board, by a German family. A) St F lOH RENT-1 FURNISHED HOOM. SUIT able for man and wife or two slnvle rentlrmen. with at s. bat and enkl water and useol bath, etc IngulreatSIl Nstnw SOSt 1?OH HBNT-1W0 It ST, ON SOUAHB WEST of War and Navy Departments, hand tcaely furnUbed room, board if desire!. uo-St I?OU RENT-TOT 8TII bT N W. UNFUR. ' or farnlsbeil Sd story front rooms; salt able for married couple or two gaatleaxta JO-St I?OR RENT-NICELY FURN1SHBD Rooms, : with board; also two urge unfurnished eommualeattng rooms SIT rath st a w. St FR RENT-SBW F BT. HANDeOMB SUITE of unfurnished rooma With board, also table board; lefereaee given and required. SO-St FR RENT- LABOE ROOMS, SBCONO story front and baek. IS per moetb for two, third noor. front and back, IS for two, furnished or MntarnUbed; botMekaeptag al lowed Jiuiinw. m jTo R RENT-ONE BLOCK FROM CAPITOL. 1 larve dellabtful room: fumUhud: nurtb and south exposure; bay window, bath, hot and cold water: with or without board. Nefereaee. lttCstne. H.St FR RBNT-COOUDBLIOHTFUL ROOMS, haadiomely furnUbed. In north ret; At aad 3d Boors, en mite or single; overlooking McPbersoa bquare, term reasonable. MH 1Mb st n w. is.a T?OH HENT-S LA HOE COMMUNICATING J? UBfurnisbed rooms, closet, sewly paialod and pasrd, light boateksstplBg; privata family, rsfereaesM axebaaged. 1111 10th at. St FK RENT-FURNISMED-LANOB SEC end story frost room, with alcove, two cloMlaaod tlirxt window; Boobbtctioa to light bontekeepingil desired. Apply slilltb hb w. ' last J70 uuuvi, . rf,whr ur l u, ,v,u. 1 ssr ad. asnitstof Bufundsbad ruoau. iocludisg kill bn, with ht aad oold water and use oc bam room; an on um axr, also store, Bieelj furoibd aad Uaktod iu all dl rectloas, sattable for druegw, fancy or sta tioasry and be ok store, new htMaa 1S.S F?. RBBT-NICBLY FUKNISKBD HOOM ia srivate famllv: oaiv to IB sta w PBIthONAL. A asrsgrt oskffOmfffmtass WsskwSrir atOsf Asnssma Jptw (ft Uh, "AmUt ftr 9iu UutrHtmi: SO etaU ftr (Ass. LADIES OAK BE ACCOMMODATED WITH nicely furnished room, with or ttithoat board, iroud looalitv: where ao uoeMiuas are aatad OoXFlDKllCS. tbt otu &. l N OW U THE TtME. WB WILL PAY (Buiny"tor asau' amt-elaa mo- aM-jBa aiasBmg. Aaoraaa or wut at JT'iVTTPR nUs STND. SIS D at . w OODNTKY KKAL HnTATK. TTOBgALX ABOIT 17 ACHBB ON D OT V a a extend ert. ou tba Una uf tko Bokiaa- aouuers' Hum nauwav. ttaug a Bart w&r. nalBir a naif ru IBM '"- uf ine I&Le Chltif Inatlna CajLSM. now eallud ' Bdgewood." a good opsortaaliy for kevaator. Fur aartioalars. pnoa, ate . laaaln of CHAFUi BSOWX. m U t a w.s MttNKY Til LOAN. TirOklKYTO-LOAkiQli HXAL BsJTATB OB ltl trst-cutas smiarttla at twgt rate ot mtaraat Xo iatay wbara saoarttjU! "- ' ast TtVst a w. u OXBT TO LOAM OX OOQ0 aasOOSITY. -'rmrxiut.wi4fva. w muK. tt) LOAM OH HXAL ktsTATti asWUBnTT, at AXS tt ctarr. taxfl f M tojsiwtoBit ,. ImmmI au-1 Sl.tAfcAaMiSj, wwTartasigr on l14g I" gxVgtMk( MfH&bW rf HyttJstVstnfisMxP (.'UataftaatOJkkCat OK ttXKtM. S XL HUt CUM. K W UEiLlS FOX ALL SbiU asd Terrllr li. iie L . are ops, BaJ . cui VISlOH OF BARRY FARM. viS FOK SAI.IC AJtJt KKST TtEAL BSTATB BTJLLBTtN TTfOXAS B WAGWAXAy. 91T P street. Changes tnarre Wsdusjadafs ami atnrdnv. S-STORT BRICK ArTD WtAMB JWOTB TO SAMK M. (WRsi s w.hh.l rs j(s5 Mitf, st w, bb, Trs n.'3 soih st n w. f h, 9 rs, and rwaswa rear.4resch 9 WW nnrt tasiithstsw, bn,l, . . J-22 aao 151 t w, b h. s rs MS imtotii tmar'saiSta w.hh, 4. . &. ssi tossstM stntr, bb, 9rt i.? lwvstnw.f b.8 .. .. , Alley bet Ctti and Tth. L and ft sta a w, fh,4 rs 3JM flOLstnw, b h. Trs sSW SSnS el St a SV, hn,Trs ajps) wiamt Manison t n. fk, ir s,en stablam alley bet 15th and leth.K andLstsnw S.W9 4M and 4M RJdae st a w, f b 5 rs $.099 SsvnndSMSrsi.w, f h. 4rs a.tjj9 laiitthstnw, fh. 4rs tm t "i rs jJN so sta w, f h. s rs . ... t.i 9ntOstsw.fh.5rs IJM TOWS Cap st. h h, Irs 1100 WBallevbetr.snd H,h and fth st 1,RJ BNiMrMYED PKOPBRTK FOR SAlVB. PBr toot Pa ave. bet Sth and Tth sta se MJ IBth st, bet M and N sta n w ITS Hthi. bet Land St sta n w 1 S9 B st. bet Sd and tthsts se IB Smh st. bet N and O stsn w 1 44 st. bet NandOstssw 1 tt Tthst ahoveffrnnt ave a w. 99 n ana t . nt and sist sts m Monnt Pleasant 19 HOUBB8 FOR RENT. Per month. ,TheMaltby."NJaveandBt. Part of iwa fl at n w. IS rs 1W StlBPstn w.Urs, fnr 8999 9Cstaw, Ixrs 95 so ITlttath stnw, Mrs 116 N J avenw,9rs t9 OTJN.laten w, 9rs JO O) SB N 3 are n w. 9rs tt 00 WIS IMn t n w. 10 rs ITtTlSthstn w.Krt 99 HS4 Corcoran st n w, 18 rs , 15 W HSSlSthM nw 99 4ttCstnw.9rs tttJO ieiTtdstnw,9rs Stab 1891 Vt ave n w. 9 rs T 38 TllSttnw.Srs 39 99 1914 M st n w. 8 rs 9399 Upper part 14KH'stn w.S rs SIR 11 st n e. 8 rs 1009 U st n w. 6 rs 16 10 as Dcfrees at n w, 8 rs 16 90 110. 1IC4 it stne.firs 18 W Slllstne.Crs 15 99 LOANS. In sums to salt at 6 per cent. Tho above Is only a portion of tho properly on mr books. For full list oall at office for bulletin, Issued on tbe 1st and lata. T B. WAOCIAMAN. FRANK LESLIE'S Popular Monthly FOR SEPTEMBER, 1890. The citizen soldier has a place of honor in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for September, the frontis piece of which is a fine equestrian portrait ot Colo nel Daniel Appleton, Sev enth Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. The paper, by Lieuten ant A. C. Sharpe, U. S. A, on "The National Guard of the United States' is the most concise, comprehensive and interesting illustrated magazine article on this subject ever published. W illiam Hosea Ballou gives a graphic description of "The Great Cotton Belt." Captain J. S. Payne's thrill ing article, "Campaigning With Crook,' ' embodies a tribute to the great Indian fighter, and is a valuable contribution to contempo rary history. Other timely and beautifully illustrated articles, such as "Florence and the Beatrice-Dante Festival,'1 "The Green Vaults of Dresden," by Airs, Schuyler Van Rensselaer; "The Adirondacks as They Are," by Frederic G. Mather, and "Some Poison ous Plants," by Dr. L. B. Fletcher, are among the main attractions of this specially interesting num ber. There are, as usual, short stories, poems, lit erary aad descriptive es says in abundance. alStMHK KktasiKTSi, LONG BRANCH. WEST END HOTEL, Cottages and Restaurant. Fttrlur concerts r.ry morning at 11 JB 'ctixk and Sunday evetiuic luaonru at UW BnUby WItttf's Ciktfltri Sftsnta tS5t dlfcjt and hksUiSiiraal a.,norl- 1 tne tMi oi any in or oat w d.h k. HiLDwrra. Uons Beach Hotcvl, LOC astvta. L. L. -On tlw Atlantic," OftUisauai rconsvYorfc Uut si att tinri 1 JUtnslf UndswUte otckestnil ttsnt Tntten arnmB. )ive nohs snat jt Lnsisi tnmtsi mtniiiwif aaiilBi, aad iaktef U tte nW W4 OtmSA job t. wrvma. mci. ticsniui sptuu, 1. Y. Hotel Earlington, iu. 1 ( . ' Ua.cvl .uuiUc: iiuu A .u t. a iUE.-Xir. waJI nvr UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION Oyer a Million DISTEIBUTED. La. S. L. Louisiana State Lottery Co, lnewi'onrtH ty thn tesrlslstwre frr t ' a ttonat mr! charitable rmrrwses, anrl t -1 - a, tlrtfse nratte a )trt 0 tksj prassnt State t ti etttntloii.hi )nt,byan afwmnmxuni rui' utuwt. Its GRAMD XXTMAORIMNART DRAW IXtWI take place Pent Annually t Inne and December), ami IU BRA3SD StKOLK NL M DRKDRAWIMM take HMe laea.hcf tho ntner (en mmttlM In tire year, antl are a.l rfrnwn Im penlle,at tne Aeestntayof Mus Sttrw OrleatM, La. "We do hereby certify that we siuer -o the ttrroanraat for nil the Month y eJ FJeml Annnsl Drnwlnso( thelonlslan -'ali tottery Co, tuitt ) person mninrc sri'l ' a trot tbe drnwinirs thetBeetre, ami thattlo same are conducted with honesty, fairness and In mod faith toward alt parties, and wo anthorlie the eonrstny tonse tbls eertlfkatc, with fa similes of onr tlanatnrss alUcotJ, In Its adrntlisiMta." ,0j&gg2& Commissioners, We tbe nadertlaned banks sad bankers will pay all prises drawn In the Loo. ana Ktste Lotteries which may be preeented at snr oMuterst K. M. WAI.MBt.KY, Pres't Ia. Nat Bank, r. LANAVX, rres't state Nat. But A. RALDWIN. rres't N O Nat. Bank, t AHL X01IN, I'res't Union Nat. Bank rawing WILL TAKR TLACX AT TUU New Orleans, TUESDAY, SEPTEIW- 9 CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. mm Tickets ai Ul Haives, S10i Ouaifers, S5: Teaiks, ll TwEolitlhs, SI. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 pbux or ssnjse is 3300000 lFMIZKOF ICOMb iconoo JPMSKOr sjwu wooo 1FMZKOF JK8I JfKVO tPHlZSHOr MiUa jonoo ihHUKSOK MWare. ono sn Muznaof uh, jsao K rRisstior SMaen, WOOD SMPIUSEkOr IMaM Wuno M0 rWZtniOr' SMus) UW.J00 imainiimi rsiS". JMPitStMof SSMSM SU.xr Marylsasof SMatsi troco ItsirManof 3ne . ax taajuiuinum. MtFrtoAsnlfkMnM, f jOP twrrtiMial Wat. u 9JM ftUm TinBilin f Iiwxu m ViKTi BVHYWiERE, pyyen imm ttm m 1 wn ktsfei MSB jajaw W r. asissasktMM nstuit. a Important. AU by ail aiirta;, U line far Bwhanw M. A, DAUPHIN, WMr OnttJUalS. LA MtsrerWdiui i. 9aT)HliaWB kt tnn nunnamt uf tr -. m wAMtmmm x kwi wtiosa- iAMBUotUtm Otrianwt, b4 Urn tic - ., i stanni by tnn fnsgnlinr of an us. 1-. njjwsnsnnirtsntnl rirtu ws moaiiUcU it, u.. bjsattetMsu- TnsimtVifii. bjsytre uf u ot nmBslf-Kkl that ttkt petstent ,tf. 1 Hut LuBialnns U Lottery Ou , wij n . l I-kOUHl COt'ST Of TH VkUTgD !T a r k. -IMS dnudian w be s OOMIIUCT w c ntnts) tst Iwitsisit aM nnrt of tbt ui ttenuf ibeaiAUi oowtioVssivniUi'Niu imm LW Tbt UttUUuu vt L lahtaa, vnien ijudraj on tne unii v . 1 . , 01 tUs yenr buidoredia IKJWDiiEM to U iutlULUt.uU -! ttlc lt l c nuttcU Lu L, w , .) 0.1 S.J k rt & nlUi.l. AT: U. L..t'-I v. ht. vL PltKk lultl 1M1 -i ,. Grand MonthiyD BE slSklft fmm l,m irtir ngi ij-va?