OCR Interpretation

The daily critic. (Washington City, D.C.) 1890-1890, October 13, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2008058170/1890-10-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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TUB Daily Critic
Ar tAPTTA' .
Tfo 0n?t 2IIM3 a9 r "'
fSTOef WsWJ0$ftji,
ttVMprv antkwma
fRAMfj9HMWl WWtie fcwsWAsv.
8 ITHMf itttltf MWIIsW
1?AgHlMfftttl CTfT. 0. C.
f ms citmc
tHO 9tfN
1V.MM1WTWI, D. C.,OttOB1l 13. 1W0.
MIMMWMMMWBMiMiiAJfcMii..ii . ,.
A MiMbtr of years ago a young
lawyer mumtM a daughter nf a very
rick railroad matt of Xew York. Tke
young lawyer was, hamtsnme, trail eritt
cittil, and la many respects an amiable
ami charming man. Hut his good
fiuailttoe wnr offset 1y rertaln peculiar
characteristics which cuei him to do
to many carious things that Ms friends
cum to call lilm m-rottfc, and made,
lire frank father-In law ileolara thai
"My son In law Is more kinds of a
iletnn foot than any man I know."
The oM man hail a very extensive ac
quaintance with all torts and eomttiiona
of men.
After his father la law's death the
voting lawyer hul so need to practice
his profession. Vet he was of the
restless disposition hlrh seems natural
to the genus crank and felt the need of
an occupation. In an unfortunate mo
ment ha got hold of a newspaper in
New York. We say unfortunate le
i ans It Has enabled him to adrertbe
his HitosTBCnuie to the worhl. From
being merely a wealthy eccentric,
known only to the limited few of his
social circle, he has become known
throughout the length ami breadth of
tie hid, If mt ihronqhi ut the civil.
IndvtotM, ts Ike champion crank of
tbr rcntury.
Tie is not a one ideaed crank, llo is
inultlftrlous. Hut hU specielllea are
tnltrlca and religion. And he nun
ut:te to mix thm tua wsy which I
try i-xasperatlng to hi fellow parti
i nns. lie has Ucime an 7tni tmrrW
m i-tbtt4 nefrof his psrty. In plain
I'ngllsk he Is a bull la the political
iblna shop, and a complicated and per
sistent nuisauce.
Among bis exploits was the Invl'ing
ofQenetel Ai.tn to lunch with him
liittisole and secreting a stenogra
pher behind a screen to take down the
conversation, which he printed in Ids
paper, thus violating personal ooafi.
deuce ami making it huwling mockery
f hospitality.
Then be has published In his taper
nlltnrtal and news aitleles ileaounetng
the Catholics of the l iled States in the
most bitter terms. This sort of thing
baa seriously inibarrssseil the President
and bis Cabinet, and has ranted a ces
sation of invitation iodine at the White
They new want this rrank bottled
up. The only way it can be effected Is
by buying his or starting a rival IteptiU
lie evening taper in New York, for It
is of Elliot V. s?mt aw, owner and
editor of the Mtit and ltrprttt, that we
have been talking. They can't buy
bit ou. for the cranky Colonel Isn't
tired of his toy yet. He lade too mueh
pleasure in exploiting hie queer notion ,
ant! he is jietfeelty in earneec about
thfjs), u sell unless he should have to,
sad b is rteb enough, tkrougk bis wtfe.
ta ma his paper as he pleases.
H. J. Xu, colonel of the Xiesouri
Drvieio of list Seas of Veterans, ap
pears to ha a fool of the first water.
IduH t day he iu-rapbi to the casape
;-t is. Louis tkt under o eoadttlnae
th u'd tie turn out as an organisation
ut itvetv Fntldent lUnJtuo upon
I W urivsl in thai etty on last Saturday,
u) Ik- gteukd bt bis visit wits
lHkJ. The ' Louis tamps lurjsU
rut i sfii ut tbU -My truer and paid
l-ct mmii iu ib- f'kief JSxct-utive
offeMlu LVl.'ii" Ulixs. osr
HSisMM that ih- effleers refostag to
ofety ids ossktt will be at otses um
ptided- The eCcers so susna4s4 wlU
smmjsI to tss) cosneneAef-hi ckief
Weas ku bee dtvoid of aByiatfcopw
ied1t1sl atiniflianre Ha has mM
omtg araistal say aUusb) to pottrtcs in
bleisBtte sneawlirft at the various points
wNweke has stopped, lie has bee
writes) M Piessdeet of the Vailed
Idfcnjgfft 9fit sji ts) noeBbsal kssad or ojhs
of tk ka4en el Us party. As i'nst
dt, ke esWfilei a duel pftiitkrei lin
U shm oly th Chief Msgjsrtreie of the
kut ke is the CswmswmmI
ilB-Ckkf of the Anyed
My of tk L'ntktd Biases. It fat aeji
Uy pcecwr, tkenKfe, tkt ke sjaoukl
he t4twI. not only by the cosssituesd
dvU tistsMNrities of tkw Kusca wkMs ke
visksbd, ksst by tk satlitwy and sswl
naiiHry oigsjaiitHon of tbott Mates.
T aelr of the foollU liuss was
insult u tke l-airtawas.
mi hHc of ike orfjniistfc'n to
U was iitutMi shoved great
h eHagrdla it The osier
ww tike aKc usvcalkd for Izotn ike faet
tkea Prinhrl Uammjumx was. if m ea
I'WKlWgt at kMt a f itnVuJ, seMler fas
seen eas foe wktak hke fastess of
Ike ecu 4 YeteraM fought ftaj tke
jenMSMWy of the JieeasWt doe w
snjer kto cmntternsioB in ameb .
U sbUM not who ke Is, or in Vkjit
Met hei(.AAa. tktt hrifflr la raakft to
gpjnwgf epsse ww"esfnn -w mm " irupw
k great t4Hee ke kmhtt, wt to tk
Vklns woei toesst u .-uy pm
tkls ivuuy U th swssjssvy s-i seasi
w -.uUsioS U Ike t JllttLry
tuJU a a tuiu jiA lo do Uuour to use
rrtMilonl the Cotitlttitlonal com
mard' r of the mlHtsty forces of the
t'ftlrm. I r Mtch wetc tM ctsN ft wmtkf
he tetter for all nwh TfrawlJswhMW to
dfshMnf. Fottnnstety swrh kj not tire
ThN silly yottTiir peter. Kt.rR, r
kiw t limbed higher fhatt M nwtlM
wMtld seem to Warrant, aftd who fc-M
rM dlrry front the heiglilrii Mc
he hsshwn elevated. rhlmel a RepnV
Itrat in pnltik'S. !fo par1n consMefr
sttrth thetefore enteret Into his owJcf.
tt tM simply rank fonthnes. fie
smwtM Ve tedwral to the ranks nod
kept there. He Is ton ligM-heled to
be entftwted with authority.
The t.rtiv.i.E (Kt ) postofflce ht
been agitated recently by what may He
called vMl nnwesclotH violations of
the t1vl.!etvlce law. Pntmn1ef Hm
TT attempted to ftml ptarrs for two
ttepnblhnm kard-wntktts In pnlltlct.
Md In this attempt discharged a rouple
ol employe or upyin plsees rmt t
enpt frrtm whst an known a essmlns
ttttki for admlwlon nwder the r Ivll-sr
vice rubs, ami to those place ht p
potMed his workers, naylti ni Mtn
liott whatever to the Civil Service a or
rnlefc This action tilwd a breef, ami
then the postmaster got a copy nf the
htw ad of the rules, and read them
carefully, with the result of being con
vinced that he had nude illegally at
least one of the appointments that hwl
been questioned. "Yes, It Is w," he
said . "you have tt rlchu I made a mis
take In the Civil Service law, ami I ntvw
corrected the mistake " Bat he had
not, for the "workers" were trot lamed
out Into the cold. They wet lake
enre of, ami still ocenpy places In lUn
rutt's cosy olHce.
Tnk Ai.ttAKt k rNort.K are comforted
by the opposition they experience
"That the move Is tJfiTtlve," says the
Xalwnal Krone mM, "that tt Is really
and tutely sect mpllshlns: something. Is
shown by the amount of opposition It
arouses. The Mtter nltitek of a hlrelfmt
press, the slamlttous fslhoods of th
staves to gold, the Mnw frm behind of
the hjiocrlte that ha protended f rlttml
Milp, the over snllrttous advice of the
Interesteil txdiilclsn. the flneer of sooru
and tldlcule pdntd at the order, are
only iirlmsry methcnU uf showing that
the effort made by tli tinier has hurt.
As tt hurls worse, other and more severe
methods of trying to produce dloord In
the tauks will be resorted to. The
Alllstce newspapers will soon havo to
stand a clmrjie and a sta, bttter, un
relenting nt.il uiip!nclpld It will be
waged ly iittlhrils so cunningly oon
tiivnt i list nothing can sivt Oietu but
the lid support of the people"
Ilr tiik itKctsioX of ii Circuit
(.' nit In KatS4 it i no rrtme In that
hlate to sisal whisky ami brer, at least
fiom a "Jottit" or "speak easy." The
poteteinn "f wwh ifil In suoh a
plsce is tdence thst s crime Is in.
tended, and as it Is not a crime to pre
vent a crime, the purloining of such
articles Is not a crime Kut the nun
who was set free for mealing the liquids
was real rested on a cUarge nf braining
into a house and tletdtnu the ptckiex,
to-wit, the hollies whioh contained the
liquid. As the crartd jury U not In
teseiofl lie will uttve to tiny In jtll until
(lie January term of court, unless some
phltanthroplu prohlbliioeltt balU hi n
out It the man ciu'i Iw ronvtotevl on
this last charge a way has at latl Uojii
fttuml to Weak up Illicit liquor selling.
A few expert and enierprltlug burgUre
would max a most eftVrtfve Hoelety
fcr the SquIeklng of gpesk K isles.
Whkx rEuttrr H.ihhison arrived
in Indianapolis yesterday he wai met
at the depot by Mr and Mrs. It. 8.
McKxk ami Baby McKkc awl a few
newspaper rettorters who kd lwn as.
signed to the unwelcome duty. The
dlepaiek says that no one eb) was pres
ent because the 1'resldent earnestly re
quested it. The unanimity and eUwer
fulness with which the recpest ws-t
eowpiied with U very aueeestive. It Is
doubtful if IUMHitfW oouUl ask the
lmltanapolitane lo do anythlug tHiU
would affcrd them more iiiefe pleasure
than to Uy away from blut.
Thk Ki.ii.Tiuv iv Hkaihl U, un
foflunately, not encouraging to lba
who want to see a ttroeg ami esllesmit
republie eetabtiaked there in place uf
the prna military governuMuU which
has held rower tituv the expulskm of
Don 1'i.imi. Lew than half the reel,
del voters participated iu the election,
thus apparently displaying a widespread
indiiteieaee, it nM distrust, among tke
people as Ui tke new Qoveraaaent. At
heat ike new Government will represent
lees than half the po.. It Is decid
edly a minority Government.
Tut; Pbivch or Wajuh m wearUg
his lutnner ruitted these days. Iwd
Pfacnitvv, a persfmal frWnd. said tke
Prince ihsanherst from viOtusg the a
ifaMei aSHSlfal feetivej kncaMse ke feaied
ssiexkibetionofdislpyeily. TfcPiie-i
isetsse tkfs itsttnmw wnji 64st btas. aatd
kas tonsequeetiy cat Utg acquafasuusce
of tke "noUe kd.M
So. WASkCB itwss attagked a
talcon la Lake Cbunty. Cai, last
Friday tight. 0e -4 tke lascssrs ajtd
Use salMtt-keeper's wife vet kUled
and the salon kiresnr won anted. TkJt
aaetkod of piobibUkw, ikAUetk eCevtive,
appears to be too violei.t.
i-CwMMisaiaMUt T
tkes be wiuse to Mt 'wssmstiw Cuoeg
siurinn that ym seabueakm ot Consssib
sloner lUi m k4 ke nawjnjgati. kf
fyfj kat dkf soft, anelij, ojf sVefse ahmf
Raim's ssvAagkis) kaggsst bnsaeMsg
fui ss) wUl tK ke-
fsis Couriu Joitruai isJMm tge) boys
wis tke edd cry of To anvtensB, O
hiut' ' In kIaqm im. Aaa ttjlg
ew" snsj seflgwTpner wsjisnaesesge' fsnesnssvsw svsswsf
tkk cty kag aiaviss4egstt9s. kjntkgn
fas tke dwii. tin ffrnmihiran IHaliiii ol
i'fihitHs It kas vn Mu& erkatenei it
F "'n'e w ev sw sgerss"sF sisjisggnevv v
i am kv4.
Tiyc ftksnTflnf sf ilMJ lilseWriisnf MttMftiA KAMsl
9 Ppsw psrwsm 'anp'wwew eBweeawn sntsHssr
of t llcXivuir w. it Mr Ikf
mtMMM Uttsf i V fatted. ' ' Tklft 1st lasVatli
eaanswelnTei' w""j Tr we w sgesSfss"
BttJisl fffisent eV HsUlr UlUS tfas tSsnnMeannnVsnU
ypspgemlP mvwgap 1 nsw vgtjpV weswvF'mn
skew tugkt be agluw wfekeattku
Jat&hid btatkswrfuJ patriot, and
tJtes ckttjtul tits uf lUe imiW Fit3
i lit WW TttUaf uf tUHilf WUl U a duou
vniitsire to tlioroimtry If if lnrroe
the cost of omc articles people will
stmply ne ten nf them. Take www,
for Instance If the rtrlff on Wnoi
makes rlolhlmr cost nrnte a petwm will
get along with one- snlt where he wwttd
otmwwlse hare two.
Tine Ktrro or Itai v hs snt Ma pict
ure to the Emperor of Oerimtwy. By
an oversight the dHrtch doesn't say
whelm ft was a ttfltypo ot a cnWwet
immugi spn.
. -- - -
ArrwoiMitAtftt.v emwrgk th ettra
secafoB twtli orlginateit tit tin fertile
imtglnntton of a denizen of The ,
srnxi It efflttftg a rood deal ot row.
Tun woot, obowrks congratulate
IkeiweelvvM npo the present status of
Ik Tariff !nw. The wool consumers
df flc4.
- . m-
1 h SrShAt Mnftcnrs of the Phllv
delrhla rlaftles are rather doll. Wat
MARRn doesn't artvertrso In them.
Tnrs t a TWkTslntchy day.
Aimtti.r .tr"!" tUrrmtert.
&lttr Criik Your nfttfon of this even
ing contains a dispatch from Columbus,
Ind., stating that Oongrensman Cooper
has a letter from me, asserting tttit
the President has made up his mind to
dispense with the services of funeral
Rftnm as Commissioner nf PenMn, etc.
Permit me to state that to my knnwl
edge I have never written Mr. Cooper a
letter on any matter whatever, ami I am
not aware that I ever wrote any such
tetter to anybody.
Yottrt, very truly,
Jamiw Twinm.
October II, 1500.
M,ttv)nUtnH Mton IUUble, Wert
Virgin!; Walter Olyn J. C. Collier and
Mr in.lMrs It. II. frslewart, New York.
Ait'twe--Uhnrle .1. "nok, Newark;
Rlchartt J. .Mcdrann, Lsnraster, I'a.; J.
B. rhllllp, .1.11. Rutmsn, Xalbtn Schwab
and wife, few Tork; J. Leansrd, Colo
rndo; Max fells. Hamburg, Germany.
Ilinp-K. B. Henry, New York. U. ..
?ttil(h, Mltmeapolls, F. II. lven, Mrrhlen,
St. JamrR. llermtnn, Charlotte, N. C.t
C. It Mather, Chicago; Iisvld Howwi,
Brooklyn: James A I swerly. New York;
I.. H. .lohmnn, Hsltlmon; .1. N. Clarke
t lilrago; K. N. Hlshop, Boston; Chsrles
Brewer, Vlrnints.
mihntt'W. N. Chasesnd wlfr. Boston;
C M. ftlodjrett, A. C. Bomt and wife, Ke-v
ork; 0. . Knight, Fort Vjne; C. B.
Bench Jti'I O. vr. Brigns, Itenvci, Cot.:
Isaac Simon sml wife, Huston, 0. F
Scrivener, .Montreal: T. I.IUlchalr', llomll
tuir, Utit : II. IVrrwIU), Ugdensbnrg,
N. Y.: John N. Hogsn, Albmy
Hrlrter'-C. I). Beckwtth, I'slorson, N
J . ft K. Viekrr. rbiltdclfbta: K. V. Mu
o e, t 11 Hrnwii, lbwton
ltfir A. Kotslllsril. Jr., ami wife,
I.'.ni.vlitr. K).; i . h4iw, Nw Y'orh;
Mr sliI Mi. M Abtmn, hVHtua.
orAfi ---Jtuciili FrrsMt and WlllUm K.
Da j, talon, (lltlo: isrlvtoii Uimt, Nr
Orrjsh. M i uttliilour, IVirtngil; V. 8.
tbciniiii, Inidoii, fi'g
.Iran--(3. .M. llrmuilorway. PhllaillLhli;
Dr. t) tt. I.HQgren ati-t J. M. Hon hum,
T.liilo. Ohio
A f..'3fo . . Jtatfen, Jr., Newark, V
J.; Mr ihoppln, J. F. Mupite unit Ml
Jennie Mcgslc Now York; ft H. Slwpant
sod wife, . A. i'btipard anil wife, Boston.
N'i,rmi.fiV--J. B. Macfarlauc. I'tilU
1nl.lits: Captain K C. Hskersml wlf.i.
sr mouth, Aisus; K. C. Sturtlng, tt. I.ouli
KIMtt -lrt.iy Young, HUUIi-hiliU; N.
V. Konvts snd wife, CtMttamiogs; Vitas I.ti
elite ItlHi'ltbum, Verssllks. Ky., II. tl.
Yalea, J. W. Hyan, IT tf. Navy.
Jiutrt JuLhjQHO. h. M'lllUmson. New
.Mexico; Jamra T. Ilyile umi (uim J
J!nuiil, Nw York; Harry Hemsnt aguut
of "(iMMl old Times," New York; WlllUm
Oaforne, llnhoken, N J.
lleitjTtji'tV. W. Kurd, Forest (iln.
Mil.; (i O. afclilen, Brooklyn; Kerry Morrii
atxi wife, J. U. Mall, acil J. J. Armatrong
and wife, New York.
rli Munnur In IVIiIpIi the ITalMltnl
OMs In JUnkimI
A'iimh tht VuarUrtji ItuUw,
As usual in all officially conducted
enterprises Iu China (ami the Chinese
Uovemment ackaowlodgeN no union of
cspitsllsis fur Iar enterprises aunrt
fitm riWcial uisnatcerefal), little en
oonntgeesent is given to the general
public. In the case ot the telegraph,
tbe charges are high, averaging Unt
one billing a woril, more or lees, ac
coidiag to distance. Tnl tariff It,
with thrifty people tike tbe Cnlaete.
tiuile problbilive as far i aoHil mee
sagraoie concerneil; ami fiw buine
purposes its ute Is coeiincd li tbe few
wealthy mereheets in the larger tnwna
and by them ii is Mtl verv p tringly.
In the Was important place U U nut
open to tbe public at all, although lh
WMMlful Maiktsui mm! ojmrio atre to lw
found ther. At one sui ii tuttou, iu llu
l'WB of Jhin-tan In iiupeb, we
tiinltosead a meaaee. After much
it ijuiry we at last found our way lo the
TUcio cfait. ur ' iijbulitg dwtMlck
i tfre, ' and wcr shown to a utl oui
of ihe-way two stesird Ckiuete dll
ing ht'Use. ClimhiBg up an incosv
vruiently sseest laakW we reeeked la
uprer ttory, wbteh eosMssteil of 4 roomy
loft, with a tU S4 kuwai plank n kit
and nu reiiiag tiesteatb the unctmseaied
tile mot. The apanmeui had every so
rewsnee of not balug been swept ut
garoisked since the day it ws cjo
trtscisti. As oeur eyes gradually grew sccus
kwed to the dbw light sdmltioi through
tke insali paper wiatdaurs we perceived
Uoswoaswer a curtained (resale bed
teed Illuminated by a diminutive
opihuu aswfcvr's Uaup, is ssvutker cor
ner WUreraphlt sigaeiutg lmnrunaeci
wlik a silk cover ki pseseet H from lh
Oirt, and a couple uf tke usual aUff
backed woodvu ( kiaeie ckairs A few
ciotkes truakd and a tuiule-d'wa
wardn.be completed tke furniture. A
we esiuued a uuu. of 3d. kamlsinnalv
dressed la silk, btote fioes tke bed and
nMaUMianed us ut a tn&. lit) sentdved un
k Kat tiXittiuu wd, to our aurpslsg.
egaid reejty pirassd to see kb) kaunt
fasvadcd I v d wrtssriaa.
A 1J of ! or usta. auy
1 iu hi k. itrudaeed the) kuauMkig
taatui ci tak ffunsawnnwl Tbe
sMtnacH' ' u) I nut ween ny insMSng
wkfaca 4 ca itmibYtai, ot Qui
tm, who resl'kd KsSjt snite distajsi,
and i'-u u hkh t J'.&ed w to ojms
efaiei.vit 11 "j Jiu.e7vetto Tka
led. wu.- 1 :r,.t I vui '- be a OgtaMMl.
Uswul lb -ujLi' i.J iueissy k Ms
port uj iu i.lm n J tke srises,
ebitiiU. U Ji'ii j usUgoitkaitflo
tk swxtioeslou x. rUv ib rdn "4U
rfackt.'.' Tke At- t tc KuUetk ke
iM knam ke msMMed to kave fue-gctH-
A to lk ebkaT wa. Lke ittstuwer.
tuwiahbw Soo Ckw smsv. M UWuel (J
kf W'T sg sn 1 rtie eawof snvsjCfs. ssWb
hi ssnjjkay tsu mseugNSsvins amg o assiMav
law- Uv tkussMagMy eeJMgsst vssji
f4w wk" eese taut tke-uttknsi
Sao oi ihvutkel tad mutmA Wy to
I irgr' iui,djiiuf. stesww.-istesiy
1 buuiu' Swi'iJ ln, itkatuvUii
i-j-i 'i;1W sjMrd of etli vc
! iui ;uu i s!sm4vi'. i t
1 t Jf ' f ' Iruil c 1 Uc r.ulo- d
1 Li 1 - Li . '.ol. u It'.'
' L LI JJUJ inLiUl 1 ) I I
I ' to.
tv'erM's vTutt m Onrer lei Mwrr
in BieffsjfSi,
Frfini fkt K''lrh.irt)Ji TttrrH.
From lOW to lOoti B. C. manklml
tahnred whh patience and Ingenuity,
yet never tnrmerHd In prndwcfflg A. P..
C. Tt was reserved for the PhtemVlsn
traders, who, ss Voltaire frotftts out.
were ten mny to devote lime to the
learning of four of live hnwdred em
Mee for nee In writing, to trevelrm the
otoed Renerallrstlim of an alptMbnt.
Which ws, In f set, at first a kind or
shorthand a 1 ompsred tefth tke syi
lahnty. A kiwrwlcdire nf thw rntte totM
which is made by the eomMfiatwtr of
twenty five things would awotr the
modern student that an alphabet nf
twtntt five letters minht easily be em
ployed IlilmtteMy In wrltloir.
let when flmt employed the alphabet
was nodmbt trestut with scorn by or
thotlox writers, wboe eduoAltoh hnrlftd
them down hy pedsntli laws. It might
be good enough fo Ignorant mcrchanti,
I ut wes clearly unfit for ed nested pe
on. So It comes afrvi that among
the earliest of alphabetic tests we find
the dockets on thw hacks of cuneiform
documents, which are neither religious
nor historic, but merely mercan
tile sffreementa. In the ewt the uni
versities were swept awtty, the hiero
glyphic arribes were out of employ
mtnt and mankind was tang ht to write
lis own letters In the A, II. 0 of
the Phrentclan merchant, and finally
Hie hieroglyphic ami yllahtc wrltiwfa
were so utterly forgotten as to employ
the lives of eveml generations of chol
era for thctr recovery.
The Inventors of the ilplmliet rlearly
worked on ome pretioua svltabary,
just as the PeHnns or thi- Keyptlnns
tried to develop alphabets by selections
of yllsMc iniVems. The question as
lo tbe Phoenician alphabet Is still from
wbot syllabary did It stlse? The oldest
dated monuments In alphahetlcsl writing
ss yet known belong to the tenth cen
tury, 11. C , includlnc (he Mo,ibl(e
stoce stid the new Inscription of i'au
ammu, for the larire mtlorlty of Pbn
nlcian tiis ss yet dlruvett are even
later tbsu the Persian age. The f immu
crfflnnf Ohmnnscsr from Stdon has
been shown, by aid of n newly discov
ered text from near Acre (da"tlng 891
11. C ), to belong to ibe times of tli
Ptolemhe, and ilia one Hebrew text at
present known (ihe Sllostn inscription)
Is vtrv rlesrly of the egeof llexektnh,
about 700 11 C.
I ta AUOevriiH ami Mr. Ilurrl Hit
ler Itiii'li Otlirr I'tom .troliiiiy.
rtem llu st. imU fhtontet.
The waiter girls sre to the front with
another sensation. This time tliul.ln
tlell Hotel waiter girls and a New
Yotk dnimmcr ate the pinion involved.
Jiwph Kdmlngton was stopping tt
Ibo I.imlell, and becoming stnlltoti with
Ibe charms of Mmy JIcfloA-nn, tlw
prttlust waller girl In the hotel, Invltml
lint' lestntjibt togo with him to Pope's
Tht aire.
Th p accepted ibe tnvltatloti and
llu itiutninw c tiled fur ber at her home,
KSli Wm-lilngior avenue. Allan .M--Gi'tsan
md Mr Kdniinglnn weru walk
Itiv lothe t lieal le, hhiI at OlWi- iir.-et
tliev were met by Mrs. Jd-utie IltrrU.
3itr. IlarrU Untnetty widow and
alsoawaltfi girl. Abo bad been pttd
Mime alieettons bvMr Kiltuliigtun and
It Is said consldtrul she bf.d a prior
eWIm 10 him.
Whin she met Miss Mary MuQowiio,
ber rival, uuirylng off tbe ttrire. It be
unwu a case iu ber mlml ot which was
tlm W-tlir man, ami tbj way U lie
labored Miss Mary over tbe bead with
her umbiella Mini ciawul ber hair was
tlyht lo see.
Ilut Mary MeCiowan sm made
of sternt r stuS than alto looked. She
patritil Ler antogonisl's blows and
Itarried them vigorously , while the
dtummer oMciatcd as llmc-keewr and
.Mb Mary had the best of It. and
wtun the fair wbtow hwl retired, bellied
and with hair dlsartangcd MUl" He
Gowan aid her escort serenely pro
et-edud to the theatre.
Miss McUowsn has sworn out a suut
HMMis agalns Mi'. 1 1 writ lu the Hrtt
district Police Court.
llo lie Altf tuplei! a Srirl unit
VSut Illlil.eir flultuuaU Out.
This is by way of the Jolly Chicago
Jifirmal: A doctor on tbe KortU WUn
played a neat little trick upon his wife
one uiiUt last week. Ever since she
drat wet him he has beeu bearded like
tbe pard and both whlakers ami mus
tache have been regarded as no incoa
thief able part of his irofeaebMil outfit
The lady was returning from tbe uouu
try, and ber lord waa to meet her at the
d pi t He usually wears a Prio Al
lti 1 lack coat and a tall silk bat. as
l c 1. i-th the dignity of a medicine
11 an lit cbanged all that upon th
mi pJett-d day. First, he went ami h I
hU face eeen akaved lie then pur
chased a raw bat with blue ihb a
(Bid. aid bsetened to array himself in
a right suit, f wfab-b tbe coat wt a
tbi It seik. bulti.cid up to the cblu
He taw his wife lookleg iut for him, and,
keeping bis trad tusmd don n, be ap
piosi brd tbe ctr aw said la a d'
KUtted vekv- "Can 1 U of aay aaai(
arte, Madam-? '
TV susMtwkat d! ooosobuo lujy
thanked him, aavl said sk would be
kvueb (4dicd if ke viild cell eevr
iifc Wbtn k bad take ker 3M
ke jumped iu d sat beside ker with
tuianybtt word, tike gave htm a
U-nf. pseectng look, ami tke said
teisnly . " Why, youreat idiot, you're
slam! naked.
tke iaut uacttbt a4 ssms gsoeral ot ali
! eases. sVeJeell a isMf at esaUtwiy see
tmt.ii. wtiaW tensjaanils eeesfwkase ue Us
seJtrb( slaves Busts' aaraatwrUla he
had rjnre aoeeeaa bi curiast as r ta
eX amulel. The avuet xvese aakl Baiafei
tvnwUie w.wiiiss to tke neck or istc.
be ur a tt sr. csaslee safSiai oe totsi
bMaulswaa, sv yleWad to Ue heweefui et
tetsU at this atwlt-lae tt Ibarouxblji n
mum ra us ot isunrUr irom Ue
bktud as butt e sks weakenel sfstsss
all . auc (mas sunrfttta ak jU cmrtalaly
give iloiuta srperHla a fgV kstel.
Se Wstsel Tlttau
tto as v nate viUi wort tie
ol sewifals. a tke ii,eetwd Um ot
ssr itmnitb 1 cm Wm kVud't ut.rui
JvjurktU smw 4 weU, otsnaeMM
ia It as skt tkew was m as. ewt
eiiis awsaasa 1 -t wi.,'-J. Vs,i
THW, liskwrimi. "
. ttttn -Ue,iua wat iua bv
bssjmVor w4. that go tout pa-. gar.
assasHto auaut Uj taju. j4 t j bayaajhFyi
etav lllateiMt
Hood s
b.,.4 .j al iUuin ; x t rt ' e
tid v..iltjt'l UUJJiuj It M .
M Janeee Slate MeaLex
Wilson & Carr's
For an Easy Shoe
we eaery the Bt tins of Patent
t eetMr sheen nw Tdies and uen
tiemenatjeatwrat Wilson & Carp's
VthlHMHHl JSllW tlCH,
vo. i vrRiiifr x. tv
Washington, S. P.
i mi n wjtfr iiM.Ti.noitit STitnifr.
yy Imt n Ilvr Snif nr l't Otmslr
from tht Rotfori Trnr.-rifit
In connection with the geological
examination between Oradi and Pota,
omc curious Investigations have re
cehtly been carried on, reganllng which
Dr. VIncenr Hllber reimrtslntbo "Pro
ceedings" pi ihe AiwtMau Imperial
Academy of Sciences ami In the "'1 rnns
scllons of the Geographical Society ot
Ylcntifl. Accnidlng lo these comtnunl
I'ttlnns, local fishermen know of a place
to the south of the Koviguo Light liotto
where tlietr nets eel entangled In sub
matlne walls and bring up fragments of
tlicrti. A diver some j ears ago reported
having Hen there, at lite bottom or the
ea, walls ami streets, ami tlit site Is
looked upon ss iltnt where the lnt city
of CUh bad stood. At the beginning
of the present jear, nt the Insllgstlou of
tli bsrbnr captain llovlgoo and Hear
Admiral Hlnke, hii examination of the
floe e wn made by a rtlver. who subse
quintly msde tbe following nlltdnvlt:
"tin rtaclilng Ibo bottom I found myself
upon remains of overthrown walls, utter
iMunlnloic which I art I veil at the son
cluMon Hint they hsd been parts of
lkdng a mason by trade, I was able to
make out thelsytrsnf iDortsr Onpri)
cetdlng alonB tbo Mot I oWrvi-d con
tlnnrus rows of walls stul stncis. I
could r.nt icedours slid utodox open
Iocs, and. In my otlnlon. tbeit were
flllui up liy crsvol, teaweid and other
!t.(.rus!titloiis Hut whst I could observe
tXxctly was the existence ir truUr
sin wall, upon which I prticet-drtl for a
(Usance of 10 fett. I ould not rm twd
Isither, btcsuse tbo sir ilpe an I stfuty
lope illd not ptrmlt of It. Nor co.tld
I sinlnetbe wall futther tm accmiut
of the adjolulnt? greet riepth of water.
l"rin my obtcrvitlons I gslned tbo Im
pression nisi tiiw i titling neap of ruins
are th remains of buildings, and formed
tbo 1. pldlon that a town bad here lioen
auliinerged by some catastrophe. till
the t xctpllon of a loose stone, which must
have funned part of a wall, I eould uot
bilng up dv other oblect, as lliu ma
tcnty Is tltmly foimeti, front which I
could not bring out autldog throttgli
want of tools and time ' It appears
conclusive that st tbe plnce named a
human bablistlon, with bouses, etc.,
has been ktibtuergcd. Dr. Illtber states
lbst a further (smlnatlou, L-onnoted
with bltMlIiig and the rulslnx ot mate
rial, is piobable. Should llieeewotka
be carried out the question in ly be solved
whether these rnlus arc those o tlienhl
Unman ilty of Cissa r om other town.
IteeiM MpU Mh Ih rrl WI10 hlmtn
lliu I'nlili 1 iIib (Jliarltntili-.
The Parisians are not slow Iu ruses
to raise moety. Sympathetic specta
tote gathered the other day around .a
young man who fell down In front of
tbe Louvre, In Paris, In what appeared
to be an epileptic leisure. One ot ihe
by stauders stepped forward ami pro
postd to carry the Invalid to a uhemUi'i
tbip not far tiff, and auotber offered to
Tbe one who spoke flrat look up the
etileptlc's bat, ami throwlug sl pence
into it, saki to the crowd. "I am a poor
meu myself, but if each one of you
did like me this unfortunate creature
would have something to help lu ra
il his sufferings." Impelled by this
gem rows example, the crowd showered
t uppers sad small tiiver into tke hat un
til over rW uae collected.
Gnat was their aatoeisbweAt nhen
twi ciettblW walked up asvd eUed
Li.t'u tbe beeulent originator of lbs
lm loilcetlon and the epileptic suf-lt-nr.
Tke bttter, as soo as ke opmed
Ida 1 ts and saw to poHeesna. fiwgot
that be was a Invalid, ami attempted
to euaae. Tke) were both take to
He lock-up ana weie lilenttied es tw
ut 11 kcw lsy mendicanta.
Caret and IVenssrete. Tke
sm1 tke stustn dodge siinaifUy
during tke fosesao.
Mutal Ui ail A tilling.
faVttiak Aaated laaeaiffsastt He
naeo, sir, but cotaJVt yo 'elp a
ftr feifaji as hs just coate koec froes
Iuuto. sir?
Howell Qikko iwko ks spasw a
year's lacome tkcru ke two snowtkgH
ptLbVsk epeive Hiace, Udo; I
aVaa't woaeVr you left it. I west kaak
tkew syae)f this teo.
TtMS uUiietu ltavcsi.
fm dU AatfsJsHasr.
That kiegstkitca party b tke party of
w Wtstrag. psMMtso.
lkeswe. kMF Messier, free wkisky,
tax. dottkie tax. wtiu mnstsfy
aoaawiai us aavuiiaii daai iaaw
iy cl-ui ale with a vote or e
pgfk buodW, It is oftUUaH a4 U
eViaksrg i o poltor ly. 4 tkga U
Mnr kssBstw hues d wr wetfes.
VsMtseMst Wi
JFUm UU ftrn. Uaui thmw
b. Wfckvfam-O, tkia U awful.
Jiesw'tfaiury of a poor, starving woM
i Mmawkmiitis selilng ker Uul ckHd
Ms Wkkwire-sTky. tt ww
seKMisjgwfaadW. tsiMcaeeof lasgMs-
sr y m 1 s su ss sue spassv
W wPsw ysssjaTaavlvBgeeF sgsv j?iewajpwev"
a Utkau JseyaAuft.
ifcseiwf 5, W sd IT. use Aswss. at. K
wiM sssl link ss sat ui eUeU fee ke iou
UH. Uctubu Utb tu IK, goud t J ruUa
irs.ia ami fm M'-y LyvW-11 avstkeMrsAd
SoawTbeMtk aiMcaal UaT tit
ib,iM wxi-.e iu WM-hotoo tkewrly
mornlsc ol Uav Uitk. ami netiusatitf wut
lease re-IrT""-' '-' uiiJuitfl us t- l'i-1
Bt-nuljr trahia lean VVaiaiaBt'ie at t
a.J W.ir in o.UmI' f '' "c'':1
sHEiaasssalsssTsmssUiLUaaLakaesisssV .HflHeP '
sHnVRSIHsH -vTnssssssssssestae
asyasT31ll3s6jKeBIBaSSaSSsBlaSSr,nsC' KBSBStSlf
" ' 'WwLSsr---.-
trs'UgitciXBit'gBfJAY, oeroiaR ti, AHD roimfte Bxnt. orrokgR 3t,t
Adnteston, srmtn4. nvemt stntut ami ctnhbone, i. Inclmlln clnbhone nnd
Atudr to O. (t. tTAPt.rs. Treanree, W IllanlM Hotel, for member's bailee'
Chjtet lor stile tl srseters wilt tie excluded.
Trains leAre H. O. Tepot MC5, ItsW, 1 and 130. Honnd lrtr,5cenH. oet-tStl
Corner Loughboro and Tunlaw Roads.
The Sale ot this Most Delightfully Situated
Property Opens
10 an n
II Splendid
Opportunity to
ilhin a Reasonable Time.
This property is most beautifully situated on a high
rtdge overlooking and in close proximity to the heart of
the city. The electric cars pass within a few hundred
yards ol the place It is high and dry, and the great
panorama, ever presented to view, of the Government's
beautirul buildings, the hills of Maryland and Virginia,
with the historical and classical Potomac River, makes
WESLEY HEIGHTS a most charming and attractive
place for a home. As an investment it is unrivaled.
TERMS: One-quarter cash, balance in one, two
and three years, with interest at 6 per cent, per annum.
Fifty dollars earnest money will be required upon each
lot and will be applied to purchase when settlement is
made. Deed to be passed free of all expense with ab
stract of property. From the gross sales, seven 7
per cent, will be placed in a sinking lund to be applied
to making improvements.
We can recommend this subdivision in every par
ticular and feel confident that your investment will prove
one ol profit in a very short time.
ZM tfa e36H9t ltVsgMfcVssMk.
feSAlt JsnaMt FseasstsBSel JLttattMaSetfttM
BiwMi. ysnlisinr S. f
b vmmKxmmj9
-1 ea V rSr.
St hMM Uf
SkSm m
" I "jeT Bssrsneat 5;" w " aar sa-y
rgU OMsf u wiM 9 njgt, QCPOWKlt Is
sstfam. CtvS XeUserriaw. sSfcUT, i
Tkjyjifeirajw- rsBe Tjerejita.
stssTtotM evssWsVe'eM 'oo .tujEStt
Tut tasSfcar Mnesaaasria anew so see
fUm sat
lfei lnilf I Bltsw AaefldCatealsssCsnal
Cents Per Foo
Double Your Investment
and G Strests.
ScMfswi IMrcisttf ---SdMil if Liw
KV J. UAVUI Hsi-'ttAfeaaL a. J..
CiaUaut of tke USvstattr.
Bfeeeef tke tSauelsv
KkaW Joatfce V. 8. Court ut CUtakO
Lestwne m ataiatory aud AdaaJatatrasive
Law aaat Lwul If in ten
aUirTlkt f It&ataUK, IX ft .
Leeturtjf oa i fetsaHy'-B1!1 aa-i ialaeaa-
tWaal Law. Astasfaaitv J Cuniractve
u orif'ui 11 11
IttKllUVt VU I
Lw of keal ajitaif and tke
r (J niljlfaar,-
iu,v Ifinuia c iminur
1 Jiutki. SuieaiTTuBt, Sbt(i.t uf Culnae-
cia ). nf.mpy urn wuuwJB. uw. rusau-
im and EuuWj JurUiruJtiu.
J4ieif J UaJUJStlT.i.V, LL U..
ht, IfciasejsaTssssaiByisr) Lew.
Ltctuur v CtUmalSw, IttassWa) Kel
S ttuauto
j tin V Munru.
, AiS0AiiaKi:
p Puny.
laLroilu.tuff Uwiuru 4ttvl irinnnaneesiinti
cusajsv est we V uv oe
surue sbsatae una at ue tsr
tiusr-1. as n- w- A wni-ri)iae aseees
gfaMi tovitci lo wtvisv Tk Uhiwf. nvy
uoprl5i the Ca!i--h s4 lsdia Abmsem
ISJfcfUaitd lit. 'ttimt tSXt bOukji 1& I
lega) aukjuci.. 1 a kmuM4 la (be Ls MsV
kn Wi tomssMBka)--. jsaaiBg rouuw al.
tatkee and tin kauinni rrmuSs ss-tetts
SS- W(g $usiaa MtutMDd. - ieaVataM
Sauiet at liuj a-"iirf
Tiu M..itay in u. -.uu at ku Law
C fl-a. t 10 Ui -W l- ai , tor tnfufWMluli.
MunlLturul Lte 1 &ouMr s mg vueae ut
tlMtiJ. UU: rit., ut be gktihat atbuuk
oU.e vr5' H sCrlM4 i9 at a. ..
aalXi BVrtswlk " . ISSSfats w . ut4
agTfkusatatfa'sAte atece. USkat.
o ,uiu aaaiHntl. b rr n; -J2j sr bj Id
ttr lu tht HLdirrsUneJ
h V ir UIJW
i-uaa. aasBas nna
and, aw
Annual XngasTtrrnt of the Fstnn
PrswntlPir the Lste-t c mlc Opera Snfcew,
tfr t cvnmwer of "The Beggar Stnnt"
awl ': ftnsST"
Lttlv post, channcy Otwtt
Annte glfsts, rirrjescoraeli,
osenMne Rnatus vr P. Koskeiirer.
rw Bewieton. vrttrtam WatMeii,
HntWM onttmilr. Chattel miwir,
Jessie twmte. MUia,7,h7
Cffours or 1. oncftlsTiu op so.
it w-wlkTlie Kevr irenssnth TJrsmn
fcoonotPTmgs mf
One week, Momtsy, Ontober 1 )
Matmee Satnrrtsr nir.
llreetfrew the Brcsdwav Theatre, S T.,
Ih the leevrsH Operetta and 1 rent nc3e,
"Sot a stiMfte crttte fatted lo bsstnwnpon
the opera, the oompanr ami the pndtretlon a
shmwr of nralr m svnerons a the (tovf ot
trtrt rain." !Vw Tor Trlhnno.
Preetsetr orosented In Ifew Tork.
jtonesTd rHijnmmaj.v ivihib
WtekoommeiMstnir M tilt DA Y.OCT. M,
W. .1. PlorvBces Monmntlo Irish Oomedy,
Sext week-rAYMAyiBB. tf
I 711BATIlB,irniST.
THIS WKKK-Lsdles' Sfatlnte Tomorrow,
Hovard Big Burlesque Company
Tin: isi.t: or iir.n."
Pacy, Hecberehe Ronrmlnrtlon,
Tho iMlmt and t.ive'lnu nurlo'ntie.
Tin: o.r.TiiY iiit.
vjl 18 Matinees Monday, U'&Inexlay, Krl
day ami Sstunlty. The
An Entertainment of t'nnsnst Kxcsllenco.
Is tbe Gratt of All Mtiksl InttHneBts
Ileasf e It performs any mnsle
rmn a vralts or a Iwllwl to an
OYsrttre or a nymiijumy more
lieantlmtly and nwirs nsuly
perfect than any other slnele
The AeottHR H m-t nweUsnlusl. but tho
msmptilals- a of it Is so stmofe that a pernm
oh Mm to Hay It with from one to three
wnf'iertre. Ttmr vMt to as thliln
strnaMMt will b tMtenssd it favor at
Sl t'A.AVg.,
f ote Agsnt for Welswiy aad Otbor Plrst
Claw PtaMM and (Vresru.
k nil HAT 1 II NAT,,
m M. Ave .
Afford every facility for acquiring a thor
onti(MliiRtli In iitratnre, mn.lo atul art.
The ltruHwl Uiuibt are pisau, harp, vli
lls, sultar, iraiMlnlln aixt Iwnlo. Lmixciimen,
iieceral vocal, drawlinr and Unej work free.
Mew krwMWtek, N. J.
Beardleesbwtilfsrliay and Young ilea.
IreiNe for tiM best etdUnes, -lutia
ssboels or beslnaaf .
E. It. tO0,T, A. M., Ph.D..
Hesit Master.
SlwidTlll, I'a.
Fdaeatss for the CUrt-ttaB MIsMry. Hoo
rat aad tultloe fre. An ttfaa fe of tal
far bh, bul and un uf rooaa. All espes
!Klat. YetSiWMtMKHPTsULUHflel.
PsMlaUMaadvuie. Pa.
Attrusa. Oaynea Lake, M. Y.
TkSM tH aSBaa f stody. Lneutioo
bwuUUtd and lhaii. A renaed ChrUtlan
kssse, wlwafta seadv nest Septesaker,
aiMalnn fceniaa birIlBH U, !. adi.4
Cat gkAekinisslenHiA
" W" K s JliilUJBTI. p.,
yerwate, Own,
A Hesse Sekeet iur OtrU aasi Yoaag Ladle.
Vemliar ef hennsktir SSsU llssated I twenty.
IviMstsse 1 In ywde, AM and tbe
t inn iSsis Pteaenal jtconadn.
Heallbf! aseaakav- rncNs kuatded through
Met ansrawr nwsdks ssasrd. waaalag and
tetna h th kegehk lieenetiss. W w
afiaalaaaB) seaW lavawl fee SaSSelar.
Asekaritoiangesrts ecaiMUNf utu,
at usita, Vamrasses i'-unety, Ps. r.ih ya.r
X ease, iserfasSSiMn naout aome; thuruo, .
TaatkJ; earmetiiviissssk' uf the lofttvktiMt
SSISfc SfIMMt SMMSWW ef d. very li.aa
as lMMtkM aiteM k tm m -
. MMttfaJ tXaUdtsiaV
wra ppbm
IvUf iuJ
l kf itaasa 'u -
sktr 1 mekssae sawres 1 tb v-
TsMskVBU,LLO..t'b l
iHPst p B'w'fl'
AsiissMIP-sW M.
Mtftat asnnnnkasnnft a(BaBshsafasaeasM
lssw. fsjnst tan aiiwnsss a
lifksf tasTkifnfsJiw penawLs.
"iwfinll '
SBessnwaelBMP e sss sTsvlHwlswww vs- v -s.
knste keast. memxhi ' is wtu-uu..
sssai teeais sge entijii bo io
I Ike swstMi asusVue ef kkas -uvu su
pkles ot -1 HuwitJaSad Atu- iCi ,
ready tor m ,' mwmJl.i -, j '

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