OCR Interpretation

The Evening post. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1888-1889, December 07, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82000195/1888-12-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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TiibEvbning post.
From tUt farantiah AVu7.
Itlss Mnml would marry title.
So alio went fur oyer tlio run;
wlillo tlicro sho iniirrlril n baron,
Ami n baron llidctd was h.
l'or linrren ho wns of monoy,
Ami of land most barren was Lo;
III-, title, too. It wns harroit
Hut spelt with it double m,
Oh! inairy for love, young maidens,
Ami not for it long nvdlartc, ,
Tho foreign nouto has nothing,
Which ho holds In communion with thco.
Then think of Maud (mil hor tltlo
Par bottom stilnstiT to bo,
1 linn tnniry nnd often ho mgh'ng
l'or tho ilcnr old homo 'cross tho tea.
It wns not until .Snmticl Aslifonl know
Hint his Inst hours wore approaching thut
ho cnt for his sinter. Thoy hnil qnnr
rolcl ninny years nrjo, but wlion sho
enmu nml found lilm ho ill sho nursod
him ns tenderly us If ho was Indeed her
3lr. Ashford's old servant, Andrew,
who wns In Ills master's confidence,
grow loquacious wlion naked nbout her
brother's will.
''He hasn't left you a cent, Miss Ash
ford," wns tho unsatisfactory nnswer.
"It's all roiio to an nsylu n. Tho will's
locked up in tho library desk and ho
curries tlio key on a ribbon round his
nock. You may havo noticed 1c."
Sho said nothing at tho time, but re
turned to hor brothel 'osido. Ho wns
Bleeping soundly. Looking at his fuco
Bliu said to liorselfi
"If ho had died without a will alt
would havo been mine. How cruel and
wicked he has been to mo."
Tho key of tho desk hung from a rib
bon oti his neck. Tho tcmplntiou was
Htiong and sbu yielded. Detaching tho
key very softly alio ran fto tho library,
opened tho desk and drov out the crisp
parchment. It wns ovon as Andrew hnil
wild. Her brother loft overy cent of his
money to chailty.
With a muttered exclamation sho put
it back and lcstoicd tho key to its placo
just is tlio sick man was waking up.
Miss Asbford hud como lo her brother
with no thought of his foituue, but
nu.iou5 to bo reconciled, after yenrs of
111-fcclliig, to ono who might bo dying.
Shu kept hev promise, and sat day aftor
doy by his bedside, but there was no
lovo in her licait. Oncoit became so dif
ficult for horto hldo her feelings tliatshc
left him and went out into tho fresh,
cold nlr und walked until sho was ready
to drop. When sho canio back Lemuel,
brighter than ho had seemed beforo, took
both hor hands nnd said, fondly:
"JIarcin, I have wearied you, but it
will not bo long now not long."
That night Lemuel Ashford died. His
dcatli was very quiet. Only JIarcin sat
bcsldn him. Andiow slumbered in his
own room. Tho brother's last words had
".Unrein, I want to tell you about my
will;" but thcro his voico had failed him.
Jlnrciu wished that ho hnd not spoken
nt nil, for oven whilo sho watched death
steal across his features, the thought
sumo into her mind:
"I nin his heiress, his next of kin.
Wcro tho will but destroyed all would bo
And then sho said to herself:
''It shall bo. No ono can suspect mo.
What more naturul thnn tiat he should
torsive nt tho last and destroy it himself?
L will tell tho Ho if need be.''
Then with trembling hands, sho onco
more detached tho koy of tho desk from
lis black ribbon arid crept into tho
library. It was quite dork, but sho
felt her way to tho desk, turned tho key
in tho lock and opened it. Her hands
fumbled with tlio packet for a moment,
then touched a crisp and crackling parch
ment. Sho had no need to read it. She know
it word for word, and hastening to tho
tire, placed It upon tho rod coals, crush
ing it down among them and piling
others upon it.
"Sufo I" sho cried, as sho hurried back
to tho chamber of death. "Safe from
povorty at least."
Then she summoned Andrew.
The man enmo hurriedly and Btood
with wet eyes besido his dead master's
"Gono!" ho sobbed. "Gono, poor
gontlcmanl Ah, this is not tho first of
tho family whoso temper lias been his
death; but ho was a kind-hearted gen
tleman, and liked to do right. Ho told
you about his will, didn't he, ma'am?"
"Do not speak about tho will at such
u time," replied JHss Ashford. "How
bhould I know my brother's plans? AVo
havo bcou strangers for years."
"Ah, poor gentleman," replied An
drew. "You'll find ho was better than
you thinkfar better far better."
But Miss Asbford only hid hor fnco In
her handkerchief.
"I don't think you do know," said An
drew; "you haven't been told. That's
plain to mo, and I llko to bo tho first to
toll you. Tho day you weio away ho
bent for Lawyer and altered his will
because you'd becu nursing him so
kindly, ho said. A copy of tho ono ho
made n wlillo ago Is In tho lawyers' hands
'tho lawyors connected with tlio asy
lum, you know but that Is no matter.
Ho burnt the ono In the desk thcro and
made another leaving overything to you.
Tho latest dato is nil in a will, you know,
ma'am. Nothing can stnnd boforo that.
And tho asylum pcoplo will bo angry
Miss Ashford sank Into a chair. Tho
servant behoved her gilcf for her brother
had overpowered hor.
Miss Ashford kept her own counsel.
"When tho funeral was over search was
mado for tho will, but It was not found.
No ono suspected the hciross of having
destroyed u document which cndowcil
hor with wealth, nnd many pitied hoi.
but tho trustees of tho asylum Insisted
on their rights, and Marclahad no power
to contest tho will, despite tho lawyer's
assurance that ho could testify lo having
mado a later ono in her favor, for she
was poor, and, moreover, burdened with
u guilty conscience.
Bho returned to hor labors and died
poor, ilcpondont on tho chailty of
And row for shelter in hor last days, and
though tho old man guessed her secret
well, ho kept It to himself for tho honor
of tho family.
.. ,.. -
Telephones in New York
Front tAt Xiw York Tlmm.
Tho greed of tlio Hell Tolephone Company
has boon showu not only In Its oxtortloiinto
charges for tho use of Instruments, but also In
Its attempts to evudo lust tnxutlou, Wlillo
earning gloat protlti on a capital repeatedly
watered, und exacting from local companies
lor tho uso of Instruments nn annual rent four
times tho actual cent of tho Instruments, it
lias stuidlly resisted tho collection ot taxes,
'ihogeueial term ot tho rJupionio Court de
cided yesterday that It must pay n tax undoi
tho laws relating to foreign coipoiatlons doing
business In this titate, tho amount duo bcltiir
TI14 Court snys: "Tho facta of tlio en so
frlng It within tho legal prlnelplo from which
Um wiuctment has pioeoeded. l'or not only
tub tjloplioucj, themselves remaining nt all
times the property of tho dotendaiit, but theso
contracts through which Us icntuls tiro re
newed, and la tlio case ot tho prlvato lines
aud others mado directly with Itself and tho
business carried on between tho uxebaugo
chango systems oud tho Western Union tolo
crnplt cumpum, aro protected nC& secured In
ullchaigci It.ulug therefrom to tho defendant."
this ouiitAcms co.umittt.d upon
A MnltorTluit Will bo 'nvcAtlgntrd by n
Coiigrrnslntml Committee Tlio Niitlvcit
nf tlm Hcitl Inland Hulil to bo Tieiitad
I.lho .Slaves.
KtanitlRt Special lo the rout Dltpatch.
Tho rccuut rumors, of which a collec
tion has just been issued from Indianap
olis, concerning outrages committed upon
the Seal Islands of Alnskn, havo a good
foundation, and several prominent news
paper men from tlio, I'ast hnvo been In
tills city during tho past fow days hi an
effort to interview Mr. William Gavilt,
tho special Ticasury ngont, who hns just
returned from that country. Ho hag
dodged thorn at overy turn nnd finally
went oil to Indianapolis, to which point
he wns followed, although ho refused to
give out any information.
But It has just come to light that nn
anpoal to tho American pcoplo fiom the
citizens of Alaska, hns just been received
by one of tho leading statesinon of tills
State, and, by a stioko of good luck, tho
PoM-Ditjiulch representative was allowed
to sec It. It was written in tho Itiihslnn
language, and signed by n largo number
of tho most prominent chiefs and priests
of tlio Aloutinn Islands.
A hasty transaction of tho lengthy
document sets forth the fact Hint' the
Aleuts aro subjected to sucli oppressions
by tlio agents of tho Alnskn Commercial
Company as should make every freeman's
blood boil. They assort that tholr family
ties aro being broken up, their wives and
daughters debauched, and all that is
sacred trampled under foot.
It declares that these employes of tho
Alaska Commercial Company aro, as a
rule, n degraded class of men, who obey
no law of God or man, and who, in their
government of tho natives, discounte
nance virtue and encourage and remuner
ate prostitution. The appeal further
sets foilh the fact that these same bad
men debauch tho publieservieoandmako
tho Government agents bond to their
will by a system of persecutions of tho
blackest nature.
They make it profitable- to tho olllcial
who will close his eyes to tlio ovlls that
surround him, und will blacken tho char
acter of nny ono who will antagonize'
them. Thoy. havo tho advantage in
numbers, being nbout livo to ono, and
thus fortified, can ovcrcomo any state
ment mado to tho Treasury Department
by overwhelming counter testimony.
1' or this reason but few complaints nro
nllowed lo reach Washington, and when
thoy do, thoy ato lu somo way. immedi
ately husheef up.
To lnuko themsolvos moro securo thoy
set traps to catch tho olllcial, nnd if ho
persists in not falling into them thoy
hatch up things against him anyway and
declaro that ho furnishes whisky to tho
natives or that ho violates tho homo ol
somo nntlvo, or that ho furnishes sugar
to them, or, in fnct, anything that is
against tlio regulations, Aud when it is
taken into account that tho olllcial is
daily under obligations for transporta
tion, for hotels and for medicine to theso
men, it is seen what a powerful cocrcivo
weapon Is constantly in tho hands of
evil-disposed men of tho Alaska Com
mercial Company.
Tho appeal further declared that tho
Aleuts are American citizens who aro
fully entitled to all the rights nnd priv
ileges of such, but that tho system which
now provails In Alaska makes thorn
slaves, with no hope of relief from even
thoj agonts of tho Government sent to
protect their intorests.
It-isayfiithat no Aleuts can havo th,o
Islands, and that consequently they havo
no avenuo of carrying their complaints
and wrongs to tho outside wot Id; that
tho only men in absoluto authority there
aro tholr oppressors; that their best men
are being corrupted by constant contact
with theso evils; that all lnw Is dis
regarded nnd crime nnd cohabitation are
in mad rovclry.
Tlio appeal contains many other facts
regarding tho social and religious con
dition of tho natives, nnd how nn unjust
favoritism is practiced in tlio annual
"divide." Tlioso natives who havo
yielded to the will of tho company's
agents, and brought their wives and
daughters to them, nro rownrded by bo
ing plnced in the higher class, whilo
those who havo antagonized them nro ro
duced In clnss and deprived of their just
dues. As tho company has cntiro con
trol of this feature, nnd as thoy furnish
all supplies to tho natives, it Is easily seen
how arbitrary and opprcsslvo they can
bo, and tho poor havo no possible re
dress. Tho appeal is written very closely on
three pages of foolscap, and has n long
list of queer native names attached
thereto. Soino of them aro signed by
tho natives, but tho majorj.y aro signed
with a cross. V
Syramotrlcnl and How to Detect Their
Uso on Actor.
InttrcUw wtti LtUa Kaiantauqh.
"I havo heard somo lnddlnlto rumors
about padding Is It really so that this
deception is over practiced?''
"Well, rather," answers Leila, with nn
oxprcsslou of sincoro rogrot at tho exist
ence) of a necessity for such subtorfugo.
"But our namo for them lssymmolricais.
There nro calf, thigh and waist symmet
rical, and, considering their vnluablo aid
to somo actresses, their cost Is compara
tively slight. When n girl requires sym
metricals hor leg Is measured Its entiro
length, all its deficiencies nro marked,
and tho padding Is placed where it will
do tho most good. Symmetrical in cot
ton cost from $10 to $12; thoso In silk aro
as high as $15 to $25, "When tho log is
perfectly smooth, nnd when there is no
quiver In tho flesh in moving, and when
a wrinklo is noticeable beneath tho knoo,
you mav bo very suro thcro is padding
under tno tights.
"Nono but tho amateur element affords
tho needless expense of hip, thigh or
bust developers. Your real hard-work-lug
actress relics upon chance for such
emergencies, and when thoy nrlso util
izes hotel towels, surplus stockings and
other eccentricities of femalo attlio, I
toll you I pity tho country hotel propri
etors whon ouco plrls in tho variety lino
strike their town,"
"Aro tights over worn bouoath long
"Soldom. In tho Greek costumo they aro
usually worn, because thcro Is nn entiro ab
sence of underclothes. Theto aro certain In
stances when this Is deslinbla foroxauiplo, In
tbo bedroom scone in Mai ga ret Mather's J uliet,
whero tho actress Is supposed to bo In her
night robe, with no other protection around
tier, l.lttlo Mlnnla Palmer nlwats wears
silken tights under her etoeUliiL'u" and her
nuiiTi lauiaii SKirisiu wen, ns iiioy tan in
mora graceful folds oyer tho silk than they
would bo likely to over cotton.
. - i
Mo Kxtru Furon on II. & O.
Tho II. t!c. 0. has established n quicker
train service between Washington and Phila
delphia than that for which others charge an
oxtru faio. No extras aro charged on tho
13. A. 0.
Wiley Fletcher at Irwin County, On., Is tlio
proud owner of a fishhook that has boon In
coustant uso seventy-tlvo jc.irs.
At an Kngllth doll bazar ono ot tho most
Intciestlm: dolls was a Mr,ti"ely apparelled
llttlo Kalltr lady mado ot Afilcau beads.
All pain quickly jlclda to tho Intluonco of
Haltatloii Oil. 1'rlce JS cents a bottle.
. ''A inuuuiiieuc will bo erected to the dlouov
1 oror of l)r. Hull's Cough byrup." Ex.
Itccent Kvcuts of Inturt llntloil Down
for Ilintv r.enitinir.
llisliop Poller and other prominent
clergymen yesterday held a meeting In
Nt-w York to make arrangements for
cohbratiiu tho ccututinlal or tho Inau
giitntlnii of Wnlitii.irm oti A pi II 150 neM.
A wIlncsH nnmod lltitke ycterdav tus
tlflid bofnru in.; I'liinoll Commission
that ho had been approached by mom
held of tho Loaguo to assist In tlio inur
d. r of Lord Mountmorrei.
The nnrncr-stono of tho now St. All-
Sista Episcopal Cathedral nliUou.t Falls,
akola, presented to that city by John
Jacob Astnr of N -w York, was laid with
memorial ceremonies.
It wa repotted in inllroad nnd finan
cial circles in Now York that .lav Gould
hnl acuulrcd control of tho Atchison,
xopcua nnd tianta l'o Kniiroau.
I Dr. Charles Goodspecd, of North
I Ablngton. JInss., was yesterday found
1 doad In his Cilice, with an ompty mor
! phino bottle besido tho body.
Edward Meredith nnd Henry Herman,
who acted with Addio Stanton in nt
1 tempting to play the badger game on
rhil Daly, hnvo been nrrested.
John 1 livnns of Norfolk, Vn., has
been convicted of manslaughter for tho
killing of Tetor McLean, and sentenced
to two years in state prison.
I Since tho conviction of Ilronck tho
I Chicago Anarchist, each mall at tho
I Illinois Slnto Capitol brings tlncatenlng
letters to tho Governor.
I Thu Mury J. Droxol Homo and Mother
House for Deaconesses in Philadelphia
wnsyestoiday dedicated with nppropriato
I ceremonies.
' Gonernl Uoulangor expresses conlldcnco
in tho success of tho revision party, nnd
I laughs nt tho idea of a radical
Tho walls of tho Dlchl mnlt-houso In
Buffalo N, Y., yesterday collapsed, and
several men wero severely injured.
ltev. W. L. I'nrkor, rector of Christ
'Episcopal Church, Oswego, N. Y., Is be
lieved to have committed suicide.
There is n movement in progress to or
ganize a federation of nil railroad cm
ployes lu tho United States.
Htotous strikers nt Heuncs, France,
havo necessitated thu calling out of troops
to quell the disturbance.
Tho British steamer Hartlepool has
been wrecked of Norway, und soven;
teen lives lost.
Strikers in Belgium aro exploding
dyuamito cailrldgcs near tho houses of
A denial conies from Berlin" that Gor
man olllcers aro acting as spies in
Lord Randolph Churchill will soon
visit South America.
Tho King of'l'ortugnl has been at
tacked with a chill.
Tho Snmovur Stunnis nt Fitahlomtble At
IlniutH. Fron tht N. i'.Mornlng Jonroa!.
"RIngfor tho samovar, please," said a
lady of fashion tho other afternoon.
Tho lady was lu n tea gown mado of
tho now shndo of crimson known an
Pctrovsky red, trimmed with bands of
Russian sablo fur. On a llttlo stand
back of her was a photo of Tolstoi, with
a pile of his books beside it. On tho
music rack besido hor woro a number of
llttlo sheets of Salvonic music and at hor
elbow, on ono sido of the uumprous
round tables, wns. 'a big photpgraph of
tho beautiful Czarina In full Russian
costumo . Tho llttlo hostess was hold
ing tho Inst copy of tho Century and
tears wero In her eyes, over tho woes of
tho Russian cxilo as told by Georgo
Kcnnnn. '
A maid camo in with a big tray, on
which rested a samovar and a half-dozen
quaint littlo cups and saucers, with tho
city of Moscow pictured on tho enns and
tho guard of tho Illy bod of St. Peters
burg on tho saucers. A small oblong
dish heaped with thinly sliced lemons
and a liny pink china bowl mado in tho
form of a tulip held tho lump sugar.
Tho hostess poured tho strong, olear,
flagrant tea into tho cugs and droped
two bits of lemon into each, and ayouns
man passed it uroond. Then tho maid
brought in somo thin dark looking stuff
and that was passed around.
"Mercy! What stuff!" said a fair
cousin of the hostesses sho took a bite of
"What's this.Mnrlo? It's too awfull"
"It's Russian bread, darling. I wroto to
Tolstoi to get tho. receipt tor It. It is
really delicious, if you only think so;
and I havo just sent for mora Ku.'sl in tea.
They press it in cakes thcro and break it
off, I believe, and I think it will bo so
much nicer than measuring it out In a
Vcrcstchngln, Tolstoi and Mr. Kcnnnn
hnvo set many of tho mombors f tho
fashionable Russian world crazy.
A llttlo 8-year old living a fow miles from
Boston came Inti, the possession ot a now hat,
and was very proud of tho acquisition, her
smiles and heightened color proving tho
pleasure It gave. I Icr father praised It, and
asked tho llttlo ono how sho liked It. "1
think It's outrageous)" "What?" was thn
surprised parent's ejaculation, "fto you
mean you du.llko(tby deelailngit to bo out
ragooust" "No, 1 guess I mean It's goi
goous." Boston Bubget.
"Aldernoy Unlry Wagons."
Fresn. Aldtrney bnttor, churned every morn
ing aud delivered In J lb. "Ward" prints, 40c.
per lb. Also cottngo ehecMi, buttermilk and
sweet milk, 6c. per it. Cream 15c. per qt.
Thero Is but ono Republican in Means, Ky.
and ho joined In the Democratic parade, mul.J
ing tbo procession Includo every man, woman'
and child In town.
Should havo Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
It saves thousands of lives annually,
nnd is peculiarly efficacious In Croup,
Whooping Cough, and Soro Throat.
"Aftor an extensive practice of nearly
one-third of a contury, Ayer's Cherry
l'ectornl Is my euro for recent colds nnd
coughs. I prescribe it, und bollove it
to bo tlio vory best expectorant now
offered to the people." Dr. Johu 0.
Levis, Druggist, West Ilrldgowatcr, l'a.
" Somo years ugo Ayor's Cherry Tec
tornl cured mo of asthtiia aftor tho host
medical skill had failed to give mo ro
llof. A fow weoks sluco, being again a
llttlo troubled with the disease, I was
Relieved By
tho samo remedy. I gladly odor tins
testimony for tho lnMinlU of all similarly
nnilcted.'' F. II. Hasslor, L'dltorlrffUJ,
Tuulo Rock, Nobr,
"For children aulloted with colds,
coughs, soro throat, or croup, I do not
know of nfiy rentody which will glvo
more speedy rollef than Ayor's Cherry
I'eotorul. I havn found It, also, luvalti
nblo In cases of whooping cough."
Ann Lovojoy, 11151 Washington street,
lloston, Mass,
"Ayor's Clinrry 1'octoral has proved
ronnirkably offoctivo lu croup mid is
invaluable ns a family inedlcluo."
D. M. Uro-ant, Chlcopoo Falls, Mass.
flyer's Cherry Pectoral,
rniir-AiiKn n?
Or. J, c. Aver & Co., Lowoll, Mass.
I tioMbyillUriictliiti. I'rMtli UboilloMh I
Every IS
tlio Inhuman Oj-Mcmicn,
Stories nf brutality, suffering and conse
quent disablement among thoojstcimcii on
Chceapcako liny aro already nlntmlwrly nu
merous. Within tho past fow dnjj about
twcntj-llvodredcers hnvo been admitted lo
DavvlowAsvhim (almshouse). Thcsew retched
men wur all nfllleted with ono or another tlls
cosii duo to exposure, III treatment and Insuf
ficient food wlillo at work on tho C'hcsapcuku
!IYU-"-KbUMDrn. -,-u
Thro' the World.
Dent's Gloves
(No socondi),
Perrin's Gloves
(No iccondsl,
Fo wiies'' Gloves
iN'o seconds),
Shirts to Measure
Cannot Be Excelled.
Got'. 1 5th and C Sts
Importer and Tailor.
Fall and Winter Goods.
All of tho Latest Novoltlos.
Jill. BAJlIt personally fits all garments mado
in our establishment.
1111 Penna. Avenue.
A Rare Bargain.
JUST DECEIVED: A lnrira Involco of FIno
Encllsh Suitings nnd Trousoi lncs purchased at
reducod tlpuroa which enables ns to Khoyou
Kults, mado by 1'raetlcal Tailors, nt S'-B and
$30, worth $35 and Slu.
Fit and workmanship miaranteed.
Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishings,
1410 llow 2jQ:iMc -:A.Hr'e.
Call and uxamtno tho largo slookof
Uablerifcllro., A. II. Chaso, Marshall A Wen
dell. Whoolook, Docker & Son, lirlggs, Qroro
uteon & Fuller and oilier
rlanos sold on Installments, Exohangod,
Rented, Itepalred, Tuned, Moved and moral.
Sheet Mtislo, forolun and domestic; Mnsloal
mdso.,otu., constantly on baud, Duiijo, Guitar,
Mandolin, Violin and Cello Btrincs u spoclalty.
Orand, Upright and Square
SECOND-HAND PIANOS, a fine assortment
of prominent makes at all pnoos.
m. Knabe & Co.,
817 Market Space.
V. Baldwin Johnson,
Wholesale aud lletall Denier In
Wood and Ooal.
And tho IViihIiIiirIuu Gas Co.'h Colic.
Completo Facilities. Uottom Prices,
Full Weight and Mcimre.
Wood nnd Coal diroot from tlm fore-ds and
mined by rail and water, and free from sla',
slaio und other Impurities.
Main Yard and UlUce. 1101 U. I. aro. n. vr.
llrauoh ' fillAst. s. 0.
Branch " " nifMWst. n. w.
lirunoh ofllco for orders, corner Tunth and I sts.
n. w. '
llranch office for orders, corner 13th aud M sts
n. w. , ' '
All connected by tolephono.
Burnstlno Loan OJIlco,
3(11 Venn. Ave if. xi
Monoy loaned on Oold, and bllver
Watchos, Diamond,. lowelry, 1'lstoli, Uuus, Ll
les ana Gentlemen's Wciirfng .p1111rol.
Old Oold and Silver bought. ,
unredeemed Pledges For Safo
Wholesale and Itofatl Douleraln
314 Klghlli St. If. W.,'iioiir Vn. Avo,
Ordftaor requests lor quotations given lwr
soual attention, und satlsfuutloa guaranteed m
iceanuciuallty. 1
-plIUHAH 11'llll.li A CO.
1. (SuocossorstoMoaillA Wlllieiow),
1107 13 street 11 w, Washington, D. C
0001) WOUK AT FAlll I'KU'i.i.
It. II. EVANS. 13QlF,tnw.
lelopliono IKKKl. Ilimrs Iroiu to l,30;
The Great Pennsylvania Route
To the North, West and Southwest.
Voulte Vhtek. fylemlld Scenery.
fiM 1Mb. Magnificent I'.oiujmlcnl.
In Rrrncr DscBjinen 0, 1898.
Trains loavo Washington, from station corner of
Sixth nnd II streets, as follow:
Foil riTTiitHiiu una tlio kVoit, CliicuiM Limited
ExtiiinK of pulinun Vostlhulud Curs at !l ,V) a in
(tally; Fast Lino, n 60 u m dally to Cincinnati and
ft. Louis, with tlconlng cars from I'lttstittrg to
Cincinnati, nnd IlHrrlibtirg to St Louis: dally,
except Naltirdny, to Chicago, with Sleeping Car
Altoona to Chicago. WeitoTi Kxprcs at 7.I0
p ra dally, with sleeping Cars Washington 'o
(hluiigo nva m. Loin, oonneotlng dally at
Iturilshurff with thlniif.l, lliMinK,. ,, fjiiil.vlllA
nnd Momplils I'aolllo Expreo, lO.iwp in ually
for I'lUsburg nnd tlm w t, with througfi
Sleepi'rtol'litshurg, and I'lttibuu toChlcaso.
iV,"lSn.IH' Cnnandnlg'iii nnd Itoohostor dally)
12' ''lullulo und Niagara dallv, except Saturday,
lloohe'Jt "'' Wltl' Sle0'll"e c,,r Washington to
Foil Wit.riAJtsi'otiT, Lock llnvon undEImlraat
0-'o a ni dallv. oxcopt Sunday.
J'ojiNkw Yonn nnd tho Eat, 7.30 O.OO. 11.00
and ll.Jun m.s.oo, 4 it), lO.oa nnd 11.3) p in. On
Siindny, 0 00. lljo n tn, SOU, .1.10, I0.IM and
J,IS"t)in. Limited Express of Pnllmin Parlor
.ii!irft M?.'il '?: '.'""r oscopt Sunday, ami 3.-I3 p m
dally, with dining car.
(In!011 ,l0,ro". without chango, S.00 p m oTory
Hon UnooKr.TK, N Y all through trains oon-ri'-et
at .loner City with boats of Urooklyn
ATineX. armrdfhir illrn,, l.nh.r.,1. In Vulfnn
street, avoiding doublo forrlnw across Now
lin FiiiuiiKtriUA. 7.20, 8.0(1. o.ixi, 1100 and
ILWuin, SW.I.lO.ooo. HID, 10 00 and 11.50 pm.
"n Sunday Ow, 11.10 a m. 1)00. 4.10, 000, .10.
10.00 m,,i n.30 p m Limited Eprc.s nil parlor
cars, li.io a m weekdays and 3.11 p in dally, with
dining car.
Foil llil.Tl.Monc, fl.M, 7.10. 800, 0.00, 040,0.50,
am'V3 ""' I00IJand ll.i nm. On Sumlav,
S.lu 10.W andll.Wpm.
Foil I'oit.'b CnKKi; LiNt, 7.50 a m aud 4.40 p m
dally, except Sunday.
Fon AjWArous, 7.50 and O.OO .1 m, 13.0.1, 1.40
Pm dally, except Sunday. Sundays, 0.00 a m,
4..op m.
..." AtKXAKnmi. 000, 0.33, B.40. 0.41, 10.57 a m,
".01 noon, a.03. Si, s.nn, o.M. 0.03,8.0,-., 10.03
mm 11.37 p m. Ou Kumlay nt COO, 0.13, 10.57 a
n, 2.80, 3.33, 8.0-,and 10.O", p in.
Accommodation for (iuantioo, 5.00 pm week
FoallioiiMoMDand tho South. O.OO, 10.57 a tn
dally und 0 03 p tn dally, oxcept Sunday.
Thaihs leavo Alexandria for Washington,
003, 7.0 fc.OO, 0.10, 10.15, 11.07 a m. 1.20, 3 00. 3 SI.
B.10, 7,00, o,W, 10 4J nnd ll.OJ P m. On Siindny
at 0.10 und 11.07 a m, 3.00. B.IO, 7,03, 0.33 and
10.4J p m.
Tlckctn and Information at the oOlco, north.
can comer of lain stroct aud Pennsylvania
nvonue, und nt tbo stutlon, whoro orders can bo
leltfor thochcoklnrof baggage to destination
from hotels uud rcsldenoes.
Oeneral Jlanagcr.
.1 It. WOOD,
Uen. Pass. Agent.
Baitlmoro ana Ohio Pailroad.
hclicdulo lu effect Nov. 18, 188S.
Leavo Washington from station corner of Now
Jersey avenuo and O street.
Fpn CmCAOii and Northwest, Vcstlbulcd Lim
ited express dally S.53 a. in., express 0.03 p. m.
l'on Cincinnati and St. Louis, express daily
3.00 nnd 11.10 p. in.
l'on FiTTsnimo nnd Clovolaud, Vostlbulcd
Limited express dally 8.53 a, m. nnd express 0.O3
p. m. dally.
l'on Lkxinoton nnd Local Stations, 10.10
Fon BALTIMonE. 5.00, 0.30. 6.10. 7.30,
11.00 (15-mlnuto train) n. m.. 12.10, 2 03. 3.15,(13
mlnuto train), 8.23. 4.30,, 0.43, 7.30. 0.43
nnd 11.30 p. m. hnndays, 030, 8.30, 0.13 n.
m., 1.15, 3.03, 3.23, 4.80, 4.33, 0.43, 7.30, 0.43 nnd
11.30 p. in.
Foil Annavolis, 0.40 nnd 8 30 a. m., 12.10 nnd
4 83 p. m. Ou Sundays, 8 30 n. m., 413 p, m
Leave Annapolis 0. lo, 8 37 a. in., 12.03, 4.10 p.m.
Sundays, 8.37 a. m., 1.10 p. m.
Foil Wav Stations botwocn Washington nnd
Baitlmoro, 6.00, fl.10, 8.30 a. m 12.10, 3 23, 4.35,
0.45, lljioam. On Sundays, 8.S0 a.m., 1.15, 3.25,
4.33, 0.45, 11.80 p. ra. M '
Fon. Station on tho Metropolitan ' llranch,
10.33, iio.io a. m., jl.15 p. m., for principal sta
tions onlyj tio.10, a. in., Tl.33 and ts.80 p. m.
Foil OAiTUKiisuuno nnd Intermediate points,
tO.OU n. in., T12.30, UA0, 5.83, tll.SOp. m.
Fon lloYii'a and Intcrmodlato stations, 17.00 p.
m jio.00 p.m.
Ciiuiicii TnAtN leaves Washington on Sunday
at 1.15 p.m.. Btopplngat all stations on Metro
politan llranch.
l'on FiiEUEiucK, 10.10 a. in,, t4.33 nnd t5.30 p.
m. bundnys, 1,15 p.m.
Fon IlAannsTowN, 10.10 a. m. and 5.30 p. in.
Tiiains AiiuiVK from Chicago ddllv 8.33 a. m.
and 0.35 p.m.; from Clnolnnatl nnd St. Louis
daily 0.20 a. in. and 1.65 p.m.; from Pittsburg,
8.35 n, in,, 7.20 and 0.33 p. in.
TiiAiss lbave Italtlmoro for Washington nt
6.10, 0.20, 0 30. 7.20, 8.00 (45-mlnuto trnln), 0.00,
0 05, 10.00 (45-mlnutu train) a. m.. 12.13, 2.00, 8.00.
4.10, 6.00, 0.00, 0.30, 8.00, 10.00 and 11.00 p. m. On
bundu?8, 6.10, 0.SO. 8.O0, 9.00, 0.05, 10.20 a. m.i
1.15, 2.00, 4.10, 6.00, 0.30, 8.00 10.00 nnd 11.00 p. ra.
Fon riiiLADELrutA and Wilmington, dally, 8.10
a. m., 2.1)5, 4,20 nnd 11,30 p.m. Buffet Parlor
Cars on tho aio a. ra. mid 1.20 p. m. trnlnx.
bleeping Cars on tbo 11,30 p. in., open at 0.00
Foil ihTEiivKniATE points betweon Italtlmoro
and Philadelphia, 0.30 a. in., .'.Oj and tl.30
p in.
Fiiom PiuuDiariiiA nnd Wilmington, dally,
0.80, 11.15 it. in., 2.C0, 8.Mnnd 11.00 p. m.
tExoept bunday. 'Dally. SSunday only.
Baggage called for and ohcokvd nt hotels nnd
residences on orders left at ticket oftlcos, Oil)
and lt)01 Pennsylvania avenue.
Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt
Piedmont Air Lino
Scukuule in Errzcr NovKMDEn 18, 1888.
8:30 a ji East Tonnosseo Mall, dally for
Wurrcnton, Gordonsvlllo,Charlottcsvlllu,Lyncli
lung, and Muttons betwoen Alexandria und
Lynchburg, Itoanonko, Bristol, Knott lllc.ltouio,
Calvin, Montgomery und Now Orleans, Pull
man Sleeper Washington to Now Orleaus.
11:21 a 31 Fust Mall Dally forWarronton,
Charlottesville. Gordonsvlllo, rtdtlons Chosa
peaku and Ohio Kouto.Lynohburg.llooky Mount,
lMiivllluaud stations botwocn Lynchburg and
Danville, Greensboro', llalelgh.Charlotto.Colum
bl.i, Alton, Augusta, Atluntu, Blrmlnglutm,
Montgomery, New Orleans, Toxns ami Califor
nia. Pullman Sleeper Now York to Montgom
ery, In connection with Pullman Sleepers Mont
gomery to Now Orlonn. nnd Maun Boudoir
bloopers for Birmingham, Vlckiburenud Shrove
port. Pullman SloouerOreonnhoro to Columbia
nnd Augusln. Solid trains Washington to At
lanta. Does not connect for C. und O. routo
points (Sundays.
!2.0() v m luu.r. exoent Hundav. for .Manassas
btrasburg und Intormedlato stations
0.30 rM. Westkhn HxriiiJi dully for Warreti.
ton, Oordonsvlllo, Charlottesville, Louisville
anil Clneiuuutl, Pullman sleepers and solid
trains Washington to ixjulsvlllo: also for Lynch
burg, Bristol, Chattanooga, Memphis, Llttlu
Hook nnd all Southwestern points. Through
Pullman Sleepers Washington to Memphis with
out chango.
It !. SoiniiEP.N bxrites dally for Lynoh
burg, Dimlilo, Hnlelgb. Ashevlllo, Charfotto,
Columbia, Aiken, Augusta, Atlanta, Jlontgonv
ery. New Orleans. Toxas and C.iltfornia. Pul.
man Vostlliulo -fileoper Washington to Now
Orleans via Atlanta und Mon gomery. pull,
man blooper Washington to Augusta, Ga., with
out clmniia.
Ti'.ains on Wasuinoton anu Ohio Uivinios
Iciwu Washington u.oo 11 m, dally except Sun
day, and 4:1s p ra. dally; arrive Hound Hilt
n:IHu mandTrtSlpm. lleturnlng, leavo Hound
Hill (1 or, n in, dally, nnd 1 M3 p m, daily except
bunday, arriving Washington 8.J0 a in and a;35
pm. '
TliuouniiTHAiNS from tho South, via Charlotte.
Danville and Lynuhbnrg, arrive In Wasnlngtou
7.00 11 in und 7::1.3 p in; vl.i Bast Tennosxeo
BiIatoUudLynabburB at U:lf)ainuudl):lo p
in; via. Chi'sapouko and Ohio routo and
CliurlutUvlllo nt fi: to p m and 7:00 n m. Stras.
burg local at H:17 am.
TicKM.sliplnit-oiir reservation and tnforma.
Hon tiirulshed, und bacgago checked ut oOico
lllUll Ponniylvatla ayointo, and nt Passenger
Mutton, Pennsylvania ltiillroad, sixth and I)
Blr0!UJAMUS L. TAYI.OI! Gou. Pass. Asont.
Chesapoako and Ohio Routo.
Schedule lu effoot SKIT. 1(1, 1888,
Trains lvo Union Depot, Sixth and B stroots,
1():S7 a, in. l'on Newport News, Old Point
Comfort aud Norfolk, dally oxcept buuduy. Ar
llvolnNorfollt7 p.m.
H:Jla. in. Fon stations on tho Chesapoako
and Ohio In Virginia, Wot Virginia und Ken
tucky, dally uxoopt Sunday, Steeping ours Oil!
ton Forgo to Lexington, Ky,
RiHO p. m. Vast Westmin Exruras dally.
Solid train, with Pullman Buffet Sleeping curs
lo lAiiilsvlllei Pullman servlcu to Cincinnati, bt.
Louis, Memphis and Now Orleans.
OiJloi-, 01U Pcuusslvanla iivrnui
11. W. Fl Li.1 P
Gon, Puss, .viU,
1 nni5UR
v . wJe--'jrJ i
X3v if I. S ll X
MARCH 4f . "- o J
1885 vv r
-V, A VBnnis
931 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Tho Winning Typewriter THE UKIIIXGM
Gas Stoves for Cooking!
Gas Hollers at SI. 15 and $1.50 for Instantly m iking 't'oa or Ootleo.
0-J.S OOOZEK.3-i
For largo aud small families, .lustthostovo for summer use, 111 you axtliigulsh tho (lrottn
Instuut tho cooking Is done, l'or eulo hy tlio
413 Tem-tOn. S-bnreeti 3ST. "W".
... ,., M
incorporated by tho Stato legislature lu lSUH
for Hducntlonal and Charitable purposes, nnd
Its franchlso mado 11 part of tho proont Muto
Constitution, lo lS'l), by an 'orKinvuELJiiNO
roruuin vote.
tnkoplacn Seml-Aunutllr. (Junuund Dccemher),
tnko placo In each of the other ton months of
tho year, nnd nre nil drawn In piihllo, at tho
Academy of Music. Now Orleans. La.
'Wo do hereby certify lhat wo BiipcrrUo tho
arrangements for all of tho Monthly anl Scml
Annual Drawings of the Louisiana Statu
Lottery Co., nud In person manaso nnd control
the Drawings themsetvos, nnd that tho n.imo
aro ronduetod with honesty, fairness, nud In
good fulth toward nil pnrtles, nnd wo nnthorlzo
tho Company to uso tills certificate, with too
similes of our signatures attached, In Its adver
tisements." G. T. BEAUREGARD,
Wo tho undersigned Banks and Hankers will
pay nil PrUes drnwn lu tho linlslana Stntu
Lotteries, which may bo presented at our
II. Jr. tVAr.1ISl.KV. I'rcsl. r.n.Niit, lliiulc,
J'. I.AN.VIIX, front,. Statu Nut. Hank
A. lIAr.DWIN, l'rost.N. O. Nut. ISillllf.
OAltl. KOllN, l-r..t. U1II011 Nut. llnuk.
At the Aeudeniy ol Jllusle. Now Orlunii1.
TUi:sAV, Ileeoiubor 18, 1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000.
lUO.UOU TlohetH nt l'.irty Dollursi Ilnlvus,
$1 (JunrliTi, 10 Klglitha, S.r.l
T'u outlet ha, $'.'! fortlullis, tp 1.
1 PRIZE 01' $1,011,000 Is ,
1 I'lllZEOf 200,0001s ,
1 I'RIZK OK 100.0001s
i l'liizEor fio.omi is
2 IMIIKKSOF 21,0(10 uro
c 1'ltlZKsoi' lii.ooo uro ,
la I'ltiziisop n.noonru
25 PIIIKKS 01' 2,1100 aro
loo l'ltlKESOl'' mid am...,
200 1MIIZKM0I.' -100 aro
r.UO PRIZES 01' 200 uro ,.
100 Prizes of il.tiou are., ,wi
KXll'rkesor HilOaro...
100 Prizes of looaro
. . Tnuci. NiniiitiiTEi:uiXAij.
00 I'rlrcsuf (StHiuru
OOPrlzosof loo aro
Two NiniiiKit Teiijhnals.
1)00 PrUosof S'JiKliiro
000 Prlzosof 200 nio
, 200,000
, 100,000
, 50,0110
, 011,000
, 50,000
, 80.0(10
, 80,001)
, loo.uuo
, hO.OOIl
i .10,000
, 570,21X1
, 011,000
, 180,000
3,lt0Prl7es, nmountlng to ,..,$'.',H8,8uo
Note. Tickets lr.iwlng Capital Prizes aro not
ontltlod to terminal prues. A ticket drawing
a tl reo number terminal prize, will not boon
titled to a tvyo number terminal prize.
CSTKoa Cn'ii Rates, or any further Informa
tion duslred, wrltu legibly to the uiiderslguod,
eliurly stating your residence, with btato'
County. Buoet and Number. Jloro rapid re
turn mull delivery will bo assured by our un
closing an Envelope bearing your full nddros.
Scud Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or
Now York Kxohanjo In ordinary lottcr Cur
rouoy by Express (at our expense) addressed
New Orleuus, La,
Address ltcgltaiod l.etlors til
Now Orleans, Lu.
REMPMRKR That the proenooof Reiirrnls
nClVlCimDIin uoamegutd and Early, who
aio luchaigoot thu drawings, is u guuruutoo ot
ubsoluto fairness aud Integrity thut tbo chances
nro all equal, uud that no one can possibly dl
Vino what r umber will draw a Price.
"REMEMHER. alo. that the payment ot
HANKS of Now Orleans, aud tho Tbikets uio
slgnid by tho President ot un Institution whoso
chartered rights are recognlud lu tho highest
Courts; therefore, lienaioufall linltntlous uud
all anonymous schemes."
nmt'in.l.b CAKIIIMITUX,
AtlOMiev "t.l.
t'J'J .i .'
l.N, V. C,
It Will Keep.
We can wait a little while for
the vacancy to be filled, but
Until exposure causes sick
ness. There is
The larger the assortment the
better chance for the
(Iiitcrimllouul for Muilil'.-i Cliiiut
lluslnoss corrospomlonco and lagil tojth
(,OLD .tlP.OAL, 03.7 words per mlnuto.
SII.V1U1 3IKD.VU 01.11 word-per mlnutu
Memorised seutenco (flvo minutes) ntlo
miius correetiy wruioti. (Ciiugrapn lojs
less than M' word's oorreotly .vrltteE )
Send for "Tcsllmonyof tho Cntnora."
Vyckoff, Searnans & Benedict
Cor. Sth and F Sts. N. W.
Dn. 11. O. West'o Neuvb amu lliutx Taeir
jient, a guaranteed snoclilo 'or Hysteria, Dlzsl,
ness. Convulsions, Fits, N'crvoni Neuralgia,
lleadiicho. Nervous pro'tratlou unused by the
una of alcohol or tolmuco, Wukefulness, .Mental
lluprosslon, N)f toning of tho Jlr.itn rosultlng In
Insanity unil leading to misery, decay nml death.
Prematura Old Age, lt.irronno, mm ot Power
lu either mix, Inruluutury Losses and Spermator
rtnri caused by over-oertlou ot tho Drain, self
abuse or ovciMndtilgeneo. Each box contains
one month's treatment; SI a box, or U boxes
for S3. sollt by null prepaid on iccolpt of prlou
tocuro any case. NVIthe.toh orib-r reoolved by
us for nix boxes, accompanied with $5, wu will
send the purchaser our written gunrnuteo to
refund thu money If tho treatment duos not ot-fe-t
n omo. (lunranteos Issued only by II.
C1IKIMT1AXI. Druggist, Mole Aoi.iit, ldl
l'ennu, a vo., botween lKj and (lili ts.
Cas Do given In a cup of coffoo or tea without
the knowledge of thopersou tnkluglt. Itlsab
solntoly harmioas. and will ctlect npormniient
nnd speedy enro.whetlier tho patient Is a modor
ate drinker or un ulcoliollo wreck. It has been
glvenln thousands of oases, and In overy In
stnnco u iH-rfect euro has followed. IT NUVEIt
l'AIIJ. Tho Bystoraonco linprognatod with tho
Spcelllo, It becomes an utter impossibility for
tho Honor nppotlto to exist, l'or snlo bv8. Y.
WARE, uiulor tho Ebblttllouso; It. IC. HED'Il
EJJSTINE. I'ourteenth strcot and Vermont ave
nue, Washington.
T prescrlbn and fully en
dorse lltg (3 as the ualy
sneclflo for the certain cur
ot this disease.
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We have sold Dig CI lot
muny yenrs. nnd It has
.- 113... ID
1 TO b DATS.
(lairutttd sot WV
etus DinciBri-
Srui Ciinlul ox
bHi Cuiciiuiati,c.vl
Riven mo ocst at .auv
D. It. nYCUF.lt CO,
Chicago, ill.
SI. 00. Hold by Druggists!
usn cicuiiM.
U1L.T i:i)(!i: or
ooldi;n iMLr,
And you will always hnvo boautlful bread,
Rolls aud UIkouUs. Whulosnla Depot, ooruor
first btreet aud 1 milium avenuo,
WM, M. GAL.T & CO.
'Pin THI "ttTT" "fit
Xs 'tXxo Only (SSXioo
H. Ik Wai-urr.
ll :-M. nud I. Hi
Clin i'u iti'iierlei. Meats anl I
Tho ile.t IUxkU ui tno l.owi., Kuw,
i 1
A fl
el '
A '
J ..
i ,

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