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The weekly Arizonian. [volume] (Tubac, Ariz.) 1859-18??, May 26, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

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Vol. 1.
No. 13.
t e n m s :
Three Dollars per annum, In advance.
bites op ArivEimsiXG:
Ono Squtiro, of 10 lines, or loss, ono insortion, $2 00
a u u a a thrco a 4 00
" " " " " one quartir, 10 00
" " ' " ono year, 30 00
All communications and business letters must bo
kdlrossod to The AbizoXUN, Tubac, Arizona.
Tha Quelili, a rare Bird of Sonora.
Mr., A. S. Taylor, of Monterey, communicates
to lli3 San Francisco Herald a detailed account
of a very rare bird, believed to be unknown to
naturalists, found in Sonora. Mr. Taylor has
(Collected a great variety of information respect
ing this singular bird, (whose existence is well
authenticated) a portion of which we extract.
Mr. Taylor says :
From the description of three of our friends
we are placed in possession of some curious
Ifacts relating to the habits and characteristics
!of this rare and stranffe bird a member of
(the condor or sarcopagous family of Dum
'eril, which we have uot been able to find de-"
acribed or alluded to in any of tho books on
'natural history in our possession, and it may he
"it is a species unknown to naturalists.
V An intelligent Sonoranian of Oquitoa, near
.Itar, in Sonora, who resided in California sev
eral years, gave me the following facts at Mon
kerey in November and December, 1855, in. re
lation to this curiows bird, It inhabits particu
larly the Pi nisria, Altar and Baja, the Papagw
Jrin, the Opataria, the Apacharia and other In-V-dian
and little known mountain districts of So-nora.-
"Durango. arid Sinaloa to, the east and
Jsouth, and,iti8 very rare even in these coun
tries. It is called liueleli by the l'apago Indi
ans, who have a great veneration for it. Its
weight is from 8 to 10 pounds. The beak is
ard dud curved sharply downits color bright
'lemon the iris of the eye pink or light red.
On the crown of the head it has a fleshy carbun
cle, or comb of black and white, which forms
dike a cravat, and also hangs on both sides of
,the head, aad which is bare of feathers ; the
'skin of the chops or cheeks is mottled black
'and white ; the neck feathers are black with a
'ring of white ferfthers below, forming a ru(F,
Hko a circle of swansdown on a lady's tippet ;
the back is striped black and white lengthwise
lof tho bird ; the upper par, of the wings is also
atrlped with black and white ; the ends of the
Ving feathers are tipped white ; the tail feath
ers are striped and tipped the same way as the
wings ; the under surface of the wings are bar
red also ; the wings measure from 12 to 18
inches long from the joint at the body. The
chest, belly, and lower part of the body are of
' lemon color ; the legs and teet are also yellow;
with four toes, armed with sharp black claws.
, Tho female bird is of smaller size, the color
similar, but more subdued. The eggs are red
dish and mottled black, sharply peaked, and
weigh about two ounces. They make their nests
in the highest trees ot the mountain sides and
ineaks. and always go in couples, and never in
flocks. When they rise from the ground they
make a whirring, rushing noise, moving very
fast; they are very rare throughout bonora, as
my informant states, and extremely difficult to
take. They raise, two young in a year, gener
ally male and temale; when young, their plum
age is vellow, black and white. When full grown
birds are about the size of the common turkey
buzzard, In sixmonth .the young begin to
fly the female lay their eggs in the spring,
They are seen at times turning over and oyer. in
. tha nir in quick motions, from whence the In-
,dimi have a, superstition that they breed in tho
;ar. . 1 ho Indians also say that the male bird
.breaks tho egg: to lot the chick put,
They oat dead animals, or those lately killed,
Tlw tongue is red, and ha3 a svjtnus process on
its imdnr part, shaped like a pep, and said by
the Indians to be used j.n making loud, whir
ring noiso'when it, rises from the ground. They
eat vry fast, and all otjior carnivorous birds
hild it in, :reat lear, informant aforesaid,
who 1ms travelled throughout Sonora. and seen
it in different localities, says It is most abundant
in the Alta Fimbria, of which tho Gadsden pur
cbasei forms a portion.
But tho most-singular, part of tho (bird, and
'which -makes it such, a. wonder among hc bono
ranians, is that it, has four wings., or iippenda
ges, used for assisting flight, on each side of its
body that 13, a pair of wings, such as other
birds, each with three assistant wings or wing
lets, joined tj the main one, and folding under"
the main ones, and next to the body.
An officer of the revenue service assured me
on two occasions that he had seen this bird at
Guaymas; in Sonora, in 1851, in possession, of
Capt. Spencc, captnin of the port, and that they
were so scarce as to sell for fifty dollars apiece,
and that according to his recollection my Sono
ranian informant was in the main correct in his
description of it As this last informant was
well known to me, and lived several years arouud
Monterey, and left for Sonora in the latter part
of 4857, and his description wa.4 taken down, as
beforo said, in November and December, 1855,
by myself, and being confirmed by the officer
before mentioned, who is an old acquaintance
of mine, it seems to me there can ue no doubt
that it is vara avis unknown to naturalists.
"I Never saw a Bar Shot Up." 1
Several years ago I happened to arrive iirSt.
Louis when the hotels were uncomforta' ly full.
The only bed attainable was in a room where
six other wayfarers were lodged, at the Planter's
Hotel, and I turned in at a late hour,with some,
trepidation, not having been accustomed to the
society of strangers in such circumstances. The
disagreeable novelty of my situation prevented
sound sleeping, and while tossing uneasily upon
the matrass, heard a tall and rather rough
looking gentleman from Arkansas, who had re-.
urea at noout tne same nour wun myaeir, mus
tering some incoherent expressions, about two
o'clock m the morning.
"Can't stand this," he exclaimed, at length,
and soon after he was pulling tho b'ell-ropo en
ergetically. ,
The porter appeared in due time, his counte
nance expressive of great reluctance. "What's
wanted?" asked the servant.
"I want a mint julep stop, let me see. (Lookr
ing at the sleepers, and counting them off with
his forefinger.) I want one, two, three, four,
live, six, seven juleps about as quick at you kin
th(3mas'beforc stated. After Bottling; himself
Hi bedHt occurred to lntn that tho stranger be-
Froin Mexico.'
hurry 'em up."
"Can't gec'oiii,
sir, Tho bar is shutUp,"-hir:-lia(u
So saying, the porter, departed without saying
anything more.
The Arkansas gent seemed nonplused. lie
set up in bed arid soliloquised. "Bar shot up!
Bur shot un! I never saw a bar shot uo vet!"
Jn about two minutes he was dressing himselt
with his clothes, and addressing himself with
the same remark, "I never seen a bar shot up
Having completed his toilet he disappeared,
and I lay broad awake in a musing mood. The
Arkansian after a half hour's absence, reap
peared. He bore in his hands a salver, on which
were placed seven juleps made in the most ap
proved style. 1 raised my head on his entering,
and he exclaimed, "Hello, stranger, take a
drink, and invite your Inends to do the. same!
I explained to him that 1 had no inends in
that.part of the United States. He proceeded
to arouse the sleepers, and, if my memory is
not at fault, not one refused the cooling bev
erage. 'Thought tho bar was shut up," I remarked,
"Wall, stranger, it war shot, up the first bar
I have ever seen shot up. Hut here s the tool
that picked the lock," and he drew from the in
side of his coat collar a huge bowie knife. ,
After draining his julep to the last dregs, the
strange gent retired, and .just as I was compos
ing myself to sleep, I again heard him solilo
"No, I thank you, 'sin No, 'I thank you, sir,
(A pause.) What in h did he mean by that?
Can t stand that mnst go down and. see
about it. t
Again the Arkansas gentleman arose and
went down stairs, and I iay wondering what he.
was about. Soon-I heard a noise as of a seri
ous row in the bnr-r.oom below, and, hurrying
on mygav;nent?, I descended. Several persons
were holding my Arkansas friend, and others
were using restraining force in a similar man
ner upon another person, who, like mV fellow
lo-Jger, seemed belligerently inclined. At length
their. rage was cooled, and I was enabled to as
certain the cause' of the quarrel. When the
Arkansas gentleman had first descended, and
persuaded the bar-keeper to concoct the juleps,
another gentleman ontcred, and my friend, in
the most amiable manner, said to him, "Stran
ger, 'spdso you and I take a private drink to
gether beforo I take these juleps to my party
up stairs."
The. Btranger replied. "o, l thank you, sin
frit. i ir. . ii.r?
Lo -lmd refused to druik with him when invited, 1 thc Liherlla( t0 thmUllbcr 0f iq.qoo xnen7
:, occupied.cv
nd had pressed
, jl . o , n i u i ou t iu.-imj mult men iiMcuuim icuguuu ; mw
ouArnsas friend soon found that he was, as pnza, and their evolutions could be watched,
full.ol l.ght as himself, and, instead of an apol- ,-rom the house.top3. The troops wero in good
ogy, he presented a bowie knife. Both drew sp;ritf, we1 fed nul promptly paid. Every out
heir weapon?, and tho bar-kceper and porter let from tlie city had been cut off, the ncque--
7 V ouu?f.u 10 cn 1 in assistance to prevent i (iuctg stopped, and all possiblo means taken to
si r i i a! w Su uuwii uen(lCa: by Degolado and Alvarez
and ask h.m What he meant by saying No, I cry point, surrounding the plhce, a
thank vou, sir." On finding t-hat cent eman. 1 ' i ' i .1:- n .in
them from cutting each other's wind-pine.
Theiffair was finally settled, vith a drink all
round, and the Arkansas gent departed next
day down the river. 1
h ., i . .I
A Rough Country.
The last session of the Missouri State Legis
lature had been remarkable for the witty spec
unui ui us iiiuiuuurs. iur. wmie, oriue xioiise)
delivered himself as follows, in reference to the
projtof forming a pew county :
1 predicate rav objections to this new countv I
on iffcriut grounds," one of the main and most
important of which is, that I am confident, it
wotildVpt be entitled to a representative in the
pextMiltj, years. Jdr. bpealccr, did you ever
visitjthq territory sought to be erected into tho
cotrntypfCarter? Did you over have an oppor
tunism beholding tho multifarious beauties and
dfexajnihirig its boundless resources? Well,
sir, I have. I have been all over it, and all
around it, and I do say here openly and defi
antly, that there is not level ground enough
wjthin its entire limits to build a pig-pen on.
(Laughter.) The soil i3 so poor it would not
grow '.'penny-royal." Sir, you might mow the
country with a razor, and rake it with a line
comb,4ind you wouldn't get enough fodder to
keep;a;B.:ck grasshopper through tho winter,
(liemtyed laughter;)
Sir,; they plant corn with crow-bars; arid hold
their sheep by the hind legs while they nibble
the gross in the cracks of the cliffs. Increased
.laughftr:) Sir, the ferae nature? of that sec
tion ftAS nrincinall'r ticks, and I must in iustice
sjjja variety of injects attain a Bplendid size
complete the close investment of the place.
Furfher reinforcements were approaching from
the North. Within the city all was confusion
and alarm. The cpmmander-in-chief, General
Mejia, a pure-blooded Indinn, had enforced mar
tial Iaw( and with his rufhans ruled the inhabi
tants despotically. His main support was De
tJabnac, tho French Jinvoy, backed by Utway,
the English resident, whose servility to his col
league has earned him the popular nickname of
Mr. Tool. I ho report or the recognition ot
President. Juarez by the government of the U.
States, had been received. Tho flight of'Mira'-'
raon from Vcrr Gruz' had caused universal dis
Inox more useful tiiaN Gold. " I have iri
my hand," said Edward Everett, " a gold watch,'
which unites beauty and use in happy propor
tions. Its hands, lace, chain and case, are or
chased and burnished gold. Its gold seals spar-
kle. with the ruby, topaz, sapphire and emerald.
I open it, and find that the works, wit'hout which
this elegantly finished case would be but a mere
shell, are made of brass. Looking farther, and
asking what the spring which puts all these
wheels in motion,, is made of, 1 am told it it
steel. I ask, what is steel? They tell me it is
iron which has undergone a certain process.-?
So then, I find the mainspring, without which
the watch would bo always motionleps, is not
of gojd, (that it is not good enough,) nor of
brass, (that would not do,) but of iron.
"Iron, therefore, is the most precious metal,
and this watch, is an emblem of society. Its
lnnlo orwl flvirrira ivVi!r1i tfll TiA linnr rfenm
iow-.quntyj)CQar,teri the smallest size j h ,hp masterspintsof the ace. to whose move
under my observation being ntleast a; metffs cf(frV Pfe HlrcctPaIts-worlis of brass
pig as sauaie-oag iocks. augnier, as 10 i ure ,he middlo cnss , whoFQ wer aml in.eI.
ititprnnl lmnrnvninonts in tlmt. SfPtldii. Ill s .1 , ' .,i. . 1
House can form some idea ween I assure it that
the only thing resembling a road that I ever
saw there was when one of tho barefooted na
tives dragged a wild boy seven miles through
the snow. (Laughter and cheers.) With such
a country as this, Mr. Speaker, they propose to
make a new county, and the reason given for so
doing, is, thnt the convenience of the inhabitants
will be promoted thereby! Sir, if it were possi
ble to hold their courts under a shade of post
oak and blackjack saplings, to keep a Clerk's
office and tho records of the county in the re
cesses of ai hollow sycamore, and to make a jail
out of some of the dark and slimy caves beneath
tho craggy hills of that rough country if it
were possible to establish the machinery for do
ing county business out of such materials, we
might entertain tho project as feasible and
plausible. I3ut, alas, even such advantages as
these are denied by nature to this country.
(Great lajighter.) It is true there would be no
difficulty about the caverns for a jail, bnt tho
necessary post-oak and blackjack saplings, to
supply with. their foliage a canopy for the august
tribunals of justice, could not bo found. They
are not in the country. And "as for a sycamore
tree suitable ,for a1 depository of the archives of
the county, it would be sought in vain. The
wipds even refuse to blow sycamore pods, in
that direction. (Cheers and laughter.) And
the idea of the people ever being able to build
houses, in which to transact business, is deeply,
darkly, prodigiously and preposterously absurd.
ligenco the ma&ter-spints of the, age are moved;
and its iron mainspring, shut up fn a box, always
at work, and little thought of, is the laboring
class, whose constant labors .are absolutely ne
cessary to the movement of society, and who,
when injured or disordered, bring loss and dis
order upon every other class."
Naval Intelt.ioekcf. The launching of the
new stenm sjoop of war Richmond, atNorfblk,
leavrs on the stocks only one of the five sloops
of war ordered by act of Congress. They have
been launched in the following order : Brook
lyn, 14 guns, at New York ; Lancaster, 18 guns,
at Philadelphia; Hartford, 14guns, at Charles
ton, and Richmond, at Gosport. The Pcnsaco
la, 10 guns, has since been launched. Nearly
all these, vessels are ready for sea, one or two
are in commission. There are no finer war
vessels of their size in the world.
Since the above were taken in hand, Congress
has sanctioned the construction of seven oth
ers, of still lighter draught, one of which, ra
ting six gns, is being finished at fhe Brooklyn
navy yard; one at Kittery, six guns; one (at
Boston, threo gums.j ope at Norfolk, six. punr. ;
one at Pcnsacola, six guns ; and two at Phila
delphia six guns. They are expected to bo
afloat in July.
The Bostox Standarp. In an article upon
free blacks, and their duty to make monoy if
they would be considered respectable, the Chris
tian Examiner says :
No laco in this country will be despised
which makes money. If wo had in Boston or
New lurk fen ourang oulangs with n million' of
dollars each, they would visit the best society;
wo Rlimild lpave our cards at their doors, and
There 13 a rule at Oberlin College that no
student shall board at any housti where there
are not prayers regularly. A certain man fitted
un a hording house but forgot until the eleventh
hour the prayer proviso. Not being a praying f jvo tllcm snHg jttjc dinner parties,
man himsplf, he looked arounu lor one wno -
was. At icnghf he fonnU one a meek young jt ;s Relieved that the father of mankind
man from Trumbull' county, who agreed to pnv ncv.r re roacl,Pd his wife but onco for the un
ibr his boarding in praying. For a white all imppy caue of their expulsion frdm Paradise ';
went smoothly, but the boarding master furnish-, sj,'e ijittprl and recklessly replied, "I don't
ed his table so poorly, that tho boarders began j car0 A-damf He never again mentioned tho
to grumble and to leave, and one morning uic fiUUjCct
praying boarder actually "struck I1' Somelhing i
likft tho following dialogue occurred. Land
lord, "Will you prayt Mr. Mild ?" No, sir. I
will not Why not. sir ?" It don't pay. lean t
pray over such victuals as these; and unless
Arkansas: finding his iuleps' ready1 about that you agree to set abetter table, nary prayer uo
time1, took them up staira; where we - punished J you. get out of me I.
A minister nt church annroached a rogucish
loqk'ng boy, nbout-ten -yenrs old, and laying
him ;
nincant reply of tho boy
y.!t v i a: tl'ji
oqk'ng bov, nbout-ten -yenrs old, and laying
lis hand upon his shoulder, thus addressed
urn : "My son, I bolievo the devil has gut hold
jf you." "I bcliove he has, too!" was the ei-

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