--v &r- TIIE EVENING CKITIO, "WASHINGTON, D. C, SATURDAY, APTUI, 15, 1882. iwijFfrmrW? " "w4-v"vri" ii m 'it ii ' THE EVENING CRITIC. XBTABLISUED AttatJBT 1SBS. INCENDIARISM. Attempt to Hum (lie Iliilldlnc orilio Wnaliliigtou Endowment Aocln lion. This morning about 2 o'clock afire win dis covered in tho second story of tho nnlldlnR of tliO Washington Endowment Association, Oil F street, by some of tho omployos of tho iroorlcan District Telograph Company and an alarm turned In. Tho Tiro Department re sponded promptly ami tho flames woro ox tfngulshcd. Tho conflagration was tho work of incendiaries, who picked tho lock of tho front door, turned several of tho gas-Jots In tho second story Into such a position that tho desks and shelves were lsnttod and sot tiro to a bundle of wasto paper in tho prlvato offlco. Their object was evidently absolute malice, as nettling was Btolen. But for tho fact that they loft tho windows all closod and no draft wob possible, tho conflagration would havo completely destroyod tho building. As It was n portion of tho wall In tho socond story and a door was destroyed and tho stairway par tially burned. Tho loss to tho turnlturo amounts to about (200; tho damago to tho building will not bo loss than 1 000 1 all fully Insured. Bofarnocluo has been discovered as to tho Identity of tho miscreant or mis creants. In Mcmorlnni. It Is with a sad heart that I pen this small trlbuto to tho momory of my much-levod friend, Mrs. Ocorglo Evcrott Wlllett, who passed away from earth on tho morning of March 1, surrounded by her many friends and relatives, who docply mourn hor loss, Sho was ono who possessed all of thoso raro quali ties which render a woman so attractive and bind so closely with tho chords ot affection tho hearts ot all. Endowed with a mind ot unusual lntolligonco, combined with a sweet, nmlablo disposition that won tho loto and highest esteem of all who knew hor, " None knew her but to lovo hors None named her but to pratso." Sho was tho youngest daughter ot Mrs. Goor glodlallandtholato John W. Williams, ot Mississippi, and sister ot Major John W. Wil liams, U. B. A.t also of Mrs. Josophtno Heard, ono of tho most atfcctlonato and dovotea sisters Ieer saw. Their father was an emi nent lawyer afbd of a distinguished family. Bho has left a void Indeed In the largo circle ot relatives, friends and acquaintances which can never be Dllod. May tho smiles ot Provi dence rest upon and comfort tho hearts ot hor bereaved family, and may they omulato tho lovoly Christian charactor which sho over tore, and left as a rich legacy to hor momory. One angel more now swells tho throng Of Ood's Immortals bright; Another volco in heavenly song Now sounds In realms of light. Ber attached friend, II. T. J., Washington, D. C. Tlic Capital City Gnnril Fair. Tho success ot tho coming fair Is assured. Tho trlonds ot tho Guards havo responded nobly to tho call, and are using every effort to make this a grand' success. Tho several or ganizations havo decided to attend on their respective nights. Tho comtntttoo acknowl edge tho receipt of tho following articles, re ceived slnco tho Qrst list was published : Webb & Bevcrldge, toilet articles, Larrabco hosiery; G. F. Tlmms & Co., handsomo smoking Jacket; Jlutty & Taylor, fancy fans; Mrs. A.N. Rich ardeon, mats and tidies; Luttroll & Co., ho siery; J, E. Miller, cord ot wood; A. C. Ste phens, revolver; Washington & Georgetown Ico Company, Ice; 3. J. Appacb, ono ham; crab salad, P. 1). Moredlth; A. Draper, toilet set; W. Mllburn, toilet sot and fancy artlclos; Mr. TJcverldge, Bet ot glassware and ono Illuminated match safo; Georgo McCarthy, child's shoes; Aucrbach & Ero. (Pennsylvania avenuo), box ot silk scaifs; William Bensloy, handsomo oil painting on glass (new process), and ono English scarf; Mr. Deal, ono glove and nanaaorcmci dox; ur, J. .ipscomD, ono oox of fancy soap; Lutz Bros., ono pockotbook; Mr. Durham, old English razor; Malvln, ono croquet set; cigars, V. Loughran and C II. Uutlor;0. It. Koontz, fancy ombroidorod pin cushion; W. II. Lewis, ono fancy glldod horse shoe. . Tlic Suit AgnliiHt IheW.iia. It. It. Co. Thocaso ot Charles Lcmout against the Washington & Georgetown Railroad Company, that has gono through threo trials and a ver dict each time, was before Justice Mac Irthur In the Cltcult Court this morning on a motion to set tho case down for hearing. Messrs. Illno, Elnklo aud McPhersou v, ero tho counsol for the complainant and Colonel Tolten for tho company. Tho suit was originally commenced In tho year 1877, and was tor damages rocolvod by being ejected trom a car. Tho third verdict was tor 1 15,000 for tho dofendant, and an np- Jical was taken to the General Term. Afterlt lad been argued thcio, and beforo tho opinion was dellvored, tho president of tho company, without tho knowledgo or consont of Colonel Totten, tho counsol, met tho plaintiff In New York, and upon paying him $2,000, socurod trom him an order dismissing tho case. Tho question now made by tho counsol ot tho plaintiff Is that they referred thocaso, and that their services were a Hon that could cot be destroyod by a secrot and collusive settlement between tho president of tho road and tho plaintiff In tho suit. As a matter ot tact, tho attoruoys for tho complainant not only have not rocclved any feo for their scrvlcos, but no return for tho money advanced by them Intuo prosocutlonof tho case. Ills Honor thought that tho Court would not prevent a party from settling a caso, but It was tho duty of tho Court to sen that It was properly dono and not to tho detriment ot Its own otucors. In this lnstanco lio did not think it the Court had beon made conversant with the case It would havo permitted the discontinuance to be allowed. It thorowos the slightest Indication that fraud had been perpetrated upon tho attorneys, then the Court ought to stop In and should decide against tho defendants. Uo further - held that tho attorneys for the plaintiffs woro entitled to recelvo 33 per cent., tho amount they were swindled out ot by tho worthless de fendant and president ot the railroad com pany. IIo directed that an order bo mado that unlesB tho company pay to tho counsel within thirty days 33 per cent, ot $3,000 tho caso must uu rcirjcu. Confirmation Yesterday. The Senate In executive sosslon yesterday confirmed the following nominations: J. II. 0. Pitkin, United States Marshal East ern District ot Louisiana, Customs William A. Pledger, burveyor port ot Atlanta, Ua.; Adln II. underwood, burveyor Boston and Gharloslown District, Massachusetts; Daniel Hall, Naval Officer ot Customs, Boston and Charlostown District, Massachusetts; John J. Piatt, Consul to Cork: James Irwin, Agent Hhoehono Agency, Wyoming; Edward 1', Bur ton, Hupcrlutondont of Mint, San I'ranclsco. Navy-William Martin, Louisiana, to bo As sistant Burgeon: Ensign Aioxander Sharp, District of Columbia, to bo Master; Midship- sign. Postmasters Mrs. Roxauna W. Keys, at Center Itutland, Vt.s William II, Doninan, at Wyandotte, Mich.: Herman L.Jones, at Now Hartford, Conn.; Smith D.Atkins, at I'rooport, 111.; Georgo E. Yalade, at Beaumont, Tox.t lleinandon 0. Travels, at llochdalo, Tex. New hlylc In spring and cummer suits are very attract lvo and aro commanding tho attention and admiration ot tho ladles. Taylor & Hutty have lust received a stock ot goods unequaled In the commercial history ot this city, and they are marked at prlcoa which leads ono to wonder how such things can bo furnished for such a small sum. The most elegant and tho plainest so that all shall bo pleasod and no one have causo for complaint, bee tho ader. llscment about Kato Greenway books. An Item for Uuu Consume. In a dispute about tho payment ot a gas bill In New York, where tho defendant was ablo to show that his house had been unoccu- Sled during tho porlod tho bill covered, udge Lawrence said that "gas motres are not Infallible" and that "tho power ot a gas company oier Its victims may be rostilcted by questions ot tact." Iiiiinrluiil to OttncrHori.lloIiiHur. aucu I'ollrlcn. Loans negotiated on poll, cles and endowments maturing within live years purchased. Call or address, Inclosing ttampfor reply, John 1. McTaulaxp, ll'-i west uaiumoro street, iiaiumorc, juu. Mn. IIenbv I). Cooke, jr., to-day "pre sented to the Dlstilct a handsomo iraion por trait ot his fathor, which has boeuliungon tho walls ot tho District Commissioners' olllce. The poi trait Is a very good one, and lsonv Lelllebcd by a handsomo rrame. Mb. Wm. B. Known will ImllJ a bay. window and make general repairs to houso No. UIB 1 welttli street, at a cost ct t uoo. THE Sunday-School Missionary Society connected with tho Assembly's Prosbytorlan Church will hold a meeting at tho church on bunday evening, April 10, In lieu ot tho regu lar oventng set vice, bpeclal inuslo lias Loon arranged for tho occasion, which will bo ren dered under tho direction of Mr. WnircnH. Young, the leader ot tho choir. Thero will also be recitations and remarks on the sub ject of missions, with special ret creooo to tho missionary iiciug wnicu nave weeu uiuou ny yV the society. PBAYER AND PRAISE IN THE CHURCHES TC-MORnOW. Mho Will Occupy I'nlpUt To'inot-rovt- Tlic SnbJi-ctN or Ill-icon ma A. Ilcllnlilo Church Directory for All HcnomlnnfloiiR. The OlcMlnl City. Tor nway beyond tho river, Tho celestial city lies, Bathed In light and robod In glory, Never seen by mortal eyes. Oatesot pearl of snowy whiteness, Lett by angel hands ajar, Walls ot Jasper set with Jowels, Each aglow as 'twero a star. Thero Is built tho roynl palace, Thcro Is set Messiah's throne; No sunlight thero nor moonlight Its light tho nolitOuo ; Thcro tho angels over worship, And unlto In holy song, And tho ceaseless tldo ot musla Polls tho golden streets along. Thero martyrs and confessors Wear tho crown and boar tho palm, And over chant tho triumphs Ot Christ, tho mnrtyr Lamb; And thero In purest raiment Ilalmcut purlfled by blood Near tho throno and by tho altar, Stand tho " royal priests " of God. There Is set the Marrlago Supper Feast of Joy and feast ot lovo Whllo tho covonant arch ot emerald Glows tho festal scenonbovo; And they who havjo been bidden To the Lamb's own festal board, Tako tho "now wlno of tho kingdom" In tho prcsenco ot their Lord. O City ot Salvation I Wo would thy glory soe, And eharo tho blessed fianchlso That makes thy children tree. O Jesus, Sing ot Zlon I Como seal usasThlno own; Glvo us each a grand translation From Thy footstool to Thy throne. Xu Jerusalem Templa, North Capitol street, near B, Henrico at 11 a. m.; Hoy. Jabez Tox, pastor; seats all free. .Mount Vernon Mission M. E. Church. South, Odd-l'cllows' Hall, Navy-Yard. Preaching at 7 :30 p. m.; Sabbath-school at 0 a. m. Jiylanil Vhapctt corner Tenth and D strcots southwest. Itev. Richard Norrls will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.; all welcome JFIrst il. r. Church, corner Fifth stroot and Virginia avenuo soutnoast, j. w. uray, pas tor. 11 a. m, and 7 .30 p. m.; Sunday-school at o a.m. BL Jamtt' Chaptl, 805 II streot, northeast. Services, 11 a. m. and 4 p. m.; Sunday-school, 3 p. m.; repetition ot Easter music at 11 a. m.; seats froe. Reformed JCpUcopal Church, Masonic Temple, Ninth and F streots northwest, Services to morrow at 11 a.m.; preaching by ltov.,C. M. Uaddaway. Vermont-Axtivu ChrMlan Church. Services at 11a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday-school at 0.30 a.m.; pastor, Frederick D. Power; seats free; strangers welcome Ticelfth-strett Jf. J!. Churcli, corner of Twelfth streot and Pennsylvania avenuo southeast, T. A. Morgan, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m.; quarterly Lovo rcast at 7:30 p. m. Friends' Heeling (orthodox) Is held ovcry first day (Sunday) at 11 a. m. In tho chapel ot tho Young Men's Christian Association, 80 1 II streot northwest; scats Ice; no collection; tho public aro Invited. UnltcrtatM Church, Lincoln Hall, corner Ninth and D streets. Services to morrow at 11 a. m.; sormon by tho pastor, Rov. Alex. Kent; subject, "Tho Now Birth;" Sunday- bcuuvi ut u ;iu a. ill. Atlary M. E. Church. rreachlng at 11 a. m. by Rov. Henry Brooks; nt 7-30 p. m. by tho pastor, hoy. K, ju. uarroii; i.ovo roast on Monday evening at 8 p. m. Revival services each night during the week. Ancmbly'errcsbyterlan Church, cornerof Fifth aud I streets northwest. Preaching by tho pastor, Rov. George D. Little, 11 a. m., "Lay lng up Treasures In Heaven;" 7.30 p. m., Sunday-school missionary concert. IR( Gecrgeloun 31. E. Church, Rov. Goorgo M. Berry, pastor. 11 n. m., Rov. W. W. Buck; 7 .30 p. m. by tho pastor; Tonnallytowri, 11 a. m., by the pastor; 7;30 p. m by Rov. H. A. Gross; Llttlo Falls, 3 p. m., by tno pastor. Enlon M. E. Chuich, Twentieth street north west, near Pennsylvania avenuo. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W. T. L. W eech ; subject at 11 a. m., "Tho Bruised Reed:" ovenlug, "Embassadors tor Christ:" Sunday-school at On.ra.i all Invited; scats froo. dace Eianaellcai Lutheran Church, Thir teenth and Corcoran streets. Sorvlces Bunday, April 10, 11a.m. and 8 p. m.; preaching by the pastor, E. O. russoll; Sunday-school 3 p. ra.: morning subject, "Tho Preacher's Com mission;" night, "Truo Comfort." Eourth-et) eet Jf. E. Chuich. Sunday-school rovlval sorvlces at 0 a. ra. : proachlng nt 11 a. m. by the pastor, Rov. Josoph Franco, D. D.; Young People's and general experience moet Ing at 3.30 p.m.; lchal services at 7:30 p. m.t Bcntley and Jonos, evangelists. The Women's Christian Temperance Union. Gospel meeting to-morrow-(Sunday), at 3 30 p. m., at Masonio Temple, cornerof F and Ninth strcots northwest, conducted by Mrs. S. M. Hartsock; Mr. P. A, Burdlck, a noted tompor ance speaker, will address tho meeting. E-strett Baptist Chutch, near Sixth, north west. Preaching by tho pastor, Rev. Dr. D. W. Faunco, at 11 a. m.; subje: "Christ and his Resurrection;" also, at 7.30 p. m.; subjects "God's To-day;" Sunday-school at 0.30 a. ra.; young pooplo's meeting at 0 : 15. Chuich o the Ejrtphany, G street, betweon Thirteenth and Fourteenth, Rov.Wllllam Parct, D. D., rector. Sunday services ntBand 11a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; at tho evening servlco nil scats aro froo; sermons to-morrow by tho Rev. J, E. Cathell ; on all wcok days services at 10 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. SI. PauVt Free Church, Twenty-third streot, Rov. William M. Barker, roctor. First colo bratlon, 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer, 10:15 a. m.t Litany and Bocond colobration, 11 a. m.; ovonlng prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m.; dally prayers, 0 p. m.; celebration, Tuesday, 7 :30 u. hi. unu xuurouay, ax a, m. Korth Capitol it. E. Church, corner ot Kand North Capitol streets. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p. ra. by tho pastor, Rev. W. Hirst jieeut inoruiuK uuuject, 'M.ossons xaugui anu Bereflt; by Christ's Resurrection;" evening subject, "fho Battle ot Jericho;" Sunday, school at 3 p. in. ; all welcome Jlamllne II. E. Church, cornor of Ninth and P streets. 0:15, Sunday-school: 11 a. m., by pastor, Rov. 8. M. Hartsock, "ltosurrectlon of Body;" 7.30, "Blessedness of Forgiving;" II, young people's mooting lod by Mrs. Clara Roach ; address by Luther Benson, tho torn peranco orator; good music; welcome Waughil.E. Chutch, Thltd aud A stieets northeast, (seats flee.). Preaching at -,1am. aud 7 30 p. m., by tho pastor, Rov. Wllford Downs. Hon. John Hill, of N. J., will address tho 8. S. Missionary bocloty nt 3 o'clock, nt tho gathei lng ot tho " Offerings." " Yo Old Folks, hyscoucorto ot Mustek" Wednesday evening (10th) at 8 o'clock. Ooisuch Mttliodlst Episcopal Chuich, cornerof Foul and a-halt ond L strcots. Preaching to. morrow at 11 a, m. by the pastor, Rov. Will lam 11, Laney, and at 7:30 p. m.; a publla meeting at 3 p. m. In behalf ot the Indian Treaty-Keeping Association! addrossos by Dr. Bland, J, w. tlutcliottoiul others: ono or two Indians may bo present; all lnvltod. Glace Chuich, southwost, Rev, l'rancls Oil Hat, lector. 7 a. m celebration Holy Com munion! lla.ro., service and sormon; 7 .3(1 p.m., prajer and sermon ; (J ,30 Sunday-school HCBelon, The Rev. James W, Clark, ot St. James' Parish, will preach at p. m. servlco. lext, "We Have an Altar." Tho nnecholrwlll lender an excollout selection ot music. MetiotJOllttm llaptut Church, cornerofAand Sixth streets northoast, Rov. J. W. Parker, D, D-, pastor. Sunday-school at I) :30 a. m,; serv. ices at 11 a. in. mid 7,30 p, m. Professor J. IV. P. Jcnks, ot Brown University. R. I will occupy tho pulpit In tho morning. Yo people's prayer meeting nt 0:15 p, m.it Jcctt "Hope" beats free: all lnvltod. oung suu- Ill ace M, E. Church, corner Ninth and 8 Btrcets, J. C.Hagey, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. : snbject i " 'I he Character ot Christ," and at 7:30 p. m.t "Tho Friendship ot Christ." Sunday-school at 11:30 a. m. and 3 p. m, Young people's meeting at O p. in., led by Major Hall, Revival coufeienco on Monday night at 7.30 p.m. All cotdlally invited. At, I'mifs t.iinlhh Lutheian Church, cornet ot Eloventhand it Btteets northwest, 8. Domer, minister. Sen Ices to inoirow nt 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m.i morning subject, "Tho Interview with Angels la nu Empty Tomb:" music by quartet tholi; Bpeclal pieces, "Te Deum,1' Lloidj "As Pants tho Hart," Thomas ; "Jesus taUour of Myfaoul," Lawrences W.D.Mcl'ar. land, W. It. Laphain, Delia Domor and Eulallo Domer, quai tot Chvuho the Incarnation, cor. Twelfth and N Btrecls noi thv, est. Rev, Dr. I. L. Towusend, i octal-. Early lelebration, 7 30 a, m.i morulug bin lco and sermon, 11 a.m.; ot enlng prayer (full ihoral), J p. in.; tboEastormuslo will bo it pcated to uionowi at tho early and tho alteiuoon servlco all seats aro free; at tho 11 o'clock sen lco eiraugeis will be seated, so far as possible, by ushers. lulled 1'iesoytDlan Church, Rov. 8. Collins, D. D., poll New York avenue, pastor. Strlttly oangellcal In doctrine, plulu and Scilptural In worship, holding only one head, Christ Jesus, and one rule. Ills wordi rejecting all human rites and ceremonies; a new organiza tion In this city, but old, numerous and Intlu cntlal, especially In tho Northern part ot the country. Services In tho City Hall every Sab Lath at 11 a, m. and 0 p. in.j all aro lnvltod. Frl rets' Meeting, on I street, bstwoon Eigh teenth and Nlnctoonlh, northwest, to-morrow at 11 o'clock a. in. Tho public Is lnvltod. St. Mark's Church, Third street, botvioon A and II southeast, A. V. Sleelo, roctor. Holy Communion to morrow at 7.30 a. m.t regular services and sermons at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p. m .crth Carolina arenve Mission. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rov. E. Whlltlosoy. Oospol torn pcrancomec!!nsat7.30p.m , under auspices of the W, C. T. U., lod by Mrs. Clara L. Roach, Seats free All aro woloome A Ch ureh of Iht Ascension, corner of Massachu setts avenuo and Twelfth street northwest. Early Communion at hour announced! at 11 a. m., servlco and sermonj at 7.30 p. m., tho bishop will preach and administer tho rltoot confirmation. Ml. ZlonM.E. Church, cornerof Rand fif teenth streets noithwest. Preaching by tho ?astor, Rov. L. M. Gardner, nt 11 a. m. nnd :30 p. m.; Sunday-schools' temporanco moot ing at 3p.m. i Charles Nyo Is oxpnetod to ad dross tho meeting; ovcrybody lnvltod. McKendree M. E. Church, Massachusetts avenue, between Ntnth and Tenth streets northwest, Rov. C. Hcrbort Richardson pas tor. rreoihlng at 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Subject In morning, "Heirs of God nnd Joint Heirs with Christ." Subject In ovonlng, "Purity of Heart." Free Methoetut Church, Massachusetts avenuo nenr Seventh street northwest. President (Bishop) Roberts, editor Earnest thrlstlan,ot New York, Is evptctcd to preach at 11a.m. and7-30p. m.i also, to conduct tho mooting for tho promotion ot truo holiness nt 3 p.m. Sabbath school at '2 and outdoor mooting at about 5 p.m. nestey Chapel M.E. Church, corner of rlfth and r streets Aorthwcst, Rov. W, I. McKonnoy, pastor Preaching to-morrow nt 11 a.m.by Rov. I., F. Morgan, D. D., ot Baltlmoro i 7 :30 p.m., meeting In tho Interests ot tho "Indian Treaty Kcoplng and Protective Association," ad dressed by Hon. Hiram Prlco, Commissioner of Indian Affairs; Sunday-school, 0.30 a.m. and 3 p. tn.t prayor-meotlng Thursday ovon lng; Beats frcoi strangors welcome. Churcli 'cvts. Ilisbop Andrews Is now holding ttio Notthcrn Now York Conference Ho spont last Sunday at Watertown, N. Y. Tho Methodist Hospital, tho gift of Mr. Scney, of Now York, will bo croctod on Pros pect Heights, Brooklyn, and will cost $500, 000. Mrs. A, B. Davidson, of this city, an ac tive worker In tho church and secretary ot tho Woman's Missionary Society ot tho Metho dist Church South, died suddenly In Balti more after delivering an address a few days ago. Tho "Boy Preacher," or evangelist, is still In Cincinnati holding Methodist service?. Ho was born near Boston In humblo clrcum. stances. Ills mother Is visiting him, and Is enteitalncd by tho members ot St. Paul's Church. Bentlcy and Jones, who aro assisting Dr. Joseph Franco nt a meeting In Fourth street Methodist Church, formerly belongod to tho Saltation Army, but soparated from It In Bal timore last fall, and havo slnco bocn holding meetings tncro as ovangonsts. IKev. John Nauglc, the "Sailor Boy" preacher, loft this city last Wodnosday, and will conduct meetings at Cumberland, Md. Ho closed tho meeting at Hamllno Church last Bunday night, and statod that slnco ho camo here In November over 500 wcro converted at tbo meetings ho held. Tho wife of Bishop Marvin has died in Missouri. Dr. Bedford Is writing a Ufo ot tbo lato Bishop Kavanaugh all of tho M. E. Church South. It Is hoped that Bishop Payne, of tho samo church, will bo able to attend tho General Confcronco In Nashville, but many fear his frailty and old ago will prevent him. Tho Maryland State Temperance Alli ance wlil hold Its yearly convention next week In Baltimore Over halt tho Stato Is under local prohibition, and Is oxpectod vory soon to faavo several nowcountlos added. Mr. William Danlol Is president ot this Alllanco, a position ho has yearly bocn elected to since ho originated tho society nlno years ago. Tho conference will bo addressed by ablo speakers. ItPllgloiiM Intelligence. An Episcopal church is to bo built at Dagger's Springs, Botetourt County, Ya. Tho Japancso Government is about to establish shlntolsm as tho state religion. Tho Baptists of Danvillo, Vn., aro about to erect a commodious and handsomo church. Abont 250 persons havo been confirmed In St. John's Episcopal church within tho past four years. Tho Veteran African Missionary. Dr. Robert Moffatt, is still in good health, though In his 80th year. The Episcopal Church of Scotland has grown from 72 charges forty-flvo years ago to U02 at tho present time. Tho Kc?rT. J. Knapp, D. D., a Baptist minister ot Colorado, has left that denomina tion to join tno iTotcstant episcopal cnurcn. Eev. C. W. Wcndte, of Cincinnati, has accepted a unanimous call to tho pulpit of Channlng Memorial Church, at Nowport, It. I. liev. Georgo S. Gibbs, rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church Abingdon, has accepted a call to a church at Hot Springs, Ark. liev. Piko rowers, of Richmond, Va, had both bones of his left leg broken last week by making a mlsstop In ciosslng tho street. Tho Centrovillo (Md.) M. E. Church is preparing to thoroughly ronovnto and lm provo their (.Lurch property at a cost ot about J2,00. Tho Bpring meeting of tho third Confer ence of tho Mlnlsterlum of Pennsylvania will be held In St. John's Lutheran Church, Ham burg, Pa., on April 21, 1882. In Mr. Bpurgcon's church in London tho regular hearers absent tuomsohos 0110 Sun day evening ovcry threo months, and tho house is glvon up to strangers. Tho General Synod of tho Eoformed Pres byterian Church will hold its annual session In Darlington, ra., May 17, tho Rev. J. G. Bolco preaching the opening sermon. Plans aro maturing for tho theological department ot Western Maryland College With the September opening ot the collego tho theological school will bo Inaugurated. liev. Dr. Cook, tho Methodist Indian Agent Missionary, says ho "fcolsmoro hope ful ot the Indian now than ho has felt during his ten years In the Rocky Mountains." Arch-strcct M. E. Church, Philadelphia, Rev. O. U. Tiffany, pastor, has complotod twenty years of organized exlstonce, and dur ing tho past year paid off tho last remnant ot Its debt. Tho Valley Convocation of tho Protestant Episcopal Church will moot In Zlon Church. Charicstown, W.Ya., Wednesday ovonlng, April 10, and contlnuo through the lemaluder of thoweek. The Christian people of Now Orleans aro making ancarnost and detfrmlnod offoit In faor ot a more goneral observance ot tho Sabbath In that city, tho ministers Doing In iront 01 tuo cattio anu moving Harmlessly. A church ts as organised in Chicago two weiks ago by u company of Socialists, who call Ihcmseltes "Self-butcrs." Tho church will wolcomo persons ot any creed or no creed, and will seek to leconstruct society on a socialistic basis, Tho Kev. Dr. J. P. Nowman, of Now York, continues to be too 111 to attond to his pulpitor pastoral work. Two weeks ago last Sunday ho came homo sick with congestion ot tho kidneys and tho liver, and slnco that date has been very 111. Ho Is still confined to his loom Tho Rov. Dr. P. B. Morgan, of Cincin natl, has sovcrcd his connection with Emanuel Reformed Episcopal Chuich, In that city, ot v. hlcb ho has been pastor until recently. Ills leasons tor resigning tho pastorate have not been announced, but It Is said will bo given Bhortly, The Alabama Congregational Conference met recently In Marlon, aud along with It the Affiliated Stato Sunday-school Couvoutlon aud tho Women's Missionary Association, In that Stato there are fourtoen ot theso colored churches, with a membership ot b22, nn In crease ct 100 tor the year. Eliicuinii llrox..; Clothiers and tailors, loonier Boventli and 1", aro continually adding to tlielr attractions In every dopai tment ot luelr vast oatalillslimout. i ltcntKMtuto TrmialurH. 0. 1'. Iionry, Marshal, Kc , to 1'. Koones, for t-, lots I), 11, 13 aud 31 ot Mount Ploaa nnt and.Ploasant Plains. A. 11. l't'iry, trustee, to V. Kooucs, samo propel ty. 11. II, Warner to 0, V. Houshan, for tl,'J25, lot 40, squat o 78S. V. V. Kramer to Mora Kramer, for f ,500, lot it, Hull's Discovery. II. H. Johnston to Mary A. Lyman, tor tl'.'.OOQ, lot 21, teeervatlon 1), Now Is your chauco this tbo month of Aptll fliadOO In cash distributed by Com. monweallu Distribution Co., at Loulsvlllo, on Apill'JU, Tickets .. M'oiaine Hell. M. D. Uaenerand M. l'ltemlo rields. John MIOiaol Bmllh, ot Wanlilutton County, Md., and Ella Teresa Vi'elsli,ot Berkley Couuty, VI. Va, ' James Armstrong and Josephine Anu cut fey. ltobcit Hammond oud V-unlo Roberts. 8100 Kennrtl for a llctlcr ICcuicily. William's Indian Pile Ointment la a posltlio cure for piles, dot a box of your druggist and tufftr no more, Hold evervwhere. EAST WASHINGTON. McCauloy's Hall was filled last night with n select attendance ot ladles, gentlemen and children, It being tho occasion of tho ontor tnlnmcntby tho East Washington Mission ot tho Mount Vernon M. E Church, South. Tho following programme, arranged principally ty Iho Misses Best, was vory creditably por fotmed by children of tho Sabbath-schaalt Opening address, Mastor Harry Lucas; reTra tlon, "Baby Shoes," Lllllo Freolandi recita tion by llttlo Daisy Hodgson (this recitation was encored soveral times) i charade, " Blessed aro tho Peacemakers," by sevon llttlo girls in costumoi recitation, "Auction Extraordinary," Tnnny Thompson! rocitotlon, "Tiny Tim." Marlon Thnmaii duot, Roso Gray and Hattlo Clark; dlaleguo by six girls: rorltallon, "'infl miners," lua Tomnnson; wcotcn sone, Annio Williams) play, "That Tostal Card.'1 Messrs. E. B. Martin, R. W. Best, T. E. Clark nnd E. R, Martin wcto Indefatigable In their efforts to mako tho entertainment successful, At tho closo ot tho progrnmino Ico-croam and cako wcro distributed among the audience Tho reunion at Washington Hall last night, given by Professors Plstorlo ond McCoy was repicio wiin picnsuro-secKing lauics ana gentlemen. Among those present wcrei Mos dnmes Emma Uorstord, Sophlo Dietrich, Ida Slack, Ada Cross, Jennlo Rodgors, Nora Kctchum, Kato Darneille, MaryOlddlngs, ltoso Evan., Emma Marceron and Messrs. William Gallway, Georgo Miller, Honry Schelly, John Luce aud Edward Chandler. Professor Pis torlo's Band discoursod excellent music. Tho streets contiguous to tho Intersection fronting the station house contlnuo In a stato of unfinished muddluess. They should either bo finished or a lino ot tony-boats should bo put in operation across them during rainy weather; or tho citizens who havo to cross them might bo supplied with stilts. Anything to avoid being stuck In tho "sloughs of despond." Tho parents of Edward Addison, a coffeo colored youth, reported to tho Eighth rreclnct that Eddio was "too frosh." Accordingly, Officer Smoot pounced down upon him yester day, in tho rolico Court to-day tho charge will bo Incorrigibility, nnd tho tcstlvo youth will bo scientifically " salted down " by his Judgeship. Tho Ebcnezer M.E. Church, cornorof Fourth and D strcon southeast, will mako a call upon Its membership to-morrow, In an effort 10 ralso 1300 to defray current expenses. It Is ox pected prompt and cheerful rosponso will be mado to tho appoal. Tho sociable under tho auspices ot tho La dies' Aid Society of tho Church ot the Rcforma tlon last night was a decided 8UCC0B3. A very select assembly wcro In attendance. Tho solo, "Punchinello, by Miss Louise Tayloi, and tho orchestral serenado by an orchestra ot amo tours, principally from East Washington, wcro especially Quo and drow forth merited np plause. Supper and refreshments were served at 0 o'clock. "How will East Washington bo rcprosonted In tho Emancipation parade!" wo asked Mlko Robertson this morning. "In full force," ho responded. "Wo don't in tend to leave a 'corporal's guard" of ablo bodied colored citizens homo on that day. Thoy must cither 'fall In' or show causo why they don't. no mean Business. Tho tunernl of Mrs. Adellna Kohr, wlfo of Mr. David Kohr, took placo from the family residence, First street, betweon 0 and D north east, yesterday evening. It was largely at tended by trleuda and relatives. Tho Starlight Social Clrclo give their ball at Washington Hall Monday evening. It Is ox pected tbo affair will. bo onjoyoblo and well attended. The East Washington Band of Hopo will meet this evening In Odd-Fellows' Half. At nn onrlv hour this morntnc Officer Powell "caught on" to Bridget Wclch,awhlto woman, who was laboring under moro flro-wator than the law allows. Sho was Incarcerated in tho Eighth Station. The young revivalists, Bcntley and Jones, "held tho fort" last evening nt tho rourth Strect M. E. Church. Tho edlflco was crowded and many converts presented themselves at the, altar. These rovlval meetings contlnuo to be very successful. Tho funeral ot llttlo Mabol Plowman will take placo from tho parents rosldenco to morrow, at 3 p. m. At tho Jail nearly a whole room Is dovotod to tho storago ot Gultcau neckties, which aio being recclvod at a rapid lato by tno Jail offi cials, from nearly ovory Stato In tho Union. Hempen ropes, grapovlno ropes, whlto ropes, In fact every variety of ropes known to tho rope makers' art aro thcro, In all their death foreboding significance, and yet tho assassin will bo danglod from ono now In tho posses sion of tho waidcn, which has Btood tho tost ot aerial gymnastics before A very plcaRant cntcrtalnmont was glvon at the Insane Asylum last ulght. Noirly 000 patients were In attendance Tho performers wt 10 feasted by tho genial doctors after tho perfoimance. ALEXANDRIA AFFAIRS. At 12 HO o'clock yesterdny Mr. Strobcrt wai seriously Injured on tho Alexandria and Fred eilcksburg Ztallroad. The company has a number of men at woilc bulldlug n bridge across Occoqunn Crcok. Mr. htrobort was ono of tlio number, and ho toll from the bridge to tho ground, nearly seventy feet below. IIo" was near tho end of tho bridge, and struck tho rocky ground within o few feet ot tho water, breaking his leg, aud tho probabilities aio that his skull Is fractured. As soon as possible, a boat wns procurod nnd the Injured mau was carried down tho creek, whero medical as sistance rould bo found. Reports from tho patient yestotday evening lato said that ho was still living, but little or no hope was en tertained of hlsiecovcry. Tho ladles' fair for tho benefit ot tho I. O. M., wan patronized by a good ciowd again last night. Miss Annio Roles, of tablo 5, has In her charge an excellent variety of cakes. Ono largo Iced cako contains a ring. The tablo Is tho centre of consldcrnblo attraction. Mrs. Charles Abbott, nt tablo 1, has sllvorwaro, dolls and a nice collection ot other things under hor care. In a largo cedar arch extend ing oer her table, tho word " Wolcomo" Is beautifully worked. Miss Emma Cook, at table 2, lias tor sale a beautiful pln-cushlon, mado by Miss Virginia blmpsou, and soveral others, mado by young Indies ot Alexandria. Armoty Hall was again well filled last ulght, tohtar tho temporanco lectures, Tho moot, lng was opened by singing hymus 22U and 83, after which Mr. llalloy mado a prayor. A gang of boys that stationed thcraselcs In the gallery and disturbed the meeting wero forced to lea e, or como to tho lower floor. Mr. Char llo Nye,, of Washington, was tho principal speaker during tho ulght. Mr. Uenson's at tempt to sell books to the audlenco on Thurs day night lias caused conslderablo adverso talk to tho temporanco moctlngs In Alexan dria. Kopilsonersweioln tho station houso this morning, but onicers wcro lu quest of Flip Urown, tharged with unseemly conduct. Margaret Alexander was befoio Justice Whittlesey yestorday charged with thrashing a colored youth. Tho lady was lined, but con sidering her fine too BOtore sho mado a mo tion to appoal to higher authojlt , Tho Columbia l'lto Company's casino Is undergoing repairs at tho inachlno shop of Jcnulson tz Collins, on Wilkes street. Hutts factlou will bo guaranteed to our gallant 5 oung firemen when she Is tut nod out. MIssBarah Ring Is having erected on Wolf street n handsome two story brick dwelling. Mr. Thomas Kcott, a well known Alexandria architect, has tho contract. Tho four-handod game of pool commenced at M. Ruben k bou's raloou, on I'alifax stroot, tcimlnated last night In favor ot Mr. W. J. Waterman. Thogamo began April 3. Yesterday tho tug James Jackson got hor machinery outot order noar Ronjler's Rltiff, and she had to bo towed to Alexandria by tho tug Kejstono tor tepalrs. ITYoii Willi (o Iluy Ntylish and well mado clothlnn go to a. Hpiuusy, 507 Hot cnth street (May Building). (aiilicmi'H Incrnlltiiilc. Oulloau is out In another card, In which ho denounces his rclathca inuumeasurod tcrrai. "Had they all died," ho says, "tucuty-tlvo jeaisago, It would hao boon a Godsend to mo." llo charges Mr. Bcovlllo with deslro to get control ot his (Oultoan's) book, and says Lo lias already paid Mr. Bcovlllo t'J73, "which Is moiothau Ills) alleged services aro worth." Oulteau claims that his caso might havo had tho bcnotlt of great legal ability If Mr. bcovlllo had not Interceptod letters from lawyers tendcrlug their services, "and thereby elbowed compoteut counsel off of tho case. Nobby Sprint; 1'nuU fo Order, 81..10. Hamburger's, G15 1'ennsyUanIa avenue. At llio Store ol V. If. Vccrlioll' can bo found tho largest lluo of plctme frames and mouldings In tho city: also all tho dlf It rent Hues of wall papcr,wlndow sua ies, ic. - . C'imi ftiiiiulii SI nk u ii TrciityT A special cablo dlepalclt to tho Toronto dlobi reports as follows i "Tho l-allj Aeics lu an cdltoilalsaysi 'It Canada has a tight to enter into commercial relations with Trance so lmo tho other colonies. It they could make arrange, incuts which In practice could bo dlsadwiu tagoousto our own trade tho Integrity ot the craplio would bo violated and Ihollrst lm portant steps toward tho independence ot the colonies would bo taken. 'Iho question la a laigoone, and it Is commercially and SKlltl tally deslrablo that it bo seriously consld ercd beforo steps be taken that cannot bore traced,' " NtylUli NprliiR Hulls lo Order, 818. Iiamburger'Si 015 Pennsylvania avenue, WEST WASHINGTON. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning n tiro broko out In tho parnonago of St. Anno s Ctth ollo Church ntTonnnllytown,hccuplod by tho pastor, Rov. rather Maynadler, which at ono tlmo threatened to destroy the building, but by tho exertions of tho clltzons and Officer Myors, tho flames wero subdued, after causing a damago of about f300, which was fully cov ered by Insurance Tho firo was caused by a dcfcctlvoflue. The alarm turned In from box 721, at 11 .SI last night was torn fire discovered by Officer Burrows In a frame dwelling situated in Chariot alley, between Thirty-second stroot and Potomao avenue, and Grace avenuo and K street, bolonglng to Mr, Rlcharu Hall, and cccuidcd by Mrs. Maria Maeruder. Thodam- ago amounted to about J100, coverod by Insur ance The tiro was.8upposed to bo tho work of an Incendiary. Tho complimentary entertainment glvon by Itermlono Lodge, No. 12, K. of P., last night, drew a f ull houso of their trlonds, who wore well entertained by tho delightful singing of Colonel Rodgert, and Messrs. McCautoynnd Maudesley and tho recitations of little Miss Hayes and Dr. White. P. G. 0. Wm. T. Balloy gavo an Interesting history ot tho lodgo, and showed trom Its records that In tho fourtoen j cars ot Its exlstenco It had oxponded In relict tor sick brothers, widows ot docoascd members and charitable objects tho sum of $8,000. Tho entlro affair was voted a decided success by thoso present, and many wlshos for tho continued prosperity of tho lodgo wcro offered. Miss Nellie, tho beautiful, Interesting nnd only daughter of Mrs. Jennie Docth, died last night at H o'clock, attor long and painful suf fering from consumption. Her tunernl, In chargoof Mr. John A. Wetzel, undertaker, will tako place from ber mother's rosldenco, 321 1 V street, nt 10 o'clock on Monday morning, tho funeral cortego proceeding to Trinity (Catho lic; unuicu. Mr. Robert Drury, nn old citizen and well known shoemaker ot this place, died yostor day e oning of pneumonia, In tho 12 1 year of his age. His funoral, under tho management ot Mr. J. T. Clements, undertaker, wlil tako placn from his lato residence, comer Thlity fourth nnd M streets, to-morrow nt 2 p. m.' Major John U. King, tho agent of tho S. F. T. P. O. C. T. A., arrested this morning, on M street, Isaac Johnson, a colorod man, living on SamEon street, betweon Fourteenth nnd Fif teenth streets northwost, employod by Mr. II. Cranford, contractor for repairing streots, oil tho cbargo of cruelty to his horso by driving him to a cart with a broken saddle, which caused inflammation and sores upon tho horso'sback. Ho will appoar In tho pollco Courtlo-day, Tho Major also overhauled Jacob nuhn, at tho M-strcet Market, tor using a horso with a badly-swollen knoo, but con cluded not to mako an arrest In this caso at present. Ho also notified tho contractor for the excavation for Mr. Lown's now buildings on Thirty-second streot to put on a hill-horse to assist In pulling tho carts up Thirty-second-street hill. Quito a tleotot boats may bo oxpectod to arrive by canal on Monday morntng. About 5,000 herring, selling at to por 1,000; 1,000 tallois, at $1.50 per 100, and 50 shad, at 20 cents each, wcro received at tho fish wharf this morning. Rt. Rov. Wm. rinckney. D. D., Bishop of the diocese of Maryland, will administer tho rltoot confirmation to about twonty candi dates at St. John's Church to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Everest Cathell, a natlvo ot this placo, and a very eloquent preacher, will 1111 tho pul pit ot Epiphany Church, Washington, to-mor-low at 1 1 a. m. and 7'30 p. m. atriTEAtr lifts sold his old clothes to a circus manager lor several hundred dollars, to bo exhibited around the country to the niral population, who will dally crunch the indigestible ginger bread and the fes tive peanut, and w onder how the assassin ESCAPED L nchlng, to disgust the country w Ith his maudlin talk and unceasing chatter. Thti may provo a draw ing card, but it seems to us a better and moro tenbible thing would have been for the manager to have obtained FROM Likes, Rcrw anger & Co., for whom 8. Kntzcnsteln Is tho popular manager, at 310 Woventh street, one ofhls model Bultt, Instead of going to tho Dis trict JAIL and Getting atecond hand one. Katzcnstcln U tho model clothier of the country. He sells tho best clothing at tho cheapest price, and that price Is plainly marked on every garment, nnd no devia tion Is made In any case, so you always know what 5 ou are doing. Such a clothier Is certainly a great curiottty, and It Katzenstein's popularity In Wash ington Is any criterion It would every day draw crow ds all-over the country, as It does at 310 Sev enth street, ap5 EDUCATIONAL. SPBNOBRIAN BUSINESS OOLLEQH. OOR. Ninth and D streets northwest, occuplw Its new and attractive halls In the handsome edifice known throughout the United Btates as Lincoln Uall Building. Day and evening sessions for ladles and gentlemen. HonS and daughters edu. cated for real life, btudents received throughout the year. A pamphlet containing an eloquent address to the students on "Klements of Riiiyui " h Jampt, A.fiarfleld: also, fall lnfor matlon concerning the college, will he sent free upon application by mail, or may be obtained at the college office. HENRY 0. HPKNCKH, Principal. Mrs. HAItA A. BPENCfill, Vlce Prlnrl.al. oc28 SKIN DISEASES CURED By Sr. Frazlcr's Magic Ointment. Cures, as If by magic, Pimples, Illack Heads or drubs, lllotches and Eruptions on tho face, leaving tho skin cloar, healthy and beautiful. Also cures Itch, Barber's Itch, Bait llhctim, Tottor, Itlngworm, Bculd Head, Chappod Hands, Horo N pplcB, Boro Lips, old, obstlnato Ulcots, Soros, skin di3i:ask. F. Drake, Esq , Cloveland, o., suffered boyond all desctlptlon from asklu disrate which ap lieared on his hands, head and loco and nearly uestroycu ms eyes, niu iuohv curium uuciur lng failed to help him, aud after all had tailed ho used Dr. Trailer's Magio Olutment and was cured by a few applications. tSTlho first and only posltlvo euro for skin diseases eter discovered. gent by mall on receipt ot price, GO Cents. II UN 11 Y & CO., Solo Tropr's, CLEVELAND, O. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles, Dr. William's Indian 1'llu Ointment Is a euro cure. Price f 1.00, by mall. Tor sale by druggists. BTOTT & OBOMWELL, 480 Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, D, 0., Ueneral Agents, delfrsaUwed LIKES, BERWANGER & CO., Btrlctly Oue.l'rlce Clothiers, Fall Stock Now Heady. 310 Seventh St. S. HATZKNSTK1N, Manager. SPRING OVERCOATS In Endless Variety, at A. BAKS4 CO., 310 and 318 BBYEKTH BT. 421 Seventh street Northutat, Odd Fellow ' Hall, POPULAR CLOTHIER AND TAILOR. R. i. ASHBY'S ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORK 1703 Penna. Ave., near Corcoran Art Gallery. Books Old acd ltare.ln KnjjlWi, French and tier. man. CIKCULA'IIKU LIBRARY. .628 C jA- TfP E T X TXT C3- s . GEO. WILLNER, TTalnftock a full line of Carnetlncs. all sradea Oilcloths. Cocoa and Straw Matting. Also, lata)t. styles In wall raper. Window Hhades aud OurUJV IIOOUS. LMCtt IM1U ITHUU Cl. JUVWUllrtJ WUlVJUtH Wire Window aud Door Bcreens. prices Low. GrEOHGrE WTLLNEK' No, 439 NINTH STREET NORTH WKST AMUSeMNTS. RATIONAL Til BAT nil. TlilnPaturday Evening Last Time of MR. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, In His Original Creation, RIP VAN WINKLE. Monday, Ap 1T-T1IH AUDIXAN OrEUA COMl'ANV. The largest And complctcst Opera Comique Company now nefoi ihp public, Iho operas prrrcnttd wltlinll tho orlclnalcontumentftccnrry, fie. A Oreat Cast and the Composer's Original Orchestration. Monday and Tuesday Olivette. Wednesday arid Thursday Snake Charmer. Friday and Haturday The Mascot to, gaturday Matinee Olivette. VTATIONAIj TnEATRE NEXT WEBK, . oni: vki:k. Commencing Monday Evening, April 17, 3ery Evening and Saturday Matinee THE AUDItANOrKIlA C0M1QUE C0M1UNY, from the Bijou Orera-llous New Y6rk. Under tho management of Mr, John A McCaull TO AIITISTS. 70 AIITJST3, Monday And Tuesday Evenings and Saturday Matlnee-OJ.IVETTK. Calherlne T,ewK In her original creation, Olivette. Wednesdavand Thursday Kveninff, only per formance of the last and mot ucrwrm opera by the author nnd rompoier of Ollwtte and The Ma cotte, THE HNAKK CIIAKMKU. presented with all the original cofitnmes, scenery, etc., and a nrrnt mat. Cnthrrlun I.pnts n.t Prince MhriiA pour. Friday nmlHutnrday Kcn1ncs,tastNlfthta, THE MABCOTTIX Catherine I.eut as llettlua. Lnrpo Chorus and Increased Orchestra. MPale or cat commences this morning, I LORD'S OPERA-HOUSE. J UltKATXn THAN EVER The Brightest Performance on Earth. Cor led by Many, Equaled by None. . Envied by All. SMITH ANB MESTAYER'S T0U1UST3 IN A VULLMAN 1'ALACE CA1U on lt one ".thousandth trip to San FrancHco, freighted with fun and music Don't Fall to Attend batnrday Matinee. Don't Fall to Attend Saturday Matinee. Monday Noxt-MINNIE BAT.MrR, And It. E, UllAHAME In MY SWEETJIKAHT. o DDFELLOWS HALU World's Museum Company, OF NEW YOBK CITY. Tho Biggest Show on Earth fot tho Money, Worthy of the National Capital. Chaste nnd In structive Entertainments for both sexes and all ages A first-class, pleasant resort for refined amilies. Gentlemen, Ladies, and Children. Cosmopolitan Caterings for the Cultured and ..Es thetic. One of the best rosslblo riaccs to Spend KfliV JIILTI1UUUS UIK1 VCUlUTh Not all at once, but in crowded programmes and In rapid succession will come all the (Jems ot tho Dramatic and Musical btage, Choice Specialty Performances, The Cream of Minstrelsy and Vocal If m, Panto mimes, Classical and Comical. Magnificent Alt Kxhlbtlionfl, Tho Magician's Art In all Its bewildering perfection, Itemarkable Natural Curiosities, animate and Inanimate; Per forming Animals, Birds, etc.; Mechanical Won ders, Hpinxes, etc., etc For particulars, see posters and small bills everywhere, Commencing Monday, April 17, Open Every Day 1 to 4, performance 2 to 4, and 7 to 10, perfor mance 8 to 10. Admission, 15a; ltcsencd Scats 10 cents extra, JTB-On account of prior engagement of Hall, no Performance here on Wednesday, April 2fith, but will show at Armory Hall, Alexandria, on that day, at the same hours and rates. opl 1 IORD'S. MINNIE PALMER, APRIL 17. "That which Is nalUostlU Is best." Longfellow. ON MONDAY, APRIL 17, MB, JOHN It, IlOGEItS' COMKDY COMPANY, Now famous bccauo of Its brilliant young Htars, MINNIE PALMKltand BOUT. K. UJtAHAM, Will appear in Washington. The following notice from the Baltimore 8tn of April 11 (last Tuesday),lndlcates the quality of ihcir performances and the measure of their ability, by one ot the most cautious and Impar tial newspapers In America; "Easter Monday was a gala day at Ford's Opera-llouse to witness "MyHweeihear." by Mr. Itogers' ndmlrahle Comedy Company, nnd to w el corne back Its chief attractions, Minnie Palmer and Bob (trahnm.astbe faorttesare familiarly colled. The mot-nee was very largely attended. Utr one tnousanu laous, wuu almost innumer able children and many of the sterner kind filled iho house tooerlloviup. The play wus beauti fully acted. Miss Minnie wns rtcctved with I lie utmost entliuhlasni, and Mr. Graham's reception w as no less cordial, bhe proenf the same happy combination of Lotta and Magglo Mitchell, with slDgirg and dancing superior to either. He Is singularly contrasted tuber In the combination of JelVeroirs pathos nnd Emmet's humor. The Oobblo fcong, from Mascotte, was brightly sung, and recalls w ero cry frequent. Among the nnw Antures n tmall boy Schntlder s boy called I lttlc Dick, was cry attractive, and his Bong with Unaer rilta' was reteKcd with the greatest fay or." Ah part of Miss Palmer's tarly life was passed In Washington, and sho received hero early en couragement for her professional ambition, she now returns downed with success, and will mart her return with the special feature of AN ELEGANT HTfcEL-KNOUAVET) SOUVE NIR OF 11111 rUlRIUKNT OFTIIK UNITED hTATKH, which will bo given to every lady who attends the Initial performance on Monday even ing. AfeuOlclent number having been secured for any possible crow d, none need fear disappoint ment. ht ats reserved on Saturday, w hen the souvenirs will alho be gl en to every purchascrof a reserved place, EXTRA NOTICE AFRIL U. C. D IUlSS At'Mi: Ol'KUA COMPANY, oo, sixty ar ith ra. 00. rirst class Kngllsh Opera at Popular Rates for heats or Admission. 50 cents, 75cents orI accoidlng to location. The sale commences on Thursday. Renertolre The Widow, Olivette, La Mascotte, rru IMavolo, Tho Chimes of Normandy, etc. ap!3 u UTIIEIt EENbON LECTURES ON TEMPERANCE AT LINCOLN HALL, Net Sunday, April 10, at 3 o'clock. Doors open at 3 o'clock. A collection of ten cents will bo taken at the door to pay expenses. Senator Voor hees w 111 Introduce the lecturer. anl3-3t VtTlLLAnD'S HALL. PROFESSOR OAR. TV I'l KNH.R. 'Hill GR11AT l'SYCHOL- OtllST. (onimcuclus WEMESDAY NIGHT April II. ecry night 8 o'clock and Saturday Matinee, 2 p. m. Ps etiology and Men inerlHU), Mystroy ai.d Tun. Artificial Dreams and Somnambulism on the stage. Ilie most In terebtlng and amusing exhibition ever witnessed. llllTerentevtry nlcht, AdmlssloD, 25, 60and7Sc. Matinee. IS and 25c. GROCERIES. MW IAPLE STJG-1U. Till: FIRST OF Till! SEASON, JUST RE CEIVED BY ELPHONZO YOUNGS, 501 N1S1H STREET, BET, E. AND T, fcbio Opposite Critic Ofllcc. FOB XiEJST'fr Boused llerrlnjr. boused llaikerel. Hot ibM Trout. mil.HmeUs, JVffctt Ouk. Y&rmoutli Blo&Ura (In caua). Kippered Herring. Columbia UUrr Halmou Macklas Hay Lobster, llatavfu Blirlmii, Hardin e In Oil Hard! nea In Tomatoe. burdlmaHniokud iinnelctis Cod Fish. ltonclehM Herring, bjitced Ojiteru. J Indian Calar. C(k1 KUh Italic rickle-l Iobiter, rine Ayvlo Cliceso. Kdam CUeeae. B. W. EEEB'S SONS 1216 F Street Northwest. XvT IHVIIMCBr 33 OWIH. Dealtr In FINE 1AMII.Y GUUCEItm.Teas, Wine. iquots and Table Luxuries. COR BhVkNlll ANU L HTlla-lcrM N. V. VTT II. II. ClbSEL. loll BEVKNTIl bTHkKT NORTnWEST, yiM: miocKitiKS anu lkhihuh. UAHUODlt S HAMILTON, Wholwala FLOUR. WINKANDGROC1.RY MBRCIIANT8 087 0B, 611 Louisiana Avenue, lezt AUCTION SALES. H. WARNER, Auctioneer. By Tlrturn ol a dim of trust, dated February Sft.A.l). &7ft, and duly recorded in liner Ml, fo irVtrtftcri. one or the land records fur tho District of Columbln, nnd noon the request of the - party secured thereby, I will nell at nnhllceS& miction, In front or tho premises, on WKlwiEr MiDAY.the Sftih day nr April, A, I, issaaH o'clock p. m., all that certain piece or parcel of ground In the city oMVastilnslon, 1. 0, known wi tot numbered 83, In recorded subdivision ot runare number nine hundred and elohtv-seven. Terms of sate, one-third cash, and the balance At six nnd tncUo months with six percent, inter est. All conveyancing at purchaser's cost, iC II. WA JIN Fit, Auctioneer. plMOl WM, W, MirrCAX.r, Trustee. iV VirtTUE of a deed ot . trust. 4alM J) Jnne 21, lstd, to me, recorded In liber No. twi, folio 111.. et acq, one ol tho land records of the Dlfttrlctnt Columbia.I rliall onr at public pale, on THUJtHDAY, the 20th day of April, Wf l(2, at4 o clock p. m , In front of tho prem-HJ Ises, raitot lot numbered seven tn square num bered six hundred and thirty-four; beginning at the northwest corner of lot numbered seven and running thenco southerly thirty-seven feet and one Inch; thence eastwardiy by aline drawn parallel with the division linn between said lot seven and lot eight fifty-one, feet, four and one half Inches: thence by a straight line drawn to Intersect the aforesaid line ata distance ot fifty one feet, ten Inches ftom the aforesaid northwest corner of said lot seven; thenco by snld, division line to the beginning, together with the Im provements. Terms of rale, ono fourth cash, balance In six, twelve nnd eighteen months after dayofsAle with Interest, and If these terms are not complied with In Ave days after sale, tho property will be resold after five days notice, to be published la Tub C'ttiTir . JAMES N. CAT.LAN, apMAds Trustee. T. COLDWELL, Beat Estate Auctioneer. BY VIBTVE ofadeed of trust dated Septem ber 21, lt;a duly recorded In liber 71, folio 461 it seq.,nneof tho land records for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party se cured therebv. I w 111 sell at nubile auction In front of the piemises.on TUUItHIiAY.the i Iftlh ftnr nf AfiTll. A. J. 188"' nt4 MnVlwkr. m.. the following described ral estate, situated iii the city of Washington, I. C, to wit: All that part of lot numbered twenty-nine (29) In square numbered five hundred and thirteen (513), bound ed as follows: Beginning for tho same at a point one hundred and five feit from Fourth stroct, and thence running west along tho line of Ittdge stret flfieen (Infect six (fi) Inches; thence north one hundred feet right and one-half (RJi) laches, thence mft fifteen (15) feet six (6) Inches to a ten (JO)foot alley; thenco along said klley south one hundred (luojfKtelRht and one-half (8lf) inches to the place of beginning, together with the Im provements, etc. Terms: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, the balance In six (C), twelve 02) and eighteen (18) months, with Interest ot tho rate of Oper cent, per annum until paid, and secured by a deed nt trust on the property, or all cash at op tion ofthe purchaser; Mdepositat time of saleand all conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied within 7 days from day of sale. otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, BRAINAIID II. WAENEIt, Trustee. J. T. COI.DWELL, Auctioneer. ap3-eod CL07HINO. 13IC0LL, the Tailor, Importer of Foreign Goods. riN'EST DOMESTIC WOOLENS, CHEVIOTS, CASSIMERES, &c. Pants to Order, $5, $6, $7 and $9. Suits to Order, $20, $25 and $30. Spring Overcoats from 20 to $40. Made to order In the most perfect style. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED.. THE TAILOR. 617 Penna. Avenue, Washington, D. C. Branch Mores in all pi Incipnl cities. i Spring Goods np 3SLE3ST'S WEAR. A Large Assortment of New Styles AT DEVLIN & CO.'S, 13CO F STBBBX. fypfzzt ERBE ?4 Clothier and Tailor, 507 Seventh Bt. Northwest. MAY RUILTIINO. OPrO. U.H. POST OFFICE We Have Left Over in Men's Reversible tiprlnK Overcoats, sizes 33, 31. Si and SO Inch breast; whoever buvs them will eet a bargain at f 10 former price fax Men's and Bojs' Pants,1.25, 1.50,5and UWto close out-worth double. 1014-1016 Pa. Avo, J. W. SELBY. N. B, Misses' and Hoys' bebool bhoes, laced and button, (1 upward, best In city, Men's and Roys' Hats from 50 cents up. X.OTJIS KETXLEB, MMtClIANT TAlLOIt, 1423 F Stroot Northwest. CLOTHINO MADE TO ORDER IN THE MOST ARUSIIOblYLE. FIT OUARA.N 1 fchl). apj Uto. F.Tluws, IUkby B. Pabkes. GEO. P. TJMMS & CO., 400 NorthwestsT"- Seventh and D Street ONK-HT. CLOTHING llOCSE. Oyejr " iVlnter Bulls. Boys' Clothing. 171 J. HEIBERQER, CITirs-NS' ANDUILITAST MERCHANT TAILOR, S33 Fifteenth street Opp. 0. H. TroaBury, Washington, D. O B. ROBINSON & CO., The Boys' Olothiers, HOD PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE an22-g "T."XOBIESBAUER, MERCHANT TAILOR, 38 NINTH STREET NORTHWEST. 13 and up for Pants, lu and up for Overoat llKlanduptor Making udimmliiePantst ITALL AN1 WINTEH CLOTIIINO. I. HAMBURGER & SONS, 016 TENNA. AVE under Metropolitan Hotel. lit. u. BA-iiii, JiXBOHANT TAILOK, 1 1 1 1 PENNA. AVE. Je23 Eiseman Brothers, Tailors and Olothiers, CORNER SEVENTH AND E STREETS. NO BRANCH BTORK IN TIIIB CtTV. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINQ In all th Latest Btyles.at .A.. Srril-A.TJS', 939 P Ave. OA&eS yS GLOTMERyS (--410 7th f , ! N . i