OCR Interpretation

Saturday press. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1880-1885, October 13, 1883, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014681/1883-10-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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A f
Publication office I Al 6 Kaahumann street 1TJ-
tsrlal roomj nt to Tort (reel
Subscribers unit Advertiser will please addrets,
HOS O THRUM, Publisher and Proprietor.
All mutter for tha Salnrday P lionM lie
ddretsed to tha " SVTURDAY PRESS "
Dnnble-eolumri advertisement, cult and large?
typen will not be Admitted Into otif columns
neither will advertisements be Admitted Into "read
Inn columns At Any price These rnlel will be
rlrjldly Adhered to.
Notice ot Any events of Interest transpiring: on
the other Island will AlwAyi be tliAnltfully received
for publlcAtlon, Correspondent, Are requested to
Append their true nAmei to Alt communication,
not for publlc-ition necessarily, but ai a guarantee
tint the writer It octlrjg In (rood faith.
( nn 1i) Ilie AHrneilii nnt'
S .tnc of lite Athletics nr wll.
tr II. P. Ilrtllen rrtilrrieil tiy the Mitipotn,
liHikmi; vert well.
Tin Nortli I'tdfte Mlttttaniry IrtttSttilc
rro-enn1 latt Tueli)',
Mr. Inline' new InillillnB on I'orl street lint
"l-ii'iin lltel! " will.
Mr C. M. Coolc rtCcoiiiiirilcil li) lilt ton
utiirncil Iiy llic Miti'toM.
C ol. J, O. Cilrnm, owner of n x(fi Tciu
ctltle rnnchc, it nt (lie Hawaiian lintel.
Prison rule In ficrnisn nwitc Innovation
liivc Iweti printcs! Iiy order of the tmrsli.-il.
( iptaln lllislii rrccmin of the Aim) nml
Mrs. 1 retm-m arc Mijin ai the Hawaiian
The Jewish feixtiVnt of Ynm Kippur was
rclclmtcil in tliit cit) list Thtirsilay in n vcr)
quiet nay.
The iirclimitmy steps for the orrjlniritlon of
n new lixlpe of Knight of Pylliht took phec
last night,
Mr Jaine Dmlil, in excellent hcilth nml with
n few ldcw of horseflesh, rcturncil Iiy. the
Hon, James llricc, a rncmlicr of the Ilriiish
Iulhmcnl, was one of the tlislinrjiiishcil arrivals
Iiy the Mariposa.
Tlic hjilnntt or mintraps or vvlntcvcr the)
miy lie, Mill javvn Irf alio tilitro at the
hrail of Ktnnii street.
Mr John Mason, a mcinlicr of the Sin
1 rancisco lloinl ofrfirc Commissioners, is at
the Ilavvaihn Hotel.
Captiin C. W. (.elicit, at one time skipper
of the Morning Stir, anil liter In charge of the
water lioat in Ilonolu hirlior, hasipitcntctl an
ice midline.
Cnpt. 1'.. U. Unclcrwooil, of the D. C.
Murraj, was iinrriecl list Tucsilay to Miss
I.1I11I1 Way, .Mrs. Uiulcrvvooil will accompiii
her huslnnil to .Sin I 'rancisco.
Thit hile, Inppj mil heart) littst Mr. II, J,
Nolle rctnrncil by the Mariposa, with lots of
froen ovsters which the 1kj)s roystcreil over
inctril) Monih) ami Tiicsihj.
The new teachers for Pumhoii, Kcv. V. C.
Merrill, his wife anil his mother, Mrs. M. L.
Merrill, came li) the Mariimsi. Mr. I K.
Snnforil c-itnc li) the W. II. Dimonil.
Mr. ami Mrs. I". A, Sclncfer rcturncil by
the Miiiposa. The) spent their vacation in
Cahfornn, suiting Monterey anil other places
of pleasure ami hcittli resort j ami return in
cicctlcnt health.
Mister -Willie Moniarrat will glull) take
clnrgc of any ImokH which may lie ilomteil to
the Ilojs' Kcatling Room, which, through the
public spirit of Mrs. llnliinson, ins rcccntl)
been enhrgcil.
Mr. 1'. C. Jones, Jr., will orgmizc a new"
chss in lunik ktepmg at the V, M. C. A. Hall
next Monday evening. Mr. Jones gives his
time to a worthy object gntuitously, ami the
opportunity ought to be apprcciitctl.
The Princess Victorh KiiuUnl diughtcr of
Hon A. S. Cleghorn anil Princess Likehke
will be eight )ears ol.l next Tucsiliy, at which
time some of her )oung fritnils will lie inter
tainctl at the residence of her parents.
Mr. II. 0. Intel, formerly resident hero,
nrnveil on the bslManpo.t'. lie will return
to Kin 1'rinci-co by the vessel which brought
bun and will be here agiin in about a month,
jirobabl) to go into his former business.
The good work of the Children's Temper
ance Union goes on apace. There was a sat
isfictot) attendance last Tucsilay evening, at
the room of the Nuuanu street Mndergirtcn.
The interest seems to be will maintained.
Last night there was a housi warming and
reception, to the new teacher, at Punahuu.
Man) of the pupils, graduates, former teachers
pationr and frivnd of Oahu college were
present. It was an cnjo)ablc occasion and
will be noticed more fully next week.
His Uxcellcncy, the American Minister, has
returned to his labors; but not alone. His
wife is the lad) who was Miss Lizzie 1 lines
wlieislie visited Honolulu with hir mother
And sister last )car. Mr. Oaggitt looks
jrouiigcr, frethe'r, hindsouier than when he left.
A subscribe! to the Hawaiian Hell Tile
phone Company says that he wished to (.peak
to another lubsciiber htc one night, recuiliy,
but vvat not permitted lo do so until he had
told the central olllce his business. He mvs
that he mpiioscd the lent of the telephone
nude It good for use at an) tunc. Now the
other side.
A cruel tell was perpetrated on the local re
porter of the Advcittscr Ibisweik, He was
nude o twlicvc n cock and bull nory almut an
attempted suicide nl the jail, and punted it
Such practical joking is in the worst possible
taste ami iloes no one ail) gixnl, .Mine titan
once 11 rcportir has lost his place by Innoctntly
crediting a lie. '
I Dr. J. 1 lenry llnuictt, in Ihe llritLli Medical
Journal of August Ijth, kcoiiiiiiiihIs the use
of black collce, or iir 1101'r, taken two iir
tlnee houri liefore a so) age, as a preventive In
scukknoss. Ji ts laid by him to certainly
prevent sickness dining short vo)nges. A hint
woith tr)lng, this, for .our intcr-lslaml
A San Francisco iUKr sa) that Consul
Sivt-iancc nut with a singular nciidint mi
SVulnewlay (the uth ultimo) by which he
1 btole one of )iu ill.. A violent gust of wind
sUiliiucil a lii.ivy diKir against him in his tu n
house otul he vvav thrown with some force
agjliut the luluster. lie was cuniurativel)
sssll at Ust accounts.
lr, ami Mis. John T, Watirhousc and their
two neplieus, uustirs W, II., Jr., and W, V.
Pimondionsof Mr, II. Uiniond of San
Kranciscu -have ri turned fiom thvir Kuru-x-an
outing, Invlgoiatesl by the (-.Ip. Mr. John T.
Water Iioum.-, Jr., also rilurncil by the Marliioa
in imcwrd lualih to the renewed plcasuie of
HM winiiy ami liUn.u and the liuimiue rsltel
of hU but) brother.
Mr. Cluik-s I lasslcmanii of Sa Krancjscu
tuiivl bylhcMaiioa. Mr, Hurtlemaim i
a IWguu aitM ho.e ikcL11) L coloring
ioUruiJis. Uis skill, m manifested in the
work di pt.i)i I in tin rooms of Messrs J
illiAms ( o , ts far superior to that of
arllsts to which this work it not rt spenilly
I'hotogrtph coloring is n branch of the art tint
demands dehcicy rather thvn strength, mil
ticlictcy Mr. Hatstemann untlonbtcsll) Int.
Hit frlcndt claim 1mi belt iiulle as much nt
home in portrait prtlilting at in photognph
The following gentlemen were reelected 0IT1
ccrs of the Honolulu I.iliriry and Uerling
awKklinn on the evening of the 5th 1 Mr.
Smfnrd II. Hole, prnideiitt Mr. M. M. 'Scott,
vlccprenldcnti Mr. It. A. P.iruielee, sccrclnry (
Mr. A. I Smith trMWircr( Mettrt. A. J.
Cartwnght, A. S. Ihrlwcll, llev. C. M. Ityle,
Ilent) Wntcrhousc, Waller I Illl.Willhm John
ton, II. K. Ilolllslir, I)r. C. 'I. Kmlgcrt nnd
A. Marijues, trustee, Mr. Walter Hill hit
presented liotind volnme of the lliilletin to
the society.
lion. I'tul N'cuminn, lilithrst of legal Ho-
hemimt, hit rcturncil to Honolulu, Ins been
mlde n citiicn mil ndmittnl to practice liw.
It l not gem. nil) known tint in 1851 I'.uil,
then n IaiI, left Clcrniiny for thit iort lo enter
the employ of Metr. StiKnhorst ft Doench,
prcilcconAori of Messrs. Honfschligcr X. Co.
lie cnine as fir as Sm I'nncisco and stranded
on its Iwr lit nt of Inrtlsttr. Hut tint wit
no Tartar capture, lly pluck aiiddllllgcnecind
brains, I'aul Ncuininn won himself nn honor
able pliee among a briltnnt compmy of hw
)crt. Last month he visited Honolulu for the
first lime . lie went luck to Sm I'rincisco
by the steitncr Mariposa tint brought him
and now he his rcturncil to stay.
Thit afternoon, in Knnm Squire, beginning
al 4.30, the bind will pli) the following pro
gramme :
Polonaise, rcirchtiitht Proccvion I ovist
Overture, ItAmlit 1 rkks.V Suppc
Cnvatlna, 'iVe Pirate Ilcllinl
Stlectlon, I'Aticnce... Sullivan.
Waltr, ITie Slalers(new) WaKltetifel.
Quadrille, lunof the Alr (new)... VVitlivms.
Ihe band will pla) Ibis evening nl the
Hiwahan Hotel. Ihe public arc invited.
Another moonlight concert will take phec on
Mondiy evening nt Kmnn Squire. The bind
hcrciftcr will plaj every Siturd.i) night at the
Ilawaiiin 1 Intel, beginning to-night. Car
riigct will not lie admitted at the Hotel-street
The American birkentinc Lilt itdisclnrging
at the Ltplanadc.
The Amcricm tern Queen is it the Lsplin
ide discharging lumber.
At the foot of i'ort street the American lurk
Hope is disclnrging lumber.
P. M. S. S. Austriln arrived at S)dncy
September 2 1st from this ort.
The Cicrmin bark Ircilirich siilcd from
Hongkong, August 29th, for this port.
The Jine A. ralkinburg has disclnrgcd all
of her c-irgo and hauled out in the stream.
The Ilntish birk Lid) Limpson arriveil nt
San I'rancisco September 26th, from Honolulu.
P. M. S. S. Zcalandii nrrived nt Sin I'ran
cisco, September 30th, 0 d.i)s and 21 hours
from this iort.
The next nnil from Sin I'r.incisco ma) be
looked for on the Ilawaiiin Steamer Cmiilla,
due about next Wednesday
The (iernnn link Canopus and Americm
bngmtinc Jno. D. Spreckcls hence, arriveil at
Sin Trancisco, September 29.
The Ilrilish lnrk Milbgate is disclnrging nt
the P. M. S. S. dock. She will sail for Port
hnd, Oregon, early next week.
The American tern U. S. Williams, it the
Lsplmadc, lsdisclnrgeil lit r cargo of lumber,
and will probably sail to da) for Humboldt.
The American bark D. C. Murriy, at
Ilrcwcr & Co.'s whirf, his taken part of a
cargo, and will sail to di) forSm Francisco.
The American kirkcfltinc Amelia arrived
list Suniii) from Port lllikelcy with acargoof
lumber, which she- is discharging at Allen &
Kobinson's wharf.
The American bark 11. W. Aim) arrived
from Sin Trancisco on Wcdncsdi) and docked
at the old Custom House whirf, where she is
now disclnrging a general cargo.
The American bark Martin Disis is dis
clnrging nn assorted cargo of merchandise at
Ilrcwcr & Co.'s vvhaif, which is coming out in
good order, She will sail for Hongkong on or
about the 20th instiut.
The steamer Mariposa arrived from San
Francisco last Monda) forenoon, as per sched
ule time, with a large freight and iiasscngcr
list. She docked at the Cpmpin)'s wharf, and
will return to San Francisco again on Mnnda)
next (15th), sailing al noon.
The Amctican barkenlinc W. II, Uimond
arrived last Wedncsda) from San I'nncisco
with a cargo of general lncrclnndise, nlso
about 30 mules. Reports very light weather
on the passage. She has docked at Sortnson's
wharf where she is now discharging.
Ihe Olhrr luliiml.
A corrcs'Kindenl complains of the inefficiency
of the policemen at Kahalui.
Dry weather prevails along the windward
coast of Hawaii, and the crops are beginning
to sulTtr.
I.aupahochoc is still grinding at the old
place, and at the new mill nrnngements are
being made to commence shortly.
The weather is again very dty in llilo His.
triet Some of the inhabitants arc alto very
dry and would like a whiskey milt established.
Hut most of the good ci'lzcns say that It would
be a sad da) for the place when one was es
tablished, Taxis are high inough now as
made by the assessor, who has shown his
books and the selling of such vile stud" as it
wild on these islamls would undouR-dly make
it nccessar) tu have A larger lwlice force.
With that entering wedge, uhcr expenses
would follow.
Ilmivliililiii r. )-riHir.
Ihe game of base lull between the Houolu
lans and the Oceanics, last Saturday, resulted
In n victory for the former by a score of ten to
six. T ho game was the most closely contested
of any pla)rd this season, and was heartily
enjiijed by nil present to witness it. The
Oeeanics pla) ml as fine a fielding game as did
their opponents, but were unable to lut Mirk
ham of the llonohilans to an) effect i hence
tbclr ikfcat, lloilt club were in ttnifdini and
made a very presentable appearance. Jones
of the Ove-anict did credit to himself by scor
ing tu of the su runs made b) that elub.
The base ball season Is drawing to a close, as,
owing to the shonness of the da), Iliac is no
time for practice.
Two weeks from to day the llonolulant will
cross tuts with theSpjeckeUville team, and,
I believe, Captain Whittle) ' intention is to
pUy Thurston and E. llaldwlnof the Oceanics
with hjs team for that game. I hardly think
this would be justifiable tu those members of
the llonoluhns who will be discatdctl i and
if the game be won byUi)sof thiscil)-. the
Oewnlek will U enlillcel to j share of the
houur gained or let.
.Mm nk.
rnr iti i' o. 11 ui.
Hi I'ttn-rttt Voi orf-Sfreef f huirh ttitt
M ritnrxliiti.
On Ihe front of the pulpit of I'ort Street
( htirch, last Wolne-ulas, were spread the
white? wings ol 1 floral dove The desk, the
pulpit and the choir wore a profusion of pate
flowers and greener). In front of Ihe pulpit
reposed a colTm, did in snl'le crnpet within
which h) all tint is perishable of lMiiln Oscar
Hall good husband, good pircnt, good cill
en, good i,in. The church bells had been
lolling solemnly, nt Intervals, before the church
begin tofdl. Mm) butlnet hoiiset had been
closed at two, and before 3 P.M. thchrgeaudl
toriutn of the church vvat lillcd with Ihe Imine
dhtc mourners, the friends nnd the acqtntn
lancet of one of Ihe best known and best re
spected cilirent or the Ilawaiiin Islands.
1 here were mm) gra) Inlred men and not A
few gra) haired women in the mournful congtc
gilion. There were men and women who had
stood shoulder to shoulder with their dead co
worker in the battle the inlstionirlesli.nl waged
Agilnst Ihecruell) and the licentiousness of the
now so mail) civ Hired Ilawaiiin race. There
were the oung men and )oung women who
hid been his Sunda) school puplts. his business
assochtcs, hiscinpto)es. And more linn on
ilmllir occasions it seemed that fometlimg of
pcrsonil lots hid come to all those present-
whites, Hnvvalians and Chinese) voting and
Ihe exercises were brief, )ct Impressive il-
though Ihcrc was an entire absence of piinful
scnsitlon. T hey were as follows!
Orcsn Voluntary ... 1 , Heethoven
Kta.liniT .I'ulmCXIl
Vuluntnr) by Ihe choir ." Jesus, Son of Mary, Hear'
Pratr.. U) the lVlor
Kea linji
..." Jesus, (.over of my Soul.'
.Selections from New testament
" 0 l'aradKe r
lly the I'aMor
1 ' Peace, 1 roubled Soul
. ...... lly the PaMor
.....Dead March in "bunt,'
Orfan Voluntary. (
The sermon was ns follows!
Along the northern coist of Lurope, at the
cvcningtiinc n dense fog somclimcs suddcnl)
envelopes sea and coist j and the fishermen
have no meant of linding their vva) to the
hnd. Their wivet come down to the shore,
and sing as onlv womin ran, when her heart
thrills with love for her dear ones. And as
the simple home song of the fishcrfolk passes
out to sea, the fishermen catch the strain, and,
steering their bolts b) it, with answering song
come sifcly to the hnd and their loved ones.
To da), our little boils lloit upon life's
water's drifting with the gravc-wird setting
tide. Our c) sarc blinded by our tears : we
cannot sec the headlands. Our brother
stands in the clear sunlight upon the heavenly
shore. Ferlnps were our cirs not so heav),
and could we understand the heavenly Ian
gingc and music, we, loo, might citch the
notes, and words of a chant of triumph, and of
comfort, coming out of the unseen, and in tint
clnnt we would catch the tones of a voice
fi miliar tons all silent here for evermore.
I do catch a mcssige, which seems to me to
come wafted over heaven's lnttlemcnts and,
strange as it may seem in contrast with v our
sorrowful ficcs, and robes of blick, and aching
hearts ts a ions; of trSiimfli anjjoy.
' Hark what mcin those hoi) voices,
Sweetly sounding through the ssiesf
jn t the nncehc host rejoices I
Heaven!) nallcluj ihs rise '
We guhcr in this church, which he so loved,
nnd look with tear-dimmed c)cs, and aching
heatts, upon his coffin, and we say ".C. O.Ilill
is iltail ! '" The angels, who in innumerable
compm) throng round him on this ihy, which
must so stronnlv move his burnt and draw out
his love toward us, sa), " E. 0. Hull lias just
Ivgim lo the I "
While we weep over him as one gone, they
rejoice over him as another of earth's wan
derers just come home.
As John Ilunjin's pilgrims drew near the
gild of the cclcsthl city a great compan) cimc
out to meet them, and the King's mtisiciins
saluted them with ten thousind welcomes.
The) were escorted up the gitcs b) the glo
rious throng, amid the singing ol choirs and
the notes of instruments, while all the hell) of
the cil) rang out a glad welcome. The hearts
of the pilgrims were enraptured.
Wcilnesda), September 191I1, heaven's bells
random a jojous welcome as another pilgrim
haltingly nenred the gitcs : another glorious
throng passed out to escort within the new
Jerusalem another citizen.
He is not ilcid. I refuse to look Joivii
upon the coffin and the emblems of death. I
look . Thi is not death : it is birth. It is not
night : it is Ihe rudd) blaze of manning It is
not rest even . il is a new strength and power,
and a new and glorious activ it). Hchissimply
been unclothed of age and diseise and clothed
upon with immortal )otith and vigor.
" Hist thou not glimpses in the twilight here,
Of mountains where immortal mom prevails
Comes there nut, through the silence, 10 thine ear,
A gentle rustlin of the morning gales,
A murmur, wifled from that glorious shore.
Of streams thit water batlLs for ever fair,
And voices of the loved ones gone 1-efore,
.More musical in that celestal air V
I look rAj and I remember the w ords of
l.nnst tliosc blessed words about Uis
" Father's House" and its "many mansions."
One of them his a new occupint. Shall we
weep because he is not still a "stranger" anda
" wanderer? " A new harp has been strung
shall we wish it silent ? Anew voice chants
hillelujahs : shall we weep because he does
not still sing our poor earth songs ? Another
heart is filled with the peace tint passcth
understanding : shill wc wish local) him back
to the sorrows of earth? Another son hath
stood in the presence of the King, seen "Him as
He is," and is now like Him, glorified : slnll
wc sorrow because we cannot strip him of the
glorious riches of immortality, and call him
back to mortaht), with its limitations, its
pains, its sorrows, its d)ing ?
Another message comes to me out of the
unseen : To the ChrLlhn, death is not n
foe, and a terror, but a friend.
" I low rapidly he is sinking I " said one by
a death bed. "Say, rather, said the d)ing
Christian, " how rapidly I amiistngt "
Doctor llonar sat by a d)ing girl, and read
that wonderful Twent) -third I'alm " Yea,
though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death I will fear no evil I" "I
don't see any valle) 1 I only see Christ s and
I am satisfied I" said the girl.
"A river I Death a river ! Why, Itisonl)
a little brook I " said another.
So Fdtsin t)ar Hall found it. It was
only a little brook for.Christ ui with him.
And though in distorted that laved face,
still when piin had done its work, there set
tled upon the Icaturcs a restful, peaceful, jo)
out expression. Was it not the reflex of the
joy which thrilled the soul as it caught sight
for the first lime of the eternal lit) and the
Saviour ?
" O Jeu I Are we lh) Uloved ?
Hast thou our shrinking fallh a) iovcd
V hen si upon lite' desert sam)
Druop weary hc-u! and Ireinbluig: hand.
When faint with toil and noon tide cLire.
We took 10 heaven 111 earnest pra)er,
And plead for rest, oh, then, may wc
llle-a sharer In th) 1 rcmUebe I
KcmeinUrlug in our sorrow deep,
He itbrlh his beloved ftlce sM
At the conclusion of the last pra)er, Pastor
Cruzan thanked Ihe congregation for its pres
ence and announced that, at the request of the
relatives, the services at the grave would be
private. The pall bearers -Hon. C. K.
bishop and Chief Justice Judd, repiescnting
Ihe privy council, Isfcv. A. Forbes representing
the Hawaiian Hoard of Missions, Mr. A. W.
Pierce representing Fort-Street Church, Mr. L.
C. Abies and Mr, George Howe representing
the firm of V. O. Hall 1 Sun limited then
bore out the coffin, followed by the mourning
pari) in the following ordert Mr. and Mrs. W.
W, Hall; Mr. Oscar While and Mrs. 1- O.
Hall j Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jones Mr. E. A,
Jones and Miss Ida Jejncs Mr, Mark Thomp
son and JIiss Sarah King; Horace and Char
lotlellallj Mr. and Mrs, Dunond ihe last
two being he only survivors of the missionary
reinforcement arriving b) llic Hcllcs'ionl In
mi 1
It is always a pleasure to meet the
MaiiiMwa's officcrst Her witty Captain, her
disliaguislKiMookiugiirst officer, her handsome
thief engineer, her affable purser, her studious
doetor and Ihe gentle men of her crevs wliosc
acquaintance the writer ha not had the benefit
of have all of iheui the cordUl Ik-nison of
ccry traveller with whom the wiitcr his con
versed about them.
ivi'iinm: lovnr.
Otinhrr Trrm, ISS.I.
Monday, Octolicr ttt t I he rase of the King
v. Hale, burglary. Not guilty.- !,. Ilnlo
kahiki for tlcfcmhnt.
Sune thy 1 The King v, Divid (Kawika),
hrccny In the second degree. Not guilty. J.
t Kmlukou for defense.
Tuesday, October and 1 Ihe King v. John
Katthhct, selling liquor without; license, Not
guilty. Joseph Kawahl for defense.
Same tla) 1 The King v. John Clement, hr
ccny in the second tlcgrce. (itillty. Appcit
noted agiintt Ihe verdict atagitnst the hwand
the evidence j also exception taken to the rul
Ing of Judge Austin, tint the catc could not be
dismissed becmse the ownership of the property
alleged to hue been stolen vvat in another thin
the erson alleged to be the owner in the
Indictment, W, It, Castle and John Kustcl
for the defense.
t imi r-Asr nathf jurv
Wednesdiy, Octolicr 3rd t J. Pailuhi v.
Ilukilant ct nl,, tjcclincnt. Verdict fur phln
liir. W, K. CVlle for plilntlfl; J. L. Kmlu
kou for dcfcnihnl.
Simc tla) 1 S. K. Kane, Jr., v. Walalcilc,
ejectment. Jury waived. Judgment for defen
dant. W. H. Castle for plilntllT S. II. Hole
for defendant,
Wlllhtn Ilrovvn v, K0I01 Sugir Compmy,
daimgct. Argued on demurrer. Demurrer
overruled. S. II. Dole for plaintiff; Smith
and T Illusion for dcfcnihtilt.
I'rldiy, October 51I1 1 Piinhi Kalhkolc v.
It, It. II. I.iliunkal.ini, ejectment. Nonsuit.
W, It. Castle for phlntUT; L. Preston for
Simc di) ! Notice was given by defendant's
counsel thit n bill in equity will be filed in
Ihe case of Hit Mijctly Kalakaua ct nl., v.
Sitnucl Parker, in ejectment, to slop proceed
ings at hw. Smith S: TJuirston, and S. II.
Dole nnd F. M. Hatch for dcfcndint; L.
Preston, J, L. Kaulukou and Cecil Ilrovvn for
Mixrn JURV.
Friday, October 51I1 1 S. Kckahili v. Wib
him M)cr, ejectment. Pliintiff accepted dis
chimer. J. UusscI for phiutlff; I'. Preston for
Siturday, October 6th : Decrees of divorce
were granted in the following cisct! Annie
Kaclnlio v. W. Fricl Drown, W. I.. Iloloki
hlki for hbcllant. I'. II, Hamlin v. Maktic
Hamlin, W. K, Castle for Hbcllant ; Kaluna
v. Mokuohii, W. L. Holokahiki for libelhntj
Kaulnne v. Moko, L. Preston for hhelhnt ;
Paei v. Kipal, L. Preston for bbellant.
Mondiy, October 8th: The King v. Hamp
ton Doughss, nameles crime. Not guilty.
K. c, It Ward for prisoner.
Simc tla) : The King v. Achuck, possession
of osjtrnm. Not guilt). Smith and Thurston
for defendant.
Tuesday, October 9th: Ah Lin and Ah
Wong were called upon to pleid loan indict
ment for perjur) for filsc swearing "n the case
of the Crown v. Aktnt and Akioui for con
spiracy, lloth plead not guilty.
Sinieth): Achuck and All hook (the two
actors), who recently were lined $50 each in
the police court for assault and battery, on ap
peal, plcul guilty but asked for mitigition of
fine; and were allow etl to Introduce evidence
in cxtenuition of their misconduct. Judgment
of the Lower Court affirmed. Smith and
Thurston for defeadants.
Samcdiy: West v. Kerr, assumpsit. Judg
ment by default. W. R. Castle for defendant.
Smic day:. Actio), a minor, by his next
friend, Lee Sum ss. Achuck, it al trespiss
and damages verdict for pliintiff, $100. C.
WAshford for plaintiff, Smith ami Thurston
for defendants.
Wedncsda), loth. The indictment in the
cases of Ah Sin and Ah Wong were demurred
toby Messrs. Smith and Thurston, counsel for
the prisoners, upon the ground tint there was
no legally appointed Allorney-Gcncral, and
therefore nolegil prosecutor. Demurrer over
ruled. Inceptions taken to the full Court in
Thursda), nth: Akeni v. Wong ka mm ct
al, trespiss; appeal from the Intcrmeilhr)
Court. Verdict for plaintiff for $7;. S. 11,
Dole for phintifT, C. Ilrovvn for defendant.
Same da) : The King ss. Lu Chung,
charged with having liquor in possession. Ver
dict, guilt). Smith and Thurston for defend
ant. Friihy, 12th: Sentence was pissed upon
Lu Chungj-onvictcd the day before one hour
imprisonment, $5 fine, and to forfeit to the
Ilawaiiin Government the 50 cases of liquor.
Same da): Mr. Paul Newman, late of the
San Francisco Ihr, hiving received letters
patent of denization from the King, and hav
ing presented satishctory credentials, was ad
mitted to practice in the cou-ts of the kingdom.
Same da): Henry Vierra vs. Ah Cheong,
trespiss and dimages laid at $200. Verdict
for plaintiff, $50. J. L. Kaulukou for plain
tiff (appellant), U. Preston, for defendant (res
pondent). '.. S. Spalding v. F. Miller, damages. Judg
ment satisfied and case withdrawn.
C. T. Gulick vs. Lum Chun, assumpsit,
case discontinued.
Arthur C. Turton by his guardian James
Campbell vs. HackfeltKI Co,, assumpsit. Case
continued to the next term (January, 1 8S4),
In the case of L. Way vs. C. T. Gulick,
Minister of Interior, and I, M Herring ss.
C. T. Gulick, Minister of Interior, damages,
the king has not granted ermision to have
the cases tried. The cases are to come up on
The case of Lliza Watson vs. T. II. Walker,
his U'cu compromised.
J7ie .Yfi- Vo9tny0 Nttwtjia,
The iost office is in receipt of new issues
of stamps of the denominations of 35 cents,
50 cents, and one dollar, which will prove a
convenience to heavy corresondents, occa
sionally, and interest the vast army of phila
telists throughout the glole. The two larger
issues are uniform with the dllTc-reiH series
emitted since 1864, of the portrait doss; while
the 25 cent one is a new departure ; being a
representation of the Kanishamcha slalue in a
pillared archway. This taller Is of blackish
purple hue, with 25c in the upper corners, 35
on Ihe lower corners, Kaiuchauiiha I on the
left hand pillar ami postal union on the right.
On the base of the pedestal is 1883, Hawaii.
The fifty cent stamp Is ve rtuillion with a portrait
of Lunilalo, the figures 50 in the upper corners,
Hawaii 011 the top and Kanalinu Kcneta in
the lower part of the oval tarrcd border, and
50 cents In d curved line beneath. The dollar
ktain)), of a carmine shade, give a )outhful
picture of Queen Fin ma in an oval border,
not unlike the two cent stamp of Kamcluuiclia
IV, with the exception that the figures too are
in aujles from each upper corner, with Hawaii
arched U-tween. At the foot is the valuation in
Hawaiian, Akahldala, In a curved line. It is a
handsome stamp. T he Pre, is Indebted for
its opportunity of describing these stamps 10
Ihe couitscy of the po.t office department,
through the ecial politeness of Mr. Peterson.
Miss lirceze ami several zealous lady friends
have for some time since held Monday evening
pra)eriueting in a native school house or
Smith's lane. Many of those w ho rarely t Ml
religious meetings are Uing reached In lliU
way. It It a good work and dvwrvas the
helpful S)uipalby of alL
IIoniiii ei , II I Oclol-rrit I'd 1
rhe Impmred tendem y rf trade noticed In our lt
weeks issue has continued this week and i more ap
parent from the number of roust Arrival-., alt of which
ve-nels have brought Urge ear-toes of Asvnted mer.
chandi mid romt pr-slure for this pmt It Anotlre
able fact Ihst Iwwevef Jack fretgl I may I at this end
of the route for all the patlets, so Ihat fler Ion dels
they bwve for Bun iMnebeo with tut partial eargoes,
ami for lumber ports In Isillar, there are none of them
but return well landed, and we may siy, at limes, over
l?id-d I his certainly ennnet be a proof of lb' theory
(tit forth by Ihe enemies ef the treaty that it is a one
Med affair to the Injury of American trade ami com
merce The Arrivals emlitaee the I Ha, Mltl-iosA,
V II llimotid and II. Aim).
Ihe departure have Utn confined this wtek lo'the
vewels In the Inter bland or coasting tta le
Ihe ncronipanylng Cu.tom Home table of eiilt
for the past ipnrter, as also the touts for Ihe nine
months jut clewed, shows also the comparative espott
for Ihe tame erto.ls last Jrar. It Is Interesting lo thus
be able to watch our trade from lime 10 time and nmce
the change. CVtlf lldnt, PuIm, Inngm, Islt And Pol
hsidrOped out el thellvt this quarter, while Coffee,
lletel leaves, W .-!, sheej- avl (Vol Jllns present I ut
An alogetlc showing Hie n.uarler'l business About
equsls thst of tMt, but It Is behind list year for the
nine month.
Ihe MarlpcKt will leivehere on Mondiy nest for
tsii Franclson, willing at noon She will be followed
about A wrelt later by the Gt) of Sydney I at ihe sama
lime the Alimeda will be due with dstct lo the tjth
instant, though It is hkel) tint the new steamer for the
Inter bland Steam Navigation Coniwny will le here
before that lime. The next few months promise hvel)
mid facilities and business oipoitunttie
&ni urn I
r-s. w 5 5
. B.S.' J" J" ' 1
: r & '
' ' h co 5
, tntn fn
(n WMWK1Q1 w w. r - e rV ., '
V ? wmvi pyp 1M,
W pw.MM Ct-ovooig
-k C co-j ) h HU s sjs
t 'MSQM O t WOM.&
M O-. M M 4. . M'llltCI
so m m M ftp -) U pi , ,
S&' "3. "s "
mpa jo w m . u
w "b o oiw m 1 C
u H , M l COM . M ,,( (.
mv,j ICh UtO Srt
S5g 85 8 ;8
?; v " toiT.
t it tU 0117. uM j HH,
- o -j s6 Otsj. os
5 Z Poi.bbl-
Sju Z Fungus,
CO 040 0 ' H
g? 8 ' ir ." Ihninit
"O A, i. rnu u ..
-8 8 8 JSg S bcl"-
$ bj Mtjj ut ft01
qmm um Vo so Skint).
Cln -3 jt- -
$$r -Mi rv Hide.
-i 0 CT. N4- IftMMU-hj ,,,
"I Cutarks) kj out tel IK-1.
? KJSoiJiJi yp Tallow,
g gg't&ol''rJ. oVJ "'
W ten - , Htai t
J" - OS OlM UtbJ . UJ t-.eH
t WV ) "w
" m t ( ot.iw, H(n CO
-j uo so Uelcllvs
m M W) CO m ibsO O UXae.
'--:- ' Cnlf Sks
: St . re.
' j j.' : " heep
s y - o 8 tii . icn.
p. v r i r
m "o 00 m ooi . Cj iw M Tj
5 "M m ililMViu
1 fiWMwt WOtMUM 11 .
y uutNW-ls . mm "o V m 1 A LV K.
Vi W WWd-U- yln Qs& Ot
Ol t5 Oj i LM W O ft-Msj
OvM 0 SO tj, Q Q Q . . H
5 Z
a- a
S" i
I n
-I g
Jtottoltttii ,SlocL ami Hmul I7jrcutn(j
rvion, Monda, October 6, i88t.
51CAR stocks
Ilatlu SitiiT Co .
Koliala Sugar Co . ...
Ilie l'nnceville I'hntition Co
1 he Wailuku buar Co
1 he 1 lawan in Agricultut-al Co. .
MnVce bugir Co. . . .
Waiinanalo Sugar Co . . . .
Honol.aahttKarCo . $i5ooperih (ul,
Ihe Koloa huar Co... , .
Oolcnla Sugar Co '"
Woihce Suj;ar Co
PicificMitlLo , .
Mlaue-i Sugar Co.
llilea Sugar Co
Uroe Ranch 1 hnlation Co. .. ..
Wainae Co . . .
Uniun aMill Co., J750 ier share paitl u
OLmalu Co
Star Mill Co . .
l-ast Mam PUntittoit Co
Onomca Suar Co. . , ,
1'aukai Sugar Co . . .
Kcciirociti bufiar Co . . ,.,
Laupahochoi Sugar Co v
Mimakua Mill Co ...
aiknpu Sugir Co . . .
llalawa Sucar Co
llonomanu Sugar Co ,. . ,
ITie Hawaiian Kiitroatl Co . ,.
hahului Railroad Co . , . . .
Hawaiian lcll Telephone Co
Hawaiian Telephone Ca. (Maul).
Kauai 1 elephonic Co . .
H1I0& Hawaii Telephone & lei. Co.
1 lie Honolulu Iron Work Co . ,
C ltrewerV Company, (Mercantile)., ,
Intcmland Steam Navigation Co, ,
Ui Maui Stock Co. (Ranch)
KO. Hall St Son. (liinucd) .
I wthc icr cent, ieond-
Nine percent Hiwauan IkjiiJ, . .
Se.cn ier cent Hawamn LonJ ,
Su per cent free from (o't lax
Onomci Sujar Co, lion J. 9 per cent. .
1 law'n Agric I Co. llondt, 7 per cent
lotharet I'rinccvtlle at $75.
II. RtEHitHRCHKriDEH, Secrttiry
Kiliuca Hou, itni, Sears, from Kahului.
waticie, sen, irum Aiaiiko,,,, . ...,
ICliukai, tch, Itom Uahlua . ,
C R. Uuhop.from Kauai, ,,. ,
Halcak-ftla, .h, Crane, from Itilo
Queen, Am tern, Hrandt, from I'ort OainUe,
vU Mahukona
t-eahi, ch, from kahulalclc, tM
Mokolil, fctm, Mcllregor, from Kuolau..,,.
Hla, Am bVtne. Howe, from San Fruncico t
Kauikewull, uh. from Hanalel . .
1 Ikchkc, UiJt, kuiff, from Jlitu unti wa (m-i1.
Krkauluolii, u.h, from 1 f unalel. , . .
Amelia, Am Ulne, Newhall, from I'ort
WVIolt. Kh. from 1'aauhau,, ,(t
Mvipoui ui,t., Howard, fnimS4nr rancisco
Cdttfiiu, h, Ironi Hanalel ,, ... .
lame Uket Min, Mi.OsnaM, from Kauai
V, li Dimoiid, Am bktne, lloudlett, from San
t-rancucu.t. ...,,,.. ,,,
H. W. Almy. AmU, rreemun, frumSan -fn
cUco ....., ,
Waioll, h.h, from 1'iuultau .,,
ManuuVawal, h, from Hananuuln. .,,,,,,
1ariun, w.h, from Kukuiliael . ,
Uhua, urn. Irciuvn. from liana anj Molokal
Miukau M.h from V4uJua. .
Nettie Merrill, kIi, Chrmun, frym Lahalna Oct,
Jennie uh, furVjutueri vt,
KiUuea Hou, Urn, Scan, for KahiJui "
I Ihohtwi, mIi. for lUruunauU.., .,. H
Uhua, kti, Ixncuieu. for MulukaluiU Haru '
fclmka, kh for Waialua,. ,,.,, . !. "
Mana, Kli,lrwn HAaUu -. .
Waimalu, wh, frwn HakaUu . 1 ... M
U'aiiele, tch, for Mhka ,,,
Uktl.ke, Urn, Klnjj, tu- II do ami -a pvrtl... '
I ma) a nl, Uin, lUie-t, for Kwna. Kau, and
sMuUti.,.,1, ,,,,, ,.,,..,,,,
C. R. Mubop, um. fur Kauai . ., "
VViehu, fcch, for Uhko ,, ...
Mokutil, uiar, Mcjrckor, for KuiUu
kekauluohl, fcch for Hanalel titf(t "
lAthL mJi. for KoluUlcle. .,.,,,.,,. m
talcAkUa, wh, Cr-ive, for I'eekej .,,,,,,
Merchant VcticU Now Ut Port.
... ..Aou bk
. Aoi, ble.
Aw. hi.
. IUu. Lk.
,.,,...Ain- bk.
....Ani. bktlw.
.......Aiu, bk.
Am. umr,
i,.,, .Am. tcru.
., ..Aw. Mine.
,.,Vm. bklA.
....Am- bktbe.
....... Am. bk.
C :. IIilmut, Uavu ,
r 1 (Liiobt. 11.. 1.... ...1
fc wiNiiauu) ,,
H01-S-, rnhdio , .,,,,,-.,,,
I. A. 1-Al.klHHMO, (JiD41,,MtMf
1Kb. W'lLUAW, VViiunt,,, ,,,
Makth. Divi IUi.i ,,, ,,,,,
kl-LA, Iloktff . .,,.
,.,... 1
W, JI. tlUOMIS HvHuiUiL...,,, I
II. WkAieUV huHun,,,, .,,....,.
VsiI Bpctd Uom KafIca Pons.
IUkmkk, Gr,U. M iulan. . .. JiwU
i)aNov, -. II. ilaafcUkCa, AgcMU
Ukkmiu., IUw, fck. Kalk ,, ., . -.KwUUt
Dulkc-jv H. HcUUa 4 Co., Am.
Hue lie. 11 II lli.sr.i.t A r . A...
Ni( ATir,N S V , lint Ik A. urt Ullvm
Due Nov 1 to. It llArlfeld A-Co. eenle
W , tier Ik LllAlsTIAt, Wildfanz
Hue (M lo-m II H.rVfrM ACo., Agents.
NswlAtir,N1W, ILiLRltitt
for .MahtiVons Hue now S ( Mikler ito.,
Nkw iikk. Am Ik SrAKTAt Irosslty
ft a.I. r Jul. i. f ...i .-..
vyrrruur aiic r v-UOKr. ileni4
Nkw Vnk, lint lik llKftRVMMK. Liuimote
Hue Oct M.H I Atlfts) A I .A Ai.ni.
t iRntfwi Prfe ihlp AftRKrirM CATif HarriM
inin jn. 111 1 11 l'.irie4 1 ,, ,atn
San rRANtitro, xw mt. (-AI11LLA Sa
IMiI lo-M IIISN L0.,Ajrrnt.
ruiMtiPtnitA, Ifaw. tmr Kiwau Von HchmUlt
lu Nov, .$ WTMfrACo. Aentfi
Hi MMthr, Am hU Mary !,. tniK,K 'u
HueOtl km. Alln A Rohm-ion, Aenti .
HtiNOK.iMi, (Jer hk PmRrmtcM UMnm
Due now II lUcVfeld A Co., Asent.
(tmtRAOT, II I. R. M S Raioymk
Due tincfrtAln
HotOKOrffi, tk iRAHKtrt HlI', Smith
jALutr, Am lRtn Haaud llzrmy
iucmmi.ioT, , r. UUKI Rtnt
JAt tir, Hw ch Kaluna . I-ovtll
Due In nil Oct. A 1. Cookr, Afcem
Sf Micmapls, Hru . 11ml Kock.
Due Oct to-at. O W MafArlaneCo,( Azentt.
PitRT Hlakrly, Am tern, Cot Rrn Colby
sue jt. m ) men KomrHon, gnn
IIotom, Am hk CrvuiN. ....... ....4 liar low
Ihie, Jftft lo-H ( tWnerft Co,PKem.
San hanciv o, Am tktne, licovf nr ..Pernman
I) ue Oclolfer $ Hnckfeld k Co , ftnent.
Fav (-rancIko. Am tern I.mma Ciai imna Matvjn
lorHilof lefKiiIunt Seit it
San ffiAhi.fft,R. Aiamrim. ,..Mne
Due Oct t W (1 Irwin Jtc Co., nKnt
Svhnrh fum Citv or Sykdry . Dearborn
Due Oct it. Hacltfeld A Co, agenti.
San tRANciH.n, rnu kamnma Wel.Ur
Due OctoUr 97 Hackfcld A Co , antnt.
OcitrtTiK Sfa, Am wh bk l.t ropa Maker
Due eitlyinNov A V Pelrcn ft Co, ngent
OvihiT-K Sfa Am wh bk KriNnttrR HVtr
Due early tn Nov A 1'eirce & Co flKent
trom Sin lranclco, per Marijvw.1, October 8
(ieoI'CaMle, I I Wfttetliotue, Sr, and wife, J 1 Water.
houtet Jr, w W Dunond, II DimouU,Mj Sclnnidt,
II Morrlton and wife, Ml Anna Meljcr, MH JulU
ird, J II ( lemei, A D Cribh, I'mf Jame Trice- .Mr
DeCoto, Ohm Haitelman and wife and daughter,! i
Cnirni, II 1- llolle nnd wlf, Mm J I) Ramtny, R M
Daettflud wife, I-rank Itrown nnd wife, Mr I a col w
Demnchhfr, Wm Wllwn, I A Schnefcr and wife and
child, Mi Martha Courwn, Ml-w Nina (Jreen, MIm
Orace Robertnott, I J llicnih MriM l'lde,C A Held.
C Mawn, Mitt (iertrude Humphre). Jm Doild and
wife, CM Cooke and in, A Mcllride, KO White,
Ihon Ilrown ind wife. II j Nolle, A (tartenbenr, V (
W00.I, .Mr KO 1 1 All, R t SjM-ncer, Mr I.S Dicken
ton, MriAMerntt, H A Kraft, Rev V Merntt and
wife.C II Wool mi net 011, (Jeo I Mcleod, R Whitman,
Paul Ncuminu, U r. Sheirborn, C Klam, I Adam, A
Muller, Jno Murray. Oco Amen, I K Thornton,
II M lolie, II Dettmead, Jno McKeizue, Jno Smith,
D Dervor, H Willed, J01 rlke, 1'eTtr Keeley, W. 1
Callehan, I lluchanan, C J Silvi, Jno levari, C M
tetnan. J McIntuOi, I red Oluck, U IhoinjHon, Carl
Al vermin, K(lnber4.
I rum Sin I ranclftoo, jr W, II Dimund, OctoUr
o II Souter, I- C Sandford. O Matthew, M K
Mcl-cc, II Minntuf, . M llirminhvn
trom San IranLiico, r Helen WAIny. October
10- J II Shererand wife, Wm Kinney, A Knop, P J
Chapman, Wm Mc'juar, J Donovnh, Hen M 1011.
trom Sin Francico, iter I .Ha, Octoler 6 II K
Insel, I rank Mitchell, R (.erke.
trout Knuai, per C R Hi-vhop, Octol er 6 A Crorp.
FWOhde. PAdler, A OnmleriE, W H Coons D l!
Cnnint, R W I 1'iim.
from Kahului, rer Kiliuea Hou, Octolfcr 6 R
Wana, J ton, 1 Campbell, II Itarnei, I.Andrews.
trom mdwird Port, ier likehke, OctoUr 7
Sam Tarkcr, W Katinrf, I S Ka, 1, Hcnemann, R
K Union, Mr McCandlew, A Otto and wife, OW
I'lhpo, C U illi-imt, W II Aldnch, MIm I'oole. Ch
Stacktiole, J W I'rodie. MUse Rentnn, CA Chapm,
Mim Hind, I J Hatttldou, ( M Like, Mrs Weight
and a children, R II Atkin and wife, Mim Weighi,
father OuUton, tather I conor, I S Ihoimon and
wife and mm, t I HaMlna, il Cornwell, W II
llailcy.C H Alexander, W W Dollne, t Conradt, J
Richard-ton, A Horner
trom Kami, tier Jai Makce, October $-Mr KoeU
linand 1 children, MUt lturcamanu, Mr, luch.
I ut mdwird Port, r Ltkclike, October Rpv
GuHtein, 1 H Hughes and wile and child. Mis Not!,
I. A Duale. I A Uslie, W C Rhodes, Mr R McKenne
nnd child, LA ticld, W Schmidt, R 1 bpencer. JO
Jones, M Urodie.C II Alexander, II Mormon ind wife,
llConiwell, Mr Itncc, M Shearbuni, W Nclton, Mr
Deloj, Mr Iceland, F P llatinfi, A lUrnes, W II
Cornwell. "
I or Wmdwird Ports, per Iwalani, October 9 J W
Smithies, Il W t idler and wife and child, Miu Ah Fen
nell, L. A Andrew, Mr I,ane, Mrs CIovhjii, W II
Huile,Mrs W J Matwell, t Ma, A H Sm.th, t
tor Kauai jwr C R ltishop, OctoWo V W Glide,
JAsne, PAdler, A Mcllrde, H M Pick thai I. RA
Alacfie, Mr Swift.
tor Kauai per Jas Makee, October 11- C Herub
inann and famil), Mits K lit comb, M Mahclona,
C I. luch, A Cropp, M AVIm, W W Coon
From hUeqiool, per Malltjate, October t T heo
H. Daie & Co., 61 bit bag, 4 cs saddlery, 2 cs
belting, 7 c clot Inn s, 100 drum oil, 90 drum soda,
3 c piano. 100 bx soap, 1 c pKture, 1 hghd rum,
4 cadks sneriy, 33 pk liardwarc, 10310ns pg iron,
1 ball wire rofx, it, effect, 33 1 kg machiner, 1 c
fcathtn, 53 c oilmen's stores, 11 crate cirthenware,
a cask tUtiuare, 193 Iwles duudee, 38 pkg dry
Coodi, ijolmdl pipes, 4 cak fine, 10 drum nails, 11
c jellow metal, 1 bl mats, 4 c galvanied sheets, 80
bndl wire, 50 keg staples, 540 bndle iron, 3 c sailor
good, 5o bil cement, 5000 tile, t cs stationery, 1 cs
mirrors. 1 box croquet, 1 cl dags, 4 1 kg cfTect, r
cask palm oil, 5 cs hosiery, 15 tons coke .too" ton steam;
J. 1. Waterhousc, 39 cs saddler), 300 bndl wire rods,
219 bndl bilh, 56 bndl hard and tin ware, 43a bndl
sheet and tubs 4CStoys, 4 bis run, 140 drum oil, 4
cask paint , F, A Scliacfef & Co, 70 c champagne,
195 c beer, I35cbrind, 13 c wine, 10 c liquor,
700 c gin, 100 Us wire, 10 keg sti le, 1 cak hollow
ware, 31 bli bij, 38 c iron and screws, 10 casks punt,
260 bs oap, 10 crate catthenware, 100 brl cement ;
MacfarLne tft Co., 45 c wine, 50 c wlmkej ; Mcin
l)rc&- Pros.. 1 cs rsonaI effect ; Hall L Son, 50 bx
tin pUtc. S csk zinc, 1 rl lead, 7bliwirr, no gal
tanurd sliccts, 1 caw: knife boards, t cs paper, a c
slate, 12 c soap, 4 cask alum, 5 cs bath bricks, 1 cask
emery, 92 bndl buckets, 46 pkg hardware; John Notl,
t23 1m lis pipe, 6 rls lead, lobndl sheet lead, 115 bx
tin 1 Utt, 1 cask marble haains 1 cs copper, 5 cask
hollowware; Castle and Cooke, 356 pkgs iron, iocak
2111c, topkg lead, 56 kegs lead, 5 brl whiting, 14 bx
glass 6u bndl bucku, 13 c drugs, 1 bl mats, 1 cask
alum, 1 cs leather, 2 cs cotton, 5 keL sulphur, 105 c
I)rovhious 19 c hardware , Ddlingiiam ti. Co t 3 kegs
ead, 1 cask, chalk, 25 bndl buckets, 1 escape, est
unc, 4 tniMte twine, 1 ck fdtcrs, 3 ca-ks lead, 10 csks
alum, it cs ltardwarc , O . MacCirlane i. Co,, 161
pel and pkg machiner) , 6 bndl coolers, 5 cooler, 25
cs pickles; Rev. S. C. Daincn, 1 cs buck; Irwin
Co , cs elfccts ; t.nntiaun & Co , 31 bis bags, 34 bales
cotton goods, bx soap ; dco. W, Jink, 1 hale carpets ;
Holluter Co., at cakdrug, R. A. Mctie, a c
effect ; t. HofTftchlaegcr & Co., 20 bale dundee ;
Older, ig c oilmen's stures, 100 c beer, 3 c tham
pawnc, 200 c stout, 1 boiler, g jc machinery, 10
csks gin, is hgshds gin, 6 cs beer.
t rum Host on, per Atari ha J avt; October 4 W, A. I',
Ilrcwcr, 17 c groceries ; Hall A Son, 29 coil cordage,
64 budU nnd b ir iron ; 87 kes shoes, 41& c oil, 20 cs
turks, 11 bundles n and selves, 45 c match e, 100
kg nails, 13 cs printing material, 3 1-9 paper. 359 pkg
merchandise, 3 bellows, 2 cs fixtures, 2 bndb )okes,
4 anvils, 4 tove, 8 bndl basket, 9 (.rates hardware,
7 back churn, 13 bndl hollow ware, 13 stove, a bndl
wash hotler 48 fttotes,- closet, 1 oven, 35 bndl
hollow ware and casting ; Samuel Rarrctt St on, 4
organs; (Innbaun A Ca, 33 cs hats, 9csUigs, 61 cs
tobacco. 30UO kg shooks, 101H brl heads 40 brls
beer, 40 cs hats, 100 otinatches, 40 nests trunk;
Plull pi A Co , 34 bale piper, 35 cs tobacco, 300 c
oil, 10 c ensco(cs ; Hrcwcr find Co., 17 ic oak, 74
I hickor), 54 fm ash, 458 budU and bars iron, 31
coil cordje, 3 bl waste, 1 cs tolls, 193 oars, 44 tons
steam and 100 tons Cumherlandco.il, 50 cs chairs, 50
c pork, 2360 cs oil, 103 rl wire, 50 cs rati.be-, 2S3B
bndl shook, 100 kegs heads, 30 brl rosin, 50 bxs
soap, 6 1 kg ice chests, 4 c handles, 50 cs lobstei,
4444 ft ttpruve. 2i hay cutler, 20 c grease. 10 c scales
1 c belting, 1 plraM linings, 15c iuil;UrewcrACo.,
2 bx chair, 10 c banned goods, iq bl exccUlor,
3J3 els cordage, 3 bts mattress, 3 leg fence nails, 93
c turps, t boiler, Indls barrows, 203 p ash, 21 cs
cIlow metal, 1 bl rubber goods, 20 cs (wlson. 4 c
carriages, 3 bndl mattress, 1 cs giinduones, 399 bndls
and bar iron, 39 bndU fencing w ire, 1 1 c sheet iron, 1
keg screw, 84 c, brU, and cask cUsswarc ; 36 w heel.
19 wagon bodies, 24 end ami side boards, 6 pol ami
axles, a cs hardware, 7 brl vinegar, 1 box printed
mattei ; I-ewerf and Looke, 567 ki wood, 184 keg
nails, 86 budW sash ; J J, Wntcrhouse, ijuocsoil, 30
ct matches, 913 keg nailt, 12 c handles 3 c pin, V
c hard and gUw ware, toe blacking, 93 keg norm
shoes ; Allen and RobuiVMi, 46a kc nails J6 P-S
hardware, 1 dour, a c bnuht ; 706 1-- pmc and ash ;
Irwin and Co,, 0994 bndls sugar shooks, 33S keg
head; Hman Itru , t cs bUcking, jqc uutches
luonents trunks, 30 bl Iper, 90 c slates. 39 c
tobacco, 300 c oil ; A. W pierce A Co., 3 whaleUats,
31 bli boat limbers, (18 a ro, 9t merchandise,
u. jalm, 3 cask blocks, jo cs pain killer ; Mr
)ickoii, 1 cs carriage ; Dilhngluio k Co., yju kg
luiU, 8 c Kocl J, W, Ihominon, 1 brl moIac, t
c incrchandive ; Rev, Dr. Dauwn, 1 cs organ Ceo. C
Howe, iipkgsfurnllura , Order, 9333 c,uii, 30 brl
trom San Francisco, per lane A, Falkenbcrg.
Ou. 3 -Rolle A. Co., luocalc bay; Irwin ami Co.,
85 brl. loi i brls, and zoa a sa!oiui 1 K P. Adams,
110 bils salmon; )aes A Co, 733 ikt bone meal j
L Way, 44 bales hay, 11 sks oats s bran t
Hall k Son. 13 bndls leather, 6uabg4 sail ;U J. tUiel,
4 pkgs furniture F. S. Illggtns. spring wagons, 9
cute wheels, 1 bos pole I Mrs. J, I), KaiiMy, 9
lAgs household good ; line A Co., 100 bag Lean i
K, UUiman, 50 sk bran, j bl hay, 30 sks oats;
P. Milton, 4Hfci ,laurf ' ' Cooke, 1 c oil cUhc ;
M. Mclneruy, 10 c clock; May A Co t 9293 P8
groceries , llackfcld A Co., a c how, a ra dry gl ;
Wilder A Co., iVto bndl shliigWs ; 93 Us hay. 1400
RW posts, 93 sks barley, 3 ton ainonu ; ifyman
Iho., t horses, 9 crane a tie, 84 c mertloiidise, 9 c
sUte, iocs tubneco, I l wtn J J, I, Waterhouse, 3
Usdiy goods, 344 1 kg grot-cries ; lowers A Couke,
8uobiWUkhbiLles, f tlulr, 9 tu a fruit, 18 Legs nails a
ikgsdoors, abrUpuiiy, 4 pkg blinds l box gttw, 81
(Ag paint, 13 cPiatr, 1 houimuLk, 1 box seed, itc
1-aper, a uuHildiugs 4 P loduer, 30 ca paint ,
,AtU k Cooke, 6 cs 1 pkg sutlvncry, 3 c bas, 4 cs
cards, ten hose, 31 fntrsluuidtoe, 9 uul ire, cs
sa(ulkit 4 bdl stirrup 1 c valises 6 ca hardware, 1 c
wick, 4 c freeier, I cas balitr, I C pro iskJii, c
slive Uuthcsj Wtng Wo ai ACu., 61 pigs mer
I rota bail tr,uw:U.g, OctoUr, pr Maruou
Macfaiiana A Ca. wc whUkv : Brown A Ca. ut
pkg win and bmwrs, I Ukl 3 pks glassware;
a ts o)turs, kus aier, 16 c luriutur. il
Kiueerlcs S. 11. StlUtr, 1 cs wvgileu war,- 1
nbthjo : Uullcs A Ca. I 14 luiu. ig bts stiicicsr.
)-Qfk, 1 y Lj.s grictiK, I trunk lucrebaiKitM. 19 l4,s
gnxertr ; i, J. Mi-inisn, t c crgekcy I IhUuignaw
Co., ti ss IaJ d4 larniJi, k,t safe ami fir.
catmiruiUicr ; lit, chest lou uiacbinersr, , cs tner
ebaMje, 38 rU ttlre, 40; bl kajr, 1 bo (loth.
Lkfs tagwi inatcrtal ; U. Al-sefaiUr. as Co., 41 frttfs
lea, is c itu., j pkus sU OJul blunts, 1 bo wJJUiy,
4 UkUsshossU, 1 ui4l sbcjtr. iq UmIct lubes, ,us sk
Dour, Cts kf Ktawi, etc, t 31W wls hay, yt calwhU,
S4 c vtbiky, i;j I lgt fruat tuu st;tabl ku
hejy ee Co.. i, vls ,71 (,l gronrie! O. Vkerf,
Ml rsKtitvowiimli , JaLgNitt. 14.lt cu
UUt teone. .jki turJ.iire erck.ry Irwtn k Co.. 3
(.Lcsrop.-usJti.me, 4UUi.iue, lavktisscgftaUss
Jll Ur) UUU.1-, SOpkK gfveetU', It.J A( butt.
""). Mk lirfwim, liUU, il.kji l.Atuu
shoe, 11 j-kg.lur.lwMv mldkj,it Irwiu k Cu. ,
U.U tw, 1 bl hoM, -i ki sh., mhh, bun i.
ikg4 ft4 ajij tlour, s ct. tf-u-U. sw Iism urs, ,
Uu stl, ji (4f Uwlut UaJ, i 1A4 csvaus,, 1
C 1 i'irr. Ha Ik Is-..
Ins elector light, 15 tl(mer haniliet tli-Jiop A C.
3 rkjrs tinits ami sluie., ) tike enin I t I I ishel, 1,
Imnks 1 et ilry rnrts ' trr ami I .. 167 j.lgs tlnors
an.1 .Innnwsi ) II Ijinr . . mail le ( J V Water
hmi.e, 1 -V Bsh lines. 11 pkf. eettyaMe ami pork,
J) tks rotenes ami ilry ol. 1" Melnemey, a
pk ean.l , llackfieM A tn. o l. harrow, 4 n
tljtari i HotHntwn ft U , Inplifsslallotiery ( I O
Ihram, ttkgspapr, rnpy pre-., ami stationety
S. ( olm Co., j piss dry ml roMr rnn.li 1 J M
Oat. Jr , A Co., 1 csslat.jnenrit O ller(rr, 11 lamp
pmt 1 llolliter A Ci , toi psg totiacc-t, itmcs, ami
lfnmery 1 J I Kosenl-trf. ; c hat, t-nott, and
shoes, ll c dry eoo.1 , Hawaiian Hell leVphon Ca,
jrltwire L Michael, ij c wine 1 II J Nolle, j
cs tal let and chairs, cs ice chet, t c oysters, ) pb,
crockery, opktsrante, I pke tiuuge II 1. Ah
phsrt, tee pkis iioteries 1 A Muller, 1, pk furnl
tore 1 Mclntjrre A llros , stisf pkts (nxeries 1 Caitte
A Cike, sw pkgs salmon, j e machinery, 31 c fruit 4
llyman llru., 7 pkrtt tlollilnj ; A Jaeeer, 1 pkgs
dor I Kichanlson A(o. t pkg furnishing goinla j
I tiillip A Co., , pkgs furniture, 4 pkg cigar., t pkg
rubber goods, 8 1 kg dry good ami shoes, 4 pkgs
leather, 410' pkgs groceries ami feed, 16 tkgsfurril
Inre ( SresoYkh, (!rty, and Cie, t(A7pkgs hay. gro
ceries, fruits, vegetal le , l.atne ft Co., J03 pkgs bran,
pkgs merchandt- 1 J llrndie, 7 tkg drugs and
lollies t l(. I lliikertmt, 4 pkgs wine an.1 belhevla
waur 1 () West, 4) pkgs wagon materials 1 I Met A
Co., ss pkg dry gnods, wine, paper, ami furniture 1
Honolulu Iron Works Co., t) pkgs Iron pipe Hall A
Sm, 41 tike hardware, 7 pkgs phled ware 1 A I
Smith, 16 peg sewing mnclihe 1 W S. Santos, sw)
pkg fruits and vegetable I yean ft Johnson, tlo
pkg toys and holiday gnn.1 , lseyACn., t;r pkgs
groceries, 6 c oysters, 14 bundle celery 1 J l)old, ,
I kg. crixktr), 1 pkg biinjy , Ilamillon J.Jir.mn, yjl
oka I ran. , tkffi thinned eiM.lt. ft CiVtfi era m rl.
cracklings, 7vn pkg hour, SJ pkg onion, 10 tkgl
ail grease, it kg
g d . inrt , Lyons ft l.evcy, s pkgs
Cooke, 1, I kg canned goofs j 1
inresil l si Li
allege, 69 kgs furnlliire , J W dirvln, J pkgs bil
I ll.hii
hard ware 1 I-
I MarhAl), it; 1 kg fnut, vegetable.
and erocerle I Ino.
Mr Kengtie, t horse ; Allen Her
l-trt.s tiks-sbillurdlslle. W C M.iriil. .. r l. fr
nitiiteami li.mks, A (Isnenlerg, oil (kgs gent fur
nhin goods 1 M Mclnerney, 146; kgs fruit ami
vtgetallea; McChesney ft Son, 1O pkgs fruit and
lenllierj Pacific IliliUe Co.. 41 pkgs lumber: Wells,
largo, A Co , j; c mertl-andi.e ; Order, r case Ice
mschlne, 1 cs merchandise , Chinese firms, 1416 cs
merchindise , and sumlrv pkgs to address.
tiii: imirMMiut
I Jiigh and grow fat and advertise $h tliearr.
Tlic Orcrfl Ten Cent .Store, 109, I'ott street,
will keep oicn In the evening until further
Visitors leaving Honolulu, or residents aliotit
tn (jo away on liomc vlsitt, cnuld not tlo Ijetter
linn tike away some of those novel sli-uk-Inck
canes with nickel heailt, which Messrs.
I.) can ol Johnson have for talc.
"Here It something very rare, Ihe Identical
Colt's pistols worn Iiy llic Krcat Kolaml, who
vvat slain at Honccsvallcs Iiy the Turks," saiil
a London antiquary to a customer. "Hut
there were no pistols in that ih) replied the
customer." " I know tint, my dear tir, tint's
what makes them so rare."
"I give and bequeath lo my Moved wife
ilridgct the whole of my property without re
serve! and to my eldest son, Patrick, one half
of the remainder ( and to Dennis, my joungesl
son, the rest. If an) thing is left it may go lo
my sincere and nlTcctionatc friend, Terence
McCarthy, in sweet Ifehnd."
"What Is laughter?" asks the llrooklen
Ltgle. It's the sound )ou hear alt over the
restaurant when the waiter drops a phtc of
hot soup down our back. Ihslon 1'ost. In
reality it is the sound heard by Messrs. Ilack
fcld & Co. when they furnish their fortunate
customers with some of their new importation
Manilla and California Cigars.
llcforc a )oung man can court a Mexican
girl he lias to tell her parents on the door-steps
of the house what hit prospects in life arc. If
he Mi, she it a curve pitcher for a champion
baseball club, the old folk say "Go in." And
then, if lie should have the forethought to take
the old gentleman a present of a "'Missouri
meerschaum," of which Mr. Nolle of the
Itcavcr Saloon has now an ample supply, he
will probably win him a wife.
Mr. Uuskin sajs modern couitship consists
jn "a miserable confusion of candlelight,
moonlight, limelight and an) thing but tla)
light indecently attractive and insanely ex
pensive dresses when in snatched monscnts,
in hidden corners, and in accidental impulses
and dismal ignorance, )oung people smirk, and
ogle, and whisper, and whimper, and sneak,
and stumble, and flutter, and fumble, and
blunder into what they call Lose."
The widow of President l'olk recently cele
brated her eightieth birtluh), and many citi
zens of Nashville, Tennessee, availed them
selves of the opjiortunil) to call upon and con
gratulate her. Sheentertaiiiedaltwhocallcil,
notwithstanding the natural feebleness of her
advanced )cars. Among her prettiest presents
was a wicker-work basket, lined with satin, of
the elegant sort now on view at the Heaver
lllock sales rooms ol Messrs. G. V. Mac
farlauc & Co.
Young collector of bric-a-brac " Here is a
very ancient little piccu-of Chinese ivoty, evi
dently of some historical s-aluc, and I only paid
$40 for it. Can jnu lr.vmt.itc the inscription
forme?" Professor, after profound stud)
"This is, sir, a laundry check. The inscrip
tion is an English one, written in Chinese
characters, and says, ' Xu money, no vvashee,'"
Young collector docs not say that he has
promised lo take two more at the same price if
the dealer can secure them for mm.
A Michigan c)donc swept through a streak
of timber, gathered up several cords of wood,
carried it six miles across a prairie nnd deposited
it on the premises of a -uor widow. The
most peculiar thing about it was that Ihe cy
clone stole the timber Irom an old skinflint who
held a mortgage on the widow's home. The
only good thing nbout this old skinflint was
the fact that he had the good jensc always to
ride on an Australian saddle, of which standard
article Mr. A. S. Cle-gliorn has just received a
large quantity of all numbers for both ladies
and gentlemen
A Tennessee girl who has gray t)es makes
them appear blue and bright "b) wearing a
hat lined with dark blue velvet and eating
lumps of sugar on which las been dropped a
little cologne." That's nothing. The San
Krancisco Wasp has a (wet who got a beautiful
purple e)e by offering the ttlilor sonic verses
on "The Melancholy l)vy of Autumn." And
even that it nothing to the color of the e)es of
those who go. nowaih)s lo the No. 10 or the
Quccn-slreet Mores of Mr, John T. Water,
house, on seeing the stock of nuts, rugs and
crumb cloths there displayed.
In reconiuicndinga recent consignment to the
planters of Hawaii, Messrs. Minlccs, Watu-n
& Co. of Glasgow, In liieir Ktt advices, men
lion having Just received orders for two (ripple
effects each of lo.ooo ftel Scaling surface, two
II feet vacuum tuns, and nineteen Weston's
centrifugals, all for the beet sugar manufactuie
in Denmark; Glasgow machinery hav Ing been
preferred to that made in France ur German),
They hail alo been favtuet) with an order
from llraiil for thirty-four centrifugali, and
fuse just completed nn addition to their exten
sive woikt a centrifugal depaitmetit.
A pupil who had been Impressed with the
force and value of double letters, such as
"double o" In "fool," "douhbj! e" In "licel,1
etc., was called ijjhiii 10 read that touching
poem ethoitatory lo eaily lising, lieginningi
'Up, up, Lucy J The sun is Jn Ihe sky l"
Jiutptise, which soon give way to hilarity, was
occasioned v lie 11 the pupil read the Unci
"Double up, Lucy! The sun Is In the tkyl"
The firm in Honolulu which at present seems
lo be doing Ihe 11104 doubling up on sewing
machine ordert, U (bat of Castle & Cooke
who wild to man) "Ketiilngtont" iccatly
that they began to fear they couldn't supply
the demand. A resent liiipment, foilutvUrly,
has given them an ample supply again.
The llilo tcleplmne line U bkelv lo U; ei.
tended thiough, Marnakua, which ill no doubt
make it much iuok jiopular u well u mote
profitable than it ha Imkm heietofore even.
U ulhoriti).
Office of Superintendent ol Water Work.,
Ilo-iol.t'ei , July ), ilie
All trons hsring Water I'rlf ileget an notified that
their Watm Uatm are rlile semiannually, In l
eance, at the office of the 1urlntenlent of Water
Works, fo of Nniutnuu street, npon Ihe lit day of
Jamiaryamt July of each year. C It WILSON",
list' Snperintemlem Water Wort.
A Successful Hoiiset A Surceesfut lloute I A Milk
Ing Instance of success ln Kttall Dry Rorxls' way Is
AfTordecl by the Leaillng Milmtry IIikk of Charles J
Flshel, coiner f ort and Hotel streets. Ihe Proprietor
Llr t Idiel has aciiulreil the art of holding custom Any
IJry (rt-ods House can, by freely admlMng, draw cus
lomcri, once or twice; Imt 10 hold them, avl enjoy their
confidence, calls for the eterclse of tact and liberality
Good muil he marked down and told far what they
are never mirepreeni an article, That It Ihe policy
of Charles J Hslicl, and that policy has made the firm
one of the greatest in Its line, on the leading thorough
far. of IIuk.IuIu. Th. trading Millinery Store if
ChailesJ FlVlttl, Is lo Honolulu what Macy U lo
New York CharleiJ H.liel make a ipeclalty of Mil
Ilnery. tir (Tie store Is one of the sights of the city
tjtdie ami Gentlemen viliting San Francisco will
find very desirahlt I urnished Hoome I n Run and Sin
gle at No. 137 Montgomery St , Corner Hush Mr.
T. Ilonev, formerly of Honolulu.
Mr HANS MOIsTFNSLN has l-ren appointed Sur
veyof and (liisril for Ihe Port ol Mahiikena, Hawaii,
viced M lKr,re.lgncd
Collector General sOllice, W. F, AI.I I'.N,
October nt, iISj. Collector General.
f Approved )
6 t Mlndler of Finance
foreign bbcrliocmcnto.
,16 CALlrosnlA St , Cut., (Koom No. 4 )
Merchant, f
7 SansniiR St., Nran Cai itohnia, S. F.
(u:t.it.ti. rtritvii.t.si.u .hikxth.isi
CtnntnlMltm MrrrhnutM. 1
Orncr No 9oCAIirnNiA SyinrT, S. V.,
tojiMmsios .lav.NTH .t romr.inn-
ltl Atrut.
Consignment from llie Hawaiian Island desired,
Ilie l-tst price wsrranted and sale gusranleed 4
.Suction Sales,
4 will offer a l,eate for five years
Of tit nml (rj.ntOtm Acrfi nf taint
I-ing between the Oahu College ircii.iet and the
land of Mr. M-iniuef.
The btid it ftuttaMe for ISture, U enclosed by Mono
wnll and wire fence, and U well grown with AUerotu
1-5i-4t !:, P. AIUMS, Auctioneer.
an ounnu of nir. iion. a. r. judd.
Chief Justice uf the Supreme Court, dited
April so. i fi8 j, authoriting the
Salo of CArtntu Partnership AcrounU
In which Mr, IMwnrd (urMenau u uiUteid.
Sntarilny, Ootober 20th
The CUiin of the Firm or II. Ilackfcld ft C
II. Turton, Esq , of Lahtbut, Maul,
Now amounting lo
About 1380,000, .
Secured by mortrfige nn the Pioneer Mill PUntalkin al
lduliu, stil Jett lu tir! iiuirgag. in favor of
James Cami tell, ,
Tor tl 50,000.
As stamlmg on the day U mIv, that is, OcloUr u.
All documents as mongage. acreemenls, etc , ivftr
rug 10 U above cUiui, can U seen on at l.IiclUi at
lh. offic. of
II HACKH:i.I) ; Ca, HonJulu.
1 isms Cash.
S E P. ADAMS, Auctloiccr,
OT.tiicr.il JlbbtrtismunU.
Kvuul lu nOLUKS U4TK.
tot rauav and nsnss's vs.
In J, and )( Uirick
F SUk hy
' II. IIACKffcl.il 4 Co.
JfiFFJtlCl-M ALK, -
l teUAar, aku nars,
tMeUty ,
4e- ' H, HACKrU.I M
it-A. -tk-a

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