OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, November 05, 1912, 5:30 Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1912-11-05/ed-3/seq-3/

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V:- -fA
: f I W
. i . J.
Now a sPlcnd,d
1,uu time to have
those pictures taken.
Before the holiday
rush begins we can
take plenty of time to
get acquainted and
bring out your best
Also we . hare some in
teresting things in new
style mountings.
, : ALLAN - HERBERT To me a can
didate's party stripe is lesa than his
character and his fitness for the of
fice be Is running for. V, ;
I ' The following forecasts from , Repu--'.
lican and Democratic leaders show the
rival claim on- the delegateshlp. The
til , Republican claim is: , ... . V,
. - J; ', . Island; v ; V:: KuhIokMcCahdless
: fi Hawaii: .".V.;'. V.; 2400,, -u 641
Maul . -i ...U76 V 454 ;
;- Oabu v.. '.VA'. .v.4000: :2964 ; V
tT'A Kauai ;.....,. v. ;.V 650 -".V 251
V ; Totals ; : .;-,?;7.Mi5 4310
" The Democratic, forecast:
' . Island 1 . vKflhlo McCandless
Hawaii . . ...... . r.-2000:- i 1790
Oahu ."..-......3000 ;. :. 4000, .
Kauai i.f.....; 463 - . . 512
Totals ' v U 6363 ? rf:7202' TV-
The vote of 9ior ..': ;'..';' -;;
Island - ' Kuhlo McCandless
Hawaii iV.i ...... 1787 . '.. -'?7l2;v
jiaui.-;-;;.-.v,;';:;,;;.i.i587 'r: T3: .
Oahu ; . , V.'.Y, .v.3933 f t -" 28C(V . ?
: Kauai V; ; , . ' CS7 v ; 315
. . Totals .8014 '. . 4390
V . George VR. Carter cabled his Bull
' . 'Moose friends here yesterday- after
- noon that it "looks Rke Roosevelt."
. The cablegram was received, by C. G.
; . 4 Ileiser of the Trent Trust tompany,
-and Helser Joyfully, flourished -it in,
the faces of his Republican and Demo
cratic . friends who. havent been givr
; ..' ing. Roosevelt more than an. outside
'i A 4 -chance Tbe cablegram; saidr , V
J7.-. -, "Taft hopeless. .Democrats .nervous.
; ;I Looks like Roosevelt" ; '
" . .U. ; S.; District Attorney :Breckons
i: had a bad fall down & flight of stairs
" j . at Walalua last evening. He had been
; - . down the country campaigning with
V; - knhlo on election eve. He fell down
a mill stairway and was hurt, but de
; clined to Jet - a little think like . that
v. ' keep .him out of the big doings eleo
V : Hon -eve. ' ' -"'' . '
Ballot boxes were ;sent to all city
" precincts yesterday K by City,. Clerk
. Kalauokalanl's staff. The outside pre
cincts received thtlr ballot boxes last
Saturday. The clerk's office kept up
its- usual good record in seeing that
all boxes were out, on time.
Banks closed at noon today and
most ' of the ; business houses . were
closed all day. Under - the law, the
saloons have to remain closed . unUl
six o'clock this evening.
Republican leaders this morning de
clared, optimistically, that they would
make a clean sweep of the county
ticket v
Col. C. J. McCarthy last night is
sued an election forecast on the May
oralty, giving Fern the lead by four
hundred votes. His forecast is:
- M Fourth. Fifth. Total
Fern : 1700 2000 3700
Parker 1S0O 1500 3300
Hustace 800
The Republican forecase yesterday
afternoon was:
Fourth. Fifth. Total
Parker 1882 1757 3630
Fern "...v 1618 1916 3534
Hustace 4S." 241 726
Spoiled Ballots . . 82
Total 798 1
Moore My sense of heariug is the
keenest ever. Do you know, I can
hear your watch ticking although you
are six feet away. Poore Then you
are a wonder. -My watch is at the
pawnbrokers six blocks away.
. i
- if Anil t
There was an absence of bustle at
Democratic headquarters in the
Walty building, In the early hours of
the polling, which merely betokened
that the hustlers were out on the fir
ing line. Now and again strains of
soft harmonies floated through the
corridor, from a lei-bedecked female
glee club stationed at the top of the
tairs. It was expected that the
tuneful body would be given a round
of the polls about midday, to cheer
the workers and lure votes to the
cau.e with guitar and voice. This
depended on there being an automo
bile to spare at that time.
B. G. Rlvenburgh. chairman of the
county committee, was at headquar
tehs by 6:30 a. ra.. but there was not
much doing until the autos rolled up
to report for duty and were sent to
Ibeir stations.
"We have plenty of autos, Mr.
Rlvenburgh said. "There is one for
every precinct and in some cases
two. We have twenty-five machines
A captain , was allotted, to every
precinct, in some cases having an al
ternate. It is not every precinct in
the United States that will have the
distinction of the second of the fourth
here today, whose Wilsonian captain
Is a man whotbis year won world re
nown In presence of people ' of all
nations. - Reference is to Duke Ka
faanamoku, champion short distance
swlmmeirof the world, as he proved
himself to be at the Olympic games
in Stockholm, Sweden, the past sum
mer. -. In politics Duke happens not
to be in" the same boat with his good
friend, William Rawlins, who took a
leading part In sending him to Stock
holm and in giving, him triumphant
welcome home. -
Democratic Captains in Fourth. 4
- Following is the list of Democratic
precinct, captains in , the fourth dis
tract: r---- t -V-V'-.-V-.
; 1st precinct Sol. Meheula, : 1 .
2nd precinct Duke - Kahanamoku ;
D; Halemano, alternate,; ; - ;-;
' 3rd precinct J. V.H.'j Rose; s Alua
Moepono; alternate.
r 1 4th: precinct A Ev Carter ' x v:
5th f precinct J. ,W. ' Asch. ' . .
. ; 6th preclnctT-Charles Lake, i
7th1 precinct Z. H. .Wilson. , .
8th f precinct William M.V Samson!
Sth prednctW oseph Paku. k-, ; .
10th precinct--John, Nahlnu. ,
V12th precinct Kahalepuna;'. T' ;
4- .
Sails .Without Husband on; the
v v Sierra' for Home : in
The San ;Francisco Bulletin of, Oc
lober 23 ' contains , the following ' story
that J8 of local interest:
' The Oceanic steamer .. Sierra , slip
ped Into, the, harbor between' showers
this morning from Honolulu with the
loneliest honeymooner who baa ever
arrived at this port. : v ' ; ; :''.''., ,.;
The-.'newly wed ;, :was Mrs. "Horace
Keelor, a. former trained 'nurse at ' the
Queen's Hospltal,;in, the Islands,; who J
was married to one or Hawaii s pros
perous undertakers - at 9 o'clock on
Saturday morning, the sailing: day ,"of
the r Sierra and who departed , at
noon, three hours. later,-f or her home
at Pocatello, Idaho. :.-,
Mrs.r Keelor .hung far' over the
iteamer'8 rail waving good-bye and
tossing 'kisses to her ...husband : until
the Sierra, had. pointed its nose ; to
ward the open seas, and passed out of
sight of Diamond Head. ,."
The husband .was left standing, a
forlorn figure on. the wharf, a tear on
either cheek, and with nothing but his
empty undertaking . parlor to go back
to.' . He must remain until such time
as he can dispose of his interests in
and about Honolulu, when .he, too,
will purchase a ticket and hasten
across land and sea to his blushing
bride. .
The . wedding event brought to a
happy close a romance which sprung
up last April between Miss Louise
Whipple, then a nurse at the hospi
tal, and Horace Keelor, who came to
have his ' appendix removed. When
Keelor was nursed back to health he
very graciously gave the credit to
Miss Whipple. . Then. he popped the
query ever old, ever new
At nrst tne nurse declined, navmg
In mind the rule of the hospital that
no married nurses need expect to
hold a position in the institution.
She said she was undecided whether
to marry and settle dow-u or remain
as a nurse. Keelor x not have
this, and his plea fina.y won Miss
Whipple's consent
That evening she was told that
while the hospital authorities had to
part with her, it was only with a great
deal of regret and a sincere desire
that she have a happy married life.
Football is forbidden in the schools
of Bavaria by a recent decree.
The average monthly salary of
American school teachers in 1870 was
JT8.54. It is now $61.70.
Berlin is to have compulsory in
dustrial and commercial continuation
schools for girls.
Daughter Father, you shouldn't
have kicked George last night. You
broke the poor fellow's heart. Father
I didn't come anywhere near his
( Continued from Page 2)
that "Kakaako" is pretty quiet this
Of the total registration of 446 a hal
lo of hid been cast at 2 p. m. This
is the largest precinct in Honolulu, yet
voting has progressed in such order
ly manner and so rapidly that only !::
bfllots remained to be cast in the
iLst three hours of the day. The in
spectors were kept constantly atjWorK
and the booths were filled steadily
during the first four hours.
The only voters remaining, it was
ngured, were, the Honolulu railway
employes, who will vote during the
last hour, as they return home from
their work. This is the city s most
congested district where trouble is in
variably anticipated, but despite the
big crowd around the polling place
nothing untoward had occurred. Dem
ocratic partisans were making a de
monstration nearby, with a band and
campaign oratory. A noticeable feat
ure this year at this point is the ab
sence of drunkenneis around the poll
ing booth.
Seventh Precinct. Fourth District.
At 10:30 o'clock this morning 11?
out of 310 registered votes had been
cast in this precinct i The polling
place is at tne Doara.ot, neaitn Duua
ing in a booth under a banyan tree.
At one time this norn frig there were
twenty or more of the' candidates in
sight, most of them claiming indivi
dual victories. Mayor Fern, Charles
Hustace, John ' Markham, John W.
Cathcart, Joe Cohen, CoL McCarthy
and others were busy watching the
"Kakaako bunch" In the sixth and sev
enth precincts.
Eighth Precinct, Fourth " District
The election moved smoothly in the
Eighth of the Fourth, thepoinng-place
for which is on EmmaSquare. By
11:45 181 votes had been marked on
the sheet, more than 50 per cent of
the total i registration of 33d. The
straight Democratic ticket- was mak
ing a good run; according to ' rumor,
while the Republicans were getting a
spilt-vote.."x'; - '.V.-'f'
Several members of the police force
put f in an - appearance shortly :i before
noon, and asked It there; was amy thing
for them to'.do in the way of quelllng
rjots; but the' election officers .gave
them the laugh, the voting during the
morning being about the most quiet
arid 'orderly on .record. .' There were
no- fights of any kind, and the work
ers for both parties confined their ar
guments entirely to moral suasion,
' At 1:50 this afternoon the total vote
polled was 246. 1
Ninth Precinct, Fourth District
Out of. a total ' registration of 487,
the largest of any precinct In the city,
253 votes had been polled at -12:25
this afternoon The voting was heavy
tromnTo'clockxonr: the rate "being
about dne -per minute. , t
When t yie polls opened " this morn
ing,Soap Box" Barron Link ilcCan
dless - handy '.man,' entered a r protest
against the make-up of; the election
board, claiming that the rights of the
Democratic party' had been overlooked
In the appointment of all three Repub
lican inspectors.' . ' i-'; ;
lt was originally intended,: said
Barron that John Townsend should be
the "Democratic, inspector. Jt seems
there are two; persons by the name in
this precinct and Mott-Smith sent the
notice of appointment to the Republi
can v' John " Townsend. 'We found 1 out
the "mistake the next day and . asked
the, secretary ; to ' make the , change,
but this he wouldn't do. I entered a
protest merely to safeguard our
rights.-,. ; V:.--;. - ' ";
From - a straw vote taken of those
who were willing to talk over their
ballot, it ' seemed that ; McCandless
was ' making, a strong; run. The Demo
crats claimed 70 per cent of the vote
cast, for. tbe head 'of, their: ticket K
H. Paris was being knifed, according
to polling place rumor.
Tenth Precinct, Fourth District "
There was very little stir around
this polling place, corner Nuuanu and
Bates streets, the registration being
small and confined largely to the resi
dence district . The vote came fairly
strong in the early morning, and then
fell off toward the noon hour. It Is
expected that there will be some late
votes in just before the polls close.
The total registration in the tenth
of the fourth is 156, and of this num
ber 79 had castithelr ballots at 11:30,
and 91 at 12:20. What electioneering
was being done around the polls' seem
ed to come from the Democrats, their
badges being more in evidence than
those of Republican workers.
Eleventh Precinct, Fourth District.
Waimanalo A telephone message
from that precinct to the Star-Bulletin
at 1 : 30 p. m. stated that voting is slow
and light, only a small number of the
registered vote being cast up to that
hour. Republican prospects reported
very bright there.
Twelfth Precinct, Fourth, District
This is a Punchbowl preciiftt, the
booth being on Punchbowl street near
the Pauoa stream bridge. It is con
sidered by the Democrats as their
strongest precinct in proportion to to
tal vote, but Republican workers
claimed to be doing better than they
expected. At noon L. L. McCandless
put in an appearance in a big motor
car, and made a short speech that
was received with -cheers
Republican candidates made fre
quent trips to this precinct, and
throughout the morning there was a
steady stream of motors carrying office-seekers
of that party. The Dem
ocrats seemed serenely confident of
sweeping the precinct, and a good
many of the candidates gave it the go
by altogether.
At 12:10 this afternoon 134 votes
had been polled out of a total registra
tion of 336.
At 2:25 this afternoon 262 votes had
been, polled out of the total 336 reg-
istered- At least fifty more are on J
the lists to be 'voted after 3 o'clock.'
and motors are waiting to gped them
to lhe polls. i
.S'uthiuK dMr.". sai.l ib- police t.N
ficer on dtity. wht-n asked it fhrr- U
bft-U ailV eitrttiOU rnW "Ttlia iri Ihc-
quietest elrttin r-r KnoMii la
PunHibow I pr-'iii-'i-"
Fifth District.
Voting was he:ivy and regular in il;
town precincts of the fifth district all
morning. Crowds at the polling places
were not large, e-epting at the Kalini
booths and not very large there. ence conservatively eslimated at Ztn
I'imost good oler prerailel. There ns which nearly filled Aala
was neither sight nor smell of booze squaretne Democratic spellbinders
anywhere, and inquiry failed to locate , bro1,gDt their 19lL campaign to an en
anything resembling "open house" in (thusiaitic and most propitious en I
any precinc t. j yesterday evening.
Split votins was suspects to tome The Repubiican parade, v. ;ti. its
extent in most place, but was alleged band aIHl bright pyrote hnical dispmy
in formidable amount only in the Ka-1 marrha rfnwn k'ln Kfrt nt trio
lihiwaena precinct. Aitnough tne in
dependent candidates for senator anc
riayor, Cohen and Hustace? claimed
each a big support, the regular paj-y
nen nowhere conceded anything of
the kind.
It appeared as if tbe Republicans
were doing the hardest work ia every
precinct, an air of lassitude being evi
dent with Democratic badgp wearers.
While of conrie each side made boasts
in only one or two cases did the work
ers put forth obviously ridiculous pre
tences. Shortly before 11 o'clock a Star
Eulletin reporter made a round of the
seven town precincts of the fifth, entl
ing at 12 o'clock, and obtained state
ments of the polling progress and esti
mates from party mn of all stripes.
Ninth Precinct Fifth District f
..Polling place.'Kalihi pumping plant
At 11 : 15 there were 240 votes . cast
out of a registration of 508 and the
waiting line was not long. Democrats
claimed the precinct was going strong
ly Democratic. Republicans claimed
they were .holding their own. W. :A-Kane,-
former Republican supervisor,
said there was, lots of . split voting.
but could Hot say on which ' side it
was. . . 0'
.-Joel C. Cohen and Charles Hustace
were: at this poll when the reporter 1
called, conen said tne maepenaeni
yote was "strong all over the fifth,' and
Hustace agreed with him. -
Tenth Precinct; ' Fifth. District
J The polling place of this precinct Is
on the Kalihiwaena school grounds.
At li):50 o'clock 115 had poted out of
a ,totai registration ovwz. it was ng
ured that a total vote of 280 would be
polled., ' ' ' , : ' ' . ,
William E. ' Miles, .Democratic cap-
tein said:, '4! think we will carry' two-
tbirds Democratic straight ThewHore
Democratic ticket will lead In this pre-,
clnct McCandless will ' have a- big
majority. Republicans are splitting
fbls way Pacheco, Petrie. ' McCleirin
Markham, Cox,J Bartlett ; and - Eno:.
Pacheco, McClellan and Petrie are .es
pecially strong.? ' .,
Paddy Ryan. Republican, said of this
split: "That's good-ticket Pachece
is a good man. J!We want a supervlso
H.. A. FransonV Republican: This is
.1 strong Democratic preernct, but 1
think we, wilt break even. ., rl think we.
will be able to Tlold kour own.7 c.
At Noon.' -V ' i.r -
At noon ..today, one hundred -and
fifty-five votes' but of a total registra
tion! of 302 had-been cast; ; Quiet
reigned at the polling place during the
midday.?. An early vote- presented: It
self at this precinct During the first
hour, following the epeaing 1 of. the
polls a ' heavy vote was cast ' Demo
cratic .workers-near ,tbe'polla'T predict
a heavy - vote for their party s candidates.-
The - Republicans are ateo op
timistic and: It. is believed , that the
rush of voters may be expected at the
last 'moment i-v ; - .
; ' Independent candidates in ,tbi ire
'clnct lare not much to the fore though
their- runners are busy ;ancL express
hopes for a good, showing in the count-J
mg or tne Daiiots. v .
Eleventh Precinct; Fifth District.
-The booth for this precinct is op
posite Kalulanl school.?;; Out, if a. re
gistration of 503V voters, 580 -had cast
their ballots at 11 : 2& Rudolf Duncan,
Republican; 8aId:'ATfc- Republican
voting is very Btrong.: Our candidates,
for, mayor andv sheriff -are running
away .ahead of expectations, as 'also
Is' he senatorial- ticket. We expect to
put six supervisors, in- the. lead here.
He claimed there- had been 180
straight Republican votes cast at that
hour, and declared that only two votes
had been cast 'for the independent
candidates. -
No Democrat could be found who
would venture an estimate of strength
One claimed they were stronger than
two years ago.
A steady vote from the time of tbe
opening of the polls is recorded in
this precinct. At eleven-forty this
morning, 300 votes had been cast out
of a total registration of 503.
A good Republican vote is confi
dently predicted here. The Demo
cratic workers point to the ract that
this is Parker's precinct and the can
didate is meeting with much opposi
The sentiment expressed at this
polling place today was that both
Parker for Mayor and Parker for
Sheriff would carry -the precinct
Costa for Deputy Sheriff is said' to
be polling a strong vote also. It is
stated that the voter cashing a
straight ballot in this precinct is
looked upon as a curiosity. Quiet
prevailed and little or no disturbance
has thus far been noted.
Twelfth precinct, Fifth District
rrii ,i - j. T .' t i i. i fi
inis poll is ai uium aua ocnooi
streets. The registry is 141 wters,
and at 11:30 o'clock 97 had voted. A
Democratic messenger said his party
vote was coming out all right, and he
did not know if there was any split
ting. Democrats claimed everything in
sight at this precinct during the
morning hours, while Republican
party workers were not far behind in
making optimistic predictions.
Walter Coorabs, Republican, said
that up to that time 52 straight Re
publican votes had been deposited. At
5000 FtRONS
With one of the largest political
crr.urts pvpr Kpn in Honnlulu. n"an1fi
Aala meeting early in the evening, on
is way to the RepGblioan rally at the
Capitol square, but had little effect on
the throng gathered to gioaa wisdom
from the mouths of the Democratic
spellbinders and wiseacres.
Nearly every candidate on the Demo
cratic ticket made his final plea to the
electorate,' repeating the tlmeworn
r'i rases and Injecting a few new ideas
occasionally bat brought responses of
cheering and hand-clapping. There
was a sprinkling of rain at intervals
but it had little effect on the crowd,
which is accustomed to moisture, and
for the most part the, voters remained,
standing in the wet grass, to tbe end
of the long prog o.
Like -all Democratic meetings, this
one had -Its spectacular denunciatory
featured a' surprise to the audience.
Last night it was the speech of G. P.
Affonso, a Republican for years' and
a member of two or three legislatures
from the Republican party on HawaiL
He went to, the meeting to listen and
write, as a reporter foryv Jocal
paper and remained to spie l naming
forth in a wild denuhclatlou f Dele
gate Kalanianaole.V - Vv- V I
;Ke asserted.be is still a Republican,
but could not 'stomach' Kuhio and his
record, though he had ' supported him
Id the past"' He based hla excuse for
swinging awajr rfrohr the 1 Republican
leader, on- the argument, already old
and many times revamped oy or.nei s.
that the - Delegate had declared in
Washington he bad 'been elected four
years- ago, through; the bribery of the
people by the sugar planters' ;V: ;"v 1
He declared Cupid, vacllatlng and In
Ejnrere,' inconsistent In denouncing the
land laws fromed by the legUIature' In
his presence I and ' with '. hla sil mt' a;
pi c val, y arid said 'that his reeiectioi
would be a slan in the i President's
face, after the ialter I had ; na jw-i im
opinion of Kuhlo by announcing he f
tends reappointing Governor Frenr,. de
spite the -Delegate a ? protests, . in a
burst of impassidned moratory 5 -he
"Do we want to slapUhe,j.lTc.sldent
ia the face by sending back as Dele
gate a man who has promised, to con
tinue ; to : make ',trofUble i and f to bring
upon us eventually a commissioii frc.
of government, arid" the loss of - the
fTalrcfttee?,r5i;, "-
"I have.wmpalgned wUn, Kuhlo and
from- my . own .personal exoerlence 1
have found him : vacillating- and'' insin
cere. Knhio (broke , his word , to, the
peoplS of Punchbowl. He shows his
Inconsistency In denouncing the land
bws.V, When ;these . laws were before
the special session orthe legislature
for enactment" Kuhlo sat at the rigbt
band of the speaker and never, opened
his mouth to object to any single feat
ure in' thehi;' - V." " 7,-.:A
When I go to "the polls tomorrow 1
shall forget the halo which we imagine
surrounds v the head of , this man iwe
call Prince-, and ! shall vote as a free
A merican ; . citizen against 'him, and
urge you al Ito. do the same.'"
The various speakers were Introduc
ed; by Bertram G. Rlvenburgh, chair
man of the Democaatlc: county com
mittee .and as thqa stepped ; to! the
front of the platform Mrs. Sharp, of
tLe Woman's Suffrage League; hung
wreaths of lels a1 round ! their necks.
Mrs. John Wilson, speaking! in Hawai
ian, addressed ' her people eloquently
on behalf of the Democratic platform,
because it contains a plank favoring
wftman suffrage.- " v V-
least thirty Democrats had split .their
votes, Mr. Coombs said;; and Hustace
had so far got only four votes. .
An early Tote was recorded. At
11:45 this morning 103 votes out of a
total of, 148 for the precinct had been
cast The Twelfth made one of the
best showings in the list of precincts
in the Fifth as far as a possibility of
an early and fuTI vote was concerned.
Both parties declare that the vot
ers are scratching their tickets. Ka
leiopu, Republican candidate for the
senate, is believed will lead his
ticket In this precinct
Thirteenth Precinct, Fifth District..
Polling place, Kaukini and Nuuanu
streets. There was a choice collection
o big guns here, including Senator
Judd, Mayor Fern, L. L. McCandless
and Jack Kalakiela. The registration
is 328, and at 11:40 o'clock 180 had
voted. Mayor claimed everything
lorely for the Democrats. Kalakjela
was specific, saying the Democrats
had the precinct two to one. The re
porter had to enter the laughter sign
at this to give a true report of .how
this claim was received Senator
Judd, in presence of the candidate for
Congress, said: "McCandless will do
well if he gets as many votes as he dis
two years ao and this is his home
McCandless, smiling, simply retort
ed, "McCandles hopes he (Judd) will
jg mistaken
Fourteenth Precinct, Fifth District
This polling place is on Vineyard
street, west of Xuuanu stream. A
very small crowd was at the booth.
There are 490 voters registered, out of
which 251 had voted at 11:50. The
Republicans claimed that they were
piling up a big majority. The Inde
pendent vote they said was very
weak. "They won't get ten votes."
one worker said. Willie Crawford
said there was a lot of splitting in
to find a Democrat to say anything,
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8ee our new stock of SHOES.
until the bid ' warhprsei J. M. POepoe.
was' accosted, who ; gave it. . as c hls
'manao" that 140 straight Democratic
votes had been cast : ' . W-
Fifteenth . PreclncV Fifth District '
'..'At 11:05 a. m. 223 had Voted out' of
a total-registration of . 500, .Balloting
was ; early and v heavy and; as' the fig
ures indicate,' nearly 50 percent of the
entire vote had been" cast In the first
three hours following, the opening; of
nc pblL : Mayor Fern wag conspicuous
in the large crowd of citizens and jolt
ing andrapparently not the least bit.
worried as to the outccrme, at least1 so-f
fatv as his own candidacy concern
ed."- :y!.--yh
A t 11; 22 a. ml a ballot of 105 had
been cast out of a total registration of
252,v "Though party Vorkers were busl-
booth by- automobile and ( hack, ; the
voting ? was . regarded as 'somewhat
cincts although the figures show near
ly half the electorate of the precinct
would have cast their ballot by noonI
Aala Park, the scene bf a thousand
political rallies, is the location cf the
booth " of this -precinct With ' 252 on
the register, 121 had voted at ll.'Sor.
It ' was heard to obtain any definite
statement from anybody here. ; CoL
Knox said the Republilan cahsewas
looking good, "Sam Parker Is run
nlng ahead like a scared cat," the vet
eran" Of the fighting precincts of Ka-
lihl said. He also said the voting was
"straight' -The most that1 could be
gotten . from the Democrats was that
they were "doing pretty good, 'as one
0 them put It The same authority had
it that both sides were splitting.
favor of the Republicans. It was hard
Thirteenth Precinct, Fifth District
A big vote had been recorded at this
precinct by ten o'clock this morning.
At noon the line of yoters had reach
ed 210 with a total registration of 32ft.
Republican and Democratic party
workers are active in this precinct,
which is predicted will hold up a. fine
rrajority for many of the Republican
Fern buttons and Parker badges
were conspicuous within the prescrib
ed limits of the polling place. Jar-
rett and Parker have workers outandjieast gave personai aid In facilitating
both express confidence in the v.'in- j
imift pruciiviiies ui ineir respective i
candidates in the race for sheriff Pe
trie and McClellan have hopes of car
rying this precinct.
Melody Cheers Laggard Voters. j
A big automobile filled with Hawaii
an musicians and sent through the
city tinder the auspices of the Demo
cratic party visited all the city poll
ing precincts during the morninc.Two airls for Toy Department Atn t.,;
hours. At the several polling places!
brief stops were made and Hawaiian
but btr '-4 :.
: zl
; . . 5 V ;
i " -
HPP G ENTLE f 1 ?i3 C H C n T . '
oppp'iiT'fi empi nz i ,,7.:
' 4
SA3rPiF02 CQ:C-
ifM -i .V V V
airs:' were rendered aL::J t..
;of Ine , party Svorkrr3 as : : 1 :
; Aiayor j. . J. t era "wa 3 . a .
many precincts this mcriJr
nlcipal -auto ttlr.z ke:t 1-i
service. V.' T "- .
License Commlsslonsra'.'.rs '
y.WIlllird 'Brown a.ii Lic:rj I
tpfPenneli; were active toIay i n
effprts to repress the usa cf I!
th vicinity-of Uxe polllri j!;.. .
YeEterday.;word was Quietly r
around, by members of tie t . . .
License Comtnissioners tiat to :
ishness wotall be tolerated at.tha
loua precincti as .far; as the u
liquor was joncernedv--- v ;. '
Ijfispector . Feanell mada"" a z
tour ofaall citjr precincts ti'Sitr -rr
with.; a view-of idetenalning wl; ; t
tbe pro.Tlsiocs jof, .the law was t :
' ' LitUe or t no"drunkeness was f
at-. th,e - polling - places. Both' Depv
a warning , that; any . violation . cf t- -
Jaw; would .be. met with vlgca-ous: p ro
secution ; at the hands of the licen :
commission.' : - X :'','' .
. -It ;is . rejtorted that ; the Advertiser .
has received a wireless from Hawaii .
Stating thatlf. Ll llc4steln,f candidate r,
loruhe House, la probablyf defeated.
u Holstein ia running for re-election, t.
having been Speaker of the ; House ;
the past two sessions. He, was also
Republican National . Committeeman
for last term ending-with - the Na -
tional' Convention th': yer.
J. Walter Doyle Republican poV
Hefty . agent, took good - care of . the'j
press men "this morning ,- . 1 finding
them transportation'' to the - various
polling places. Hev detailed some oi
th'e best machined at headquarters" to
the reporters, and in i one instance at.
! 1 .:f- i 11)1 .Uiinuiu.i
inquiries at th$ voting booths. . .v. "v -
Little Bessie had been gazing earn-
estly at-the waxed mustaches of.' herV
father's frienti. Suddeiily she;' te-
marked, "Why, my kitty has smell
ply A. B. Arleigh & Co., Hotel :.St.,';i '
?,S'-2i '"':-?'-

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