OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, November 19, 1912, 2:30 Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1912-11-19/ed-1/seq-8/

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'c 'in -Itching' tl : sir
"QUI! druist knows what have been . the experiences of his
p.itronc wiio have taken Sanatoen to rebuild their nerves broken
down through illness, overwork or worry.
.z izzi kn;
ov pcrscniHy cf the truly remarkable results achieved through .;.
: In r.crvcui exhr.t:stion and dlicd conditions -he is able conscientiously to recommend V
VOU.' If VOUIl nerves ere tired out tr.d'dtn-tateJ-jf digestion h failed yoir-4f;;J;-.
't: ". thr-nd r :v 1 liicn v.-zr.ir;.:; perhaps YOU, too, . ,: ,'W-':
v f .;;;::c'?n. - r writf j trcm LcdSob: ':-:
' . ., , - "Ssra!C2B Ji to mi Blind tro
O.cr jt j ; ., . .c .-.r.: fcve recorded, m-writing,' their conn-" tood-tomc, fed.oe the Mrret,
:r: in tl.c ; ' cr ct br. rutccrt to rebuild and renew the neaitn. v. , ftnh vigot M tbtovenrarked body.. -j
: r-- ' . t ft? : r::vc.-. Its :r. ;..!)' digested corhbinaticn cf purest ;V,.SB.i84-.i; C ;? '
'.. t:; I c r : ; ' ; : !crus j- rovides just the food the nerves need .IW.CVar!r4 'U
! i-: c ;' :; . ti.-.t J. .s net i:r.rosc any strain upon the stomach Vienna cniversity.writei- ,
, , , . , . n - . i : , Sr.atejen ti of esp !! value
l.r.rr , . .; n. Sanstogcn is just pure nerve. food ; la ri(Xli fomt of tlUBmi,
; .z v. cciis er.Jowir.R ihem 'with vigor and yitolity and
- r :!.:.-! " f.--.c:b:is to rerfcrm their v.cr niturilly and., ;- ' ' 'M'
. . I jT-tt . snry. Tret .v-.-;;-
V c
N : Lr y: r,r.:n'cs j :a know
1.. J '.yskir.i' enJ:rfmcr.t tthiad it.
. C I
, t J !:ave rc j
i ' ul
c . ;ve.
C "rci I c tic!.' r v':-v- "
. director First .Ieiical OiniC,
EerUa Calvenity, wtitesr :.;
have Elsd'.jr tn4 frequently ;
jrf'-.:..fJ Sar.sSHffn In Cam Of .
. Cc'.ics'.s jratier.tl in my clinical a
vt'.l at r y trivare praaice and
am tx":.ty tuiSei with the
tes.'.ii." .
IT'ir -..tr V r."rndl-;
t - r v tes ;
I i. a t c.y and
t'.-T, -r r y c -!or'SEdv;e, asd -.
a:.. ivtrre.sbencUfromit."
r; n .er . .
; T. s v .:i-5.-ic--a artist' writes: V.
-' "l I "H-d aatcfu frotntha ;
f..rt ' i c jrar, ani I fad It t
wt! .-il .c I acn tecoTimnd
lr; it u r 7 cvsrwcrkeJ frlciia." -
'.:. ! t . report i t a r
in i:..;.criic!i. . .
izg .f aturday
tion "wes ' tefore ti;e
ctir.r,. that cf-shuUiii's down ithe
'rrcpenics uctil a satic factory ; price
; v,-i cttr.!nci.' Crcllacy cf,Los Ar.se-
' 1 1 clrf-Jv r ' - r " ? z1 -i -.x-n ts'fi if f h A
. ; .c; ertics ia the Midway in wbkn he' thoroushly before makins, any recom
1 i j irt.c rcsic j. ir.e zizzcci ana ine troe- Eenaauons.
I !? nr l ?f rlAi-f s will rnt rr?::mfc I " 1 " O
drlllinj-.t'id producing: i-' compulsory;
fcome cenpanies have to produce to
keep the water from flooding the oil
strata, and'. some are not financially
able to shut dovfn. All of these
phases must be considered and' the
committee will go into t ne matte
i Rev. Robert El Smith Declares
. Pulpit Has Been Too Prud- ;
. -v ish in Policy; v' j. i
. ' r .... ....... t , . . j
'The pulpit has been too prudish In
its treatment of these .subjects. .. The;
state should make it mandatory for'
every couple seeking marriage to pre-j
sent to the -officiating clergyman a
ripan bill of 4 bhvsical ..and mental!
health signed;. by a reputable physi
ciaa." , - -'f';r- ;if-?- i:-v
Such X was ; the t declaratlorr or jitev.
Robert B.- Smith, pastor of the Meth
odist church,' before, the C men 'and
women who crowucd Cooke- Hall, Y.
Itf. Cj A. building, s lastnightf at-ihe
Called by. Uldrich Thompson of Ka-i
mehameha ;l schQo!3,r ; the conference j
educators, clergymen, businessmen,
and others ? interested in charitable,
benevolent or settiemen'L work, in this
city. 'Jt tvas a decidedly earnest gath
ering, and the spirit of energy to take
nn hroblf ma of race betterment " was
reflected in the score of I papers read
hv ihpir authors. The baoers were
five minutes long," and at the conclu-j
sion of the program jucge baniora u.
Dnle. . who Dreslded. complimented the
authors en the fact that each paper in
so brief a time nad said goir-ctnmg aua
Rsiid fiomethinsr constructive. r1 v
L Action was taken by ..those at..; the
iiiiMtirin bn the subiect" of face-cul-1
ture. Judge Dole; on suggestion , 01
Mr.' Thompson afterward put, in ; tne
form of a : motion,' named ; Dr. W.'D.
Hobdy as chairman of a. committee of
five to receive "papers and to arrange
for material that can be used from the
pulpit, through the press and jn other
ways of ' public ; communication. ; ;
-Mr, JTnompson Opened the meeting,
after a few introductory, remarks by
Judge Dole, with: a paper emphasizing
the importance of eugenics in help
ing solve the problem of staying race
degeneracy and furthering race-culture,
a problem ' which; -he termed
The National i rrphlem." The other
papers -followed iaTapid succession.
Eugenics from widely varying- stand
points, as well as'tatemc-ts of. the lo
cal conditions - and the -necessity for
action, were submitted by the follow
ing:' . V: J n : - '. ' ' '
v Rev. Dr. Dorenus Scudder; Hev. vk .
D. Vestervelt, ; lliss Francca Gould.
Spencer Bowen,- Mrs. Yalter F. Frear,
Riley It. Allen Rev, J. P. 'Erdman.
Misa Esther Ericksorr, President1 A. F.
nrirf'fv. ?.Tis3 Ahhv 3. . Marsh; Gil-
Urt-Ji- .Mzr, Her. T..h?rt E. Cnuth.
Rev. Akaiko Akana,' Principal Perley
L. Home, IVul Eujer.V Stephen My
rick, R, O. Matbeson; "Y, A.' Bryan, and
James A, Rata. - 1 f .
l - w J - l uJallUt , : j
O L4iia ii ia. i-
r, .Nov.
; . ;i vr..3
until a better price is oh-
Stocks in New York yesterday were
' - . . . . , .. W . I A - J
c; , ;..t
t - ?
Tie oilmen r.-rcc that' SO cents i3
r1 rncf cr. cV:.V- " I'Urected.by. the expectaUon. of .United
: . i ii: ,-cti-d -2 ct 1' im'ti "m LK ' cases, d ling with trusts. The market
.cts exr.irc. u.e cemmutee nas uierviera , .,; f(1wih
'I' If
a 4 . -
r.e ccmmuiee nas . jaierieeu tuej ; - . , -t-.K
!.- v . curt wou a aojoura iar'B lotiuisui
r, The matter cf a shut-dov;n is a very
.About thirty or lorty
t -! r' -.i rf rrrnr.-'comnanies would be ; affected, : and
rviV.v the r:r:-'a: ' this would mean the. throwing out of
:!.:td Cii Cc:.5 tmplcyment cf - several hundred work
- ('''-' " n: ' vi-o t rs. Then, c-:;n, ti.2 companies are
: in c; r tir.g t'-dcr-' lc::cs of different
1 - ct : t L' " ' ? -f t'.'? terms rnake
r' Sugar Etocks arefcascadm. Prices
are not' merely - down but ? falling -off
in slabs. "A month ago, depressed as
the market was then, prediction that
Walalua would go to par this, year
would have been ridiculed. Par was
struck yesterday ly Waialua,; and to
day. it is one and a half points below.
Oahu, active two days ago at 25, fell
aft a quarter yesterday, and today
Is down an additional . three-quarters.
McBrydeand Olaa, which long-ago
shed the bloom ofr their gain: in i the
boom of some months ago, each show
a loss of half a point and.lt is a moot
question how near these stocks will go
to. the edge cf being given away. : ; .
Other than - sugars are - apparency
after that day s session, ana traamg j . , . - bv the depression
was at a standstill In tne closing nour. - lbemperhaps ney are. the gainers
thereby. Telepacne snows an aavauv
' Closing prices In San Francisco yec
terday were as follows: Hawaiian
Commercial, 40 asked; Hawaiian Sug
ar, 37 bid. S3 asked ; Honokaa, 10 bid;
Hutchinson, 18.50 asked ; Kilauea, 12
bid ; Onomea, 34 - bid, t S4.50 asked 1
Ftauhau, 20:50 asked. Unlisted Ho-
Atn-,-w.irtftri- 5 r.fl MA .Sft'-'snld
:-v. , ) It has been decided. In Washington
. .... .... ,w. ujai..naitu.vw.--v
jrien nil r.tiis inai wo wu icvwu-
cf one -and a half points.: rinpplc
is weaker than at last sate, utner. in
dustrials and transportation stocks
are held: at last sale: quotations i or
higher. Eonds of the two water com
panies are' active at premiums, a va- f
lue of $30,000 in them changing hands j
today ic:?: j !
Sales listed today are as loiiowa..
M ntiial : To Vnhon!. 50. 50 And ;; 100 at
27.75 ;Oahu Sugar! 21 at 24.75; ;10' at;
1 24.25; 3$ ;and 50Xat 24, McBryde.
. 1 -if : ;..--
- 1 c : , "'tr:.t;
, ; 't ;-i U.ow t:.e iUerrr.is
t; t rcrr i.re ;
t.-.e cf r"-".'-"
'y tl.e tr( - " s suc-
(f ('.'well known 1. .3 f-crema
. fcS 1
1 .-!-!. r !v
, in D.U.U.
e Lave sell ether rcrr.eJiea fcr Ekin
ii.i 1 1 11
D.D.D. I'rescrirtion go to them it you yesterday and 96 test centrifugals
can t come to s but don't accept some 4Mn t 4 fl- ReSnediOuiet: "' v;;
li? profit substitute..? "s - Still at 4.uo. ; ueuueuqutcu ,
l'ut If you come to our. .store, - we are - . , ..,!''..
so certain or what D.D.D.- will do for you : ; Avlator Charles Ward, fwhlle S ad
tat v offer you a full size bottle on V"rtlnv t .ir nrPp
tr.w r arsr.tee: if you do rot find that Justing is aeroplane in the air . over
It, taives away the itch, AT ONCE,: U .New York harbor,. swooped down to
costs you not a cent-., . v r - the surface of the water and rescued
a drowning man who had fallen- from-
000 at 103.
4 . .
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.,. . ' '
. .. O . ?'
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5JO jo
L jfjjjjpgggjMMMHgpSlSaSMsassMsssMssML .jiw..;BSft&w.-s.-.--'-- -
This-beautiful -projirty 1 1- :
: Lots vill p!.:c:Jl c:
Ul !
.' Size of Lots -from 50C0 to 7CC3 crjur.:--
Intending Purchasers are invited to ii::p:ct tl:e :::c
v ana. mane application xo
LaL ?0
r' , Fort Street, near llcrcl:.::it
- Tli Tin o 1 1 e Ti c t m mh ! n
with . 23,000 " barrels ;or:sa3bline rv
centry blew up wbiie nea 10 pier . o, 4 ..-
in NewuYork harborv ;Tfiej-captain t;
ijin New ;York narDorv Tnej-captain . .; .c::7r. ,.
with his familv and a ere w: of sixty Earthquake "Shocks of varying Inten- t Accommodatic' 3, Service .i Me;
I were compelled tto leap into the wa- 8ity were felt on Nov. T in Alaska the j unsurpassed, at the 'TI. ...tea 1!
ter -v :', United ? States and- Nicaragua. ; ' . 1 tel." advertisement. . ' ' '
9 , . . . .. At
CI !2 72!ZE c-ii compile stock of Ladies' Shirt Waictc, 'oirs;.asidfJz
1-3 off maiked prices. ? SALE' COMMSNCSS MND , - -
'::s; SHrt Waists
r t.f" V' !its..V.:.V.t Reduced to $1.15
t 7 j . r':ts; ?.IV,. Reduced to: .1-25
: ts.v.vi. iiReduced to 1.50-
Z." Z iits.-.i.. ..Reduced tQ . 1.90 j
" C 3 . - 3 . . . . . . Reduced tow z.oo
.s . .. . i". Reduced-to , 2.S0
. . ... ..Reduced to 3.00
Li. . . ; Reduced to 3.50 ;
2iNew-.lhi;'splenald.assortn plain and faniy,'4io 7;inchwide. :Resalar;35c to 60c per yard.
'SALE,'PPJCE,;25c; per.f.yord:.
Foi-c : and
V. T-
:W ? 1 fl - J
. Ccrczh
" $1X0 pair r Corsets... Reduced to $ .75
pair CorseU.;. Reduced to 1X3
:. 25 pair. Corsets Reduced to 1.7S
, : 3.50 pair Corssts. ..Reduced to 23
;. "JSO Craieres."i ..Reduced to -.40
.65 r Brassieres. . . Reduced to 3
10 Brassieres. Reduced to 1 .75
15 Brassieres. V. .Reduced to .SO
: 10 Brassieres. .Reduced tq 1.15
- -
. ... .i Reduced to - 5.00
E-2otel S

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