i ;.' t:r ; .. : yc i cur t I I to; t v c ::--t c( !:f T it... : t tbr. :r 1. ! to i.a ; : , Jirrert r jci:r : rv :.i:f. Year r:--'.t:u::r. - - ' " ' ' ITS ' r i re- t: : : v it ? i :..') 1 1 i :; re: rr. aty, t:! t rlia f- : ' : t:. : r;ic . . ' : i ' 3 U t I:: i cliticl re.i- . but f;r .'.AY t C-2 ratai a- r."-'y t..o : 3 cf rca. f tL.3 city 3 Dorart-treu-bi e:r. property- vr potions ; . '-ctl: rerv t. ..II 3 ' Carl; s ra. I ' a : 'frr -. r.i; c.i th I t:.3 prc-;ect ? 1 f:r six r :a C 'a, tr; rr era v.o ! - ' ; - t 1 -c . 3 r. ::3 ia -f fr:n nil the iy th :' !r:y . i .haon a news f N r MM L k 1 . . . 1 1 3 OF DEATH Drink i I iirved to hare driven .Ili.-.ai, a. y aur.g Hawaiian, -s, tr tahe his I if 3 yester ; a r,2-eali:3r bullet into day by lir his train. a ; h,V - The t 5y was discovered ty feme children lying partly concealed In Ajuld lar.?. It i3 cleh :d that no cne wits:;:; J tb.3 d::i , - .-' rrcra what can t 3 learned by the pciirtho year j man h"1 tern drink ir.j "aring th.3 proa - li: t c"ay and eve... -j. Acr-rJir - t3 ti. 3 t. -tirr.ony cf"n:i-".:.2rs : hai t::n incliri to ; ' r. r, " rr ' t.h:v' I ? ' r ' ' : ia- ' ' a c ! c .. Li" ' " lir ; i ; ' ; :. Cc;v.a;r llzzi v.i.l Lcii &a inquest . ....... i 1 1 i -' p. ; to the , v '. - ere ' number Oa3 cf the' first rfsa:t3'cf the ro-c;-i;t here cf the revs that -Eurcra rrroars to t? ca tha v r: 3 cf a tlaze var, was tha i -.xi tr r.:n!f rtei ly the reserv:':t3 L:' -Ireacri cnd;Ger:::a c.lra. r.ov,-' living ,1a Ilcnclulu. f.r: where theer are cf German re 13 rv: t3 it work, were r :;e cr-l::3 r;: t 1 the rc::rt cf tha. infornatica thr.t th. Ilai; :r r.ay call uroa h:3 ror.3'ia f:.r. . jn l..r. '3 to 10 to the assistance cf th? Vattrlani: Trench reservUt3 &re-tlzo ; crturb ed, for if Germany and the ether tow ers fceia rnoti'.izirg, it wiU not' te long before the Great Republic -will fell ccrrelled to follow trrt tr.l call her rc:;rv.c3' into the frst'lina -cf d fn; cr cTense. l ' Africt l-abcr f.lsrkct That a war in. Earcri would" in co little way affect" the jnmlratlsa to the Havraiiaa, Islands' was the state ment given out this ! mcrning at the Territorial Eoari c' lmra! -ration. As V.zh a3 the prtc: t charter rates or Yes;-l3 engaged in the tians;ortatioa cf " irarr:rant3 Ere- now, thculd . thi3 c vc: :r t.z : it 1 cc ;i i 'i 1 La z. .2 :a :ti .a 1. In.: . .ry c:' th 3 I ani.sur that cay I.r :; 3 wc:' i h:t cr.Iy t - - - . . ; . . ' s , .a t as a v. ho . " 1 net c nclaia Lat atcth': p: no'.r-. 3 ci ; mo' 3 any c " r I to th? r : . . 1 t Ear: ra' -1 ; j : , r.sr.: in r war, 1 Each a v.ar harrons, that it -..lii : an the ring cf -Immirrti:.. t, wa ! f.r rca-3..t!-o.::In tho h ' : f ' -, a. he re 'we wero t f.r;'. c - t cf ; g:ttirg pec!3 to .corns t ) I..ZS9 Inlands, all. .passpcrta tavo L :ca st 77-: ', and peep! 3 cf tv3 '. '. cring ci :a cannot leave th-o c -try. Thi3 wcald .no doubt te tho f. . 3 la any other countries which,-" c a' I r:3 f.t to ro to war, Oa tho cti - ' r i, it .won' 1 be almpst in:;-: :i ' ' : cure hi: to bring any. f here, rr. .1 cur cperatieu3 1 be harr.r:rci ccnsiderably." " - . Cj-ar Urt:uchr j. ... ,. - :, i, - Vita regard to the result cf sura a war ca the su-t intercuts. It" 1 3 sea erally t' - -ht t .at, with c'.I tv3 na dern-ra :.hcr23 cf.-warr.are cf": - r "i ent d?y, it might net last long en: t t 1 t ' Y - '' ' 1 t. , 1 J r : ; r :,-.. IT C ' lii. Ta IiIELS:- -thl3 arterccon,".- - -V. war crea .ouiite ,rate3 wcu:i :ar ; (Ccai;r..:d ci-r;;)':.)