OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, January 03, 1913, 3:30 Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1913-01-03/ed-3/seq-1/

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SOT -H ttttjff M
Vmm K. F.i
Kwr S. K.:
Mn ! c h II lb ll.o! J!
From anroiiTT:
Mat allUi. .1.1 ll
For VanfonTfrx
M.ih i: .-. .Jan.
; i : . Km lj
Vol. XX.
4.; i.
vi pa;i;s -iKiNoi.i Lr, ti:j:i;itui;y
I a a i la n
I'UK'i: fivi: CKNTS.
r Hawaii. ri:i ia v. .ia mi:: --
Cablegram from
Washington says
Delegate not De
termined on his
Course Regarding
Frear Confirma
tion i; :: n :::::::: n :: a :: u :::::: n ::
Carl H. Willing, Horticulturist
and Forester, Brings Gravel
Charge Aga nst one of Ha
waii's Most Beautiful Flow-;
ers I
tt I Special Star-Piilletin Cablet
VAMIIM1T0. I. Vn Jhu. 3.
tl Delegate Kuhio 1 undecided
tl nhetlfer or not to enter a protest
n jijralnut the confirmation of (Jot-
rrnor.Frrar hy the senate.
U The delegate from Hawaii is
tl awaiting the report of Secretary
It of the Interior Fisher on bin in
H i (ideation of Maud affair. ot ll
That iiiuiy j) the case; of blood 1
poisoning which have or u a . ;n Ho- !
i.oiulu during the pat y.-.i,-. several
oi w.i.ch ie;il;el i.i 1 lit d:i i li ol lno!
:;ieii. n .i iu:ve been du to the'
'handling of the poin.ettia 'tower aid !
piant, is the belief Oi Carl II. Willing. I
COnVCrtS Of ReV. Mr. MaSOn the local horticulturist and forester, i
who made a statement to that effect i
;his niorning. I
Mr. Willing, who was )ne oi (tin j
iounaers or tne government v.irsery
siid who has been engaged as t ioics'
tr and horticulturist in tne Hawaiian
!f lands for the past thirty years, s ,-.!
this morning that he had had ore isiori
to make many expeiiments wii'ii the
pcinsettia and has found that the juice
or sap oi" the plant is deadly poi-in
when taken into the system throign
li nu I til N report is received ana dig rfn Oahu just where he has sensed
tt roBiIeiT(l hyliim will Kuhio de- -1 water
ternUne whether he will make a It t "The indicaTuJn are increasing."
protect ajrainst the confirmation, tt said (cil Brown this morning when
H According to the statement he ll aeked for the latest news from the
tt HOW imillCK. It Pli nn f.annl "Mr Mason advised
X Tfte protect of the Democratic I
tl territorial central committee tl st0p digging
nmni r roar conurmaiion nan i
It hern received and filed witJi the 4
tl senate committee on territories. H
n (. s. albebt.
tl Tl
v, ii n n tt n u x n n n x u u i: r.
The above cAblegram was received
OikAiitrlnw t If i If nDnnVi Avi1ini inrt
this morning from the Star-Bulletin's Df Honouliuli ranch, H. M. von Holt
Washington correspondent in resjonse
to a cabled inquiry, from this paper a
to 'whether. Kuhio. had protested to
senators Agaiuat the confirmation of
Frear. According to uewg receivt !
yeRterday, such a protest fhas bee i
nmde in Washington. The Star-Bulletin's
correspondent reports that th'
piotest has not been formally file 1
with the senate committee on terri
tories and that Kuhio says he Is un
iletermined as yet on his course. It Is
possible that the delegate has bee.i
Are Still Digging for Water
on Island of Lanai
Notwithstanding bis .scientific ex
communication by ( nited States hy
drography's, the Rev. Mr. Mason of
New Zealand has not lost a particle of
the confidence of those that enlisted
his services as a diviner of hidden wa
ter in these islands. They are follow
ing his adice in going deeper with the
wen, on i.anai. ana iney are going to!-TlV alPaKinn nf thp vkin Hp aho
thinks thit the people should be warn
ed against handling - the flower or
stalk and especially against Jetting any
t' the sap come in contact with anv
cm or sore, however small. The chil
dren, he further stated, are more liable
to become affected in this manner, as
they are more or lets attracted by the
Power, and that they should be kept
away from it as much as possible., He
then brought out the fact that it was
his belief that numerous cases of
blood poisoning in Honolulu which
have puzzled the local physicians, may
have been due to the handling of th
plant and letting the sap come into
Cf.ntact with some t light cut or sore.
"I want to have the people warned
against this plant," said Mr. Willing-
It is one of our most beautiful plants,
Luf its juice, which looks like milk, is
very poisonous if it gets into tne
us before leaving by all means not to
He thought water would
be found below the rock where we ure
now blasting.
"It is very important to get water
at that elevation, because whenever it
is struck there pumping will be
stopped. The elevation there is 1.200
feet above sea level'
said this morning:
Maons Methods.
"Strange as it may seem, Mr. Mason
does not look in the beds of gulches
for water. He finds water athwart
the gulches and on the ridges. This
1 v
1 11 ! I . I I ll
'- -:t
i -
5 ;Sss?srvss
Little son of C'tfur, recently the victim of :i mysterious
inulndy. and who i itv reported cured, as he looks in
his uniform as HetiHun of til the Cossacks.
I .
is in accordance with his experience i blooo. i r.iicren snouiu i,e uu-u
in New Zealand. Without any sugges-! against handling it. I think that it ::
tion from us local people, he pointed ! i ot-sible that in many cates where tne
out locations of water in the places : dectors ha not been able to locate tn
that were anciently the centers of i source oi b)ood poisoning. th:s plant.,
larpv nomilation. It was the same on i ui seme ssimi'.ar cv.o, may have teen
'l'rial marriages or
are not very popular
hasty weddings vear's divorce record. In--lit cases
in Hon-'luiii. ( i ! there were no children of issue; in
Turned Loose by Firemen to save their
Lives Five Patients of Institution
Near Elevas Attack Bystanders with
Iron Rods, Murder one and Fatally
Injure Others Before they can be over
Srwctal Star-rtull- iii TmHII
ELEVAS. Portugal, Jan. 3. Turned loose by the firemen of the muni
cipality in fighting a blaze at the government asylum for tht infant here,
today, fire of thirty-three patients ran amuck with iron roda attacking th
bystanders who had gathered to watch the flames, and bafore the polka
! could subdue them, had killed one a nd perhaps fatally injured nine etnara.
i Other inmates of the institution stripped their clothing from their bod las
I and ran through the streets pursued by the official. and the gendarmes. 8UII
others attempted to kill themselves by hurling themselves Into the flames
of the fiercely burning building. It waa more than an hour before- all the.;
patients could be gathered together into a temporary refuge. '
m i i,
Turks Surrender Chios
. i'
Associated rrtus Cable!
ATHENS, Greece, Jan. 3. Report have been receiveo here, by, tha
military authorities that the Turkish garrison on the Island, of Chios, con-i
slating of more than two thousand men, has'been surrendered by the em
mandant. The surrender was unconditional and the terms have not been
decided upon by the government.
1 V .
LONDON, Jan. 3. The .Servian plenipotentiaries her learned today
that official information has been received at Belgrade to-tha "ffe6t tiV
tha garrison of Adrlahople is almost tat the end of its tether. Th eondU
tions In the beleaguered c!ty are reported a horrible,, food and vater ;
scarce and vile, sickness widespread and 'spreading, and munitions of, war
almost gone. The. capitulation of tha city is expected -at any moment.
the Island of Lanai. Where he point-
manifesting opposition in other way? e(j out places there, the natives said
than by formal protest, but aside
from the-ceemingly reliable informa
tion sent to Hawaii yesterday, thei ?
has been little Indication that the del
egate has made a definite move om.'
way or another.
Honolulu 1-odge. No. tilii. of tlr
Order of Klkb. will discuss toiiigl t
tlx- proposition of what part, if any.
the lodge shall take in the Fion.l
l'araiic on February 22. The in?tt
u;;s broughl before the lodge by i
biter tro"ii Charles K. Chitlingworti'.
dite( to" general of th I'arnival an 1
I'arac'e. and a committee was name!
to taKc the matter up
Tile prospect of a large crowd of
isiting Klks lias made local member
of the order anxious to do some
thing to please them, by inai.iiig a
showing that will compare favorab
v.ith showings being prepared b oth r
local fraternal societies.
that formerly there were large settle
ments- surrounding the spots. j
"No digging has yet been started on
Honouliuli. but wells will be sunk
there in the places indicated by Mr.
Mr. von Holt stated that he himself
had been using the divining rod ior
more than a score of years. In some
cases on Lanai where the stick turned
in his hands. Mr. Mason said it was
not caused by water but probably by J
some mineral. He placed the evidence j
of sensations produced in his arms by,
water above that ol the divining rod.'
as in only two instances in New Zeal-j
and had water not been found where j
he said it should be. and in these his
advice to dig deeper was not takd.n.
of the !ml.
Mr. Mason uses the rod to indicate
the depth at which water should be
struck This he does by carrying on
the divination beyond the spot first
sensed to a point where the rod again
It is a curious coincidence of Mi
Mason's hydrographic mission to Ha
waii that he should first have been in
terested in the divining rod by a for
mer statesman of t!i' Hawaiian nion-'
archy This ;s Dr. Hutchinson, who
was minister of the interior at tl c
time that Bishop Stab-y v;is introduc
ing tile Anglican chinch in these isl
ands .He was a very positive charac-
(Continued on Page 4)
rcsionsible and as far as the pom etta
is concerned, I have niedk authority.
I 'i tsibly there are some other dang-.--ou:
plants. What I want to say ,s
that anyone with a cut ot abrasion on
his flesh thould be careful about let
ting the juice of the poinsetta eiue.
if they are the experiments thai have
been made lu've proven ex'a.uielv
satisfactory. At last ihis much is in
dicated b the rcord ol the Hotiwlvlu
civorce mill bandied by Circuit Juvv-e
Whitney during the yar 1:M2. for it
shows thai of the '2,i instances ol
matrimonial infelicity aired publicly
in his courtroom oniy sixteen couples
had been married less thaii a year.
twenty-nine instances there was only.
one child, and the number of in-.-lances
in which larger numbers of
offspring were involved in the un
happy marriages dwindles until it is
found that of those unfortunate
couules who sought legal seuaration
only five had more than five children.
Plainly the record sustains the theory'
that in genera!, the little font form the
SMYRNA, Jan. 3 A sailing ship today brougnt tha newt Ihat a Tur.
kish full-rigged ship struck a mine ner here and was destroyed. No de
tads of the affair are obtainable at this time. '
Twenty-seven couples had been mar-. restraining tie that binds father and
lied for three years. P.ut ninet -nine mother together.
ot the dissat isfi-'d c.Niph.'s haa boo;,
united for more than five veais.
The- absence of children in the
bonu s . of these men and women to
Years ago 1 was told bv the doctors whom conjugal .r.ve :n .u.ser. reip
.v,.,. ; .. thi,, in t rn,i nee i meets had become intolerable is a
n.ai it ao a uou e1- . . . . . - .
Of the entire number of 21! di
vorces granted only two were con
tested. In other words, of the seven-'
teen cases in which the iioelee, or de-;
fend ant obj ctedio Iivorc" his or her
it was a
t p i ; plant here. .
that people want
;t it is so beaut?! ul
nor cpa e leaiuie uisc (jseu i) iio
Imrnnn rrnnnnn
nii-iiii iiiiiiiiiv
(Continued on Page 3)
(3pcial Star-Bullrttn Cable J , j:
BUCHAREST, Roumania, Jan. 3. Formal orders were Issued by the j
War Department here today for all officers of the Reserve to report for.,
duty as soon as possible. This, in connection with the developments In,
London, Austria is taken as most significant by the foreign diplomatia Sta
tions here.
r Castro Gets Habeas Corpus
(Sp.-tial Stur-Bullrtin CabV-J
NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Cipriano Castro, one time the Gray Wolf of Ven
ezuela, now an outcast, today applied for and was granted a Writ of habeas
corpus in his fight with the United S.ates Immigration service. Castro
maintains that he is being hounded by the State Department at Washing
ton, and that the efforts to keep him out of this country are wUhout the
authority of laws. He also asserts that he has been denied the right of
A joint ni'etiim of the promotion
committee-; and the committees in
chaige of the different departments of
the Floral i arale and Carnival is be
ing held t'.n- afternoon in the Mer
chants' Association rooms to complete
the organize:;
and to disc:
of adv i : ti.-iim
It is . '
nue.- will ,
and that c .i
vviii be ii'.M"'''
t'rem. (i I!
! S,.., . ; St . 5;:;. n:' .
V.I llNtn ON. l C . !"(
.-elect ion of a Democrat ic, gov
ll;wan seemed to bob up ho
di-nt with 1 1" let urn nt Presid'
Wilson from the Pei Hindus .i
fieiee discussion ot eai'iliet
ties Tin1 lar-tr problem in ide
inot muse but t he ot her toph
nonetheless important
It (h Kivenliurgli and W A Kinnev
both arrived here just as the j " i t i a '
iot bet:an boiling in ;i merry m triiie;
Mr. Kivenburgh came in fir-;-;. thei-h
jn-bieviug the honor o: ci:;i:t;itir.
tior for
i ;)i'H :-
lit -elect
id th
1 I It'
ll:. v a
!..e Hi-.-l icji'
to rt'ie.'ii t:;i
Mr Kiriiev (
U ci Ijo;
ame late;-
s.op piiibaliiiit.'
' Mctivitv
'll t!.e .Jele
aiipoinin enf n
cycl st ctii,':
feature whiei
couiiiiittfe .u
1 intends to m;i ;
tM', s-ting. A i'
rafuuly ga:::;!!,:
i.av t i;e -w
in the islands ;
entei a t'c.at
in tiie cotir,:.
these oigav.at
inn of other committees
-s s'" eral new metiiods
the festival on the main-
d that several new fea
trod need at the meeting
.siipV ami committees
ti'ed to take charge of
has .!cceited the
('in i ; man of the moto: -,.
the Floral Parade, a
entirely new. ind tin1
cuarge of this section
:: ore- of the. most in
scheme vvilich i-
dw.ty is the plan of
;.ic- siate i rgan i.a t ion.-
; together and each
-.resenting tlieir state
pa rede A number of
ins tiav" aireaay e-
A pedes' i ia u tour of Oahu has heey
, arranged tor tin- 1 w cut v -fift n In
'fantry, the members oi hi-ii. accord
1 ing to niai'daiei papers, are i'.u. l l'
'waiting t!ie:r traiisor to iIm- tnic.-.
in ant. ipalion .e. .-.(les ,.::d a
taste o! the li;,' hi a-orcii.- a-
i soon -is the colored troop- W-a . e t h
transport tficv v ill oe uacn the
chance to fo.-m ;nfi"-.ate a .inain'ance
with cane li.-ids. ne e paodi' s and
taro patches, for : fas b en dectd-d
to inarch lue r. l::;."!, ; : Leilehua.
instead of transport;?. i t'-ain.
; . iss
!'.-,! m;
co . : le. ; -but
of ihner;
t ! e ii h ii
abilities i
I tela. K
1 :).
( i .
71 .
1 ,
; in
i t remains
or Wilson w
ijualuies an.
! file Two Haw a
i !''."' v a s i . "o-
sellt U.itMite.
T he a J fell' loll
be , ailed
idminist i ai e
wdl.ngness to enter smai
r designs a pjnaipnate .
c.-.e- .ed that the Carni
ei a.f an oft ii iai ien
". i e d.-simi and in case
h - , ;i ; ried er.T t loca 1
; e . -1 to uhmiT de-
. ,i':
1 1 :en I- v i,
anions the
111 lit
eSS b
re t!i-
ecial firices on SAFES if
to make room for ne v
pilgriniase to Trenton. 'uIi.t
! 'evident -ei.'i ! 1- havillu Til-- It
CI- He . if ., tie- trusts
Anyin-dv in Mmclitir. noubi
'e.tlv M in ;.iitiL; a niaii ae
t:a' more .hall otle l ' - T i . i o! lhe i;.e
e tioi-i.l;. possibil it ;e v., I' dioj.
piiei hni' to Mr Wilson Surest ion
pressed a
Moats ot" o:
h ha.- ben
v a! o; iri '.;
n an' with a !
tin.; stts:gesti.
artists w;'i
I i . i t c r-m
cot'tinuaiiv ;
nd'Terent ii-
islands loi
ibvats ii! tha
a, mi a'lto .loitn 1 1 ugiies. caai: man of
t.a- cornuii';. u iior-e-d ra w n floats.
has selected his asstsianTs as follows
i: 1' Low. (ieore Vaniaila. W' Kwai
Fotig. A P 'l av ior and M C Paeheco.
The triiis;"fTaTici. prob!
several organizations i..:.'.
maching to and from S ho;:
been puv:zliii-t arm.- anthori'
i ausiii' l .11! ' i ' ' 'i ".ah- to 1 1
their regular uuota (' ri- p
id like a ii.e, ss ta.-k to
Filth Ca'aliy am! its 'iit.titi;
the Second lufa'iti.v and tTs o-,i
tie.' city at!-1 t.ihe 'be Four til
and Tw eat;. ;jM ;i la iat.'r;- o 1 .
all w i thin a t. v da; s , -u.
tor a co-it--: 'Tie- I : '' ": ' r
ami the ra :'! a; r.-nr- .. , ; . .
(h-cified to t; .' ret: '. S , -!
the Tw tit v -'i!''. out r .. ::!.
rCorttrien on Page 4
it -; o' ' a
It look
- ' tiie
:.t a ad
; 1 1 .tit.'
( ',n alr
a r
- .ape ; i .
. ' r .- v -1 1 t : .
1 1 1 - T ; i i i s ! i
' : i ' - in ' ; .
O! I O- i
IL-I.er. .a;
eoir :'ro-:i
- nave no
d le t iOI, will
Bailey Tenders Resignation
Special Star-Bulletin fable
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Senator Bailey of Texas today tendered his
regisnation to the senate in a forma! speech. A large crowo was pres
ent to hear him and was much disappointed when the fireeater of the
Lone Star State failed to do more than mumKle a few words.
m.m i m
Reid Funeral Cortage Arrives
(Assoerat T rr -as CubloJ
NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Convoyed by a number of United States cruisers
and torpedo boat destroyers, the British cruiser Natal steamed past the
Narrows early this morning, bearing the body of the late ambassador to
the Court of St. James, Whitelaw Reid. As already announced the ar
rangements for the funeral are completed and the ceremony will be held
in the nave of the cathedral of St. John the Divine tomorrow morning. Mr.
-an the agencies of'Taft and Ambassador Bryce are expected here tonight to attend the eer-
w;ai elit e; the parcels post i
inaugurated by I 'ncle Sam the j
he ear. will have upon the
tran-'ponatioTi agencies, is b
I r t ;i ! ij: al e !o d'ecide. !
h. In'er-'-ia'id steamship-
sv-si em
first of
oca I
mat 'e
(-mi ai'.v nor th- Voi. Fargo At Co.
.;'!.-ss ha 1 t made any attempt io
ne. t tin "a'.we; ' tans of tiie govern
i'ei:t ... .-'ail .Manager O'vu.
William--- ot : tie :! es lotnpanv this
"i !o:iot It .-s the iiat.els post will
i'e .ouo ma:-ria! fleet on our re-
hi..-, iet' ! belie-. tnat we shall
la! it!
a r
:i : maiti'and. In many
ra-.-- i f : lie exjiress
:ll ie- lower even than
pa. e! post. In others
our ra'e- will tontinu"
n-duc-ion of rates ini:.-t
ti;.- tnain ofti. -. So f st
int ima' ion here i hat a r--be
have made no move towards a
i ot our Iatei'.Island freight
s. or i-'-iiside-ed a change in
ie.ua' of rpf- inauguration oi
si o sla' ed ice
iCcrttmued on Page 4
Taft's Guest A Suicide
Believe Rockefeller Flitted
NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Although it is believed here that William Rocke
feller has sailed from his refuge in Brunswick, Ga., for Hamilton, St. Da
vids. Bermuda, in order to escape the service of subpoenas to appear be
fore the House money trust investigating committee, the officials of the
House, detailed to serve the papers, are still guarding the multi-millionaire's
tesidence here day and night. Any attempt of Rockefeller to enter the
place, will throw him into the hands of Uncle Sam.
9 i mtm i i
Gale Sweeps Eastern Coast
I. . 1 1-1 -.
m t. ia ; urns
the privilege
parade, both
I; '.vol f n is
le' t ers i rota
tirough thi
ol entering
iioi se-d ra w n
Pi- r
11. UK MUM IK.
merchant and Alakea.
1 UllUt
are la : n t:
i:i,c.-iv til
( a n s- w i ! ;
61s dtlnge.
poured in upon him l : om
ue .nr- ! ion s a mi l ne i j a w a
no' he missed in the ui-nei
I !.e ij(ial iia-Wtoali Hand in p:av
if Moiliili tor the football itaine Sat
irday afternoon
WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. I. It becan.e known here today that Wtl
:am W. Wederreyc-. of Ann Arbor. 1 chigan. and one of the presidential
party ?n th.e recent trip cf .nspectict. in?de by Mr. Taft to the Canal Zone,
lost his reason vhi'e m Colon, a-id bteakmg awav from his guaras on the
homeward bound f-o of ;He crj.ser. itaped overboard m the Gulf of Mexi
to. His body was rot recovered.
Wedemeyer was one of the rising vcung men m Mich.gan politics. He
was a graduate of the University of Michigan and except for a brief ca
reer as consul at Georgetown. British Guiana. South America, rias prac
ticed law s.oce '893 at Ann Arbor. H? was serving his first term in Con
oress. hav.ng been elected over the Democratic candidate bv a big majority.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Report3 from the lower reaches of the Poto
: river and the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia tell of the
havoc done by the gale of Wednesday and Thursday. The wind has com
pletely isolated Norfolk, and Newport News. The damage done is reported
to have been huge, although no definite estimates iave as yet been receiv
ed by officials here.
i e
Bail For Dynamiters
CHICAGO. Jan. 3. The Federal circuit court here today allowed the
ipoeals of thirty-three of tne dynam iters convicted by the federal court
in Indianapolis, and admitted the me n to bail in the sum of $10,000 for each
1 year of the sentence imposed upon hi m, pending the review of the case.

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