OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, January 30, 1913, 2:30 Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1913-01-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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'LJJ if.- -rtV :;-s It II .ill Ua Last
I ill till 1 III, llllll I II tike their places, without occasioning vll fl 1 ?M 1 1 II LilU UUum It night. 6Z. . iH
Many, : await . transportation; Jo the
:trora; San Francisco by the, Promotk
'Committer, :ll h claimed that oce"
hundred and fifty remained on the
list following the departure of the Pa
cific Mail Jlner Maacburla, lhat: ar-
"rTved -a4 HqnoluJtt-- resterday. One-
third ef the paacettger cow booked at
thto'coaat are destined for. Honolulu.
Feljruarj yth, is Jbelieved will be found
' crowded- wiib.. paasengera, v many of
- 'Whera will remain over at this port
Tor aomff weeks.
Although there has been an Increase
In the number of steamers running Jbe-
during the'past year, the demand for
, rant portatloa ;ta.o great that yery
.vessel Js booked, as a rule, weeks Je
rore she leaves port.
speu to aena the Sonoma to .sea
with a. capacity list for Honolulu
(Erery steamer of the.Mateon Navlga-
.i t . .
lujii LomDUT is . iuii . DonKea itTenu
v weeks before sailing. r y -i
Bouthern , Calif ornU " U r 4o .figure
prominently in the delegation of tour
lata who rtan to spend the latter Dart
of the winter In the Hawaiian Islands,
according to a rery optimistic, xe port
TeceiTed today iby Secretary H. P.
7pod of- the . Promotioa Committee,
irorn A M. Culver, the representative
of the Oceanic , line stationed at Los
At ,ttis oXCee. a Ust including Ahe
following has been -Jbooked for the
Francisco on .last Tuesday.
xur, ana Airs xieroerv Jtwuuir ale.
and ? Mrs. Paul, A. . Jesberg, Mr. , and
TfTcf "W-'f Utmmnit Mr unif Mm R '
"A : fiflnes' Ttr nil Urt rtr Xfrs 1Z
frv K; MU1 Mla Mrv TVanlroTi.
Wtine. JWrs: M. E, HaU.. Miss" Cora
1?ifl kfr anrt Urt Tlpnwn TTIowan Mr.
WUIIs ilarksj - Mrs. i Alexander, Glass
end Maid, MrsT L. P..Thompson,Miss
Mary KiUian, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Har
row, Conrad unL
r Sotte . rough seas were met In the
Honolulu, a voyage just completed by
the uatson isangauon- rreigmer . y-
The vessel, bucked trough -weather
thortly after leaving, the sound, which
finally moderated as cc ateamer near-
. Jt . -v. A I.U.J. ' . ..
The Hrs.e ' is 'well laden witk.
frplrri fnr pvnrft1 lslnlaL nort. For
Honolulu' the steamer brought ,1709
tons cargo, consisting mainly of gaso
?ine, distillate), powder, -bran, box
fral merchandise, . ;-.i;:.; .
! The Hyades is to be dispatched for
Port Allen, whero 263 tons freiKht will
be left. Other cargoes Include 80
tons for KaanaualL 257" tons Kahului
and 750 tons Ililo. . Lumber for Island
porta .Includes 14,558 feet for Hono
lulu and 160.000 feet for.Hllo.
Claudtne Bacfc.from .Mal Run. , .
' Bringing ja General ' cargo Including
.122 packages sundries, 46 hogs and a
quantity of emnties. the Inter-Island
steamer Claudia e was an arrival from
Maui, porta ,UU morning. .Aecordlng
to Purser KiWid? the. vessel .met with
nsodera.te, traaea and calm sea. The
vessel U on the berth for dispatch for
Kahulul on Friday evening.
Dollar. Steamer. for the Sound. : i
;SThe .Tlritlsh j5tcmahlp(M; 8L Dollar,
is to proceed, to. Seattle Immediately
following the discharge pfji large con
signment of general .cargo brought
from the orient, now. going, out of. the
vessel At .KahuluL'" The.M. 3. Dollar
la believed will be able to get away for
the sound by, the last cf the coming
'week. 4 " ..jtj .;, .
portsrrCarL Willing,. Jrv Mrs, ' Willing; J
? . M. CI r ObU Aa Uili4 UVM
Dr U AutrtJn F, 'U,Kuda, Chas. Ako,
J. R. Souaa, p. Bourke. Mrs J. Carlo.
Mra..W..PuiroUo. Mrs. M. S de Sou;a,
w. A. Tararcs, Mrs. J. Comer, A. s
McPhereon. Dr. V. S. Clark, F.
Lyon, J. S. v'Oe., Cus Rose,
Visit Bknu 's store, corner Fort and
Hotel, and nolo the, tremendous clear
ance bargalB.-radvertIsement
' Radium S or av will make your auto
mobile look hke new.-Advertisementi
O ti irn "HI f -V v. e' ' fp" ' '
company, other men . will be found to
ttke their places, without occasioning
delay in maintaining the regular coast
luy schedules. :
Officers Reluctant to Strike.
viThere are. many officers now with
the Inter-Island . Company who have
bren -engaged in the coasting trae
between the islands for a decade or
r.iore, that are now known to hesitate
U aligning themselves with what is
termed a minority-, representation of
the masters ,and mates who Are strong
in their demand for a settlement of
the dlfferencs of opinion between ofa
cers and company, by' calling out a
reneral atrfke.
i: fThere are now scores t of. men with
the Inter-Island, who have served the
better part of their Uvea tn iheWvice
of .the company, who are xtreme;y re
luctant jto give up profitable . employ
ment, In order to assist a certain fac
tion of men with the local masters and
noates .organlia;tJoavln,galnlng .their
point" iwas tne comment offered this
morning by a shipping man, not affiliat
fd with the Inter-Island Jcmpany; bat
rwho has watched the progress of the
peent controversy between the com
pany and some of its officers witn
much interest i v -
' Vlt compelled to leave the com
pany, through no personal grievance,
a i number i of Hawaiian who . have
worked up in the coasting trade, will
find r.themselves - without profitable
employment and .deprived ;of ;.th
means off making an. easy living as
has, -been t the 'case. with, mates and
others who - for years r nave been
identified : with the . company.
"Many . of the men,- who now. tear
that they may become Involved In a
strike. vQwn their own homes in this
or one of the other Island ports. To
be. dropped, from the pay roll at this
time is believed, wopld spell disaster
and hardships in many homea.'
Steamers traded and Read' to Sail 1
C .The Inter-Island steamer - Helene,
haa been loaded with a large quantity
of lumber, "fertilizer and explqslvef
and departed at 12:15 this afternoon
for...; Kona and : Kau - ports.- .,Cantaln
Lane Ms master ... of jthe Helene, and
pne. of ;,the old-time .employes of the
company. ,Up to .the .noon hour to
day, all . officers nelonglng ' ; to the
Helene had reported for duty.
. Captain Oness la master of the
Inter-Island steamer .W. G. .Hall that
is also being . made ready to proceed
to sea' at five - o'clock, this evening,
taking United States mails, passengers
and general cargo for ports along the
coast I JKaual. ' ";' T" " ;
While Captain Onecs has taken , an
active part , in :the series of confer
ences between the masters and mates
and the directorate of the steamship
company, it is generally believed that
he will continue In command of the
vessel which. Js scheduled to depart
this evening.
i Captain Thompson, .whom the local
organization of masters and mates
have selected as one of the factors of
contention in the present "controversy,
arrived from Kauai this morning, as
master of the. steamer Nilhau.
; One vessel mastef who Is ; now re
moved from,. the storm, center of the
contest fs Captain Nelson of the
steamer - Claudine, an arrival this
morning. Captain Nelson has just
fallen Into a snug berth as harbor
master vat Peart Harbor,, at a fat
salary of three thousand a year.
Matson- Company Net Involved,
v Much interest was awakened this
morning by the statement alleged to
have been made by members of the
masters' and mates' association' that)
unless the present difficulty was speed
ily adjusted, a general tie-up of all
trans-pacific shipping would result
The prediction ras circulated today
that the Matson Navigation line would
be brought Into the: matter, as well as
the Pacific Mall and' the Oceanic line.
From the story drctUated along, the
waterfrpntit was alleged' that' mas
ters pnd mates' organizations e!st
alL.along the. Pacific coast A strike
in .the Inter-Island service would
therefore ,mean that, skippers In the
larger, liners ,ld necessarily take
up. the fight on the ground that cargo
transhipped front . Inter-J&land v steam
ers, to ; their commands was being
transported with the assistance of of
ficers, outside of, the regular, .organiza
tion. - i .
Claim Characterized, as .Absurd.
JOf fice"rs in ' the . Matson Navigation
service who hay e visited the port in
the Wllhelmiha and Jhe Hyades de
clare .that th ppssibfllty of. a strike
among local vessel masters Involving
officers, in the Matson company is ab
surd. -
It was stated today that something
like a year ago. Captain Matson called
a conference of his officers. It. was
then brought to the attention of all
tttficers Inthe -service . , that should
they eleact to cease in their affiliation
';iii:fe.iilf 1.4, 15 W.J teli"
Vith .JmmigtanU from. tSpaJ;n and,
rcjto the British; steamship , fW
legden,' iIreportf4.to,ha,vp sailed retn,
Gibraltar; thf ., .European ,'jwrt t
cal yesterday; the destination of toe
vetsej -andKhtjr, rjb'a-efgbt,n.
The t.WUlesden; represeat; a, -cbarjt
ejected ,by; Spec.ia-.yerittorIat Immi
gration .agent Raymond. & Jlrown, wjx;
has-been, actlrely. engaged. ln,cnllt:lng
inngratiofV A-;the jllrec9-.of, the;
Hawaiian 4laads. for. many rnontht,ii:
Tfte, -Wi-lwden ir;& jinder:stopd
hrrve, sailed Afrom 'Europe, ,,withA. aboaj
tle.rs, tTbe ; vessej; la" billeted t,n.W-;
lcwt ailimai .cpnwpr a .thaJli.. pursued
two years, agp, -vhea, Jhe same stea.K-n
sh)p landed j.eighteent hundred vpyrft
pea nt,. immigrants. The vessel should
rrsch here along about the middle part
of -March, t i r t ht
i, u,ii.Lir
The latest addition to jthe Toyo
Kiien Kaisha fleet of passengers and
freight carriers to be operated in a
service between,' the Far, East- Hono
lulu and Central and South Ameican
ports was nearing completion at the
Mitsui Bishi shipyards at Nagasaki, at
jthe time the Pacific Mail liner Mon-
guUa called, at that port on the home
ward 'trip. ,
According to a report from Pacific
Mall officers who passed through Ho
nolulu yesterday, ,lhe new. vessel was
to have been launched at Nagasaki on
last' Saturday.
The new' vessel has been named tho
Atyo Maru,. as stated in the columns
of theStar-Bulletln some -weeks ago.
The vessels Is to take the place o! the
Hongkong Maru that now piles be
tween the ;.w est coast ot South Amer
ica, Japan and China.' Tbeiplaatas
now Outlined In Far Eastern : steam
ship circles - Is that ' the Hongkong
I Is.ru win be placed in the trans-Pacj-Cc
Intermediate service and will ioper-.
ate In conjunction with the Nippon
Maru. ?v vv
Then new Anyo Maru is a vessel of
9400 tons and is said to possess en
gines capable of sending, her through
tb e water at a rate ,pf fifteen knots
per hour. .
Whjle primarily built to take . care
of the" constantly t increasing, freight
business between Central and. South
America and the Orient the .new ves
sel with accommodate-So cabin, 50 sec
ond class and 6 40 . Asiatic steerage pas
sengers,; thereby placing her. in a class
by herself. The vessels in the present
South American ") fleet, including the
the Hongkong K,iy1)a.nd Buyo Mams
fsll far short ot passenger accommo
dation cine.Ao"Maru.
Fron.!whattfwas.iVrted;jrlth the ar
rival pi he .Mongolia, the new liner
will enter .ihe, .eIUiLje later
part of June. 1 ' ' -
i r f f
nr26, schppnerxLuka.hence, January
Is AN 4FRANCISCO--Arrive(l, Janu
0Vyv29f;lQ Am p, ile,;ce Jann
aTr 22. ,.;. : ..jr. .. j ..,
.JLLAPA HARBOR Arrived, Janu
ar,r2S,;ftih. Wi?-.'-Patterson, hence
January" V, ' !i
WfLLAP i HARBOR Sailed, Janu
ery '29,-sch. Repeat foronolulu.
SANFRANCISCO Sailed, January
H S."S. 'HqalQn, fprjfeatle, ...
Aepogram.r . , ,
S. MlanunawjU arrive from Vic
tcria nextS unday. morning.
The MPierretUVraff ;';In','. 'high fa
vor. This i& a, , WacH .inalines ruff,
vcrn around the neck with a'lowcut
uress and quite unattached to it in any
way. Single brilliants, in clusters, or quite
L themselves, are used on almost
every piece of wearing apparel, from
the evening dress to the frilly neck
ruff. with one or more of the labor organi
zations they would all be in line for
a substantial increase in salaries.
The claim is made that few, if any,
skippers or mates in the Matson Navi
gation service are identified with the
various Harbors along the coast.
As far as the local masters succeed
ing in effecting a tie-up of the Pacific
Mail or the Toyo Kisen Kaisha trans
pacific service, the prediction is scoff-;
ed at at the local agencies.
l oi a 38: 5.WU.3
WSS-n 1 1014! l i -J a1 s.a!
MO S3$ 5.5a aa
asr a - so
5.57; 9.35 6 3STS.5BZ19
&4S aast ass? .H
quarter of the Moon," Jan. 2Sth.
Thursday, Jan. 20.
Temperature 6 a. m., 6-3; 8 a. m.,
69: 10 a. m., 73: 12 noon, 75. Mini-
tmum 'last-night. 62."
; jtwnd a., jay. velocity ,7 1 8
Svi.nv.veIocitj4, 10 a-m,, Yeioc-
"y fe.S 5V; .12 noon, velocity j6, 8,..W.
MoTement Pst24 hours. 128 miles.
i ,5BarometerAt 8 (m.,. ?9 .94.. .jpela?
qvftjiumiay, .a- nv,; 6V. new-point
al.JLn .5ibsolnifeihnxnldjtj.$
a. m.. Kaimaii,
OCiOi.l it
100 J famUIea tn St Lonts.: HtlssonxU
jijjwy. ;ne oycouis.vquieijyf cauea
islt, the harass of deservlnr ,noor and
pet leirhasketa' ild ' wja .
heyiwor secrevy. Because, ;iney,
Jeaxed (taelp'acj s jplgh M ' nlch?
strued JTje r idea, , was suggested-hy
Scout Commlsshmer John, S- Renfrew
iBe euggested .lt, to the 71 Ecoutmast?
tersrof ; troops, who.? la turn,: called,
the boys together., ...The result; was
Thanksgiving, arrived at. his jespec- ,.H T JHughea , to . pop Hamnwoung
tiv,ej headfluaxters ?rjth , varkwa. ari-'Co.Lt4 Vrtf;i&fitpMeUltt tllrer
cl of. food 'ThereV.were chJckena, Lozter tonring;ccar iNo ,4;232; en
hani, sugari; fJowrV coffee and the KkVsglnejNSS'.teiTitorjr of llawalilo
uasxets were;nsaatop. in tne meanniuv-rj.iJ. p JJec wvf
( time the scoutmasters obtained the I i-:Wirain -abq and jit,':io James
names or needy rramuies, and early
on Thanksgiving Pay the Scouts in
automobiles started out on their mis-
quick wit,of iSeoujH, ufu. .
Harry ,eUel f jQlbsonburg, Ohio,
nas reporiei;ta tne nauonai neaaquar-
ters of .the, oy Scouts of America an
Incident pf fire fighting hif "DOTS-
A'l6combtive.,he writes, "in passrTr Pi 1-6 int in cor -L P 4671 and oc
set Are to a strip of woods here and
waa fTehtinz It alone, hut the spoilt
saw the. fire and shed to the
aid, andP after a. hard fight, succeeded
in putting .the. flr,e out. There were
two' patrols. Te boys do not let any
good deeds get. past them. - They take
a delight In doing them."
Chtef: Scout Teaches Indians White
Man's Tricks.
Ernest Thompson Seton, chief scout
of the Boy Scouts of America, when
among white boys; teaches them In
dian tricks. When, be visits the In
dian boys he teaches them tricks and
Btunts of the vhite boys. Recently
when out 'among the Sioux Indians
he taught the boys and girls the Vir
ginia reeL ' '
What Scouting Does for the Boy.
. The. difference between .Boy Scouts
and hoya .'who are not is told in an
Interesting ( ;way by . Baniel Carter
Beard, national scout commissioner of
theBoy , Scouts of America. "Recent
ly,? he said, fthe;house of, my sister
in-law ih -Brooklyn caught Are. By
the time the fire was out the children
were, qui: of school, -. The hoys and
girls, gathered around, i Presently one
lad, who was a scout, went up to my
sister-in-law and asked her if there
was anything he could do. She was
very much excited and said 'No.' The
scout and his comrades disappeared
for a few minutes and then returned
With a wheelbarrow and rakes. They
worked busily, gathering up the rub
bish that had been caused by the fire,
and soon had the yard in an orderly
condition. Meantime, boys who were
not Scouts were standing around
Scouts Expert on Sanitation.
; Pr. J.. J. Murray, member of the
board of health of Washington, P. C,
la enthusiastic over the showing the
J Boy Scouts have made in matters
pertaining to personal and public
health. He examined recently papers
submitted by four scouts, and also
quizzed them personally. The result
of this examination was that the Boy
Scouts are .becoming experts on pub
lic health. The four boys whom he
examined are Chester Guy. Fred C.
Reed, Arhall Carpenter and Clarence
Latham. He .examined them on the
care of teeth, the care of feet in
marching,, effect of alcohol and tobac
co, effect of cold and hot bathing, ex
ercise, and play as regards personal
health, jn regard to public health
they were asked questions covering
the causes of typhoid, tuberculosis,
and malaria, how flies carry disease,
how to cooperate with the board of
health, how to dispose of garbage,
protection of food, sanitary care of
camps, and the medical examination
of school children.
Everything la the printing line at
Star-Bulletin, Alakea street; branch,
Vereaaat street
Wicker baby carriage and baby wei?h-
ing scales. Apply 1734 Anapuni Si.
5457-1 w.
'. .
1912 five-passenger Cadillac as good
as new. In me from August to De-j
rember ouly, perfect condition,'
$1400. 1
Royal Hawaiian Garage
RerereW Den 21, 1912.
Mutual JBldg Loaa Socy of Hawaii
Ltd to Jacintbo H Soma, Rel ; Mtg and
addl chge on lots 8 and 9. blk B bMgs,
rents, Pauoa tract. Honolulu: S1000.
$150. B 384. p 79. Dec 9, 1912.
I John Kepano to John I Pahia. D;
.a-iuu acre lana. Meeia. ivooiaupoKo.
Oahu; $70. B 382, p 304. June 27,
! Western & Hawn Invstmt Co Ltd to
Bertha Kubey. Rel; pot Gr 3317. bldgs.
tul w"11"" hhvhuii uw,
Honolulu; . $30W. ,u p aw. uec
10 11?
Plora Rickard to fjavid K Relnhardt
and wf, p A; ,female child. Melva, 2
years bid. B 386, y 5. pec 13. 1912.
' Kalmukl Land Co Ltd to Munchu
Baker. P; lot 1, Palolo hillside loU.
Honolulu; $500. B 382, p 305.. Pec
21. 1912.
Frank B Freita to .William R Cas
tle Tr. M; X P. 6818, bldgs, etc. Au
waiolimu. Honolulu; $700. B 384, p
80. Pec 21, 1912.
Mrs K KeliUao Willmot R Chil
ton, Rev P. A; powers'. granted in :B
366, p 399. B 286, p 6. Pec 21. 1312.
B T White .to"; J Alfred Magoon. P
lots0 and 12, blk A. Pearl City, Ewa,
Oahu; $1. etc . B.S85. p 4. Pec 20,
von Hamm-Young Co Ltd to R A
Lyman, Rel; Packard 3-ton truck No
31572, territory of Hawaii; 13200. B
387, p 2. Pec 21,1912.
Norman K Lyman et al by atty to,
Mrs George Kaiser, B S, Packard 3
ton truck No 31572; J3200. , B. 386, p
7 pec 19,1912.
Mrs George Kaiser to von Hamm
Toung Co Ltd. CM; Packard 3-ton
S2200. JB 583, P 3. LWC Z, JSIZ
William Tklcl McCourt by atty to El-.
mer L Schwarzberg Tr, P; Jot. 6, blk
30, Kalmukl trsct Honolulu; $250."B
380, p 176. , Pec 3, 1912.
von Hamm-Young Co Ltd to Henry
T Hughes, Rei; 1911 Packard touring
cr iJW S211r i9lo-peerres lottrlng
car aiedel 27. TO 5213 ; hdth territory
f ilIawH;1$240.: B 887. p 6, Pee
I AnnstTjong, ijj.-.int, .in suares jin f. nut
tland R. P 4387 int in lands; all Ka
nana Koolauloa,' Oahu; '$35. B 280 p
I J JiCoraP? W..TcfHamm'rzoung.v
5ttd, B.sij model 59-T Overland tour
Jfw ,V f.tt lh AiK: L 1' 4v7i
; ohhKiwi 'to .rVriliam i$a,Tidgj8
tlan Kpajam, .Honpiul fKO, f B
tt timnnfnXn. linoni n 2Rrt
Sa!VlghalafHawail- t5 B 274L at "whre jsucnlsnment:: , has
S 140 W 1912 ' left f 'tothe vajscretlon; the
ChrlstUMt.:Latag br Atty Ito. rpejhe
Ashlmlni. .L? nna land' Kaauhnhn.
Kohala, Hawaii; 8 yrs at 550 per an.
B 373, p 343. Apr 28, 1911. :
Julia M Tavares and hsb to J A
' " V
Aheong, D; int in piece land. Kuau'.VJ'-f. JSZjSE
Hamaknapoko, Juaui; ,,$10. . B 375.
310. Pec 7, 1912.
A 8 Medeiros to Nakamura . Ichiro,
L; 9 acres land, Kaupakulua, Hama
kualoav Maui; 15 yrs at $72 per an. B
373, p 245. Pec; 9. 1912. ,; : . :
Liliuokaiani Trust by Trs to Wong
Waibbud,' D; L P 285, Puelelu, Kona,
Molokai; $1000. B 385, p 1. Pec 20,
Patrick Sllva Tr to Wong Waiboud,
D; 2-3 int in Gr 2711, Poniuobna 2,
Kona, Molokai;. $500. B 380, p 175.
Dec 16, 1912.
Wong Waiboud to Patrick Silva, M;
2-3 int In Gr 2711, Poniuohua 2, Kona,
Molokai; $250. B. 337, p 1, Dec 16,
Recorded Dec. 23, 19 li
Lee Hop to Ah Hoy, P A; special
powers. B 386, p 8. Oct 5 J 9 12. . (
John English et als to John Hiram,
P; por R P 2683, Kul 1075, Kahawaii,
Honolulu; $1000.. B 382, p 307. ,Pec
18, 1912. " ' ' '
Pung Chung and wf to Wong Seem
(w), P; 1988 sq f t ot lot 4 and R W.
Banyan tract, Honolulu; $450. B 382,
p 308. Pec 18, 1912.
Simeon K Nawaa and wf to Mrs
Chung Chang Shee, M; lots 4 and 6,
bldgs, etc, Mokauea and Waikoae
tract, Honolulu; $676.26. B 387, p 8.
Dec 23 1912.
Keliimanalo (widow) et als to Wil
liam W Goodale, D; por Grs 1794 and
1622, Ap 3, Kamananui, Walalua, Oa
hu; $325. B 382. p 309. Dec 21, 1912.
Amelia R Mattoa.and hsb (M P) to
John Famsworth, M; 5985 sq ft of Gr
180 and R P 1225, Ap 1, Li II ha St, Ho
nolulu; $1000. B 387, p 12. Dec 21,
Est of Charles G Johnson et al by
Tr to John Fernandez, D; lots 7 and
9. blk 1, bldgs, etc, Pearl City, Ewa,
Oahu; $630. B 370, p 405. Sept 18,
Sol Kauai and wf by Tr et al to Sol
omon Kauai and wf, D; various pes
land, bldgs, rents, etc, Waikiki. Hono
lulu; sea fishery. Kapahulu, Honolu
lu; other property in Waikiki, Hono
lulu; $1, etc. B 382, p 312. Nov 25,
Sol Kauai and wf to Farm Cornn,
Rel; from al further liability, etc, un
der trust deed in B 340, p 337; Oahu.
B 382, p 313. Nov 25, 1312.
Sol Kauai and wf to C Bolte Tr. M;
various pieces land, rents, etc, Waiki
ki, Honolulu; sea fishery, rents, etc.
Kapahulu, Honolulu; other property
in Honolulu; $900. B 387. p 14. Nov
25. 1912.
Sol Kauai and wf to William Ka-
waa, D; various pes land, rents, etc,
Waikiki, Honolulu; sea fishery, rents,
etc, Kapahulu, Honolulu; other prop-
lerty in Honolulu; $1 and mtg $900. B
382, p 314. Nov 26, 1912.
Wm Kawaa to Solomon Kauaf. D;
pc land, rents, etc, Honolulu; $1.
382, p 315. Nov 26, 1912..
Kaihikiola Kakina (w) to Peter
Stanley, D; Gr 5699, Kullouou beach
In which' Is combined the HAWAIIAN STAR, established IStt. and the
EVENING BTJLLETIN, 8tahlishedJ832. Issued Pally and Semi-Weekly by
Publishers, Commercial Printers, Bookbinders,
PhotO'Engravers, "
WALIVCE 11. F.UnnyGTOy . . ..General Business Manner
(Preferred Posithm 20) . 20c PER INCH
CLASSIFIED, Ose Cent per word 30 cents per line per week.
MAIN OFFICE t ....!.. ... . 1039 ALAXEA STREET
Telephene-Edttorlal Stems 2183 ; Easiness Office 22i -
Telephone SStt
Per Month, anywhere In United States I . ' I . . . . .
Per Quarter, anywhere in United States
Per Year, anywhere in United. States..
Per Year, postpaid, foreign
Per Six Months
Per Tear, anywhere In United States. ,
Per Year, anywhere in Canada
Per Year, postpad. foreign
Address all Cssraiiricatieis ia -IIoaoraTa Biti'.Eandla, If l,vIJiaoldai T. H.
lota, Honolulu; 1130.
B 282,. p 316
I Dec 20. 1912.
.ciiy mu km iaq to uustav coraes.
Rel;, R P 24(1, Kul 4747B,; bldgs.
retits, etc; ' near King St, Honolulu;
86851. B 387. n 18. Pec 17. 1912.
' Herman ; Bechert and wf to Theo
dore Bechert, M; Gr 5809, bldgs, rents.
etc, Auwaiolimu, Honolulu; 11500. p
387, p 19. Pec 21, 1912. . :
fF E Thompson Tr tcV H Yap, P;
Ic-W' XT'aaarKr'htdgs etc. Perry
tract, Honolulu; J30OO.. B "373 p 60.
Pec, 2frl3l2; ? -I
' ' A 'Lewis Jr and 'wf to"J A JlcCand
less; Pi ;;2325 sq ; ft 'of lot B,' Nduana
valley lotsv Honolulu; SLJB 278, :rv p
.r.Aiarch 13.1912. ; ..;t;: i
7-Lorrln ' K Smith, to . Vbtf ; . Hamm
rouiig,Co Ltd,' C M,'', Packard; 3-ton
truck car. No 3X691,' engine Ko 31691,
territory. of,JIawaili' J2.926. :B;387, p
22.-. Pec 21, 1912. ' ; :
H.brii..i .J; Vii.ii
J tji)t li
iV, 4'4CentJntft4ff rom; '
.! I I HI I .. I , . I.
'B Oarc
in Garcia vs: TerritQryM R 415,
V.viu; .wucib. mi ja ""'"f
that species' of punlahmsnf ; and. fur
ready determined and fixed the nature
. A.A 1 1 . - J-.ll .A
circumstances. States vs. Kearney, 1
Hawks (N. C) ,63, 65; Com. vs. Wyatt,
6 Rand. (Va.) ,697,700, . . 1
In the latter case Ihe" constitution
allty of , the Virginia statute of .1823
was questioned, but the court held it
.onstitutionaL By such statute the
defendant court in its discretion might I
impose the punishment of whipping to
te" inflicted at different 'times, with a
pToVisiofl that hot more' thai thffty-
": , "
You ll feel ueiigntm
B. V. .D.
Tnese Coat Cut Undershirts 'and Knee Length Drawers are
loose fitting, so that you're never skin-chafed or muscle-bound.
You perspire least and feel coolest In B. V. D. 0c. 75c, $1.00
and $1.50 a garment. . ' '
This Red Woven Label
( Tr t liotk Kit. if. S. fit. Ojf: end Forcir Cum ulriei.)
sewcd oa errj B. V. D. Underjarmcnt. Take oo undcrg-irwnt
wiut this label. .
The B. V. D. Conjpany, ew .York.
- - . '' ' . .
I if j
J. ABADIE, Prop.
777 King Street.
..........I .T5
- -
niae atriDCS should be' admhalsterod at
any one timer- "'t' ' - v :
r3o, in Foote v. States, Mr. 264. 287.
the constitntionality of the ' Maryland
Act Of 1882. chant nr ilt i-Mch ImiuMM
of Seven lashes Imposed for a brutal
held."' ':: T . "'' ' 'T- - ' 1 :
, Ana me , same- was ;heid with re
spect to' the TlrglnU sUtUte1 -of 1823.
Aldtldge v Com. 2 Va, Cas. 447, 449, in
which case the- pTlsoner. -guilty of the
larceny of banknotes, was sentenced to
rhlrtr-nlne lashes: " ' : ,
".-mux corporal punishment has been
held unconstitutional as in the caso of
mj t. loompson, a. iv. Aiarsn. ivr
74; .wherein the law which subjected' a
ffee ,persoh of 'color to corporal pun
fshment for raising .'his band 'in o
ult ' ,4 aVI,m n.M
V wm " MIIW CI SWU SYAAV lu BCii ,
)efense waa held unconstitutional and
crueL'.,-" t-, ' i --' ' : :
So, ihihe iase of Cornell v. State,
did hot directly pass upon the question.
ibe- infliction (of blows on the bare
back as in the' nature of a' cruel and
unusual puhisbment, "except in cases
where it was strictly authorized by the
.'eglslature; the dignity of the state not
(demanding " everity-especially in
cases where the proper line of duty
Kaati laft uniiAiBln Kw l a Mnn ?'
tutronal authorities.' The case of
Smith v." State. 8 Lea. 744. is to the
same effect V i'- ! - J; ...
' "Again, in State . Kearney; Ilawks
(Hi OW, 5, a' punishment by whip-
n1nir 'wn 1iM tn (m TrialTA whon
Imposed upon one convicted vbf man
slaughter .and ffner $230 in addition to
such whipping,' the" court 'stating thkt '
sucn punisnmeht. should be restricted
tb infamous crimes..
lins, 2 . Curt, C. C. 194, flogging was
neia noi 10 oe a cruei : ana,, unusual
hurilihrrint within the mem In? of tbn
third section pf March 3; 1835, . under ;
rrlk ' dfrvirA 44- 'wi as
was maicteu ior muicims on one oi
- - ' M t a, -4 aa A M i . M t . at'
the crew a cruet "and unusual punish
ment,' the; court stating that such pun
IsbmeQt.was not of the' kind against
vnivn vna namtniflf wrima t rna mat
V t
Free In

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