OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, April 21, 1917, 3:30 Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1917-04-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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R'i 'Ati
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Word that the governor hid timed
IS new bills was received yesterday
afternoon by the senate. These are
as follows:
House bill No. 28 J, as act 102, eu-
tltled: "An act approprlatlnK the
for the completion of a survey, map
and plans of certain lands In Honolulu.-
v.;: v. s '
; House bill No. 209. as act 103, en
titled: "An act to amend, the law
providing for the parole of prisoners.
as embraced .within chapters 107 nd
As the result of-a hearing held thi
morning cn house bill 6. introduced
by Representative .C. N. Marquez and
re'atfn? to the workmen's compensa
lien an, the bill will receire several
Important amendments by the Judi
tiary committee of the senate.
Foremost, of these changes, is one.
regarding the length of time to elapse
after an injury before an employe may
be eligible for compensation. '
As the bill came from the house it
provid?d that the present period of
21C of the Revised Uws of Hawaii.' yk ?,uld .1,mi" e
, House bill No. 315, as act 101, en
:. titled: An act making appropriation
to pay James L. Coke for services
rendered and expense Incurred in
behalf of the Territory of Hawaii at
, Washington city during the months of
January and February, If 16.
. Senate bill No. 71, as act 105. en
titled: "An act to ?raend section 2172
of the Revised Laws of Hawaii. 1915;
authorizing the issuance of municipal
Senate Bill No. 90, is act 106, en
titled: "An act making an appropri
ation by-way of. advancement out of,
the funeral revenues for the comple
tion of roads in and to the homestead
tract in the district of Makawao, coun
ty oOianl, to be reimbursed out of the
'proceeds of 'sales of homesteads In
said district . - - ,
Senate bill No. j 4, as act U". en
titled: "An act to amend section 1
Of act 14 of the Session Laws of 1915.
prohibiting the operation of aeroplane,
balloon and other aircraft in the ter
ritory of Hawaii with' certain restric
tions." v . '-.r-":';;' v.- .:
Senate bill No.: 6, as act 108, en-
senate committee will probably recom
mend that the Htfay period be de
ci eased to seven days. v-
This section ofT the proposed bill,
which one senator; declared this morn
ing to be the f very meat" of the
measure, aroused Considerable discus
sion. The industrial accident board
was represented 'at the hearing by
Attorney V. T. Carden, and the insur
ance ; comyanlee 'C by Chauncey 1.
time limit be raised to 30 days. ;
Committte Faora Compromise
The general feeling of the commit
tee seemed to that seven days was
a safe time to adopt for trial, at least,
during the coming two years.
By deciding u pen this time period
Hawaii will join a list of five main
land states whih have decreased the
limit from 14 to seven days. Only
two states have no time limit what
ever, a rule alor.ted vhen they first
passed the A-orkrncns !av-.
May Lower. Mccical Allowance
' Ancther charge prfrjosed is t de
crease the medical r.IU wance of $200
puggeated by th? houso to $1..0. The
present allowance is $50.
The committet ' today practically
agreed ta include doc tors and lawyers
under the act, these two havmjr teen
excepted by the hou&5. The year-limit
clause ur filin.i cpmplaints with the
board was also deleted.
Cleveland, representing the insur
ance companies, tettified that entire
Judge W.-L Whitney . appeared for; elimination of the time clause on disa
the Chamber of Commerce, j bility would probably increase rates
Carden wapted the time limit taken i fron i per cent to 7 12 ier cent,
out entirely, a thing, which' was only! He iX pressed the feti that such ac
fair, he said. On the ether hand the tion would also cuco- rise mahuger.us
in irauce comaaici tsked that the fand pret'nac j' injur).
: As forecast by the Star-BnUetin, the
judiciary committee of the hirase to
day reported out its inability to agree
on the senate abatement bill.
The committee's report recommend
ed that the measure be taken up for
discussion and final disposition by the
committee of the whole of the house,
cuairman Andrews moved that it' be
taken up nest Tuesday afternoon. The
house agree to the suggestion.
The report was signed by four mem
bers of the committee Representa
Uvea Andrews. Leal, Tavares and
A few who signed the report appear
to be of the opinion that an abatement
law is not needed, as the present laws
cover the subject and afford the ne
cessary protection.
- PHONE 1231 -
1 1 11 "
. ! .-
CovermT Pinkham today 6lgne1 tin ..Inserting ?30.0j for the territorial
tii( TM thrntieh the territorial sec
titled t ("An aqi to amend sections Gpt .utary to the senate. The new law
It'lllinici lite ui jauuauuu auu (,u n. i
and CC9 Of chapter-48 of the Revised
YIiws of Hawaii; 1915.. relating, tp, em
Inent domain." . ' -u
S;nate bill So. 7, as act 109, en
" tiUaJ:-; "An "act 4o amccd'sectibn 1881
, of.the Revised Laws of Hawnii" 1915.
''relating "to high rays !
Senate bill ,Xo. 9. as act 110, en
titled? .a act to extend tor a period
f 10 year section 1250 of the Re
k vised" Laws of Jlaw aiU 1915- relative
v t0, exemption of property from taxa
tion.t :r ' V ' -''-
Senate blU Ko. 404,'M act 111, en
titled: "An act to -provide for. the
new insurance law, sending word to ('immigration station instead of cutting
cut the immigration money entirely,
as bad been ori;inally planned, the
ment of insuratut. .companies ani in
surance business, provides' penalties
fyr violation of its provisions and
makes a new, office of .fire marshal. It
also repeals all existing laws relatinj
to insuranre.'
Cerrit Wildcr's tadpole bill, which
stirred two fiery debates in the sen
ate before passing; was also signed by
the territorial executive. Other bills
were signed as 'follows:
House Bill No. 110, as Act 116, en
titled: "An act -to imend section 1024
of the revised laws of Hawaii, I31f,
'publication of tu'e decisions of the relating to the revocation of licenses
walt" - ; House Bill No.17L as Act 111, en-
Senate bill Ko. lM.aa act 112, en- titled: J "An act relating tq the pay
titled! An act to provide for the cf. and services rendered by second
display Oi ..painoiic, emuieras jn me1 aismci magisirairs, ana repealing Bee
court houses and court . rooms, of the tions 1155 . and 1T54 of tlfe Revised
territory, and to mate an aVproprlhj Ijiwg of Hawaii, 115." ; v 4
t(on for the caropleticn and famishing House Bill No. as'Act 118 en-
of the Bay View home at
Molokal.- -V.'. .,: '''
lUupapa, j titled : . "An act to provide for the
protection of frogs and tadpoles. '
House Bill No. 5S4, as Act, 119,; en
titled: . "An act making an appropria.
Urn for reimbursement to Cant. Sf. C.
' ' House 'Bill No. S91, as Act 120. en-
'wA rl: u ,'m t fnrm i 'titled; ,"An act to provide for the ap-
tth few changes frm i b;7'ai Ointment of. a commissi oa'gamo
which t wai 'Pprted lack from an1 fisherIes ,
mUte.; the big lean f. nd bill P"r yesterCay the governor Signed
the feuateyMteruay on a 8Cneduled
Tt,t rim of W fcr an armory at 8aIa for Bchool teachers of the ter
FortDe Bussy wRs lessened to .000 This becomes Act. 114. !
"The read plaji J rojof ed bV the ways prill M lTTPFA,nRPFs
"arid means committee snd announced . wUfnMI I IXC HUACM
In the Star BuUe tin several days affo
went through as the' committee want
ed It, one nmtiiument being-niaCe by
Senator CaUl to provide, that con
hi used in the highway
around the Island, of Ouhu. 'The sum tef on senate bill relating to ;.U-. .stlli, thinking of buying a little
Hit S0.CD0 is aiioweq jqr cue, orit, ants oi, roumy :uicei uu farm some aayr
Senator "Castle als9 move! ! that twpjhaye reached the following agree- -oh,- yes, rep I
Meriibei"s of the confereac? onnnlt-
flnanc"? committee cl tlie house tday
reported out on the appropriation bill,
recommending that it pass as 'amend
ed.! The bill passed second reading
and comes up on third reading Mon
day. . ... fV .
In pai-t, the teport of the committee
is as follows: ' . . , v.'
"After'due and ca'refui consideration
your committee is ot.the opinli that
tlie specific sahry amounts as ". pro
vided by this bill will not' prove to be
to the..best interests of Jthe territory,
and your committee therefore begs, to
present herewith the bill In an amend
ed form, with the recommendation
that the members of the - house may
more intelligently consider the same.
Very little changes In salaries. were
ma4e by the house, committee, al
though several new items were added.
Th" emergency fincT'was'' cut. from"
i6o,bQtQ ;
CHICAGO. IllAn "honor court
has been organized by . students, at
Northwestern university to investigate
alleged violations of the honor system
adopted hy, the student body to pre
vent cheating in, examinations. The
court will be composed of students and
will try students who may be accused.
MEXICb.'CITY, Mex'.eneral far
ran za has made a personal gift of 1V
000 pesca to the town or HermosillOi
in recognition of the fact that this city I
was tne first to receive him ' in a J
friendly and hospltaole way when he
took the field against the late General
Huerta in 1913. . .
. Because the . senate has greatly
reduced the estimates for armories
submitted by the adjutant general's
office, Brig.-Gen. Samuel I. Johnson
has written a letter to the speaker of
the house of representatives which. In
part, reads as follows:
in orderthat the territory mav re
ceive the fullest value for its expen
ditures, it is suggested that the ap
propriation' be made available by is
lands. or by districts. . By this is
meant that the sum of the allotments
for new armories and armory addi
tions i for any one island be set aside
for tlie '.eoustructicn of armories on
that Island or In that district. By this
method It is believed that the expendi
tures can be equalized."
The communication has been refer
red to the finance committee.
This is the .".1st day of the session.
The bill, providing that voters In
active service may, exepnte the. right
of suffrage while. oytslde their respect
ive precincts, has passed second read
ing.' '
House bill 38:;, relating to the trans
fer of property by public utilities cor
porations, has passed second reading.
Senate bjll 100, relating to pre
miums of official bonds, passed sec-
dhd c5difce;, . , .-v v , -jt '
... . - ' '-. . y, .- . . . i
Representative Ahana's "prepared
ness" measure requesting the opening
of all available public lands for imme
diate settlement, as adopted.
The petition of Frank Godfrey to be
reimbursed for alleged damages to
property during the Kewalo reclama
tion, has. be.en re-referred to the Judi
ciary, committee. -
House bill 424, giving the public util
ities ' commission 'power to regulate
tlie charges forwater, has passed sec
ond reading.
of the three engineers ,whlrti the gov- men.t:.
will nm& on the road .commls l feherirt, $3000. to $2SS0; clerk, $24ty jn my mdow boxes with a trowel
rill be-neither jn territorial, nor to ,22S0; auditor, -$3000 ' to $2100; tnat don-t dreaci of the time when
lied the optimistic
I never stir the earth
-county emi1oy.; "The motion carried county , attorney. . T300O; :. treasiirer, U wni oWn plctof ground large
wnsnlmcns!iv .- ?o ??i'v; aepuiy pnenu. .wrm enough to produce a wt.oie can run or
uiio,. iu uyui tuuui, ang.eworms. " limningnam Age-
Soulh HISo. 11200" to J1140; deputy j He.-ald
sheriff. Tuna. $1320 to 11200: deputy ! - m tm m x
Bberlff.'Kari. flMO to Jll0: deouty The elcctlcu of John King Lord of
The bill, forbidding officers of the
territory to become interested In pub
lic contracts, passed second reading.
Third reading of the bill providing
that the territory pay circuit judges
11200 a year in addition to their fed
eral salaries, has been deferred until
The bill providing monthly pay
ment of 1 60 a month to Frederick K.
Cockett pasied third reading.
LONDON 'ErigThe British mill- sherllf. Stuth Fcna. To0 t0 120; j Hanover. N. H., as a trustee of Dart-j
... . . ,utr hot fnnnii t norP. qpduiv siierin. norm uuaa. i inouiu roiitsr is nuinunv.ru. nc t
Representative Ketekolio introduced
a resolution providing for the opening
cf public lands in Palolo. Kalihi and
Punchbowl, Oahu, for raising- food pro
ducts during the period- of the war.
f&ry for military reasons to forbid the deputy sheriff. South Kohala, 11020
despatch of blankets to Erltish prison- f f60;' deputy fherirf.- North Koiia la. I
ers ln5ermany; tooth paste can still to $12C. deputy rherlff, 11a
. be. ent. .
fl02v. the vacancy caused by the death of J
Rev. Francis Brown. - Lord is a
grandson of a former president ot j
I 1 iHrMmmith. Knthan Irrt.
I , but wouUl like to 1lav lVett'erto master soine of the finer points of
jinnn, stroKinpr, ana sorne new jneees vmi miouui jmn inn
. .; : .- . ...... .. ,J .. ' ' . .
j Full course of five otie-liouf ; lossoiis ' only $2.00, under the jersonal
itiieiae oi
K. K
'Hawaii's Music Mian."
1 Enroll now! Class op 3ns Friday, April 27th.
Slttdioi : 51-52 Youns- Bids'., or Me !w 'S oi c,; . ground floor Wolters Building,
' ; ' - ; x , - Union, ne if Hot el. " '
The bill to appropriate $3000 for ad
ditional house expenses passed second
Teadlng. It comes up on third read
ing on Monday.
The, bill relating to the disposition
of personal property belonging to the
territory 'passed third reading.
: Third 'reading of house bill . 450, pro
viding for certain allov ances to the.
Rapid Transit, has been deferred until
'Itepresentatire Marquez' bill to ap
propriate $1000 for the encouragement
cf aeronautics ' in the territory was
The bill appropriating $2500 for the
Tree distribution of seeds by the mar
ket dirision, passed third reading.
Increases cf $71,900 Made
and Expense of Survey
Provided For
Troposing a total of $959,400 or gen
eral and special funds in the school
budget, the senate ways and means
committee today reported cn house
bill 152. The totals represent an in
crease of $71,900 over the till that
' came from the house.
t Amcng other amendments proposed I
I by the committee were the following:
j That the Item Salaries and Office
i Force" be changed from $20,400 to
$2 4,0u to provide for an additional
That the name "survey director"
I proposed in lieu of inspector general
be changed to "statistical clerk."
whose salary will remain at $4S0O.
The item general expenses will be
changed from $11,030 to $15,500, and
stationery and incidentals be increas
ed from $S000 to $10,000.'
Federal School Survey Included
"Traveling expenses" is raised from
$1500 to $2000: a new item (entitled
"Federal Survey of Schools" is sub
stituted fcr traveling expenses of the
! superintendent
- t ne item "inaustnai ana Manual j
Training is increased from $45,000 to;
$60,000. This proposal Is made in view
ot tne intent ot tne department to put
more emphasis on agricultural and
similar work.
The item "Speciaj Schodls'Ms chang
ed . from $87,000 to $92,000, while new
buildings' for normal and training
schools get $35,000 Instead of $30,000.
This latter .fund is to provide for. tho
construction of a 12 room concrete
building for ' the normal school and
changes in the present building.
' This makes a 'total increase in tho
general fund from $202,300 to $230,
400. . V ;
Special Fund la Increased
' Under, the special fund an- increase
from $725,200 to $769,000 "is proposed.
Hilo high school is to get $40,000, and
$35,000 goes to the Unlorf school.'
.Buildings in Kau get $5000 instead .
of $4500, bringing the Hawaii total to
$149,500. -f ' r -i-.v-. .' ,
, Molokal and Lanai get $5000 instead
of $2500. ;
For Honolulu $103,800 instead of
$70,000 is proposed by the committee..
The former amount was recommended
by the school department The item
provides for two tew concrete build-j
lngs of the type' constructed at Cen I
trai urammar scnooi. or an aaaition :
to Pohukaina school, $12,000 is propos
ed; .fortv large frame sjchpqlhouse at
"Uanoa, $5000.- ' - i f-Salary-
Changes "Advanced '
: Final recommendation i made that
the salary changes provided under the
general tuna snau Decora e Elective on
July 1. 1917, instead of January 1, 1918.
"due to the desire 'to have school em
ployes share the benefit of salary in
creases with employes of other depart
ments." . i; . ,' V
I v brcatV is that .incomparable
(lelivofotl at your tloor freshly Vr a jVpoil.
PHONE 14-3-1
2 30
1 ..
mnntficX If II A If III DJfO 1 .-4
Q vyayon
Ironing Day
Easy, comfortable ironing is made
I nssiblc by ihe ..G-E electric flatiron.
The hedt is concentrated upon the work
and the ifon docs not cool until the current i
turned off.
Afcw cents pays.for.the electricity for a
oo si2ed xveek wash and much time is saved
hv means of this efficient iron.
Let us put one in your home on trial
Fort Wear Hotel St.
DRIQGSDALE. ..Colo. Brigssdale's
first double . weddlngr, was performed
in the off ice, of Ira I. Sides, Justice
cf the peace of Greeley,-when mother
and daughter were, married at the
same time, with no witnesses hut the
four contracting parties. ' -;
Mrs. Xcra Nelson; was married to
Harry B. Hoffman, and her daughter,
Edna Nelson, became the J bride of 1
Fred E. Casten. All are ranchers cf
this district.
s : '
Can Result from Failure of Men
To Express Ideas,
fj Prosperity worries
from aelion following
tlie presentation of 0
re a 1 idea; to the;
IT The Essential of fill
Imsihesi" Vis that ah'
N idea liiiist be brought
but; othenvise-it dief?
and U of value to no '
one.-.: V'-r. " v""- -.
" ' ; .;- K:'''-;-vw. ;'
ffSo It Is with the
)rduet.s with whioH
you are: dealins: iii
voiir business. :
By 3ymp.tKy I live. 30
Enjovirvj otKer pecple-'j
And feelfrv z ,tKeir
tfrie tls well
Keep 1 Them under . "v."' '
Vover and they will rot anil your busirh'ss will sli
witli Poverty. : C V '
. Tai'd Publicitv Wards off povertv.
The net -paid circulation of the CQQA
Stnr-Riilletin on Miin-h fi n-a DOOXJ
Representative Wilder's bill to es
tablish a life-saving patrol at Waikiki
passed third reading, amended to have ,
the. county appropriate the necessary j
funds, and placing the Honolulu su-j
perrisors in power over the patrol.
. The loan fund bill was received
from the senate today. It probably
will be referred to the finance com
mittee on Monday.
Representative Jarrett's bill relating ;
to the establishment of finger print !
systems in the territory has been fav-j
orably reported oh by the health com-i
mlttec. j
We beg to announce that arrangements have been made with Mr.
Albert E. Lloyd, to represent iis in Honolulu and adjacent -districts.
This wiir as'suVe'ihe ''.residehty-qfthe isiaiid's of
trie benefits of our coaiete Service ; in making the above an
nouncement we desire to advise the customers of Jj. A. Hart ;
that subject to their accounts agreeing with figures which we
have had furnished us we will assume the same and hereafter
deal directly with them through cur local "agent We request
these customers to cummunicate at .their earliest convenience
with Mr. Lloyd, at C A. Long's office, AlaKea-St. , Honolulu -
Representative Mossman's resolu
tion for. an fuvestlgation of the hijh
price of f Uh ia Hoi ilulu was adopted.
General Alcxl E. Evert was repacej
by General I.etchitzky as commander
of the Russian army on the central
Charles A. Stoneham & Company
'April 12, 1917.
.' - '

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