OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, August 17, 1907, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1907-08-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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nterird ii'. the ' o.tW at W..iitiku, Mini, lI.iwH'i, n seoir.d-class mutter.
A Rcoubli:a:i River Published in the Interest ol the People.
Issued Every Saturday,
u i Pubiishint; Company, Limited.
Proprtpfors and Publ'hers, f
The co'iinm i:f S i , s :i Im it c iiiiiiiuiiK'.it.iuiis oil pcrtiment topics. Write only
on nut U ofj .ii tT. siuii your name which will tie held confidential if desired.
Srr.-.;rT!'s 1; vi i. :n Aovawt. $2."iO jut Your. 1.50 Six Mouths
Ldltor nnd VI nnaer
AUG. 17. I07
Our At ;i recent meeting of the Hoard of Kducatiou, Miss
School Li da Crkkard, of Del ware, Ohio, was appointed to the
Wailuku Sertoli. This appointment is to a now position, that of
grammar-grade teacher in the school. Miss. Crickurd has been for
many years principal of a largo city school, and comes to t lie Is
lands fur a change of scene. She is not only a teacher of long e.
jKM'iencc, but is also a musician and an artist of ability. Her
specialty is grammar-grade leaching, and she will probably re
lieve the principal of some of his lower classes, thus leaving him
free to devote his time to high-school instruction.
The appointment of Miss Crickard is another step towards the
realization of the plan to establish a school of high grade in Wai
luku. With this strengthening of the teaching force, there is now
no reason why Maui people should bo at the expense of sending
their children to Honolulu or elsewhere for education, since the
Wailuku public school offers as good educational facilities as any
institution in the territory below the grade of college.
Miss Hansen, who Las been appointed to the place left vacant by
the resignation of Mrs. Harry, is a graduate of the Normal School,
aud has a record of eflkiency in her work in the school since her
graduation. Altogether, both the school and the people of Maui
are to be .congratulated on the efforts being made by the Depart,
ment of Public In-U action to build up a high-school in Wailuku.
Tin' c'iH'.i '-h v.-,v; a! Kahului t.as so
fcr advi" need, tmi'er the lead of Rev.
John 1'.. !i(!;;e a- pastor, as to have
e'Tected un orrvo-lza tVi:i relative there
to, wi :h pros-pci 1 - '-f a rcg'ityr church
oriraai.iatioii ;.t some fatrre djy.
The pnMor is t;, father of Uev. R.
i'j. Uju'i! of W.iiiulju. with whom,
meanwhile, lie is tnafcirg his home.
In math1;; '!;. i-cecrcl of tnis work,
thus f.r, t'ne f li'owinsr has been
druf'ed f or plac? li the clerk's books
In !0," an intercut was awakened
iu Kahului relative to religious work
being undertaken in tii.it plice and
of a church bear.; established in due
On June lt, 100 J, a letter was
sent to Rev. Joi.n K. D oge, then
pastor of t'.a? C, . rjtvgatmnal Church
in Weft D",v!l'.:n. MaOnviting him
to beeoiiv pa-1 r.t. Kahu'u5. a i;d 10
begitl his i.io'i-s or. l )(' '. o!ie r 1st. or
November 1-' ft tlv.t :im: year.
This letter was si ti by 'he Hon. II.
P. IJaldv.i i of rjir.Me-'ne, with the
statement :
'There is at pre-jn! no church or
ganization at Kiihulu! to ive you a
call, but I am authorize, by some of
the leading uvM ;.t that pi:)e,e in con
nec'.'on with mvse!f, to offer you the
position us pa.-t'ir of Mils ' Church for
oueyear, and for - furl'inM1 term, if
agreeable to yourself is well as the
Chuvr-h people at the end of that
In response to this invitation, Mr.
Dodge resigned his pastorate in
Massachusetts, and began work at
Kahului iu November, 1007,
The Cffct Sabbath services were
held in an cilice in the (tlien new)
Masonic Building, and was minus any
church equipment of the usual sort,
with ati audience of nine people.
Af'er a -few weeks the services
were held in the banquet, hall of the
same bu'lding, chairs bring furtoshed
by the Kahului Store and with
audiences of from nine to twenty
three people.
.Meanwhile a pretty and convenient
bouse of win ship wns being construct
ed at an a. proximate cost of fiihOO,
the expense i.f wl.'ch was met by the
Kabul ti; Ra'lroaJ Co , the, Hawaiian
Co:r vtercial e; r iir;i r (J-? , Hon. II. P.
Ha'.dw'in. aud ".villi c mtributions
from some ' t'.e c:;V.""is at Kiihului.
The rout ract work for this hotise
of woi'i'p was b" Mr. V.'. .1. M..ody,
and Mr. Si.ni Jl.-.'.d.ie tl e S'l.icr
visiao are.l.ittc'..
Th bulidir.o v...s duly dedicated j
on S.a.day. March 21 lunT, at il -p.
m. The sermon n" iledicatlon was j
ju-rtithcd by Uev. D-irrmu- Si udder,
D. U. i'l' Hon-..i..'.:. . . .o.i; v of the
Hawaii, ! lj')ai(i. Ti-yt l'i John
2D "My Lord a 1 my !J, d," up in
the jiti'ij.'c', '-Chri-far. Hci-i Wor
The c'-.'i ..f tl M.i...iwao l-'oroiyn
Churcl:, U 'V. I,'. V. f;. .a'.i, pa.-t r,
kindly (,'ave tic i r ( i v i e u on that
occasion, end Mi. Uj :i'ta. Uc. Kovv
jad Ii. Dodtfe, .sou of the pastor,
I Uev. I). V. K. White of Lahaina
! Kev. .M. 0. Santos of Pa'a and the
pastor, had a part in the program.
Thp church was filled to overflow,
ing with foreigners and Hawaiian?;
many different nationalities being re
presented iu the audience.
Hon. TI. P. Haldwin upon jiresent
ing the keys, and tho pastor upon
receiving the same, both emphasized
the fact that this hcuse being for the
use of the people of Kahului and
Puuuene was dedicated for the wor
ship of God in Christ absolutely
irrespective of race or creed, of
nationality or of denomination, anil
that it should, be a Union Chdrcti.
And it has been a matter of joy to
the paster, as well as to others, that
from the day of dedication, Hawaii
ans and those of other races have
freely and gadly worshiped here,
together with the white people, and
that no racial lines have been drawn,
and that a delightful spirit, of Chris
tian union thus for prevails.
On Thursday evening, April 11th
i reception was tendered to the
pastor in the new church building,
the same being largely attended by
people from Kahului, Puunene and
Communion was observed for the
first time on Sunday, May 5, 1007.
An individual communion service was
used, most of the expense for the
pureha.-t of the same having been
me"; by a friend of the pastor living
in Worcester, Mass.; Mrs. Milton P.
The pulpit bible was also a gift,
Irom frienes of his living in the same
city; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. I'emis and
Mr. George L. Newton.
The organ was used for the Grst
time ou Sunday, May 19, 1901, having
been purchased by the Ladies Aux
iliary, to whose credit stand the
majority of .the pulpit furnishings,
the pews, the furnishings for the
pastor's study and the mattings,
while toA'ard all this, and for the
general expenses counected there
with, the Hawaiian", under the lead
of Mrs. English, now Mrs. Roberts,
gave almost $200,
The jnilpit was a gift from the
hand and shop of Mr. W. J. Moody,
w hile the architect, Mr. Sam Dowdle,
personally engraved ujKin the Com
munion tabe: "In lJemembrance of
Mrs. .Id ice Nicho'son kindly and
most acceptably gave her services
as organist, thus lea liug the organ
ization in the service of praise from
May 10th to August 11, 1907.
In July 10U7, the pastor circulated
a paper with the following preamble:
We; the i ndersigned, believing in
the value of Christian worship for the
individual, tho family, for society
and the community at large, hereby
pledge ourselves for tiie support of
tho same at Kahului, under the
auspices of the body to be known us
the Kahului Union Church.
Tins support shall be by our atten
dance upon its religious meetings,
by our gif's and by our service, and
iu any other way that may be dceim
cd reasonable and right.
It is also understood that, from the
list of those whose names are here
unto affiled, all necessary officers
and committees shall be chosen,
while such rules aud by-laws shall be
adojited a may be deemed essential
by the majority of those who have
signed their names hereto.
Kahului, Maui, T. H., July, 1907.
Thirty-one people signed this
paper, and a meeting was held at
the Church on Friday evening,
August 4th, for organization, at
which time the following officers were
Moderator, Mr. J. Smeaton;
Moderator for the year, the Pastor;
Clerk, Mr. F D. Skinner; Treasurer,
Mr. J. Smeaton; Deacons, Mr. C. C.
Gossin and Mr. John Spencer.
Executive. Committee: Mr. C. C.
Gossin, Capt. I). F. Nicholson, Mr.
U. N. Corbaley.
The Executive Committee, in con
nection with the Pastqr and Clerk
were authorized to draft by-laws,
and present the same at some future
meeting to be called therefor.
The board of License Commission
ers for the County of Maui will hold a
meeting at the public room of the
Masonic Temple, Kahului on Monday
the 26th of August 1907 at 2 P. M.
to consider the application of the
Kuupukalua Wine & Liquor Company
for a license to sell wine manufactured
by said company from grapes grown
in the Territory of Hawaii at their
place of business at Makawao, Maui
in tho rremises used now by them at
said Makawao under the provisions
of Act 119, Session Laws of 1907.
All protests or objection against
the issuance of'a license under said
application should be filed with the
Secretary of the Board not later than
the time set for said bearing.
August 2, 1907.
Secretary, Board of License Commis
August 3, 10, 17, 24.
Misses Edith and Ida Hingley re
turned Wednesday to their home in
Honolulu after spending a few weeks
on Maui.
Mrs. John Hose and Miss Adeline
Hose of Lahaina have been spending
a few days in Wa'kiku.
Miss Mary Tiikoi a teacher of
Honolulu has been spending her vaca
tion with the family cf Edgar Morton
at Makawao.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Home with
tt-eir children Miss Mildred and Mas
ter Robert were registered at the
Maui Hotel Saturday.
R. H. Crawford of the Hamakua
poko store paid Wailuku a visit
C D Williams and S. E. Williams
were registered at the Maui Hotel
Doctor J. H. Furrell arrived in
Wailuku Tuesday evening to begin
the practice of medicine with Doctor
Weddick. Tl:e doctor comes highly
recommended and will doubtless build
up a good practice here.
Attorney J. L. Coke made a flying
trip to Hawaii Tuesday and is ex
pected back today.
J. II. Nelson is suffering with an
injured leg the result of an accident.
He is being treated by Dottor St.
Sure and will doubtless be well again
in a few days.
Mrs. . A. McKay is reported to
be enj, lying a delightful vacation in
Southern California.
A. J. Spitzer of I. Rubinstein & Co.
of Honolulu is on Maui this week In
terviewing local merchants. '
A. Burba and daughter Miss Lucy
Borba went to the metropolis this
week. Mr. Borba weut down on bus
iness while Miss Lucy went with her
father on a pleasure trip.
Editor C. Pereira of the A. Liber
dade has been on Maui some weeks
for his health. While here he made
his home with his son, M. R. Pereira,
the foreman of the Maui News. Mr.
Pereira returned home Wednesday.
J. C. Foss who has been the chief
Civil engineer for the Maui Agricul
tural Co. for some years has resigned
his position and accepted a better
position on the Coast. He left Maui
last Friday by the Kinau.
S. R. Dowdle, the architect, has
been in Wailuku some days this weelf
H. M. Wells the former inspector
of schools of Maui has about fully re
covered. Mr. Wells had a miraculous
escape from death about a year ago
where he fell into the bottom of a deeji
gulch in Kula and sustained injuries
which wj?re thought at the time would
prove fatal.
D. T. Carey of Wai'ikuhas receiv
ed word by wireless of the arrival in
Honolulu cf his brother Doctor Carsy,
a dentist of many yea-s' practice.
The Doctor will locate permanently
iu Wailuku.
Cashier C. D. Lufkin of the First
National Bank is expected home from
Honolulu this week.
J. L. Osmer is ready to recei.'e
engagements or take contracts for
any kind of mason work. He is a
first class workman.
Dr. George S. Aiken is still in
Kahului and will remain there until
next Thursday eveuing, See him if
your teeth need attentiou.
The Board of License Commission
ers for the County of Maui will hold a
meeting at the public room in the
Mason'c Temple, Kahului, on Monday
the 3rd of September 1907 at 2 P M
to consider the application of Ah Nin
for a Restaurant License to sell in
toxicating liquors at Waihee, Maui,
iu the seme premises formaly used
by him for Saloon purposes at said
Waihee under the provisions of Act
119, Session Laws of 1907.
All protests or objections against
the issuance of a license under said
application should be filed with the
Secretary of the Board not later
than the time set for said hearing.
August 8th, 1907.
Secretary, Board of License Com
August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.
The Board of License Commission
ers for the County of Maui will hold a
meeting at the public room in the
Masonic Temple, Kahului, on Monday
the 2Glh of August, 1907 at 2 P. M
to consider the application of Chang
Tung for a Saloon License to sell in
toxicating liquors in the building
now occupied by him at Kaunakakai,
Molokai, under the provisions of Act
119, Session Laws of 1907.
All protests or objections against
the issuance of a license under said
application should be filed with the
Secretary of the Biard not later
than the time set for said hearing.
August 2nd, 1907.
Secretary, Board ot License Com
August 3, 10, 17, 24,
The Boa;-d of License Commission
ers for the County of Maui will hold a
meeting at the public room in the
Masonic Temple, Kahului, on Monday
the 26th, of August 1907 at 2 P. M.,
to consider the application of Soon
Look for a Saloon Liceuse to sell in
toxicating liquors at Keanae, Maui,
in the premises used by him at said
Keanae under the provisions of Act
119, Session Laws of 1907.
All protests or objections against
the issuance of a license, under said
application should be filed with the
Secretary of the Board not later
than the lime set for said hearing.
August 2nd, 1907.
Secretary, Board of License Com
August 3, 10, 17, 24,
Ready for Business
If you arc a kodaker or an artist wc earnestly solicit
a trial order in art materials or photographic supplies
aud in developing and printing.
If you want a kodak or camera we can supply you
with the latest models at the very lowest market prices.
All our goods are new, we are new, and all our cus
tomers are new. Will you be one of the new ones.
Hawaii Photo & Art Co.
Seeing is Believing.
Wo have in exhibition in our show room a choice
selection of nickel plated BATHROOM ACCESSORIES, such as
Soap Dishes for the Bathtub,
Shower Heads,
French Plate Glass Mirrors,
Soaj) Dishes for the Wall, '
Sponge Holders,
Sponge Cups,
Soap and Sponee Holders,
Towel Bars in various sizes,
Towel Racks, 2-3 and 4 fold,
Comb and Brush Trays,
Tooth and Brush Holders,
Tumbler Holders,
Buth Seats,
Robe Hooks, etc., etc.
To realize their beauty and usefulness they
must be seen and used. Taken as a whole these
fittings are the most artistic, practical, easily cleaned
and therefore the MOST SANITARY.
Our prices bring them within the reach of all.
We invite your kind inspection.
Masonic Temple, : : KAHULUI.
For Best Results Advertise in the
Sfime &able-Jahului Slailroad Company
Pas. Fit. Fas. Pas, j only pAs.
Kahului Leave 7.00 2.00 Kahului Leave 6.20 ! l 20
Wailuku Arrive 7.12 2.12 Puunene Arrive 6.35 j 15
Wailuku Leave 7.20 2.20 Puunene ' Leave 6.40 j 1 40
Kahului . Arrive 7.32 2.32 Kahului Arrive 6.55 1 55
Kahului Leave 7.35 9.40 2.35 5.10 Kahului Leave 8.10 j 9.45 ' 30
Sp'ville Arrive 7.47 ' d.55 2.47 5.22 Puunene Arrive 8.25 10.00 35
Sp'ville Leave 7.50 10.15 2.50 j 5 25 Puunene Leave 8.30 10 30 3 30
Paia Arrive 8.05 10.35 3.05 j 5.40 Kahului Arrive 8,45 10 45 3 45
Paia Leave 8.15 10.50 3.15 5.45 Kahului Leave 945
Sp'ville Arrive 8.35 . 3.35 Puunene Arrive 10.00
Sp'ville Leave 8.40 3.40 j Puunene Leave
Kahului Arrive 8.52 11. HO 3.52 6.05 Camp 5 Arrive 1 10 30
Kahului Leave 8.55 1.00 3.55 Kihei Arrive u 13
Wailuku Arrive 9.10 1.15 4.10 Kihei Leave ll'"0
Wailuku Leave 9.20 1.35 4.15
Kahului At rive 9.35 1.50 4.30 Kihei trains Tuesday only and carry freight only.
Kahului Railroad Company
ALEXAMDER & BALDWIN, Ltd. j ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, Line of Sailing Vessels Betweer
San Francisco and the Hawaiian Islands; AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP CO

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