OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, December 30, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1911-12-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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Sum Kcliinoi relumed to Wai
'luku last Tuesday evening.' r,"j
Mrs. Kapu of Lahaina gave birth
to a Imv at the Malulani hospital on
Monday, the 25th. Mr. Kapu is n
teach? at Lahainaluna.
Tlie dance at the Gymnasium this
evening promises to he a delightful
affair. A large numtar of people
have already paid they would be
there. Don't forget it is a New
.Year's dance.
The monthly ministers' school of
the central Maui churches was held
at the Paia Portuguese Church last
.Thursday. The meeting was well
attended, and great interest in the
work of the day was shown.
One hundred and fifty people ot
, tended the Sunday School conven
, tion at Waikapu Church last Sun
day morning. The hoike was ex
cellent. The church looked very
neat after its recent repaius.
The severe storm of last Sunday
I morning so seriously interfered with
church services at Makawao that
the carefully prepared Christmas
service could not be held. It will
be held next Sunday morning at the
usual hour.
Vord hasbeen received from Judge
W. A. McKay that Mrs. McKay
went through the operation success
fully, and that she is very much
better than he feared she could be
after such an ordeal . All their Maui
friends are rejoicing that she is so
much better.
T. D. Skinner, who has been a
resident on Maui, and who was for
merly manager of the Kahului R.
R. Co's Merchandise department,
left on the Ma na Kea Friday for
Honolulu. He goes from there to
British Columbia, and on to Scot
land. Tom has. made many friends
here on Maui, and we all wish him
an abundance of future piosperity.
Arrivals at Maui Hotel : S. T.
Starrett, Lew G. Henderson, J. B.
McSwansen, B. T. Chase, C, E.
Barter, Honolulu; John Cullen, Jr.,
A. A. Wilson, Hilo; H. D. Mac
Arthur, II . C- Waldron, Sam G.
Wilder, S. G. Wilder, Jr., Hono
lulu; W. L. Decoto, Mr. and Mrs.
LH. M. Roberts, C. C. Bowman,
.Lahaina; J. M. Pawley Stockton,
Cal.; James Munroe, Kaunakakai.
The Library committee on organ
ization and by-laws met at the Bald
win National Bank, on Wednesday
afternoon, at 2:30. All were pre
sent except Judge Kingsbury, who
is spending the vacation in Hono
lulu. The report of the Library com
mittee will be made in full at the
next public meeting on Monday
night, January 8th, at the library
The Christmas celebration at the
Wailuku Japanese and Chinese
churches was well attended. Fully
three hundred and fifty people were
at the Japanese church. At both
churches the children were liberally
remembered by Santa Claus, and
the exercises by the children were
most interesting. At the Japanese
church the ancient Japanese musical
instrument called llorto was skill
fully played to the great interest of
. all present.
'. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Walker
rf W'Kthoro. Massachusetts, visited
Rev .iiid Mrs. Dodee from Satur
day until Tuesday. They are friends
of Mrs. John E- Dodge of Westboro,
and knew Mr. Dodge's father from
the time he was a young man. Mr.
and Mrs. Walker were charmed
with Maui, and expressed a desire
to know the island better. They
Bpoke of Wailuku as an ideal place
to live in. They are world-wide
travelers, having since Mr. Walker's
retirement ten years ago from the
laree manufacturingconcern of Gould
& Walker, spent a large amount of
their time in visiting various places
of interest all over the world.
The dedication of the new Union
nViimih edifice will be on Sunday.
January 21st, at Wailuku. The hour
will bo early enough to allow all
those who come from a distance to
return before dark. On Monday
ftvfininsr followina dedication Rev
Robert Elmer Smith, pastor of the
First Methodist Church in Honolulu
will lpotnre at the church unon.
"Philosophy of the Hustler." This
lecture of Mr. Smith's is full of
humor, and was one of the most
nnnnlar lectures in the States, when
Mr. Smith was on the lecture tour
nf tli a etuttern nart of the country
Mr. Smith's lecture will be the first
of the kind delivered on Maui in
many years. He ought to have a
large audience. His success as a
speaker is well known, for he has
preached here and was greatly en
inved. Those who have heard him
The local fire company are giving
a luau to their friends Monday. -
The young son born to Mr. and
Mrs. Kapu on Christmas day, died
ii Miss Dora Engle is visiting her
brother, William H. Engle during
the holidays.
The dance tonight will be one of
the pleasant events of the year. Be
sure and attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Roberts,
Mr. Bowman and Rev. S. Kapu
were visitors from Lahainaluna to
Wailuku this week.
A tennis tournament between
Paia, Kahului and Puunene will be
held on at the Puunene courts all
day Monday, New Year's day.
Miss Malel Wilcox of the Kame-
haineha Schools underwent a suc
cessful operation last week for apen
dicitis. . The case is reported as a
very severe one.
Enos Vincent is the latest ardent
advocate of good roads. He is sport
ing one of the latest model E-M-F
four-door touring car, which are be
coming so popular here on Maui.
Miss Etta Sandry sailed for Hono
lulu last Friday evening, and began
her work at the Von IHamm-Young
Company as head stenographer, on
the 26th of December. Miss Sandry
will be greatly missed by the friends
who knew her.
Mr. Weymouth Roberts returned
to Wailukn in time for the Christ
mas holidays. He has been under
medical treatment in Honolulu for
several weeks. He is now on the
plantation again. We are all glad
to see him back.
Mrs. A. J. Gossin can be called
upon at the front rooms of the Alex
ander House, the headquarters of
the new library, every afternoon
from 3 to 5. All interested in the
library project wishing to donate
books can leave them with her.
The police made a raid on a Jap
anese hotel down on Market street
Tuesday night. They found a num
ber of young men in one of the
rooms whom they charge with gam
bling. The case was up before Judge
Kalua Friday morning, but the pro
secution's case was so weak, the
judge discharged them without com
ment. Aloha Lodge, K. of P., held their
annual election Wednesday evening,
and the following officers were elec
ted for the ensuing year: C. Han
sen, C. C,; W. A. Sparks, V. C;
J. T. Fantom, Prelate; E. F. Dei-
nert, M. of W. ; Arthur Betts, K.
of R. & S.; C. C. Clark, M. of E.;
D. L. Meyer, M. of F. ; D. H. Case,
L. M Baldwin and G. H. Hansen,
Lahaina, Maui, Dec. 27, 1911.
Editor Maui News, Wailuku.
Dear sir:
Over two weeks ago the Laha
ina baseball team sent out two chal
lenges to the Star baseball nine, but
received no reply as yet from them.
By so declining, the Lahaina team
declares the championship of Maui
for 1911, unless the terms offered in
one of the challenges are accepted
by the Star team.
No doubt on our part, that the
Star team are in receipt of both the
Wishing that you will oblige us
a space in your valuable paper, and
to the interest of baseball enthusiasts.
We beg to remain
Yours respectfully,
Lahaina Baseball Team.
J. M. Lee, Sec.
At Chambers.
Libellant, vs. WILLIAM KAAIMOKU,
Libel lee, Libel lor Divorce. No. 330.
You are hereby notified that the above
entitled suit, the same being (or a divorce
from you on the grounds of desertion
and non-support, and is now pending in
the above entitled Court, and that the
same will be heard and determined on
Wednesday, the 7th day March, 191a, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or
as soon thereafter as may be. by the
Judge of said Court, at Chambers.
Dated at Wailuku, Maui, this aoth day
of December, A. D. 1911.
(Seal) (Sd.) EDMUND H. HART,
To Our Many Patrons
We Wish a Happy New Year
Railroad Co.
Merchandise Department
Attorney for Libellant
Dec. 30, 191 1. Jau 6, 13, 20, a7, Feb. 191a,
in Honolulu speak of him with the
highest praise.
.. . - . L 1..

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