OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, June 27, 1914, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1914-06-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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nteKreil nt Uie Tost Office at Wniluku, Maui, Hawaii, as sccoiid-clasf matle
A. Republican Paper Published in the Interest ol the People
Issued Every Saturday.
Mciui Publishing: Company, Limited,
Proprietors nncl Publlshem
SiBsc'idPTioN Ratks, $2.50 por year in Advance
Will. tl. Cioopr
Kclltor ttnet Manager
- JI NK 27, 1 S1 4
TODAY is election day on Maui. The fpicstion is wlicthcr or not
tlic County shall bond itself for certain public improvements.
All of the improvements are needed, though some arc more im
peratively needed than others. The voters may vole for or against any
or all of these items. Some people oppose the proposition as a whole,
some in part, and a good many are apparently indifferent. This last is a
bad frame of mind. Public money is to be spent or not spent. It is up
to every man with a vote, to cast it, one way or the other. Indiffer
ence is the most dangerous thing a popular form of government has to
face. Let's not be indifferent.
COXGRKSS is again being urged to make Hawaii the clumping
ground for all the lepers in the United States, and all who may
become lepers, for all time to come. The breaking from quaran
tine on Pugct Sound, of John Early, the leper, and his trip across the
continent to Washington, undetected, has started the whole miserable
discussion once more. Congress seems now to be looking for some place
that can't help itself, to establish a permanent national leprosorium.
Hawaii is likely to be "it" if very active and prompt measures of pro
test are not taken. We have no voice in Washington to speak for us at
present, Hawaii's official voice being just now enjoying life at Waikiki
beach, in "matchless Hawaii." But unless we want to forever be known
as a lcix.r colony, instead of the finest tourist resort in the world, it be
hooves us to get busy. Every commercial body in the Territory should
pass resolutions of protest, and take any other -steps that may in any
way serve to ward off the threatened calamity. Hawaii has too much too
lose to take anv chances.
Chikk Sanitary Inspector Osmkr issues a warning against the
practise of holding picnics in Iao Valley. He is backed up in this by all
tlie medical opinion on Maui. The argument is sound. It does not
take much thought to understand the pollution which must follow when
a large number of persons spend a day on the banks of so comparative
ly small a stream. The condition in Iao is unpleasant enough as it is,
and until the intake of the water system can be extended further up
the valley, no precaution should be neglected to prevent contamination.
There is a law prohibiting trespassing upon water sheds from which
domestic water is secured, but it is largely ignored. Iao Valley is one
of Maui's great assets. It should be open to everybody to enjoy. But
under present circumstances it is a menace to everyone of the several
thousand persons who depend upon this supply for drinking water.
And by the way, how about the big crowd that will be in Wailuku on
the l'oiitth shall the valley be freely ojx-n to all?
I'assk.nc krs from the Manna Kea again had an unpleasant exper
ience, and most of them were thoroughly wet, in making the landing
at I.ahaina this week. And again this occurred during trade wind
weather. The need for better lauding facilities at this port is becom
ing more and more apparent as the business of the port is increasing.
There is an item of $150,000 in the loan bill passed by a previous legis"
lature, for a real wharf at Lahaiua. Governor Pinkhain does not think
there is any particular hurry about this, however, and the item has
gone upon the deferred list. It may be dug up next year, provided the
people of Maui are insistent enough in demanding it.
U.vci.K Sam has opened an employment bureau, and is advertising
on a big scale. The local postoffice received this week a circular from
the Bureau of Immigration of the department of labor, advising that
jobs at from $2 to $4 per day and board are waiting about 100,000 har
vest hands in different states in the West. Kansas wants 40,000 while
Missouri wants 30,000. South Dakota and other states want also large
numbers, and have state labor bureaus to distribute the men applying
for jobs. Work is offered for from 90 to 120 days.
Wiiv should a real man seek a public office? The answer is that in
most eases he doesn't. The "letting out" of Territorial Treasurer I).
Iy. Conkling, who has admittedly made good, is an example of the
reason why. The public therefore doesn't gt t the highest tyie of pub
lic servants. The spoils system in American politics is not as bad as it
was fifty or sixty years ago but there is still room for improvement.
Thk Territorial Marketing Division is undoubtedly one of the best
investments the Territory ever made. But it evidently needs a better
book-keeping system. The chief complaint against it is that accounts
are too often mixed and remittances are slow and irregular. These are
important matters, but should not be be difficult to remedy.
Kacai capital is seriously considering the project of building an
electric railway line from Li hue to Waiinea. This suggests the thought
that a street car system between Kahului and Wailuku ought to be a
paying investment right from the start.
Mai i won Saturday's polo contest because Maui played the better
game. Oahu has no excuse. Nor need Oahu feel ashamed of the
game put up by the losers. It was good but not quite good enough.
.SV.i rlit llttin.
Kaholol Railroad
Merchandise Department.
BAROL prevents rot, dry rot, mould
decay, and protects lumber,
timber and woodwork, etc., against
Insects, Vermin, Worms, Teredos,
BAROL prolongs the life of wood
work, no matter if the
woodwork is placed above or below
ground or water. The application
of BAuOL is economical, saving cost
of material and labor due to repair,
replacement and rebuilding.
BAROL improves the tensile
strength and toughness of
timber and woodwork and permits
the use of smaller sized, inferior or
dead timbers. Woods which were
once considered worthless can bo
treated with BAROL and mado to
last practically as long as any others.
BAROL being composed of oils of
great wood preserving
quality amalgamated with certain
Copper Compounds checks wood
destroying bacteria and fungi.
BAROL being fatty and viscous,
volatilization is reduced to
a minimum.
BAROL thercforo remains water
repelling and withstands
atmospheric or climatic action for
BAROL having high specific grav
ity (1.132) penetrates deep
into the pores of the wood.
BAROL prevents swelling, shrink
ing," warping and checking
of the wood; it can bo applied to
constructions where the wood is sub
jected to alternately wet and dry
BAROL possesses a slight odor
which soon disappears
after application, it remains liquid, is
always ready for use and will keep
any length of time.
BAROL is neither inflammable nor
poisonous; it is not injuri
ous to the fibers of the wood; it with
stands acid, brine and vapor.
BAROL stains the wood a nut
brown shade; it is easily
and inexpensively applied to new or
old timber.
BAROL is suitable to impregnate
Canvas, Cordage, Nets,
Sails, Tarpaulins, Tents, Wagon
Covers, etc.
"P A "Orl against TERMITES
BAROL against Termites and Teredos
is specially prepared to
protect timber against White Ants,
Teredos, etc. Directions of applica
tion for BAROL against Termites
and Teredos are the same as for
-One Gallon of BAROL Covers About-
300 square feet of dressed lumber
200 rough lumber
100 shingle roof
tho second and following coats re
quire considerable less. When the
wood is immersed the covering capa
city is reduced on account of heavier
impregnation. In cold countries
BAROL should be stored warm dur
ing winter.
Price on Application
Kahului Railroad Co's
Merchandise Department
Kahului, Maui, T. H.
Tel. No. 1062.

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