OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, April 27, 1917, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1917-04-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Legislature
Ings, wharves and oil iijo lino, Oahu."
H. 13. 405 As Act 100, entitled: "An
Art to cront a trade and vocational
school at Lahainaluna, Maul." Educa
tional Committee.
Bill Introduced
H. B. 446 Relating to the salary of
the chairman and executive officer of
tlu board of supervisors of the County
of Maul Tavares.
II. B. 447 To amend suh-section (b)
of Section 992, R. L. II., 1915, relating
to food Jarrett.
H. H. 448 Providing for a city plan
ing commission for the District of Ho
nolulu, City and County of Honolulu
Resolution! Offered
H, R. 13o That land commissioner
infonn house "whether or not it Is
practicable for the territorial govern
ment to agree with Waianae Company
,o furnish water to the homesteaders
f.t l'ahoa from Its reservoir
a raid Pahoa" Kelekolio.
II. B. 134 That land commissioner
:iforni hoiire why patenfi have not
been issued to parties who have had
"heir binds surveyed Kelekolio.
II. B. 135 That attorney-general
"urnish house with an opinion on Sec
ion 16, Organio Act Kelekolio.
It. R. 136 For appointing of select
committee of five house members to
investigate supply, storage and sale
of fisd foods (Mossman) Judiciary
II. It. 137 Requiring Mayor of Ho
nolulu to furnish house with statement
of expenditures under two recent abor
tive bond elections (Miles) uaDiea
It. C. R. 25 That seven prizes, ag
gregating $1000 be offered for succes
sive aeroplane flights between Islands
of the Territory Marquez.
II. C. R 26 Instructing Oahu
Lir;aor License Boprd to adopt a uni
i'oini hour for ciosinr; places dispens
ing liquor (Ahuna) Judiciary.
Received From Senate
S. B. 91 Creating the olftce of regis
trar of firearms and ammunitions
Passed Third Reading
II. B. 356 Requiring the attorney
general and deputies to aid poor with
out .charge Lyman.
H. B. 337 Requiring the county and
city and county attorneys and their
deputies to aid the poor without
charjre Lyman.
II. B. 411 Providing further penal
ties for heedless driving Andrews.
It. B. 411 Relating to salaries and
expenses of circuit courts, district
magistrates and clerks County Committee.
S. 15. 70 Relating to highways Cas
S. B. 79 To extend for a period of
ten years Section 1250, R. L. H., 1915,
relative to exemption of property from
taxation Shingle.
S. B. 104 To provide for the publi
cation of the decisions of the United
States district court for Hawaii Pa-
S. B. 114 Providing for the display
of the National Emblem in alf court
rooms uasue
S. B. 127 Making appropriation to
complete and furnish Bay View Home,
"lolokal Cooke.
Failed To Pass On Third Reading
H EL XUEv4din fw-ndtfitlonal
courts of the Territory of Hawaii
Andrews. Seven nyes, nineteen noes.
Bills Tabled
II. B. 136 Relating to salaries of
county officers Brown.
H. B. 363 Appropriating money for
freight moving and handling by Klpa
hulu Sugar Company at Kipahulu
Landing, Maui Joseph.
II. B. 425 Relating to disqualifica
tion, absence, etc., of district magis
trates Silva.
Signed By Governor
H. B. 101 As Act 88, entitled; "An
Act to amend Section 6 of Act 117 of
the Session Laws of 1915, entitled 'An
Act to provide an additional income
tax of one per cent upon all corpora
tion incomes and upon individual ln
'omes in excess of four thousand dol
lars.' " Kupihea.
II. B. 288 As Act 89, entitled: "An
Act to fix the minimum pay of persons
coaching In the public schools of the
Territory of Hawaii." Kelekolio.
II. B. 65 As Act 90, entitled: "An
Act relating to the release by the
guardian of an insane married person
of his ward's courtesy or Dover in
realty." Andrews.
II. B. 126 As Act 91, entitled: "An
Act to amend Chapter 141 of the Re
vised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, relating to
probate jurisdiction and procedure
by adding certain new sections there
to to be known as Sections 2506A
2506B, 2506C, 2506D, 2506E, 2506F and
2506G." Mossman.
H. B. 336 As Act 92, entitled: "An
Act providing for an appropriation by
way of advancement for bc-iutlfying
and reclaiming certain low lands in
Kapiolanl Park." ;Marquez.
H. B. 364 As Act 93, entitied: "An
Act to amend Section 2404 of the Re
vised Laws of Hawaii, 19X5, relating
fo civil procedure." Andrews.
H. B. 361 As Act 94, entitled: "An
Act to compensate J. S. Ka'ajdela."
H. B. 164 As Act 95, entitled: "An
Act to compensate Francisco Dlna."
H. B. 368 As Act 90. entitled: "An
Act to construct roads to and through
the homestead lots of Watauili of Pit
honua. County of Hawaii, by making
an appropriation by way of advance
ment out of the general revenues of
the Territory of Havaii. the same to
be reimbursed out of the proceeds of
the sale of public lands upon the Is
land and County of Hawaii " Finance
II. B. 272As Act 97, entitled: "An
Act adding a new section to the Re
vised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, to be
known as Section 288A, relating to the
appointment of truant officers within
the district of Honolulu." Miles,
II. B. 343 As Act 98, entitled: "An
Act to amend Chapter 189 of the1te-
vised Laws of Hawal, 1915, relating to
the registration of copartnerships, by
amending Sections 341V" 3412, 3413
and 3414, and by adding thereto a
new section to ba- known as Section
3415A." Andrews.
S. B. 82 As Act 99, entitled: 'n
Act making' an emergency appropria
tion of ten thousand dollars. $10,000.-
Bill Introduced
II. B. 449 Appropriating $3000 for
road, Puuanahulu Homesteads, North
Kona, Hawaii Kawewehi.
H.- B. 450 Directing accounting of
ficers of Territory to make certain al
lowances to Honolulu Rapid Transit
& Land Company in estimating
amount of income due Territory under
Maul for $S4f8 pnld for construction
of homestead road in Kulnha Tract
S. B. 80 Fixing the salaries of
Maul county officials Robinson.
S. B. 108 Appropriating $100,000
for relief of families of national
guardsmen called out on active service
S. B. Ill Relating to garnishment
S. B. 117 Relating to the enrolment
of persons subject to military duty
Bills Tabled
H. B. 3S2 Appropriating $100,000 as
special fund for benefit or relief of
families of certain members of Natlon-
termn nf pnmnnnv'c rlinHnr .Tnrrnlt
H. B. 451 Appropriating $1000 for al uuaruui na an ivoukoho.
crwnnvncrr.mr.nt nf a r.I-nnn lit Ina lr Tor. OignCQ or llOVCrdOr
H. B. 150, as Act 101 "An Act ap
H. B. 452 Appropriating $2500 and I'loi'""'"; me sum m fmu im
nii,,i,w .nnini..nHnn, nf Tnrri. i construction oi an aspnait macaiiaiu
. .... ..... ...... ...... ..v.. .... ......
torial Marketing Division to distribute roan .uioumi m.- i ui ueeioau iu m x u-
seeds for food tirodnets Paschonl. uuapu, feoutn is.on.ua, Hawaii, uy
IT. Tt 453 Roliitini? to nnnn.il n:iv- man.
ment by Honolulu Rapid Transit &
Land Company, under its franchise, of
a per centum of its gross annual re
ceipts Miles.
H. B. 454 Established a life saving
patrol for Waikikl Wilder.
Received From Senate
S. li. 109 Providing for public im
provements Coney.
Passed Third Reading
II. B. 135 Relating to salaries of
district magistrates Brown
H. B. 313 Providing pension for
Judge Vj. P. Aikue of Koolaupoko,
Oahu Wilder.
H. B. 366 To fix minimum pay of
police officers Kawaha.
II. B. 370 To forbid the selling or
dealing in the capital stock of other
securities of other foreign corporations
by persons non-resident of this Terri
tory until such persons shall have sub
jected themselves to the jurisdiction
of the Hawaiian courts and laws An
drews. II. B. 377 To provide for registra
tion of nurses Wilder.
H. B. 378 Authorizing Secretary of
Hawaii to make final disposition of
Hawaii Building at the Panama-
Pacific Exposition Cooke
H. B. 380 Relating to salaries of
district magistrates and certain clerks
II. B. 421 Providing for the regis
tration of certain vessels operated in
the waters of the Territory of Hawaii
H. B. 426 Authorizing president of
territorial board of health to Issue per;.
mits to qualified persons to admjjjlster
and use of medicines ,pf -Hawaiian
herbs and plant s-r-LyWan.
II. B. 429 Authorizing attorney
who holds license practise in dis-
Bills Introduced
II. B. 455 To appropriate money
($5000) for the purpose of defraying
the expenses of the regular session of
the house of representatives of the
legislature of the Territory of Hawaii
of the year 1917, from the public treas
ury Cooke.
Resolutions Offered
II. R. 19 That item "Inspector of
restaurants, hotels and boarding
houses, per annum $1500," be inserted
in appropriation bill for current ex
penses Kawewehi
H. R. 139 Instructing board or
healfli to release Miss Florence K.
Silva from Molokai Settlement. Kupihea.
II. C. R. 27 Favoring the employ
ment of only cllizens, pnd those elig
ible to become such, on fortification
and other federal work:-? Andrews.
II. C. R. 28 Requesting fitting rep
resentalion of United States warships
at opening of rrarl Harbor naval sta
tion, June, 1918 Kelekolio.
Received From Senate
S. B. 103 Authorizing William B
Lymer, A. W. Mather and others to
establish and conduct, maintain and
onerate an automobile bus line or
linos upon and along certain streets
S. B. 128 Providing penaliJor vio
lation of any rule origination made
or promulgated, J'board of health
through its firesident Cooke.
S.-R 130 Relating to advertisement
"of notice to creditors of decedents
Knmminbn.. "
S. B. 131 To const ructionds to ana
through homestead 4o1s of Kukuiopae,
Sn-nlh Kona.-Hfvaii Hind
J tx . mnfi r
Appropriating iuuu
of sales of homesteads in said district."
S. B. 94 As Act 107, entitled: "An
Act to amend Section l of Act 14 of
the Session Laws of 1915, prohibiting
the operation of aeroplane, balloon and
other air craft in the Territory of Ha
waii with certain restrictions.
S. B. 96 As Act 108. entitled: "An
Act to amend Sections 666 and 669 of
Chapter 48 of the Revised Laws of
Hawaii, 1915, relating to eminent do
S. B. 70 As Act 109, entitled: "An
Act to amend Section 1881 of the Re
vised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, relating
to highways."
S. B. 79 As Act 110, entitled: "An
Act to extend for a period of ten years
Section 1250 of the Revised Laws of
Hawaii, 1915, relative to exemption of
property from taxation."
S. B. 104 As Act 111, entitled: "An
Act to provide for the publication of
the decisions of the United States Dis
trict Court for Hawaii." Pacheco.
S. B. 114 As Act 112, entitled: "An
Act to provide for the display of pa
triotic emblems in the courthouses
and courtrooms of the Territory, aiyl
to make an appropriation, to be im
mediately available, to carry out the
purposes of this Act. Castle.
S. B. 127 As Act 113, entitled: "An
Act. making appropriation for the com
pletlon and furnishing of the Bay View
Home at Kalaupapa, Molokai.
trict courts only to appear on appeal JL ni,iiKV mmnnien in in
of cases from i district court or judge. "rinR volunteers to na
cnamners m supreme courtarown. . . mlrslinnt to policy of war
If. B. 430 Relating to the vacation
of public employes Ahuna
M.' B. 431 Creatine commission to
Administer emergency-Tr contingent
funds, funds for relief of dependents
of National Guard who have been call
department and proclamation of Gov
ernor Coney.
Passed Third Reading
ti tv 340 Relating to the opening
and improving of new or existing high
compensation for judges or the circuit 00) for maintenance, additions, land-
ed into service- and to regulate the dis- ways n Honolulu Cooke.
tribution ,of food supplies within the
Territory Walsh.
H. B. 433 Appropriating $25,000 for
nay and substistence of officers and
enlisted men of National Guard when
ordered for special service Lyman.
II. B. 435 Relating to fees of no
taries public Lyman
Make Home Gardens and Back Yards Productive
Make your ground work for you and the Nation,
idle ground is waste; this is no time for waste or
: You can raise some vegetables for your family, no matter how small a piece of ground you have
Somebody Has to Raise Everything You Eat Do Your Share
1. Keep your garden working all season.
2. Get your ground ready for planting as soon
as the soil is dry enough to work.
3. Make successive plantings of lettuce, rad
ishes, Leans, and other short-season crops.
4. Start new crops between the rows of plants
that are soun to Le removed.
5. As fast the ground is cleared of one crop
start a new crop.
iioys and girls can help to make the soil in your'
gardens, Lack yards, and vacant lots produce food
lor the lamiiy. L,ast year tney raiseu in their gar
dens and helped to can more than 4,000,000 packagsi
of valuable food.
i Tt S7fi Making special appioprl
ation for payment of unsettled claims
under Act. 55, Laws or 1894 lirown.
H. B 416 Appropriating S0,0UU tor
purpose of employing necessary tem
orarv substitutes in all departments
r.f Tnrritnrv in which officials, sub-
nrriinntes or employes, members of the
H. B. 442 Reimbursing County of national guard, shall be called into ac
tive service ijj nun.
vt n 44fi Relating to the suary of
the chairman and executive officer of
the board of supervisors. County of
Maui Tavares.
tt n 447 To amend suVsection (o)
of Section 992, R. L. H., 1915, relating
to food Jarrett.
Failed On Third Reading
S. B. 27 Relating to personal taxe.-?
Third Reading Today
II B. 107 Making appropriation for
benefit of George Waipa Mossman.
H. B. 137 Appropriating !uuu ior
reconstruction of homestead roaa,
Waiohuli-Keok'.a beich mis, jviaui
Brown. . ,
H. B. 176 Appropriating ?zu,uuu iui
constructing fill and road3 tnrougn
Ponahawl Lots, Hilo Lyman.
H. B. 198 Making appropriation 101
benefit of Capt. John C. Lorenzen
Wilder. m .
II. B. 260 Forbidding ouicers huu
employes of Territory and political
subdivisions to become interested in
public contracts Marquez.
H B. 419 Providing for additional
compensation for judges of the circuit
courts of the Territory -anuiewa.
II. B. 420 Making appropriauon iui
benefit of Frederick it uocKeu
Miles. ,. .
w n 434 Relating to the disposi
tion of personal property belonging to
the Territory Lyman.
it n 438 Providing ior aisposiuuu
of certain public lands within the tract
known as the Papaaloa womesieaua,
v-iv. Tliln Hawaii Lvman.
S B. 107 Relating to limitations m
real estate Chillingwortn
Rill Tabled
II B. 10 Relating to salaries aim
Bill Introduced
H. B. 456 Authorizing counties and
city and county, by ordinance, to regu
late and prescribe the construction of
chimneys and smokestacks and to
compel the building and cleaning of
same, and to regulate and prevent the
emission of dense smoke or poisonous
cases therefrom, and to declare the
same a nuisance. Miscellany Commit
tee, substitute for Fernandez' H. B
Resolution Offered
H. B. 140 Requesting commissioner
of public lands to open any available
land at and near Kalihi. Punchbowl
and Palolo, Honolulu, for the purpose
of raising food products during the du
ration of the war Kelekolio.
H. C. R. 29 Favoring system of
truck-gardening and fancing in public
schools Lyman.
H. C. R. 30 Requesting Congress to
enact legislation-for increase of com
pensation of certain territorial officers
Petition Presented
H. P. 44 Requesting land commis
sioner to set aside government lands
in Kalihi, Punchbowl and Palolo for
raising of food products during con
tinuation of war with Germany Hol
stein. Received From Senate
S. B. 62 To provide for public im.
provements Shingle.
S. B. 113 Relating to immigration,
labor and statistics Shingle.
S. B. 129 To provide prison labor
for public work in Kapiolani Park and
Tantalus Road, Honolulu Shingle.
S. B. 135 To prevent corporations,
joint stock, trust and fiduciary compa
nies and co-partnership doing business
as trust or fiduciary companies from
practise of law Judiciary Committee.
S. C. R. 14 Requesting Congress to
amend land laws of the Territory
S. J. R. 4 Directing the Governor
and the commissioner of public lands
to set aside water for the use of the
All idle ground utilized in the production of vejre
tables means more food for those who have no
ground at all.
If your garden at any time produces more than
you can use immediately, do not allow the surplus to
.. i.. t .. . , . Lvnnnuns piroiiH court officers Silva
, u.y.us uCu,,S) pea. coin, to.uaioes, ueeis, 5F-Xing Varies of Hawaii
spinach, pumpkin, and squash. ,xaor at-1900 a year-
T- f 1 m . . . . 1
livery can oi vegetables or lruit and every tar of Kelekolio.
preserved fond moans tli.-it vnu 1i:ivo ,t I Sinned Bv Governor
materials that would have otherwise been wasted. D- 281-As Act 102, entitled: "An
t t , , Act appropriating the sum of five tnou
Lan or store root crops, cabbage, and other san(j dollars ($5,000.00) for the corn
vegetables properly so that they will keep well and pletlon of a survey, map and plans of
supply you with food when the garden ceases to certain lands in "f)j'",u-'' ... ,. ,
it n -)nq As Act 103. entitled: "An
Act to amend the law providing for
th narole of prisoners, as embraced
within Chapters 107 and 216 of the Re
vised Laws of Hawaii, 1915.
H. B. 315 As Act 104, entitled: "An
Act making an appropriation to pay
.James L. Coke for services rendered
and expenses incurred in behalf of the
The Hawaii Experiment Station, the College of
Hawaii, or the County Fair Gardens Committee will
give you explicit directions for raising vegetables, Territory of Hawaii at Washington
City during the months or January anu
February. 1916.
S. B. 71 As Act 105, entitiea: "An
Act to amenu section an a oi lue iw
vised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, authoriz
ing the issuance of municipal bonds."
S. B. 90 As Act 106, entitled: "An
Act making an appropriation by way
of advancement out of the general
Igive you explicit directions ior raising vegetables,
and will tell you simple methods for canning vege
tables and fruit at home with ordinary home utensils.
I district of Makawao, County of Maul,
to be reimbursed out of the proceeds
County Farm and Sanitorlum, Kauai,
without charge Coney.
Pasted Third Reading
II. B. 107 Making appropriation for
benefit of George Waipa Mossman.
II. B. 137 Appropriating $5000 for
reconstruction of homestead road,
Waiohull-Keokea beach lots. Maul
H. B. 176 Appropriating $20,000 for
constructing fill nnd roads through Po
iiliawal Lots, Hilo Lyman.
H. B. 198 Making appropratlon for
benefit of Capt. John C. Lorenzen
H. B. 260 Forbidding officers and
employes of Territory and political
subdivisions to become Interested in
public contracts Marquez.
II. B. 420 Making appropriation for
benefit of Frederick K. Cockett
H. B. 434 Relating to the disposi
tion of personal property belonging to
the Territory Lyman.
II. B. 438 Providing for disposition
of certain public lands within the tract
known as the Papaaloa Homesteads
North Hilo, Hawaii Lyman.
II. B. 449 Appropriating $300 for
road, Puuanahulu Homesteads, North
Konn, Hawaii Kawewehi.
H. B. 452 Appropriating $2500 and
authorizing superintendent of Terri
torial Marketing Division to distribute
seeds for food products Paschoal.
H. B. 454 Establishing a life sav
ing patrol for Waikikl Wilder.
Failed On Third Reading
S. B. 107 Relating to limitations of
real estate Chillingworth. 2 ayes and
20 noes; reconsidered later and plac
ed on order of day for third reading
again on Monday, April 23.
Bill Tabled
II. B. 28 Fixing a minimum wage
for road laborers Miles.
H. B. 70 Making compensation of
second district magistrate of Honolulu
and H"ilo seven dollars a day while
serving Kelekolio.
H. B. 130 To regulate legislative
appearance Leal. ,
H. B. 267 Making special appropri
ation for paying cost of diverting Apu
akehau Stream, Hamohamo, Waikiki
H. B. 296 Providing for payment of
certain services for Oahu Loan Fund
Commission Kelekolio.
H. B. 320 Appropriating $5000 for
walling Alenaio Stream, Knkuau, Hilo
H. B. 365 To regulate chimneys
and smokestacks Fernandez.
H. B. 427 Relating to the salaries
of district magistrates and certain
clerks Andrews.
II. B. 432 Appropriating certain
moneys for the expense and mainten
ance of prisoners Silva.
H. B. 445 Appropriating $20,000 for
construction of ditch to carry water
from Kawi headwater to Kapaa, Ka
pahl and Mailehuna homestead lands,
Kauai Lota.
H. B. 451 Appropriating $1000 for
encouragement of aeronautics in Ter
ritory Marquez.
S. B. 89 Relating to equity jurisdic
tion over estates Castle.
Signed By Governor
H . B. 131 As Act 114, entitled: "An
Act to amend Section 297 of Chapter
25 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii,
1915, regarding maintenance of
schools" Marquez.
H. B. 92 As Act 115, entitled: "An
Act to provide an insurance law for the
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Announcement Extraordinary
will appear at
Wailuku, Tuesday, May 1st, in
One Performance Only on Maui!
'. 1 '...'.iW . M
nbntn Wnkt
Quit an uuritru tn attntfc tljr
of tltr
fHam Storing Afisortuttuu
Imuumr (Ehtb tyouw
aturtfay runiuuj, iHaij 12, 101?
(Srauu iHarrl utarta at 10 u'rlnrk
3Fanrij Orrsa

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