OCR Interpretation

The record-union. [volume] (Sacramento, Calif.) 1891-1903, October 16, 1891, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015104/1891-10-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Sachamfnto. October 1 sth.
FRUIT— Tjcmons—Si<-ily. $B@B 50 V box;
California, $6@6 50: Limes. §5 y. ••use, $l *
lu(t; Bananas, 92 r>Of.r 3 bunch for 1.-!.-; nd;
Coooanuu, *:@s; California Orange* Blver-
Bide. S3 50€ i V box; Pineapples, 60 cents
each, $7 it dozen; Peaches, *Oj»flOe ¥ box;
Nectarines, 75c@$l » box: Plums, 50c@
•1 25 fl box; Bartktt Pears, §1<«;1 w^box;
Apples, ■ box.
i ' V N'N El ' ci< tol >X—Assorted Table, §1 65@
J 76; Apples.fl 60: Aurieots, ?1 50; Blaek
)»orriee, fl 75£1 >-5; Cherries, SI 95®2 35;
Currants, Si 25; Goo^eberrtea, §1 BOfl i 90;
Muscat Grapes, SI 40:- 1 50; Plums, §1 40;
Quinces, SI 75; Strawberries, $2 50.
BREADSTUFF'S—FIoor, «6 25 V bbl; Oat
meal, l<>-ft> sacks, ;;>s>• V !'■: S:> 25 v 100-fo
Backs; Oornmeal, white, $3 i* 10-B> sa tks; yel
low, $2 <;0y 26nb oaeks; Cracked Wheat, $3
f) 104bsaeks: S:i 75 V 100-ti> sacks; Hominy,
£8 75 « 10* sacks; S3 50 100-Ib sacks;
(Graham, $2 75 fl 10-tb sacks; ?2 82K *
100-& sacks. „_
VEGETABLES—Onions, Silverskins, Bo@
90c ewl; nn. ko,«Ssc; Egg Plant. 3(g>4c;
Tomatoes, 30@50c $ box; Corn. Sweet, $1
?>sack: Cabbage, 65@90e 9 100 fts; Carrots,
50@60c»100 B»: Turnips, new. 75c»sack;
banofa vegetables, 1 ::'.,<• « doe Parsnips, Si
@1 50; Beets, 76C@fl: Horse Radish. 10c $
15; Garlic, s@6c; Artichokes, 10@60cH doz;
Dried Peppers, 25:<; ;{oe: Green Peas, com
mon, 298 c: il<>. bw« t. o@lc; Potatoes, Early
. t»c; I > rless, 60@70c; Burbanks.
60@65c; Centennial, 50@60c '$ cO; Celery,
doc; String Beans, 4@sc; Summer
Bquash, :?<•; Cauliflower, #1 ft doz; Green Pep
pere,s@6c v Ik Okra, 12X@15c; Red Cab
a£e;3c«B>; sweet Potatoes, fl io@l 25.
DAISY PBODUCTB—Butter, Valley, 28@
30c fl ft. Fancy Petaluma, 80®32^c ft>;
Kastarn Creamery, fancy, 25(?>27^c; packed
in Orkins. choice, 22%@24c; common. 12)^
< 1.8 c; Cheese, California, 10@llc; Young
America, 11^12c; Eastern Cream, 15c; Llm
bur«cr, 18@2Oe; genuine Swiss, 32^@35c;
American Bwiss, 21c: Martin's Cream, 17a>
18c: Eggs. 32K@35c: Eastern, 24/^2sc
POKLTIIY— Ih-aicrs" prices: Live Turkeys,
liens, 15c; gobblers, ll@12c; dressed, 14®
15e; full grown Chickens, f 5@5 50 » doz;
youngßoostsrs, $4®s¥doz: broilers,sß(6 t;
Ducks, «4®5; IVkin, 85(^5 So; Geese,
f 2@a 2- r, v pair. or
GAME—O.oail, S I®l 25 v- <loz; Hare, 25@
:;5.- y pair; CottoutaUs, 206 35c; Babbits, 20
@25c; Gray Geese, 50@60c; Brants, 25@35c;
White Geesp, 20@25c; Mallards, 50@65c:
Sprig, Lo#soc; widgeon, 25@35c; Teal, 88
(<•. 3"<c: small Ducks, 20@25c.
i/M? ton: Allalfa. do,f 10@12Hton: Bran,
ton: Middlings, f23 f ton; Barley.
whole, paying §i 10®3 20; rolled, Si 30;
Wheat (choice milling),paying si 60fi cwt;
i ; c: Tame Oats, .1 00; Corn, paying
fl 30. 1 -15$ CWt
MEATS—Beef, sc; Mutton, Bc;] Lamb, 9?;
Veal, large, s>£@6c: small. 8c; hogs, ■! ■
■:'.<•; (in-smvl Pork. Sc: Hams—Eastern, 14@
15-; California, 11..« -. Bacon—Light Medium,
<<>«•; selected, 10c: extra Light, l-'^.c; extra
light, boneless, i:;'..> l 1..<-.
MISCEIjLAKEOUS —Seeds— AKalfa, new
crop, 6®7>ic; Timothy, Eastern, ■> ■•■■♦;<: Pop
Com, i shelled, 11. 5 •>'..(•; Bed
Clover. 10m I lc; Hed Toj>, 6@7C f ft». Nuts—
Chile Walnuts, new, llfi 12c; California Wal
nuts, ll'.l^c; Almonds, new. 15c; Peanuts,
California, ti@7c; Eastern. 6&7 C Lard—
Calilbniia. cans, sv.-iitc; Eastern, -'„(vl*>e.
Hides-salt, light, sc; medimn steers, 6c;
heavy iteers, Sc; heavy cows, sc; dry, 9c;
Tallow, 3J...C.
Sax Francisco. October l nth.
FLOUR—Not cash prices for Family Extras,
5 25 f 1 I bl; Bakers' Extras, $5 15(a.f> 25;
rfine, $3 Bs@B 90.
WHJSAI —The volume of trade Is not exten
sive, though ail desirableofferings find quick
I current rates. Quotable at §1 <>S%
<i l ;i> for good to choice shipping grades;
milling, $1 72 " -\\.
BARLEY—SampIe trade i^ slow and drag
ing, and buyers have tic situation rather in
thai favor. Peed, '.<?'.< '.>,sl for dark coa^t,
BwiflO;.';.i:] 07% tor better quality. Brew
ing..-;! Ll". 1 20; Chevalier, $1 35@1 o7':.
1 l<»r Viundard; lower grades-, §1 25
1 20 ? ctl.
oath- Keep steady a 1 old iiirurc-s. We
quote prices jk follows: Surprise, ?1 45®
l 50: milling, fl 37 '-^l 42H;good to choice,
i: : ■ j to; fair, $1 25.'*1 ;>(): Gray,
fcl 30@l :<..:.: Black, fl 85 J 15 ? ctl
for < Iregoa :iim $1 r>o@i for California.
CORN—Prices continue to decline. We
iMio:.' as follows: Large Yellow,*! 20;8mall
yellow, fl 25; White,fl 20@l 25 Vctl.
CBACKKD CORN- Quotable at f2&@29 *:<
OILQAKE MEAL—Quotaljlf at SaO^tcm
from tii«' mills.
00RKMEAL—Miller quot* Feed at f27 50
:>i> -f '<>'>; One kind- tor the table, in
large and >--m.ill packages, :;' 4 ".:;:,<• $ tt>.
BEDS—We quote: Musi r<t. Brown, $2 50
<§sM; Yellow. K2 76@3 r etl; Canary, i ,
;.'<•; Hemp. 4V@ i'.e; Rape, £:.'; Timothy. «%
f»sc; Alfalfa, 5] Gc 1 &>; Max, Su 225 .
MIDDLINGS—QuotabIe a 1 924Q25 9 ton.
CHOPPED FEED—Quotable a: §22023 V
HAY—Better prices are being obtained,
owing to lighter supplies. The demand con-
Una U&Ua,fl] 12; Wheat,§ 12 50
<■• 15 50; WneatandOat,sl2 .>O(S/ii 50; Ba
rley, fll@l2 fio; Clover, Sl:.'@l3; wild Oat,
$il .ii l:; 50; Stock, $10® 11 fl ton.
BTRAVV—Quotable ai 35 osoc«balc
111 'iS—linn table at 1C . - :<> qu.il-
Itj .
t LN—Prices keep firm, qu >table at f2l
, ton.
jj.\K— Nominal at §1 50@l 55 ft ctl, there
b'lnt no deu and.
BUCKWHEAT—Qnot&bIe at §1 CO&l 75
S >l"Nl> HAllLF.Y—Quotable at $a2@24
t» ton.
POTATOES—We quote: Garnet Chiles, IC@
r>,jc; Kai , ■. .."n; Bur banks, 40@4 5c
sor River and 7 3 fl ior .Salinas; Sweet,
50 9 ctl.
OSI ' ■ --- ctl.
DRIED PEAS- Wo quote: (ireen, 81 350
1 .",■); Blackeye, §1 40®l 50; NUes, #1 4o>
a .">u v ctl.
BEAKS—Bayos, $l 76@1 90; Batter. 82a
Z :-' i: Pink, Q] ; Be '.. 82; lima,
* . ■ . . Small White,
05<$2 15 ctl.
VEGETABLES — Blarket <iui«t and un
interesting. We quota pries as follows:
Lima Beans, 2@3c ft ft>; Green Okra, 4c®soc
fJbox;Sumniertt<juaßh,6s V sc^itK)x;Cuiaun
ben xi ur»--ii Fepj* rs. 30 50«
V box for Chile and ■■ . : for Bell: Toma
. box; Egg Plant, 50 b6Ocf)box;
Lips, 50 ; . Beets, $1 %* sack;
Carrots, ft '><•: Parsnips, si 25 jp ctl;
'i.")c: Garlic, 8c p ft; __ Cauli
flower. 76c ■ dozen; Dry Pep] . .'Oe;
Dry < >Kr - 0 ft; Marrowlat Bquash,
:.»v ton,
) j^L'li'—Business is not brisk. Supplies are
qnt i .-. : i ■. We quote prices as foi
lowa: Win. (ii 13 >* ton; Quinces,
40#50c v l)<>^: Poiucgranate, 50c U>
SJI V box; Qrapes, 25#40c V box for
etwater, 25 i t><- for Muscats, 15@40c for
J'.l^.-k. 35(j sOc tor Tokay, 25<& ii^c ior Ver
• (><• tor lsai,. ;..•; Watermelons,
;i U: Cantaloup i.25c 1 1 50 e.Mte;
box; Pi aches, .; »60c $ box; I
Pi tui . . ■ |
Baspberrl< ■ I; Pi »oc^
1.0.v; Stra il forSharpi
| Lemons,mcu .
$7" ■ i rornia Lemons,91 SOfcl SOforj
■! i trangeti. ?=.j 50®3
. I as, ?2fe,.i 50 r bunch; Pine*
I od Cranberries,
>- ; Oregon Uranberries,
IjUIED FRUlT—Apricots, bleached, 5 8c;
tried, '. !••; Peaches, peeled evapor
sun-di ble coed,
tor evaporated, lc
jor slifi <i. and 2ks3cfor quartered; jutted
Plums, •"><■; uuptttt-.i do, ■_■;<■; Grapes,
- i ■ . ■■■ rman Prunes,
on ted, i(.3>sc
■ .nes,
4c i' c ror white; Pigs, li<ise
for i •
ncy, Si 50
<. J l L 40; lair to
■ . with the usual advance for
ea; Muscat o.- ft box,
mm ; for sacks.
tor amber
and •>',(£•'<'■ c for bright. Comb is quotable at
. ly market, receipts nnt u
ill? litr;-e. We (jliot*- p:i : -ws:
to eh ; lc;
Mir lii l-000. •' -'ore lots. 1 .".,•.< ! P
"i : pickled roll, 23«25e; firkin, 2O@22V;c;
m. l 20c for ladle-packed and
forcreami ry.
Let drm. We quote: Choice
to tancy new, \::' i:' .■•: (airio good, l<
; l : Ea»U m, ordinary to one, ]•>■• i:;o> D>,
- So change. We quol
foUo ■ fornia ran- ,<•«•: store
lots, - Eastern, 25&2& C for (.u\<-v,
tor to choice aud 20@21c for
"fEfistorn arrived t<v
.tut Itwasmixed :.s 4 to quality. Good
I to adva Bens
97, Old I ■ and
Broil< n $ i 25 lifornia produ
uu< • Hows: I.iv.' Turkeys Gobi
Gc v fc:
G .'>i for you
■ii for small and ...
: Ducks, $4 50i.%0 6u;
I : ur.
GAMJ - !•■ !"■• i »till Dion- or lea
r condition, which
tor anything i!.;it is offered.
3<v,r deslrHble conKignmeuts ready sale is
found at current rates, Wequou v follows:
Quail, §1 26®1 .r,o *^ dozen; Mallard, -
, 50; Rpric -1 :s@'2 25; \\ ridpeon.*l
.1 Ducks, |1 12>6#1 25;
(,; >• common Snipe, i c $1;
. v:. 1 50 f doaeh; Hare,
fji-i ."iff; Kabl . ii 50; Doves, 40®
6Oc B doeen.
r;:< >visii >NB—Weanoteas follows: Eastern
Bams, 13 @.l lc;Cnli:ornlarcftlffßrator-ooT«d
2Ia!:)-. ;:-' 1'- " Eastern Breakfast Bacon,
1 014 c; California Bacon, heavy and me
diun lie; do, light, 12%@13c; do,
extra light. 13}^14c;<lo, clear sides, \o'
%Q%fi f It; Pork. exttß prime, $14<.<.14 SU;
do, prime moss, $15^15 50; do, moss,
H7 GOftuir 75; do, dear, flSmif); do. extra
• 1 ur. 1!) 50 fi r>'l; tigs' F^t. $12 50
i> bbl; }'. . 1. mew, bbls, $7 50foS; do, extra
maßS,bbU,sß s<>-y9; do, family; 811(^11 50
%41'bl: do, smoked. llV£c to 12e fi lb; Eastern
Lnrd,tiorcts, 8V 4 @9>£c; do, 10-fb tins, 10% c;
do, 5-ih tins. 10-Vkc-; do. 3-tb tins, lO'^c; Cali
fornia Lard, tierces, 9V 4 c to 9}4c; do, kegs,
lOc; do, 10-tb tins, [email protected]; do, 5-ft> tins.
10 10;> X c: do. 10-lb pails. 10% c; do, 5-ib
pails, lie; do, 3-ft> pails, llj^clfift.
VV(.»OL—We quote spring:
F<M)tliill^B> 16(ol8c
Northern 18(5 22
Nevada 15® 18
Oregon, Valley 22@24
Eastern, light I<s 18
Do. heavy 12@lo
We quote fall:
Mountain, light and free 11@13
Do, heavy and poor U< 11
Plains, heavy and poor 7(/l 8
Do, good. 9@lo
Lambs, poor to choice B<§>l2
HIDES AXD SKlNS—Quotable as follows:
Sound. Culls.
Heavy Steers, 57 lbs up, ft».7^@—c t> <d\—
Medium Steers. 46 to 56 tNL.d' w— ly/n.—
Light, 40to 45 ft 3 5 (di— 4 u±—
Medium Cows, over 46 ibs..s ® — 1
Light Cows under 4G lbs 5 <g>— 4 @—
Kips, 17 to 30 fts 4 («— 8 <" —
Veal Skins, 10 to 17 lbs 5 (<i>— — (<a4
Calf Skins, sto 10 ft>s G @— — @-3
Dry Hides, usual selection. lOi.lO^c; Dry
Kips, do, 9e %4 te Calf Skins, do, 9c; < nil
Hides, Kip aad Calf, Gc; Sound Dry Salt
Hides, sfa,Gc; Cull Dry Salt Hides, 4m1 i,c;
Pel; , Bhearlingß, 20^30c each; do, short,
•lota 50c each; do, medium, 60toT5c each; do,
long wool, Sl@l 25 each; Deer skins, sum
nier, 323<CJ do, good medium, 27y^@30c; do,
thin. 20&22 MC f) lb; Cioat Skins, 30@60c
apiece for prfme and perfect; 15®25c me
dium, 5v ioc each for small.
HEAT MARKET — Following are the
rates lor whole carcasses from slaugh
terers to dealers: Beef—First quality, 5- .„. 6c;
second quality, 6c; third quality, L@4%c Q t>.
Veal—Quotable at s#6c for large and 6^Bc $
ft for small. Mutloii—Quotalik: at 7> ■■ bo ,-' t>.
Lamb. 899 c r >*•■ Pork—Live Hogs,
on foot, graiß f<d. heavy, 4\,f;t I 1'.?; li!?ht,
4>ife4sic; dressed Hoys, B^@7^3 ¥ B.
New Yokk, October "! sth.
wheat-?! oovi f,>r November, tl 07 :i<
for December, fl 11 M for February, Si i:)>.<
for April and ?;1 1;> „ for Xiay.
Chicago, October 15th.
WHEAT—9S^c fcr December and SI 01U
for May.
LrVESFOOI<, October 15;h.
WHEAT—Lees active. California spot lots,
gs Oil; offcoast, 44s :;d; ju>t Bhipped, -14s Gd;
nearly due, 44s 3d; cargoes os coast, quiet;
on pu>:sa'_:e, quieti r.
s.v:> Frakcisco; Septembel 1 20.1SS').
J. C. TRAvrn, Proprietor Bodine Stabler, Mission street, says o:' tl;c «.'. <'. L'.iii.iiont; A
most excellent Liniment; consider it the Lest on the market. You have no', .said hall enuugr
in Us favor.
San Francisco, August S, 1889.
The C. C. LixmrENT Co.—Gents: I have used C. C. Linmicnt in my family, u:iu can give V
my unqualified indorsement as an article of tho highest merit ana efficacy.
A. <J. BBJEAHAN, 86a Market street, i?:m Francisco.
San Fraxc:sco, Soptember 20,1550.
The C. C. LiNrsrcxT Co., B. F.—Gents: I have used yuur C.C. l.iniirentin my Uuraly.and
consider it an article of the highest merit. 1 most. eb«exfuliy recommend It as n household
remedy. \V. D. UAKLAISD, Equitable Liie Ins. Co., 105 Alontgoni. ry street, H. ¥.
San Fr.AXCisco, August 9,1889.
The C. C. Liniment Co.—Gents: After using all other remedies tor Rheumatism withoui
effect, my mother was cored by the use of one bottle of your C. C. Liniment, itisatrulj
wonderful medicine. I am, very truly yours,
ZENQ MAUVAIS, MuFic Dealer, 7G«J Market street, S. F.
San Francisco, August 26, 1889.
Tnr: C. C. Ltni^ikn-t Co., P. F.—Ocr.ts: The udder of op.po, toy tows became inflamed and
badly swollen. I used all ordinary remedies without doing niiy good. I then applied C. C
Liniment, the Inflammation t.e^an losvio-sitie at ontv.aun in t ::c.v. '»-four hoars the oow \v;i£
entireJy well, vhe C. C. Liniment has my indorsement ao :i valuable Linimi nt for dairymen
and larmers. Yours truly, LllAri. KLLIS, Hi,-"land i Jark.
San FhanCisco, September 20, 1689.
The C. C. Linimext Co., S. F.—Gents: I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for the
benerit* received from the use of your C. C. Liniment. As a Liniment for animals h certaluly
lias no < <jual on the market. In one instance It saved a very valoable horse for me that pi<- ced
up :i nail. The animal's leg was swollen to twice its natural siz«-, aud it suffered snob agonis
ing ouin that it st-» mcd almost impossible to save its life, but the C.C. ),;ui!u» Nt gave almost
ane >us relief, and in less than a week tho bone was able to var^ as osnaL I al*o used
il for innanu d udder with my cow with iho most gratifying success. I hearlilj recommend it
as a valuable remedy lor horsemen and dairymen. 1 '.vculu nut be without it. W. IIENKY.
San Ff.ancisco. .September 1!), l w>?9.
The C. C. Liniment Co., S. F.—Gentß: Last week I got my hauds severely burned by tear
ing ofl Rome burr.irig drapery. An applicatiou oi your L\ C. Liniment took the lire out a', once.
1 also nsed it on a crashed foot with the very be6i results. I cannot recommend it too highly;
have never used anything to equal it. J. ti. PJLEKREPoNT, 348 Grove sueet, >S. P.
San Francisco, September 20,1889.
The C. C. Liniment Co., S.F.—Gents: I have been troubled with soft corns tor a great many
years, and could find nothing that would help me. I got a bottle of C. C. Liniment, thinking
It would afford me some reIU.J. After usin^ it for two weeks the corns came o it, roots anrt all.
1 can recommend C. C. Liniment as the nuest remedy for the cure of corns that I have used.
F. J. LEASE, Manuiacturer of the celebrated "iansy Adjustable Bustle."
San Fr.ANcisco, September is, 1889.
The C. C. Linimtnt Co., S. F.—Gents. I had an u'tack of rheuinatis:;i a sriort time ago,
uid one bottle of your C. C. Liniment eflected a complete cure. Yours, respectfully,
T. CLIFFORD, 330 Noc street, City.
San Francisco. June 18,1888.
Mn. \V. IT. Bone, 317 Bartltttt Street, San Fjiancisco—My Dear Si:; We have used
yor.r C. C. Liniment for a severe ca<e of rheumatism with the best of results, and would rec
ommend it highly to others. Youns truly.
ARNOLD BROS., Cash Grocers, 91G Valencia street.
San Francisco. July 3, 18S8.
MBS.J. Woodman, 225V4 Nineteenth street, between Mission and Cappmrffts. says:
"Your C. C. Liniment is (be best I have evt-r used, and I recommend It as an excelknt lini
ment to an/ays keep in the house for the ralk-f uuacure of pain.'*
san it.ancisco. July 3,1558.
Mn. W. H. Bone, 317 Bartlett street. Ran Francisco—Dear Sir: 1 have been troubled with
rheumatism off «nd on lor six years. Have never used anything that hai- done u.e so much
<<x>d as your c. C. Liniment. I leit relit fat once after tiie tirst application. Before usin^- ;t I
*ould not stand erect, wus bent over so badly tnat I had to use- a cane to assist u;e in walttlng;
teat in less than two days after I commenced nsing your C c. Liniment I could stand erect
without pain, and now aftc— usinir it a week 1 gft around aud do my work without auy
trouble. I shall recommend it to all p.s the most valuable remedy I have ever used. I urn,
very truly yours,
MRS. P. J. LATJGHUN, 004 Twcnty-flrsT street, between Folsomand Harrison.
iff- \\ c Rtrald advise those 1 suffering from rheumatism to [*o and see Mrs. Laughlin
at the abo\ c address, and they will be fuiiy convinced of the wonderful curative proptr; led v/
\he C. C. Liniment.
San PKAKCI! 00, July G, IhBB.
Mhs. Knoi.i., 813 Hliotwell street, between Twenty-seoomi :m«l Twenty-third,rajs: ".Have
osed yorr C. C. Liniment and round it a most excellent remedy ior pain, i glaaly recommend
it toothers.
San Francisco, July i\. 1888.
Mus. Jennik M< Dove, At. 329 Seventeenth street, between Valencia a?id Mission, says:
"Your C. C. Liniment takes crlect flicker, and does more good, than anything oi the kind that
I have ever use-J.
San Fhancisco, Cal., July 8, 1888.
W. H. Bone. Esq., 317 Bartlett street, San Francisco—My Dear Sin About two months
ago 1 dislocated my left unkk\ al the .-;m:e ti:no breaking onc'oi the .small bone^ In my leg; I
several things for a month without receiving much benefit. I turn commenced osing
your Camphor Chloral Liniment; applying it the i;rnt time In the evening. The relief from the
severepaln was almost Instantaneous, :m<i tho next morning. ior the inst time, I could put
my toot to the ground. I am improving daily by its use, and consider it Uie best Liniment
that I have ever used. lam very truly row*, D. VEBVALLJi,
Proluce and Commission Mereiiunt. 226 Clay street.
*3r If you want to know Just how much Mr. Vervalin thinks oi the C. C. Liniment go and
see him.
San Francisco, June 5,188S:
Mr. W. 11. Kone, No. 317 Kartlett street. S. F.—My Pe;ir Sir: On the afternoon of May
lot I), while trpttiug on the cars at Reed's Station. Mnrin County. I fpll ovi r an obstmotton ana
ci d a severe clsloeatlon «f my left hip. After it was set I suftered severely for two days.
not belrm able f<> move u:y limb, or sutfor it to Lc n.oved by my mmc without'gjeut p:i:n.' I
then commenced using your C. C. Liniment, which gave me Immediate relief, and at the ex
piration of three days I could turn over in brd without assistance and without pain. I can say
that ii. is t be best l.inii..ent I ha^e ever used, giving relief sooner than any other, and although
I use it constantly and with the gn atest benefit, it does noi bliiter a pattlelst, which is toncu -
thing I cannot say «i" other liniments. I am improving every d.iy, and tend you this testi
monial, trusting thai ii nay induce others who may be suffering to use the c. C. Liniment,
with the wish that it may help Uiem us much a*> it has me. I a;n very truly, yours,
Mlirf. A. S. FALLS, Xo. 135 Kair'O.iks st.eet.
"Some live^S^^ re H k©*
the more woT^^^^OTte.brighteT'!*
Busy,wive3 who use SAPQ LJfO
never seem t-a^ro.w old.Try & ca^ke—
A complete wrock of domestic happiness has often resulted from
badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifles which
seemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of his
wife's devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect
when he finds her careless in tbese particulars. Many a home owes
a large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to
tnr Grocers often substitute cheaper Roods for sa.POl.io, to make •
better profit. Scnfl back sucb article*, and insist on having just fvbat
you ordered.-i&a.
gH^HHE^-ELY'S CREAM BALM-Cl«-™*c» tho *S**n\ ■HPciwr rt*>^
j; r^^^^^MPßMnjrru, Alla.vß l'aln and Inflammation, 5I<^ll*W/*>i2«rloV^!?
v-^IJr Si»r«s, Kestorea Taste and Smell, am! *'«r'^lJjf#v^TAß«sVm
« A^fc aJyA^IM pB aw
''^v j/&\ (ilves Kelief«t once forv,oia in jnrau. ffllt.^^'
' Apply ivtn the Nottril*. It it OmVt.'.v Abwrbfi. fSgJSk?^&&?!>>
'ftlflW EcI50c- l)rufrgisuorbycmu. ELY8K09..66 W^ienat. N.Y.PW^^^- W<r
- ifl will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the
* il tumors, allays the itchine at once, acts as a poultice, pivea
\>%ls S Bh| instant relief. Prepared only for Files and Itching of the
private parts. Every box is warranted. Judjre Coons, of
H Maysvlllo, K. V., says: "Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Olnt-
B H^_ nLan ment cured me after years of suffering." Soldbydrup^ists
L 3 B 188 BBS sent by mail on receipt of price. fiU cents and $1.00 per bos.
For Sale at JOSEPH HAHX iCO.'S, Druggists, Fifth and J Sts., Sacramento.
San Francisco, (October 15,1891.
Alta 40c lowa „ 25c
Andes 1 00 Justice 45c
Belle Isle ROc KentucK 25c.
B. & B 2 80 Mexican 2 45
Bodie „ 40c N. Belle Isle 65c
Bullion 1 35 Occidental Gsc
Caledonia 40c Ophir 3 35
Challenge 1 20 Peer 10c
choiiar i 25 Peerless 5c
C. C. & V 5V H Potosi 8 :;0
C.Point 1 Savage 2 60
Deliaonte 15c S. Mevada..2 2052 25
ci&C 1 7iv Union 2 15»ii 20
H. &N 1 30 Y. Jaf;ket....l GO(<j,l (35
Ophlr 3 35: Utah 50c
G. •£ C 1 7O| Exchequer 50c
B. & B 3 85@2 '.15 Overman 1 00
C. C. & V s>i£s%j Union 215
Savage 2 6ucg^ 6 51 Alta 40c
Chollar 1 25' Caledonia 40c
H. AN 1 oO Occidental GOc
Y. Jacket 1 GO Andes 1 00
Belcher 1 30&1 35 X. Belle Isle 55@60c
s. Nevada 2 2C
Departmont One—Cntlin, Judffo.
Thursday. o t^tober 15th.
People vs. Sam Brown, information for at
tempt to cuinniit grand larceny—Continued
until to-morrow.
i ei>; le vs. T.H. Lynch alias Henry Welch,
in formation for burglary—Cuntiimcd uinil to
People vs. David Pat ton Rich, information
for pertury-MXmtinued until to-morrow.
People vs. P. F. ahell, InlbrmaUon for bur
giary—On trial.
Department Two—Van Fleet, Judsco.
Thttbsdat, October 15th.
People vs. Daniel Gardner, information tor
criminal J^^S-iul^ — Jury finds a verdict of
tru'ity a- charged.
Elle Waldron vs. Louis Waldroa—Co tia
ueU to October 20lh.
"I \vo;;ld like to proclaim the value of
Hood's Sarsaparilla from the; top oi the
highest peaks with a voice strong enough
fur the whole earth to hear it." J. li.
iIoKNUECK, Ilarpersville, N. Y.
Substitutions of well-known adver
tised articles seem to bo the order of the
day. Wo deem it only justice to our
patrons to warn our renders against this
form of piracy. When you want an
article, ask your merchant or druggist
for it and don't accept ;: substitute.
Proposals for Supplies
Legislature of the Htatc of California, en
titled "An Act Concerningthe Insane Asylum
of the State of CaUlorniuT approved April 4,
1870, and the existing Utu- governing said In
stitution, sealed Proposals win be ro
ceivt'rt by N. M. OKR, Secretary of the Board
of Directors of the Insane Asylum of the State i
at California, at his office. Nos. 20'J and 211
Channel .street, Stockton, up to 10 o'clock
A. In.. On
The 27th Bay of October, 1831,
For tarnishing the following supplies to tho
said Asylum lor the term of six months com- i
mencing November 1, ifcOl, and ending May
1, lby:i. Said supplies consisting of the fol
lowing schedulo and to bo delivered as or- j
Groceries :mrl Provisions.
1 0,000 pounds dairy salt.
poo&da Palmetto starth,
800 pounds Duryetfa starch.
10.0C0 pounds wi.iti* pctv beans, last crop.
8,000 pounds B&yo beans, i;;.-? crop.
8,000 pounds China rice, Xo. 1.
;;o gallons coal oil. best quality.
450 gallons wine vinegar.
1^ dozen Bath bride. '
12 half-barrels Columbia River salmon.
12 eases codfisb, 100 pounds each.
3t> reams straw paper.
300 pounds black pepper, In n-pouml cans. ',
100 pounds mustard, in 5-pound cans.
60 pounds ginger, In 5-pound cans.
:■■(■ pounds allspice, in 5-pound cans.
1,200 pounds best quality hams.
1.000 pouuda sail porK extra quality.
1,200 pounds thin A. it C. bacon, or bacon ■
of e<jua l quality.
;..' 0 onn< - soda crackers, No. 1.
2SO pounds bost quality baking powder.
»;o<> pounds rol
200 pounds pea 1 ta v
:.'(.".■ i poundi :
600 .■ - ■ ■ - rants.
4,000 pounds dried apple >, ftnrt quality.
3,000 dozen fresn California eggs.
10 gros • -ah :y matches, largo size.
lOOßallona mixed pickles, in 5-g:illon ke~s.
3 dozeu olive oil.
12 boxes macaroni. Xo. l.
I' 2 boxes vermicelli, No. l.
50 pounds bluing.
3 dozen hair ll;>or brushes.
9 dozen counter bra
''. uozen mop handles, combination.
800 pounds larii.
1 ,200 pounds hominy.
500 pounds corn starch.
150 pounds poarl barloy.
150 pounris split peas.'
0 Kioss clay pi:>os.
1,000 pounds chicory, best quality.
:i • 00 pounds Liverpool salt.
100 pounds bicarbonate soda, l-pound r«?k
i.OO potrads prunes, best California.
1 barrel N. O. molasset.
:i dozen extract oi' lemon, lfi-ounee square
'6 dozen extract of vaniHo, 10-ounce square
bottli .
50 pounds ground cinnamon, l-pound cans.
25 pounds ground clove.*, 1-pound cans. *
2~> pounds ground mace, l-pound cans.
6,000 pounds sal sod*
SO gallons cylinder oil.
40 gallons machine oil.
Sugar and Synp.
18,000 pounds Golden C sugar.
10,000 pounds dry granulated sugar.
2,000 gallons American golden -syrup.
Coffeo and Ten.
9,000 pounds Costa F.lca coflee.
1,800 pounds English Urcukiiist tea.
lv2oo pounds Ja;jan tea, uncolored.
0,000 pounds laundry soup, bidders to fur
600 pounds sand soap, bidders to furnish
Flour, Br?.a and, Grain.
1,200 barrels bakers' extra flour.
12 barrels Graham flour.
15,000 pounds corumeal.
15,000 pounds cracked wheat.
20,000 pounds ground barley.
:-(0,000 pounds bran.
10,000 pounds shorts.
Clothing suid Hats.
60 dozen gray wool ovrrshlrts.
(27 inches v/ide by 3.J inches long.)
GO dozen hickory shirts.
• (27 baches wide by, 33 inches long.)
40 dozen cottonade pants, r.tuton flannel
lined. (Size—Waist, .12 to -yz; legs, 31 to 34 )
120 dozen wool socks.
18 dozen wool Hats; size, 7 to 7%.
in dozen suspenders.
VO cozen coUonado winter coatsr size, 37
to 42.
150 yards white tr.'ie oil cloth.
4 dozen canton flannel Growers.
10 dozen cauton irannri undershirts.
Dry Goods.
1.500 yards G-4 unbleached Pcquot shoet
in;% full width.
1.000 yards beiltickins(Amos!reag mills A.
C. A.;, o2 inches wide,
1,000 yards 1-4 unbleached Indian Head
she ting.
y<jo yards f-ra.^h, Basßlan flax XX.
■100 yards l-i Fjoniwlale muslin, bleached.
400 yards 4-4 Wnmsotta eocton, bleached,
200 yards 5-4 Tequot Meached sheeting
500 yards Amoskeucr cheviot.
500 yards Ai:ioskea r < A. F. C.— (tress "int
harii. *
100 yard- iai>!o linen.
160 dozen Coates' cotton thread.
48 dozen ladies'wool hose: sice, 9 and 10.
15 dozen balf-blcached hock towels—2ox3B.
•t dozen white bedspreads.
40 pounds drab iinun carpet thread, l-pound
l :j dozen coarse combs.
0 esses hair pins, l dozen boxes each.
1-J. < i :ns.
1.'.00 yards gray flannel.
200 yards check flannel.
20 dozen men's brogan i, from 7 to 11.
20 dozen men's clippers, from 7 to 11.
3ii dozen ladies' plush suppers, from 3 to 7.
24 dozen laaks' buskins, from 3 to 8.
800 pounds best sole leather, sides 21 to 25
BO pjunds bostskirriag leather.
1 s..i«: best harness leather.
1 dozen best veal skins (Vhlad.) 70 pounds
to the dozen.
Fresh Fish.
5,000 pounds best quality (salt water) as
sorted lresh ilsh.
1,800 pounds of plug tobacco, quarter-pound
11 gross fine cut tobactro, In ounce packages.
Keg Battery
18,000 pounds best flreah coast packed keg
Fresh Dairy: Entter.
5,000 pounds fresh dairy butter. No. 1.
Potato os.
150,000 pounds potatoes, So. 1.
Ft? ;h Beef and Mutton.
100,000 pounds fresh beel, No. 1, to bo de
livered in sides and cutup at the ABylum.
20,000 pounds fresh mutton, No. 1.
800 tons of average coal, to be delivered
at the Asylum as ordered. Bidders are
required to specify the kind ot coal by
naming the mine from which it is
taken or using the name by which
it is designated in commerce- 2,240 pounds
will be required for a ton, the coal to be
weighed at Stockton, at the expense of the
Asylum, on scales licensed and employed for
public use.
Oo tons Wellington coal, or other coal oi
equal quality, to be delivered as ordered.
The above-named articles are all to be of the
best qualities, subject to the approval of the
Medical Superintendent, and to t>e delivered
at such times and In such quantities as he
may rsqutt*. And it is understood that if a
greater quantity of an article than above men
tioned shall be required by the Medical Super
intendent, the same shall be furnished by the
contractor at the contract price. The con
tract will he awarded to the lowest responsible
bidder, and no bid will be considered unless
accompanied *y a written guarantee, signed
by at least two responsible persons, that the
party making the proposal will enter into
contract and furnish bonds tor the laithful
performance thereof, provided the contract is
awarded to Baid party.
l>arties making proDOsals are specially re
ferred to Section 3235 of the Political Code,
approved March 17,1887:
(Section 3235. No supplies of any kind or
character lor the benefit of the State, or to be
paid for by any moneys appropriated or to be
appropriated by the State, xnunuiacturcd or
grown in this State, which are in whole or in
part the product of Mongolian labor, shall bo
purchased by the officers of this State, having
the control of uny puoiic institution under
the control of the State, or of any county, city
and comity, city or town thoreoi.
The Board reserves the right to reject all bids
deemed too high or otherwise unsatisfactory.
FarttAA u> whom oontxacta shall-be awarded
; ©cumy .fruit gem»».
The Earliest Fruit Land in the State.
Equal in All Respects to ik Mm Vaca Valley, Which It Adjoins.
Capa3^ Valley is situated in Yolo County, about 90 miles by rail from San Francisco,
and is traversed in its entire length by the Woodland, Capay and Clear
Lake Railroad, the distance from Esparto to Rumsey being 21 miles.
The Capay Valley Land Company is offering the
most fertile lands in this beautiful valleyupon terms which
enable the purchaser to pay for the land out of its own
product, viz: Interest only for five years at 1 per cent.
The only condition imposed is, that a reasonable pro
portion of the land purchased shall be planted to fruit j
trees or vines. Land may be bought without this
condition on payment of 20 per cent, cash and re
maining So per cent, at the end of five years, with in
terest annually in advance, at 7 per cent. The various
tracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company have
\:< ec subdivided into 10 and 20-acre lots, which are for
sale at prices varying from £50 to $150 per acre. Simi
lar unimproved land in Vaca Valley has recently been
00 and $500 per acre.
1 hese Capay Valley lands are under the most favor
able climatic conditions for the prosecution of profitable
fruit growing, and the locality has proved itself to be
one of the earliest in the State. The grape crop of IS9O
from the company's vineyard at Cashmere was picked,
dried and shipped to Chicago and Philadelphia before
the Fresno County grapes were ripe.
The railroad passes through all oi the tracts owned by
the Capay Valley Land Company, thus insuring excel
lent shipping facilities ; and land may now be purchased
in the immediate proximity of either of the following
stations : Capay, Cadenasso, Surrey, Guinda, Sauterne,
! Cashmere or Rumsey.
At many of these places fine orchards of the choicest
' and earliest varieties of peaches and apricots may already
■ be seen, and during the coming season considerable ad
j ditional acreage will be planted oat. One of the recent
I salts made by the company was that of the Tancrcd
Tract, containing 600 acres, to a colony association.
This tract has been subdivided into forty holdings, all of
which will be planted to fruit trees this season.
The fine orchards on the Guinda Tract, where 400
acres have been sold, are especially worthy of mention,
and it is a significant fact that several of the blocks arc
owned by successful Vaca Valley fruit-growers, who ex
pect to make tfieir earnest shipments from here.
»■ —
Fourth and Townsend Streets. - SAN FRANCISCO.
shall file bonds with tne Secretary, STIC Orr,
; on or before November 1,1891.
Separate bids v/ill be received for:
Groceries and Provision*.
Supar and Syrup.
Coffee and Tea.
Flour, Bran and Grain.
Clothing and Hats.
Jjry Goods.
Fr<s;i Fish.
Keg Butter.
Fresh Dairy Cutter.
Fresh l;eef and Mutton.
Payments to be innclo monthly in cash.
Bids to be addressed to N. M.'Orr, Secretary
of the Bourd of Directors of the Stockton
i State Insane Asylum, Stockton, and indorsed
■ on tiie envelope, "Proposals for Furnishing
Samples of articles required may be seen at
; the storeroom of the Asylum.
In order 10 preserve uniformity and lacill-
I tate tiie award, it has been resolved to receive
I no bids unless made upon blank forms fur
nished by the Secretary.
By orcicr of the Board of Directors of tho
Stockton Insane Asylum ot tho State of Cali
fornia ay ritockton. N. M. Oltß, Secretary.
Good Agricultural Land for $1O
to $2O per Acre.
The Pacific Improvement Company ha 3 re
cently purchased twelve thousand zjcren oi
land in the heart of Tehama County, for the
purpose of promoting subdivision and settle
ment. This land embraces lands from first
class Sacramento Valley agricultural land, to
land of fair average quality, and is offered at
from $10 to §>20 per acre, in subdivisions ol
40, 80, 120, 160 and 020 acres.
The terms upon which these lands are offered
are especially attractive. They will be sold in
subdivisions, as above indicated, by the pay
ment of interest only for three years, at which
time the purchaser can begin the payment oi
principal by paying tho first of five equal an
nual installments. Thus no part of the prin
cipal is to be paid for three years, and then
the purchaser is to have live years in which to
pay tlve equal annual installments, with in
terest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum.
! making payments extending over a period of
j eight years. Intending purchasers are as
| sured that this is nn opportunity to purchase
i land of fair average quality at $10 per acre,
I and good agricultural land at $20 an acre,
with other grades of land at prices to corre
spond between these figures.
The assertion is frequently made that good
lands, suitable for general farming, and es
pecially adapted for fruitgrowing, cannot be
had in California for less than from $60 to
9100 an acre. An examination of the land
subject of this advertisement will prove to
home-seekers that this is an opportunity for
the purchase of good agricultural land at §20
an acre, and for qualities grading down to fair
agricultural land at 810 an acre, on terms of
payment which should make tho disposition
of th?se lands to actual settlers a reaultcasy of
The primary object of the purchase of this
body of land was the breaking up of a largo
holding for the purpose of promoting its set
tlement in smaller quantities and its devotion
to diligent husbandry.
For further particulars, call upon or ad
dress WM. H. MILLS,
I Land Agent of the C. P. R. R., Fourth and
Towns«nd street*. Ran Francisco. CalL
I fgSf Be H & ¥M S» HE the tffect» oi
■ V W¥ hUM!» IWBitalv youthful errors
early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc.,
I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing
Call particulars for hemo cure, FRES ot charge
A. splendid eietlical work; should bo read by every
rah who is nsrvoua ami d.'ollitatfd. Address
Prof. F« C. FOVLKR. fllaodui. Conih
Too much stress cannot be laid upon the great ad
vantage to the fruit-grower of being in early locality.
In most cases it makes the difference between succes?
and failure. The industrious orchardist of Capay Valley
may rest assured that he will derive all the benefits gained
by the first fruit shipments of the season, and that 20
acres of this rich land, when the trees are in bearing,
will yield a handsome and assured income.
The Capay Valley Land Company has an agent.re
siding in the valley, whose duty it is to show the various
tracts to land seekers.
Four townsites have been laid out in different points
in the valley, viz : Esparto, Csdcnasso, Guinda and
Rumsey. Town lots may now be purchased at reason
able prices and on easy terms.
The enterprising and flourishing town of Esparto is
situated at the lower end of the valley, and $125,000
worth of substantial buildings have already been erected,
including a fine four-story brick hotel, two large brick
blocks and waterworks, with pipes laid in the streets,
besides extensive warehouses and numerous residences.
The town has a postoffice, school-house and a weekly
paper, and the fine railroad depot contains telegraph
and express offices.
Postoffices have alse been established at; Guinda and
Rumsey. This latter place, situated at the head-of the
valley, is the present terminus of the railroad. The
comfortable little hotel makes excellent quarters f<K
hunters as well as land-seekers.
The advantages enjoyed by the settler in Capay Val
ley may be thus concisely summed up :
A soil of great fertility, yielding bountifully of every
A soil and climate which will ripen all kinds of fruit
and vegetables earlier than anywhere else in the State.
A climate perfectly adapted to the curing of raisins and
drying of fruit without the aid of artificial evaporators.
A location that is centra] and close to markets. Railroad
communication which enables shipments to be made
quickly and cheaply. Lands which are^sold chcapci
and on better terms than anywhere else in* the State.
Draws Drafts on Principal Cities of the World.
Satuuday Hours, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
President N. D. RIDEOUI
Vice-President FRED'K COX
Cashier a. ABBOTi
Assistant Cashier W\ E. GEUBEB
C. W. Clark, Jos. Bteffens,
Geo. C. Pehkins, Fued'k Cox,
N. D. Rideout, Norman Ridkout.
W. E. Gkkbek. *
X city, corner Filth and J streets, Sacra
mento. Guaranteed capital, §500,000; paid
up capital, pold coin. $300,000; loans on real
estate in California, July 1,1891, $3,108,408;
term and ordinary deposits, July 1, 1891,
98,022,521. Term and ordinary deposits re
ceived. Dividends paid In January and July.
Money loaned upon real estate only. Infor>
mulion furnished upon application to
W. P. COLE MAN, President.
Ep. R. Hamilton, Oashler.
Sacramento, Cal.—Fouuded 1860.
Saturday hours ...10 A. M. to 1 p. m.
D. O. MILLS 1,538 Shares
EDOAIt MILLS, President 1,538 Sharea
S. PRENTI3S SM ITH, Vice-Pres. 250 Shares
FRANK MILLKK, Cashier 351 Hhares
C. F. DILLMAN. Asst. Cashier.. 125 .Shares
Other personsbwn 1,198 Shares
Capital and Surplus, $GOO,OOO.
as-Chrome S'.eel Safe Deposit Vault and
Time Lock.
FANMFfW i\T) \TFffIA\ TlfN' SiVTVfi^ RiW
rAlliiiLuo AJ\u lUfjLllAillt'o oAiimO D.Uia
Southwest corner Fourth and J
Streets, Sacramento, Cal.
Guaranteed Cupital §500,000
terest mid semUanuually 011 Term and
Ordinary Di'poslts.
B. U STEINMAN President
EDWIN K. ALSIP Vice-President
D. D. WHITBECK Cashier
C. H. CUMMINGB Secretary
B. U. Steinman, Edwin X Alsip,
c. k. cummisg9, w. c. tsbbt.
801. Rcxyon, Jambs McNasseb,
Jas. M. Stevenson.
022 IMno Street, San Francisco.
It. C. WOOLWORTH President
W. H. BROWN Viee-Pretldent
W._E. CROCKER. „ Cashier
People's Savings Bank of Sacramento.
X annual dividends on deposits. Corre
spondence promptly answered.
WM. BECK MAN. President.
Geo. W. Lon^N?:. Cashier.
Vyitl^UbUZiUiNrj remedy. When it Is used oe
the roosts or in nest boxes, will kill all lice on thi
heD«. Ask your dealer for it, or send direct to us
Price 50cts per quart can, by express. Circulars fret
Petaiuma Incubator 1 Co.. Petaiuma, Cal
Waterhouse & Lester,
lion. Steel, Cumberland Coal, Wagoa
Lamber and Carriage Hardware.
709. 711. *'13. 715 J St.. Sacrameafifl
U Founders and Machinists. Front street,
between N and O. Castings and Machinery
of_every description made to order.
O tractor and Builder. Orders solicited and
promptness guaranteed. Office and shop,
1124 second street, between X and L.
\J Buggies and Spring and Fruit Wagona.
010, 912, 914 Ninth street, Sat:r:imentc>.
Gas Fitting. Roofing and Jobbing. Tirras
reasonable. 127 J street.
ors. Latest designs and Hrst-claes \\or:c.
Estimates lurnished for rcsldeuces, wood or
iron loundations- Jelc-tf
street. Office hours, 9 A. m. to 6 p.M.rt-tni
Drvns-T, 914 sixth *'r..flgagafl^
between I nnd J, west sidf.ff TTOja '-A,
opposite (.'onpre^'ational Church.v**JjLTT*TT
ing. southeast corner Stv-JjpSjKjfflK,
euth and J streets. Sacramento.
• ■Titti and J streets, a*cra-ff«fflPl!3^
J\ west corner Fifth and J streets, Rooms
12,13 and 14, Setter building.
J\_ Lindley Building, rooms 5 and 6,1009
Seventh street, cor. J, Sacramento, Cal. jcl-tl
1 1 Sacramento. Telephone No. 14.
j\ OFFICE--420 J street, Sacramento, CaL
! Notary Public.
11G-118 X Street, Front and Second,
' X ers in Wine 3 and Liquors. Agents lor the
celebrated Pominery and Greno Champagne.
330 X St., and 1108-1110 Third St.,
Sacramento, Cal.,
X in Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Cham
the RECORD-UNION, is the best waiver-

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