OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, January 21, 1913, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1913-01-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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Is the light weight champion of
the world. In a fair and open fight
the sturdy Ford has won its title
and, holds it because it has more
strength for its weight, and can de
liver more power for its size, than
any car in the world's arena. The
Ford will go farther on a gallon of
gasoline, run longer on a set of tires,
and be less expensive for monthly
upkeep than any other. What more
can you ask for in a car? These
are irrefutable facts established by
the car its itself, and must be
maintained. Catalogue on application.
Schuman Carriage Co., Ltd.
to their store of MR. MORGENTHALER of the great wall
naper manufacturing firm of M. II. Birge & Sons Co , Buffalo,
N. Y.
If you are in Honolulu during Mr. Morgenthaler's stay you
will find a call at our store very interesting as Mr. Morgenthaler
has all the newest ideas in wall hangings and interior decora"
tion. Orders taken for exclusive designs to be made up on Mr.
Morgenthaler's return to the factory.
Special appointments by request.
177 So. King St.
In the Circuit Court of tiik
Fifth Circuit, Territory
of Hawaii.
At Chambers In Probate.
In the matter of the Estate of
John K. Gandall, o f Lihue,
Kauai, Deceased.
Order of Notice of Hearing Peti
tion for Administration.
On reading and filing the peti
tion of May Gandall, of Lihue,
Countv o f Kauai. Territory of
Hawaii, widow of the said de
ceased, alleging that John K. Gan
dall, of Lihue aforesaid, died in
testate at Lihue, County of Kauai,
on the 14th day of December, A. D.
1912, leaving property in the Ha
waiian Islands necessary t o be
administered upon, valued at about
S22.340.00. and praying that
Letters of Administration issue to
the Hawaiian Trust Company,
Limited, of Honolulu. Territory
of Hawaii
It is ordered that Friday, the
31st. day of January, A. D. 1913,
at 10 o'clock A. M., be and here
by is appointed for hearing said(
petition in the Court Room of this
vouri ai unue, County of Kauai,
tm- nine iuiu piace an per
sons concerned may appear and
show cause, if any they have, why
bam pennon snouiu not be grant
Dated at Lihue, County of Kau
ai, December 27th, 1912.
By the Court,
(sgd.) Phii.ii L. Rick,
Jan. 7. 14. 21, and 28, 1913.
Election of Officers
At the annual meeting of the
Makee Sugar Co. held January
6th. 1913, at the companies office,
Kealia, Kauai, the following offi
cers were elected to serve for the
ensuing year:
Rufus P. Spalding President
Gay lord P. Wilcox Vice-President
The Spalding Co. of Los
Angeles, Cal. Treasurer
Ernest E. Behr Secretary
(Signed) Maker Sugar Co.
M. R. Peves.
Acting Secretary.
Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28.
stands 7 inches tall, his fare is5 frank, open, easy to read his
keys large, strong, easy to wind-his voice clear, sunny, pleasant
to hear. It wakes you with one long steady call or stops vour
turnover naps with successive gentle rings.
j ' " " !
CaUfene !
Or enstein -Arthur Koppel Co.
Pittsburg Pa. Plant at Koppel, Pa.
Manufactures of Railway Equipment
Agents for T. H., Honolulu.
FRED F. LACKS, Sales Manager, Honolulu.
A. Murata
Phone 178
(Chiba's old Stand)
One Five-Seater Maxwell
One Five-Seater Buick
Will meet all steamers Commercial Rates.
Comfortable cars.
Rent Service
Our hn 1U1U mode, ." water,
uphoUterred Htiiek, is the car you
unthinking for if you wish to travel
in comfort and safety.
HeuMjiialilo rates a n il careful
drivers. Special attention is given
commercial travelrs.
Phone 225L
Any time you may wish to make
a hurry-up call you will iind us
"on tlfo joh."
We neatly pack and mail
Hawaiian Souvenirs.
Hawaii & South Seas Curio
Co. -
Phone 178
Careful Drivers I
Has entered the rent ser
vice, and has provided him
self with a big
Five-Seater Buick
Special attention paid to
commercial travelers. Rea
sonable rales to all parts of
the island.
'Phone 600
Sperry products for the house
wife, the trade, the best mat's
made. tf.
Light, white, always right
Sperry Flour. tf.
Now Read the Ads.
Territory Of Hawaii
Treasurer's Office, Honolulu, Oahu.
In the Dissolution of the Waimea
Water Company, Limited whereas,
the Waimea Water Company,
Limited a corporation established
and existing under and by virtue
of the laws of the Territory of
Hawaii, has pursuant to law in
such cases made and provided,
duly filed in this office, a petition
for the dissolution o f the said
corporation, together with a
certificate thereto annexed as re
quired by law.
Now. therefore, notice is hereby
given to any and all persons tkat
have been or are now interested in
any manner whatsoever in the said
corporation, that objections to the
granting of the said petition must
be filed in this office on or before
12 o'clock noon, March 7, 1913
and that any person or persons
desiring to be heard thereon must
be in attendance at t h e office of
the undersigned, in the Executive
Building, Honolulu, at 12 o'clock
noon of said, day, to show cause.
if any, why said petition should
not be granted.
D. L. Conkung,
Treasurer Territory of Hawaii.
Honolulu. December 16. 1912.
Probate Notice
the Circuit Court ok the
Fifth Circuit Territory
of Hawaii.
At Chambers In Probate.
In the matter of the Estate of
Hang Cheong (boy); Hang Wa
(boy); Kim Ling (girl); MeeChan
(girl), and Sub Yet (girl), child
ren of Young Wong Feart, deceas
ed, Minor S.
Order to Show Cause on Guar
dian's Application t o Sell Real
On reading and filing the Peti
tion o f Wong Feart of Kapaa,
Kauai, the Guardian of Hang
Cheong (boy); Hang Wa (boy);
Kim Ling (girl); Mee Chan (girl)
and Sub Yet (girl) minor S pray
ing for an order of sale of certain
real estate belonging to the said
wards being undivided interests
owned by their deceased mother,
and interests owned by a deceased
brother of said minors in lands
mentioned below and setting forth
certain legal reasons why such
estate should be sold, to-wit:
One-fourth undivided interest
in the share of Papaeka in lands
now owned by a Hui known as
the Hui of Moloaa in Kawaihau,
Kauai acquired b y said Young
Wong Feart bv deed in Liber 194,
pages 419-4?0; Liber 194, pages
421-422. The share or interest of
Luhau in said lauds of said Hui
of Moloaa sold t o said Young
Wong Feart bv deed in Liber 194,
pages 419-420; interest in share
of Kaiake in said lands sold to
Wong Harng Soon by deed in
Liber 188, pages 432, 433; Liber
195, pages 50-51.
It is hereby ordered, that the
heirs and next of kin of said ward
and all persons interested in the
said estate, appear before this
Court on Saturday, the First clay
of February, A. n. 1913, at 9:00
clock A. m., at the .Court Room
of this Court, in Lihue, Kauai,
T. H. then and there t o show
cause why an order should not be
granted for the sale of such estate.
Dated at Lihue, Kauai, January
18 A. D. 1913.
Lvr.E A. Dickey
Judge of the Circuit Court of
the Fifth Circuit.
D. Wm. Dean
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
Filth Circuit.
Jan. 21st. and 28th. 1913.
Oceanic Steamship
Go's. Time-table
The favorite S. S. SIERRA, 10,-
000 tons displacement, sails from
Honolulu Jan. 11. . -
First-class single to San Fran
cisco, $65; round trip, $1 10.
C. Brewer & Co. Ltd.
or reiit Slijilitlj used
pianos almost jjood as
Honolulu Music Co. tf.
The Eleele Stor
The House With A Reputation For Squareness
J. I. SILVA, Proprietor.
Mortgagee's Notice of Intention
To Foreclose Mortgage
"And of Sale.
Pursuant to a power of sale
contained in that certain mort
gage made by Isaa'kn Kauhoe (k)
and Unii Kauhoe his wife, Mort
gagors, to Wong Aloiau, (ch)
dated the 18th day of June A. D.
1904, and duly recorded in the
Registry Office in Honolulu, City
and County of Honolulu, Territory
of Hawaii, in Liber 259, pages
179 to 181, notice is hereby given
that said mortgagee intends t o
foreclose said mortgage for con
dition broken, to-wit: the non
payment of interest and principal
when due. ?
Notice is hereby further given
that said mortgagee will sell the
property conveyed by said mort
gage, at public auction in front of
the Court House at Kapaa, Dis
trict of Kawaihau, County of
Kauai, Territory of Hawaii afore
said, on Saturday, January 25th
A. D. 1913, at 12:00 o'clock M. .
Dated, Kapaa, Kauai, December
18th. 1912.
Wong Aujiau
The property described in said
mortgage and to be sold as nfore
said is as follows:
"All that certain piece or parcel
of land situated at Waipouli, Dis
trict of Kawaihau. Countv of Kau
ai aforesaid, and more particularly
described as follows; to-wit:
"Beginning at the Soui Wests
comer of this lot on the lower side
of the Government road and run
ning, N. 15O50' E. true 1062 feet
along Government road, thence
S. 7656 E. true 393 feet
along Lot No. 16, thence
S. 1257' W. true 241.5 feet
along sea beach, thence
S. 12O10' W. true 242.5 feet
along sea beach, thence
. S. 11045' W. true 242. feet
along sea beach, thence
S. 0O58' W. true 463.5 feet
along sea beach, thence
N. 64047' W. true 563.5 feet
along North branch of the Wai
pouli stream to the initial point.
Area 11.26100 acres more nr
less t h e same being portion' of
the lands described in Rojal
Patent No. 7373, L. C. A. 8559B
to Lunalilo.
For further particulars apply to
J. Mahiai Kaneakua, Attorney for
the mortgagee, at Kapaa, Kauai,
or by telephone 208;- or at the
County Building 'at Lihue or by
telephone 322. v.
Dec. 24. 31. Tan. 7. 14. 21.
Mrs. John Fassoth
servies o t Wednesday entertain
ments for tennis this week. Mis.
Fassoth 's warm hearted hospitality
is greatly appreciated.
Miss Woodsman has deeply in
terested a small group of women in
the Waimea district in a study of
Literature. They meet semi
monthly at the home of Mrs. T.
Brandt and each member is p1edged
to genuine study in preparation for
each meeting.
Mrs. J. A. Akina entertained a
few friends last Sunday at dinner.
Among those present were Mrs.
Kapunai, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Cook.
Mrs. Mikahaka. Mrs. Cox, Mrs.
Peahu, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith,
Mr. and Mrs Makaila, Miss
Marion Cook, Miss Akina, Mr. A.
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Akina.
The Waimea music boys went to
Kealia to play for a dance.
Mrs. Eli gave birth to a baby
boy on Wednesday January 15th.
Kahalau nui died on Saturday.
"Your wife is nursing a grouch,
"What's the trouble?"
"Four people have told her that
our little girl looks just like me."
"I should think she would be
pleased at that."
bhe might, but the child
Sup't Fitzgibbons will finish in
tile Lilltie Distripf witllill minllir.r (
- ' . . ......... HllU.llk. j
week after whiclr he will take his
crusher to Koloa.
Sperry flour Best on the coast
is the housewife's boast. tf.
5 "

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