OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, February 24, 1914, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1914-02-24/ed-1/seq-4/

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i -4
Horse R
C!.;Ys Plans
A h i .1. i- ' '
o'cl'H k Sun-1 'it i '
Frank C-M ui'i's s i ' V
r.iarc drew hi .: 1
500 people. It w it
mile fitT.tir. and ' is w i n
by the r.Hr K!ir,..i i.; t v
tugiKse. The v, i. i "Mi'' r
was J5.o a si-'c. il -i'i of '
lll.lls beloil;' t. 1 1 .. i; i . ! ' :' 1
there li.nl been ;t b i f
time as to :hcir rc-i i ti . t' tt
The Baseball fUellng
The baseball g.it'u :iis I'
the evening of the :h. in 1
county building will be tVc .inn
meeting if the Athlui'- As...,,
tion. Officers will be rlt. 1,
t!ie s:ial business i'l- i I .it I '
animal caucus will be n.u, i i.
All members of the .ss., i . 1 1 '
will be eligible to vote at tl.i m-.
ing, and it is hoped th.it :i f'i'l .
tendance "-ill show up.
t t., it
i ; . f
. C
Ml I ,
I -. n
t l i
t ' C t ii i 1 1 is over
i A '.. Club w lake
?' tbi i xi uii'n to
mil tint a p.n t
' iih vtii'j: will be
, '.i i 'inn 1 in
t (oiniimuc was
i v- in -iyii commit
i ' t ' d.iv, and
At Ibnolubi iii-
- I to tin- tmir is
..: I u is in t li n-
i.l h ie to !. it t
s t , .!( u 1 rune w bo
t i l 1 H V V flftV t"
t I ..MV
Kcud Work Seen
Ai m .ti w.i i :i!! i! Let w ei k to
.c I 1 i ' ii.'. ; ; :l i f I lu t nail mi
1 . v, i.f K.i',,1. J. 1!.
I .l . .:. -! i! t'.l ,t I'll-, v- i tinll 'f
i.! Mill Iv t.ikut in b Hid next
.1 w ;!'. ! i- J i;t in I'M !.,ss order.
, , : k i n it will 1'i jMii in iiboiit
'flic question of n special foot
ball .-.cries of three games between
the victorious Germans on thejone
side and a picked team of the Ma
kawelis and All Americans on the
other is still unsettled. Last week
Mr. Kuhlinan, of t h e German
team, addressed a letter to Rttferee
.lames Donald, stating the terms
upon which his men would, tackle
a special series. It was, in brief,
thai the picked team of Makaweli
and All American players should
put up a cup as u trophy, and that
the series should lie three games
The Utter was written at the re
iiuest of t li e Referee, but Mr
poiiald lift shoitly after for Hon -lulu.
so that no action on it lias
ct Ucn attempted.
Mr. Morrow, of the All Ameri
cans. i in Honolulu and will pro
b.iM not return until Friday, on
which account definite conclusion
is unlikely before early next week
Around Homesteads
I iV- i
l . i-
' 3
"5TA11 111
rf ;i ' - J oy i 5tjr,
' The new addition to the Kauai
I Fruit iS: Laud Co's cannery is now
; con.plcled and ready for business
1 Mr. and Mrs. Zoller entertained
a few friends nt dinner last Tues
V. I). McHrydc and his clmf
ifenr, P. K. ralama, were among
jthe passengers on the Kinau to the
i Mrs. Rath and Miss Rath, of
Lawai. also sailed for Honolulu
to see the Floral l'arade.
I Other cnthuiastics for the Car
nival were N. A. Akana, book
skeeper of the Kauai Fruit & Land
(Co., and J. Ornellas, manager of
the Mcl5ryde' branch stoie at Ku
kuiula. Long Hop Min, of Hing Chong
Co., has just completed erecting a
new store opposite the pineapple
C'0, $2, $2.50 and up
ilva's Toggery, Ltd.'
'The Store for Good Clothes"
Kauai's First REAL Emporium
.1. b SII.VA, i'l-i.pri.t-.r
Most comilete stock of Drvgoods and General Merchandise on
the Island. Free delivery. Xo trouble to show goods.
For Fancy Wines Ring up 73.
Off to Meeting
Manager Weber, of the Lihue
Plantation, got away on Saturday
for Honolulu to attend the annual
meeting of his company. He was
proceeded by President Isenberg,
Messrs. Wilcox and J. M. L d-
gate. so that kauai will tx: well
represented in the conference sche
duled for tomorrow
The Koloa Baseball Club held n
meeting Saturday evening for the
purpose of electing a delegate to
the general convention of the Ath
letic Association, which has been
called tor next Saturday evening
in Lihue. There was an excellent
attendance, and enthusiasm was
ull to the goad.
For delegate to the general meet
ing, James Donald was elected, but
as he is away in Honolulu and it
was not known that he would ac
cept, ii was thought best to name
an alernate. Henry Honan was
selected to represent the club in
case Mr. Donald is unable to at
tend. Reports from all the members
indicated that Koloa will easily be
able to put in a team. In addition
to its own players, the Homestead
baseballers are willing t o enter
with Koloa, s o that the latter
should be able to show up with a
vcrv strong aggregation.
A "general meeting of baseball
players of Koloa and HomesteaG
was ordered called for Saturday
evening week a week after the
meeting of the Athletic Associa
tion in Lihue. A t the former,
players will be signed up and de
tails of the plans for the season
will be mapped out.
Marketing Division
The Territorial Marketing Divi
sion under the supervision of the
U.S. Experiment Station is at the
service of all citizens of the Terri
tory. Any produce which farmers
may send to the Marketing Divi
sion is sold at the best price ob
tainable and for cash.
No commission is charged. It is
highlv desirable that farmers notify
the Marketing Division what and
how much produce they have for
sale and about w h e n it will be
ready to ship. The shipping mark
of the Division is U. S. H. S.
Letter address Honolulu, P. O.
Box 753. Storeroom 112 Queen
St., near Manna Kea. Telephone
184C. Wireless address USKX.
1 yj.uJ
t icinT.il M'liilviirtiwry M. Miuinub, mm
li nt l ii tt-r of Ilia- Hawaiian Ivpartmi'iit,
I'liiti il Still. Aiiny. wliuli-il I In' umnil
Tliciv wi n- i ii tin1 priMvwiun m-itrlj
k.ooii iiii-ii. ciiiiiimim'iI of ri'ulam, Na
I tiollill llllir.Ullli-ll Illl'l l'lllrt- I'miii Ku
ini-liaiiii-liii Scliiml. It ttiif tlif uriiiiilrst
military HIMrtarU' ewr witiiiwril in II
"For all the .Family --often
Nawiliwili Garage
C. W. SPITZ, Prop.
Automobiles to all Paris of Kauai,
all hours, Day and Night
Careful Chauffeurs
Autos and light machinery repaired.
Plumbing and gas fittings. Agents for Fisk
and Goodrich Tires and Tubes, Chalmers,
Ford, Studebaker, Velie, Federal and
Velie Truck.
Agents for the Liter Island Steam Navigation
Co., Ltd.,' at Nawiliwili, Kauai
Personals and Locals
Ask Her Any Time
I ' : vv
ana She'll Say Yes if il's
mm C I I . J CV l M m
On account of the dance sche
duled tor F.lcele hall Saturday
evening, the picture program at
the Park theater there will be given
Friday evening instead.
Colonel Z. b. bpaluing is again
at Kealia, spending the time quiet
lv. The date of his departure for
the mainland is indefinite,
James McClellan, of Waisnea,
who is now in Honolulu for a few
weeks, will shortlv leave for the
springs in California.
Officers of Alexander & Iiald
win will oe expected to arrive on
Kauai next week to visit Makawe
li and McHrvde plantations. They
were booked t o come over last
week, but slipped a cog, somehow,
presumably on account of Carnival
Mr. Murdock. auditor for the
Alexander cc Ualdwin plantations,
expects to sail on Saturday for
home. lie has lieen working this
week at the Mj:15ryde office.
Passengers to and from Hono
lulu in the steamer V. G. Hall
during the Carnival rush make
special mention o f the uniform
consideration and courtesy of Pur
str Hi'.stace. The thoughfulness
and kindness of that officer added
much to the pleasure of excursions
for many.
Hon O. X. '.Vilcox sailed in the
Kinau for Honolulu to meet mem
bers of his family who are return
ing from the States. He will be
awav uImhiI ten days.
Among those ' depai ting Satur
day for the Republican rules con
vention in Honolulu were: C. A.
Ki.e. 'V. II. Kiic, Jr.. W. I). Mc
Hrvdc. J . M . Kaneakua, Wni.
Among the ' travelling men" on
Kauai this week are Sid Spitzer,
representing Hym.iu IJros.. and
W. T. 1'iost, of Philips & Co.
TliL-y had difficultly in locating
mimic of iheir customers, as most
of Kauai's business were away in
th'T city.
Manager K. C. Hopper, of The
Gakh:"n Island, and family are
in 1 1 iii 1 ii I n fur a week or so.
They will likelv return next Friday.
The 3cer Thai's J3rewcd
To uit The Climevte
Bridgcwater On Kauai
Mr, id: en .in r eanie to Kauai
bv the lat Kinau and is at his
home over Ilanainaiilu way. He
exjiects to return shoitly to Honolulu.
Wholesale Liquor Dealer
Telephone No. 102.
Honolulu Music Company
of t?bcutoucinr (J
is what you should order for that roof, if
you want a roofing material that is heat
proof, cold-proof, rain-prccf; one that re
sisfs acids, gases and fumes. A rooting
that is quickly and easily laid without
skilled labor.
, (Specified by U. S. Gort. on all
work where a ready rcofing it
required )
Henry Watehouse Trust Co., Ltd.
buvs and sells
and rents
Fort and Merchant St
Honol ulu
If ycu would like to have the "utmost'
in Refrigerators in your house a refrig
erator that is sanitary in every respect,
economical in the use of Ice, and built
so it is easily cleaned, yet built so sTrong
it will last for years.
Ask Your Dealer About the
Bert in Every Respect.

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