OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, May 05, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1914-05-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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w 1
Raws, !5.0t
Meets, :i,5'MJ
Mkt. Finn
(iarilcn Island
A!! Kauai.
8 ' i
AFillipinojuinpcdfrotu a moving
hatul-car on the plantation raihvav
at Kilauea vestcrd.iv afternoon,
went over a trestle and laned forty
feet below. Death followed short
ly after.
Tlm:e Portugese and four Fili
pinos were riding on the ear.
They were going at a high speed,
and when near the trestle it was
noticed that a stick of wood was
lying across the track. It was too
late to stop, so the car struck the
timber, knocking it off; but in the
excitement the Filipino leapt from
the car, and went down into the .
gulch a few feet ahe".d.
A suspicion that the timber was i
put on the track mali?iously caused '
an investigation by Sheriff Rice. J
It was found, however, ilnt it had i
fallen from a train which dab pass
ed that way oulv a short time be-j
fore. I
Deputv Sheriff Werner is hold-1
ing an inrjuest today and the find-1
ing will likely be as above staled.
The building at the entrance to
the new county building, at one
time used as a butcher shop, will
be remodelled, renovated and will
hereafter be used for office pur- j
poses. Work of altering the struc-1
i i , : : :.. . 1 I
uire ami puK-mi: n in iitui unu at
tractive shape will begin at once.
S. E. flauuestad, lawyer, will oc
cupy the building, he moving to it
from his present location across
the street.
The harness shop building, next
to the butcher shop, will be moved
down to a position behind Tin;
oaudkn Island office,
It is expected that the locality
around the entrance to the county
building will b e neatly cleaned
and primped up, m that entire
neighborhood will be pleasimr to
the eye.
The Lihue baseball team was
shown its weaknesses on Sunday
when it came up against the aggre
gation lrom Kawaihau, a'ld went
down to defeat to the tune of 12 to
5 in a practice game. The game
was played on the Lihue diamond,
and a similar practi e game will
probably be played between
the same teams on the Kawaihau
field next Sunday. Lihue's weak
ness is chiefly in the lack of a com
petent pitching staff. Afong fail
ed to show up, and a large number
of hits were made off both Robert
son ami Morrow. The game was
slow and practically featureless.
Hits and errors were plentiful on
both sides. It is to be hoped that
both teams, and especially the Li
hue team, will manage to pull
themselves together before the
commencement of t h e League
sanies on the 17th.
The two teams lined up as fol
lows; Kawaihaus, I. Soarts c,
Wilcox 2nd. Kerr ss., Sada 1st,
Ambrosia 3rd, Kai p., Palmer l.f.,
M. Soares c.f., Freitas and Gracia
r.f. Lihue, Malina 1st, lillis c,
Yokoiuoto 2nd, Makauani s.s. ,
3rd, Morrow 3rd, p., J. Fernandez
c.f., Ahaua l.f., s.s., Waiau r.f.,
Robertson p., l.t., W. Fernandez
The score by innings was as fol
lows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total.
Kawaihau 3 1 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 12
Lihue 000130010 5
10 10
NO. 17,
ill- ' ; Emm 1(3
1 jill
7:T----7- - : : - , .T . . -T- ,
10 Tl BiPHE
Tuesday, May 5.
Sugar: Raws, 3.04; beets, 3 536.
Honolulu Superintendent of Ivducation Kiitnev is uukingan in
spection of the schools on Oahu. He will probably visit Kauai next.
John Costa was arrest c: on arrival of Sierra from San Pinwisco
Representing himself to be John Silva. of Honnlulu. he wnite the lut
ter's mother and secured money, as her son, to pay his transport ! lion
to the Islands.
The Woman's Auxiliary of the Outrigger Club has voted not to
amalgamate with the men's organization.
Miss Margaret Frances Maroni, pioneer missionary and teacher,
died yesterday.
The sugar crop ol the Islands is now estimated at 600, 0(o tons.
Judge Cooper has resigned as regent of the College of Hawaii.
John Cassidy nud Mrs. Cress.itv had a battle over the pier built
in front of their property at Waikiki. and the formei was" arrested for
assault and battery.
Vera Cruz A woman, said to have killed eight of the seventeen
Americans lost in the fighting at Vera Ciuz by snipping them from a
roof has been captured and will answer todav to a charge of murder
General Zapatas has issued a proclamation that he will begin an attack
on the City of Mexico today. John IMlnian, American consular
agent, is held in jail by General Mass and U thrcuU-ued with death to
day. General Velasco, dissatisfied with the tttatmtnt he has received
from the Mexican government, threatens to lead a revolt against Hu
erta. City Of Mexico (This is not clear) American representative has
arrived and has been turned over to llrazillian Minister and ordered
out of Mexico. He will be sent to Tnited States as early as possible.
Washington Mediators have withdrawn invitations to Carrauza
to participate in further negotiations for peace. I Inert a has named
Rambassa and Calindo, the third to be named later. Carrauza wants
information as to nature of conference, whether it is limited to the
controversy between the United States and Mexico and settlement, or
if it includes settlement of internal difficulties.
The cruiser Washington hps lieen ordered t o Santo Domingo
where foreigners are reported to be in danger in consequence of the
bombardment of Pucrta Plata.
Denver Legisltaure met today to consider strike situation. Ru
mored that Governor Amnions may be impeached.
Continued on page 6
Mexican City Where Present Crisis
Was Precipitated
jSPixsne&S center
An unusually well attended and
enthusiastic meeting of the Kauai
Athletic Association was held in
tho offices of the Lihue Plantation
j Coii.any Snturdav evening. The
lohk . rs present were: President H.
l. iialdwiu, of Makaweh; Vice
I'j.sident G. P. Wilcox, of Kealia;;
Secretary A. R. Gla'sver, of Li
liae; Tieastiter C. 11. Gray, of Ka
p.vi The clubs in the League were
represented as follows:
Kilauea, by Mr. Ahrc::-;.
Kawaihau, by Allan Wilcox and'
Henry Sheldon, j
Koloa, by Henry Honcm and
James Donald. I
McBrvde, by R. L. Hughes, Joe
Costa, K. Roendahl, Pacheco and
W. Miller.
Makaweli, b D. K Hayselden,
Clem Akina and Douglas Ilaldwin.
Lihue, by II. D. Wishard.
Gaylord Wilcox, chairman of,
the Finance Committee, made a;
very satisfactory report. He staled '
that it had been decided to have ,
each clu'i finance and attend to I
the matter of transporting its own i
team to games th's ear, in addi
tion to which the cUilw would pay
entrance fees of $25 each, These
burdens lifted from the shoulders
of the committee, it liecanie neces
sary to raise only alout $350.00.
All of the districts had been can-v.i-sed
except one, and the ies-
ponse to the call for funds had
1 been so ready and liberal that the
ILL ROW Hi htMliio
o 7a.rnpico.
committee felt itself to be on the
safe hide already.
The Schedule Committee report
ed a scheme of games which allows
of only two each Sunday, except
for the last Suudav of each series,
which the Committee co-sidercd
to be an improvement on the old
plan. The report was as follows:
I'm ST SiJKiiiS
May 17
Lihue vs. K A. C, at Knpaa
Koloa vs. McUrvde, at Kleele
May 24
K. A. C vs. Kilauea, at Kilauea
McBrydevs. Makaweli, at Makaweli
May 31
Makaweli vs. Lihue, at Lihue
Kilauea vs. Koloa, at Koloa
June 7
Lihue vs. McHryde, at Kleele
Koloa vs. K. A. C, at Kapaa
June 14
McHryde vs. Kilauea, at Kilauea
K.A.C. vs. Makiuvcli, at Makaweli
June 21
Kilauea vs. Lihue, at Lihue
Makaweli vs. Koloa, at Koloa
June 28
Lihue s. Koloa. at Koloa
McLivde vs. K. A C, at Kapna
M; ki.wi H vs. Kil utea. at Kilanca
bi?c)Nj Si-kius
Julv 12
K. A. C. vs. Lthne, at Lihue
Koloa vs. Mcllryde, at Koloa
July V)
K. A. C vs. Kilauea, at Kapaa
Mi l'.r dt v- Makaweli, at Mcllryde
Continued oa page 6
The Kauai Loan Fund Cotnmis
ii.ni met la-'. '! ue-d .iy and condi
tionally approved tlte new coi.nty
f'tiildiug, us noted in Thk Gak
disn 1st. nd iii.it dav. Follow
ing is a full re.-orl of the meet 'ig,
as prepared ! v the secrctarv:
Meeting c died to order bv Chair
in n H. 1. Wisliard. Present:
F'tt'icis ; iv. A. Mc'tufoglio and
vV. I). " cH, du. A'ctit J. H.
' ior igne, etig 'leer.
Mi utiles of the previous meeting
read a. id upon i..o:inn dulv ap-
'i'OV -n . ,
The 1 a., .nan ,t,t ' t':at .he
tnecti " u iee- called ,t the re
(I'lv-'st . Cotltr.lC'.ora, Mes
''! liiitie't ' ig C"
tiivj h I) k-U'U tl:e Hm l "
is per tr.,c'. ... I .-'e di-s
'( if' i : nccei. -d . t'-e , - -l.
He .i ,nn i leii ..i 'ti
D ivis, .i Mv - -s R,p''-v :
an hoe. is, Inr ,iifo: ...... 1 . .u
p i t.
Mr. D-ivi., cTcl aeutirii .o
C'. i un min r delects ,nicli 'ie bad
anv.iiiy e..i I lined and pointed out
to i lie boar 1 when making their
pel -oiial inspection of the building
and wln'fh would be remedied by
the ci.i ti actors. After further ex
planations he reconimended to the
biiud li.eir acceptance of the build
ing, conditionally, that these cer
tain minor delects be remedied
forthwith and that the sum of one
thousand dollars ($1000.) be held
o t from final payment until thev
had been completed to the satisfac
tion ot the Architects as represent
ing the board.
Mr. Skinner as representing the
contractors said that the defects
were as apparent to lum as they
were to Mr. Davis and assured the
boaid that thev would be Immediately-
remedied; he agreed to the
conditions as stipulated of the
holdinir out of the sum of $1000,
until the work was completed to
the satisfaction of the Architects
and further agreed to the payment
of the sahrv of the Inspector for
the month of April and to the pay
ment of the amount of office rent
as exi .-nded bv Je Count v of Kau
ai during the month, in the amount
of $10.
The following motion being duly
seconded was passed unanimously
by the board. "That the Kauai
Loan F u n d Commission accept
from the contractors, Messrs. Lord
Young Engineering Co., the
County Huildirg, as constructed
by them under their contract with
the Cominisssou, Conditionally,
that certain work just under dis
cussion . he completed to the satis
faction of the Architects, Messrs.
Ripley & Davis as representing
the Commission and that the sum
of $1000, be held out from final
payment pending the completion
and acceptance of the said work."
The Secretary was instructed to
notify the Inspector that his ser
vices would no lotu'er be required
by the Kauai Loan Fund Com
mision, the County Building hav
ing been accepted, conditionally
bv the s iid Commission.
The Lord-Young Engineering
Co, being the lowest bidders for
the supplying of the furniture and
fixtures tor the County Building
as advertised according t o law,
were awarded the contract upon
the following motion duly second
ed and passed unanimously.
'. That the bid of the Lord
Voung Engineering Co. of S3684,
for the supplying of the furniture
and fixtures for the County Build
ing as duly advertised, be accept
ed and that the board enter into a
written contract with them for
same." The matter of the drawing
up of a satisfactory contract was
left in the hands of the Architects,
Messrs. Ripley & Davis.
ITjmii motion duly seconded the
following bill was approved and
ordered paid:
No. 20 Lord Young Engineering
Co. $10,000
Upon motion dulv seconded the
i meeting adjourned subject to the
'call of the chair.

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