OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, December 14, 1915, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1915-12-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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Issued Every Tuesday Morning
Luther Dermont Timmons
Belt Road First Of All.
Cake 0&Sfa
More careful figuring shows that if money should be taken from
the county's general fund in order that the proposed new Lihue school
building be hastily completed, it would probably be necessary to post
pone the work of finishing up the belt road,' so called, for, perhaps, a
couple of years.
This is a phase of the matter which was not taken into considera
tion last week when the recommendations of Superintendent Kinnev
were being discussed; and if the situation is as has been stated, it will
doubtless be generally regretted.
" -r If it should come to a "show down", however, between the new
lVXihue school building (or anv ether school building, for the matter of
pr that) and the proposed belt road, we say give us the belt road. Al-
0 though much in need of the new building, Lihue will recognize the
fact, wi feel sure, that a servicable road all the way from Mana to Ha-
nalei is more urgent just now; while the rest of the island will un-
1 doubtedlv agree that that is so.
Broadly speaking, we would not view with favor anv proposition
now in sight on this island which might delay, even for a short time,
the completion of the road to Hanalei. At the same time we are much
in favor of the early completion of the proposed new Lihue school
house, and hope that some means may be found to put it through, al
so, with the belt road.
Blunders Of TI.e Allies.
The future historian will likely dwell long on the blunders of Great
Britain in the present war in the matter of her expeditionary cam
paigns. To the outside world these features of the war have appeared
among its niost remarkable incidents.
First came the sending of a small detachment of men into Belgium
to meet an enormous arm v. This was so fool-hardv as to appear almost
appalling. Scarcely less of a blunder, however, has been the entire
Gallipoli campaign, in which tens of thousand of lives have been sacri
ficed without a hiuki to show for them. A third fearful blunder was the
sending of a wholly inadequate force tar up into Mesopotamia to at
tack Bagdad. That detachment, moving directly into the jaws of the
Turkish army, can hope for little less than annihilation, if it has not
already met that fate.
Now we have the complete failure of the expedition, sent for
ward with a blare of trumpets, as it were, from Salonika to crush the
invading Teutons in Serbia. That this campaign was a miserable
failure from the beginning is now fully apparent; and it is plain that
there was no military fitness or genius behind it.
1 nere nas oeen a great deal ot talk throughout the world about
what has been termed the lack of training of the British soidier and
the ur.prepartdness of the Allies. In the light of the events above re
ferred to it would appear to the onlooker that the failing has not been
with the soldier at all. nor the lack of facilities, but has been the re
suit of the incapacity of the higher-ups. Strategically, the Allies have
attempted a number of promising moves in the war game, but through
official blundering they have all come to naught.
It begins to look as though what the Allies need more than train
ing camps for soldiers are training kindergartens for war lords.
Mr. Fred J. Halton, San Francisco representative of the Ha
waii Promotion Committee, toured Kauai last week and, upon hi de
parture, seemed quite enthusiastic regarding this as a favorable field
for large tourist development. If the people of this island really care
to have a share of the tourist busi ness, and hold it, it will be neces
ary 10 uu a vci y xrcai number 01 inings, not me least ot winch IS
providing efficient guides for parties. Only a short time since, the
storv goes, a tourist engaged a local auto driver to take him to Wai
mea How far is it? asked tne sttanger. Ten dollars" replied
the brilliant chauffeur. And that was the last intelligible utterance
from the chauffeur in the entire ride of thirty miles.
he return of China to a monarchial status will undoubtedly
be the signal for a revolution of enormous proportions, and other na
tions may be involved before it is over. Although the question of re
. 1. 1 ; , 1 . 1 : . . J . . l . t r r
iuuiii ui uiuuuiciiy was suuuimeu 10 wie people oi vmna,u is gen
erdly known that the voting was directed by Yuan Shih Kai. who had
the dictator bee in his bonnet; and it is next to certain that the better
educated and more progressive element of China, which supported the
republic, will not surrender without a desperate fight. Should the
European war subside somewhat under the snows of winter, the world
will probably still not lack war news, for there is promise of much ex
citement in the Far East to fill in w ith. (
11 would BE a hue tiling it the principal papers lead before the
kauai Historical Society in the past twelve months or more could I
printed together in a neat phamphlet for permanent preservation by
members and others. The paper entitled The History of Lihue,'
several papers on Koloa. one or two on subjects in and about
Waimea and other re2ai ding general historical facts havinjr to do
with Kauai would form a collection of value and importance to anv
local horary. Perhaps it might be well enough to wait awhile, add
other forthcoming papers to the collection and make the booklet
larger and more complete; but it certainly should not be omitted al
We hope that the decline in the price of sugar to figures below
r. . . i .i. . -m. . , . i i
uiciciuj may iiui icsscu uic ui isi mas cneer in xne nomes ot our
beautiful island. Of course it is hard to reconcile ourselves to such
weak market, but we will probablv he able to get along somehow,
sugar were seven cents, or even six and a half, we might be able
afford a few more Christmas presents, but let us be optimists !
Insofar as Kauai is concerned, tourist promotion should begi
at the heoinnincr. and th hecinninc at t'n mnmnt !c K f.... j :
9 " n ... . . . 4 j . ' 'V iuuiiu J II
the question of transportation between Honolulu and the rorts oHhis
isiana. it tne Hawaii promotion Committee will confine its endeav
ors for a time to larger and better steamers for the Kauai run, we would
th.nk more hopefully of the prospects.
Mr. Moragne deserves the thanks of the community for the ex
treme vigor with which he has taken charge of the road situation since
his return from abroad. With limited facilities, he has taken in hand
nunv miles of road at a clip and already there is an immense improve
ment all along the line.
President Wilsos states that Senator M:
Graflex Premo
Artistic Picture Framing
Kodak Supplies
Mail orders given prompt attention.
P. O. Box 769 Honolulu. ,
Cards and Seals
' 7
CJThis year's assortment of Chislmas
Cards is more beautiful, more varied and
more comprehensive than ever before.
Priced from 5 ceach to 25 c, or we will
send a nice assortment for $2, $2.50 or $3.
Little Christmassy Seals, in appropriate
designs; for use on letters or packages; 5c
the box; 6 boxes for 30c.
Pretty Christmas Boxes, to send gifts in:
from 5c to $1.50 each, according to size.
t Gold or Silver Tinsel, with which to tie
Xmas packages: 1 Oc the spool, containing
1 0 yds.
J Books by favorite authors. All the latest
Fiction also thousands of titles in 65c
Hawaiian News Co., Ltd.,
Young Bldg. Honolulu.
Two different autos, returning to the Waimea side from the en
tertainment in Lihue Saturday night, collided with cows on the road
in the Kalaheo neighborhood, and in both instances bad accidents
were narrowly escaped. And still the county fathers hesitate in re
gard te that estray ordinance.
v,u-urf.aie nun mc cuurit ui wie i-wuuai LiianiDsr ot commerce,
support tne locai oattanon oi tne .National Uuard and encourage inter
community social affairs. By so doing, much in the aggregate will be
accomplished for the island.
r . : e x- ,
im.'.i'o.. .jua.iji .iaiiuic, oi .cw jersev
is i joke an 1 should not re-elected. While on Kauai last May a great
nunv people reached the conclusion that the New Jersev senator was
about the biggest hot-air merchant that had ever struck this beach. I
Silver and Cold Line,
Rich CfT Glass and
Art Goods.
Merchandise of the
Best Quality Only.
Leading Jewelers.
P. O. Box 342 Honolulu
Ve neatly pack and mail
Hawaiian Souvenirs.
Hawaii & South Seas Curia
S. Miyake
5 Passenger 1916.
Model Oldsmobile- for
Hire at all Hours.
Tel 37 L
A splendid show
ing of Holiday
Goods, Leather
Writing Cases,
Jewel Cases,
Hand Bags,Ther
mos Cases.
Manicure Sets,
Sewing Baskets,
Silk Underwear,
Silk Sweaters.
Gloves, Hose,
Ribbons, Neck
wear, Hand-embroidered
M M Agent for Kauai W '
f I by miles the best tire to
II J? .I They average 25 per cent I 1 1 I
II x 1 more than other Tires. Jjf I
w A full stock carried at the Jfjj I
Let Us Do All Your
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Territorial Messenger Service .
All the big news of the world every morning at only $1.00 per
month. The Daily is delivered by auto at every town.

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