OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, February 20, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1917-02-20/ed-1/seq-7/

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(Special Cirrcscmilenrc of Tin; (iuuii'N
Nl.SI. )
Washington, 1. ('., Feb. 2. Tin'
Department of Commerce lms re
ceived tlif following report con
cerning Hawaiian trade and. indus
try: A New York silk-mill operator
lias been investigating the labor
supply of the Hawaiian Islands with
reference to )lans for establishing
a silk mill. He found that there
would he little dillieulty in netting
operatives, as a very small percen
tage of the children of plantation
laborers themselves become laborers
as they come up. Many find em
ployment in season in the pineapple
canneries, particularly from May to
October, when the canneries work
day and night. It is believed that
a similar supply would be available
for silk-mill employment. Mem
bers of the chamber of commerce
assisted in the inquiry.
Conveyors to Facilitate Sugar Shipment
By the time the sugar-shipping
season of 11)17 is in full sway it is
expected that three sets of sugar
conycyors will be in working order
on the new Kuhio Wharf, harbor
of Ililo. These conveyors are now
being installed and will be complet
ed within a few weeks. They will
make it possible to load a ship with
sugar in minimum time and at a
much lower cost than at present.
The wharf on which the conveyors
arc to be installed is considered equal
to any in New York or .San Fran
cisco Harbor.
Improvement of Live Stock on Islands
In an effort to build up the grade
of live stock on the ranches of the
islands, cattle which have taken
ribbons on the mainland of the
United States have been imported,
and ranchers are giving greater at
tention to the upbuilding of their
herds. This is particularly true at
the Parker ranch, island of Hawaii,
tin- largest in the archipelago, which
controls :'.(H),(H)I) acres, some of the
ranch lands running high upon the
slopes of Mauna Kea Mountain. One
sugar-plantation owner and rancher
on the island of Kauai, W. II. Rice,
recently imported 41 Ayrshire cows.
Although the local markets are
largely supplied with beef from in
land ranches, much dependence is
placed on imports, particularly of
mutton, while beef from New Zea
land comes in cold storage about
once a month.
Favors Creation of Fish Reserve
The Mid-l'acilic Tuna Canning
Co., which has been organized in
Honolulu to utilize the lish catches
of Japanese and other fishermen
above the amount required for local
consumption through the various
markets, plans to request the Tint
ed States to create a fish reserve
around such bare islands as John
son Island. These are the natural
spawning places of the tish, which
arc protected in such localities.
Greatly Increased Building Operations
Building operations in Honolulu
during Wlti totaled nearly S'.tOO.OIH)
more than in l'.)l". The total is
greatly in excess of that of any pre
vious year, according to the records
of the building inspector of the city
and county of Honolulu. Building
permits issued in l'.Mti numbered
1,171, with an estimated cost of
82, :":, I'.iii, while in l!M.r permits
numbered l,2S:i, with an estimated
cost of SI , 1CS,:1()7.
Dilliculty has been experienced
by builders throughout the islands
in obtaining shipments of material
from the mainland Ai g Un
building operations so held up are
those of the six-story steel ami con
crete wings of the Moana Hotel,
Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, which
will represent an expenditim of
8250, IHM These were to have been
completed in February, BUT, but
on account of nondelivery of material
will not i'c finished until June or
For B'17 and WIS the public
school commissioners of the Terri
tory of Hawaii have proposed large
expenditures upon buildings and
equipment, to the total amount of
87.jI5,2jO. The requirements arc
Washington, D.C., Jan. SI Tim
House Committee on Territories has
reported favorably the bill to pro
hibit the sale and manufacture of
liquors in Hawaii. In the report
on the bill it is stated that its pro
visions are intended to prohibit un
der certain conditions the importa
tion into Hawaii, or from manufac
turing, selling, giving away, or at
tempting to sell, give away, or oth
erwise dispose of, or have in their
possession any intoxicating liquors
within the jurisdiction of the Ter
ritory. The report says further:
The provisions of this bill which
may appear as somewhat unusual
are the conditions which must first
be complied with before this law
would become etTective.
It provides for a plcbiciteby peti
tion by the qualified electors of the
said Territory. This law if passed
by Congress would not become ef
fective until a majority of thcquali
lied electors of the Territory shall
petition for the same.
Your committee feels that they
have safeguarded the securing of
these petitions, the passing upon
the validity and sufficiency of the
same so as . to eliminate fraud as
nearly as may be in such cases.
As to the accuracy of this state
ment we respectfully refer to the
provision of II. li. 20."()(), section
''A , page 17 et seq.
The question naturally arises
why, if the question of prohibition
is to be submitted to the citizens of
the Territory at all, provide for sub
mission by petition rather than by
a vote?
There were various reasons given
to the committee both pro ami com
on this question but we feel that it
is sufficient , in explanation of the
committee's action in providing for
a plebiscite by petition, to say that
the uncontradicted statement to the
committee was that there was an
understanding, tantamount to an
agreement, between the opposing
forces in the Territory that the ques
tion should be si i limit ted by pet it ion.
The original bill covering this
subject ami containing that provi
sion was first referred to a suheoni
niittie of which the author of this
report was made chairman. The
question of the wisdom or the . rea
sons for this provision arose early
in the consideration of that bill by
the subcommittee.
The representatives of the "drys"
claimed that there was such an un
derstanding or agreement as above
referred to. Tin- Delegate from tin
Territory not being in Washington
at that time cabled the chairman as
follows :
I strongly urge prohibition liquor
traffic by petition plebiscite bill.
This statement as well as the
statement that there was an under
standing, practically amounting to
an agreement, that this question
should be presented to the people
! of the Territory by petition, was af-
tcl'M aids confirmed by the Delegate,
and ot her
tele.-tid parties 111 pel-
soil lie fore the full committee. ,
Your committee desiring to con-
divided principally as follows: Is
land oT Hawaii. .jr,7,c,( ( ) ; Maui,
in,o0; Kaiii.i, .7o. :'.": Oahu,
To Study Insurance in Islands
With the object of investigating
insurance in the Hawaiian Islands,
a large number of managers of in
surance companies on the mainland
will visit the islands in Februaty,
W17. Among the managers will
be representatives of the Hartford,
Niagara, ami California Insurance
Companies, ami of the Accident and
Indemnity Co. Fire insurance in
the islands has been profitable, as
there have been few disastrous fires
there since the conflagration of WfHV
The fire department is an ellieient
organization and makes extensive
use of motor apparatus. Not only
Honolulu, but also the city of Hilo,
island of Hawaii, and other places
in the islands use this class of apparatus.
form as nearly :h maybe to the
wishes of 1(. iiconleof the Territorv
on this mailer but keeping in mind
always the best interest of that peo
ple, adopted that provision after
first safeguarding the best we knew
the provisions of the bill and now
present the same tn the House for
its careful consideration, Imping that
the people of that splendid Tcrritoi v
may he early saved from the blight
ing curse of intoxicating liquors.
A name to identify good
shoes serves as a guar
antee that thev are such.
We are extremely care
ful to pick the best, We
are perfectly willing to
stand back of our White
Oxfords and Sport Shoes
in Buckskin and canvas
our White Lace boots
in Buck and Reignskin.
Mail Orders a Specialty
u. Doi
1917 Buick
for hire at all hours.
Tel. 482 Car No. 540
Ask your Goody tar Service
Station Dealer about the
Goodyear Tire. Saver Kit.
Nawiliwili Agafa
( Sp'vial -o!ri-')i null oi' of Tin: ti;air
Washington. D. ('., Jan.. "1
At the request of Delegate Kalani-
anaole, Senator Harding of Ohio, j Tcinil, Mrs. F. B. Terrill, W. II .
today offered an amendment to the ; Fried ly , MissYarnc v, Miss Dick
rivers and harbors bill to appro- : :liann. F. Koochi. M. Tanaka, M.
priate '! l.l MX) r,,r commencing ' Kan... K-ranishi and wife. Miss
work on theeonstiuetion of a bn ak-( Kulilmann, W. 11. Ziuuner
water in Nawiliwili harbor. Kauai. 'man. Nakagawa, A. Y. l'ctcis, T.
Catalog Prices Withdrawn
Owing to the great increase in material and manufacturing ccsls
during the pa:1 year, we have found it necc? sary to withdraw all
published catalog prices until further notice.
Selection Packages
of Jewelry
will be sent to anv responsible resilient of any of the Islands, from
which si lection- may be made as though one were purchasing in the
store itself.
H. F. Wichman & Co.
Jewelers and J'latinumsmilhs
BEING more flexible, a Good
year Cord Tire gives greater
comfort, spryer response to pow
er, and longer mileage per gallon
of gasoline, 3cing stronger, it
gives greater security, larger free
dom from trouble, and longer
mileage per tire. The two quali
ties combine to a performance
unmatchable otherwise, and to
an economy equally unusual.
Every Goodyear Tire ought to be at
work outside a Goodyear Tube. No
other tube so safely insures the constant
air pressure needed to cushion strain and
shock. No other tube is so protected in
the making against leak, seep or creep.
Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Tubes
both can be had from Goodyear Service
Station Dealers. Probably there is one in
your neighborhood. He is worth search
ing out and doing business with. For he
is there not only to sell you tires, but to
help them deliver you their last mile of
service (more than you're used to from
your present tires) after he has sold them.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
r,sF.rjr,rn'? vRnivrn
- : follow i-.; :,i i ; i d l,v
i! idm .-da inn; niij.. :
Mis. . J . Kni.
H. Iscnbcrg. A. Em:k hai d. I). I,
Austin, W, 11. Jervers, M. II
Drninmond, Mr. and Mrs. M. B
' Morioka, V . S. Y unu and wife,
. Y . K iiv ! ki. Kitbotn, C A Rice.
i, I tv Akaii
I. A. K.itu.
W. I',. Coliivilie. (If). Bustard,
Mr. and Mrs, H. K. Turnet. Miss
li. B. Grav. A. O Banteson, W.
D. McBrvde, C. Ako and wife and
4 children, Mrs. Gadwin and in
fant, Maii. Gadwin. Mrs. See Wai,
S. Oyania, J. 1 Akina, S. Save
gusa, K. L, Young and wife, K.

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