OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, October 21, 1919, Image 1

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Mlu Elsie Wilcox
ESTABLISHED 1904. YOL. 15. HO. 42.
Will Talk on Personal
1 8 1 st Brigade
On Monday evening, November 3,
Mr. W. P. Homer will glvo a talk on
his porsoual experiences in the Ar
gonnc. Mr. Horner was A. D. C. to
Brigadier General J. B. McDonald, who
commanded the 181st Brigade, which
was a unit of tho 91st Division In the
battle of the Argonne.
Aa Aid-de-camp Mr. Horner was In
touch with tho fighting In tho front
lines and also In touch with the Divis
ional headquarters, and therefore had
a more thorough insight into all that
was going on, than many other officers
who would only see tho one side or
the other.
His talk will include a description'
of the embarkation of troops at a U. S.
port; the trip over in one of tho large,
American convoys, and the experiences ,
of the men on a transport. He will
then take his hearers through the first ,
Makaweli Has Two
Baseball Leagues
Baseball on Makaweli Plantation is
running with "full steam ahead." They
have two leagues, each league playing
one game each Sunday.
The first league to organize was tho
Makaweli Filipino Baseball (League,
with three teams, representing Camps
2, 4 and G. Following their lead the
Makaweli Baseball League was orga
nized with two Japanese teams, repre
senting Campts 1, 2, 4 and 5 combined
and one team representing Makaweli,
composed of Portuguese and Hawaii
an s.
The games each Sunday afternoon
are witnessed by hundreds of em
ployees of the plantation as well as
many outsiders who are getting Inter
ested In tho leagues.
At the close of the series the win
ners will play a five game series to
decide tho championship of tho planta
tion, and also who aro to have possess-'
ion of the Reach cup which has been
put up by that sporting goods comp
any. Tho world series wont have a
thing on Makaweli plantation.
Tho leaguo standings are as follows:
Makaweli Filipino Baseball League.
P W L Po
Camp 4 3 3 0 1000
Camp 2 4 2 2 500
Camp 5 3 0 3 000
Makaweli Baseball League
P W L Pc
Makaweli ' 3 3.0 1000
Camp 1 2 1 1 GOO
Camps 4,52 3 0 3 000
Makaweli and Camp 1 are putting
up a good strugglo for first placo In
the leaguo: tho first game they played
being 'a ton Inning game. They will
meet again on Sunday, Oct. 2fith.
Camps 4 and 2 aro fighting hard for
supremacy in tho othor league.
Mr. Damkroger is in charge of ath
letic and
recreational work for tho
Leaving Soon
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
de Brettevillo will regret to learn that
they aro soon leaving tho Islands to
mako their homo in California. They
aro kaamaalnas of long standing. Mr.
do Bretteville having been on tho Is
lands for forty years, and Mrs. de
Brettevillo for thirty-three years, tho
last eighteen of which have been spent
In Lihue, where Mr. do Brottoville has
been sugar bollor and chemist for
Lihuo Plantation.
'Thoy will join thoir daughter, Mrs.
Maud Thompson, who is at present
taking a post-graduate courso at tho
Berkoley University. Little Paul Mal
colm Thompson, who has been staying
with his
grandparents, accompany
Experiences With the
in the Argcnnc
and second phases of the Argonne,
and In this connection will bo ab'.u to
illustrate, with tho help of ono of the
largest and best war maps used In
France, what the Argonne rei.ll;
meant to Germany.
He will also glvo somo of his person
al experiences In tho battle of Lys
Scholt. Tho 01st Division was composed of
troops from California, Oregon, Wash
ington, Wyoming, Utah, and Montana,
and this division saw some strenuous
service and heavy fighting In tho later
months of the war,
Mr. Horner's talk will bo given at
the Tip Top Theatre and will be under
tho auspices of tho Kauai Post of tho
American Legion, for the benefit of
which an admission fee will be charg
ed. Seats may bo reserved by telephon
ing to 542 L.
Physical Education
For Makaweli School
Makaweli school has now a program
of physical education that Is on a par
with any schooln on the Mainland.
The program is under direct supervis
ion of 13. L. Damkroger, who is a grad
uate of Springfield College, tho leading
school of physical education in tho
United States. He is holder of a Cali
fornia Statu Certificate, as teacher of
physical education and military tactics.
Mr. Damkroger has also had extensive
experience in 'athletics and physical
education as a lieutenant in tho Armv.
He is employed by the Hawaiian Sugar
Company for work of this nature for
all tho employees of tho company.
The school also has a very fine play
ground, built by the company, which
is being enlarged daily. At present the
equipment of tho play ground is as
follows: 1 basket ball court; 3 volley
ball courts; 2 baseball diamonds.one
for indoor ball and one for out out
door; 1 slide, which is proving im
mensely popular; 1 set of rings; 1
horizontal bar; 1 pillow fight apparat
us; 1 great 1 giant stride; 1 cradle
swing and 1 high jump standards.
Not Satisfactory
The much desired new cane con
tract for the Kapua homesteaders
lias appeared. A copy has been
forwarded lo the Kapaa Home
steaders' Cooperative Association,
and after being read to (lie home
steaders assembled at Kapaa, in
the Tcraoka Hall last Sunday, it
did not meet the satisfactory ap
proval of the homesteaders as ex
pected. There were about one' hundred
homesteaders present, the major
ity being members' of the associa
tion. The secretary was instructed to
communicate with the (lovernor to
action upon the proposed contract
until such time as amendments
proposed by the homesteaders are
received by the (lovernor.
The president, under instruct
ion, appointed a committee of 7
to whom was referred the propos
ed contract. The said committee
will report its lindings and make
its recommendations to the asso
ciation at its next meeting which
will be held next Sunday at !l
o'clock, a. m.
nov. H. I Judd and N. C. Schenck,
of the Hawaiian Board of .Missions,
Honolulu, arrived this morning to at
tend tho semi-annual Kauui associa
tion held in Lihue this week.
Sees the Lava Flow
10. 51. Cheatham is back from
the lava How on Hawaii, which he
visited without dilllcuHy, making
the trip from 1 1 Ho and return by
auto in a day.
lie saw it to good advantage
and tells of it very interestingly
I and graphically, as a very wonder-
I ful sight. He reports it as a nur-
j row river of liquid tire running at
In rapid rati" 120 or miles an
i hour below precipitous banks, in
the midst of a broad sea of dead
1'iva spread out in (lie earlier
i ili ;e of the (low. In some places
l ibis narrow river is bridged over
. so lliat il runs through a tunnel
for some distance, emerging into
j an open river again below. These
tunnels have probably-been form
' el by a blockade in the stream
which has banked up the lava to
j a high level, ami so increased the
I pressure that it has eaten through
j underneath, leaving the roof over
I head to cool.
Where it enters the sea such a
tunnel lias been made through the
chilling action of the water, so
that most of the lava enters the
ocean deep down on the Iloor. and
some distance out. There it is be
ing continually chilled and smoth
ered by the sea.
: ;
: : : : : -j- . ..
: : : .;.
If you want to spend your Sunday
afternoon at a game of baseball, come
to Kapaa.
uaseuan is tiio favorite sport at
ivawainau on Sundays. There are four
dilferent teams and there's a double
header every 'Sunday. Games start at
1 p. m.
The four teams are made up as fol
lows: First wo must begin with tho Farm
ers, because they are loading, and be
ing farmers, the men who till the soil
deserve the first place. Tho Farmers
represent the homestead element of
Kapaa, nnd are snnppy players, with
Sam Morlta in the box and Ploddy
Alfred Teves behind the bat it just
makes tho opposing teams grin. Thoy
have played live games, winning four
of them.
Last Sunday's gamo with the All
Stars was ono of the best games ever
played at the- local field. The Farm
ers won by a scoro of 2 to 1. Tho AH
Stars scored their initial run in tho
first inning and after that tho score
board appeared cellular like for tho
The Stars come next being all ox
Makee players and representing skill
ed labor, are a wonderful combina
tion when thoy don't start kicking.
They aro unquestionably the "best
players in tho district but they too
suffer their defeat at the hands of
tho ploding Fanners. Tho Stars havo
played four games winning tluce of
Tho Asr,hi3 come third nnd by
their namo they represent tho Japa
nese community although American
citizens. ' Here is a fast team, lint
sometime-! luck is missing and two of
their games havo been oqually di
vided among the Stars nnd tho Fann
ers. The Asahi-j have played four
games taking two and tho oilier two
going as libovo divided.
The Hawaii's being fourth and last
are a wonderful loosing combination.
Thoy aro good loosers and the way
hey bohavo under firo Is nmusfng.
Tliis is an all around team with our
generous Hawaiian brothers forming
tho mass. Although they havo Ibst
every gamo payod so far and havo no
hope of bugging the first series but
it is predicted around base ball corn
ers that they will tako th'j second
series and may win the trophy offer
ed by the Kawaihau Athletic Asso
ciation. M. K. AGUIAH. Jit.,
Manngor of the Farmers.
Mr. G. P. Wilcox was down Inst j
week witli civil unglneor and Manager
Collins, of Lahaina, looking into ditch
nnd water problems in connection with
the American Factors hiigar interests
here. Thoy returned Saturday.
Mrs. Philip Klcc returned from Ho
nolulu this morning.'
Miss E. Wilcox was a leturnlng pas
senger this morning.
j. $ ...
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Larsen of Kllau
ea, and children, arrived on tho Klnau
this morning
Mrs. A. S. Wilcox returned to Lihue
this morning after several weeks
spent in her Honolulu homo.
: :
Mr. E. Cropp is an enthusiastic
booster for the Maul Fair. Ho returned
to Kauai by this morning's steamer.
A. M. Brown, attorney, was on Kauai
Inst week in connection with the Pah
On divorce case. Ho returned to town
W. E. Kerr, of the Regal Shoe Store,
is In Lihue and will have his lino of
goods on display at the armory during
the week".
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. nice and Mls3
Edith Bice returned on the Klnau this
morning, having taken in the Maul
Fair during their absence.
Mrs. Dora Iscnberg nnd Miss Lil
lian Brewer of Lihue, and Mr., C. M.
Cooke of Honolulu left for Australia
and 1,'ow Zc-.lund on the Makura
Oct. lOt'i.
The Lihuo Hospital is again In th'
happy position of having its full quo'
of nui os. Mrs. McGregor, head nmui
Miss Plant and Miss Travers, makln ,
a hap.jy combination.
Mis a Travers, who lias been at 1 o
Lihue ITospltal for some days rctarr id
from .-. abort trip to Honolulu to .s
sumo ier dut'es as anaesthetist : id
night -urso at the hospital.
G. ' '. P nr. the local land a.- it,
wlshe ; i: call the attention of ill
those . oncorned to the fct th.-t ie
lias ! jived notific-ttlon from the
Land ii.pcitnient to tho elect that 3.1
payment i or. recount of Hor-"icads
which aro dee, pre really duo and wl'l
be collected. No deferred payment ex
cuses will bo accepted, and if any ex
tensions of time have been made in
the past they aro now cancelled.
Miss G. Thompson, of Now Zealand,
who is visiting her relatives, tho
Broadbents, leaves today fo a trip to
Hawaii. She will visit with friends at
Papaloa, Hamakua, who will seo to it
that sho misses nothing of interest to
be seen on the Big Island. Especially
will thoy introduce her to tho recent
handiwork of Madam Polo, on the
slopen of Mauna Loa. Miss Thompson
will return to Kauai in timo to spend
Chrlstni'is with the Broadbent family.
The Grand Jury Find Bills
The Grand Jury has handed In truo
bills on six cases which havo come be
fore them, and are holding one for
further consideration to bo reported
on Wednesday.
The Korean, Choy Ey Ho, under in
dictmont for intent to murder, pleaded
guilty and was sentenced without
trial, to Imprisonment for a term of
not Jobs than three years, nor more
than ten.
Two or three of the othor cases aro
Important, ono defendant being charg
ed with the theft of a cow and calf, and
another with Incest.
Tho trial Jury will be called Wednes
day morning.
Roosevelt in the Schools
Speaking in tho Interest of tho
IlooHOVolt Memorial, ltov. J. M. Lyd
gate will muko n tour of tho schools
on tho West side of tho Island from
Kekaha to Koloa on Wednesday, and
tho schools of thr East side from
Hanalei to Analiola on Thursday.
Mr, J. O. Wnmor will ronrtor the
samo sorvlco on Wednesday for the
Lihuo, Hannmaulu, Wnllua and Kapaa
The bautpiel session of the
Chamber of Commerce. Saturday
evening, was a noteworthv event
in tlie history of that organization,
and a most successful affair. Long
tables were arranged in the spac
ious dining room of the Wninica
Hotel, which was tastefully dec
iratcd for the occasion by the
young ladies of the commuunity,
and the buffet supper was good
enough lo meet the requirements
of the most exacting.
When the keen edge had been
laken off the appetites of the
crowd the president called them
lo order for the business of the
evening. The minutes having been
disposed of. the correspondence
was read by the secretary anil laid
on the table for consideration lat
.1 Dozen Xew Member)
Cnder the head of reports of
committees, Hie membership com
mittee proposed about a dozen
new names for membership, and
they were duly elected.
Xuicilitrili Harbor n Danyer
The Xawiliwili harbor being the
most important matter in the cor
respondence was taken up lirst
The pi-cent status of this matter
as indicated by the correspond
dice, was explained by the presi
dent. The (lovernor had called the
attention of certain members in
terested to the necessity for sonic
dclinitc and satislaetorv assur
ance thai the requirements of the
I i 1 1 before Congress, in the way
of railway connect ion withihe en
tire south side of the Island.
should be met, and unless such as
surance was forthcoming before
long, there was danger that the
whole matter would go into the
wastcpaper basket.
I'.ihue I'ltiiittiiioii Aclx
As a result the Lihue I'lanla-
tion Company had taken action, as
indicated. by the letter from them,
published elsewhere in this issue,
guaranteeing the necessary con
nection at the Xawiliwili end.
(In lt llr'ulijed
The gap between Lihue and Ko
loa was now in process of being
bridged, which would furnish con
tinuous rail communication, prac
tically, between the Wailua river
and the Wniinen river. The one
important link which remained as
an unsolved problem was that be
tween the Waimea river
and Kekaha, including a bridge
acrossVaid river. This was a very
short link, only a few hundred
yards in fact. Hut with the Ke
kaha lease expiring in a couple of
years that corporation would
hardly see its way to put in the
expensive bridge that would be re-'
quired, to say nothing of other j
construction, and the rights of
way involved.
The Kehuhii Sitittttioii
This was the dilliculty of the
situation, and under the circum
stances it seemed as though some
modification of the conditions, or
some extension of Hie time, might
.be secured.
Anyway, it was important that
the whole situation be put before
the (lovernor, ami the assurances
required, be given him, as far as
Committee to Act
Mr. Crawford moved that tho harbor
committee, acting jn conjunction with
tho president, secure the farther form
al definite assurances required that
tho necessary connections would be
mado, and lay thorn beforo tho Gover
nor together with such other informa
tion bearing on the whole matter, as
they saw fit, and especially that they
explain to him and Col. Newcomer,
the situation In regard to Kekaha.
To Put Situation Before Governor
Some discusson followed as to tho
best way to muke this communication,
some favoring the plan of taking up
the matter In person with the Governor
when he came to Kauai in the course
of a few weeks,
, It was finally decided, however, to
send him this Information in advanco
of his coming-, so that he might know
that we were nllve to the situation,
and that he might bo tho hotter pre
pared for the discussion on his arrival.
What About Bonds?
Mr. Cheatham thought that thero
was another imprtant matter that
should not bo overlooked, and that was
the bond Ibsuo that wo were required
to make to raise our share of tho
funds required for the work. "Was any
thing being done about that?"
In reply it was explained that tho
required amount had been appropri
ated by the Legislature, and was pro
vided for as part of the general Bond
issue, now being" floated.
Committees Appointed
The president then announced tho
committees, some 2S in number, Includ
ing one now one on Child Welfare.
These committees are substantially tha
same as last year with few changes
except those Involved In n changing
membership. They will bo printed
and copies sent to all the members.
No Money for McClellan
The Directors will consist of the
officers and four lay members, viz:
Messrs. Brandt, Crawford, Wlshard
and Sanborn.
Growing out of the correspondence,
the matter of a Thousand Dollar con
tribution toward the salary of McClel
lan at Washington was taken up.
In the discussion which followed
thero was a general feeling against
the same, on the ground that It was
doubtful whether his services wero of
any particular benefit to Kauai;. "He
was the servant of the Honolulu bunch,
and if they told him to queer ub or
double cross us, he had to do it. Any
way, we were already contributing our
3hare, no doubt, indirectly, of tho $15,-
000 which was being subscribed by tha
Planters' Association. Why should wo
add another $1,000 to holp that Hono
lulu crowd out.
Mr. Wlshard moved that tho mattor
bo deferred until we had further in
formation as to the value of tho serv
ices which would be rendered by Mr.
McClellan. This was carried.
An Indignant Denial
Another matter growing out of tho
correspondence waB that of the em
ployment of men returned from tho
Service; the War Department having
held Hawaii remiss In this matter, as
there was no Information on file In
that department to tha effect that
Hawaii had done her duty.
This called forth a very general and
somewhat Indignant demmurral: "Wo
had no means of knowing that any
such information was required. Every
man who had returned was promptly
taken back and wo wished that thero
wore more of them."
Tho secretary was Instructed to
report to tho Secrotary of War,
through tho Honolulu Chamber of
Commerce to that offect.
Issues Before the Chamber
President Broadbent then called at
tention to tho important issues which
wero beforo the Chamber for the com
ing year.
Nawillwlll Harbor First
First nnd most importunt wus the
Nawillwlll Harbor project. With a
growing commerce, and a growing
population, and with a steadily Increas
lug development of the resources of
the Island, especially In tho extension
of tho homestead areas, n safe and
commodious harbor was of tho first Im
portance. And we would get It if wo
would only stand togethor and present
a united front.
Homesteads and Water
Second to this, If indeed It was soc
oncl, was homesteads and tho Issues
involved therewith. And this meant
Continued on Page 3)

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