OCR Interpretation

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, March 24, 1866, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015418/1866-03-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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- tT" HIIIIOIiill
.1. : -ha.
iT'.ntj tr. yt.in.fn -i. r--:.
' ' T V - '
a4-4. N .' A. i 1 '. rt-i .'. t.-. '
s r. : .. -. f i; r-. :-.. a. : -
! f.r
t .. -i-. f(.t. fj.ir.cr.!, -. f f-'tr. Eo--.r.
.v I--., f r If - cr -d the
: . . : . r t - ,."rr -.f xl H ?' : -1
...- . tr f - ii K-V m. t-:.:. r-t -r
.. . . It. .j-'.t v :,'.r -t.: r- y i: ...iT'. 1 .r c-
. 1 f' 'itr- t t.'.'.r '.fi t t v.e r L " -
: , tip."
. : . ..i -- ;.: tir.i .z. tr-r f C;-r Ii r-..
A : ' pf..rv:r., ri': !--. wi. J
f n tr.rri ix.l fi-.l T-ry i.e-'-'.i .-. ..-rr-.rtt
A -,f i. ; r -.-..--.. I: 's
1 - f :i.r! a.r-:.:.'. 7-.' rr. i :-r ' I - '. r -: ; r . r
;.-r--. Th-sr: ry' -J-r rr -'-.-. rrrT-u "irr
c.i: .' tX 'J3C. C.-r-rvt"."! (J f
r:- j- - I - r-r. ? cr-'-i.-r. L - i. i.:: f r
.r a; rt. Ei. ci:..-.i r '.rri.r. h.s 1 -ri .i:t-l.
I-.-1. '? i-r: r. r.ii -ri crr.
I: cd f- ..Ji;-! rr.'in oY fc; w.-J. 1 ; r.'.'v.r
-VzSt-x.-t Aj'ii arr.rc I j r cj t y en .Hiri .y i-t, trt.'.j
ir.' r'ri tj.i.t.iC, ,s-r Ut th-r ":h ir.rt., ari w V.r
' ai : f -.niary 10, ct.'.j i-5 lay cil. Th- P;flr cf M-rs-ri.
f . '.V. Prv, Jt Co on cur Srst y. jcit a -ry fjj rr. ut
tf r'-. ? c rr :.jrr:a! Dw. tr :h- i'dCrr'i di,.-tjr.
j ... ii. New York had been a low aa liS, but haj r.v
.-. t4 laKit advicet, m prr the fiicwitg trna ia
t;.r .''! .-
v :, y , 5frrh 3. G'.M ci!:rai wV. oir.fo th
T:. r .-r of fi.l tXuzr,t frvin tr -rr.rr?r.t. Th nrr'rz.'.
l ::.n i ar. J j ri': th.s rr.f.rr.ir.!r v u'.r.i Th-r sh. j.d?:. i
a; . i;.a- 1 'I'rr f rry o.;:i:'.rjs ia
I i N : V .rk, tit w :-j'trl t V'.. 10. at Jii j. -ahite
:. .'). i.-.-i l a: I ',5 f r fr-t Arc-.c.
1..-; lri . C Murriy .t th-r II:i"iiri I'vjkr4. L.':.
-. O.- f r -a Ir.'.'.i. j, Uktr.z a f:t car.' aj ;-r rrtt
'i i.e f i.'i .X'jMnoi" ii l'i.r.j Cici, f ,r tj.t p-.rt.
1 ..- 'fr j Ws,iT. :. and t':. f.r Siw b-..! I, a.. 1
t : ; - ty Et.'l a f.:t cr'..
1 ;.- .n.u.i tf wi..T thas fr sh'.w a x-ry cit.L f-r
it - t ' !iL'rJijiivt 1 f.r the l4h ' f Ap'-.:. ar. J .d
... have a l..r'e cr.- cf vj to ICr.-j t at t-as:.
-r!e ha f-
i i. i. !. 'j.':i! :ri .i itJcntm ra.lar'
L t. e r- ..rr4 ' f the ;r. t, .: i.-.-re-s d f .rt.'-i a;. 1
t.- ..is.: 1 i, Lr:.-.. .-.r-a-rd b:-t.-.!..
' OMVEhri.tl. ITEMS.
'e'a!,T"r!:,:-l.-..:l : the To ;.-v ; ir!-..- th t
j .r r to- fr.,m .!:r--t I ...ra. r.- t -.a 1;J i :.
T:. r- f r.: i to r-r 1 .n j5.Ji-.
" - IS "I f'T f'-.y-n-r S.W.'jO f-r Jrer.c:. ffrniat'-.r.
I r , J ..' . r, lf the I 1..: ! .-t-uei J-r.:-.
ij re j... 1 ai.-t. C r.jrr-- i.r-ie the m-.r.ey.
Iv- ! r.r-.a.rtf !.- ;:!.;;c V.t.;-. J,I W,rks in I:rv.
!...-.. ...,.1.0; f.y....i. The pr .j-r.y i:.-;r d ,;,
r-t. i rw.r. r.-.r.-.-:v.
A r-)..t-r'- d-n.ar.'l ir-7.;. ir, N-s- Y -rk f r wr,.J. s:.
f " !... Ws -rr4 P , Tir; Jf,-. Cahf rr. .-4
f ... ' . ;, a.-i The rii .ri-t f r f: rt. , . rr.ore act.
rr:".4,V; " tS" h ,ni $15,
,:eI:f,!l1 ;" 1 !' t1-- '' e! i:at.
l:hV,'i'.Vi i'li:.;'''' I U11,';,'-! Vr,''-
. -y r. -:3-.vww, - -
...... - .... ..-r,i r. j r-, :- .! -r.r. ! i-... ..... 1 1
ri .. . ia- i-re tr -rr-t!- a - ,. , " : 7 . . . "i
it t:;e
V4"r P - ' t t r.-d. Th i '.s.- ,r.4
aot $i J3 ;-r ,.-r-i. 1 ... f.r . . t-,'
' - ery h tr: ,xr.r it.
I . 3t- j-;-r .-,:..r Aj,x. A ; ri! 4.
riv......a 44 U.ai.i.K::-,...-...,.;. thi .Jay.
x K :..l K.'--, fco.-.:,.-. xj -.u. ..rTUy.
' . .ai.,4-,, .N-tt.e M-,r .!, M .-.i.-..
. - ; r i . rr j t. .
x-OilT OX' HOIJOLULU. 21. I.
A KHIVA l.s.
. IT hr H-ht.i. K r v y. .V.ta M : kai ar.d M t:.o
It .-. a.r Ma.-y. f- t.. i... ..
I: . -i .; Xj ot. ; . y. oj 1, ,;.-.! I,!.
f(;.n id:... j a r ii...-: a:. 1 i. , . r: . . .
Ij Aru .-. p .4.ai i',.-. I. .r-r,, 'j r:.. -i. ir m N--v
.rd. t,...i Ti ..i a . ...
I- Arn r4 ; Vuaa.-I, Al.-i., !r. m C A-t 1.1 m '
I.- ".r Kt J-. Ch:...k. fr -i. l-fuf.Uia.
. r :. .rd. I..i.f4.. fr-.::. K
- r M .ry. .. f. A . . ,.
.'. t.r K ii ..." . 1 fr -iii i. .:-;.
-1 -. r Privr-. II,.'.. Ir ... j; ,.... ,
Z Am :i .. ... i ... n r-h. 7 r.. .. .,ut fr ,n "
!. rn-. ar, 7 ' .- ..- .t t-. ; - t. -r.- '
w.. . i, .-,..-t.i.. .,r,-r, ir ro. I. .,..(,,n.: C a.- I
ar. -j i oi-i.. f. f.a.
'- ;hr Kc-i o-. Crr.-. fr n K' r.a ar. 1 Km.
- - "-r J.-'- . .. M r:,..i.;. fi. n. lir..
'-' -fr It- .'i-rr.l-, ' Hir.:ia, fr,i.j Lih.4it.a.
t: vm e.:;.--f ship G-.r . Ileu-t.-. f..r N-w Y. rk.
1 - hr.ti.t. c.; r T ..j. ..n, ..inn. f.r t oChvr.
- '-' Iri uaai.a. II r. f,r II ,-.c :
1 hr Kai -, lf.-l,-. I f Laf.., .. aj Maker'
: '- -cf.r Ka Moi. W i.r.ur. f- r Kahu-uL
t -cf.r Ilel-:., K.imj. f..r Mvl .kat r,d Mahko.
j-rjr Actitre, Klay, t T Lafunr..
:-e,r M.ry.f.r Ua,.
i'.rij- Naf..eLa-ria, I'ja-r. f- r Hil.
i s.f.r Mtry. Ni.a. f-r Aui.i.tt.
ai tn bar I. I4. Murray. P--i,i. .t. f r 5. Fr-.. i.i.
--' "'hr Pr.r.. -. ILrti-H. r r llaml i.
-- s. 'r K . io.a. ii.. i. r- r ll.r.a:-i.
' X i:i fi t r ir.t-ar:i. I: irr-tt. ( .ru-:,,,'.
Am i ..'i . M , .ar !. A . r . ! r :. .r- :s. a.
- - Art wh -ti.i. J.. ;.: -. i tpi.i r r h- tsk Se .
sct:r xi a U..:., xpi .... f r .
... r-r- r: f.a.- : . pr-5-.-.i t jr rea !rr. .. t'.-t . f
i' pt'-ttl, C4t. 'i-h -r. wi.ih ;,rriv-i l.tr-.-.i-t
v -.iivr fr-im a fr'ii.e :f C.tt. C...i. ::, , r, ,,f
It i , ir.- a l.t f -. 1,. n I v .. -. a
c.a .ih Hi- ft t. J.n. Z i the l.etr-l rt w
i., I.e fill'.i.i ..
f .
. . !' Wr-r, ;tit-: sh f ; .v. Tr .:?. , .
' r - k-r. I ivfiat-; .l,i,.-i, ' h:,!i; l;trk Marlhi
P. . A ' j.h.4. Ct- .illi
F- .i .- i ; la.v ;-r Aj tx. M"u-:h s; ; ,, ,r -k . ft .ur. w
S7 'Tu.l. .rl-y. 7 k c m p..wd- r. 0 " - . . .tt- .
Tt. .. l-'lpi;. .-r.-.r... 'Ij oio'.iy lar..:, J - r . .r . ' :
7- k . - i-e-a ..n I Ur. ti-i. ICl 1.1. ! I.-wh ir .n Jr. ..rr..- f -
II I. ... .hk. 1 ) -:. ro-tal, r .k fur:.:-..r-. ;,V r r
,;.- .. ,o tud--. a . t.f fiar. t ft r .i.v.l iam-
"I".' llY'"c'. "Vl:,"'''1 i:if'-,r;:4 " "'-I1' "',7'-' W; h:-1-' -n i- Hi ninmv January 1, 1 -07, ::ft r vhicii, if 513.1:a Ir-oeat
' - ' ' . r:oi--;";.V.'..l,fLi.'w iLf -.V'-'r1-'' f o-:.. 1 that in ca-e ..f the .-hij a.- i.t b-.in i-iiiuil, not before, w- i.ba!l have regular steam c-.m- -
'. tore!-; -ui.ctiu.es dlflieultv in -tti;- a tin- munieatiou witi( .S4T1 Fr.ir,fic.'. 1 OC03'2 COSI S
x" ' r 7"'' ' 'rir '- ?:.-.ea:.j c:.'is-.r. a, a s j a a re. T I to cait.nue Working - rBHIE 1 X I) E II V f f ; v KI
i:::J:Z , r, ti,.:r!.,('!,JofC!)tt(,rir r!1i1,.f:1,J-tbe.4. . i:s or Tin: w;t:k. a t",d's-J" f!"'a
I.1' -l.;3.Vi'- - ' -ra'i d, n,t kn-.w what kind of ctt ,n Mr. : C4l,(,i!.vIl A-; voo-Im th- of ma- -0.000112301x73
. ,i u ri-r.i ,. i'-.-:? ?' .v. . v.-. .uu ... z mi 'i.e -i i.i- i , . ,i,ir i j i - -. 1 fe- jjla.-'t
IW. M -: n f !
r .-V4. ?. I-r Il-.-rh-re, M,rv-h 17 I .". -:--- ,
. .... fc. . .M an I 4 Ui; .i-v t r tii.l.-. --'i ,v. , tl ' r
i.a... , j.. I ,-ti 1 r .r.s. to. l',. e r..;:. p.-.. r n -
--i... '. 4 ' It .-h. I le. k a a.r. .-, : ta'.. 1 .'. ,r ;. '2. u"''-!1 1 'l14 ;'4 -r'-' 1 '- k-' r a.-4- rativ- - .;
it. rv. av-. il iron. J k-. ' . - j ...ri. a7 e:r.; ry 'mm '
,-rr- o. M r. i.- I-. i." i n. . ... p... ... r:
ifi-. I p.-o, I-k. 1 bM. 11 c :il 1 r.:;.i .. n jj-ii.
h.vr-. i i i.:.;, I -J." ' i- h'-rl, I e . - 4,ra;-.rs, a i,
taa, ..-
-. .- i .i t r.-r V V .'! ;rny. V ir-, rp;, j.....
: -,r '11 . ;a-: 1 -.i - !. ra.-.ti VH,Vt i;.i .y li l,a p..;
.,.. - n.4in--!4 . XJ- ,.:'- h:! l.j.h-p p- t:
V.t i-of r-- ru-.t.'- iTxia.-e. ii...l IJ.
Vr .-of For-i.-r. I'r.Iti'-, JJ.ri-x fl. !
i:.n E RS.
i-i f .- -. ;-r .r-:. i .
. - r -. '
: .- Z I.y :
Xi 7 a
V. u K - '..
W Ii K .- . a ,
V. i -
V H P-'. y-i,
XV P iiz- . ..
C C I'.--0
. V. ITi;.
w . :.:.
!: u- -. .
V- fc V I -.a.-4.
J V. j; 'i. ...
y a i: :-.
' .; : II I . .Zrl
i ... .- ... t- a-i r.- T.
' . W IJ F . i .
! ; A VV .
I K-v 'i r Tv.a.-:
fci .r-i M err-m. A-:.: ii'i- ' -
F . ?A I -. , o o -n-r I' I M.-r. M-..4. --Mr C-
. "- i v.. M r.. 4 : .i . - e. .r . -a-
r, J .-.---.--.. .--.a-,: w e .:rt.'ji
A V...ar:. A XV A ..-r". ...
-. v . ' , T T - .--v .... .r
k-": -.c. r. l. c .i.i. . . i- - - - - - - - -
V.-r 11 ii. I i.-.rr. Mr. 'if.?;? A. - :--.- :: : t :. Kr-
r : :t. a.-. "i : -
Cummercial Advcniser,
jr.-.uri ly
x. r
I 1:11 : t:.-? si::.
1? v-tlta t .-: :xv...
"-..11. lil.d. lis the
:1l;.. Tr.-a '.r- r t'.l- y
tii.il jr. vuii-i- ir
jkr.: are t-r-:.tiaL a:.d ::.y vf t':C n.v
h :7.T. ' ..Ti t4" tf Tr': Vrfs j.i. II Wj. Hi-
L-fi. A.itr -ay-
,f t:..r fr..
t 1 ...k over thi? la-; t !aita:ivn v.avir. like
a an jVT-feld. He triads us curious tj-eciiuen
of y.ihjic c.'.i, c&Uel .Vcr-;tri cotr.n, aii
t U the ante as that frvia which the Chintz
manufacture their world - renowned Nar.k-en
cljZh, wiiiea i- the natural od,r -.f the fibre.
I: c-r:air.!y ;i curi-.-sity.
TLif; j.r j-.-ct- f r c- :: -n
-.ro'Ain-r a: tats
rai f ,r this y--ar, and froti all
. f 1. ..t ...... -i
wo f in .--urn, :r-jfa -v ;.utare-j :j oi.e i.wum..
nr-r-: vh! -rvwir. Vj J-ly text, ir.eiuiin
b.tl: 1.;. Z ar.d siivrt hta I:-. -ati-Ji::; that
iia.e r--n lately, r.vn r.-ar ?d . a-.. en
K.uai, ar-.- x-.-ry -aj-.-ri .r, and wuli j r-bab.y
be callel, in Livrrj A -r Havre, c-.ual ij the
r.-.-t -r.'.vn in anv Turt of the w-rld. It
v.;,. r-ii-.d i'r .fai S i I-lar. l s-.-ed, from wi.idi
cr-'p .;: 1 h--.n r-jwn '.n this i-land. If
thi- i- any crit -ri n. p.. .d IKiwaiian jrr.jwn
te-i j r --lu.-. s a bett- r rt::j le than the f jr-.-lri se d.
xYc mar Kate h'.r-:, f.r the -)... tit .f th j-e
ir.t .r. ste 1 in e-.tt n -rv. in. that, troia a l-.-ttvr
al-ir---d l, the late Mr. Vii;-, ly his c r-
!". d.r. !. -!..v.:. t. 1.. bv Mr.
Viirl'iiV, ra.- .jf the -.x.eut
A l.i- --state,
1 am th.it -l s.l!!;J le of e
.fit bv him
Kri'Iiiii i' r ex.ia.if.iti n Ii 1 r.. r-.e-ive a ..v
f.. ruble r-t-rt. '1 he htt-.r sta4-.-: 44 On ae-
, e ,.f rV.. ..,,',..-. ..f t... ....... j t - i r :'.
i- rii-.Teiy a r-u:h aj r ..xirnati n. :ia l, b--.-l- s
. a lita J
b-en nb ut i:,., ani ia the ..rdim
irv stat- o! tli.-
n"''rk r' i: t - the late war in the
Lr-Ir-'1 4-i:-'5- :'vur "'l-- w-i ir,ba.Iy o,,lj
I... :.t I., r-r round
'1 he broker
1 - . 1
e,u, -.oiior is l.a.ir:-' a J AiZ, I.ne
t the b-st America: .t'-a Island, in l-n-;t;i of
t!!e ar.d ir, fmn-4--. Uut the jrr.-at troiil,!-
xx itii .,i;r native cuitivat-jr- i-. t: at th'-v do not
l-.:rn th-.- ;i-tinetior b.tA"-n the 1 ,u-z and s;,.,rt
Viiri-ti hi. 1 :i.ei-jij-r:tiv -r-oil the in-rchant.
,. ... .. ."
ah. e Vtiole d it. t ..r lner. e-n the other hand,
'4l '' -V ' i aiate, illia can J.Ul
it .1. bett-.r i jT mail; t.
I r ;;i ti..- Januaiy iritub r f M rjnn's Tmd:
J-yi.':'. xv- .-.,r y the u j.-.l -' the I.-.nd .n Cot
X. ,u ""ajrly A--.ei.iti hi. v. hie!, th-y -.'ieit the
ir- .- ,:, a.l tt n-r wn. i.-.uiitries to y id-i.-h :
A ' t e . - f t . - A .. r '.-
' .r. ' . r .! :. a 1 .:.
. ... : !:..'. .jr.-- 'j . .- I.: - I : .-, j; a; I - ,,l .
a r.a-n. t c r .t:i it:
- - i..--.. - 1 '-. ...... i t, . 1. j r ,.
a. -. .. a. . - r L-c 'r , ).. ...
;:- -jp . - ;..ve
r. t -
t !.
. r-o a.- 1. 1
i-if.n. the '-i.vir-.-. it a..;.-:ir .- r.
. , ri'.r-l, 'M:.-.'i,;.:;., I.e.- i..:-r-a c ;. ..: -.r, of
t I -
f re- . . r.
a . 1 r:. : :.
.-. iv ry. a-d t! -a : j -.oh ( ,
i :.- r- -a i -
vi. tf r- ; in l r::..-r!y, !
r-.J...f; .. 1 1.1- .--.;.- 1 '. null.,.-
:..-. - ::..-. ..n.i:..-!. tf.e : rt, tr. r:; tfa.t '-a.-.try.
- .i r : :i. o J. thaa at : o .-t.t i:i v r;.
K- . .:.:-:.! I, if.- t. i in -:.-. It i. ni o : -!. ti.. re-
.... t .- i '- !.- -r ,:, .;i rv eir-cti ,i
wi.i i- r- i x uei,. a:.., t :i.it r.c-n !.:.;. y ux.li... ra'.a. - ,
cat a. , it ! n.-.y 1..-;.. .1
I' - I ' r 1 .::. :ht n. t f
tt'.l SujJ'y
;' ;:: V-' .V "r-: "vc rs',;-i-v ' "'.
i ...... . .... -....... 3,.. v.ii i.r.r-i .ri.:. e
ai.-r'.ce f it.e Ar;.. r.c .n siipi-'v. ar.d I . r-..rr.m. r -1 tl..i:i t..
p-t 1 r.ri r-r,-. l ar.a r:. .re . .irr.'-t :T r:-. I - t:. t- lr.cr-a.-tf.e
pr On ti n ,( c-tt-.f'. and t ii:,pr ve its i,u..l.ty. Ihe
wa tri a re 4 ly oht .ir."l fr-.iu the pr. .tin i-f c.t-.n, tde hih
I r.c - i 'i' rucrii.-, arid wl.i.-h, if cii. i rahiy reduced, would
an. ply r-:i.uti. rat.v-. the pr..l a'.iiey i f (lin:iiii-h-,i supi l;.-s
fr, ll . ...ii!.. ,n r.t 4 v .... .... . .1 'I
.y 'r.j -r-..-- 1 r:.- :f: -. . f ,.-r; -itt'ir-.
P tr. n f ch-. 1 f t oa.p
I.y - .i i.i.. -i t tf...- :-i.:.t.
IV :v c.-f :: l.
f the
cr ; -.v
! y in ,t.:r- 1.
I y .. a i. ... ... .. .!:;. x:.;r- . f c . d ar. 1 f . 1 .pi ,! at, 1
I.y . ..r- .-...-.:. .:;.:. t j r-i..n - I '.e .- f. -i f r u.arket.
Tt 1 i: - .n, :ti ;.v- .. 1 a. v .. . . tf.- pr..iu.-.
a:. ! -r;: .- .r :.-r r- .r , the ca.t.y : r. Pre i., i,-i.t y
:r, J : tf - 4 4 .tt -r. .':;.:!; A- rati ri .,ri.:!vm-w..
i . i. - ' - ii f yw ei. fr rn ah.rf. '..: An.
. ..... .-i... .... a, i i... r.. w :,-r-v-.-r tri- c.n.a e ar. 1
i ar- f .v.r . . i t ri t ivir-di.e ai r x-d ..n:i !v
!..! a : :r- r a i .: t -y r a-r-. Th
.. I . ....... i.. .... .. .. i .... . . .
l. - ll - a .
...... ..t,..i- i i i,.,ii-..,rr ... us- i:, a:. 1 m.j
P -y - -; I r.c
I. l :. - 1- .1 -. ,irid r.y - v-;..r.nt fv !.:.. I.y u::; rpi-
i- :.-. ly ffictU4t.r. t:. .rk-t.. r l-v a: v :: er iu .
have .-:nt there have been -!:ise'l as fully qua! fi-i.TiV m San I r iar i-eo. xv have are. the;- in-tanet
ll-r.Vr-.l tr..fn .I.VrrT Uf.A 11. l.r.. -..f. .1 , .. U..TI l .
u,-,-. an -j ilitv war. tf.e r- st of tf.e wrl'l. . r I to Ml i o I I'-'Tt r-V" .a'"fr r"lur"" 1 a" w" "I P .ra-d
w;o.-h:4:y c anary can T-c i,.- a s.iti-fact r "v and rrV.a, t aUl lv,' one tira- chief ed.f-.r .f ..r:c . f the I'ar.
1 '- f tr.i.c ? t. we i.-u .ir.t-r'-d iy if,- ?...i:r,-rn ; in a -miliar eaj;i itv. ati 1 km xvr, ;.s ti.o I'i ::: f
.- a- f xia-.-K-a:. I in - a- . f ail t'-.-y - :- d I in l.u id.: '..,.,,.,,.. .. fr ,
M- . -.: . a-:, tr... :,.v I..-; t'.r n . t-n . " ; ' ' t'.X. ,v, V.-ai's ::-.. If. .1.1.. a J. .r-
r- -I . : a r. !. '. r. .1. 1, k. u . 1 .. r
- ' ',4' a .' .. t ry . n d i i-. tt.t i.
It :" ' ' in. p. r: r r- : r, ,t . i.- i- ni I -n.;. rn:'x-
- " f . " r-r : r,.j.i.e.... .' c : .:. i :.- 4.-1 aid the
r: '. .f :'. : . r r.: 1 1, I a: v ,-:.! n. v . !!-r'-
p -.- . :.-.:.. r- f . .-f. d- - r.pt; . ; tut if 'the - --1 a:. 1 '. is
I . 1 ,...v d t...-:h- r .:. th- - ..... I..'-, the - tt :. w. ; r. i
- - v .. ; . , i t' t i. I - .. . :.t .: - 1 r.;. r. tt. - pr - i
- . - a : : a:.-r. .- i I-.a't a:I .-, r c tt-a s .fv.ry !
4 ' ' "
L.u f .r .- T .:.
ry -. r.;t; .;i ! c tt :i. if -:..'. ,:. .rk-t. f a ut
ii.i a.. 1
j ..t
A-I" kk r. Th Ltrk -r ,": .1 .,:- !.,. ' I:
a j.
...i.e-i. a e ,r. to 1 ...
t i ;:i :: 1 ,-,
! ilaa.i.l.itl I'aeke! I. it:, iof '. .-.-.i -aa Flat:. a-
! 4.i- ! '.
i- - i.
x - a ,f. -a:. -.
::.; ad 1 I . th, t oh
:, t;., : -. o i
- 1 II !.- i
- . . :4 th" J a-i fe.v
j lr, t:. t; ad, i..-t v. . .;, -a'l I : ;:t i-.m :.rtd
:;;' -ti. .-he '.".:'! ... d ;. :,.:
l.kr.i f-r Tu-:.-.y .r W;,:;.c.:..y. i'
i f ur Jay?. :: - U n a ry v-r.o.
:.at xAoa::.,r :.o ivi ard
G.-Ifrev. w 1. 1 sr.oxv xx :
the oa-tj.:.ots run :
Hir. 7 Lr ii" Fr-: cv. : 4 F M
r .:.x '.-e .
Water. t...
TV J.. -'V k:
r - a
. : Fir.
: X- - ;o
' XV".
xx .
Kr :u ve i: -vn t::a: Ltr U't
. .ki: r 2o kn :s r-r :.. t:r. 'n hvr t::s: tr;p ,..v.-,..
Zj this rt i.-;s tiu..-- :" r twty-f u: ;. ars T ,T v! t . . ;
ws 2il ra-ii -s. .. r r.-:..r'y ::: : r.r :.. ur. :.e .:.;:.': . .
i ' " -1 1 . r stav- . - -' ' u"-. t. 7 s..O Is A..; . t , 0. ; st.iTe-S t
a: I-:i-t I.ai-.-i a ovrta.n u.j ::i. etial ::.-; vxt are ex- ::r.-t
; ::r-r:'.-r t-. civr JV.1I r xv. r. 'at t. U ..!... y T:.t tar :
it.it -? that : ..s ir.aie o. i-l!-:s :r. f.vt r.:y-: aur the v.i .-
":. urs. ii ;..r : -.-.;;: fr. ::i New Y rk. cr ?r'-: :
. tir 10 kr. ts t-.r :. ur. liar chart sh.-v.- h'4---'
Thus f-r. on this r. ate. she :ats n.-: had a i'J.T xtit:? ..r.- .
--. oxviit ; t.x h-r ra-t Jtavipr f.ai .suit-nt
t cu: :.r in . ..l ste..!;!.".' tri:.i.
. r. .. a :
n this r -ute, we k-arn. on it.ulry,
that the Carr.r-ir.y are i.-u-tfal rec.ir-lit.z it,
urd:-.-j th-v can . htilr. a u:?i Jv f;-o:n th- Ha-
wilan cr Ahu-.riean .v.-rr;:i.en: t .:.;
, i
Ij e.Tjtit.ue the tiit-.-rj rie until i: be iVuaJ
t ray. The esr-ritnei.t has !-h-..xvn theia xvha:
cl-? . f boats is required, what is the exj-n-e,
an j what the rrohable trade ani travel will
s jy.. could onlv U dni:-ly faseertain.-i by
attual trial, and we think the Cuturany nr.- well
eatl-fk-d t'.ait eventually the tntcrj. rise will j..y.
'ihev however ask. ar.i we trust will r-.erixe.
t. .ub.-iiT. and. until t:.e Md-..:p.n is Uv-.-iJ-.-i.
the A at l.jv n.t return.
Parti-s intereste-l in tie? China Line are
anxi aas t h;.ve t'i 'S-i st.-aiu-.-rs run ..- t-j
anl fr -ia China, withjut t-.-uehins at Ii lulu.
Jr, i: ca-e, the .-am ctnjany will pit one
or to cf their uw: stv..i.iers .n the ll.t: ialu
r jute, er make an nrraii z-m-r.t with the ; iiu-
j.nv uwrair. the Ajar and Ca'if'urni-7, t a have
th-j.se v---s.-ls r--i fjrui th-?--rviee, reOviwn ti. ere-
f r a j--rti ri of the iiber.il .-u'.sldy -zivv-n by tlie
Atu'-ri -an Joverntncnt f jr the China luaii --.-r-
X if'.'.
I'l.ttf it will b - f-n that the v.d. A : matter of
to-.ttn 'j.-twecn ..an rranei-e j ana 1111 j ri i
, .v - 1 . ' - - r
.-till un-.-tti .-d, with this exe-j ti ,n that, n or
b-thre January n-.-xt, we .-hail have a j-erm aie-nt
line by ji;e r
the oti.- r uf the uh ve e u wih s.
We iiaxo b,vn cntldent of thi, ail uloii-. and
oar ne -rc-hants may rely on its u-c luj.li.-l.ii.ont
in due tme. u t have tars ar-surane. irom
Card. McLine. trie I'r--s;d -lit ..f th.4 1 ueihe Mail
Co..ijariV. The tw. new st'-amers. rijxv build-
a.. 4 ,n,iu arer 1 i oj r-aovtj 1 -:ie -V.-w
at Ut-t iber 1-t. lio-v are each of -j.iitH)
t .r.s, ar.d t draw 2Z f-tt Ivid.- l. Tlio Cvforad.,
ar,l '.,tUvth,n, n w rurmiri between San
Fr.mei-4 nud I'an.iTua. are to !e r.-ritt---d anl
. , . . ....
altered to run in the C nitia 111. P .0 siriicn
f f th-j :-ih v. hi. h i- m,-:. d out t- .-hipiim-4.-
thatji-et. The j iriP.nlai.-. a, eiv.-a by th, A'!;.
Th - ; ir.r i ae r - f s Fr o. - h .v- -i ;.r
i:-4.'ir- ! I' xv by v-rtu -. i'i tf,- l'r:it-d :.-.
t'-:rt- !! " ' f t!-" "f '" f sti!;u . . ,r."-i
a? rr. e v. I r.- r-, r.i.v. :. --.ej t "i n ; or,, j.j-..-, -
ad ti.-: .Ii r- a. ir-.;... i i i- ; i: ..f .. ;,
r. -t Me-.-d. y t the t.-.-.i -..-r- :,-( 1 ur.d -r cir-arii.tara- -s
w. .- r f! ct i. . - r-d up th- j : i ,ry. I :,- ti.a-ter
ter '. I
::- 'S J I - ..it t r :r
r- ,.,t :.f- f r- . ! - .
1' ". irv l.'.-.X I- .;t t i !: i'i l i'.'i . . .
t,-.;-- . . a ;...'t .f r---r4. 'i" - . t!. . a;. t:..:
.'...,-. -y :ri n r:.-y .r ! r r:..ie s-ri,.-. o t.. ... :.;
-.-- n-..i- - - . r-. t- -t , r. 1 at'. r ,t tf v .1
r r v i e .: .p: i r. K aa o.-h t.-.- y ! L.m
t . - :'. tr d.. : ti-.- :" : i .' kr: - 1 a..-r ! ;r !.
N-v-rt'.-1- ... O, y i'-s- ..-,--.t'y ' e ! hei. a,: 1 w vi -t.-.-
:.-:.. ry j. . J j . i.-f. cd fr.'i h- 1 r t: : : .:,
, . , n . ' - f r.- t i. .. ... i i ..
p . put . f r II r.j.. -.: ii, M... .:, ir e, '- ;. ...
I h It r i f i i. 1 r r '-1 . "h i ! i
t:. ,t r.-. i v that v
i : ex:-a i, .. .r.t i. ',-. ,: :. ,: ' r
t -. s:...- i- . -;.:!, r.-i.'.-r i:, i-: r ..ii- :
1 '- .. . a; . .. i - i . ' ... I i. i - - . ' - . '
r i -a v. :.!,.- r." a.-- a-.'! tf i r - vr. aa f v. '
r-i r -:.- i
.-i.i h i
Ui.it r-i:
;7.r! m- -.i. r th-
.-y p. s .-. A-- r :
"., ... ,-!- ,v I r, .
;ri .r... n.'.-i.li f-r .-.ti i:.-i;r.:.
f. .,.'..- ty h- r the u.-Uat te.r.i-.
Tli! Exit: I-'it. I'i.t' h. 'j !:. Safi I'l ata !.. -, ; .
f.h. of tia- !'t!i u'r.,.. ha-- ih- toil.. v. t.,.., ,.;;,;;.
t i this a'.-utleaiaii. -a h d'at I: lediced la-t
w,,k. ami oet-.-aaiiv k..o.v ,., .-
ar reader-: :
I'rvTn of N. -Tin Man4 I'r. I'-r: ir.i.-i.- Fr!. k. I.f. I.. ,i
w-:i k:i ii r-s: lent f this city, d.-d ye-'.'rd .y at u.e :..iv.,i,r. d
l-- ' f sevt ray-eiirht years. Ills life h l-n .n-.f 'j-.u"jrl
irit-re-t. A-iut f.r:y X'-ars a-., h- was er..-a.'e.l in -on.- .r,-
spiracy in Iran.-e which L d t ) his I ri.i-hm-ut tr-.n th- itii.'re.
. e. ,. , r,;.c:,.H: y ii.recre.i i . cru r. tfy ar..l fnakit-i; ct.-. :, Q
f -'... a:, 1 .:i of.-a:.;.-,.:. ;.. ran-ia-. P-c- .o d a i- r-r.ch
r-j. a. la-oi rtr,d f .nr.-r r ..a -- at- f :. : 1 ...i ir,-n.-.:, of f, ;s
i irry. . .- wa the au'lr -f s-.-v-ral s -i-rair.c won., and as
k :i .!-. 1-- i t i ! a ::u i of u i :-; .! a-1 i rai.e.-iis.
S " np To riu: Com-.. Me--rs. Emm.-.- I'ii i-er.
i'J "V. i'iti.' th- iittl- K..hubii j o k- t .1..; A". ,7. .
.'.ax. - : 1 , : .. .1 .,,'! J. -r 1 . ! a i ti a. a d f.ud h'-r t::a-
1-eis ;,s ...atid a- oh. a d;, u.i- lai!:. .-!., wa.
t ... ri ... 1
l. . , . .1 : ; .i ..li, -.i . :.ro : . e :: 1 t t . i ... I . . ,
. . - . '" 1 1 " oo
tail . a f. a. -a.-. !i i:;i;:v xca;-. Sh, xvas jt,,...
i. .
ta'o-a to .-'aa Era:. .--i.e... v. h'-r, -h, v a.- 1:1; . 1 , -. .-1
L!ia - - i a.-r. and has .:r,e,. l,..r t .. i.a, ,,,;
re';',, xxl'e-i, it Is iik-ly -h- -.x id eeaai.- f r T.p.ay
vvar - P. c :.!-'. Ti. - .'. :. ha- -.v h. - . a.
:T' d h T t .v.-I; ' y v.-a;4-.
'" A ' '-d l'-r -hij. Ha-
' o r a., o . j-,...
' . . -; a : , t . oil . i p. r
-ii t::l
To th, eahll. e il i 11 a t- r,a. j! ..
. i-
i'''.t I'.'.io'a in a li, -.-,-.
-nriri.' a
a -a.
- - ei; e. it a.f .-..!.),. ,:p -aTiftj- v;r'i p
... tl ... ..,. j :! ..... ir. ;.. . - ,- .
'1 lat.
.,,...'., f-e
- i
' - 1
IF- .-k-.po.
Mi- - '
a tii..' 1 ia f -..
h.-f th-4 a;.;-,
at t',- rh. it i
... J i tie f:. a
.!. ;.-. a-.-i io.
, .. .... .. -'
. .. . . i . ,
'" 1 .v ' "' a : .
! XV 1.1 fia.k, era;
, . -
if: I Mr-. '
t M. ar.
..u,' u-.i-inU l.i-i-u la-ia. A i s 11
, i
;. : . X-.-A ue h.e v.'.'i.i t.r an at:r.wt
e:'. V! ll-.e :..-; l.u . ..
!:, ;a .-:i v!.e Irili. it
, ' : v 1
!. H:: !:. ..' !.-in .!. a. ! i.luved in
lc. I'x ..e.i.i.. I'.-r '..i!:'.i::ii. A'
At the i
:.d .:-..-e:;a; -a ihe l.;!. the receipt of a letter J
i Pi. ll.lU ht.iad xx..- ;.:ra. tir.ced. xxhivli. lioxx- j
ex.r. en a.-.-en-at et its tecla-.ieal tena and seien- I
l.i::; i.ie. a; ;eal l. haxe lee:i a jUL'e to ah j
...... r ,.c.".. I'hi1 'tor Mvtiu-es more pecimi'iis j
a. .a e.. ex a r.i.ase x evc. j
woahl ;uhi here that the cauo ef ear net j
he voeietx xxas Hot
tratr. a: xx.rat et attet.toii on the pait el" the j
, , . j a , . : ,1
earc:a:v. xxho. xvc h..xe :tiae haii.ed. tooksavw.il
j-ahis to t.-aa-t the
'.' V. v t to the . 1 : a-
V printers to sell.', la the
The Secretary sr.j- j
v . d !.'. h.st: itatha.s x eve cavv:-d
,t. at.d that
x a i .i i the it; i'v:
1 :;v a. vr 1 1 k 1 v-j
i-v- .V- i-v,;i v:. li'a .oiMon
hat the 'la -tie xxhkh Is noxv
, iv. ... i ,i ,, ,1,1 ,.,..
1 l.ld ... ...v I.l. ci 10.1 1
ii in ad its s.i::!Uoins with ihe
I. l i . . t . V
i ..e i..t .i
se is e.il the rt:o:ef'es
that herd, xv! ioh haxeh.:d the eexv J-OX
t. av.-i s i--. sts that vaoetnativtJ he tried.
,. ... .:,,, .... , v.. i rd
i.e....x ex tax .t.anal .u..u.v .... s. a..a
tt.e i x.a s.-tve uiarta.tty is said to ie t
thukt.vss 4-f the hide xhlv h .a. pivs-.-s j
a.. a,si- death. The leading I'hxsi- i
d cacti;- ia this tn-xv theorx . attd i: ;
xvi.i t'V. i.al.ly .' tt. 'f y tested. iiat:ar j.i:.iue ;
sje.YM i ever II ;i"j.e ..exeial t.taes dtiria '
t tit- h.st vvt.turv at.. I a h.df. attd iti one that iccar- j
Id bvf.v e.-tl IT.'.o at.d l7t OVel4 oV'O.OuJ cat tie j
dl d it: the lhltt-:. Islat.d. They are said n od- J
hi it.. ;.;.. the i.v pis that IMttl over the I'l.d J
:.: " it. t.-ias. where ti:e .Its.-as.4 has -alxxaxs. t-xisted. j
The t:.ie.;.e Las ;.eerl".ti kt.o'x a vti t he A'.iiit a', a.t!
eati-jt:e:;t. j
K vai. IhttTiioxY. a Th-.irsday. the National
ar.d (hei.'ih.r r!a-. xxvie .ih-j laved in honor of the
K!:i :' Prr..si.is natal day. His Majesty's lenie
seatitive. .'r. ScLaei'er. xv ith Lis tis ial liberality.
I rovid -d a irvn.-ron lnnch. at which the health of
1 Its Ih-yal Master w as dr-mk with mimeious toasts.
Si '.. not. A foroijtner named Smith, t-mj-loyed
lie the Waituea liruiin.' Cotiinany. sh-.t himself on
the r.i.id between Walinoa atoi Kaxvaihae er.e day
!at v.-e-k. The c.r.;.e of the rash act has n.,t trail-
The N.-w Yolk tnail of Fe?c'.i:'-y m-.y bo
I. ...ked JYr bv tli-' bark S '.;."-' .V-;-":?. due early j
II. -Xt XVea.
Il'.'NOLrLU, tih:H 17 h. ls3.
ll to 5:-n .iir Sn.i bv t r . ar.i
P ;i.. f:lK.N f the I'ub.ic IP r.. tul J. lie may t.
: :,-u'a... 1 :a the la.e iO.. Pre ich. G-r:a-.!:. jp.i.;?!. a::d I:..::ari
Partinilar a(f?nti-n j aiJ t f)ifi'$ vf fe
'ffc- H-.tsr fr-n 9 A. M . t . 12 M . aril fr.m "2 t-. 4 P. M ,
at the lT.i- St. re ..f M-J. M. s:. '. h .V O'.. npl ttai
A V1 V?T. 1 .,, V. Car-wn',
MKLCIIKr.s .t C-i'S. 1
F. r Sa'.e at ... i
4,t-.l,., M hi.' Ii r. .is ..,. I
' uiUl Oialci aiiu AJUlii UllllV WJI1U.
mi .-.'i' rrv ari'i c i,. ri v .t'ohI. ei ri-r.
trry arid Claret, in
i'i fj : irt- r.r.d J ir.t-.
A I.4 .-h .1 & per c-:.t.. i:, .'eirc'j s.
m r ra ni Ks .v- c..'s.
For iSsal1. j
A VlaaVV " ea'-rh; V.'IJ,
. f t!.-i t, i lr--i - i ir ira-e an an.iual pay .4'i.. An 1
-: ! r!y ii. -tn w..oi 1 t.- (,r f-rrahlc. letter iireeted to (,- ur.d.-r- j
d. v I I le sit4.- r, d A. f..A. '
H e,:., M trch J J, oiti -Jc i
r i '--rs ;.!,d --ri. r:.;-. i-: M-rc.ha.'.ts. de.Urrs iri '-nraI
a:-.--a .!.-:. -. K'. p con;a!.t:y o i h,.:i l n t j,; a., at ' t
-f -i r. f. i.i I !-,r the fapptv of Whalers and M-r-.-l ar.t
v..--'. ilS-Iv
Commission Merchants,
V n lori.i, " a nc-oii i r. Nhiml.
N. 11. i:ir: i-vitu r at :-r t j :.; ! ifnt
'. Pr-i
V t i V. I., .I.i-.i: o v 1. .' d
t:.-:.ts '.f sr.:: P. !. t
ff.jA'i 4sc5-:xS':ssv:
k. ( HAS. ru if;ii wishes a o iv.
-v'Ja f -rr.-i ti.- r. .- f I . ntu ...... I tf.e other Nta: .is. i
t '.a ' a i- i.i - : ,,t-r.t ! ... :'. i,::, a t. i.r r! r n.':i t:,- ' '. r -i: j. .: .ir:r ' j
t;-- ;I'-T r. ; r the ; u, ;. f ii. .ka ir .. : .-. i j
vi i:vs !
At! ' i ! rs f r r a h w rk en, 1- ! f; at h!s i'. r:;-.
T:i !; tt l..-. wi-h t-. have
Wi'.l i !-nse call a s' r j- le. 510 6 n
New Goods, New Goods !
Following" Choice Goods,
Direct fiom Liverpool.
iarter N-,v-4 S..rdin ...
.. . . ,
New fr.-.-h S.t.-h s.ifir.r.n,
Tii.i K.-d Jl-rri-irs.
Tias l.n,'!ish v st-rs.
A .-'.rr- I S .uc-s.
Tins Ni- Nat It s': n't-. J 1 a 3 P!-::tc Hiw-aif.. Ih:
Too s d I.:,.-U;t, 2 ih;
Tlas Fai.ry ..! 1: '-ru t. if ii ;
Ti:,s Fine s , 1 a p .-ruit. a
Ti!:; C'rtpt..4:.".- It ,i".
T ins Tra-o i r's 11. :!r.
T.r: u a.,- i;;.. ,1 ?.
i4i-- .-.c K- :a P;. w:-.-.,
r..- - V. -.- p.- .ri'r.
. i- - Fr- .'i K:..-i -r, ari::.-. 1 ii.. ti , ar, 1 jar?;
I'i.; v.. .-.ii Fr f. ;-.- -r, '..:.s.
M' '."ANI-I.i -- C .
id 3 ttt t i.r..-r f..rt an i K..e.'
'r'!',"."-h':,:,! ':::''"":": ::
s ., ; a. ... v,.'. j ;
M .'. .f i--ur- if ::i ii,-:-: in it r:-.!... hi 1 -ii-.rirae. d : -
' v t fr !.. -.t e e-r - S i .-r a -. :, I . f n .;.:,: v
- - ' - ' '-r-: et'. ' i.-: -r..n.; ,t pr - - Ml CII l. Eli
. : - ' ' 1 : "I e. I - i r--. ;: ,i !- li;, i .. . i ,, .
- . l . . . .': :..,' r
; t . ; .-!.- r-
r,- jn-pr , i . -( i .
a..' - :. !; ar. I a t.
i- -.- I-. i- 1-'. "..'a ! .-'
. Pr v. .;-:-. : y : -i. pi- -a. -
rv - I ;r a .! -a ! 1 pr-'-rr .: -
.-- -..' pa"
r w'" ,"4 r---.-iv.-i at t:ie V -rt... ,.r .n the I'.et Odi If.
1 !ia.. ) j r- : . f aft. a d r ,
T W. . a It i: F V
! S. vk i'N u.; A u. In a letter t tin- Virginia
j tiry K. v Mark Txv.iin. it l-v.rrl-l...u.icnt.
. i ! ,-r l.i.t t; i; iV.-m in l-"r.invio.. U-crjl.-. die
,.f t;lt. l!:..t .u-':r: .1 on the first tiip.
Ti-.e f..r..ni::,' i- rich. a:i.l there i?:it ar.y reaen
tor d-.il-::::,: r tiuth :
l.tt.:..!. . ! th,- v, icrt.i!. was a raei.t.r. Tlicre
. .1 ... ...... .... .a.-... 11; t
i i . ::: .1 .. I sirr.cai:.-. ;:eh w acvon.i ail ' J
r.i a t ;:.u:.-!.-r atii V.iUi.::. Mr. Le'iltid f;.i:e up. a r.
iv i.. t.-l .!.;: a !.-.: pV-vl into tho pitc!.y darkness ct
lV'.,a .:. i r.t. i U tt.o St. ;t n. -re p :.!;' Hu-.i. n .f the vtrfi
a tr.c . .; :.. :'. su: -' .K ! :r. ty ihrv-Ua his SiktB:
tl P, ,r a !...r.a a::. Out.- !' Tl.e .t.s were SAd.y
... . ..... !i I..- t',e- rvuira: ' wia.l. Mr. U'Und Iti-iM
t.t- 1-11 t.. :i lilt I'c-.rs .rf u.icr j wi-.ic . . - j
i .. i , i. .... i . .o a..n ir.t.. hi iws. He tuur- i
1.1 rt. o ...... - ... ..
n:ured, - I ktuxv ha ;t . sairj? t. U I just kw tr.-ui the j
i ..--t';t: t:..?r l-ars ' ul.i ct-t kvx; s u.e j
i ta.u-. a:-', r... 1';. t"the first tivu ih:tt tl.ejM suwb. c .p- .
: iip:..u i-.t:. I h- ir n e sUTtn r, ar so. .
w...t t.tte : I ! x -a :e i ied U-..s;s li ray la-. nd i-.w
! t tv t e.ea ! v .4 cr.iitx Nar::i t:.e c.atie -t the w-en... a
i j- , , C.M :-:ti :-M.-ss
.1 lie il l!if iA'r:i. a ,
; ll:v :;itre :.e vf thetn t l"e i."t la cat ;e...i ru.i
A lid ;
I:Jd d cat .t-.d run. ar.i tr.:the.i W.riW th d r vf the first
s:s:j-nvmhfiMPJvP. A peraVtratn a?- hi wifV were in it. ,
1 :.e ;t au.ea:.;:: t oi.(a:;r.l. " XX t.v s tht ' I he rrtue .situ
1 1;:. :- -h. cr-.t Sv-. i!:ae l-...rs are ls?. n:id j'vist rtis:
i s;: , v ' s!aa : .-: i t:.f.i s.e.k .io:i ex!:!iu:cl. .
j TJie i:t:.::tu.a:i sj rar.c v tit c f K-d u-.U tockct Xhe d.x-.r. and pi- j
i'.trt i -r .-4 Mtc. .-v.-vi .. .
r:.vi:rn.:i!-.,v .,. ci, e ra'.l lae i:i u' ai.
; , . rrveatl .1 clear do k. Mr. U!:it:.i then in-.de a d.irl
j i. r hi st .ur -on-, c.aied it. l vfd iiirt;svlf in. nd Wt
t,,t Ks,vV ;v.,; :i ua.s aacx mp! :!. J. HDvl rv Utile
j. .;.: .1 nar.vve. Nw I h.tve to.t this st. ry us I heard
1 ... I 1 .. .. ... r nar.
f a. t a-. i t the -.1 s-f. whivh is s:r -r..-r than Mr. UUnd
j ev.r :.du:.-d iu. the t.ex: .'.uy the sutjt .t ttas tuemoir.
! :!,..u-h r-t. 1 rtrv f uu.l i.crvv u. h:..l Uie harviih -.l
1 ... a j .e "uiH'ti t.is advv-r.ture. He se.d ttmt wheu he
: f-H:r..I .:..;.' iu s. tJcht i phtc-.- .'.t l." theujtht) he dida't be-ir
. it wi:h !KUc;. u.n.,S. ati i w..t. he tVm.d himrli at last
v t!:e subjret if tr.iS luetnoir.
in Li saa-r vin. he r- ii .r le i it as t.- .! the in are?t t-scpes
l,td cv-r in his l::V. lie thru .!.: t Ifl and did not ;
i:rt up i.- i:n r r t.::.v d x. This u:4.iu::oa:.t.'.y bad ke cart (
a r.i . ver t:.e ie sM;-s co..pat:y. Hi.-a 4
he:r 4. ;aei c:ic-.-rlaa
uh.tss untd t.he xessrl
rav-!.v i h-r pv r: and c:htr .-erus erased it tn-ra their cemor;es. -
Country Residence For Sale!;
In TCaiieolie. !
. f r -a- Rt u !-.r;a:r;, n -,ut 6 ncr-s f il ti
J-LLl. L.M a-.d-.-r civt.vativa and fence,! in. w;-.h a
;bbl COTTAt; K. c ra.ea.ln- 5 r - rr.s; also a i --t j
Ck IP. a-.. W. A frerh S'.re.im . t Water rur:c;r.ir vr,u--' !
the ptace. T.here is !!. - ready t . cut aVu'. 4 acres st 't R
C N K. w t:ch w:i! s ' I with the pl.xcr. tart FIH FO.M) .
on the , r-n.isrs. a'si 40 MAyuO TREES dji: t wrli. and '
pvrav i f hid- tr-?. at! if which ..re thrifty and vrrviWir-. .
EA.AAS ;n a' una.r.i.c
The" a-cve ptace w;l le sold very reasonable oa early p-
j hcaaon.
At T. M sm:e n 4- .-.n's Cr kery Stere.
Cood Fritlay ext,
Cm ho had fr ni 0 t '.' in the mornir.i:, and ;
ii' iii -T 1-v.l " HI Co.
at Tin: rxn:rTioNKRV store
Next t Castle A: C
f. nor.N.
family mm k
T , T T 59
ihv 1 lie jz-j .
Fresh Cilif-.rtii 1 ClieesO,
Fresh California Uae -n,
iicsiiv.il. 1 ic.-.e-s, 1 .1. k.1 mixeu ana 1 iain.
.Smoked .-aim ,n, Sah ..n I 'ii jt Iiread,
I'ii.e J, Hies- :ir,.l Pi- Fruit, in glass;
Wlou: Meal. Almonds.
( "a! if rnia nions'.
thi: uiisr teas in thi: imarkiit.
Fiei.eJi Caj-ers,
Verv Nice Hams.
m iked Herriri'i-', ite., io.
F..r sale i.y
A. t. CAI'.TH P.IoIIT.
13 S:
I Eiccciwd and for Sale
Vtry Suj-tI-t y jahty.
A Viae A.s..rta-..-r.t f
KEnossr.s lanterns, &c.
Xi-oiicli Chiiui Arises,
Of ail - z-s ar i S.vl-i.
itiehly f;ili Ami Douralnl,
; Painted IvTetal Toilet Sets,
With F- t Il-.tn ar.d Sap Jar.
s or wiiii: Disir-coviiiis,
A d ir;e le art:.-:-.
. LS'.h -a. !.a:.d a f..i; a:. 1 t.-.p'-te Ass. rt
,el.t of
China. Glass and Queensware.
TZf "r-i-i" S- : , ed. Hi.d IVckina d.T. with the cr -cte-t care
51-i-lia 1 :r- pr. -of .--.. re. cert:- r Nuuar.u an ! Kin stra..
j Onvai(l. R. Vi . Wood, lUierinu:,
Whistler, and Aiax.
iilecl TVoocl,
I .--iirhiced h . 1, 1, U and 2 ine!i,
j Tun-iied and CrooV.-d Flooring,
j Half il.eii Ihitt -lis 2 irithes X i.o,
j A-s. rt,d .t-eantiin.
' "Tiiirj, 1. ingles, Ate.
! U'.-.-t End. i.i, Whit.- Zinc.
j Ji-st E:,-!.i-:, Widf l, ad.
! lloil-l Eiii-,a Oil,
irit- of Turj . -r. tine,
Vern-tian Ih J , e.. ,,e.
Window Blinds, Sashes, Nails, i
En4 -al-'h'v
--4-, iC.
xi: w chop
Sugar and Ivlolasses !
MPt v i.f; ii
C. I Kl WF1-. ,v C.v. . tents.
vet. if I a:a i'.- i t fr-ta littst I .'; :
M tkaw. Mire': 2 . 1-
S: .'tt
f rfilK U I F R IO V K I II.4S JIST R K-
JL civJ y:r i. C. Ml Rr.Al. fr yr-r - t
Superior Netting, 90 inches wide.
M'hicli ii f'T at iriiiera: rt it K. ftre e rr.rr
tf &.rvtnti and Mjj ..i' r:rr..;.
The rmltTMiied Has Jut Kcceivcd
11 X A J A A' !
I3oot r-; and Slioes !
Corjriit.r.j: ff
s4. G K X T I. V. MEX'S FINE
rei.ch l' f .
! Oer.t'i H..tf WrP. Ouif IW!. 3
litiit's Ele.ar.t trt;r.)f I a'.her Gaiter..
You!!.-. 1!' v's au.i I'J.i.drm's I'atf H'- alt irs;
Ladies', MiS4-s' a;id Children's M-'ts ai;d Sh .
Also, a Cht'ict SUc!ion of
Woolen I3jo! Goods !
Sa.ta' le f.r Misses' ar.d Chit.Ireti'i I'r.-rt.
Also, On Hand, tx R. Y. Wood,
50,000 GOOD cigars:
Which xri!l be. s'.d very h w f r Carli at his re.
Cv.rr.v.r cf i'eretar.ia aL: J Mausakvra Streets,
ruiisii (;.kdf: si:i:ds.
and fvr saie ty the utriit-rsierjcd an a-Hjrlii.eni of
Of the cr..th of 1'j5 ar.i raised io I'ahf.rrda at the well
icn Nurserv Gr!rn of I. L Perki:;?. t-Ukland. IVitf jrn a.
! These seed are w.irrat.t-d fresh ai.d sure Pj grrcitiate. T!.-y
1 are as f.ii-W. vii :
j Asparagus. Artich. k., I'utcpkin. asst.
J lif!. as-l. Crtia.as;es.a?t. Kad.sh. lor: sr scarlet.
j lira;.', asstd. pote and strir. ; Kad sfi, scari-. t tur:..f. t jv:;
I Er. Car-p.ts. ass:. Ka h-h. white tumij. r -o's;
Caut:S-.-er. Celery, C.rnsareet. Sp.rncii. -jui-he.
! Cucuii.l -r. ast. l.fg plai-t. 1 urr.ij.. a-1. T. rat--s. as:.
L-eW. Lrttace. HS-t.
End it-, Mu.tari ai.d C rr,
? .!s y or xej.' t ,' 5- r.yicr,
S: ?cfi Kale. K .hirat.i.
Ti hacco. pure V;rt':ma:
Sj;-. Tii.v a.-. Swii.nier raT ry,
S a et t t. a j rata.
Muk nieloti i.utaie?.
Mn-k eel :. p:ri- ai I.
XV;, r rr.-i 1.. W... as-t.
Par.iey, -x-.ra cur; .1 ;
'or?:.;p, Peas. a'st. IV; per.
Ii-Tie ra i:-h. wh.te
And in fct evry r.-.rietv r f Ve-: t'oe Si-eeia! Ordr
fvT et.Us. Trees and lt-.. f'.rwrle.l t Saa Frbc s.-o.
The under; jntd w- u! I at?o S"erh;s s-rvic-s i'i the niak'ng jp
Oj Trad' $::i -n' 's D.As and Accounts,
With n-;i;tje-f. f rre.tB.;.. at:d dispatch, ar.d r a r..-e-.iir g'r
4.., T . - r . . :.T t f , lid,. . 4 W II I t - . "
iro-lefate t'-r.r J ie-i
Pr. Fold's.
II. FcSEIlU : kk
P.? An a..-rti:i'-nt f fi HOC El'l ES. TOB A'.'CO
iiumer. u- :!:' r arts, i- at i . pric s a a'- re. biS-Cut
Clot li i e i- s
A T F" re A NCIS o o .
Goods for Gentlemen's Wear!
W iil meet with prompt ntrention.
--ricl Far- Stile.
VT 4i.fl. A -r-
r-".!,"., j"w00'''
j Tor-cuvd and lirxved.
I "Wtitc C- far sfiare ! Shin,;!. .
1 V.ck-z. L.t'.,, ,vc., A.c, Ac.
I -'!' "W histlev,"
And JJoilecl Lin-seed Oil.
j I3ei fc D. C. Alumiy?
j KIlDWtlOD ltOlldlAM)
I Surfaced Planed Lumber.
J lied..! T.,;..'a-d ar. I Graved, ud fuli.-jr.
! Ue t - .-Us a f.-,; pj i, ti
i It l.d i incl, Surf .cd and 1 in-a Eat.ei...
i Hedw.jo 1 -rhiT-d riiiia.-'e.
j 4i A.JAX'? A X E) E52H: UI.(i"
j A Eresli AssortnioMt of
! Paint". r all kimN. Windou Clu
Aud Builder's Hardware.
W 4. 4. -
v- -A.-V. It I U . II 1 1,
A I nil ai.d i 'op;4.!, to A-ortment
Of'I-iorth West liuaiber.
K-Tt. Kir.? r.n t Mradian;

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