OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans crescent. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1866-1869, February 23, 1868, Morning, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015775/1868-02-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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e. m mdZ F-w ýeiU ti if
ansae.ly* • m., m Ites a m y
resmere mag s almeast, a Ees al
*moss mt e
":: A 'N "U "
oe. o sd'.rtiboese. he.r 50W? h d.q be hO
- iwo the above "e.
tho ma Pi p Nee h.tY etE . Nm
agher ..m "5
them 515 egmsea btae embess. atlerOF. So be
am r-mew e
ia w so rwobe pose n.ame nw em s, eau ilmm
Ii n{{ad1ml pMo, esmimt MeamSdih be.t
eaptlaser Oei s ' u
uase.Sa1 e Par4 ss, se . s o s eses
eseleD.$ wpimtuu. 555v dalm oreau . e is
 tt r ea i .t.
Ma ei..iam oundm eaw.. sse sa iseims
An heasi{ edvweremet mM be ptso er a aedraws
An advrmeta set ausead Ao my eeeI l maembos of
eemMeme will be publishedd mam mad ssied medaety.
iM billb with regular eusederis iatll be remdea mat.
aqearn s the eus c seerptd by em M.ae mr a t.
Is pubillsad vwry attarday Oe5an. imbaepg te.I
maO m, is ss vance; balf pearty si eI -art, mmrsism,
aunas mpts. 1t .t0a
Easines of dwewetal es
l ... 1 met
...: l: 7* :: * e * N * :
I. s to * s I se *
War the Sunday Omuent.
Of the "Mystick Krewe of Kouns" was derived
from the "dead laenguge" before the dead lan
gages died, some time during the reign of Del.
use. the FaUtr of Waters. Hens the expreoston,
"after us the Deluge!" Mister Komns was the
foundling of the Krewe, sad was the Lt Head
met he. He was the 7th eoa of the7t son, a
hey by birth oe his fathet's Me, sad was always
leoked upon as E Plaibee Unlears. At ne early
age he desired to set up br himself, and at san
early age he got set up !" His eapital was
limited, as conventiot warrants were not go Ire
tuent then as sow, and so be borrowed memo
lbrandon Bank bills of Jac9b hilor' Inflrmary.
whisk, at the period of which I write, (A y
DomIly 1101), was located In a different place
from whet it Js now! (Its location now is uncer.
I Ke.uas summoned his friends together one day,
sad mounding the heogag, required them to so.
company him to the Balize, at the mouth of the
Missiaippl, where he made them take an iron
led" seth over the " bar" that they would
sever - -, and they never have. They're not
elg to.
After swearing them to seeretoy, he frnnel
b~.elf ante a holle rquire and with a square hol
der, informed them that
were benevolence, good clothes and phua. He
stated that their rendezvous woeld best. Thomas,
ead as earthquakes were frequent there, the
lrewe asetalways be prepared to help each other
heme. They have sorupulouety performed th a
duty ever since, whether there was any earth
quakes or not, from mere habit I They were also
told to keep all anniversaries and hallerdiys, to
duink good whisky punch when water was scarce,
to get their lob.printieg done at this oflie, and
asbieribe for the Dit.r Cascamt, "invarsab!y in
It l a geerally known tbt the brst orgni
uoen of the Krewe in New Orleais was due en
tiley to myself. It sever will be. The seere"
wase buried with me. I aha neher.uader any
For years, the Krewe have come eat anon ly
witha (tee exhibiuion eosting severa thourosd
New Orleans lecity bank bi at par, sad fa yosra
have they kept their oath never to tell. Therby
aome rd go like a thief in the nlght," sad th
pIece( that now knows 'em will know '0e sonte
They sellebrate their 6400th aoiverseary next
4lChewedey. w en they wheyill appear in everal 'e
aid ater tlmt characters, cast to the whole streng h
of the cenpiay, with new wrardrbe, proper ei
end paeroternsalyerr. They will meet t the C y
Bel at 6 u cloclk, I. ~x. Private Mieeting), and
will march as straight as they con go, uniter the
clitcustancea, through tee principal street,.
Without tearet to the convention or any other
aen. It will be onelese to try to detect them, n
they wil all b. thoroughaly diagaied-they wlth
be sober!
AFter marching toi the differet watering pians
around New Orleans, they wal " fetch u ' at
the Varieties L theter, atthe usunal hour, wb re
will be fand soemhed the prettiet lot of as-es
ever seen in an augience i any big ciy. r'ry e
the Krewe will appear in the breant is-c of
' Reconstruection," with blue lightrs, sat, light.,
Wire pullers, stalge tricks, and grr ad e nd t , t
tlmbli, g. all done to quick flddli' by the band.
This somedy has been i rehearsal for some tnae,
iad has been produced iat different States, bit.
lar, heretofire, has proved a failure, In a nattinal
poit of iew. After exhiabltiio themsoeveo it
this farce f " Re"',ns'rnctlon," 4 aml iaai.
aroundl !ibe thleater to abow their good claotoe
they altl all go to George Clarkea, t)rleso i
lonse, "to see ia Ian !" As Uie ildnight h "ir
i Setr uken, they wil all disappes very 5aleiyia
throaFgh s'bttarr ';a to ptsagese, 4t feet helw the
surfae of th, enrth, where he sgas conme from.
A sound as of thunder beneath toe grouud, the
eKttkiag of chaauii, the heaung of drums and
geego- not a vestige will be left o. tbe Kreewe.
1hey will have vanished with the ala ght irJ
sad nbone wi be left to tell the tail. h r
P~ople ecinrg :bto the thetter without tickets
won't go 'u.
Everybody will be admitted " withoat distint
tion of color" (of their hair ')
Children in arie not admitted unless etended
by their psrents or guardirea s.
A tslace for parues- seeers will be sealgued
Ostside the theater.
Private hoxe will be reserved for myself andl
other suspiciouse characters.
Everybondy Is requested to le their morney
aad valuables with e for sIaf keeplag before
goirn In, and they nedn't troable themselves to
call fir them on coaileg out !
tIf spectators don 't leave after the Sa is over,
they will be pIat out with the gas.
Per order, A. EArD,
fmmaiayt te mserer
T1he advance ln cotton ba e s a Setelial
ed-oace in dry goods, bat I.h. Sl & Coo.
bre ouring them s prie,. fe ner egOt. below
New Yak p ices, at 1. 93 and as DOgg0at streea
.tn, 'O enoa Beafles. Ma elstmaed
feisei Mr. I. iL lGomae, has jest
enedaae sW casoornee o .OtL~ hesead ( enelos
ereaes uorp sn er meriwtis. Mo.
4)aek toneb et at eal e n weag
ate,rad jostly eatlerttc liberal a the
busihe. We wish hi es amouseu
Jmemnn a m "LL·-e me---- : .t
The Wfseeesia Deaeoratis are for Psedlss.
"A big thing on iee"-Ahee..-{-boage.
Victor Hagobas written Garibaldi a Jerky let
ter. to ~aSealltkat eitteltIi~ de*"
Justice I he.et " ih ofrt Qeem's5
Bench, is deaed.
gites*'s it ges prupmalgive
th ile mAdagte a *frtrael IsllM i.
Iflereal reveek (g tlts sa avere qoar
ter eo a mJilMea day.
It is proposed to, s*ap elgae by means of a
-revenue fusst the e& of eaobh.
The Mtor Houae seats for AftyAve thousand
Aeording to the last eeaes there were ever
four million horses fa this country.
When a burglar is robbing. bank be feelts the
most nervoue when he teels sKfe.-[,x.
The femeul " Blask Douglas " of history, is
now supposed to be Pred.
Garibaldi and the Emperor of Brasil are fond of
Gen. Scott was only lielteaat-geneal by bre
Hobbes knows of a gentleman o strict in re
pard to am' king that he will not have a hot pe
tato os Lie table.
The New York Ledger premises o a se ate of
sketches of General Grant's early life, from the
pen of his father.
She Herald story about Vesuvius, supposed to
be a canard, is confirmed by European papers,
and the Herald rejotoes.
Any one, says Beecher, who prematurely breala
down, i gplity of dieipatio, whether it be in
business, or pleasure, or study.
The Courier says the temperance cease seems
to be rapidly gaining ground is Louisville, owing,
in a great degree, to the quality of the liquor.
Edwin Booth became so much excited In play
ing Macbeth, at Chicago, that' he severely cut
Nag!e, (Macduff) in Use combat scene.
A late fashion paper says the ladles are to in
cline their waterfalls towards the fpead more.
When they fall over the eyes HBobes espposes
they will be called calaracts.
A countryman who went to see the "White
Fawn," in Boston, the other eveniog, saei it
seemed to him that the certain had been rung up
before the ballet girls had got wholly undressed.
Mr. Nash, tn the Rev. Tyag trial in New York,
said, 'the Court of Arches had decided there was
no altar in the Episcopal church." No. but there
leagood deal of alter-cation there.-[Ghicago Poe'.
The Bishop of Oxford (Dr. Wilberforce) who is
a dd to have turned Catholic, is one of. the ablest
debaters in the House of Loeds, and astandard
authority in the rituallstie branch of the Church
of England.
Good Lature, says Beecher, is better than con
science, for the latter sometimes created mischief.
It is like cssential oils, and is apt to get rancid.
But good Lattre never fails. With two words a
man may travai round the world and have com
fort all the time.-" take very littl baggage and
plenty of good nature."
Des. Foster, a veaerable colored Inhabitant of
the BHb, gives an anooual concert, and on each
occasion is libeally hrorad with stunning boo
quete from the vegetable markets. He declines
to repeat his last entertainment, because, as he
saye, his supply of vegetables is quite saMoleot
for a whole year.
Before coemmssing to read Dickems take a
glass of champae 6 ,. Whenbe s halfthrough he
lier soothrt; 04 -gse lotisdtu$d Washington
Paul Pry slys ibat blckens k6eps a glass Alled
with chamypagre under the raised portion of the
stand .n which his book rests, and that, by some
lepetdemaln, or slight of hand, he mikes believe
he taken up a tumbler of water, when, in reality,
It is a tumbler of wine which he conveys to his
Let no mother be driven from the hope of meet.
irg her children in heaves. Let mothers oefrrt
themselves in believing that the loves of earth
will go ca in Leaven, and that whatever was pare,
noble and true on earth will go on with them for
ever. Among all other griefs, let not this nu*
necessary one ariae, that you have lost your chit
drpnforever. Rewhokeeps you forthemi il keep
them for you. They will be more beautilul.
sweeter, more glorIous in preciousness. Theyv
will be enough the same to make yoo glad for al(
the growth., additions and refinements of their
ctarms.--[Henry Ward Beecher.
An entertairment given In Boston a few nights
ago by a young millionaire on the qccasion of his
c no g o, age, cost from 515.000 to $29,000. t'he
floral decoratflns of the two halls were eight
tho::tand camelias, innnmerab!e, rotes, calla
li!ies at d other choice flowers, rare pl.,nts, et .
Tte I Itlars, the cornice-, the ch ndciiere, the
hae'I ice. every aeccessihle or Palient pouit, was
draped with strings of intkerry leavge, stu ded
wtih csmetlas and other rich fl ,were in great pit
ft.ion. In the ceonter of every window of the
Util or bell Ihung a globe b uqnuet, , ball of flowers,
aetted crlo-e tiethe., several feet in cirecnmer
tri . 'Ils form ot b(nquet in new to Bston.
Sn e ., them cootni'ed. appsrent!y, as many as
I lt canrellas. And the platforms were perfect
lower-gardens, that of the ntlam.etS beleg
diversflied with a tafty floral ore 6ondin g a
crit y rirror, which reflected back the who'e
brill-int scene. Behind til mirror was atttioned
a fnll orctestral band. The flural display talone
eoot about ? 'pCn
An euxcrelient prodnuctton has marked the dnr.
etic a eck ju-t .'.,ed. At the Mt. (Clarles. I)'.
Vi ro'e ]ebr, llz*ti , ef ,)iCkene'sC lhrstm esat rr',
XI, I Li rachflare,' her been brought o.t I.:.i,
erdiere Phsmeflally small, in onsideratio, If
tl.e Imerito ol the pieie. If there he such a tbiog
ec cehErgig a went il appreciamon n1pon a puitb-.
it ta cta iiily juotitable in this iistimce. lbr'
v wr w the c"tv by gatlieht. anl the other ,f a
iCn o'te, trolter. ~aseenger and freight car,,
alii -d ' r i.hil sir. +. the it. ie. a,:; t'i,
tiryirg' ot .  Il ' ffi-e of thi ei n r!;r, ratt icn e ;
abieCI. at d eolthoaciic, chiterioft Irt,,m h honri.
as rrt y it ei. r equaled upn the itav-, su.l ec
csO only ec, rete eurrTse anld regret ihit 'i
Ieitar's enterprise meets with a so uansatisfactory
Sthere are runore that the grend Germso Oer,t
tronl e will re'orn front Mobile, and ,pen an en
gagenment at the I-t. Charer. They have been de
Ilhtiong the Mi bilisns. it beine stated that moat.
i .oS all thie ean's tor tLc oitiniig opera were stld
bef re the troup- a arrival.
'Ile Varietits ,an d'icti the week been the re
ei p-tit'[ s apaironage somewhat less than on
,',iol -sl-h for it. al·thouch. on Friday night, the
'* Mlible Heart" drew a very crowded houte, an-i
Lir. Adams was erOtuiastic.,ily ,allird before the
ctrtailn. In cenmpany with Maln Placi le, who son.
ported hint as N'le Mermc . We bear that M n
seer Iltyd will brieg ,tt "Under the Gntiglht"
at tI.e ter-minatio of Mr. Adams's enpgagement.
The piece i. one of tihe mo popular produtiots
of the day, and ha met' with immese success
Tie Academy woe emrwded at yeeterday's
a atl.-e performance. Por the oenjoyment and
recreation -elered the jeventles byr the manage
ment in arranguis these baturday noon entertain
ments, we are asure every parent in town most feel
a certain gratitude. uhob occasions of insocent
nrr b and happinesa one rarely sees.
'l ere are few of the older paltrons o' the
aesden v who have not ezixerleneed a pleasare n
etaiug tit good natared Iace and bearinig the er
celleni tonor vtcoof Mr. Juas. Collns. He hta re
turred to the Aeademy. and during the past week,
iI hau ,uetts with ML,, Nellie Taylor, hafsully nsn
taied his previous repotatione as a vooeslit.
The burlesque " L'nder the Lamp Post" Is
replete with amUsingf local earloetures, ad meet
be st en to be appreciated. Think of a man pas
tog from the levee to Te6bepitoeas street by
stei ping gracefully over the tope of the late
stiolng hoses!
This evening the vareiorseestaloments are a
At the St.O Charles. "No Thorosrbfsee" will
be repeated, sad the farce of the "Flying Datch
man" wil onemeude the ferulraeoes.
At the Veertais, Idwin Adsas will appear in
ka eurs'e trsagedy of " Riebuard IlL"
At the Academy ef Mane, "Under the Imp
Pet " will be aepeated, together with the amul
ebn estertalnment
The Oreesoest City E em will be ope, as
esal, day ase emetng.
Whaa is (dgresce betwee a ship and the
-mew ? One ra epon the anee nd the othere
seae upon the sal',
eoer IWatbiy batanein hi t Inbes
by the beate a . eess, who e to
had tedouhs neter is l rtl ote, ide tot
pMt tbr tethe fw t.I-.l at 4O " rte
by the benseor lb ad. ms tys lbh seemp to
ho,.art, wvntl, ttrr _lO le that-"bno who
tI+lo to l p4irhmrb.m .liwrd" !1
much cannot be ots eis pss do worthy
mayor. Hon. JasmU 8. Thmaes, who in mayoesase
has supplied t need; ~e ntl.m tYIl hems pil
wate parse, and thu meitia l tdddetit e
wolf froth.t1e  et' y, el is etlam at
hind though, and with it will come, we trust,
demand for labor, and many will be employer
who durlng witer were nablo to hid as"
to do.
Vigorous efforts are mude by many of our
pronaimedt eltia sand los e ass se to have the
iational Demoorte tCovtna heold 'a this city.
Several other cities haveo aiumeaed thhesasteso
as aspirant for the distiaioa, sad ao deot a "the
longest pole will take the p ta;" In orer
words, the conventRios will be held i that city
which holds oat the biggest benotel Ipdecument.
It would be of grsathe t to St. lels thave it
held here, Mad theoeebavap aharge ethe matter
in behalf of et city wil nd bealgb y isa their
Our harbor is olear of le, the lrst of it haing
t'eperted )eetrdey; and go doubt is entertained
that the river is opes to eJine. met the stage of
water Ias ery low, with no isdleaslonof a rise;
and large boats will probably be detained in port
on that socount, liver men are jubilant. a&Wthe
levee was cruwded with them this morning. di
coeinrag, with radiant faces the prespeet of a
apeedy resumption of aavtinta. Te h mldy say
is announced sa the first boat to leave Ir the At
lantic and Missiluipi line, while several smller
hoats wail be recesiviang for the Suth in lea day or
two. We don't look for any further trouble with
ke thib spring.
Aaaeeuearms, gnce my lak have been well
patronized. At the Varieties 'itle Jalat ~arhek
clioed the most proftabte engagement of the net
son cn aturday night, appearing in her great rle
of fed,',a, in which sh stands unrivaled. The
house wa densely packed, rren the lobbies bei·
crowded with ladles and gentlemen standing. It
was a perfect ovaeoun,rand J wadschek may j stly
be proud of her ovares risd oes bees from her
openir g to her closing night. This week the boet
is leabted to the I'Arronge, who have lately bea
payig to eraeded houses at the apollo Garden.
utir.g their engagerlent they will produce tie
spec ,ular play a '" Orpheun m the Infernal tse
gluos "
At DeBar's Opea House Forrest has been play.
ing to good though not crowded houses. Last
night be had a full bhoe. and will doubtless at
tract large audences during, the balance of his
engsgsment, which terminatesu on Friday night.
Tonight be will appear asu ing Lear, Wednsday
night asu irglns, Thursday night at Metamora,
and Friday night as Hamlet.
toturdey night the eielestasL eourteau tlsees
urer, Mr. Gee. J. Jones, isup for a benefit, sad his
friends, who are legion, will turn out en masse.
" George " ia gentleman in the strictest eroe,
and by his urbanity and the cordial m mau witr
which hbe greeta al hbaving busines at the box
offie, has endeared himself to the hearts of our
cilzeua, asd hia benefit will beo bsedfit indeed.
The gentle rebuke administered by your corres
podent to the doorkeeper of this establishment,
in the CaOnczNr of the 9th inst., huas eorocised
that individual wofuly. It i said that with tears
in his ey) eu Le implored the representatives of two
of our city papeas to may something conmeda..
tory of him in their columns, and in mercy they
gruted his arget request. Many play-gom to
whi m be had made himself obnoxious. and esah
of whom felt a deMIeey in toakaig the initiative in
esaenug complalant, have highly complimented
your correspondent for so doing. sad hetaily
tope it will bhar a salutary etot.
Spectal Corlnspodeuce eI the New Ortlem Ourm
Parts, Jan. 30, 1869.
The Pays makes the following remarks on tho
" budget " jest presented and so anxiously looked
fo : " The report of the finance minister goes
straight to the point. It is short and precise, on
embarrassed by say diseelis, avoids all hypo
thetical provisions and finally grapples with the
situation Itself, without aggravating or extenuat
irg it. This frankness and precision are calca
lated to reassure rather than to disquiet, because
they establish the real state of affairs. What is
there then that can really cause anxiety? No.
t1lag, au truth.
' Ihere is certalnly a loan of four hundred and
forty millions., but with peace is not this a useful
expetititure--more so, a hundred times, than that
of the tine billions wblah the United States ex
pendtd in a few years is order to carry on a war
lor wl ich nothing had been prepared ?"
A bill has been presented to the parliament cf
Flnter.ce for a large issue of co4per soney. The
It .sr re coinage m this city bas altest disappeared.
and cue ari tou ron pieces are bought and sold at
a trela ian.
ie piaper currency is also at a discount of fif
teen per cent., acrd the price of gold hu risen by
ore per cent. within a amonth. In the deficit of
the budget a sum of 3d 0n0.000 represents the dif
Iiorecc which the state has to pay on the interest
of the debt.
'The aslect of the Chamber ie sad, and the ailn
irttlre ot re eot or gay. There arsmanitusestna
of sasp ntgLr neJ a estwork. The president
of lh-i Clhamber, Mr. Loe, is takging hia part an
thse efftor;s to avoid a new esrisf. A majority of
the votes, or even five, is sounght for, but is not ti
be foond. The ministry h~b gome :o far : to an
w ite I a. CUisp to a dinner st the palace.
I. .an, ,.1art',, , who had bees made nee of t'
win over the (-tlif of the assnuciation ol periu a
aei. hab come exprepsly tO Fre to loren to ad tat
gi.errn,'aert. There was a belief that tie mini
t'j conul eecape the danger wliace iamaenactig it,
b. mceas (f a conressi:, holt it has not been
nade, stwle all the journaln rnounbce that the de
cr, e yi,,itiag the mnarqli de (;uduaterin to he
in ai ;tr or ,ii- kaun' liasehtld,has been signed.
Ih le h t, at h l.ad used all ins intliheoce t dii
nade tle ktag. is greatly iocenaed, and declare
ali ua tnt Gter srl M ianibrea rrmut bs unile cru
e l Jy o: , e x T a r e h  f  . *. T h e d I t r ,  w h c' h , ,r e -
i.e at 1 llat added to thes rigar of a severe
utter, in weizi.irmg severely on the pVor of that
'ite great Lo1,;al affords a cert tn tn]z; am
lthe sich bhae icreaned co rspidly witlaa tao Is
few days that aal the war he are fli; on owe day
rllr c, no ftewer than lai pIatients were ire ived
I'Fan: ine, we hear with pain, has extended ita
f,rtul ravages to England and Loadon esaraihly,
is its victimi. DDatha from starvation are ree ,rd.ed
daily in, the poorer districts of that great city antd
reie cuaaoumittee are everywhere beiag ordau.
The Paris set~hcripti in for the &raba of A'gerta
has oibtaired the sum ol 30,000 frn es.
'lte -i'erch colhy of icusdeloope is su:Trinl
gto"v' fro tLe ne'iin nI( an aes,)cistian of in
emndi ries, who are called the sC-e L d-a .fu, bo'
tlioe aigerats have nout )et been disovuered.
M. Lomond Igueratl Ist week communi
cated to the Frachi Academy of Sciences same
curious researhes of ba regarding the colors
sssumed by the electrio Skid dseharged by as hi
cuction coil betwen the upper erfia of a hiquid
rLd a platinum conductor.
It apiears that the fluid then takes the color
pertamiing to the snbestsnces dassolved il the liquid
lPen ubj-cted to spectruml analysis. Thus, if
the Liquid be-pore water, the minusea.s intensity
of the discharges is weak, and the spectrem did
li, s tLe two red and blue beads pocnliar to by
With a concentrated solution of bydrochloric
acid in water, the color of the discharge is sllght
ly violeat. and the two hydrogesn bands are
brighter than with water.
IEeide the yellow band of sodium, a yellow
one becomes percepltiltle. A very smill quan
tity of saline water tn the water is sfficient to
give the discharlge the color due to salt or to its
M. Becquerel has foned that one thossadth's
part In weightM o strontla is suhlest to pro
duce the esango and bO ba isharacterlati
with strontium, and t many caseus meek mallser
quantity of mattr wil produse a s imilte, elect.
When conceotra'ed olutm  ee nud, the In
aioPas sffeots are mre strikag. and, with skbo
rides es)pecially, they m emceedlogty brillatuL
In general, tm tiiaos beods are much more
oemerus thea tgs obuered in the spetral h
asges of lsames iaia the am*e uaue ub
stances; and this kI owing to the high tempegr
tore of ths eleetlre -emsler- istht- whichb the
aboves sbatsaee are laeamd in os gsoms elate :
obut the charactrtlek beads are theme as them
by Meaor. Beams end KEhtrerL
Flfty dolme I sS l llpti sewing machfne
treu am. .pnnt p o state
Fair. PFwse at 9t Cul trareet.
IN 5, P. 4... -
.o ,.W OLt. NI. I
1in 8 O PN RI T OI t DhtMY ! 8. Tb
TH CT Or R 9T O O F 1. O Sl ,akWS
IT I U RlIAmnnr D TT
CCT J. REOr. Assahm
E M or  AS 3 CLTY .P
OS., I. T: 'm Thi
I.4 o Ifr use ; m w e b ge
-OEb AC Cu"o4 0113 HuEOj ILITAUDA. . AND
Uaww"Mommenth es iu T a" own" W lw
bg is rrW
6S0. 0isD AD iAD L1 O GROU3 NDl
II LIE 0 3 T 303 DIZ Tn
6 na, te Bfet /Wlb rm t1hem;NO a dasm
*n J ssN le. t s 0bi ,d tE W O;
ut amssI e uiAU Vfires THeees CIY O l3W
·I¢.ts:feet '..:n.L. wts wt ' by !MlsII
tORLEad I l AL-No. e 712 -he I Of lhe N . ,D iT ICI
f.et • Inch .s ad Ilse1 Mo m e" the Itae oI x o4 1. t
Lbe meUs 0rmf fd a- tw dm OUn onLA N.
vee rat I a a m.th th e e er, by 118 i
gaels NeI ietSel7 AeS idi   d8 mine t. i
Lveee et, ,s e temal o de tides . b 1ad
--te t II la tes a 35 h"melheh el the tte o tet . , 'amm
fmro lt m wUian3
Lf A, W , loamaes depthS o uW  ~ sesA. u med
96 feet W lea wn s. eetoM t•m hm .. 0 ,id l ose .e sit .f
'itwi'i:21"r· .'t"!kth et,
4I~aor Itrlte LotCatm mmmmee dm
sou )". lt l w 1s 4 Uns Wes.ss elsesI. T Y i .1ke end
S.ede 1n6 tu.rs . l 7.1es 7 tee. Maie WstmS .tL.et
Ils m m1m.t wb n Lewit lM ,erS M ftIb 4 t-..s
de t le thlb bu 6 t N i bo me" r Uee ib 113 lrh 1t
dm th bIng. 1 ..eIeIw alma Noee e.11 d mee 3i Ass 6s
126 and feet I e I lm l i t d eph t d the ide t lt N 1 . I r Lt.
med . Mmmes thare m7 As S te md 3s mm m onem 1m Nre
NLre.e to f net m s w idth !t thI pr t he rI.ii by by Inm
Imd a ew 1 Ia depth on th Immd o No W . atId eo6 e I* ad
Iepthnd fIr nton, ep l et. ,lees nd l sL d I 4$asmp
ede r th tt f ero 1nt trng e •trte by mthmt e d fret
"m TWehrY-15 eHTlLmThdOP hOeUND to uere N2
ta Lo I s m. in d pIn i l ie mm d I o , ed11
oIehrd I.mrles end eitn.tE amhe tle he of ftat Pu4
Lo Ia on 31 mtes tr b s m7 feet l3 e bn dt md n n, lowd ,
Ith rev r s. et 06 feet m dt d s im dth t the tot km. 1
acr 1teed I I6 ,s S .t p Man the ie 1 oS mo a .I
Let 7N ch omenlt a isti dm et lb .ItRemLot ntu
6. et md1 hg. in depth e t. e at tot Ito. 31 6,2116
O.t14m etroe b Alteebo I . depth miia Ita t l ftoe. .l
22a. 2a4e 4e, bc 0 tlolut l. I ndras kr anb
L) e M 1 U es 8 3 1h Ie 3 Me f4 a New | lves
Stw et ma m b tto-t h M w e.d t i A . 7.
em  dl 'ste fu dept'em theb o to t In., fo 1sad if,
mdb bes tI lrettmmmLme am I a etime die
5herll ee  o ,u m,r a lo e I It es msdbe 5 eot ,
on Wew l. •ettr t. M 8 trab sdw Ilad b erer. bt
1ar6 ert1 bL &em o 1 to1 f l epth 1 teem lem 1.m
,t2.eII mdlISa o t 4 .3 m n4 l/1 A6M, t.
t fer re8 b 6 /he Oth'e ml the f derpt Wma e Le,
n tL, tmlmtltod tmm I IAI.,nl nt4S1lem
oi item ftt Ae Mew imm emar4 S beut S 0 Iresm 7m
ew at d ma he Itr ee, IU d e Itl~e be. mm? Simm mdta
tf aut hemel U la he l led .t
_ n. e I,:lm • *tgbr ::. \os : t
i hie I rt eo I3at r I meS. r Oltm. 13 I t,
e. llyH hi iteeh lo ch.. Ia deth o t II mof lI t N. -
L enr e three e es e . t by I lf e t
I,- ,t y esul !1am, tm e f 11e Ih 6 beo I lmee gm, I
la be mrdn ~ 1 IS 'rlmI I In te by 13 bet 6lu ,lbet ..
dth ca d l Ite I h tmel. L.'t Mime I el I. . l
fec 7 eet4 U ias tiram mtc bt t fet I& 1,e
itl.h cr 2Illirrled t t
o.d TWIe~rT-P4.4I LOiN OlPn( ao id Ia me hI
-h btw pestl Iiars L et ,.,ll . th ie it
Smod Lu ft tLee. mmmd m OrumlUel SI rho.mJm
*3mbde CI1l1a
mmdbm mm WetmemI
r~~~ be*~?t=:
3m o. hem b e
r w
hab. her
AIN. umlý irn Is U&e~
t1 TbjmE am beeq e mm ie
.I THs 34IK50P107 W te0ar s I3DOD
VI i r lj w. pg ia, ti r b .,0sr
THOSE V1003S43E 338 Em 10 " a D
0 DAlONr.n I EVEUN O34I* 3 AB U3 i
TEE T3333-OQU NUE 3 U.&aiI 10
THE 003133 am D *33 mDVw
310333, ESnrWt& ES. a 11W D.eflSNu. Uuz
0143135 AID UN1ON 5T353T3.
A ,W0.mRY 114113 DVZraJNOE 01 v133
fpýnip AJ iI~w ITT D .uiW
IW ITT-WV0 LOTS1 Q 630"1,
OCTAYLA Main AN 131333
UT 0. 1. SuOiA DEY ",w.,
. O D I-E., a ·r bs r w rt~aa
T V LAY HJ ý!, 0sr& 4908, 17 Is "ime
P'nt td P * a y.&i tea woos a/d as.
uemee4 G ..·· m.dar S tisnsfwlmee
·LunU Is +.d Ar s 00661 Stý.la
Tb lot Vtm mlUIv 1 I .W
r'n: Distic oft~ aT.-d . o aar bash !
erref (114".. t.. ý rlmre..lm rbmd
Ilee. n'em kbel mtge e St
st he ItOI ol IvprU1D %e1m~~l mtml
Wi? lrg.4.. ettumle j,m It isDrre .dt r~ymd
,,ttec m eet. borb Ower epd er.ailema
c~tIrItt *mit; eutrme eWe1 j hmsl small
9( 4a 'etbw MS. IS be b-o pmrr bm pM
DI rfk- .InI t bet. wi I.~l Ste IICI 'mmmbae r 13v
t..I a, Wrn~. b'gh'bI tad N'1 ilrtrt., md damevat d
175tr, Letfr~r.A modE IaSA memea S eLs 6 65.5
frost so· Trech ULr k 1lUb 5.5 UtS deep em S he·o
ems It~ fee C Leek..p rout upWd e by:O shoS Sfee
eeIIa. Linde~U b.ev49thesc~ IIlab ito.L ea
is eb. ISOS f~rom llebeepbete Wate etrLe
4. ~thaTr DcltD te o.NUSAWND E&LiIeUtem'edo
mdLlk alse e t therJ emamd e kg Rpm d9~.eWe.. d.,
t-cj c. Clirr.Leet·Lae P5 5w ~, ead 5te.4Ired
etee ct~e. S A lot nemgrU 1Ibt poe II-- ee,. em 4'.-c
soot let· mttert by deI· si emC(·~ PaheY I mtreet
isstbr wit mi Sc Impre~ aWemntte them. cDaietr
ac. ry tmaoeLr d. Iieg~ cletere, 'l 41. ftee%5.e
ul ,tsn.Lc.· i441 ~~·~l~~b
tkop Ite be·,Is~ I~iamdlsme lamdheeI mpoe SW
that Ba pepeeg bmowe m, hIW emYblbo I
Orrieri N) b Dh··1 a beet.· UseL 0*5. b1·t·~
dri -'( fra. em.· qh-a Mea. Ike~r cluw eminM em
OsS. ters. k Ifrul1b d ep 4metw e'inpmr ·aqm ed she tee
pU-·ute crempte ebele eeriY bern.~ aIm·' Pta
Lea. Nm. med ImmersE be I I44 Itiok em Us
o Lum hacite medh M.
luratbarPter ermin mmd I.e vsrmmt Oakqa~c
mtrec"t~ med memesree 50 r~ belt aI tskste PetremremeI
miambyldfsr meb~ I.01 (ktn e peelletli bun~be..(
mZ.es.sdwa. S Urr tri e* cu Nsg aucreS.by1
etsrucha Ste dept mu( fo~Srejases emmee mYd 12
Isee bameS dee. kmI fewI M~O Lm mm
Is mtrh. rom as.. dw em breb g aller rp 9am,
Lab tD hem S g sumam WhetW Smee m
Dru ~ ~ bm bed' 1lh aMWI a~IL~
0s e~ nrc · IIrb R · ar
1L !M/ L aim a tuep YWet. .. &
1a " 'hwrw 7 Mw«
11701 eso and oili tohbe ast.
'd NahnwfaadpuW.
Satl_4iq 0w Ill,
I IL a. 'ma rni
l' ·u.W 3T 00 D B,
Mta~ uSIuI * 8EUNa.~f AT7O4[? 3
Nl.IiARN . 3U ~A3D PLOIa El
BraDe= IL3s. U Q. GUUrI'r. La.
W tuu Il. DIY
1 a9~ryl~r a Vow,
at t henmi
sa ¶ S AwBrith....u sld
T~tiý " [a 3 itaCU&Ni~toE at-ý
La mi d Imiama rrnma
!+w tor. be..tl e
5isu1 Cia-sts , ceuaaj a foe the nilt-I
slrrr~lsl Css d /wRV eoOrlaa
Dq Q~d u t s eaeda hpds d Doa-ub
  xatJall-tL'tAIiIS. ub.
Nka, bb.,. ak
tle" ti - W ad a ori the .t -
rlw· n.
CHAS. T. Nei $ ALE~S.
"rAta-, a lut.
WK ibsft ..., rIlo street.
4, euum-y foi r Mai ounM rt.
da rim Med 0.r.ao wreck,,
rt @N3A-. 8c . Imrw t«.a it '- dc
BAY.... Pit ST.6. Ch.,l...d Pm..rd1w
reutisi es o t 1 s yyin
mmd 001 -h id 1[Y  ~
W- uiy..be Pp ' '. ?ub Pubs du~
CO!MLTB M>I DA A.sIeek. 1[.,
It fDh o r as t. E af l M art
I b a IU bet II. hail mcardr, .ddo s otreets
R T~mpr twephiu gUdaU lrT Matea .
TMAJIA............ ltvitl I......... ....OLA MIia
C . C ba.Iss Id eenldo streat
sOhP&V Pam mU1 Nib.,, h t oopn s'
sL. et a tlaigeta. Casrmwt ah d Perdido
" aew Metuse, larg varied
sad ralst~L Mi ts tefa coy tiogus.
C 5 Nw e Iu' s. Mirror
TIb., ase pý p D· On &bemien t: arr
were. mrd  Pa*.-d 4 Pnaes etc.
nini ova. soitom mayF
COHPII Wt0·IM 039 9. AT Wi give
smut~~~ Ido im~B t~,urmd mrm 1d buadag
Mum a Ta ·aw~es w.u oa w
M..f Mi ftm t bt bI" am mer le. Pl Irr
s~E A T m, asi lweºmua
sawt'rrwoiw11 iM* 'slist, b tti . Herod ...
A 1WW U D * Q"1I.  MA DrRb L"aR;
0mm-a t o7 pp m e ,ste d .Ma
ýý ,t e bd 5553 5almm a frWok
rt oa to ay btue ub t
1r~tsd will M
Y.2at llm Is 4
, l awr. Nsa. o P ar,:
3 i X@TUYme. Co m s..r
&P. aid oumw.ý fam~aavmt
Pro vice Cotton g ma
mmt dersr em TuUw aloLwe is earl In Yre
arnmta mume iRmet i nri 40- ut Rp utch. A l ns
rO~lO ~ Chai. t mbia& C Y' U
ihMha YO l Tess.90 0t or am
£rtl· se - o at La D t mU wad..e
air6. . 0! . a4A*as"
LICCIUUr· Y·IIO OVI 3. A. DA-O. 30031.r
MONDY. h. 3 133* N 1 T."
O. P $sjo'm w em.r a ieavwbe .tow-.
#o~ni 8 ~lshoI.ltwgs a* *b! i..n
no al t~ema-tt
J - ttsTE* --a1T 1h shin Pec1a-ttiitic iso
T Qlil ITIi..... mDrr... .4. UN ...... II &EIT A
AtT ,onxszw(o' I a-ila -o.,
_ag em.tMst.a~aw...g- Ves LIea..e
J1't W. Ar?.
~2ema~iuasiro iOraa- mdare. eli. o
l ýý aam Irbu I w
r~.Otau. Aksin.. tote wi.y satt t sad w Tote.,
Pougu., horume modmnlm auv.d , Wn thu 't- . o 0 ausurer
sw , in bud. maeuls., oI v Prian
64,.Mat tiras e wtr..N..y &  Jet-.
Ems.. JOSKU A. ~ EC T PuagamIn4 trhna-gm.
Din .. AWIN nw~ . - -
Di.TO.a.G m . h aesotcoi (ineelsi.
DR Na-lOTolb Y~b ap~p V·IRaI-ti las twmty
bveem oiiiaee 3a Sam. W .. td jbad a
Soet~ eummodmlmami i me~ilro abe
DT DVI~# arnebbSmemem a Intl'. (imekruta
I U~md · *a hell 3m~ yh mi y
bw 4*D w·e p m5sm vacumeed of
,~no pad.*ga5. ~wH, tue.a.II ets 15W
3mr a be mUk emdm - e
r w e1. mdue eedtU
Usm e V~mU Dau mUO Al).Ja~·
n ~a -rrrr eai~ rrl th IINeCrbis.

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